f Zringe comifort and improvement and tonds to personal enjoymnent when riltyused. The many, who live bet- tetthan others and enjoy life more, with letà, expenditure, by more promptiy adapting the world's best products to 1 t4ie neede of physical being, will attet 1 thoe value to health of the pure liquid 1Àxative principle3 embraced ia the remnedy, Syrup of Figs. 1 Its excellence ies due to its presenting ÎLa the forni most acceptabe and pleas.- ant to the teste, the refrerihing and truly i boneficial properties of a perfect lax. 1 ative ; effectually cleansing the aystem, 4bpelling cold, headaches and feverm and permanently curing constipat.. 1 It has given satisfaction bo. millions and 1lItt with the approval of the medical' profession, because it acte on the Kid- nOyi, Liver and Bowels without weak- eWrng them and it ie perfectly free froni *ery objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige ie for sale by ail drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but t in mnanu- m facturedi by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, wh ose name je printed on every package, also the namne, Syrup of Fige, 1 and $ngwell informIi, you will neot accept any substitute if offred. If You Want ka Truss yoi eau save enougli by pur- cçhaIsiiug frorn us so that çVOUR TRIP TO TORONTO EXHIBITION WJLL NOT COST YOU A CENT. We have one of the finest stocks of Trusses in this part of Canada, including the very latest improve-i ments and ex. pr,ý a-ý- -re so muchg Ibow the prices'charged by Toron- to dealers that we can save you ,>fromn $1.00 to $5.00 on a single Truss. THEY WILL 'LAST, A LIFE T114E and the best single truss mxade will only cost $3.00. The. best double truss made will only l $t 5.OO0. Cheaper grades pro- Iorioiiatlylow. Call and see them and-l do not wastLt your money on worthless goodsý that are a. constant anuoy- WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION and have successfully fitted cases where ail other trustes have failed.F STOTT & JURY'I Druggiste and Opticians. Whon you are in town do flot fail to zoo our opectacles-Best value in town. Eîes toisted free by a graduate of the thÏee best colleges lu U. S. ÇFRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂNVILLE STATION. 601NO BAST GOINQ WEBT Express ..... 8 40 m """ -xrs .,5 19 am Expreess...10 2 . rnEpre.. : .. 6 05 arn Passenger.... 3 06 p m Passenger. ...8 40 a mi Passenger... 7 04. p mi 1 Passenger...2 26 p ini Express ......10 259 pi m Express ...7 16p ni 'WHEN YOU TR&VEL Blways get ticke ts at our store. Tirne tables for al railroade free. Always put chaue your tickets the day before tartlng and av.id trouble and Inconvenience when you are hurried. We rotura your rnoney if tickets are flot used. STOTT & JURY, Druggists and Opticians. BOWMÂNVILLE, SEPT. 19, 189-i. Local and Otherwîse. Mgrs. John Bale, Oshawa, spent Sunday O,b M1r. S, NV. Sanders, saur. Corne everybody and hear Fax, Town Eall, Saturday night, Sept. 22. The R. T. of T. concert in the Town Hall next Saturday ntght promises to be the bestof the season. Fax for fun, Loo, out for the W. 0. T. U. teut ou the fair _grounds, there's where you will -et a good luncheon or dinner, any tinie ufe lo'clock. Meh nlc ntitute concert in the- ,' / t n Mr, H., H. Seunders is homie frani St. Thornue. Mn. N. W. TiIlly wus home froni Toronto over Sunday. Mr. Isaac Smala, Lindsay, vliled at M. J. L. Perkina' lest waak. Mre. Mary A. Slaeey, of Blueaee, le visiting hiem son, Mr. John Stacey. Boots sud shose for ladies' gauls' and children's wear, arrived aI Treleven's, Mrs. D. A. Bruce sud child, cf Stral. ford, are visiting et Mr. S. Weshiagtau'a. Old settiers laugyh when tbey ara bold bow cheap Treleven, je selling boots sud shoes. Mre. G. Fogg sud Miss rIette Mayn- ard, a! Toronto, are visiting relatives iu town. Mr. sud Mms. J. R. Lana, o! Siih's Fells, have beau viiing herm nother, Mm. W. H. Henson. Mme. Thos. Oihomne sud lbar moîber, Mrs. Cornish, af Winnipeg, are guestse t Mr. Rich. Worth. Mr. sud Mrs. Wmi. Manning, o! Osha- wa, visltad et Mr. Richard Jenning's, Manvers Roed, ou Suuday. La/lies viitiug thc Faim an Selurday should ual fail to sea the immense asisort- niant o! new German made Jackets sud Capes uow showing aI Coucb, Jobueton& Cryderman . Dr John Hoakin, Q. C., Toronto, bas relurued froni bis vacation ln Eugluîîd sud le anunned ta deliver sud address ln Zion eburcb, Darlinglon, au SSnudey aven. ing Sept. 23 t 6ý o'chock. We believeiti je gerally adnittad Ihet Couch, Johueton & Cryderman show the finest stock of uew sud eegant Dry Goode sud the finet stock of Ladies' Menties showu by any flouse lu thase Counties. Look et Ibis for talent for a concert. - Jimi Fax, Annie Louise Singleton, Mme. Liddy, Miss Lottia Brimaconibe Miss Glover, Mise Northcote, Mises McLaugh. lin sud Miss Tiley. It wil ha the hast o! the sasson, 25 cents toalal parts of the Hall. Marchants sud tradesiman tbe lime ta gel your bill beadesud other fahi pmning je now, the place je tha STÂTET',\AN Job Priuting Departmnt. Will aur frIands everywhera ramamber Ibat -c print pos- itivaly eveylhiug, tram a boak down ta tbe sutalest cardl Eiîher caîl in or write for prices and samplos. Yau wiIl hagrap. lied 10 find baw well, bow reesonably, sud bow epeedily your order wil ha filled. We try la keep avery promise sud gîva satisfaction. We desire bo compliment T. N. Rieckard Watchineker, Jewellem sud Opticien, on the fine display o! walcheg sud 'rings ho bas miade dumîng the paet week lu hie window. You will find haro watches suit- able for ladies sud gentlemen, boys sud girls, sud no where iu the country cen you ba more sure o!, eciving good valua for your mouoy than front bu. We kuow o! no one sehing firet-chaes goade e t lower prices sud wheî le more you cen al- waye rely ou whal ha esys sud that is say- ing a great deal, We direct attention of alI lovera o! tbe ornate, unique, and substantial lii bouse f1un t iteeidl(ene o!f.r. Mc- Arîhu-Lr ou WAeueday, Sept. 21;. There iâ fia doubt Ihat this furuiture ta super- lor 10 any ever offerod! for sale in Bow- manville, ah bhaviug heen specially made lu urder, will asat a life lime. Titis je a grand apportuuily for auy pereon wishing lu fumish a bouse or desirig ta add somtbiug usefui sud ornamontal bu the one tlready furnished et a very low price as no dJoubt great hargains will be the order o! the day for we understand the sale is wibhout reserve. With the furni- bure the piano is tu be soid and ilte said ta be ana a! the hast in town if ual the hast intown. Sea large postera four farth- or information. TnE MODERN BEAUT.-Thrives on good foodd u nushine, wilh pleaaty o! eorcisa lu the open air. Hem fra glows wilh bealth sud hem face bicorne with ils beauty. If hiem sysbani needs te cleanlug action o! a laxative reniedy, site usas the geulle sud pleesaut liquid laxative, Syrup of Fige. You will find ail the leading lines of Cigare, Cigarettes and Cut Tobacco at thej GRAND CENTRAL. Bowrnanville. Wholesale snd Retail. Jack Frost sys its time bo get your heavy footwear, Treleven has what you wvant. Read what Couch, Jobnaton & Cryder- man have to say on the finit page of thisi paper. Maynard the ,Taweller, Bowrnanville, alwaye keeps a fine stock of wedding rings. Noua better, noue cheaper tlian rny stock of grocartes, fruits, apicas, etc. W. IL Osborne. Phenyo-Caffoin je prescribed by phyéie. fans for headache, neuralgia or pain. Ask your druggist for Il. The fineet iwork and baet satisfaction yon will always get at Maynard the Jew. eller's, Big 20, Bowmanville. Just received at Couch, Johnston & Crydermau's bundreds of Mantios aud Cape-Irnported direct froni Berlin. Anyone wisbing a bargain c eau giti by caling at Mrs. Doncaster's aud pur. chasing ona of her stylîsh trirnmed hats at $1,25. Blrs. iDoncaster, Oue week more of Msson's remnant sale. Groater bargains than evr-sea advt. It will be to your advantage to acure some of those bargains. O. Scott, Orono,has recaivad a consign- ment of chival bed room suites, extension and centre tibles, full lines of picture mouldfinge. Pictureý framing ; yery moderato pnieus. Cali and inspect. Tho stock of tbe season je our splendid new stock of footwear. A great variety of first-clase goods at low prices. We lay special stress on tho novlty and variety of our stock and our moderate pricas. You wiIl find pleasure and profit in an in- spection of Trelevcn's Faîl and Winter goods. Celebrate the Ceuteunial by treating your family te a pair aach of our long waaring boots. K. t>. C. Pilletone aud :egulat.e the iver. Oilidren Cry for Glearirg Sale Notice. Our annuel Clearing Sale wilI bgi-o Saturday 29th September. The pbli should fix their attention ounlthe date, a,; regular prices will ha cut almost in lwo. EtrîSON & Ca., Bowmanviile. Card of Thanks. Ibereby retunnIrthanke toThos4.Bingbami Eeq., for the prompt meuner in wbicb bis Comnpany settled lues ou my proparty damsged by fine, having gaI cash as aooui as 1 put in rny dem. GFO. -'. HAINES. Bowrnvihhe, Sept. 14, 18M4. Salvatîon Army Notes. Brigadier De Banîtf, the Secretary for the Central Ontario Province, will vieil Bowrnvihle with the "Musical Troupe," on Salunday sud Sunday, (Sept. 22nd sud 23 rd.) Thie "Troupe" je composeed o! Officers and soldions, the niajority a! whoin play aulobarps. Cime oueansd al]. Silver collection. Mies Christie of Montreal je vieiting aI Mr, S. McG,.nochie's. Mr. Lew-s Bannett, o! Napaneao, ws guast o! M. Treleven, Eaq ,,Ibis week. Promn New York ta Australie for $62,5 M. A. JÀmEs ateauîsbip ticket agent. Mr. Jos. O. LiBelle, bas givan up hiei situation lu Montreal sud returued home. Mr. B. B rittalu hue returned froni s prolongad businesis vieilta Marshallîawn, 1 1 A' / SPECIAL CENTEN NIAL OFFER, THE STATESMAN NJETIL JANUART lsrS, 19,AND TEE100 ..'ÂGE Purmium Boox, PRlICE 50 CENTS, BOTH 2 0 Everyhody iui West Dumbaineswell as bundrede o! persoas nio forrnerly ived haro wilh waul ta mesd ahi about the great centenunal celebration sud the record of ýevenIe litaI wo hope lu puhlieh hefora sud a! 1er te avant, therefore we have made tae aboya cff'r 10 naw subscribers. Postage temps may ha sent hy mail. Wýhcn lte PrerîiumBook is ual wanled We wlll accepl 15 conte on tend Tua STATESMÂN la lwo uew suhecibers for 215 cents tili New Yeers, or $1.00 wîll puy lu lite end o! 1895. AddreBse al ordars ta M. A. JAvEs, Publisber, Baw- mauville, Ont, Io*a.11 Mr. H. C. Britlain, o! Strathroy, sipout Sunday week in towu, guast o! Mr. J. M. Joneas. The fiarce ligbtning an S iturday aveu- iug hurnod out several talephune batteries1 in town. Grand Millinemy Opening et Mme Dng masn's on Friday sud Salurday, Sept. 21ý sud 22. Mrs. D. Davis bas givotn up keap.ýiug1 haardîug hanse much la the regret o! bari patrans. Mies [saelelansd Mr. S. Lawrîe et- tauded Miss Bligih's wedditig et Myrîle L Est waok. Mm. F. C Pethtck book a ice tipla0 Toronto aud somne cillas acrotie d1,1ialina hast week. Rev. W. 8S Pritchard basmoved m i M. Wm. Süaw's lai-go brick 1hunte Crn Concession et. Mm. John Kydd je about ta inova mbt the esideuce ou Beach Avenue vacated by Mms, D. Davis 3Messrs. fi. J. KuigitI and A. Cawk1em stteuded the Harv6Et Homea services ilu Brooklin Sunday week.' Mr. M. D. Wtllîatis and fan.ii]y bave elurned froni a veny auj uyable sail1duwu the St. Lawrence ta Riiînoueki. M. Thos. Marris, jr., fTani1toïi, ur- geutly raqueste Chriistian E-id-avor Su- claties ta lomward pramtptly 8tatisticsa ask- ed for, Cenlennialcebrio suoinrdr The oda booýt d b- tutft l Bw Maunville le Treleveu'"s Sec biýs;1ew advt, on firsl page. Local Umrion imeeting ilu S-t.Pus Churalh next Mondlay --enng. Rev W Pattersoano! Cojoke.'e Chnrcb. Taroutola expected bu give ant eddness. Sýilver cuo- lecîlon. The Salvalion Army wil bo]d a musical meeting lu cacb o! the following places ý1 Courtice, Sept. 20-b; Tyrane, Sept. 251h; Hamaplon, Sept. 26rb; Solua, Sapt.2Zb Newcastle, Sept. 28th. Bo*nianville Mthodiel Suuday schoo) anniversary Sunday, Sept. 30th., Mrý. Alfred Dây, the Provincial Sacmtary, will preacit ning sud avening. Interasîingl service in lte aflernoon. Everybody--old settlere ani young selîlensi-is invited specially la viail lite fashionable up-to-data gocry aestablish-il ment o! Cawker & Tait, Bowmauville. l No relies kept there-evorylhiog new, 1 frash sud the hast o! ils kind.1 Mr. Thas. Tod bas given up busine ss in1 Uxhridge sud with bis faniily basi movled int lte aoutb aide o!flte Tad eidence on Division St. prepamatory ta tsking te management o! tbe heking sud confec. tionery business cerried au hy Mrs.C.Tod. bavera]l mes o! ocean stearnehipe are record-braakiug lately. Tht' S. S.,N« York, (Anierican Lino, M.A. James, agent> made te passage froni Sotapout New York ou ler lasttnp lun 6 dayss boumrs, 38 miuutes, lte feeleet lime ou1 record hatwaau these porte wetward. Cauch, Jobustou & Cryderman ari sitowing a fiua stock o! really firât-claes quelty in allich label styles o! LadieF' Pur Capes in Groenland Seal, Grey au4ý Black Persian Laib, Sable, Black Merlin, Opossum, Bocharen, &o. These are Iha ! hast goode thal eau ha procured sud ai reasoushle prices. 141 New Suite for Mon sud Boys jusýt iu at Ma8on'e Clothing Store. Seec advt. Ladies, if you have ual lready, dont fail ta lny my choice famuly lues. W. E. Osborne. Mrs. Keys wsuts te sce hem old cus- tomera ou Faim Day-lunches, tes sud coffee as usuel. Aboya us stands no competiug stocký, below usý lie no compating prices. Trel - even'e old stand. Dentit's ecommnd Phenvo-Caff'ein ta thier patients snffeing frai fnciiý1 neuralgis, seveme pain e! tam filling etc. If yen inteud buyiug a watt>b,do, or anytbing in Jeçvidry, Silverware, etc, you will save o nty by huyiug et J. J Mason'e dry goode and jeolry hanise, A very nica laI o! uew bed-rooni suites, extension sud centre tables sud soute vemy pmally piclume mouldinge j u et emi lz cd et O. ScolIeà fumitute waremroome, Orono. We will commence bbc season wiî 'h bargains. We will continue thu seasun with bargains. We wili end tho seas,-on with hergaine. Treleven, the beool sud shoe man. A Free Sample ot the K. P. C. wil ha forwarded tea ny addmeee. K. t>. C. Ca)., Ltd., New Glasgow, N. S., suld 12-7 State St., Boston, Ma"e. Pitcher". Caetoria. Ai Who intend to visit the CEN- TENNIAL F'air to cai4 and see, our grand display of 'Lamp Goods, Crockery Groceries. and Iti s worth seeing and we will be glad to see you. I'CW F AT General Grocers and Provision Dealers. Bowmanville. NýEWSPAPER PLANT FOR SALE. The owînic Sun haviug ceased publication e few weeks al ter the pro. prietor's doath, the newspaper sud job prinling plant, inçlndiug the presses, steani engine sud boiler, type and aIl other materiel in the office of that paper weem sold to M. A. James sud le now held for sale en bloc or will be sold lu lots to suit purchasars. Most of the plant hue beau ivad imb THE STATESMAN block where it rnay ha inspected by probable purchasers. Any man intendiug ta atart a pnintiug office suywhere outeide o! Bowrnanville -will be given a genuine bargalu sud a cholce of thrae almoat complote newspaper plante at these very low figures :One 1very suparior oulfit et $1500 sud one very goIod oueaet $1,000 bath with steant power sudî averything lu good runuing ,,rdec sud oue plant without ateatn power fur $600, (cah. The Sun plant was b"uglit ta close ont the third office, banco avary-t Ihi.,g will be sold aI e sacrifice price lu go o;ut o! Bowmuunvil]a. The Suin plant' co;sisitod of new and nioderu material mi utof whicb is se good as wlhan placed i thle Office. T1he type used out the firct sud fifthi pages of tbis paper was the regular body type of the Sune and il will be sveu Iat it le in vary good condition. The Suî office was by long odds the boat eqnipped printing office- in thi s district. We guarantea a big bargain la a cash purchaser. Crmespoudence invited frora probable buyers. Addrese M. A. JnAIIs, _Bowmanville. LIeave ecis.ioýrs and other bladUs for sharp)eiugiiet Chartran'd Barber ahof.-1.8 Orders for all kinda of <love Repaire promptlv filled at Rd. Worth's Hardware store, Bowmsanville.11 'New Suilinga. New TrouserirgeF, New %W(rgtrde, -Ne vSer.ges, Yiew OaCai -iIIl juet openad oat st Couch, Johuton & CrYdernmsn s,1 AIl cases of weak or lame back, hack- ache, rheumatisui, -,; l tind relieff by waar- ing oua i c arterim Smart Weed sud 1Belladonne Buekache Plastars. Price 25 cents. Try theni. Si-EciAT, Puizos-For 2 year aId fat hbeast fit for slaughtoriug purposes-isI, prize fiOlbs Cartaffin Cattle Spice $4.80. 2fnd prize 4Olbe di-, do. $3 20. Given by Statt& ury. Now showiug et Cttuch, Jobuston & Crydarmn's a fine range o! Ladies' Omuvanetta Waeterproofs in ail sizas. They ara the moat saîi8factory waterproof thal any lady can buy., SPECTACLES.-Iî le impossible for you ta do botter lu spectacles suywbere lu fair Canada, of ours Ihan et Rickard's. Cali F'air Day and have eyes tested frac of charge. Expert Optician ou baud, DxÂaSsx.-Ihave becu uslng Burdock Bitters for Boils sud ekin disesas, sud 1 (Iud il very good as a cure. As a dyspepsie cure I have also lound it unequalled. Mrs. Surah Hamilton, Montreal, Que. THE Co.MING CONCERT.-Oni Friday Sep. 28Lh a concert will ho givan in the Townu l under the auspices o! the Meebanica' Thetitute. The entertainmant will consist of vocal sud instrumental ninsie, racitalions sud tableans. Au exhibition of ilsaîf. -You will miss e treal if you do noal euh at Rickerdsa Fair Dayia sud see hie well selecled, well honghî sud almost eutiraly new stock of watches, dlocks;, Jewellemy, silvemplate sud spec- tacles-. 1htie "bard times," but this honte salle thase goods evary day, hacause they seli right. No trouble whatever to show goodei or ta test y our easigbt which la doue free of charge. Cousidar yourself invited ta cail eit IbIs store whether yuu iutend. ta purchase or nal. gbiloh7s Cure je sold ron a guarautea. Il curas lucipient Cansuniption. Il le the bast Cougb Cure. Ouly oua cent a dose; 25 cts., 50 ce. sud $1.00 par bottle. Sold by Stott & Jury. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Cerrected l.y J. Hcliurtry, c vert' Tssoday FLOU,?P 100 lbe ..... $1 50 lu $2 00 WHrEÂv, Faîl, {t bush .OQ00n11055 Russian,....... 00 1 O O 55 n Gnýose, .,.O0 00 O 52 n Colorado, .... O0Q00n0O55 White Fife. 0 00 t 05M n Red Il 0,. 00 ,0 60 BÀRiEy, l' bush, No, 1.. 0 00 0 45 n n n2x.O000 ,0 40 -2n n ..O00 0 40 it Two rowedO0g09 0 40 OAT'S, White...........O0O00 O028 mixd...........0 00,,0 27 R 1 ....0 0,0 48 Buckwbeat ? bIush,... 0 00 ~o 040 PE.ts, Blackeya, ý bush. O0 00 n o(60 ine, nYil..0 00 il 0 60 QUININE WINE. { UT IA esoethe appetite. TH'$s PRNcI. The best cure 0 Noices cfr Ilirths, 25 cents; marriages, 50 y relits; Jeatlss, 5e cents, eaeh Insertion -but FRLEE OF CHARGE, When the funeral cardé are Printed at this oflice ( BIRTi4S. ti TÀBn.i-In Darlingt.on, Sept. l2th, the wife Of Mr. John Tabli, of a daugliter. MARRIED. WVOO-KxVELL- In BowmanvIllls. on Sept 13 by Rev. W. Jolitiffe, Samuel Wood. Esq, and Mrq. Mary Ann Kiveli, both of the TownF3hlp ft Clarke, Ont. '( e Boo~sgII~r's Sho~jio 2ycle'pt Ye BI"' 2C. ro ye thriftie lloufeholderfan Shop Keeperf of y" Boroligi Df Bowý,manville. Be it known unto you, that yo BIG 20f Stock of Flaggef ileajing te y3 eye of ye parijh onerf and neighbouring Shop mien and ,/bld for fmnalt', mouln of ye realme, ifaiul and com- >lete and waf gotte'readie for ye celebration of y, 100 yearef. Open fromn 8 of ye tower elock iil caudle iiting. 1 A. S. TILVE1Y, I1ll. 1., C. M. DIEU. 1 M EMI3ETt 0PCOLLEG S 0F PffYý1TCIANS BAY.- At 288 Germard C.,Triuuo.Sa. 3 nd .Surgeoua,Otro Offiele. King St Emma Victoria Plztbei. tlugmror outiDr.Fir tcour weeî ut Ontario Rank, Rl-idenco James sud NelltaBray, aged i yea" Smonthst. Cîtîrci 51,St-SîLidor ast o!Methodist Cbureb, OR-A iaz 's Il. o'n .î , i,, y, Buwmanvilie. '37 à teptimber 15â. of ap>oivl,' I obert Kim bail Orr. M. I., li;gh Scho..l M ate,,ged 47 ýears, lntorred ,,t Bowunvitle. rYNR>TUIE JEWEIl.LER, IG lt.?0 18,,uer 0f Marriage Licenqes, evening rasid- ance, Division Sr., naxt 1B. C. churcli, JJEIFER ASTRAY.-Strayed froin~ L--Lt1,Broken Front. Darling ton, about second week iu August, a red two-vear old heifer. Reward for information leadîog te lier recovery by J. L. Maîcalf, Bowrnanyille. P35-- F AR TO RENT-Lot 30, Concession 14, Celre, 100 acres. Âpply et once to Mns.. RExwîcse, Centre St., Bowmanville. 37- t, -"j ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- J2 GOOD 100 ACRE terini for sale or to reuI juet outslde the towu of nowmanville. Apply to Tinos. BiNGHAit. box 72 Bowrnanville 86 -tfi F ARM TO RENT- 70 acres coni-enlant bt Bowrnvillc. chuicli sud echool, good arcitard -mildngs aud lu gond state of cultiva tior. Alpply to M. A. JA&mffl owuan ville for furîber particulars. 6,f 1JVARM TO RENT.-North half of lot 2 7, con. 8, DarliinRcn, 100 acres; god atone bouse, barn 70xiO with atone stables. Plougli- iu nycommence at once, Possession lu Ma.rd'I or rnýay be arruugad for lu FaIL Apply te JÀAmjs MooRE, Tyrone P. O., Ont. 33-tf F RM FOR SALE. 100 acres In the YTownshlp of Nothawasaga,CountySlrncoe Sot, day loam, gond brick bouse, good out- buildings, gond orcherd. Conveniently s tuat- ed to Sohool sud Market. This feri muai be srld ta, close an estatu. For parti6ularsaplJly tO C. J. BELLWOoD Or 11, H. CoLzmAI', tye P. U', Out, 8- II 1OUSE TO RENT -Asiem-dataohad -LLbrick house on Churcli streAt lately ic.jupied by Ctapt. Crawford. Tttrms modorat6. ipply te A. YouNIs. or T. BiNweAms. Bo»- nanilile, 45 tf. F ARM WANTED-Th eýxhanige fer _Utwo gond bouses in the thrivin. tawn of Bowmauville. Small fa-m prefareî. Aniy one wiahiug to boy a houïe or desil i is way apply to JAmEs TUiOMPSON. Bowmanville PC. w28 F ARX TO RENT.-For s tarm o years, 'Glandhu"'-300 acres, 2 rnlea tram Whitby-goodi buildings a ud soli. Admir.- able for stock or dairy. Chance for gointr extensively intoToronto mnik businessi or stock; raislng for American market. Men with, capital only'need apply. J. H. Dow, Whltby, ]ARM TO RENT.,-One of the bee' Ffranl the Township af Pickering be- ing lots 7 sud 8 in the rear 0f th con - contan- ing 220 acre2. Soil firet-c laesansd well watered. by three wells aud neyer t ailinÈ streani ruunit. f ng tbrough the premises ;, 9ood dnel!inDý housessud out-buildings, fruit'0f ail kfnd. For furîber particulars aoply ta Il R. MOwy- BiRAY, Kinsale P,.0O, or toBRW, MOwiT, Kinsale P. O. F NARM FOR SALE. -A firet claese amac V' f 125 acres or 145 acres sltuated ln the township of East Whitby lst con. lots là sud 16 on the Base Utne, about 1~ miles froni Osha.- wa station, 2 miles from iWhltby sud 0 roda tfram teschoalbousc, Large roomy build îngm. main barn 95x36 fl, plenty of fruit, pil clay loani, attogether anc of ltae et grain farms,, on be Lake Shora. No hilis or atones. Aboýut 10 acrcesof wood. 75 acres lu pasture and tres1O seeded. Ternis easy, First plowlng dïoue. For turthem partitul&rà apply ,Io A. Ai î Y Oshawa. 37 -te. Mlnard's LUnimnut Cures Di,,tamxper, invite eople -Ctd lunch vnitht tes or cofféea erved'by Alrm. Ktym ou Faim Doy. in'-tt o irtoluyour advautmîga ta buy o!ru,.u you ,W;11 call. May nard the th'ehekIe Barber will make sipeciel Cetui1 Irfatas. Ha affeaa laeut lthe bair oi the tldutpian in Dirington for oua yepr fin-e. Come in sud gel a bair c.etind sheve et F. C. Pothick's tousorial parlon. He will niake yon look quite youth!ul again sud no aone wili nstake you, for the ian -wbo wius the pio et bbc Ceuteunial for belug lte Maîbuaslait o! Darington. We