C Pl AT1EF U L-COMFORTINO. PUPELI UANAflJÂN NEWS SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Tj'jIfl~ C! (lfI'tftAThe United States Consrul a,,Odse Lçr~ ITERESTINL* ITEMS ABOUT OUR Ruissie, reports te the State Decpartmsmnt Ai f"a NOWN COUNTRY. that of 793 cases treatad et thc baicteriolog- BREAKFAST -SUPPER. - ical station for a year for hydropho)bie byr "Bye tho'n-engb now!edze of the nature Gthered fl-cm Varîi% onPlut% trous the the Pasteur mnethod but six died, ail'h! lama whi ch rovern the operations of digesuti Atiantlte tfice racine. dren. and nutrition. and hy a careful application ofTh tlagavesbi 1av,, the fine pror,rtie" of weil-selected Cocoa. Mr. Peterboro's rate cf taxation je 17 mille;. TeIain aeetbihdawt Epps has provîdefi our breakfast tables witha oe lcrcpan tTvl,:1, i daictl iverefi beveraee which ma av e The Bradford lacrosse club bas disbarided.poeeetrclntaTioiad i e many heavy doctora' bills. t is by the Mrs. Sarabh unter, aged 91, lias died a transmit 2,000 hiorse-poýwer eighten nmiles 2ndi8io r s uch articles of filet that a Downie. acreaseth&e Gampagna te acîna. Th1,2 reet c.nstituton inay be gradually buit nou until atrong enough te resi8t every tendency te The town maples cf Woodstock bave of Rome wiil then ha lightedi by ellectri- dis8ease. Hunfirefis Of subtIe maladies ara been trimnief. City. ,Ioatiag around us ready Ie attack wherever there taas weak point. We may escape many A large sumimer hotel is te hae built et I a encmueita h et a fatal shafi by keeping ourselve3 well fortifiefi Rond Eau, rate cf the globe is 68 par minute. 9,9 wi1th pure blood and a prooerly noi.rised frame,"-"C'ivil Service Gazette.", The Mîdland Fall Fair will be field Oct. per day, or 35,717,790 per yeare. Theý birth Made, simply with boilin%- watar or milk Tt and 2ud. rate ie 70 par minuta, I10080 per day, or1 Affld OuIY n peokets. by rocars. labellefi thus 36,817,200 per .year, ireckoning the yearte JAMES EPPS e Co., ilernespattïle Chient The Hotel Normandic, Sarnia, has bee au 351- as ulegh itLondeon. Essgiand, seld te a Detroit man. le3514dy'nlnii S A Vancouver syndicate wants te run A unique trolley car feuder s propesedi Cttqjn Natnio's aîectric raiîway. by a Boston inventer. Habias taken the ~M i~uiMr. P. Donnelly, Niagara, bas bougbt large revolving brushes front e street ______________________________the Mansion lieuse et Thorold. swaeper and placed theni in such a pos3itioni WEDNEDAYSEPT 19,1894 A Hobart man has an American contrect under the car that a persen who hiappens 1o WEDESAY SPT.19 194 fer 3,000 canthook heudiez. fail in front cf the car will bca ewept fronti lar- . . M C. urrcu ýi., A ompany of South Sea Islaeuders is the track. > EUMBER OF COLLEGE 0F' PHYSICIAN giviug entarteinnients in Manitoba., There were 826 persoas inocul,-ted lu LIand Surzeons, Ontario,Coroner, ato. The stesm yacht Aberdeen je seifi te bie Calcutta for protection ftgainst choiera Offleas and Residenca, Ennisikllien. 74. the bandsomest boat on the Rideau. fiuriug the month ending Junie 24t, 189q4. D BRK ~Caulfield village is telking about the Cholera occurred in threa bou-ses lu wbich organizetion cf e machanica' intitute. inoculations had heen umade upon s eaof ARRISTI .OLICITOR. &,. PI the innietes, but aIl the casesý, were amoung B BI O<CK. ntriitars, Ring Street. Bowmnen Principal Grant is hecemiug a meet an- tha uuinoculated, notta of the iuoculaedi ville. Solicitor for the Ontari Bankt thusiastie and successful lawn bowler. Leing attsckad,ý kiat WIstouaseyg Ianefi et th% q lfl t 'i'. 4 The forty.thkrea.year.old goosa belengfing A wound made hy the tooth cf tbe cobra, MOST. YOUG, V.,S. te Mir. Cook, of Gleuwiiliams, died lest species cf serpent je a mare puncture and1 d-FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM~ week. assltl wlig h einbte News Block. where hiniseif orasitn The will cf the lae W. N. Nichols, ces iteseln.9h aeubte vil] ha fcund froni 8a.m. te 9 p.m. Nîgbr catis echool npecter, shows $360 personaîty and l ildb aayi ftenracnrs at'reqideucadirectly opposite Drill Shed., Oeils e mrsI The danger cf the rattlesuake bite, on the teerPho eleal ilreev pop ty, other baud, js froni mortification cf t'ne iii- attention 171-yr A by.law te provide for e sawar service jured part, whicb usey proceafi se far that et Niagara Falle, Ont., was defeatefi by a the flash ectually putrafles; A. A. PONTI' majority. 1 I regard te t he ammmth remaine e ROHITOT. lanssud pecilca~ Rev. R. G. Stevens, cf Eikhorn,hae been l askd e akechrg ofStMak'smisinCanada and Alaska, Dr. G. M, Dawson notes dp-celatenio gvn e asin b seaiWinnipeg. thatt iu the uorth.westarn part cf thaconti- sudbotwaîr.sudte anîar arangmens. While seercbing a tramp arresed the nient they axe abundaut lu, il net coufined Ofie:GorieBlokWhiby 43-y ther day the Ottawa police found over te the limite cf a great unglecîatad u ,reýa * $2 aior 1000 on hie persen. thera, cemprising uaarly all Aleeka slud part PTTEhe Lymnan street, St. Catharines sud of the adjacent Yukons district of C anada gentlemen's lothes Made to Ordar. Thorold Baptist churchas will lia coutitut. No mastodon boues have beanu rpor.ted edeone pastoral charge. froni thîs region. .IM.llIVIA QM BE a art Chambers, of Port Hopo, vas A £esh exorte ite greet propulsiva po,ýwer accienty sot y ayouug lady et Rice with, its tail, net its fins. The paddille wheel DENTI~T. Lake, but may racover. was madeothduhorcfpplins DENTIST. ~~~~During a recant sienm lightning struck ao h i hoyopoasos Neil klcDonald'd place, Heath liead,Ont., and the screw propeller ba i us wngin in OFFICE :-Rear Of JVeîssrs. thre tinies simuîtaueously. uoting the action cf tis a il. It le no)w showu The ew ranconinenal rragemntsthat tise fins cf the tail actually p-erfenm The ew ranconinenal rragemntsthe avolutions describad by the prepellen Higginbotham & Sou's Tjr ocf the Canedian Pacific railway will shorton bla, sdta h il uisnosne Zn the journey aach way by twalve boure. te tr.h h atrdeeddo h Store, (down stairs), A bicycle club is baiug organized lu con- torsional action cf the tait te give it powVer. naction withs the Naneimo Literary, Asee faati ihigt en B MA VL !Atblamic sud Temperance Association. A ytmo elcr igin î3!,ï BOWMA VILLEA Chathami man la wilsg te liglît St. put lu et Juneau,,oeeof the hast k-uewu cf 1 , Thomas with elactricity et 20 cents par Aasekan sattlemate-,a place cf 2,000 Ge ts lo h ng lmp par uight, moon or ne moon. inhabitants. When completad this will Claaued, Dyefi. Pressefi sud Repaîrefi by The asseesment of theaplant and propanty ba the firet central electrîc light plant lu ci -M . l cf tise BeLl Telephene Co. ln Orîllia bas tuea tarritory. Flactricity, howveVar, has 'l' FI (~ ~ P iA rj' beeu rcdudad from $2,80Q to $509. beau used for semaietime luen imiea wav T H 8 i L« Frog catchers lu Northumberland couuty lu the Alaska minas. Wator-powar is Dyer sud Cloteia Cleaner, havaeaskad the Ottawa authorîtias te malta abundaut avarywbara, andthe curreý-nt is a l)se season for that spacies of gaina. ganerated on thet streenisA»sud cacrriaf te C:ccdF werrantefi te be as ne eue wiIl know 'e the minas by cablas. , ibem froni new when djna. Mrs. Georgius L., wîfe of Rav. Walstar Crner l,ýinzsud Ontario dîraat5, Rigby, pester cf the Coihorne street Matho- For avary degroe cf tempeature of thiei Bomavilediet cburch, Lendon, diad euddeuly lest air thana les a maximum lit cf water ____________________weelkaert heýui ni wih ý,; ý ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Stratford City ('cuncil bsbeau lietition- aertetecb S' hc tearî D .Ii)" '.'i b1'iI~~X d by 1 2u busînasse mnte ave al taî'ýpiioue, capable cf bearing. Se, tee, fo-ratyuin RiacriNsudTeiIrLbSpeas emoYd romquantity (,f vapeur par cbeinch, ýbere le, the streets. Knadîe atempertueetwlc lhaar silod A-itefv-ya-l iltaKnadnexactly 8se much. hejetes-callid A litte fivayeer-ld gir lu ,point cf satration. R-alnca e tt mara nansefi Ruby Boal, fell eut cf au apple tree tîlire bclow that po intisd th, va ilo i bagins 0-ie which sha hafi climied the other day, te condense asu seu'e the for:ni f dw ansd was kilaed. fog, mit, vapeur, or rein. George Hlarris sud Thomas Beattie, twc Owen Sound boys, have beau sant te thse Central Prison forsimet frtalg WEDDED AT TEN YEARS.Uý billiard balle. c. L. D. s. ~~~Since the sprng tweuty-cna theusaud Ts ut tn fN-etmdSi iiec HIARNDEN, L .S pilgrins are raported te bave pased over Th IteKn f Nep aslat , s o tise Canadien Pacifie reilway ou tiseir wey ieYas traduataeftheu Royal Collagnetf arnul te tis erine of St Aune. vrwe ithEaadeseÀ%I Sureon. Otaro.PrincipalGrnad Archbîshop Cleary lu Hîndustsu sud Nepaul, manrie.ges are OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. enjoyed a haarty baud shake wisan thav met VITALTZED AIR, ou the platform at tiseunuveilîng cf the'stat- idetsvraryeg.Pensc- ne lu memory of the Irisli immigrants iu tract for tise weddiug of Lthaîr chilfiran C11 Kingston the otisar aveuîng. while thay are yet but little by u girls, N16JIe3w rauor ôiuop Rev. A. C. Courtice, of Kingston, lias andi naîther tise boy uer the girl bas any givan up theguarautaad slary hîtharto au-. voie in tise metter. They are simýpIy Thseunudersignafi whc bas beau casrying ou joyafi by tisa pastor of Sydenhami streat the tailoring busines lu connaction 1 witis Metisodjet churcli, aud wiîî accept lu lieu cotpled witb alli lie dinýplay th At; tise par. Mseon's Dry Goods Store for sautnlberof year seefaqrtryclctoneouotsdecnafrdsdtanie lias comnicad. businedssfor huiýelÉ et luteefaqatrycleto.etonbhai? nafradtinte residence, Rýing St.,west. where ha is prepari Barrie bas tweuty magistîstos sud nine- poor litile thinge go back te thaeir homnes to mske gant' sud boys' suite su ail the iatest styles, sud et lowest prices. Fer thoie wiso teers constables. Orill«a has sixteen inagie- te hi anraeansd petted and tratinod until wîsh te ordar suite, ha witl carry e fanit lina of trates su.d fifteau constables. For its sIca they are olfi anoualito havea ahoir eý of thaîir amples in sit tise awost patteras. Give hlm Brafofrd abounde lu magistrates, haviug w.TuthslteKigote Ceil. loyau, sud thrae constables.ou. hstbsitlKugcNeaie J* I. .AT I.EŽ A patiticu le baing cîrcnlaed, pneyin eightb royal Gboonks who ise ome te the Fashionable Tailor tisa Ministar cf Justice te relesse olfi ian titrone, wae niarriad wisan ho wastayar .Stinson, whso wss convictaf soeaou yease od te a baby princees hall hie ega, cisosen TUE DOMINIO~N ago cf couuterfeîting, lHe is sevirgto for but frooneeof the royal famîies of year'senenc in ingson ervîutian notheru Indus - Noqdid it aven ec-,ur te Mu11tual Fire l stryi t ofcai eunor Kngto eitl etany. s the prima minisier, or the priests, on tise Oficelraurs orte isalyar ue strologars, or tsmthe -m astiet Associ1tion closaed show tisat ouly 2,109 Chinanian an- aither tisa bridegnoom or tise bridle lhAd auy- rived in Canada durng 1863-94, whila 666 tbing wliatover to do wîtb tishbsnes issues a genuino "Riaukot" Policy te famen regietered te ratura te China wiltistisa igbtL But the waddiug vas 1"parfecily eplan- RATES :- te conie hack ta Canada wîtii six ruontus. did." A pictureq'se conconrseacf Asiatie Ist Clane 65 cents pr $100) Fifty-six carloade cf cattie vers iu the gueste, witb a sprnkling cf Etopelais ^u 1 100 Terni, 4 yearo Canadian Pacifie nailwsy yards et Winnipeg etrengers, was gatberad lu tIse penshI[ons IO W10Drsmsprmnetfmr on Thursdsy au routa ne Montreal, wblis sud rotundas cf tise palace; sud isorhee wes as- ensurest u rhmil. lnetr erî tis e largeet asispmeut iluoee ek en profuse distribution cf pretty souvenirs a nuelnl.s record. sud guifte mong them. Every oea gQnaved R. J. DOYLE, E&q., JESSE TRULL, Eq Tise reported outbreak cf pleurr-pnu. scmethig-a uosegay of rare 1stern Manager, bPresldeut, moula ou the Modal terni et Nappen, N. S., flowers emblatic cf happinessud jcy, ai *without - sewýer_- "Thaea boue 1ton, Tise builoci3we wilpropertleîîed -Wa aeycur colore?" sise asred. "l'd Iaga, as goed diseasas cannot beaset, sud was soifi for £28 5s.lk egveynadcrainfryu health whan t/he axist tw h ara Tise firet regulan standing snmy was lu wisaah" h idney.s are Dodd'a Kidnay E tabu190BC.Tefrtmdr Thns'h epoe, e loggad, they ara Pills ara used. " -1gypt bu 90B .ls rtneau Tek, arsodd lc u 1,standing force was in France, lu 1445. Tisa blu," sud tisen ex plaîuedmles Sof by al deaers orsentbyminaiieurree.Pî firet permanent military force in Emuglandi pue o ees. Per oaor MX forte $. o.ofYoe, tbihý Arpotfot eigsast, Dr. L. A. Sil & C. Torout .Wie or was ts igsGadc emn sasih Arpr rn aigsv iepaalu book calied Kidncy TaIkz. ad in 1486. feeling lu Cers se lu ever ofOhs ChildirenCy A VWORD TO YOU'NG MVEN. TEN MILLIONS' WORTH 0Fk PLATE. Me IWay Bteaeh the :ses or Hie Maly Be Whatt lTike% te Sîtifisy 11cr Mai esiy*' Trewu on the anait aiAmsy Terse or Idea er the Fies f Thimîge. the curen-a.i Tise recaut distinuished foraigu visitera- Tisane is a word asi eyugta Windsor wene greatly stnuck by tisa men; net e bansis word but a word of magnifcnecftsJoyipaeitts fniedly ud kudlyconnel. uf aro seue Evan tise Czarowitz, sccnstomod te tise receon for it dml, aes ago tise almosi barbarie spieudon cf tise court sient geas a long way toward a goofi end-. functieus lu hie native land, wae falu te iug. If tisa bullet beaves tise rifle barrai admit tisai for solid worth hie a neyer - seau tise equal cf the Euglish plate, says / »\ - witis oaly s sligist divergence freinitise London Sketch. rigbt direction, îi may nover bit tise terget Tise noyai plate ai Windsor is gonenally ai ahl, for tise funihen it gees tiseumore wide recltoned te ha werth about £2,000,000, " of tisa mark it is; but if ir leaves the Laurel sud it le ne unusuai tiig et a etato bau- quai et tise ceeule te have plate te tise perfectly aimedfor tise centre cf tise target, value of bal a million lu tise roon'. There '7 it le sefe te predici e geod aisat. If e are îwe sîste dinn eervices-oue of gald .Eelr Young man le equippefi wihtise igisi sud oeeof ailver. Tisa golfi service wase I E ' - purcised hy George IV and wiil dine 12 D SEÎ E> LU l 6S ideas tise chances are in lever cf his e heîg pnos iepae l fii evc of som aine e tah worid ; but if vison ha ceet ovor £12,000. On state occasions tisane CJORED BY TAKING stands on tise thnesisoid of 'dia ho bas ne are usually placad ou tise diuiug tabla controlling moral pninciple, ise is like a saine very beantiful flageus, captured from, A T~~r r Cherry chp n hesufae f fesetthtahatise Speuisis Armada, whicis are cf course RI - iD'. cisp n is srfae f fessetiiatje h c pricelees value, wise tise great sîlver 1'%I.4 -U. & Pectoral. mey, if lie bas rare good fortune, reacistise wine cooher, made by Ruudell&Bridge for sea, or hae may beciisnowu on tise hauk ai George IV snd waigising 7,000 ounces, 'I eeutracted a savane cold, wbicls settled any turu cf tise current. If je impossible slweys adonna ene cerner of tise apartimeut. on uîy iinge, andi I did whavisai le ieu doua 1As aldeboard ornemente, tisene are nat mus suds cases, naglecte tj.- itban iscusblýltefi tisenalore, te exeggerate tise usceeiîy cf a tilsp a doctor, vise feun, ou exavemiiug metisai tlu intise way of a peacock cf precieus tise upg.ran ct of tise laft iuug vas 6eeiy fine equipmeut; because tise fate of tise seul atoes, vainofi et £50,000, andi a tiger'e affected.ha medicines lia gave nma tlt<I not, long efter ibis lufe bas euded, mey depand isoad froni India, vus ea sehif ingot cf gold seamu te do auv geed, sud i deterului; te foritstouue nddiaondteeh.tny Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Alite i on it. W bila it je possible for a boy vitisfrlstogesddsmuitoi. e oa n ntbe a ev d u This woudantui collection of pIste is fore 1 ssd fliisefitise boule ie wS curau." e mmid ful cf mistaken ideas te throw tisen crevu properîy, visicis practicsiiy meens -A. LxîFLAuî, vatcîsmaker, Oraugevilie, Ont. aside eue afier tise otîser as ise preceade en tisati h elouge tu tise couutry, sud tiseCh ry ec r1 hie jeurney, iii is alec mua bhat lis rmus Queeu has separate collections for nusee t A ersChrr P ctra greet iekesud vîli prebahlb udbsBalmoral sud at Oshý)nue, wicisbeloug HiesÂad tWcd'Pir caeer vus s anînrful of regrets sud a 5yer's Pilla Cure I,~eUn hendfal cf reel iseppinese. The RulIng Passion. O SALE OR RENT-flouao aud N ow, tisaee ne sitbject ou vicis tiere Mn. Binke (suddalyawakened)-"Wiso .U' îRacres for aie or te mont, eltuate ou are more false notions tissu on tise suijeci -wises tisera?' S'cugog street north. The premiseo consialt of ofmoney. lu le a good iising te bave Bungler (witis pistol-"'Dau't yeis dare a uood bouse with every cenvenlenoe, drlvlng moe nsdsagood thiug te work for it, but m ro' lw thsbod. st lt.f Tue garnis e8',nelt et y Mrs. Binks-"TcFr morcy's sako, dn' essssîncenIcglven. Forpartiulars e yen muet ha cereful net te psy tee large a shoot! Yo'1yk ie ay! o.BIPHLE5ISSS îtwmanvillie Ont 49-rPlý pnice for it. As tisa servent cf s noble mian money is exceedingly valuable, for ut fnn- A LL M EN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN nissa opoiniteste ulng tseecpecfYoung, old on mifdle agefi, wiso find tisen ESTABLISHE4È1D cissnty sud benevolence. As tise master of salves nanvous, week sud exisaueîed, wiso e niggardly mn it develope tisa mean are broken dcwu mcm excese or ovarwork $1 pean num n uafvauce, otbonwlse $1,5). qu&-*ie3 o hma ntur ad ake is esltig n anyofth flloin - m-Snbscriptionseiwaye Payable et tisa oie quahtie of uma naure ud ake us esutinglu ian ci isafolewîïg sni-publicatiou. Advertieing rates untaais$' cji posessr amea crictur. isaven -prenis : Mental depreesion, premaînre oid nact, 10 ceais pan lino. neupanie i, dines ms-en posssso a mre ariatur. Te woldus ae aocf vitehity, lese cf naenoy, had en, sud 5 cents Par lino each subeequsus mei- ail wrong lu ibis mattar sud you vili no dreanis, dumuese of sigisi, palpitation cf sertion. Locale, 10 cents par lino. quine a deal cf iadepeudance ta put your- tisa ieani, omissions, lsck cf energy, pain M. A, JAMES, PiLijislist' saitnigsi.Tisne luihoconmuuîy uil tise k idueye, beadacises, pumplas ou tise naeanastimata cf vealtis viichis l erey denier- face sud body, itciig or peculier sens- FOR-tisenemva c alizisîg. Tise puescisenniaises e catsiogue toin about tiesacsrotum, wssting cf tise wru falkt lus viicis viedon stands et thseiseafi sud organe, dlzziuess, sepacks before tisa eyee unOe MT-' mouey followe as ef saceudary importance ; twitching cf tise musclas, ayelidesud aIse- e MTHWOR but modern secioty reventes tisaenden sud isera, basisînese, deposits lu tise urine, LOEES. AJlw3y3e pute mnuy firet, witis wîsdom fan belcw iîbaos cf vîli poer, tauderuesa cf tise scalp prompt, reliabla, sfa sad pleasant, requiring na We doff our hais te eue wise las weslth apd epiuie, weak sud fiahhy muscles,1 de- aller nuadicinu. Neyer failing. Leave no bad aster but ne cisanactar, sud issrdly necogaize eue sire te aloep, failure te ha restsd by sloop, effects, PrIe, 25 cnts pet. Box- ,wisc au bouasi cisarecten but neonioney. constipation, dusluness cf heening, ls cf_____________________ Tise resuit le that va vonis toc isard for veice, desire for solitude, excîtaisility cf-r7 mnoey and have toc ligisi au opinion cf temupan, sunken eye, surcunded with s cisaracten. If trutis ha told it us, sitar al LEADE--zORacLEs, oily lookiug akin, etc., tie n of ciaactar sd net tisa men o' aneall symptems f nrvus debility tiai mony vise hava made te world wha t lelad te insity unles cuea. Tisa pring- «- Tisat faci stands lu tise foragrcuud cf ail on vital force baving lest its tceion every îisougifulobervatioulikeaîeang menu- fonction wanee lu couaquonce. Tisose nient againet tisasky. If vaweecempalled who ibreugis abusa comitted lu ignro. te da wi'riout tise eue on tisa otisar it woul rance, niay ha panmanently cured. Send Page oeil Spring Tance. Tise only ha siseer îueeuiîy te dispense witismen cf your addreas sud 10 cents in stanipe for master cf expansion andi contraction. cisarectean d ntal tise men of mn b hoiou o diseases peculiar te n'eu, sent Lei us hac dear n outîs point. Thle eealed.mlly Addnee M. V. L UBON, 24 Mac A fui[ stock cf. Farw, Garden, Lavin largy are api te tslk ah) ont "filhis lucre." denuai el Ave., Tronte Ont., Canada, sud Ornemaental Fonce al ways lun stock, fihtiy unl es itnii ets snitisaiseeka orcmamiled ou application, by 1,si filthhy. rlusyour nigisu te ichor for it 'Tisa Bnocsviiie ibook sud laddan compauyA.W OLY auld youn igisi te gelot hif Yeuu een. Ycu wou finalniûney -ai tise Oswego firameu's Bx A.8 BWa FOLE,Ot. ar 13jusîifled lu ieyiug plans for is acquisi- tournameun tse badoinxagin4cut, tien, because tisera je s gloriaus satisfaction Sole dealer, wholesnlo and - eiieil for in tise ihouglistîshat yen viii vane. fer How to get a "Sunlight" pictUre. Couniy cf Durhsam and Eaau WhlthY. nethsug un yonr oide ansd yor dean euies Sand 25 'Sunlight" Soap wrappere ___ wili ho anipiy pnevidad for. But havea ~~rp cd WyDa cane thuat Yen do net coma te thinis that orhaigu your happinese dapeuda ou ht, bacua ai ereWoian teok OId Seonur Tissu e Mau",lT K ail je said, tisane are moe happy poor mon te tavit Bitos., Ltd., 43 Scott St_, TH tissu happy nicis men. l'on tisai nitter, Toroute, sud yen will reoive by pous aES it le a grave errer te suppose tisai mossay preîuy picture, frais froni advertisiug and - -P ceni itsaîf make Yenuthappy witisout tise weli verti fnamng. Tisis la au easy possession cf otisen qualities visicis yl vsy ta deconate your hcme. Tiesa sap enebla yen te eujoyi sud do goof iti . j isahebcsi in tise market, sud h it ii Tise business of tise vend le cîoseîy ne- culy ceai le. postage te mend lu tisa ieted te tise progrees of tisa vorld. hit us evreppers, if yen beave tise onde opnu. noblela clling tisat cf tisa business mian, and Write youm address caefuily. eue visici Gcd lookse upon wvus tender es. regrard. Mcnay sud pilanîisropy are Tisa Expenisuanial Fruit Station et Cruig- 50t.an t tvius, hein of tise sae good niotiser, ive horst is reported te ho lu e very seiisfactory sî.o Boulie. ciildran of heauîy sud grace. Tisenier- sud proeperous conidition. One ceute adose. chanî's vork ise msase Providentiel ase tisai "110W TO CUXL ALL SKIN 115E tSES" usOxT ooanuiprplyers cf tise clergymen, sud hi sisson, if ha Ssmply epply "SWAYNES OINTMENT." ?7ierealal ocîbs arel Coîghse, Croup S ore rigistiy undensiande it, le met as impor- No luternal mediejue requimed. Oures b. e orensW c D11fc-ý n tat Jftecnecaigh f th latbma. For Consunîption it !as no rivai. tantpirtisarenlaidcnth se of te ttier, oczema, itois, ail emupions on tise --m cured thousauda, sud ViiloURE-u e Hoy piitar ai o tsaiead cftif ac tha ueeclovn eekintekenin tuse. Sold by Drng.gsts ena guar-. preaciser adh sthsdvt te a se.fchusnieet. eaigtesi ntee. Fer meLame Bmck or Cbast use iltssud hore thu saeîead ep c-in learvisite amndisealthy. If% greai boal- 95HîLOH'3 BELLADONNAPLSE.O equal consecration ou tise sesd of tisa iug andi curuative powens are possseeed hy Young nian vis sies ou s business ceneer, uo cuber emedy. Ask yeur druggist fer HIL S C TA R sud ha je laid under solanin obligations te SWÂYNE'S OINT2MEIN'T. tyman Sous & -R M D ha useful ta hie fellow. baisl a tiruth Ce., Monîreel Wholesele Agentef. laayS% = 4iTbsemdigur icis caunci ha tee keenly appnecated. Terrible tales cf' starvation sud deatis tedtt)cure yen. P.-Icc,&oc. Injectorfro6, We'cannet geta leug itisout money niais. emeng tisa Indians cf tabrador ara reportb- For sale by Sicit & Jury. ing, aund tise oee iing va insist on, tisera- efi. Tisa distrees arisas froni scamcty of ______________________ fore, se tisaithe mneyniaisera shall ehainma. isonorât lutheir dalingesud iseep tisein conscieuces lu good tnim. Moeatisauntisai, tise business man 7 preccises tise gospel cf rectitude mono effec- sîn. tively tisan tisa ciergy enu do it. A noble 'When Baby wae siek, vo gave be atri dead le hetter ihn a noble word. Tise Wieuuse was a Child, she criad for Castoria. vend mcy incite te the dead, but vison va Vueuu se beeanie Miss, heeug te Casions,. gette eaen hemarchent vise bas ldad sJ R -- if. diccc ..asIigh lace se.- tisaw-'eushe ied Chilfireii, she gave theniCcstoria. CO-N ST PATI ON weundaut iiseait, vas gnestly annoyedis h- CQ tia i îa tise cries of some voundefi soldions lyîuyg Acc i ner h eiug Anbet otrlbusi Town Mouse. longer, ha testiiy caleldot- y o think Ilmab t aua "Stop yocn isevling oven tisera! Do yoii' London Boy <vise bas navet bea: u ocf thinis you'ra tise ouly eues iied lu ibis J. B. FACEF TOBACCO CO.. RICIIMON. VA tendon before>-l'm tisinicin' iCt' urne Fl: figisi?" a nd MONTPLEAL. CAN - motisen put yer n me o sos, PîtCher's CastoY!a-ý /