1~ I _________________________________ o ______________________________________________________ he, one magazine which world has agreed is INDIS- ÎSABLE. hI will be more liant than ever during 1894. e readers of TriE REvIrw REviEws say that it woul ptheîu ivell informedI if it -ethle onlyliterature printed. isespecially valuable to -gymen, professional imen, iv 0R1;1CA STLE. -Malcolm Uglow t so f J. Uglow,tal, f e frm atre frctuingai aise LIislo cating hie ahoulder. The Epworth League cjf theMthd5 church la getting into wo rkîng order atnd1 the meetings are incrcasing ln intereet, Thse trustees of the Methodiet chu rch have been gettirrg uewVf uruaces putilu with the hope cf obtaining more comfort, at leBs expeuBe. The atteridauce at the .High Sc1-,ocI le rather larger than usual. Before going on a sea-voyage or luto tb e couritry, bc sure aud put a box of Ayer's Pilla In your valise. Yeu may have occasion te thank us for thia hint. To relieve constipatiorn, biliousuesao, &II nausea, Ayer'o Pilla are the beat in thsel wForld, TIsev Are aise easy to take. PEN bril weri faminers, and to al those who FAMOUS PEOPLE AND 6REA4 IT THE MOST UNQIJALIF EVER RIECEIVED B"Y .lamuss11ryce, M.P. Autlôtoflcfh Ameri-1 Cao Commonweah1h, "h tis just what wve have wanted, J Miss PranceaWlllard.-" This magazine has the brightest outlook window ini Christen- dom for busy people w ho want to sce Cardinal Gibbons -"To the busy world who have not leisure ta peruse the current monthlits, Toc RES îsw ce REviEw will be spscîally w elcome, as it will serve as a mirror. reflccting the cotemnporarï thought of Great Brizaiii and 'Asesrca. To the best agents we can off er exte ordinàrily liberal ternis, whicla nia Tbe REVIEW 0F R.eviEws without a pe frein the cauvasser's point of vie, REVIEW 0F REVIEWS 1') Astor P'lace, Ncw York Cit Ioü3Vl iingin ue ali, rcu-o ý- -1 NEWBUJRG:. j A.UCTION SALES. personssl experiences. The niotice aboutl' Mr. Gilbert should have appeareti under; Dt'ast MI. Ensror.-Ir 15 now uealy W.EDNEsnÀ-Y, Sept. 26 -Great Sale cf very 1Einlakillicu article, shree moutha since ire lef r Tyrons. I need superior householti furuiture ant irects My friand, lookhbers you kueir how reca'cely 8-1y it mtas wWtý senie feelinggscf at thse reidence of Mn. F. F- Mt »weak and nnvusyon is, anti yen J raticeca me tore ourselvts away frein our Arthur, Bowmauville. Sale et 12 ncri. kLnow thiat Carters Iron Pilla wil relieve uiany relatives atid frisorile in dean old L. 'A. W. ToiE, autioneer. Ier, now why not hb fair about it andibuy Dari ogtüu rny native townFàhip. The goodtiTirunsDÂx, Sept. 27.-Mn, J. Weaiey lier a fX pecople litre eave us a most cordial anti Haruden, wili seil ou lot 17, conr-,-J. h'earty melceme sud made Ls feel quite et Darliugton, at Mrs. R.iaren, linmealineatet ue. We menaeesjuat Kingston .Road, one mile iveat of Bow- î two westcs aud got nicely settletiuhen inanville, 6 gooti hanses,' 17 -ifle , £.orse buyers have been pickingutpar Our 6tahl,' anti meodahet more ucforton- rnachinery, impiementa, 30 nons hay,nubnecldsitheiiiyiae. al ely burnati. If the peuple of the village etc., veiry large sud important re 1 he remainider of Augcut chaese bas l'adi na turneti ont anti morked like Troj- served sale. Ses postera. One o -z-Iock b heu aold teoa Peterboro firrm for 1î0'ct,, Fans the parsouage sud parbaps 0cr fiaeSsharp. L. A. W. Toxr., auctioneer. I fiss Swaiea la visiting lu Toronto. church woulti have gone also. AS it irSI MONDAY, Ot. 15.-Mn. Jason W!iiam- oerytisg mas tirown out of thse boue son, lot 13, con. 4i' Manver'e, ml sell Mr.. anti Mra. R. Skinner, Mitchell, anti Our second settling was moýrse than bis vaînable farmi stock, inipleretints, are visatiug et NMr. Jas. Runtile'e. tir fat Ssooin as tise inslurace w*5 etc. Big sale ; ses bis. Begin$ at fMprsars. A. uiantA.BeTy ejstithe truatees 5dvei'hs' .1-it'.r tend. 1p. r. L. A. W. ToÉE, auctif .e ivrsue, wen i'c est3 it Mn, Levi Annis' ne- ara, anti in), nithireis meekafrein the -______ centiy. beI-1rg/ s rom thCfe iretise! MUr. Eu erden.st. Mar1a,; peýt Pa". p ýtise pàïiý,ncuege al ns. I j psint4~Th u s t e msGoiug' to Pe eltewOý befre~ botertha f n~rsnws et bt Hs M -e . -J OSad u-mar(ngas Rer. L. Pb' ' -i Iauranc sinjareyhie returu frof-t Eligiass-. I,;aS aýt c t e t i e r y p r o m f î y a n t i l i b e r a l l y i t h u 0 S o 1 1 1-r , a n ý . î 7 i i gTb . - " a r t T s u g e e e i b t s e p m i I a r a i r u t v a i sthat tise circuit auiÏf5red Ecarcoly any ia the cry from farinera lu this country. tiens of "Home. Sbweet Ho1me" by ithe or- lons. 1 mîniti stvise a"Ilr ouflicials to Arthur Coley, a fariner near bers, bas lied gantet. Thie platfermi waa eprpriatýËeiy koop hin churclies anti parsonagea insur double reason te cry "isard tures' 1 Or ederket i th planta andifoeaat td( in sème Rooti reliable company. eight meuthe lie lay on his bacis in i -,a Otte beariug the words 4"Weiconie Tise country hors is quite diffreut frein victim of Brigbt'is'Disease. Hes ack'so.. Homve" encircleti by a hautiseme wneatis Dialingten, limentone rock everywh 'ere. ledgeas that ho expecteti te bie deati belonse ofcet flowera wes piacet on tise platform-, Ou neaniy evî'ry faim ara quite a number tis ensd ummer, but bis expectatîiaehava iu a position te catch tise beloveti pastor's of noces (f miat tbey cr11 tin laîtti, tisat been inost plesantly disappolnteti, anti%'Il r'xe as haie etereýl the pulpit. Thse isole la tise rock laso nean tise Surface that it 1aummer hoe ha% monketi on bis far i nt' iceie convayeti a feeling cf j oy anti unison can't be tilleti anti is ofly ggoot for pasturo! as thougishohati neyer kuemn a day'a 111- net socîr te lie forgotten wben pester anti lu tre sping anti fail. Dairy business Ines. Last spring ho bogan taking Dcdt's people rose togetiser anti sang 'Traies ni pork are thse main dependence cf tise Kidney Pilla anti a few boxes coempljey Qed fro.nt whom ail bleesinga flow. " AI- firmera. Most of thein keep frein tan te cunet i hm, as tisoy have every otiser îMir I hougi tise supply bas been excellent if ty coma and sendthie milk te tise cheeso i cf tie sdisease who has usodt tem. during Mr~. P-relpe' absence, every per- 1actorie s. Iu Newburgis there la a factory . son sceres mivore than pleasodt eba ,lit maiufacturoe, tise niiik et1200 ihwe, T civiE fTootobs~nee jt~ l. vrspaster, as lha discoureti intise -nti heides tisaI they bave a creamery Ti S eNtiNEtofyeroftpubaso anfo resnonon tise "Wonks cf Cedalu is-e whers they make butter ail inter. Cern. onIott ehyaro ulcto 1dcep" anti istene inlutise eveng te bIf>ls den Eaat, a vlla«e two miles east of ns me tisae leelintilnaisrrâctient c etwrea o tmnsrt i bas a chaseof actory supplieti by 900 cwpst aectolsepn hecuinnJ~ te tu' & aise decielen antiad iio antiCeurevilesve mies orts 5' blin,-, tise ofliciaI orgau cf tise Livr-stndar cf christian lite. Large de- bas oe t mlsoven a thousauti cowsan 5d ag soiaino niibA rc'.es .grcted hini et botis services. thera ise notiser seveu miles aouth-meset f ring tise past tue yearS many ilîponiT iaeaesvra fts idrstir iYs as large as any of tieni. Yen ulîl sec naIllimp 11-ements have beenre mati lu a'ete front th4s me are meli auppiieti mit h cisseoae, ici edr lirlcbet Ul isi e oiursgCtysena elerste ti facto-ziea. Tisecropa Ibis year are usucis ho are in'esteà in tise esuse of civis iecten eteua eeiaine bottr tsanlir~ ati hae hard anr religions liberty. Tire Senrtinel ïo Bowm-evîlie. We night mention MUr. btl terinlseoti r.an g chae oarple boityfeyfoialoiia pnia.Jas, Runduie, J. P , Mn, Jesse Truil, hMn. litle f te od kningcomlait o asip ati nsree gyo p llpeses boahparties - jE. Brooks, Mr. Win. Aussis, Re v,. G -har ti1lesý shp an unsrigly ppags bffi artis Gle a amoc, ur odeJtrCaleo as 'so "liard uiesilutisir dealings ih Romp. Tise price 1emgoi lea eîeus ms wNobr, as once a largo anti pros- cf tise paper la only one dolar per year. toult i iecsssary furnisis facta ennug à as perona village, but 8 yesrs aigo a Most sent weekly te aiy part of Canari s 4ùý ý 'scqiredl frin their ancestera anti lu later ecisatrous lfire conuninothie business part jojnite Stucs yeara frei actuel expenleace, incee- th~tie place, over ighty boussmoeWt_________________tien, with tisae ely sttlernenî of thisi harned, fro eit hi- tise village bat nevor coury toi fil a lange volume su ils self< fil y ecovered. The people have always ZgSoietinsolu tire near future ire iii mitVe riowle great in-,ereat lu educatioual urp a Iiisteiry cf tise sentis meet cerner -of nitersNeub ri cti es y a u cfte ngln.(TansAD I-D.U th ewughAadiiy -n f h pigraQmllQt mon ini ouz mcility to-day, Ill! e it calliïi«e, received their oducation bore. i.rIAMOND IDY.lES It onuâ ture over a score of yonng mou MRS. DONCASTER lias tetao - HavcE stablished a WonderfuLi dî,me troi tise Bahamna Islande te thel lobene-is hA cadeury, ou tise recommýeuti- cd to, the store lately occupied as eime' nîon cf Drý Ryerseni, te .roceive a liserai the "-Sun"' office wliere she wiLl aven1 education Tise nid Acsdemy buildings haý i Yom>i tise 11gb Sciseai, anti thougis many lier exhibit of Fali and Wîuter rf this11gb scisools il tise langer towns ..1 trD -iT N i have cutstnipped t Inl numbers t la stili Millinery on Friday and Satv.rday, l rrmt ro ca eoen doing faisistul mark unuter tire ableani 1 and 2.Teewl i h Ye Pis moud Pyes purs, fast ant itrs'i energatic principal andi bis tue capable Sept, 1 n 2.' i'iil b heýo irouder that fernale tievotion nssnt.This Vear tise sciool la more grandest display of Pattern Hutdj And firetthIongisaran centret inlu e.î largeiy aîtended tissu usual by a briglit J Ye bring, ta sacis home, jey anti plenire, primary cls et pupils. aud 'Bonnets ever showù n ire &-- .y ma y a dollar ye save ; th circuit je compact. cosupeset ie ouavle aisaecra ~ To vem'y otihousemite a tressure, goti cherches, nonA more tissu tires anti A friendi, a companion anti slave. a Slf miles froni Nswburgb. We sec a vited te cali and inspect ou-r aew Caoe'ia' groaltisoaI et merle ledo anti me are hep- lng anti prayiug that me usay have a pros- stock wliich lias been car"efuiv A fnrind, acempanien antislave, paostern amorsg Ibis pieple. A f risuti, a compaulon anti Slave, perens ~selcctcd for the benefit of the nnli.Dis'ssndl3yes bting te ail joy anti pleasune f oniti like tecenvey Ibrongis o iAnti rany a dollar Ihey save. mucontinbeti, nsmsiy anti langely cmr-t Our stock includes Feathers, iBirds, iaotDy luyreyfodt, culateti papor tire Set mishes et myseif FlowrRbos evt- ad&lamodýrsawy od o y P-nti tarnly te oun numenons ionde on thoe wr, Rlbos5elcs ad& Working xnsrriiy, nover f orloru Tyrans, iHamptonendt Enulakillon ci"- the latest novelties for FaIl a'nd Ye restors te brigitusas sud beanty cuiits. Wtb many Ihanka te yourself, IlatS cBacis germent soiloti, fadetianti menu Mr1. Editor, for pasît as ors aud beat Winter trade. iltsceaned aad lTinougisout thiseoxtendetiDominIon5, 'alises for yonr future success, anm, -41i people bave beardi et yournm, I oars truly. ,M re-sliapcd ine alti e latest style-s. N-id cîiec; are ail et opinion R. MeCL etIl iTisaI ye are enlitlîsite0 aine, INemburgis, Sep. 13, 1894. Orders taken for Rbno' C~s Corsets. AU people bars beard et your naire, Dai Ritz, Proprîton andi Pubihaher q P Ahi peopie bave'heard ofl your ure, of the lasmbnrg, Ont., Iudeptsudeiit 53say M flO n-, f lu Ibss i t'ain, oungDem-iniour -1wgsufrnfom Dyspepsia anti Liver edaPlarnantiDysa Trouble s, IIoisafeu liotties of Shiloi's NIM I _______ Vrtalizer anti itcureti me. Il'eau hieartily Minoai's Liniment Cures Dipbtheria. 'MadeLJintur (ittluOW. LrIcàmentd Cli" 1 WARM BATH, IWITR CuicraSoap And a ingle applicaion of CUTI- CURA, the great skmn cure, wil afford instant relief, Permit rest and sieep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, skin and scalp diseases, after phy- sicians, hospitals, and ail else f ail. Cuticura Remedies Exert a peculiar, purifying action )n the skin, and through it upon the blood. luI the treatmrent of distressing humors they are speedyll permanent, and economical, and in their action are pure, sweet, gentle, andi effective. Mothers and chil- dren are their warmest frientis' Sold througirot the mod. Porrca Dna àÂiii Ceas,. ceat?., Sole Pinps.9 Boston, Mr'"AU1 .about Baby~s Skiz, Scalp, sud Mair," mailed fiee. etirt 1mev sirecomferiStremgth, and e~Fvtality la Cties Faiteil, tiey youid aney e b vitisout tbem, 'ý 1. tvsry mal ibthe =ct m ad be«. 15 your digeesIon meakeneti by la grippe1 lYse K. D. C. I -was cured of li me back after sufférlng LS) yïars by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Two hi1vers, N. S. RBEnRT R OSS, 1 wva3 cured of dlphtheria after doctors faid by M1NARD'S LINIMENT. -A ntigonish. JoHN A. FOREY. I was cured of contraction cf muascles by 11iNARD'S LINIMENT. Dalhousie. Mits. RaICusP. Sxru PHOTOS! PHOTOS i1 People are now alive to the fact thst Tait & (jo. eau make ais good Crayonf Portraits for the eniail suni cf 8S.50, framed, as anyoe els can offer them. Don't be iinposed o-i by agents who want three times as much moiaey for the sanie quality Cf picture but cail and Bee Tait's excellent samples before giving yo-ur order andi ycu will we are Bure bc pleased with their work. Tait & Cors photographs can net bb excelled and the people know it. That ie whv they patronize him. They keep up to the styles iu carde and have soins very pretty new ones now. Cali andi see the'ir photos anyway if you don't want omcf vour own. Siiu,>- y baby was very bad with wlh ummer complaint, and 1 thought he would die, until I tried Dr. Fowler'a iEPtract of Wild Strawberry. Wlth the firat dose I noticed a change for the botter, aud now he la cured, and fat and healthy.J Mra. A. Normandîn, Loudon, Ont. WHAIT SOSIE LoiinoN DEtC;GîSTS SAY: "Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are the best re1medy for BiliousLess I ever handled,"- B. A. MITCHELL; 59 yeara experleuce. '.Eaeljay's Liver Lozenges give perfect aatifacton." CMCÂLIa N.- "The menit of Eseljay's Liver Lczenges ia beyond quastion."--J. C. SiHusF. 'Ami sellîng more of Eseljay'a Liver Lozenges than any other medicine." --E. W. Bovax. "Eseljay'a Liver Lozenges are growirg iu popularfavor." Dx .J.F Blr1PiiOLnzx. If Its History and Records Were Written There Would be -Nany Large Volunies, lt Stands Far Above All Otber I1, the hiFtory of Paine's iCeleryCe- Pound waa wrten, and al its oneru sad alrnoat uiiraculous curesi given in de- tafi, ir woid make a nuzuber of large volumeýs. Paine's Celory Compound has a history, though unwnitten, that wili neyer fade froni tne minds andi hearte of those who have useti it, Men andi women who suffareti for long ye-ars fromn nervouse, sleeplessnes, dyspepsia rheumatisui, neuralgia anc1J headaches, have bç%en cureti permauently *%n their lives ma.ke happy and bright. Paines Celery Conipounti has been the frienti cf legisiatorn, baukers, the clsrgy, lawryers, mnerchants, fanmers andi the ordin try labo'rer. 0ur beat aud nobleat womeu have useti it; the wivps çcf farmer, andi artisans know its life.saving virtues. No other medicine In the worid has such a homne reputation for hanest wozr and, certain, sure cures. Today car best physicians prescribe and recommenti it, andi say they know cf nothing else as zooti. Truly 'Paine's Celery Cjaipoid Makea people Weli.", We have some of those remuants of Factory Cotton that have been inquired for so mucli, We have sold hundreds of yards during, the last three weeks. You neyer bouglit Factory Cotton so low. Cail and get some of the few pieces remainiug. We are selling ladies heavy bl ack cotton hose -for 10 cents a pair and cashimere for 20 cents a pair. Yoix neyer saw such value. Good Shaker iFlannel for 5 cents a yard; et Feit hats from 2â cents up-a great bargain. We are making the above slashing cuts in order to clear ont our stock to make roomi for the new- fali goods, which are now coming in almiost daily. ý- 0 have been very fortunate in our purchases of faifl and. winter goods and the public will hear some rather startling aunounicements and quotations in a few ,weeks; but for the present we are giving our special attentioli to clearing out odd lines and as wve ind icated a-bo'vo -will not stick regarding prices as in a great many caISes we are not asking one balf what the goods cost. flo2Ît be prejudiced or suspicious and refuse to accept th0soô bargains. We have our rea sons for doing it, and whUl it îs our loss it is your gain. J. . VISON, Dry Gooa&adj weliry H outs, Bowinanville, Ont.. JÂKàROT ÀMo n Mayer the Furrier would say that hapving spent 38 years in Bowrnanville I knownot olle Winter but Jack Frost madle hs appearanCe. therefore would advise rny nmr customners and friends to have their Furs in order and îf they need repairing bring thern in early, so that when the cold weather, cornes you will not hav~e to wait weeks before we can do thern. A large stock of Purs, Hats, C aps and Gent'a Furnishïngs always on band. Everything wî1l be sold cheap for cash. ma Practical Furrier, NEW SHOEMAKER. Having rentedl the shoes hop formarly occupieti by the late, Mr. Bunner, I beiz to annunco that I amn preparet O do ai kinds cf ordered work in makiurg andi re- palring boots and shoes in the best of style, A good fit guaranteed. Fine re- pairng a specialty. A call soiicited. A. KENNEPDY. Bowmanville, Feb. 1 3th. 1894. Pol ish. LADIES, use tleck's Setala Chas Polis for Ladies and Childreni's ins Boots and Siroes the fîneat te presonve thse leaib or sud keep it p liable. It willi bave a pollsm like satin, Foir sale isy Boot sud Sires dealers. CALEDONIAN MILIS. BOWMAN VILLE. Higisesi pice paid fer all klnds of grain at tire abave ljle. JOHN 1IdacKAY, 32-4rn Propric tor, To Farmers wlo may have wool to Qx chanve, 1 beg to inform themn thnt I haVe added to, my already large stock speclal lines of cotton, shirtings, fiannelette, cottonadea, etc., which I will exchazigo for wool. Righest prIce paiti lu cash for aIl grades of wooi at the Hampton Woolleu Millo. D. TAYLOR.* d-CRAND FARM FOR SALE OR TOý N-A RENT-150 acres ln aIl, south M125«oi of lot 5, and 25 acres of north î lot 6, 001j6 e; Daniington. Fine brick house.spacious bamei' splendid soil,excelleut water strsam and wellis' fire wood on premises. Two miles [rom Bow. nianville-great chance-sale on easy terns, or ii rent foras term-plough pof3sessionix~Ven atter harvest. .&pply to Mas. JÂNE WIQIT4 on premises or te 1D. BURKE timlhsos, of Boiraq mnanville, 11t 'V ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- ,v In the Towxshlp of Pickering, aituats miles irest of Whitby Town ou the 1Kingston ItDad; bell t oaoil, dlean, ireil fsnced and watsred andin the bighest atate cf cultlvation, good buildinçcs,solld brick hôoe,wsllsorohard etc. '»Terms vcry easy. The beet 200 acre faria ln thes Townalip. .&pply qulck te A. A. c, Wtsitby. 2- FAMFOR SALE OR. TO E - F 100 acres hi north hait lot 3. cou. G, ln the township otf Darlington. On pre-inefi there !s a good bearing orchard, frame baM.l trame stable, trame drlvlng houe, (ramo bouse. Place ireil watered, suitable foer eithet grain or, pasture. Plowing p)oossson after harrest. F'or particulars apply to GEO. LANEg Oakw ccd, P. 0., Maniposa, 114 'Minanti's Liniment Cures Coltis, ec next lew days. 71 TU DLASTý1 EK' As the public know our remuant anîd clearing St àle has'been a great success; neyer bave we sacrificed. goods as we have this season, The resuit is that we -have eleared out nearly ail our summer goods. St li w-e have sone lunes on which we are going to make, stili fnî'ther reductions and thus rush ont during thp, can take but one inonthly, 9.gNNJSiKILLBN. Miss Bycrs ia home after visitinig et1 LT .IOURNALS HAVE (iIVEN *Markham,. PIED ENDORSEMENTS Mrs. Dayvid Beatir, Daieton, Sînîcope îA PUBLICATION z& Co., lias been vsiting frientis here. Misa Ina, Trebilcock, town, apent Sali- New Yor Wtld.-" 'Tr PuE,,,Ë o, . bath with Misa Teslkeýy, thse Pareoiage,,. 80 izas is admirable," Miss Violette Osborne, Tyrone, spent Boton Globe.-,'To reasrlac bmber istc 0 Sbitse h elî chreAove to neyer miss S at t he.pls Ciago Tribune--" That esefel and alwa'vM. .Yon, raie West PDur- interesting pcriodicai, Toc Rat î.w o M.c.YunPesdn Rat I'w s" hem Teachers' Association, visiteti Port, Atlanta CnttutlC-û-" Gives as Clear arn Hp nStra oîetteEeu idea cf the histeS' cf the month as could Hpeo anaytmetheEcui. eobtained f re5- ,voimes elesewhere." Rev, W. H1. Moore, llayden, touk tr Springoîield Unioe5- -" Toc RE\ îaw eR- sevctor'v . .Huk eei vicws is the be,,t publication cf the kind riefoRe..S.Iuc hre n extanit, and no b'usy mnan can afford tc , Sonday. mniss ts imonthly tst, There wil be ne serv ice iu the Prcsbýy- r-terîan ehurcli next Sabbath asRe. . Lke S UBSCRIPTION RATES. M. Phaien, B., is taking his vcto h i Ladies' A d have secu ncti Miss Em uy i er PerVear, a$5 Lick, eiecutienîs¼, graduate of Bostoni Trial Subscription, 1 .oo Conservatery, Mrs. Liddy, olui5at, .Saniple Copy, io1 cents. Lancaster, Eng., te take part in the:r Frý r th TI greet concert Oct. l2th. They epc pric eiToc Rrxyirw eorR.'- large atteudance frein Bowmmauville, as '.s w s gîve as much reading mnatter ty. as is colta'ed in two orde'ary there will lie CI{ICKEN PIE galore lu ~agazne'.addition t he ebove pregrain. Tuaz STA'rEsMÂýN waasu great demat1i i.ero last week. The citi piople havel