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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1894, p. 2

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r dentto biionsitteofth sstem, suchas fliezneseFauss. Dîsiue, Ditreis ai ter eating i inti s Sie'&. b etheir Most s-carkblesoceislia ben honwain curing aare tequally valhjUblein (Consltipation, curini, st lte sliver nd rgulteth- bowele Een if they onlycnredi FAche they wold be nît pnceleestathose Iwbo sufer frmtie isr esngComplaint;, but fortunatsly thiýr gooness dose not eud tiers, and those who once try them iili find these littplle ývluale in e mey ways that the y wîll noV be wiling o do withoiit them. 'ut , terailsiciz ihead hil others do ont. CA RE 1 L iTTLE LivEra PILLe are very smal ',,dvrye )yt take. Ons or two pille malte ade.The.y are strictly vegetabis and do Pfot gîp or plurge, but hy their gentle action pîce ah ho se them. In viale at 25 cents; fe r $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. ONTARIO BANEC To Avo id the Overflowing of Ciste'rnS Farmnere nisen have troobie diirýiig heavy reine in keeping tei cine fmom(over- flowiog. A dernpness nean Vhico use causes a damp, wet clawhic!ii siould bc strennousiy evoided-. Dbbc eccom:-.penying illustration,' presents 'a pîiu for avoidIing socS overflowing cîsterois. A fonkealý pipe e fsteneal jute the rein gotteir rmecaliver ffmom Vhs roof. At Vhe jonction off Vhs two arme or switch pipes there is e sbut-cff whicb is openated by a wire rod, which et it appeers in Vhe illustration tunuc the ob- struction plate within the pipe andl stops its entranice into the cîstern when ths latter is considorea l u noug. Tbe ot!'er pipe tIEVICE FORt'IVEVENTtING CISTEIŽS FitOINIOVER* FLOW 150. carnies the water awey loto a drain or ditch thetis properly madle anal cevereal, This keeps evemything dry about the bouse, anal ftntcinues te do a General BenkIng BusinessVthe annoyence se offten seen on the farni in eowmanville A.genIcy. wet wether is avoideal. Tbc cisteru je . DE1OSITS "ocateal back off ths kitchen, unden tics Yi(cclvsî8 in Saxîrnge Bank Denartment andl on pietfommi anal step offthe, porch, beiog et saianal interest ailowsd atounrent rates. No b anal when waten is wanted, adding much notleotithrawlneessry.All deposits in ths coîîveoience' Vu the housewite anal vayale on demanal, eaving hs lebor off carrying it f rom a barrel EX7CHA-eNGE or other receptacis oser the bouse, set eut Eclt and sdandraftstssned nvonEnrepo te catch tics watsr. This arfangement enu UntsdùStates and Carada, aso GollSiîver.ana bfe madle et any in store. It is hast made îinhledfftaleGree backsberht ana sla.df galvanizeal mron, whieh wili net mîst or 1111LLECTIONS weàr out as eaeily as in, anal wîll lest for - -- years. stumps andl Brush Piles. Botli stunmpe anal piles cff brush are an onsightiy incumbrance te any landl, anal shoolal be rom-oveal as enen as practicable. Brus piles are enon oblitereteal by hs use off fire ; but stompe are expensive te e- move. 'iVien once looseneal anal ont off their former nest, tîîmpe are eesiiy disposcal off by burning. Most bardweecl stomps, as he hickorv, maple, anal oak, seon loss their grip on ths soul by the rapial decey of their mal rente, ihence, uniesse ths lanal le et once needen, i t is Vhs) cheapset plan te let thesu remnain sîndistý;urbeal for sevemai ycare. le hs meentlime hs landl mey be pastursal witb iisp lbskýesping dowu hs bomshes Ualprueht may eyping up, by eating oiff1 hs Ievs oon as, th-yepervV l-anal is encombileredw il àpinslte methey senti up ne eprouts or -uckers, anal he presenceo of mucb pitch in hsefibre off tics wood maltes them wsil nighi indestructible, r'nomptiy maes t carrent rates upon ail part Of Great Bittain, ths United Etates ana the DOMinion oflCanada. Telegraph Tranisfers !laùe for large or ernelcorne on al partoet Cana'da. This is especially advaîitaeouï Va Persa)ns living ini Maniloba or the Northwest, ttmake!;s he funds availabîse t once at hs plajceef pay ment. Q!ticer particulans oeil at the bank. Jl -.I op TT, GEO. McGILL. AccoutantManager, -Iiive Einerge tic Men Wanted,ý 'lO represent us in the saesoff our HA-RDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. 'Peelions permanent andl affords gond chance ûf advacemeot te ail workers. Libemali. duceme-nts Vto new Men. S-efr Ourterme. The trial will cest yo 28-3mTr~nn lie day atter it je churnlred. IDueitsdl of te'very purest f'nes, groundsit It is wokdas dr!y as it ca. Congresemian VWilson, off tarif famne, je to be. The pail being emttied off die brimie, be banuteal nex tThursday by the London je dustetiL ail overtejoie wjth the sit, Chember off Commerce. Fand the butter je put in colly so 'llm ueSeta Edgehill, the sceos off the first battle . rne as wili mnale a layer of' four loches. between King Charles I. andl his Parlia- a Tis se- compectly pressea down by a mnaple nient, bcE eeid at anc ion. SOtitaltemitr epressermael ont aodin otý,, iý,hr Omsk, in S'beria, hes josV been connected e dettaid offhIfin jïthiis m trtree je iý nd wth St. Petersburg by the completion off ýe raiedof. f i ths misilr-ilircýi-tihi firet 500 miles off the Trans-Siberian Yany Cloudl or ehade off mlk, the buntter bas taiod ont been made as weiiese it s3hooalbe7 a will not corne ont in perfect c (oition. In one month 25,000 copies off Hall 2\ot a sbade off mili s0toLe permitt il, Cairns's "The Menxman" have been solal in Sthebuttr fo thisosebut ny m itre Engianal, a sale unequalieal by any novel lthai. drains ffrorn it eol be ais clear, as sinos "Lothair." 8 the dew on the mor--nug grass. Tiien the- Odessa lately ceiebrated the centeoary butter thus put in ie lîgly -nsted witlî of ite loundation. In a hundreal years it i sait, and another layer ie put lu1 inath as grown te bie a City nf 330,000 inhabi- i sainienmanî,er, util tics pail je filed to a tante andl the great port cf the Black equarter off an inch off the sdge off te ail. Sca. If the butterisje ot suffi=iceos fora ol A buest off Herod the Great, beiieved ta peil, it je packed as ffar as it can ibe anal bLe anthentic, was receotly discoversal at covcred wîth sait, aod the peil je pat aa Jernsaleim. It wes bought by hse us. Ountil hsncxt cburning, heing keptcve ian Government for Vhs Hermitage Museum witb a dean towol. Tbsn hs nrext cînr-. t St. Petersburg. ing isSpeoked ' in the saine menner until t'u he drvneofiesltl ezda pail je filicd as netîoied, wbcon tus botuter - inlrvneoiosltl ezda is covereal witl- a piece off gond evysct issue off the Million contaîniug an illus',rat- ing cloth, well w aehed in biiswater cd article on postage stampe by Haroldl andl steeped in brins, wjth thle veil, ',it j Frezierick, in whic-h ths nid penny stemp ont haif an loch larger then the noter e"dge wae reprodoced liv sngraving. off the pel. IS presseal down on1 Vhsi but,- .ltvery peSsenger lended in aiiFrench port, er to exolude ail air. a litti1e salSbeig from a steami veseel coming from a Enropean sprinklcd under it, and ;se then çovered port by a decres just isseea, je to pay.-a with dry Salt to the edge off the piail ; this tex off fifty centimes îtcn cents); ffrom any saît je wsll pressed down and ýs cver- other part of Vthe world he' pays a franc. sd with a seet off parchmcnit paper on Twenty-sevsn million francs bas already whicb je printcd the namne off the btter- been spent on the Zreat Churcle off the malter and the dairy, and any handsonic Sacreal Ileert at Mont-martre, and the device that rnay be oseal as a trads-inark. building is far from complete. The money This je in justice to the personui who will bas been 'raiseal entircly by voiuntary take al thie trouble to make a fdne article contributions. off butter. The nover, treate(Ia as tic paii Colonial forces throughout Vhe empire, bas been, je tiien secnreiy festen-eal down îincluding India anal Canada, are, by a .And the peu jes stonal in a oil, d1ean, swect recent on der off thle War, Office, te neceive cellar where hs air je dry. Bte so medals for long service, meritorions service, pacltcd wililibe in tihs finest cniin itlandl distîngoiso sa condor-t, on tbe saine May or Jonc off the next ysar, andl ehuilal termes re the regular troope. bring the higlhest market rates, TIweiuty-fivc miles off the Congo railroad, formiog, the iret section betwcen Matange WHICH IS THE SAFEST CA 1? and Kenge,are now compîctefi. The work - b'as cnet $l00,00< a mile. bbTh lins wiltic 'Well, Thet BepesidesunTh[ngýs XNeEedy niniety.tlirce miles long in 'ah, andl will 'ass Fos'esee. COnineot te imne watsrwaye above the Whicb le the safeet car on a raiiway At ths meeting off the Grand Loalge off train ?'repeatsd au id railroad man, as hoe Oddfeilowe at Chatanooga, Tenn., on Thuns- stroked hie chin and seenmcd to reflect-on day, it wes decideal Vo admit te the Order the nery " cilVic bee anwer ce througb tihe Rebekah Iodge ail Oddffeilow's thekqerje thatilthe bCar whIdesn'twives anal daughters andalal vwhite womn rriae i tht itis he ar wichdoen'tmore tban eighteen yeers of age who believe non off the rails when ail encens do, andl je the Ruler off the Universe. wbich ij e1f t on the bank when the train Thc necent neprieve off a condlemneal goes through a bridge." murdener et Rodostadt lu Germeny bas Yo'î-e travelsed thousandi off mile by bnooght outtVhseffact thet Duke George of Sexe-MeininQ:en, the organenizer of the rail ?" celebrated '- Meininger" troupe, in Vhs l'es, tees off thousande." thirty-eighth yean off bis neigu bas neyer "Andl been in hiait a dozen ac-,cîiets VI'ailowed a death sentence te becerrical out. "I've been in exactly seventýeen cioa Safa-el-Bahr, "lTey off tis S ea," is the accidents, but some off tlîem wevr, ucadlv name off the Kbedive off Egypt's nsw stsam wnnt inntioing" -yacht, bîîilt ter him on the, Clyde. It le a worh ientonig."handeome boat nf 700 tons anal 1,100 bore- "lAnal do yen locale y hseiftn ay power, itteal op with ail comffrts aud paticular part off the train ' modern improveinen te. On tics trial trip "No. WVheu I first begenavelig it made a littîs oven founteen knots an heur. Ia Hungary tics Prince Pimtslas wouidn't ride in any coc btVh ea- warnec bis clcrgy te confine themeelves te one. I had about twe o en caeice wbyiheir calling ana leiave politice atonc. He ibet wee the sefeet car, anal 'fer six o i conisiders it eseential te reestablish a gond weeks 1 went nilgo vep r Vh 1Ïuutryannderstanding between Churoh andl State, j analdeolares tha-t in eccieciestical mitters feelng s sfe a ifle y on b1 noes.he iavs eot takien pa single step without the One niightwesIlest ton mu-cblime a ,ste- previos sanion iioff the Pope. tinoanala spciaiove beold osanalsmas -Francs proposes to have a genenal exhibi. sal into the ean coach. You'll th'nk ioin off sports lu connection with Vhs I for Infants and C-hildren. T lHIRTY years' ob'servation o! Castorla with toepfrn~ f millions of persons, pe rm:it u:s to speais o! it without guo ssing. It îs nnquestionably tise est remedly for Infants andI Childreik thse worlsl bas ever knotsm. 1* is barmless. Children like it. It gives thsora ealtis, It wifl save their lives. ln it Mothers have, something 'eriicis 1s absoliniely safe and praoticafly perfect as m~ cefld's Medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishuess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Cura,. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relievos Teethiug Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulemey. Castoria neutraizes the effects of carbonlo sseid gas or poisenous aàr5, Castoria cloes not contain morphine, o!pium, or other nareotc property.. Castoria assimflates thse food, regulates thse stomaolk a'h o-Wols, giving, healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put np in one-size bottles ouly. Ii tanet sold la ibulis. Don't aflow any one te seil yen anytbing else on thse plea or promis& that itis "jnst as goos!" and "wM answor everypupe. Seo that oen met C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Thse fac-similo is on every signature !fwapr FOR SALE LY J. IIIGGINBOTEIAUI & 809, BOWMANVILLE Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLowAy's ESTABLISHMENT, JSEW ~CQ0~LOo~. 4l e permneely cures BRONCHITS Asffhma, Gaffarrh, Lung Troubles, In 1862, Mrs. Martha Besant discovered t'li process of extractiiug from Vthermots and bark ofI the I Tree ofcfe lue of British India an elixir of nnrivalled vitalizing pa-wer in curing CoI-snption and Lung troubles. Manysuiferers given up by physiciens thirty years ago who had recoorse to this elixir are nlow living. IV gives pure rieh blood, restores wasted tissues and je belleved to be the ouly Permarent cure known for Consuruption exetlasV Stage), rouichitis, Asthmia, aarrhad ail Lung troubles, as also Dys- pepsi,1ontipation, tirer Complainte anîd 1,emalle W ns.FulParticulars frec. AdrsMn. Martha Besaut, Toronto, Caad. eBswho wM i 110f shen he snnp, le m'U n e l u. train -bis Vfroccè --ls may -nwhie Uaar aruîe-are recumbent.: tics bes qalýy -s-----l ma ----niti ae anowiar aw'";y " eay nid Emperor lies berehededin the uniforîn bet uait, s t aeiyme b wenitstes nyca nal travel for ton yeans, andl off hs First Regimn i Gad w h j ad fei Vs wetfre-,fligrass, equal neyer even be delayed by a bot box ; or hlien ofGorswt s i ny rsett hsfresbi,spring passons. maY 8e-stUc down in the- car Coffhie choice impeniai -cioak- offermilce -round -bis anlbd iia oarieoftnmls shouldens anal in hie banal the sword off The firet thing lu hs precese le the peck- a. 0 twsoty.intaore oplenmsilin e state, witb laursi iseves wouod round Vhs age th seond th manerof ackngcoaMbLT. hebcEmprese wears e diaem anda age; hs ecndVh innnr of tekog cach, ganal yet two ffellows wbo ,wers veil off lacs, mass deiicatciy carveal;,see Vhe butter. atseing a ids on thseInrucks underneth hoids a crucifix in hemr banals, anal passion The beet package for thie purpose le a 1 geV off scot-free. Juet boy a finssi-ciese fiowere are scattersîl ever hs bide offlber ncw white oak ppeu, made ef sounnai imber tic et eVaberd before hs train geecs, dress. AV Vhe aber offthVh ail stands an free off koots anal blemishes, heif an incl anal leave hs esste Providence." archengel with e fleming sword. The thick, well jointeal, anal perfectly seasoned.i scltrPo.i.E ke This peul hoida fiity pouîîde, Whites pruce H-ow iR Wil.Be. supe rf.s.Eoe je the nsxt- beet imatcmîal, anal le qits as -_Mme Meke-"'You were on a jury with s-Hibcoldhvmutroh free from any objectionable odor on teste cleven men, 1 believe? bs ore-" igba mooth ld harnt becugho given te Vhs butter. The peil je prepameal Mme. Ginger-"'Yss." hsfruei ot fi antbe o by a horougb cieaoing in purs water. It Mme. M.-"Did yen find any trouble l is wtIfc." 4She-" 11mw iee prven shouldlbe soaltealfor aV east Vwenyfor agneeing with hem?" VV'is- s peut it hiernd seif."alin heurs, then weil scaldeal, anal then filleal Mme. G.-"I didn't agres e, .'itb bec Me onm-Adsm el witis brins. This le- donc -so that- it mey tbcy agrecal witb me."tge h prize ettVhs baKby show? 1*knew hie stay under hs brins Vwenty-four heurets__________would. It couidn't have been otherwise.» befors hs butter ie paclted. Tbc peu being «"Dean ittîs banal !" h mrmnel s Olal Bachelor (one off Vhsjudges)--Yce neaaly, hs butter iii peokea as aoon as àt kisse liber banal an nmcntaii neokned u imadam,we a a gneed that your baby was bas been finisbeda t the isecond working, what hs rings onuit beal cnet hj Vths Ieast robj urtionabie off Vhs lt. -ui gurzîasnwe m m ixpencu a pon-dts; wbicb je high, anal recltons that each beast wsighseseven ty-six stons. Tbe Times adals that-I "frein Vhe-figures- given ebeve-, ic je clearly evident that theshsipment off live stock off such a characten as now sent oven neyer cen pey." The feot is Vhesechedule prevents ths sendiog off store cattle fnomn Australie, whiie Vhs pnice kills the trade n fat cettie. PILES! PILE3! ITCatîNG PILES. SympTOMSu-Moisture; -intense itching anal sieging; most et night; werae by scratcbing. If allewed t o continiie Vum- ors form, whicb often blesd anal ulcerate, becoming veny sors. SWAYNE'S OINT- MENT stoDs Vhs itcbing andl bleeding, heals ulceration, anal lu meet cases removes the tomons. At druggists, or by muail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Sou, Philedel. plus. IiL a Sono & Ce,, Montreal, Whoiesal e Agents., MVaking a Rough (uess. bbc-policemen -halanresseal a very digni. fleal sert off man fornont being able Vo walk stsadily along Vhs street when there wpe& ne eanshquakss dissurbing the eatb's sur- face. Lilte some men in tiSas conditionhf retaincal hie fecnlty off speech. "Smi," Se sajal pompciusly, 'lis there aey- Vhing in my lenguage te warrant ye n luan- nesting me? "No," saai Vhs policeman briefly. "Nor lunucygerierel aippeerance ? 'No, "lWshl, sir, je there aîcythïrýgj n me as a gentlemen te warrant thie eriest ?", "lThere j." "Be kinal enaugh'te ste it, laead the gentleman braceal againeîýtthie wali anal stock bis chest ont lîke e t.uirkey gob. bIen. 'I eboulal say," neplîcdti hs ojfficercae fully, "ichet ut wes about six or eiharge drinks off >~

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