KNOWIEDGFi Brings comforl sud improvement sud tends to personal enjoymenb when *righîly usecI, The many, who live bel- ter than others sud enjoy life more, with hessî expenditurs, by more promptly adapting the worldl's beat producîs lu, the needs of physical being, wilI attemr, 4 the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embracad in the m medy, Synup of Figs. Its excellence is due te ils preaenting iu the forma most acceptabIle n pleae- aut le -the sts, the refr-eshiug-nd-tlnrdy beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cieansing the systeul, dlispelling colda, headaches sud feverr, aud perrnanently curing constipati.--. il, bas given satisfaction ,,j millions and met with the approval of the medical pro)fession, because il acta on the Kid- neya, Liver sud Bowels without weak- ening thexm sud il is perfectly free from eveny objectionable substance. -Syrup of Figs ia for sale by al drug- gis ,ta iu 75c. bottles, but il ils manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Ce. only, whose naine is printed on every package, aise the namne, Syrup of Figs, and being well iuformed, yen will niot accept any substitute if offered. HYAOINTH8 WINTER FLOWERINC BULBS. Dy leaving your orders this week yOU can save fully 30 -ber cent. Ail orders Wl1 be delivered abo'ît middle of October. Prices range from le. up. CI 'Id see catalogue. ÏSTOTT & JURY Druggiats sud Opticiaus. GRANDTRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. Gout EAST GOINe WEST Express. 840a Express.3..519 an Exprees.::1027 a i Express-...605 am Passengen.... 3 06 p w IPassenger. ...g 40 a in Passengen.... 7 01 p inm Passenger -- ._2 26 p in Express ...10 25 p ma Express 746 p ni WHEN YOUC TRAVEI always get tickets at our store. Time isoleE -fon ail ralnead fies. Always pui chls your 'tickets thie day befere staniing sud avoid trouble and incoeeune wlieu yen are hurried. We return 3Tour meney if tickets anE net used. STOTT & JURY, Druzgisîs and OptIcians. BOWMÂNVILLEC, OCT. 10, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Mrs. S. Washington is ill. Several uew advert ismenls appear thii week. Voting on the Organ Factory by-laP October 30. Mr. Mayer invites inspection of hi stock of neir furs. Mrs. W. C, Aluin, Gleucoe, is visitiný Windsor fnieuds. A uew furnace is le be phaced lu thý Methodiat parsenage. Sunday Dec. 2 is anniversany day ii the Methodiat church. Mno. John McClellau wss guesi of hie niecs, Miss E. R. Heye, Ruse Ave., To rente. Mira, S. Mason was awarded a apeei prize of $2 for hier exhibit of ohd relies s the centennial fair. F. W. Hodaou, laie editor of the FanlE ers' Adv-ocate of London, Ont., bas be appoiuted director of Farmens' Institus Everyboy-old settlers sut young the beat Cough Cure. Only eecn - ettlers-is invited specially bo visit the do5e; 25 ets., 50 cia. and $î.ü00lper botile. )w fashionable up-to-date grocery establish- Sold by Stott & Jury. ýo ment of Cawker & Tait, Bowmanvihle. Bargain-seekers wîll net be disappoint. ir No relics kept lhere-everythiug new, cd.1 Elhison & Ce- fresh and the beat of its kind. 20 per cent discount off neir goods. O~We are bouad te sli. Ellison & Ce, Ellison & Cel 0 Sales-will be forced, this m sans low Pnices will be reduced lu suit the times. 'prices. Ellison & Ce. Ehison & Ce. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla, A bicycle factory is to be establlshed at Miss Philp of Toronto, is guest of Miss Kingston. E. Runie. Thanksgiving Day falls on November Mrs., C. Hancock is visiting her son, ai 22nd this year.- Mr. W. Bunney, Newmarket.ab Seo The village of Brighton levîes a rate of, Miss M. E. Jonems àl visiting hier sister, Iw 14 mills this year. Mrs. H. C. Britain, Strathroy.Pe Beat value in ladies' coats at John J. You will always find some special bar- Ch Mason's. See new Advb. gains on the couniter at Mason's me The Methodist church buildings in Mrs. S. Noble of IRochester, N. Y., 2ni Canada are valued at $14,000,000. has been visiting at Mr. John Frank's Le .Mrs. R J. Evans ofTeeswater, lavisiting Liberals, sec that your narne is on the an, hier mother Mrs. W. Henry. She has voters' list before Oct. 15-next Monday. lot recently returned fromn Manitoba.. We believe it is Penerally admtted that O Some people are more ready to give Couch, Johnston & Cryderman show theO abuse where it ls not deserved that to finest stock of new and elegant Dry Good a aiý give praise where it is desirved. and the finest stock of Ladies' Mantles Wa T. J. McMurtry, Central Livery, will shown by any flouse in these Counties. me foi convey persons to Enniskillen Cficken The Provincial Sabbath School Conven- 2ü Pie Social on Friday at 25c. Leave or- tion meets at Belleville, Oct. 23, 24 and in der at office early. 25. Several delegates will go from this CERTIFICATE 0F ANALYSIS.-Laboratory town and district and Dr. W. E. Tilley of Dr. R. Bryce-Gemmel, Consulting and will take part in the program, his subject T( Analytical Chemist, 228 Boylston Street, being-The beat methods of lesson pre- Boston, Mass. paration. By a typographical error in Mr. Wasb- THE STATESMAN furnishes the circula- e ington'a letter last week he was made to tion: that's our menit. If the merchants Bh say their land Bold for £11 sterling per of the town Jesire to impreas on thean acre. It should have been £111. people of the county that Bowmanville !S ai Bowmanville Methodist choir talk of the place in which they may do business ~f goig utonFrday to show the Ennis- this f all to the best advantage, they can r kilnout ownhe atcicenpe.O. pak to even the moat remote corners of a er people had botter go early. the county through our co)luma eëveryW Ask to see the factory cotton we are week. Otbrnmiro h ot wie llg o 5 cts, eguarpîelln 7 fo ts eAmerican Review is a notable Issue, con- wil ei you why e are.seohng it for Ststaining many articles on timeîy and in- whenyoucore i. Jon J Maon. teresting topies by distinguished writers. The aggregate of the Church of Eng- It opens with two articles entitled"Issues land, Baptiat, Congregational, Methodiat of the Coming Elections," in whlch the and Presbyterian in the Dominion la set prînciples of the two great parties are ont-.h down at 2,579,872, members and adher- lined by the Hon. William L. Wilson and da ents. ex-Speaker Reed respectively. - an Sb. Paulsa church Christian Endeavor We are very rnueh please with the Warla Socie y will hold a social evening Mon. *y n its new formn and make up.. Theti dayOct 22d, eginin at8 oclok.improvement la very marked and muat be go Programn and nereshments. Silver, col- much appreciated by its extensive con-c lection. etituency of readers. We do nlot admire C Mr. Jacob D. Spence, who was killed so much "display" in a religions publica-,n near Newcastle last monté, lef t an estate tien, but the Army muet be -unique, weM valued at about $10,000, of which $6,800 suppose. We wish this excellent journal an is in accident policies, which are drawn In the succesa fit merits under the able and Ca favon of his mother. practical management of Major Complin. d Citizens wishing to attend the Chieken Have you brothers or sisters away from ri Pie Social at Enniskillen, Friday evening, home? How could you please thera bet- al Oct. 12, may leave word at THE STATES- ter than to send them THE STATESMAN 'VIAN office. If a load will go arrange- fora. dollar a year ? I will keep aive i ments will be made for conveyance at a the intereat in the old home and family el low rate. and wilI be the most eargerly looked for f WATCU REPARING.-For the proper paper that they receive. We have hun- adjusting of watches, skill and experience Nrew subfacriers haeTif uE S hifa is recjuired, along with good tools andNe usrbs may haoH FSATESIMAN e3 mateniai, combined with close attention to from now until Dec. 31, '95 for one dollar re details. AUl these you get at Rlckard's in advance, and pices reasonable. On Sunday night Rev. C. Pànker gav e ce Supposing the talked-of union between his large congregation a talk on the doinga the Methodists and Preabyterians of the of the General Corference and made the Dominion were to take place, their coin- report very interesting. The choir sang bined total of members and adherents ac- "'Gloria" chorus in a manuer neyer sur- cording te the last, Dominion census, pasaed by thern. A large number of would be ,603,091. A pretty good team!i country people were presenit. An appeal -Lonon Avertser.was-mado at the close on behaîf of THE GuAuDiAN which will no W be sent to end Mr. John Simpson, of Clarke, Durham of 1895 for $1.25. No Methodist famIlyT county, registered at the Morgan flouse, should fail to subsenibe for il at th spice. Peterboro, last week with his friend, Mr. A sale last week on Lot 4, Con. 3, Hîenry Jones. Mr. Simpson 18 110W am Clarke, was held under anthority of the- 70 sud although a residetît of Clarke for Midland Loan & Savinga Co,, Robt. Rad- I43 years hadl neyer been in Peterboro, and cif eat Jh rriobiif neyer ridden on a train until hie camýe te lfetna.JonGisnblf, I ths f ir.was in charge Wednesday and while both this air.were in the yard Mr. Grirnison noticed Mr. J. A. Codd, secretary of the Great the house was on fire. The burning F North West Central Railway, f ormery of shingles wene blown from the house to the Bowrnanvilhe, has instituted an action straw stack, the barns caught fine and al againat A. Charleboîs, the contractor of were bunned. Furniture owned by the -the railway, for $209,425. The suit is in1 tenant was saved. A large anount of connection with the contruction Of the hay and barley belonging to the Comnpany railway, concerning which litigation has iras bunned. conined oryeas.Where did you buy your spectacles? AtE A convention cf Young People's So- Rickard's, and 1 believe 1 should have cielies in this Presbytery will be held in been almoat blind by this time if I had "St. Andrew's Church, Whitby, on Mon- not gone to hirn. No doctor, 1 arnSastis- " day, Oct. lSth, to begin at 2:30 p.m. An fied, could have fitted rny eyes btter thanC i exceedinghy interesting program. Miss he and hia prices for spectacles are very j3Broughall and Miss May Allen Of St. reasonable, Su ch is the rephy we over-E *Pauls, Bowrnanville, Miss J. L. Rowe, heard One lady make te another sorneE Miss Aggie Somerville,, Miss Ada Linton, days since. She was satisfied of Rickard's1 -J Orono, and Mr. John Stewart,, Kendall, ablity te test and fit the eyes penfecthy bs take part. and we feel justified in saying that any d THnT JOYFUL FEELING.-With the ex- one will have the soae experience who ihilarating sense of renewed health and gives hima a trial. Rernember "your eye-E strength and internai. cleanliness, which sight is priceles."1 follows the use of Syrup of Figa, is un- Under auspices of St. John's Chui ch, ! known to the f ew who have not progressed on Wednesday evenirig, October 17, Missr Sbeyond the old tirne medicines and the Johnston, the farnous Indian poetess,1 cheap substitutes sorîmes offared but supported by Mn. Owen Srniley, theJ neyer accepted by the well informed. great loculioniel and vocalist, wili ap. ' pear at the Town Hall. Miss Johnstonr You will find al the leading lines of gained great honora in Eugland last yearr for hier recitals, and lhas been playing dur- ZCigans, Cigarettes and Ct Tobacco at the ing the past few monthe with Mr. Srniley GRAND CENTRAL. in leading ciles and towns In the Westerne Bowmanville. States and along the Pacifie Coast, gainingE fresh aurels at every stopping place. Whalesale and Retail. The good people of Boirmanville ma y look forward with much pleasure to their la Men's clothing extra cheap. coming here. Thein programme will be, Ellison & Co. one of the beat of the season.M Flannels sud blankets at very teint- The people quickly recognize menit, and ing prices. Ellison & C. this is the reason the sales of Hood's Sar- HACKNEY PRIZES. Mr. R. Bei th, M. P., has had remark- ble succesa at the big exhibitions this eason with hie Juackneys. At the idustnial iFair iu Toronto lu keen cein- atitien he won pnizes as follows : Jubilee 'hief final pniza as aged stalhion and ailver nedal for beat sta1lion any age. Ottawa ýd pnize ; Bauko lot as lwo year old, ord Rosebenny 2nd ; Hackney foals lat îd2nd; broodUnre laI; pony inharneas Et; Cob under 15 handa 3rd. At the great Central exhibition at ttawa the gold medal for beat hor4e cf my age was awarded te Ottawa: Banko vas again finst sud Roseberry 2nd ; brood nare Lady Aberdeen lot snd diploma for or beat mare of any age ; Mona's Queen nd ; firsi for pony sud 3rd on Sir Walter n Clydeadahe cîsass. PO WHOM IT MAY CONOERN. Iu order te correct a falsie sud malicieus lpont,- I take this rnethod of informing îe public that I have ;IjN MY OWN 1IGHT bought eut the teaming outfit md business of the late Thomas Barrett, tdam prepared to carry ahi kinda of reight te sud from'the G. T. M. Stationî ýreasonable rates, and will guaranlee 10 ,ve promnpt-and -ctaref.ul -attention -t--all *ork that may be entrusted te, me. Solcitiug a shore of yeur patronage, 1 remain, The Public's obedient servant, J. WESLEY KNIGIIT. The Temple of Fame concert given by 1e Oshawra ladies in the towu hall, Fni- lay night, waa a splendid performance ind deserved a muchi langer house. The ldies did well in recitation sud persons- Uon, Mis Pediar, as te goddesa, won ohdoeopiniona by her charming sud lady- ke manuer., Miss Lorna Moore, as Miss 'anada, a utIle girl of nine years, an- *ouucaed the personages in a very gracef ul way. Topsy ias aise a great attraction ndé caused mauy a iaugh by lier (?) comi- ca actions. Mra. R. S. Hamlu, who was .eclared worthy of, recsiving the crowu, niwïda a splendid Ilmother " sud worthihy nsnited the houer. The littie fiower girls iâse did their part uicehy. ANý iMPRTANT ORGAN. -The health and ife of the entire body is directly depend- u't upon the proper performances of the functiona of the atomach, sud ne other organ La subiet te such groas abuse, when en,,yt;hig that the palate craves or the oye covets fa dumped ijuote Iisabused receptaoce, sud indigestion ensues. Gel abox of Esehjay's Liver Lozenges for 25 -e3ntýsand reraedy the evil aI once. A very lange choice of furs at John J. MIas'on's. VINTomERY.-Near EnniskilIe, Oct. 6tb, the oie f Mn. Wrn. Montgemery,ot a daugliter. DIED. -InNRT Bowmauville, October 5tb, Eliza- bth Ton"uner, relici of tlie late-Reger Turner, aged '7,1 yeans and 3 menths. BOWIJ1IANVlLLE MARKETS. Co-,reeýed býy J. ûcLriy very Tuesday 1iOU, 100 liba . $1 50 to $2 0 VUÂ,FaII, P bush.... - 0 0 0 55 Russiaii, il ... O 0 o O 55 Gie,î .. . - 0 O 052 OColorado, ....O 0 O 055 White Fife,.... O 0 0 O57 o Red il ....0 00 0 60 rALY, bush, No. 1. . 0 00 0 O42 o o o2x. 000 ,0 40 , O 20 00 o 035 i oTwo rowed O OC 0 O40 0-, swhite ........O 0 0 O 28 mixed............000r,0 27 ...... 0 03 o045 Boc(:kwheat P bush - O... 00 o0O40 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush. 0O50OTo O 60 o1 Mumrny 0 00 O TT00O60 t Sinail, t.0 00 i 0 55 Il Biue, lo.0O50 T 0 55 BUTTER.. best table, P ltb. O0 0 O 18 EGOS, UOdoz ..............000 0 O13 P, TATUES, P bueh. .....O0 r O030 ÏIýOR SALE-Brick bouse two storeys ou J-' ing Street, eight roea lard aud sert w-atar, good fruit in garden.apply te TIIOMAS DAdBowranville. 41-2w 1 1EACHER WANTED-for S. S. No. 1_Là, Danlington, (Mapis Grevve> for 1895, maie or femals duiy qualiflef. Applications stating exenieucs auci euclosing testirnoniale sud qualifications recolved up te Oct. 27. JOH-N SNoM DEN, Sscretany, Box 109, Bowmaneiile. 41 -8w, 1OR SALE O11 TO RENT 200 acre Jfarrn beîng composed of the north halves >flt 3t aud 32 in the Sîli Concession of Dan- lingienk-ewuas Ithe Mitchell Uorne8tead. or particulars applY te Mita, B. MITCHELL, TOshaw a. 41-tf. just received a CHOICE LOT of. MOULDINGS ini ail the, newest EXECUTOlIS SALE shades and pat- FAR M PR 0 P E R TY. tomns suitable for The uudensîgned lias receive iristructions î t r f a m s executors of the lasi wili sud testament ofpi t e fr m s Jones Gamsby, laie of tlie towuship of1 Clarke, lu tlie Ceuniy cf Dunliam, Yeoman, to off.r for sale by Public auctien, ai BELL'S HOTEL in thes Village e! Orono. onla4It ai the heur cf one o'ckck in tlie aftrnon, t lha . L of the Township cf Ctsrke. knowu as tlie __________________ Hemestead farin pnoperiy of tirs laie Jones5 Gau'sby. A MFRSL RT E T On the promises iliere is ard te bo a geod AR FO SLE RTO E T- bric dwllig an sutabé oubuidins. GOOD 100 ACRE farta for sale or te rent juat outside the tom e! Bewmanville. Apply The sale will lie subisot tearve bld. te Tires. BINGHAm. box 72 Bowmanville Tatoue-A deposit down, ou day of sale, 36 -f equai te eue tenili cf the pondisse monsy. Balance lu thiriy days from sale witbout lu ITIOUSE TO fiENT -A semi-detached lerest,or arrangements may bc muade by whichbrieklieuse on Chuncli stresi lai sly iwo thirds cf the pondisse mouey miay be occupied by Capi. Crawford. Tera moderato carried on a fîrai morigage of lie premises for Apply te A. Youi'uE, on T. BiNGHiAi%, Bow- a terra of yearsatai 3I per cent. per annurn lu-"inanvillo, 43-tf. tersai. Funîlier tera sud conditions will ha made known ai urne o! sale or may be liad on application te thie uuderaigned Solicitor. 1JVAR NI TO fiENT.- For a tenra of Dated ai Bowmanvillis tle 241h day of Sep- 1L2 years. * Glendhu"-300 acres. 2 miles tember, 1891. from Whiitby -gced buildings sud soil. Admir. 39-4w Solicitor ter Executors. MONEY TO LOAN. $100,00 0. A large soetmcney lias been pl aced in my liauda by a privais persanu for invesîment. ou approved loans on farm asecuiiy for a term o! FivE on TEE yearp, ]3ivE A-,ni ONE HALF PER CENTi setersai wilî 0e asked payable yesrly. Satisfactony conditions for repayrneni will ha arnanged. D, B. SIMPSO-N. Soliciter. Bowtmanvilie. Dated Oct, lai, 1894. 40-if. WALL STREETI Operate Successfully in Wall Street THROUGE OUR Ce Operative R. R. Stock Syndicate. Lange Profils Realized iit i Minimum Riaka "Prospectus and Daiily Market latter"l MalleaI Free. RIGHIEST RFRNE WEINIIAN & CO., Stock anal <rain Broker, No. Il BECADwAy. NEw YORK ClTYý extenaiveoly intoTorouto milk business or stock naising for Arnenican market. Mon with capital only need appiy. J. R. Dow, Whithy. F jARM FOR SALE.- A final clasa tarm -P of125 acres or 144 acres situated lu the township of East Whithy lai cou, lots 15 sud 16 on the Base Lins, about li miles frein Osha.. ira station. 2 moiles from Whithy and 60 roda from the scohliuse. Large noorny buildings, main barn 9àx36 f t, pléniY of fruit, soul cday lesa, aitogther eue o! ths beat grain f armes ou the Lake Shore. Ne hulaon es. About 10 acres of wood, 75 acres in pasture and freali seedefi. Terra easy. Final plewîug dons. *For futher paticulars apply Lto A. A.NNis IOshiawa. 37-tf, 1To Farmera irho may bave wool 10 ex-. chauve, 1 beg te, inforn them th&t I have added 10 rny aiready large stock speciai hunes of cotten, shirtings, fiaunehette, cottonades, etc.,' which I will exebanga for wool. Highest pries paid lu cash for ahi grades of wool aI the Hamptoni Woollen Mille. 31-3m. D. TAYLOR., Propnieto)r, [Aok for Minard's aud take ne otier. ciALVES FOR SALE.-Tbnes Jerse Jcalves forsae for parlîculars appiy ale H. BaîTtt'. Souil Pr Bowrnuille. 40-3wv WTOOD FOR' SALE. About 100 XV corda liard aud soft Wood for sale in quantities te suit. delivered auywleisnî Bew- manvile. FRED J. CLEElENs, Bowmanville, P.O0. 39-3w STRAY HEIFER came ou Lot 18, B. F., Dalington. on Sept. 9. Ownsr î5 ne- quesied te psy expenses sud take lier away. J. L. METCALF, Bewmauville P. O. 39-3W* FARM TO fiENT. -50 acres Lot 18, con. 8, Danilugton, 1 mile nonth Of EnniS- kilian. Apply ai once te MES. RîGGS, Elgin Street, Bawmanville. 39 if -V RITO RENT.-North haif of lot 227 cn , Danilugten, 100 acres, geod atone liouseliarne 70xl0 witli atone stables. Ploogli- mEg may commence ai once. Possession lu Mardi on may be arnanged for in Faîl. .Apply F ARM TO fiENT. -The aouth haif cf lo.t 31, concession 1, Whitby. coutaining m1 acres more or lesa. Farm weli watere, geod fences. gned frame dwellhng lieuse, good out- buildings. wiili atone stables and noot callar, andi orcliard. Within oeeasd a quarter miles from tlie barber aud raiiway station. For fur- ilier particulars aPPlY te RIcH. RICHARDSON, Lot 3, base lins. Whitby, P. O. 41-2w. *-ARM TO RENT.-Being 50 acres, 'lot 26, con 6, Darlingion, near Soia, al dlean aid lu a gond state of cultivation. . Twe oncliards, well watered. Gond stone dwelling, excellent farta buildings with finesatone stabi- ing andi cellans. Appiy te Mna. GEO. WiLuua, 00011 St., Bowmanvilie. House and Lot for Sale by Tender. Tenders will bc neceived by tlie undersigned up te Oct. 26t i mai., for that frame lieuse sud ganden. the resideuce of!the laie James Bran. ton, situalsd lilite Village et Tyroe. The highest or any ten den net necessar ily accentefi. A. E. CLEM1INSE, ý__j Counciller, Tyrans. Tynone, Oct. 6, 1891. 11-3w. -XTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- V 'lunthe Township of Pickering, situate miles weat cf Whitby Town coi the Kingston Rqad; hast of sol!, dean, weil feuced andi watered and lu ths higlist state of ceitivation, good buildingsselid brick house,welis.orchard, etc. Terras very easy. The hast 200 acre farta ln 'he Township. Apply quick te A. A. t'esT, Whitby. 22-tf GRNDFAe FR SALE OR TO RENT150acrsinail, souili 25 acres cf lot .5, sud 25 acres of nonîl i lot 6, con. 3, Danlington. Fine brick liouse.spacious barns. splendid acilaxeelleut waten stream n d wells fire wood on prernisep. Tie miles Érom Bliw- manville-great chance-sale on easy terma. or wifl rent fora tanin- pleugli possession gîven aller-liarvest. Apply te MES. JANE WIGHT' ou premIses or te D. BuEHE Sîan'aey. of Bow-. manville. 31-tf