s s GRATEFU L-COM FORTINO. £?PS'COUR0 BREAKFAS-SUPPER. "Iyla horougl knowled:e ofsthe nature, Iaws wh hgveru the opertic. OCdigestion an rtoand ndbya'arf*t plication )f the fin. proprties d byr.a.'3e=ecte.eCocoa. Mr. dpe,,a prov.ded our breakfast i ables with a delîctely fivor.d beveraewhieh may save ns many heavy doctor3' bille. It le by thse ndi.in use of such articles of diet tista cOnsijintion may be gradualty bilt up until tronz enongh to resisi every tendency to disease. llundred3 of subte maladies are floatilsg around us ready io attack wherever there is a wea.k point. We mav escape maux a fata shaft il keepinq ourseives well forti flefi witis pur' blyod ad a rouerly no.rised frame."-' Civil Service aGazette,." Made simplx wîîh boiline water or millt SelcI enly in paokets. by Grocers, labltsd thus JAMES IPPS & Co., nRmeeepaihlleCheuil Igs. ,London. ngtanld, QÇaadîau ftattomn WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1894 DU. J. C. MITCUIELL. 0ME F COLLEGE OF PRYqICIAN %nd Surzeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Office and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. B APIRISTEIL. F0LTCIT0R, k,. MOPRIS BI OcM. uPstairs, Kin'z Street. lBow'uan- ville. tfficior for the Ontari Bank ItOliT. YOUJNG, V. S. O %FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM "News Bleck. where himsoif or assistant NN il' be found from sam. to 9 ).m. Night catis al residence,dirccelyopposileDriti Shed., Calîs i 3 telegaph or telephone will receive prompt attention 171yr A. A. PUNr, A RCHITECT. Plans and Specifica. S.rc ions Preparedfor every class of building. ,pecal attention given io heating by steam sird bot water. and ta sanitary arrangements. Cfiice.: Gorie Block. Whitby t3-ly Rt. PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J *MBRIMACOMBD-E SDENTISTI. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE Gzents' lothing Cteaned, Dyed. Pressed and Repaired by Dyer andi loibes Cleaner Gocis wsrranied ta be as no onue w il know tisem from new when doue. Corner King and Ontario SGraî, Bewmanviiie 'rDE NTI1 S-3TR-ZY. C. IIARNDELN, L. D. S. Grad uate f the Royal Colleg a of D a atit Surgeons, Ontario. ,FFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VI TALIZED AIR. N ew Tailor Shop The nndersigned who bas been carrying on the tailoring business n connectionj with Mason's Dry Goods Store for a number of years bas commenceti business lfor himietf at hie residence. King St.,west, where ha i3 preparuci ta make geuts' and boys' suits in ait the latest styles. and ait owest pneuas. Foc those who wissbta order suits. ho wilI carry a fuit line of amples inalt tie newest patterns. Give hlmn cati. J. T. L EN Fashionabie TailorJ THIE DOMNIN Ili[IRuaI Fire 1nsuranCt Associitiou lessies a genuino "Blankot" Pclicy ta farmorE RATES:- let Class 65 cents per $100 2nd : 190) 100 STerni. 1 years 3rd 110 100)ý Most of West Durham's promainent famen are insured in it. R. J. DOYLE, Esq., JEffE TRULL, Esq Manager, 'President, Owen Sound. BowmanvittE. lWiU cati on receipi of posi card. Agen' 'or Wyesi Durhamu. A. W. FOLEY, Box 148. 50-6rnBowmanvitle, Ont "Bagc kac h, tke cauengers iieans the kid- of the system. neys are in "De/a y le trouble. Dodd's don gerous. Nog- Kidney Pli/s give Ieeted kidney prompt relief" troubles resu/t 1'75 per cent. in Bad B/eod, o f disease is Dyspepsia, Liuor first causod by Complaint andt disordered h'id- the mest dan- ineys gerous of ail,t Cù"Mght as well Brights Disease, fi-y te have a Diabetea and îhea/thy city Dropsy." Iwithout sewor- "The aboya Sage, as good diseases cannot health when the ex/st -where kidneys are Dedd's Kidney c/egged, they are Pli/s are used." ofSold by al deik,,s or sint by sua on rceptg ofp 5oes cents. pe box or six for $2.ýo. Dr.L.A. S-ith & Co. Toronto. Write toi- Sboots .aI!cd a TIk-., H EALT Il Talks by the Dotor. 1TYPHOIIS FEVER. It bas been wiseiy saniS"Iu turne et ponce prepare for war. " Se, in turne of bonush propane for sickuesa, raison, tl'e better way te provent it, See tisai your waten supplies are kept pure ; tisaino refuse frein stables anS eut-bouses eau infecttise well or ciaieru. Froin impure water come oun geatesi ille. Tise oellar bhould ho îbonougily doneS and white- wased; every nooir anS corner may bolS tise germa of Sentis ; air it well ; take down ceaie et fine in an olStin len anS hum na handful et sulpisur, te fumigate overy nicise anS cranuy. This abould ho doue now, wisen you can romain eut et doors an bsout or two te loi tiese ulpisun Se us perfect work froin ceilan te garrot, af ton. wards open yeur bednoom Suons anS win- dows to lot oui tiseturnes. Keep youn cabisages oni et youn celar ; îisey Secay easily, anS croate siekuese isy ihein horrible stencis. InSeed, it were tan botter tisai yeu have no vegetables ai al under your bouse. Tison wiil your home ho pure anSdisealthy. Put yeur supplies lu tise ground on lu some pince prepaned fer tisei. Botter incun a littie expouse te do ibis tisan pay tise doctor many turnes more Iter on, Bui wisen tise malady baa corne it rnust ho disposeS et in tise heat manner possible -tise patient siseuld ho rernovod ite as- otiser iosgue, or ai leasi 10 a sepa rate rorn away frein ail but tise nurse. As chiii,ren cannet bhofetservice tboy liaS btter n ho allowed wbene tise patient is, fer mutual protection. Thse lessîrsitiîre lu tise reeni tise better, as carpors, beddî.sg anS upisol- stery are oly nestsofe infection. Aside tram tIse bed anS necessary chairs anS table iitttie else is esential. Tise roosu siseuid ho ventilated ai al l imes anS kept wýitisin ceintotable temperaturo. Tise disense beiug soit-limiteS, having its allot- ted turne te rue, officions medication is sirnply isunturl. Hence tise treatinent is rathsen te pruveni complications whicis n'ay arise. Tise firai ibîug te do is te se tisaitise howels bave hoon tiserongily evacuated. Fer Ibis purpoae a cahextie-saits are hest -shouid ho givon. A dily warnn ponge bath containiug a tablespoonful of soda, jusitishe cookiug soda, in naxasihowl et wator, the surface frein bond te foot rubheS caretnlly witis a sponge or towei. Tbis sisonîd ho douncis chmeroing auS hedtime. Ail ofleisive substances sisoid ho at once removed frein tise rom, that tise air may ho as pure anSdisealtisfil as possible. Lighi iet etfasucfoodsans tise patientt uist protons. 1 advise onimeal, ico lu any tonm; the yoik (only) et aett boiteS oggs, toast brenS, or crackers, jellies, a baked apple if desired but fruits are net best- tise only exception 1 suggeslù ia waienmolon. Its juice seema veny grateful, especinily wisen tise fever la bîgis anS uitile else eau ho eliebed. Freintise fifthtisthie seventis day tise mestintarked cisaractenistica et typhoid foyer wili bave manifesteS tisemelves-tise Snownish spots, oîpeciaiiy Sîstrîbuted even tise howels anS put etftisu stensacis, anS tise dry,' bre wu ceai on tise tnue andS on tise 'Ctet, L1ot înfneqnentiy tis o tngue la crneked withbhig fissures, making speakîîsg andSanlowing vory iffienit. A mixture of hait honey anS hlaitglycenine, trequently applied on tise longue, tends te Leep il soft and moisI. giving great relief, Tise teotis sisoul d ho kopi dean hy rubbing witb a wet aponge. If tthi siifagreat, roiS seak ton will Se foisud veny comfrntîg; a tailespoonfui as ofieon as Sesined - I have useS tis drink many yenrs and I tiink it a favorite bey. orage lu this cns et cases. One efthtie moat Seligitfni drinks, niso, wben lîked, is nice tresls huttermilk. ltis tlaI once a geed suedicine, teeS anS drink. Tise foyer la kept witbîu bounde by a solution et chlorate of poaa-a level teaspoonful efthtie powden in two quarts ef nice dlean spring or weil water. (If tise wator îa not very dlean yen baS botter bell it.) A teaspoonful given every haIt bout 1wisen awake. Tise petnsh nts as a fois. 3 ifuge te keop thie foyer Sown, anS the oxygen it coutaina gnotly assista iu sus- iainiug tise systeun. By ils use sonea in tise moutis anS stemacis are nsunliy provont. ed, aud tisaI moat serions resulit et typisoiti tever-ulcerntion efthtie bowels-is fan lest likely te eccur. This treatint, anS sncob additional attentions ns tise onreful, wiîe nurse may -se proper to resent te in tise course eft tis foyer, wîll answor ail probable neede. If, isowever, serious comnplicationr.aiae, in- possible bore te determine, your goad physieian's services will need ho employed. But in a la4rgo rnajeity et cases tise sug- gestions outiined wiil conduce te a sant recoeory. Wardrng 011 Consumption. The foundation.etftisree.fourthss et al cases et cosumptien is laid beooe tise age t îwenîy-five yoan,în wernen Sursng tisein teens. it is, theretore, imnportant tIsai gnewing cbiidren sisouid redoive greai cane anS attention dnniug tise early tail., htisi tan btter te wand off attaeke tisan to cure tiseinanS ibis eau bardiy ho effected hy tise constant use of medicine, condints, sti.mu- lants, etc_.non by te. ehuicoddling ln. Ser orto.n an on woman eau bave a hardy ceet wiso doos not breatise pure air. Sunahino sisould Se courteS hy people pro- disposeS te cousutuption. Tise exorcise sisould heofe a genile nature anuS draugiss sisouid ho cnrefitly avof led. Carniage exerciao should net Setakeu ou a îiay wisen high winds are blowing. Tise only SaS 0 fecs ofuigisi air lie in itaS eing coider 1anS danîper tisan tisai et day. A' sudden 1change frein a warm naom te a colS eue, if euc'e stands about in it, veny oet eu givos n disagreeable chili. The soroing tub bath s net beneficîile weak-cissted people. Ruhhing tise body every morniug witb n edry, nough îtowei promoes circulation and prevonts ail danger of a suddeui chili. Tise chest siseuid be ruShbeS wiîis sea sait anS 1 weli covered wiilu a lght ehest protocten. A amail cupful et milk taken in tise menu- in bu etere gettiug Up, will give trougth. IPlain, ensily digesteS teed is tise besi, tise Imont souid ho tender, fis anS gzaine siould ho oatensu seasen. Lemonade anS lime Ijniee witb meais fa very rofnesbing. Medical Don'ts. No net torget tisai the laxative fruits a re fige, oranges, nectarines, tainarïnds, prunes, pluma, muibennies anS dates. jDo not forget tisaitise word isintect meanis simpîy "Go purify or tu cleanse, WORLD'S PRODUCTION 0F GOLD. and tisai dîsirfectaute cao noever occupy thse place properly filled by fresis A Very Coussderable latrease Over Thse air, perfect cleaulineesg and sunsiine; Previ OES eaî's of This Pecade. afiter every possible care bas been taken in ail otiser respects. Do nt forget tisai straining may hurso a blood.,vesseliof tse retina-ihat part of tise oye whicii is connecied wiib the eptic nerve-and cause temporary blindiness, if obiiged toairain under any ircumsito.4nce close tise oye, as this gîves a littie support or pressure to ail >tise sot t tissues of the oye, and will help provent an untoriuns.te occurrence. Do not torget tisai veal, pork. turkey, goose and duck should bo excluded fromt thse children's bill of tare, and tisai no fried, biasbed, stewed, or twice-cýooker meats sisould bo given to ibeni. Cbildren's meat should be eiher broiled, roasted or boiled, QUEEN AGAINST H-ER WILL. The Nplery or Mtargas-et Youîng, Whao jRluctaatly Ruies. Tise barque Il elen N. Aimy, j ust return- ed to San Francisco trom a trading voyage among tise islands of the Souths Pacific, brings tise sîory of a prinicees who ruies over tise Manua group agaiuet hber wisbes, though lber aubjecis uorsip lber rmuch after the fashion that thée Peruvians hu mbi. ed thesseives before thse vîrgins of the suin. Margaret You.ng is the grand- daughter of Fraucia Young, an English sailor, who iauded aitishe Isand of Tan nearly a hundred years aga, and married the native queen. Through the dets et ail the heirs apparent te the ibronie of, thse Manuas Margaret fouud herself cailed upon te rule. The news was conveyed ta her ai Apia saine months ago by a delega- tion of chiefs froin Manua, and aise was forced by the laws of heredity obiaining in thse Southeru Archipelago te accompany tbom back te Tau, where aise was installed as Queen. She is twenty-iwe years otage and highly educated. At tbe tnme et ber suddeu ealltroim Apia she was pursuiug bier studios at a Catholie couvent. CJapi. Luttreli, of tise Almy, and bis wite, wbo accompanied hlm on bis lasi trip, were tise irsi white people permitted te inter- view the Quecu. 55e told them.ttiti er lite was one ef misery, iu spîte ýf tise great respect sisown lier by ber: native subjecis. '£he saocity et ber dwellinig is rigitily preserv'd by warriers, whe stand reidy to decapitate the iniruder whe dares ta enter bier presence without firsi being especially summened, "Tise grand chie? ef the group is the oniy man tisat j is -Ilow- oS te approach tise Queen," explainied Captaîn Luttrel, 1He atteads te bier wants, assiqted by two maids, who nover leave ber aide, excepi when ihey are cali- oS upen te de bier bidding. Shouldý any native desire te pay tribute taeronis the shape et fisb or tew], lho must tasten bis gift upen the end et a bamboo poie,advauce with clesed eyes, and thrust the ýiick through the denrway of tise palace. 'S'he ta net ailowed te walk enteido bier cab ýin's 7limita. 85e muet hoe carried on a littr by lier maids, and wiser she ventures focrth upon snob, a je-rney eub 'jects areor.ee under painsf ethntsta koep hîd!det iu iheir respective domicies" Theo Qjan explaiued te Capiain Luttreli that she de. sireS te ho treed, but bnd nover dared to say se te these whse held bier prisener. MVODERN CANAL BUILDING. A iide leIvergeac r « Piin As lo thse Ceai er BuHeing Cenie. Saime figures were adduced a tishe receni canal convention bolS in Toronto that ougisi teimaienially înedity our ideas of Lcanal building, Thse Minister ot Railways 1and Canais ait session maSo the statement ftisai it wotld ceet $130,000,900 te deeper 1tise canais between Lake Erie and Ment- rreal. In tise absence ef more authentic in- t ormation, tise country bad te accepi bit astatemeni as somewbere near tho reality. -But an emînent asirioritv at tise convention mado tise Minisier's estimate appear like a liuge exaggratien. Mr. L. E. Ceoley it i chiot engineer efthte Chicago drainage 8canal, upon which tisat city is spending ,25,000,000. MNr. Ceeley states tisai if tise ii sainieeonomic anuliances as are useSo THE ORLEAN'S FORTUNE Thse Unerownet Kings of Fraiice.1re laA No Danger of Starvîîsg. A miuiug engineer et esiablished reputa- TeCmed at a o tuy u tion, Mr. Walter R. Ingalls, centributes a TeCmed ai a e tny u snmewhat elabrate report'on the world'swsfodfiuny Hevewfbscsld non was tisat itîout iseapa of money anS productien of gold l 1893. it shows avery royal husbands or wives thioi loi would Le consîderable ineroase over the previeus yoars unenviable, of ibis decade, Inuftac t, it reaches iigh , Between the dowries-he could give anS waier mark in tise bistory et gold produc. tise importance tise courts et Europe attacis- tien, tise total beiug $155,521,700. Tise ed to hlm as a "legitimate" preteuder,their United States stands at tise head f thtie matrimonial prospects were billiaut. Tise lit, with Australia a good second, and no Queen oi Portugal was givon $20,000 a other country belouging totieseanme class.a r uigle.prns ieie h The United States' production waa $35,- will aliegetiser have about $60,000 or more. 955,000, and Austraiia's $35,668,600. Great Se wili oach ef ber sisters. Britaiu outrauke tise United States, for, lise youngest son was lot t tise reversion besides Anstralia, it haBritishis ndia et Villa Manrique, whicb is now wortb ($3813600 an Brtih Gian ($,56,-8,000,000 frncs. Tie Comte de Paria ($3813600 nn Brllas Glan ($,56,. uet have been worih $325,000 a yoar, 000). Great Britain anS the United States independeutly of wbat lho baS from tise tegether produce t ully hait the total output Duciss de Galliera. ,.' ged bte end eer.Tis msi orrar ReH had a tourteentis part efthtie 52,000 of gld he orl ovr. he ostremrk-000 francs ot appanges and et "tise Orleans alite new fields are in Atnica. Wisat is debi" et 16,000,000 francs, wisici tise Ver- called tise " gold ceast," on tise wesi aide sailles Aaaemhbly allowed te Louis Piiippe's et tisat continent, only yields about a mil. dehi. lion Thelan of he issinar poeý 0f tise unclea' and aunts' ahanes hoeand lieu Tie mS e tie msanar po t'stie Ducde Charîres isad about $200,000 dreann, "where Atni's suunuy founiains peur apiece, tise arreare et riseir moîberas dower down ihoir golden sands," is -no longer anis icoîne, wisicis wns secured on tise Orleans nppreciable factorninîthe world's goldproduc- estates. Tise Duchesse de Galiera gave tien. Tise golden Afnica eft iteday is tise about 1,500,000,000 franco. A good dent Souths Atrican Repubiti, espeeiaily tise dis. efthiis was aunk in improvements efthtie trict of Wuîwatersrndî, et wisicisJohannes- Eudeîîd Amuboise chateaux and estates, but hurg ta tise centre. Tisese mines were onlv very litile et it was spent or, politicai or- locaîed in 1875, and active operatiens d-id gaîtizationa. net isegin until 1882. Tise yieid is se large Tise fortuneetoftise Ceuntesse de Paria tisai met yenn Ainica baS, al i old, $29,-205,- must ho very great, but il is been k ept 800. Accordingie Mn. Ingalis tise prospect "Sark." is' tisaitisese Witwatersrandt mines wil grew icher as tisey deepen, and before ALL MVEN mnny yeans rival, i net oxcet, tise Austra- hian geld fields. linssia, which hegan te ho Young, eid onr middle aged, Whoo Sud tisern a gelS produciug country in 1822, is otenseslves ieýrveuF, weak and exbausted, Whso in nank, $24,806,200. Tise mines are nmain. are broken down frein excess or overwork ly in tise Ural Mountains. But, wile Rua. resulring in many efthtie tollowiîîg sym. sia is n large preducer of gold, it is a still ptoms - Mental depression, premature old langer absorber et it. Imports are enon- ago, bs et vitalitty, ls et memory, bad> mous, tise ebject heiug te accumulate a vast dreains, dimneset sigist, palpitation et stock et gelS is tise Czar'asîreu g box, lu tise Seant, emîssions, lack et energy, pain 1892 thsis importation for tise imperiai treas. lu tise kidnoys, beadacises, pimplea on tise ury was $89,301,098. Tise great henn is tise face anS body, îtcising or peculiar sensa- great miser et to.day. 0f Chinese produc- toin about tise scrotum, wasting ofthtie tien very uitile ià known. Tisai countrý5 organe, dizzinesa, speoka hefore tise eyes exporteS about $9,000,000 in 1893. Tisati ticing efthtie muscles, eyeiids anS 015e. country bas veny little use ton gold. Silver, wisere, basistulness, depeaits in tise urine, eveu is little uaed,as compareS with cepper, bass etfiii power, tenderneas ofthtie scalp wis1icis is tise cash ofthtie people. anS spino, weak anS fiabhy muscles, de- Perisapa tise meat sigoîlîcant tenture et sire te sleep, tailtire te bu resteS hy sleep, tii eperi is tise side tîghit tirows upon constipation, dsllness etfiseanîng, bset tise silver question. M*r. lugails speaka voice, desine ton solitude, excitahility of tisnougisouîtishe report efthtie appreciaticu tempor, sunken eyes, surrounded witb et gelS, Si'er is not cheapen ; gelS is LEADEN CIROIES, oily lookiug skin, etc., donner. Fonty years ago Victoria anS New are ail symptoma et nenvous debility tisai Seuilh Wales proiluced $62,000,000 iu gelS, ionS te insaaity unleas cureci. Tise sprng anS Calitonnia waa aIse at tiseiseigist et ita on vital force bnving leat ils tension eveny gelS boom. Tiseno were neot w&anting long. funiciion wanea in conequence. Those beaded caital ata and financiers Whso who tisrough abuse. commutteS in igner. theugisitislat siiver wouid soon command n rance, mny bo penmanntly cureS. SonS premium nItishe established ratio,. it diS your addresa anS 10 conta in atampa ton net go up, much as geld bas in these latter book on Siseases peculian te n'an, sent Says, but tise ratio was net changeS anS sealed. Addness M. V. LUBON, 24 Mec ne prominin was realized, unleas it wns donueil Ave., Tcroute Ont., Canada. in a few insiguiicant casea. Anotiser ide 36-dy ligisi is tisai tisebigis pnîce et gelS, as coin- Tise woman's club oftChicago have Secîded peS witb sîlver, is favening tise lucreneed te nid again ibis winton tise unemployed production efthtie former, net only noga. women anS chiidreu efthtie untontunate tîvoly, but positively. lu tise United States penn. a greni rnauy silven mines are sisut down, -- because it dees net pay te work them, and liow to --et a "SunligZht" pictura. tise pent-up waters et enterpnise are seek- Seud 25 "Sunliaht" Soap wnappere ing ontlet tisrough tise cisannel et gelS (wrapper boarlng tise worda "Why Doee minîng. But tisai is net ahl. Take,tor illus- n Woinan Look Old Soonor Tisau a Man") tration, EritiabtIndia. "I'se operation of tise te LEvER BRos., LiS., 43 Scott St,, mines efthtie Colar fielS et MVvsore,"saysMr. Toronto, and you will receive hy post a Ingails, 'Is attendeS wiiissoiome difficulty pet itrfe ri detsn n ou accouni et tise uniseaîtistul climate pet itre nefen;detsn n but" hoe aSSs, "«tise cosi et production bas, woli worth framing. Tisis jeau easy et course, ieenlessened by tise decline lu wny to Secorate youn home. Thse seap tise value et silver, in whicb. wages are je the eist ln the mnarket, and il will Epaîd." Tise saine renîank, suhatantialty, oniy ceat le. postage te senS in the is made about tise gelS miuiug et wrappers, if yen leave tise ends open. Mexico. Tise total yield, as we have ni- Write yotir addresB caretuhly. tready stated, wns $155,321l,700. Tbis in- Mn. Sarpe-"I can'tt pay you for ibree tludeS tise neariy $25,000,000 et Russîn, on tour weeks yei. I lest n laot et mouey ,f whiicis cannet be saiS te tarin any part efthiis mentis in speculation." "FYou don't tise genanal anpply, heing alisoanded at atWoewsi? homo. Tise abuermal or extra commercial ylWoewsi" tabsorption et that country for .1893 is not "'110WV TO CURIE ALI SKIN DISEASES"' ij given but it la fer 1892. Tisait yean tise SiMply apply "SwAYNx'S QINTMENT." - ttal outputiwas $146,297,600 ; tise Ruasian No internal inedicine required. Cures « output $24,806,200, anS tise Russian touter, eczerna, iteis, ail eruptioîîa on the 8importation for tise impenial treaaury, face, bauds, nese, etc., leaving the skin $89,301,09S. Accerdiug te Mn. lugala dcean, white andi heaitisy. Isî great heal- itise Russîanuotput ouigis net te be ciou- ing anS curative powens are poýsessed by sidered as a part efthtie general supply, s0 e osnrmd.Akyu rg tt itisai, nccording te tisese figures, tise wold. 9outside nt Russa, really baS in 1892 a goîd SwAYNE'S OINTMENT. Lyman Sons & yield et only $32,190,302, net mucis more Ce., Moutreai Wholesale Agents. tisan eue-baIfthtie yîeld lu 1893 ofthtie Tise optimnist--"Now as te womnan,genor- mines et Victoria anS New South Wales. nily speakig--" Tise disagreenisie mas tisa canal were useS te deepen tise Si. Lawrnce canais te 20 foot, tise work ceuld ho doue for $27,000,000. Funtisermore, hoe States tisai 52ý3,000,000 wiii build ani entine- THE EATING 0F BANANAS. ly uew canai frein Niagara River te Lake Ontario, altegethen witisin tise United States tenitory. This makes tise total Tise canîdsin Cosumption Last Year tins ceai ot a 20-foot systein fnorn Lake Erie te jEstmated at About 43,000,000. Montroal, accondiug to nr. Cooley's eaui- Tsrsacsmnipeso ia iecn mate, $50,000,000, or $80,000,000 less tisan Teei omnipeso htt'lecn Hion. Mn. Hnggart's estimate. Net only sîsspîlon et hananas has. greatiy increased tisat, tise canai Mn. Cooiey speaka et frein isere in rodent yonrs. It la founded on tact Lake Erie te Ontario would f ave euly te n mucis greaten extent tisan mosi papular oîght on aine leeka, whereaa tise Welland, eso.BthiCadandheU tl bas 26. Tise lime consumeS in geing imprsin.BtinCadantsente tisrough encis lock is estimated as eiqual te Statea tise taste ton this tropical fruit bas a voyage et 10 miles in open water. Tisere beon cultivated to an extent tisai bas isan drop et 36S teet between tise two lakes, brogisi bananas itiste liai et article and tisenmodern canal buildor wouid de- o scend by stops of 40 foot, wisereas tise Of coumon cousumptien, anS tise qunntity descent la made ou tise Welland by stepa et importeS figurehiigis in tise tmaSo etno 15 teor. Iu tise ligisht ftiese figures as te et bots ceuntrios. Iu tise States tisere is an colt anuSefficîeucy et tise inteat sylteins, tmtdcnupine 20000t thse question et deepening tise canais is 14,000,000 buncises a yar. Formenlytîiey bonuS te become a more îImportant and nee ciiSb NwYrbu, h practicai question tisan it bas been in tise geteedpcrtîefiy h y New Orlis antse ___________ irongis wiici tise soniberu anS western inanret are supplieS. In Canada tise maSo WOMAN'S LIFE IN INDIA. in banana bas neacised cuite respectable dimensions, ton lu 1888 just 59,414 Suncises An Exitaice Wliiont Wlikeduess, but wene importeS, wiile lu tise five yeara since Inioieabiethon ibeimporisisave mountedup steadily ai Ilutoerabe. 'thia rate: 1889,145,000 Suncises;1890,233,%40 Tise position efthtie native wemen et Rnj- hliiches ; 1891, 284,000 buches; 1892, fputana is siugularly Seplarable. PenneS 288,000 buncises; 1893, 430,000 Suncises. As frein tisir babybood wiîisin tise narrew tisene may hc, rougisly speaking, frein7,5 te limis o thezennatheyareont ff rom100 single bananas in a buncis, the Canduan limta t isezonna tieyareeutai frinconsomption iast year was about 43,000,000 inîl contact with the enter worid, wîish in aIl, on about eisht apiece te eveny man, whsis îisey communicateoenly ibrougis wornananS chilS lu tise country. But tiseirslvgilsen o nynmn thiere are atil a greai many people wiso su rla gils, eî gn et en i esmofn enver toucis a anan a,be ause tiey ave n t but ardy ay wmonven te laies et yoaequired aiiking forits soneWhatitsipid sufisciently higis nank living wiihin visiting baste, se tisai tiseBumber absorbeS eachyean distance et eacis olier. Tbey are quite unu- y the negular consumons wouid punisaps a educaied, unabie toeietiser rend or write or abeck tises, if reventeS. But as there are i work ; noiising therefore romains to bisein ne menus et arruving ai the facte, tise ban- ebut tiseir affetions, anS these are out- ana eter is quite ente frein tise impudent nageS, tiseir busisanda pretessing ne love caiculations efthtie statietical fienS. Tise tonrtisein anS viaitiiug bsein but occasion- init la remankable for 'tB nourisisment anS nly, ibeir eilîdren being taken frein tisein is, ne doubt, on tii accoui t avored by ai a veny enniy age anS placeS under tise tise poorer people oethtie cities, wise ebiain guardiausbup et moýn, tiseir motisens Seing in fiai once trust anS food. Tise banana ia s cousidered inufi anS alas ! truiy, to bring so uuiversaaiy consumeS in tropical ne- thern up. Is t te be woudered ai tisai sucis gione tisai it ranks among national foods au education, sncb a violation ef everylu-wbie cnieor Ss teaSto peses iene stioci, every need et a hurnan beigs'oid bîicoqerustaeetppesnohe tproduce cronînres ingtslarly Sd(_vd couniries. a du y r Ln W7heu Baby wvas sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, TVheit she becamae Miss, she elung to Castoria, -"'en she had Chiltiren, she gave theiu Castoria. A trust of $20,0OO f created for Panl du Chaillu, tise explorer, by tise will of the laie Mrs. Maria L. Daly, wife of Chief Justice Charles P. Daly, of thse Court of Cemmnon Pleas of New York, wich has just been filod for probate. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEOY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cerisin in its effeclos ad neyer bhLîerg. KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE. ox'CrauHeudersouiCo., M.l,Feb.1, '91. Dr. B. J. Itnusi;AL Co. Dooksnd ohge.Ilus 0useagret doYt ef your 5t'udall's Spavin Cure with pied suevese; il is a wonderfut m1e one c e .da me tinthad au <Seit 9 Pavi ad Ove bottes eore er. 1 keep a betie ou baud mii the toue. Youstruiy, CHAs. POWait. KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE. 1 Dr B. . KgDAmCo.CANTON, No., Apr. 31 92. Duar Srs-I have used sevu-mi inties ef youn iteudals Spavm iCre" wNith soucissuccees. t thinkthe tis bl in 1t ever used.fHave ce- ,nov.i un Cur, oneIiiod 9,a-vsd ktteci 0¶w Bss ps Il. Hve recommendd it te "eeal nm reowt remut"Pt"I sd"itn sud ee i. iesp.e-tof__td "-S. H. 1Î-0 , P. 0. Box813. For Sale by nil Drssggists, or address Dr. lB. J. K-E-YDA.eL iC02Pr.Y, " I1 have a" n A ye's P US for manyli years, arda, ay4 dcýrred the best ne- sut i rom tîeir ute For Stomach and Liver troubles, and for thse cure of Iteaiactie can ed yt eangemients, Âyer's l-'ll caue beeqtae ti. ey are easy t0 latte, anti Are the Best all1-ro'înd f:sit-' ioedicine 1 bave ever l~nouîî " MAM yJ01INSON, 368 ider Ave.,New Xî1 kCity. AVEWS PILLS Highest Awards at World's Fir -OR SALE OR. RENT.-Rouse and FI l acres for sale or to rent. situate on Seugog street nortb. Tise premises cofflsîiOf a good house wiîis every couve nience, driving shedetab'eetc. Tise ardonconiains alot 0f thse eboiceaL fruit Of att vaieties. iminediate possession can be givon. For particulars apply "o. .piFîaH Rnwmna v!118 Ont 49-tf THE CANADIAN, STATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 $1 per annum in ativance, otiserwise $1.5). Subscriptions always payable aItishe ottbs eo publication. Advertising- rates unles by cou raot, 10 cents per liue, neuparie I.fIrst inserb on, and à cents par tineeacis subsecineat ini- fertion, Locale, 10 cents per lino, M. A. JAMES, Publisher from children or aduits,3 OERmik,4WORM LOZENCEr. AI.vays prompt, reliable, ste and pleasant, requiring ne after medicine. Nover faiHng. Lea\ e no bad afler effecîs. P.I... 25 cents per. Eox Page Coil Spring Fonce. Thse osl, master et expansion and contraction. A fuil stock ef Farte, Gardoan,Lnv anS Ornauuental Fonce niwnys in stock, Orders soiicited and panticulara givon, or mialed on application, by A., W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bowmanville, Ont.# Fole doaler., whoieaale anS retail Ifor Couuîy et Durham and East Wbitby. Oîtra. anS WUUU.... $1,00nime otie.yUEm Onee dciii a dose. auteo. For a lame Bak r iea, s SHILOII'S BELLADONNA PLASTER.O IfaeyouCaanis This eed la guarn teeS te cueyo.Pe. 5 0 Ine c terr es For sale by S toit & Jury. V'fILDQ AND,,Ai.L. SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES 0F' THE. BOWEL.Sý IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FORL ÇýîR fDrrF-' Î ~hïk~re1~ ~y ~ Pit~er's Castoïi~ j