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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1894, p. 9

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I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_-__-------__-- K eeping liorses From Rubbing. Among oticer causes, bighi ieediug witb ieating food and bot litile exercise binge on an itciing wbiclc makes many honses mub their talle wiile in tics stable. Tics itcbing is aiten se sevene ticat th icsbin le nearly al ubicsd rmintics upper side, giv- ing ticein emosi decidediyunupleasaet sud ragged eppearauce. This state ai afairs sicould be correctsd by cooling food and propen outwend application. Ihe csmsau- time a veny simple arrangement, similar ta ricat sicown lu the eugraving, sicould be ~nd have, lik1e thoûàsands of other people, to avoici al 4odprepared witli it, thiis Ato rernind you tliat tiiere Îi, a dlean, d&licate and he aith fui vegetable short- cniAg wich. eau be used iv- itls place. If you will instead of lard, yon can cat pie, pastry an1 the other t&good tliings " which other 'olks enjoy, without fear of dyspeptîc consequences. 'De- liverance fromn lard has corne. Buy a pail, try it ini your oWn kitchen, and Le con. -LÉ. -ece is sold fi 3 and 95 polnd pails, by al! grocers. 1,1 --e n'1iy by fi ci o NS L Messrs. IIONlEX & MeMURTRY have purchased the Oounty of Durham for the Lest XVire Fence in this Country. It iii mirnz, easily bendled and arnameutal lhues ai labor and trade tbe rnis bolds iras, It will not be injured by snow, heat, cold and nawicere are is workings better ex- or winds. It wil turn for2es, Cattîs, emplified than in tics field ai agriculture Sheep, lions, Doge and Poultry. it '5a aad dairyiug. net work without brbo, and wîilnat in- ntevs nutyrpeetdb h sîure stock ineany wey. It à is mîscstraug- l h eiidsr ersue ytc ci' and mare durable than any banc feue-. cow, competition bas caused new meihods ng, being chosely woven. ta supersede tbe aId. The dairyman-farmer Feuce put up and Farm and Township considers from au ecananîje taudpaint and rigb# ,ýr sale. Apply at CENTRAL LivE. decides hy actuel test tics relative value ai RT, Imanvlhe.different bneeds.hit is nuder sncb cincum- WP . JI ,Carke 1P. O., haviug stances that ticscattîs ai tics Islad ai baýugbt Clarks Towship, ie prepered ta, Jersey bave risen into promînence untîl, put up feues. eceived witic almaosi universel layon, tics Jesycw may rigbtly bc calied tics 1 IlQucen of tics Diry." Originiatiug, as iesnppossd by ensînent auticorities, ou tics coasi ai tics continent neighboring ta the island wbose riamse ticey beer, ruis bneed bas ever iccen cherisb-i iticed and protected by the inhaients of fertile Jersey. As rivilizcrionadvancedl in the eigiteenth ceîtuny, anîd sase ai cern. inonicemion became -moe general, ticsflame1 of this native bneed spreed, and tics recordsi * they were makier, even in those earlyi times, astonicbed tie dairy wonld. Fren i 1789, whîcn tic stcaies or Jersey snactedi * laws forbiddiug tics importation of foreigu cattîs frin France, te tics present day, the1 history af tics Jersey breed ai catttle is1 - a story of progress and menit recoguized.1 Tics spirit ai emulation and industny raised aming the Jerseytnen bas iccen tics r meaus ai making thîeir îsland 9, place ai ne smnali importance. Tics reasons for tic ses general adoption N. i ~e D 3 Ki ceyPîflte cure any 0f tics Jersey as the cow for alI purposes, l)îniv, R unîai-m ic ites ,ice.Ermite arc numenoLs aud important. Along mast r ul~s Inpi-e Eoolor MooD-v îclunded. biecs tics Jersey bas ne superior. Qiiality hi ~ r 'ny u a n mdiion-,. orry mail onuand quaftity ai buttEr produet, smaîl cost is ~ ~ ~ C ir û 1m r. i Cho n SiX 1-OXes $2.50. of keepin g, tics ability to trace bier pedigree DR.L.A.SMli- &CO., Toronto. trouguc manty genrerationG, these are soine ai the points in wiich tics Jersey is invul- GROWING WORSE. neneble. From beiug cîiled the"gentleman's cow," bier supcnioriîy bas graduelly as-j jew, p juIsi'scc plundeee ndSt spe ted itself until, as e dainy cew, sncb eu mii, Way te ,1 11sîîDPe records are rcgistered icy lien as eau be recevEý hee fom angerssayshown by no 9ticer bneed. Advies ecevedhen frme ngerssay Tics ides, is prevalent thattics Jersey is a1 thatafar in -M&roceo are growiug worss. cow only to bc owued icy the wsalthy Tics Jews;, wiie on ticeir wey ta tics mer- eattlebreeder. 1mb greater misteime could kets,are cotinually piundened and sinipped as tics cow aiso for hlm wio uses but ea of theïr coîhiug,and ou tics principal roads ingle hsad for femily purpases. Truc, au imipeilatx ai £5 is demanded for free tics original expense may be somnewhat pts ,Tics Ercicamne tnibe le demeudiug greaten ion a Jersey ai good icecding than pasagfon e cow ai coîomon stock. Thc utility oai tics imm-nediate releese ai Muley Mohcam- -the Jersey and lier adept3,bility te alli mied, tics eldest sou ai tics late Sultan, situations wene fiîly praised ie a recest Muley Hesson. Muhsy Mohammed was numicer ai tice Couutr> Gentlemen. "Thce prochaimed, Sultan sanly lu September in Jersey cow ticet cen average e pouns of butter for 365 days lu tics year, with good spite ai tics facit tbat bis yaunger brother cars, is tics cow for tics millions, and it bas Abduil Azi, bad pneviously been proclaimi esu proved that tics jersey will dia tus five ed Sultan, suitd rscognized as sucb et Fez, ta ans oven ail other breeds and witic tes tics seat ai tics Preseut Goverumeut ai feed. Marocco. Muley Mohamîmed, hawever, Tics Jersey bias been weil deuominatsd e bad previously been imprisonred at Nara- miik machine. 17sually small 1in size, Whs by onden ai bis biother, thes Sultan, there is na room fer surplus fat wbile shse is ed was compelled ta sigir' an Act ai ad. making the ricic milk for which sice is ion ,mta Abdul Aziz. Ticspositionai tics noted. Mr. Weybeck may continue te ltiten hd been secuned by bis being rscog- feed alarge cow tirougb many yeare, in vied as Sultan by tics powenfnl.Sheresi ai onder ticet, finally, she may ruake mars, e%_zan. Iu addition ta demending thes beef, but hie wico is abreesi aith ticsures rcuese oi Muley Moicemmed,tbe Ercicaman adopta thce ecouemie Jersey. A beef breed tisibe is demanding the immediats relsase tics Jersey le nat ; but every pari ai tics o f all tIhe oticer paiticai pisaners uow little caw bas a use in pnoducing tics presen t iconfinement at Morocco city. If ticene profit oi ber ownen. demends are net grented, tics inibesmen Tics cars and treaiment ai tics Jersey usentioned tireaten te attack and plunder muet lis besed, as witic any ather brsed, Nlorocceacdry, an tics broad foundation ai cammon sense. - ------ iierent individuels ai eny hresd require diffrentfeod and nianagement. For docil- *~ A Summer Angel. ity tics Jersey bas no equal; for bandînesse He--" Do my eyes deceive, me?9 No, i almost fiasuperior. 'Braving wibouthiarmi ila true. One yeer ega, au ibis very roc k tics storms ai a Canadien weter, acclimeis- you promised te become my wiîe." cd witb tics most encauraging succes lutics ~he(a sumamer belle)-- Dd1?Wel, wenm stetes ai tics South. site thus fer bas neyer mind; yen shah bhave buhe pivilege aifldtccopaneithcose. imaglniug that 1I kepitiche p:omise." Bred lu and in tbrough mauy generatians May 1 V, n ticet narraw land wbichi leisr ancest Yes, indeed. Sit igt down bers. The ,omse, and always wîititein wrth for nurse will bc ahong very an, and you musti dairy perpases in view, tics Jersey produces' hohd thce baby tilt my icsband camnes." milk ieber by fan in tics element ai butter _______________ ian ibai ai any ailier breed. Teste lu a diflereut direction bave aise reveahed is Quite Shocklng. werth fer ciceese makîng. Pdcer lu colon, St ewa-,r-MissMitford is e very mi-agnitie fluer in qeality, pre-cminentiy superiar lu girl, tics quentity ai butter produet for a given Danhcly (wco is jelous-I hlave beerd quantiiy ai milk-sucb, in addition te coin- that abcesshacks everyoue sàus rseets, j ianding a lîlgier pries in tics markets, are f Obedient. Motben-"Wicenewsre yen duing thlai thueden stonin ?" By- "Over lu ticatfield with tica big ires in it." "But I1icave told yen distiuctly meuy mauy times, neyer ta stand ender s mree during e ticunder-storm." "I did't. 1 set dow." At the Front Door. lie-Cýn Isse Miss Smithc? Servant îwbo iim)-No, ir; she's eut. lie-Oui wbere ? Oui wiib soes cuer fellow? Servent-No, sr; sice's oui wiib yen, sir. That's whet she told me, sir. A weil cultivated mind le made up ai al the minde ai precediug agesj it ih enly ane single mind wbîic bas been educated dur- in.- al ibis time. -Fontanelle. O1!PfVEMXENT IN TftAUE1 seome ai the characteristies of the produets ai the Jersey cow. To state faets cocercnirg lier perform- ances is te argule most ccogently in tavor of the .Jersey. lier position to-day seems one of assured success. As in the past, wheu lier merits become recognized , hws warmly welcoîned, se in the future lier werth muet grain her friends. The danger is always grearest with cows in good condition and those which are gond millcers. It is aisegreater when thcylhave been fed previeus te calving in a way that is calculated te produce a large flow ai milk as soon as they ceme in. It is a matter, therefore, that cannot receive tee close at- tention at the bauds ai dairymen. The loss ai any kind of eows at any time cuts in ser- iously upue. the profits; but wbeu the very best speciiecus are lest, then the matter bc- cornes serions iîcdeed. If the- loss eau be preventsd by attention te such simple de- tail as those outlined aacve, theu the dairy- man who negleets attention te these de- tails should net cemplain if this dread disease shouid accasionaily decimale his herd. To Prevent lVilk Fever. The ieliowing method of caring for cows bas been attended witb gond resulti in a number of cases. They are given a diet ratFer laxative than otherwise, and are ai. lowcd ample opportuuity te take exercice. Care sbould be îaken,as a matter of course, net te feed them a stimulating diet consist- ing ai carüonaceons kinds ai meal, as, for intac, er.As the ti m *0ai calving draws near the c..s sbuld be givels a purgative, consisting ai eue pound of epsem saîts aud twe or three ounces of ginger. Then, egain. after parturition a similiar dose may be given. Th e milk should all ha oarefnîiy witbdrawn f romntbh udder, and with more tban ordiîîary ire. quency where trouble is antieipeted. I hese precantieus are iollewed it will - as frequentiy that any dairyman wi ave te mouru loss fromn this ca use. VICTIMdS 0F DESERT THIRST. liandires o f reople Have »ied Afier thse SIest excecatisa Pain. Dnring a march of sevénty-flve miles on one descrl lun the seuthwestemn corner of aur cotcntry, says the San Francisce Argon aut,a party ef goverument surveyers ceunted 350 graves aloaZlie trail of the vetims o birst. At ans puisit a iamily of eight were buried. Thiese ioolish people carried their water snpply in liuge demijebus. The botties were brelcen. m The preciona Ibuid was swallewel by the sand. Mother,. father, and childreu layj downi beneath a mesquite bush and died the most h-)rrible ai deaths. The ýbodies, broken watei, bottles and dead horse s were found just as tbey fel.It is thiacustom in the desert ta bury al bodies and mark the graves witb crasses ai stene imbedded in the sand. The air on the desert, being iutensely dry, causes rapid evaparaticn from the body. Observation proved thiat nine quarts ai water deiiy wasueeded by ane man te prevent the blond fromn thickening and becoming ieverish. Each mule required ùwenty galions deily. One surveyor was witbeut water for several, heuis. liHe became ievar ish and ligbî-headed. Lac k ai waterfor a iewbours hongr.would hsve killed him. This was in a shade tempers. turc of 120 degrees, where the air was. almost absolutely d-y-.-so dry thet frcsh ineat, instead of putrcfyiug, simply dries up. Ac eue place the surveyors feund the Izadies of three preepectars within 100 eest oi a natural water tank formed in the rocks. Ta get ta thïs weter the poor feliows ihed ta cimrupward twcnty feet or sa. Tiseir streugrh was exhausted. Tbey had been ton long without wster, And lher,-, with th lie -givinyw fluiul jnst a few feet beyond themn, they died. Tliirat on the dcsert is horrible. The victim fjrstfeels pain hetween the shaulders. The tangue thiokens and feels filled with needlepoints. The eyes becoîne paînful and, finally, any reovemeut ai the body causes excruciating pain. As the blond thiekens the brain gives way, and the vierim is a raving maniac. Death soon ends the snfferng. Why France Hates Italy. The truc cause af French hetred 'for Italy is net far to seck. Smarting under the knowledge that the French ermnies had been deeated by the Germans, and that thjese dafeets wonld probably bc repeated were France te attack Germriny, the French looked lsewhcre for au oppor- tunity ai regeinieg their lest military prestige. 1 t was, evideut te every Freuchman that iýfItaly stood alone she could eNsily be emshed by the everwbelm. ng numbers of the Frenchi army, France could thius gain military glory, ucw terri- tory and a ready-mada fleet. Here, then, is a glaons oppertunitv waiting for the armies of France, and uothiug but that pestilent Triple Alliance stands in the way. This is tht wholc secret of the -growth and violence oi French haîtred GREAT RAILWAY -PROJECTS. A CesnPetîbsi tb thse Camidian reaci Iteilway Taikei luIBrlsitishl u eîm- bla. ]For his frauk -expression ai opinions cou-. cerning tics prospects ai tics lidsan's Bay railwey,' Lord Brassey, Who is visiting Canada ta laok ai tantics intenests ai tics colony hoe has planted in tics West, wtll receive small ticauks. Tics reîuark, fnam " an uin bis position, ticat tics sceesl a commercial impcssibility awing ta thes sicortnesr i fticsseason during whicbh i will be possible ta openete it, caunot lai ta have au unfavonable effeet on tics fin. ancial world, nctwitbstanding tics feer ticaîtihe North-West Assembly bas resolv- ed unauimoushy that tics roadsicould bc buili, hi bis Londehîlpe criîicism turne tics eegies aiticse West ie more practicable and possible undentakinga,lice will have eccemphisheil sometingurtiat le fat casily doue. The autcry egainsi ECXCESSIVE FFLItaIUT RATES bas had tics effeci ai strsngticening tics de. mand fon eompating routes, ticough a writen inetie lest issue af thce ]orum takes tics position ilat excessivs competitian is tics cause aifiigic rates, htisle iis desire fer auaticer great route that is behîuid tics ciimerical propasal te build thce British Pacifie rail way, about wbieic a great deal le being said et present iu tics Britishc Ca- lumbia press.' Tics sciceme le now pres. enîsed ini a somewhat modîfied form. At finsi it was proposed te span tiecsocntienut frein ecean ta oceen by meene of anoticer national iigbwey. This nndsrtakiug ap. pears, icoweven, te be langer than tics prajectors anîicipaied. Ws are now tald tica tics British -Pacifie is ta traverse the Island ai Vancouver, cross ta thi neinland about ans hîundncd miles nortic ai tus cty ai Vancouzver, and procsed ticrough the Canicco district te ,tics Yellowhead pass, about anseiceudred and flty miles nertic ai tic CnaienPaife.At ticaîpoint iis ta connecti wiîzticsh Manitobca and Norib- Western railway, wiicîWilcomplets tics route as fanEasst as Winipeg. Thils is as fan as ti c eeme bas yeîz bae developsd. Wbaîz willbe dans aiter tics -eute enters Winnipeg is a matier ion funticer onsider- ation. Even in its modîfied i s hae c lir*tîic Pciieis IF she does, see that SIONS 0F BETTER T1IME3 IN THE NEAR FUTURE.. Tise Larg~e Amomîtq oan idie cafflga et Lcea -Finaccrial rnrsAl ce tu uqauadiasslebnîrs15ied Abroad -Sîîtisfacto.y iBankR Cleariný_e-he Low 1'ricecor Wiseat Everywhes-e. Tradaspeople geuerally report somns in- provement in business at Toronto. The volume ai trad e during'September was in many hunes greater than had been, autîci- pated. This ai itseli is a very eucouragiug feature, and merehants have begun te feel more hopeful. The improvement is at., tribted ta a iîumbsr of ceuses, Amoug them may be mentioued the clitapues ai meney, the good grain barvests and the baneficiel effeets rcsulting from the settle. ment of bath the Canadien and United States tenufs. It is uot uulîkely that the returu ai better times will be gradual,witb meny reactions. The currency movement shows more activity owing te the marketing ai country produce. Already the abundence of money is stiroulating speculation lu secuýrities, and choicesiuvestments are al igier. GREAT AcTIVtTY FROMISED. Canadian banks havse sonseting like $50,- COO,000 of evailable cash, fully 81O0,000o more than a year ago. Thce eue tbing ne- cassary is a retumu ai confidence, and wben this is r'ectored the abundance ai money will lea d te greater activity in commerce. At no time as et present was there a great- cm amount ai idie capital et the leadiug finaucial centres. There is soineticing like $200,000,000 in the Bank ai England, or uearly S65,003,000 more then a year ega. The Euglish joint stock and private bauks bave aven $10,000,000 au deposit in the Bank ai Euglaud, an unusual occurrence. Thui reserives of the Bank ai France are $40,00, O0 larger than they were lest year and the B3ank aif Germany bas increased a likeaemounat. The cashi reservesaof tics New York associatedl banks have increased about $100,000,000, anud their idie surplus is over Wilr IRITISsi CONSOLS 5ELL 111011. It is only a question ai time whcn these large reserves -will seek employaient et sat- 1sf actorwy ratecs. To the plethera ai money is due the bigh prices at which British Consoas are sehing. These securities bear ouhy 2 3-4 par cent. iuterest, and*oi laie bave seld et 101 1-2 ta 102 1-4. Canadien debenunres are alse compara. tiveiy high. Our 3 1-2 per cents. sedi in London et 107 1-2 and Toronto 3 1-2 per cents, et 93 1-2. If it hed nai been for the late dlepr-essiDn on tuis aide ai the water tice prices of aur securities would bc even high- er. Wýlitb the restoration ai canfidence they will selI higher, and wboever buys the letest isue round which thers is se much_; secrcecy, ticey will prove e geod in- vestmient. INCIt111L \E EIN BANK CcLEARANCES. A gaiiigf sature this week is ths large ireese,ý, in bank clearances., At Mautreal tie total is $13,321,001; au ie- cre'ase oi nearly $2,000,000 as comipared wiih ±he slame week ast year. At Toron ta the total is$, 863,376, an incresse af nearly a million an ast week, but a hundred thousanrl less than for thes saine week ai hast yeer. WiDnipeg clearings are the beaviest on record, sud lHalifax more than lest week-. The low p,-ies of wheat continue. Red wbeat is selliug along the reîlway liacs west et 48 cenîts, the lowest on record. Comparatively low prices exist everywhere, and the outhook is anything but cheeriug. Naturaly, the greatest sufferer is the growen, and the Manitoba farmer feels il more keeuly then bis brother in Ontario, who ai ate years bas resonted ta mýxed iarming. T.he yield, however, is compare- tively large in the North-West, but it dees not makeup for thce heevy deelineineprices. Tue problem iîs bow te ecanemize, sa as te compete wlth countries ticet undersell us. The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Dnrhara for the liberal patronage extended to us durinom the past season, aise to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bacs. Roý-k Salt fa r a and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli C~I~L~P if CA~SII~ ATTACII31ENT TO FREVENr nunnîING. used. It le a simple framework ai wood, cinged te the sid of the stable iîmeiatehy ick ai the stell, and se arranged thet it may be folded icy pulliug on the rope. Tice ends shouid praject bayoud the division ai the stalle and bce abouuthtree leest rom the floor. If the animal is tied short i will ha impossible for bim to r. Another plan is ta tic a chain or rape acrose tice rea~air o staîl, or a board may be uged iusteed, hsiug Po arrauged as.te be easily rcmoved. Thes folding plan, firat described, will prove the mest conveaieet, and wben net in use mey eesily be raised up aut ai thce way. Economy of Jersey Cattie. The lesson ai tics nineteenth century bas besu ecouomy. Men consider now, net s0 much what bas been done, as how it bas becu accomplis hed. The scientific engineer calculates exactly tics increase ni power which au extra pound ai ceai buneatb bis icoiler will produce, and the most economie amount ta accomplisb a certain work. Thce taihar aud the siceemaker nq ouer toil and drew their thread from mornin g tilh nigit; the genius ai tice age bas pointed the way te a production afi shees and an infinite reduction af cost. Ie al WOOD COAL7 F11RALI. SMES OF BUILDICS a rapacHy romt 10,000 Io 80,00 Cubic 'T-eef adapted for wood burning 411l~k a~~l Heavy Steeil Plate Pire Box Done-r5 and kadiatar, which heat? ~~< quicker and are more durable RADUATOR of Modern Conqtruc- tien and Great Ieating Power LA-GE A511 PIT ~ks %'<î Large Combuetîne Chamber- ~ Large leating Surface ~jJ~ 1t~1 ~ Largo Food Oocr __ So pqFire Pot__ ý 'uU Guaranteed Capacity ~ aS ~~1A O L ...Mannfactured by....0 A 10 iJNDERTAKING,I be borrowed or raised in any way, ne doubt far too large for a province with less than wve shalh hear of another great achievement, a hundr& thousand of population te 1ril the duplication af the national high- shoulder. It is conidently predicted that way. But it will be well for Canada if the from the start the road wili be self-sustain- efforts te flnd capital for such sehemes do ing, siace it will open up much rich mining nlot damage our credit on the markets of and agricultural country. Moreover, it the world. will bring se many immigrants ta the __________ province ,hat we are teld it will certainly The Reason Why. be a publi. blessing. The fact that there are millions of acres of geod land nexv ac- IMis. Bagley-Why are you crying 80, cessible for which settiers are flot forth- Lucie, dear? Is ssmeone you love dead? corning doca net deter the enterprise, uer Luie-W-worse, He-he's married. is the c reurastance that preseut routes are able ta icarry ail the immigrants who desire Th e Teeo Heaven is the commen nains te go- westward considercd ta count agyainî't far the AZilanthus, a very topical, ieoking the probabiity of a larger influx of popu- tree Brown Bros. Co., Toronto, Ont., tell lation when the British Pacifie is compieted. uth,at itis net a very satisfactory grower The crucial point of the scheme will, for our section. This house wish an agent however, ble iound ine us attractiveness or 'here. Tiiey pay aalary and expeuses and. otherwise te capital. Jf the moe c Cflj ffer liberal inducements. y j e All kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. IiîI be pleased ouze i - uantityý, tw Là QualÎC;y, and three limes in Price who9 inspect thée Stipper-s, Rubber-s, Trýunk's, Valises, &c., At Our Store, sgrBEAVER BLOCK,-ýî Bowmanville BIG-GEST STORE, BJGGEST VARIETY, BlOGESI VALUE,, Everybody invited to eMI and see our new ffflwe:ir THIE SHOE MAN r jthe wash is made Easy and Cican by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away vvith the terrors of wash-day' Experience will vonvince lier that it PAYS to use this soap. 1 HE' OWN %diff -0tâ

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