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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1894, p. 1

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- ~ 4t TERM8 :-S1.60 Pii ÂNNUM, ~OUR TOWN AND COUNTY J'IRST: THE WORLD ÂPTECRWÂRDS, .AJMSEuR NjPOMr. NEWSERESBOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. OCTOBER 17, 1894. vo-LumE XL. NUMBEF, 42 Has Decree shahl beàý the fashio.n- able IVITERIALfo season. Dresses .HAMPTON. Miss Annie Ashton visited Port H-ope friends last week .. . .Miss Lorena Saltera visited Mrs. Trewin, ber sîster in Bow- manville. . .. Mrs Liddy sing8 at Leskard and Oshawa ibis week. Miss M.J.Eiliot accorupanies lier .... Rev. W. Down,New- tonville, preaches hore Sunday moruing. Capt. R H.Buuî lias beeu home from London,. ..Tlios. Borrowe, E1 ,sel i farm stock, implements, etcTlrda this week .. . Seo advt. of bouse to rent at Aah4ton's Corners-a nice home for some family.t A Remarkable Cure.-J. W .geunison, Gilford-S peut betweeu $200 and $500 in consultiug Doctors ; tried Dixons and al other treatinents but got ne benelit. One box of Chase'a Catarrli Cure did me more good than ail other remedlea, in fact T consider myseif cured and witb a 25 cent box ai that, this We -have them .in ~l1thenewest colors ai' d no better value St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, -No Ambition HoOd's Sarsaparilla cave Perfect Health.1 The fellowing letter is frorn a ýwpll-inovn mnerchant taller ef St. George, ?. : "C. I. bcod & Ce., Lewell, Mass.: "Gentlemen-I arn gladi te say that bauds Sarsaparilla and I Heets I'ills have done na greai deal of geed. l'had a severe auvk ef the grip in the v inter, andtiu ir getting o~e t feverlIdid netseem tegather strengthý, aihati ne amîbition. Hoed'ls Sarsaparilis proveti ta,, Le just what I neededt. The recuitsweevr issH Swaies b'as returned from visiting geýrsol ý...Mr. Al. Hall bas returu- -Campbeliford .. .. Mr. T. F. Wrighit, er, MVr. S. J., Courtice and Mr. A. spenut Saturdlay sportîng in Cart- ýht . Mrs. W. Cryderman, Town, d Mrs. L Mi. Courtice last week.. e( niew1y eiected oificers of the Eben. Epwortli League are: Hon. Pres.- L. Plielpg; Pres.-R. E. Osborne; -ice -W. H. Rundie; '2od Vice-T. Vnght; 3rd Vice-Mias F. E. Cour- Scere-rary-Miss M. Eversun; Treas. ailt. Osh,3orne.... .Tbe Xoung Peoffle's euition at EuenFzer on Friday 195h promises to be well attended, a prog4ram has been prepared aud aexcelleut speakers are takîng part. person lnterested will he welconsc. Hs LIS CONCENTRATION -Oua pi11 a u)ne bcxý25 cents. 0o epilI relieves stpation. One boy cucesana ordinary SOne piili takei m ekly neutralizes ation of uric scid in the blood sud cutýS Bripbts Kidn,'y édiseaBe and etes. True onlý (f Dr. Chase's Kid- Liver Pilla. TYRONI3. r. h. HAege as rented W. Sproule's . William may niove to Toronto. ie S. A. banquet aud jubillee ciasaa cled succesa. Bowmanville braos d assisted by the musical brigade en- inied a large audiencee in tbe Son's afcer au, excellent supper iu the bar- s. At the close of tbe Song service a nd supper was served, the entire pro- igas 'lsn n a very joyous manuar t nidnigzht .. . .Mr. T. T. Jardins,' awa, visited bis aged father recently. miong the vis itors: Mr. sud Mrs. Z ard, Lindsay; Mr. J. H. Allun, Trin- Colleg-e, Toronto; Mr. E. Hawkey, h Dairlington.. . .Mr. Wm. Osborne to Montreal in counection with bis s as3 Manîiager of the Winnipeg brandi beo MontrpasiAcriai Incandescent tù CG .... Stewart Brus. * New Park, but a fine atone cellar for Mr. Jas. ...... r R. Momeant, Ocono, ýced ifor Rev. A, C. Wilson un S*b- m ï-orning sud gave an enceursging ,ess tu fthe Sabbatb Scbool. . .. Mr. Ai Philp suid family, Cobourg, now toy Mýlr. J. T. Weilch's bouse.... .Rev. C. WNilsýon, Tweed, preaclied here nasýday e2vening tu a congraýgation -4d te bear th-eir oid friend suci nast-1 * Very Cheap Papers. TiîE STATESMAN and TWeekly Globe or Weekly Mail toensd cf 1895 fjr $1.50. The Farinera' Sun, organ of the Pat- roua, a rsttliug live pacer-la uiubbed witb THE STATESMAN at $1.50. Ail new subscribers eaun nw get the Christian Guardisu te the end of J 895- 15 monthi3-for ouly $1.25. Every Mcli- odiat famiiy sbonld now take it We shahl take p'easore in forwarding ail suli- scriptions free of charge. We club THE STATESMAN with aud take ordera for al newapapers sud magazines ai iowest clubbing rates. Addreas all urders te M. A. J.AiMES. Bowmanviiie, Ont. Sond your naine aud add ress unsa postai card to TE WEEKLY NEWS, Kingston, Ont., sud Vou wiii receave THE KINGSTON WEEIeLY NEWS until Dec let nexi free of charge. The paper wili not bc sent afier December lat unlesa you psy for it lu sd- Valice. 4 f C Douneliy, prop. uf the popuar sud weli-kbowu Windsor llotel,Aliaîon, Ont., waa troubled for years witb itching Piles. fIe wss persuadcd by Jas. McGarvey, Alliiton, livery man, to use Cliaee'a Oint. ment, which lie did, wss cured, bas lisd nuo returu cf thei n d bighly recommends ibis Oiment as s sovereigu cure f orPiles. EBEIVEZEP. Deaili bas again entercd :our midat, sud carrred off one cf or young cein- panions--Arthur Worden, who died on Monday, 8ùb mat., Althougli net yet eleven years of age lie bad many frienda smong us, being siways cf s free sud ge~esdisposition among bis yoong sso~ae,andlikewielwayaiaccommodat- ing sud maniy among older acquaintances. Hie wasa il for oniy four daVe, sud waa borne to the grave ai Ebenezer grave yard ou Wednesday asat, by four cf bis cousina : ýMasters E. Wordeu cf-Bowman- ville. Frank auk Cecil Wordecn andArthur Osborne cf this place, ail of wliom were visibly sffected by bis removai. Deeeased was fif th Bou cf John sud Charity %Worden, The famiiy bave the sincere aympathy cf tbeir mauy frienda bere in their deep sorrow. A remark made ai the grave waa "Ho w mucli lie resernbled bis cousin in mariner sud appearance"; refering t-o -James -,3Worden son of Mr.Jas B. WVorden. town, vho dlcd after a pzàinfuli llnesa cof A erface iaaredl day by èay froni E-N FIELD. Visitera: Y s s F. Mackey cf Kînmale; Mr. J. S. AýLrs a a.Owein Sond; Mr. sud r. R Pe,oe at Markhass aud To- route; Mr. aud ?fr.W Balsdon in Pick- eringý... .Mr. Edlgar Bradley won two silver cups for running lu thc q carier cf mile sud fourrmile rae3 at Whituy. A nman's wife tsboold always be thesame, especialiy to lier liusband, buoG if she la weak aud neýrvous, and uses Carter's Irun Pilis. Sbc carnnai le, for tbey usake ber '*feel like a diff,,rent person, l 0 they al ssy, aud their liusbaînda say an tua MA PLIfG BOUVE. L'zzie Srîowden vuiýýîed PÀekerlng f rienda. ... Miss Allie S'yuch sud Miss Eva Matthesvs,'tos-n, vieited licre,... Mrs. J. Kirkpatriekla luxinproVine ,siowly .,.-To Mr.,asud Mrs. Wm. Jt ff-Iry Sun- day snoraing a son. ...New Division offi. cers: W. P.-Mark Miinday; W. A.- Trumnan Powerz Fin. Sac'y-Fred. R. Foley; Trea.-J. D. Stevens.; Cîap-T, 9. Kirkpatrick; R, S.-Miss B1., Mîuiday; A. R. S.-Leslie Hla!l: Con.-George lViashane; A, C,-Mýsa A. Cieçý I. S.- Miïss Ethel Power; P. W. -P-O. Royal Hall. Aycr's Hlaïr Vigor, whieb lies outlîved sud aupürseded bundreds of almilar ýee parations. la uudoubtedly thý usoit fa8hionabla as well as ecùii,emical bair- dresaing in the usarket. By ilsuse, tha poorear uead of liair soon becoîneti luxur- iant sud beautiful. SALEM. The uewly Alectcd officers of the Math- odist churcb E. L of C. E. are:--Hon. Prest.-Rev. A. C. Wilson; Prest-Mis E. MV. Fi"ldîng; lat Vice -Ltils3 Ida Clans. cul; 2od Vice-Mir. F. U. Bragg; 3rd Vice-Miss Annie Clenîcua; S îc'y. -Mios Bessie Scott; Treas-Mr. Williamu Caun; erganîsi, Miss Nîna Collaca-iÈ..A par- ler Social, under the auspices cf Salem Methodist Sunday bichool, wiii bs beld at the resideuce cf LMr. W. E. Pollard, Man- vers Rossi, en Thursday cvenîug, Oct. 18. Tes, cousîing cf Chcken Pie, ec., will be ser; cd at 5 e'clock. A Musical Pro- grain may be expected for the evening's entertaiunent. Tickets 25 cents A cordial invitation i,,;extended t afil. Wîll licf tUnd ïan eclet e yfer sjek baahe air ueLvrPla

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