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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1894, p. 7

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KNOWIEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when ightiy used. The many, who live bet. ter than o6thers and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best pruducts to the neecis of physicai being, will atterr, the value to health of the pure liquid laxative p)riniciples embracod ini the r%'Medy, Syrup of Fige. Its excellence is due to its presenting ,in the form most acceptab e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and triuly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effetuaily cleansinge the aystem, diselingcolsheadaches and feverr and peLrliane(nItly curing constipat.L:ý. It lias given stisfaction -j millions and muet wt h approvai of the medicai rfsion bcCause it acte on the Kid- ne-s, Lî etr alid B.owels without weak- ening ý-tbema nd it is perfectly free front *very j ectionable substance. 'yrup of Figs is for sale by al drue- g ist' in 75c- botties, but it in manu- by the California Fig Syrup Co. 011von Iose naine is printed on every package, als3o the name, Syrup of Fige, and being mwell înformed, yon will riot accent zany sub'i.stitute if cffered. Hy ACI119,1NTHSq -AND- WINTER FLOWERINC BULBS. By leaving your orders this week you -,an save fully 30 per cent. AI1 orders will lie delivered For the finest assortment of Dress Ser- ges aud ail other fasbior.abie drpss mater. jais cail at Coucli, Johuston & Cryder-, man's. Mr. Julius Roenigk lias returned from Montreai. Mr. llorsey is repairing the Cheapside, corner block. That Dustan & Hoar are artistle shop dressera, ail agree. Mr. Haines' new block begins to look like being ready for occupancy. Mrs. L. Corniali and son, Arthiur visit- ed f riends at Markham and Stouffville. West Durham fair directors have de- cided to give fakirs a wide herth in fua- ture. The bill for the preparation of the use- les& votera' liste for 1894, now amounts te $100000. Oliver Wendeii Holmnes died Sunday, Oct. 7, et hie residence Beverley Farm, Maso., aged 85 years. Several citizens drove out to Enniskil. ]en chicken pie social, had a grand time and came home througli the rain. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., attended a meeting of the Augmentation Committee of the Presbyterian Cliurch, in Toronto, asat week. Joseph Peilard of Clark e bas been nom- luated as a pupil of the Agricuiturai Col- lege at Guelphi for the county of Durbam, and la in attendance there. A pick-pocket, George Thomas, waa senteuced to t wo years lu the Central at Peterboro for extracting eight dollars fromt a farmer'$ pocket at the f air. Mr. Josephi Featherston, M. P., for Peel, holda that the man wlio feeds wheat te pigs and sella is pork at the riglit time geta $1 per bushel for bis cer- esi. Mr. J. W. McLaugblin, M.D., L.R.C. S., LR.C.P., lias been elected member of the Ontario Medical Concil for eleut- oral division No. 13 by acclamation by bis medical confreres. Mr. J. G. Buchanan, clty editor cf The Hlamilton Times, aud one of the best kuown and most popular newopaper men in Ontario, was drowned in the Dundas canal Wedneaday niglit while driving home from a country fair. Ladies' Fur Capes in Grey Lamb, Black Persian Lamb, Black Martin, Bec- haren, Sable, Greeniand Seal, Black Op. pussum, aud Columbia Sable, in ail the most fashionable abapes. These are the fluest furs which can be procured and we are sellitig tliem at very close prices. Ceucli, Johustonà & Cryderman. Mrs, Mountford wiil give one of lier famions oriental lectures in the Music Hall liere on Friday evening Nov, 2nd, under the auspices of Nighitingale Lodge No. 166 1. O O. F. The Hall will bes opecialiy fitted for the occasion. Admis. sion 25cents to al parts of the bail. Re. serveyour seat witbout extra chsrge. EXCURSION TO TORONTO. Rev. D. L. Moody ia coming to Toronto next mouth sud the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul'a churcli, Bowmanville. wihl run a cheap excursion by G. T. R. ou Tuesday and Wednesday Nov. 6 and 7. Toronto and return including tickets for Moody meetings Port Hotie $1.50; lNew- tonviile,$1. 40; Newc sk1 5 Bowman- ville $1.15; Oahawa $1.00; Whitby $1.00 -Cbuldreu haîf price-goud gem g sfter- noon trains Tuesday and ail trains Wed- nesday, returning Wedneaday night., Mr. Bragg advertises stray animais. Mr. A. Young is home from Parry, Sound. Miss Jackson of Lindsay is visiting friends in tuwn. Fail apples are e _,,fng at 70 cents a barrel in Montreai. Mr. Metcalf advertises Yorkshire White pigs for sale. Miss Emma Grant of Toronto lias been visiting friands here. Typboid fever is alarmingly prevalent juat now lu Winnipeg. Miss Jessie Knight lias returued frum an exteuded viit in Toronto. Cobourg people are agitatIng the ques- tion of free open air skating rinks. Campbeliford business men now waut liquor business banished, fromn that vil- lage. Mr. W. C. King won several valuable prizes at Lindsay iset week at the Victor- ia Rifle Association Matches. THSE STÀTESMAN is a favorite medium for reaching the best class of farmers in Durham sud Ontario counties. ' Mr. C. B. Haruden, Dr./fllarudeýn's eider son, is now atteudingChIcag,; Col. lege cf Dental Surgery. We wisbhimh aucceas. Mr. Canieron Brown lias started the Daiiy sud Weekly Sun in Belleville, a spicy, well-printed, uewey paper, Liberal in politics. Mr. C. H. Knapp, advauce agent for the Guy Brus. Minstreis, made us a call Wedlnesday. This popular cumpauy ap pear here Tbursday. Farmers should be caref ni about the kiud cf fruit they put ou the market, and udt compel buyers to buy paoursocby duing that they injuare the ruliug market pries. West Durham boys continue to come te the front. Two uf "our boys" have just beau appinted to Felio.wships3 in the, Provincial Univerity-Mr. W. A. Pra B. A., lu geology, sud Mr. J. W.Odi B. A., in mathematies. Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. Awilgv a report uf the Christian Endeavor Cou- vention at -Kingston ou Weduiesday evenixag, Oct. 24 in Trinity Chureli at 8 o'eluek. Evarybody iuterrbàted in Christ- ian Endeavor work, please attend. We Invite Mr T. S. Lobb, mnerebaut uf Toronto, waa in town, lMonday. Mr. Perry Dobson cf Albert Coliege, Be ileville, speut Sanday in tewn. Mîr. W. R. Bruck and Mies Ida Aikins, cf Toronto spent Suuday at ]Mr. J. B. Fairbairn's. Miss Lena MoGire of Toronte Cotiser- vatory ot Music was guetcf the Misses Kuiglit, Lake Shore, over Sunday. Thusa of our citizens wbose pleasure it was te bear MisLiek, the talented teamher cf elucution in Ontario Ladies' College, in lier recitals atEnniakillen Friday uîght,1 were more than pleased they were charmed and deliphted. Her selecticus were ail ad mirably reudared, but hier - recital cf "The Hioor cf the Wood" by W. H. Murrpy sud "The F irat Christmas Moru. ing" by Lew Wallace could net f ail te elicet the enthusiastie appiausa cf any intel1ligent audience, We hope somee cf the societies in this towu will secure Miss LIkfora neeing's recitals duriug this Mr. John Heilyar, the reliabie'uoot and shoe man bas now reot nicelv aettled in bis. new store, Neada' Block. The shop has beaun nceiy fltted up with plate glass windows sud averything convenieut for a firatý-class shos shop, sud it le uow oeeof the finest stores lu town. With the extra sho w roem hie goodanay be seau te mucb mure advautage sud inspectpd by the purchaaiug public. Ail wiho have net ai. raady given hi., a cý,il would do well to see bis fine stock cf boots, shoes,,slippers, rubberm, etc., for ladies and gentlemen- evarything in tha lino cf foetwear. 1He aise has a fine display of trunks, valisesX, etc., awaiting insp, ection. Mra. M. Burk of this tewu bas aga ni been remarkably snccessful St the exbibi- tiens with 1be-r butter this season, haviug received the large sum cf $75 in prizes, at Teroute Iiidustrial, Manitoba Provincial St Winnipeùg, Outario sud Durham Exhi- bition at Whitby and West Durham Fair at Bewmanvîlle. This is certainly a re- cerd cf whicli any lady may teel proud, sud is most ,gratifying te ail lovera of goo)d butter, sund it je an evidence cf wliat care sud a t hurougli kuewledge cf butter miakîng ,wîli accompllsh. Mrs. Burk's dairy pïredueÀts comamand the very bigbest prîce lu Toronto wbere asefluds a demand fer al lie can prod uce, baviug recautly, revd as bigb as 28 cents per lb. Guy Brus., wbo neyer fail te attrac au large audience, are again hlled te giva oue et thair pieasing sutertainments in the BeWmauville Town Hall un Tburaday evenling niext, Oct- 18. The Ottawa Citi. zen ini refferriug te this eempauysasys: The Guy Bros. Minstrela, botter kuowni as the Canadisu Favorites played bere asat 1 niglit, sud the large audience that greeted tbem were enthudiastic ini their admira- tion cf tbe clever artjste wbe compose the treupe. It is net of Lau that Ottawa je visited by e stirling an organizatiocn sistinig cf sucli a variety cf reaily firat-cias entertainers, Anud througbo)ut the whola to eaul and see our grand di splay of Lamp Goods, CrockerSr Groceries, and It is worth seeing and we will be glad to see you. General Goesand PoiinDaes lu - people Ail

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