Cfl-ATEFULOCOMFOR Drtiil Foe IIFALL FUN. ANPRINCESIN UJUiimAT HOME. TmG. siiand.Fregn c Hnn nT SOR- I --How tle lrbree sons ortîne Kaiser Obtalaed Cbolly is very unfortunate w3i u n- L . d' Flrance lrived950,0011 francs last vear 1rssohe e,, " a n.uone oîrln "Yes ", The ProprietOr of the Grand Union, a Goec i Ig MISS Froma lb ir Mollier, *~Y Lord Randolph Chuichili her mTansion'and the funeofi t,-ao yoe N iot Inspiring iEnougn. Napanee, but now a res.ident cf Toronto, FUBE~ER OF COLLEOF 0F'O PHYý,ýCIAN etate je Oxfordshire, I in recognition of bis 1 taught ber how to fence with fois, and proprietor cf cee of the Queea City's Boy-"lUs boys is gettin' np a minstrel s'and Surzeor 9, Ontario, Coro)ner. etc. omnigpltclgis.T bxwhgov -adon.1 Offee and Resi1.ence. Enniskillen. 7 omad4.pltca eie. o o1it lve-n 0Wewest and finesat hostelies, the Grand show, an' we want some axusi. Schcols of commerce are te bcesetablisbed Since we are xarried, 1 don't dare Unioe Hotel opposite the Union depot. The Clerk-"Here is a gcod piece, net eew, D BRVBIE SUimps o, by the Italian Goverement at trade centres To raise the smallest row. World was impressed with the story Mir. but easy te sing. It us called; 'Every Dayll SOrnT1,~LTJ_ÂTOTt, k,3, OPRIS in Asia Miuior, where there is a coosider. "Why do ycu call old mnan Jobsonj a pi- Bette told, and determineed te interview be Sonday By and By.' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~urae ~raic.L~iciIi~ emuparents sometîisca nge the I Jtet-six the Florentine Gemm a Donati. name cf their baby if it je il and _the assuredl1y keep clear of new buedrances, aud At the same age Johaun Heinrich Voss Japanese are said te cbange the names ofcranyc0hetru1oa3. thin'r chil.lren four urnes. a5 14No ther I ebc]li Lý eselr u Jc î . i , ; .1 , -ý thor l ', in - a ' hIle clinate. It has stood the t>est for 40 years, and S--- ----- ..--- - -- ---' I _ _ _ _ _ _MA a t Mrs. Erne st Hart, whc recen tiy macle Ea Ix ~..s, il PFf EDY Il tra1. - fodi' Kidney Pills give promtrle" danger;iis Neg lected k idney troubles resu/t LnBadBlood. urlit- ii~eus ws-and, DumaisS the iru & rgec r, t ea - twenty-sCveflwbnheh married; Herder hungry trooped tbcre. It often happened is home. rendered go nnhappy and life made was twenty-eine; and Robert Burns was tbat there was not for diener. Hie so miserable by theii teniper of those who ragsedsÂ',ja msrter areob* eto live togther as in ngli Cnmnlaint. andrg id it tcsecdoter oietie and that dog nvited tweuve oteer aclgks.-- Dumas' factotum -in- hief wanted te drive Ff~V~ Etionw 50 seccesslnlly as this-' aedero cfL C 4~ prescription of Dr. Fowler. J;if yenre goivg to travel thi (J ùibc~~oc ~ ,-Q grwsep) hurn 7-fmvýlý mpýai n and and with those of other countries