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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1894, p. 1

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lit fCg TERMS -$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE' WOIILD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EBITOR ANI) PROPRIETOR. NEW, SERTES, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WVED)NSDAY, OCTOBEIR 24, 1894. VOLUME XL NumBER 4Q. F'ashion, Has Deereed shall be the fashion-m able iVATERIAL for, Ladies season. Dresses this We have them in à1L, -the newest colors 'v~ r~ krd4i~ 's, TyCÇVi'u r~ w. 1w. w. W W w v W..W-w MA.PLFJGROVE. Mr. Chris. Cox lost one ot bis most valuable cows in rilk fever .... Mr. T. H, Kirkpatrick attended the teachers' convention in Port Hope. ..,. Sunday vis- itors: Messrs. Alden Parker and Hieber Souch. Clarke Union; Messrs. Bert. Gay and Frank Everson and Mise Minnie Morrow, Courtice. Like a Miracle In Verv Low Condition With Consumption Physicians Said She Was In- c urabile Wondlerful ResuMts rrolvi Taking Miss Hcrnnah. Wyatt Toronto, Ont. "~Four years ago wviin l the oid country (Engiand ý, ny daulstcr linnahiwas senitaway from the hospit-], as thse doctors there couId do nothing 10 heip lIer, andi said she wonld never bc any better. SIso was ln a very low condition villi consuption of the Inngs andi boweis, and -tvakr action of the heart. The trip across lte. m ier ho Ibis country seetned to malte tien pel better for a svhie. Then -sithegantoget worae, andi for Il 'teeks soc nvae unable hto gel off the bcd. Site grew worse for fi-i- ni s at Lost the Use of âlerLms and Ilb-ver part of body, andiIfslite st up 1: -bedhaldto bec rpped4ap ~4tpiilows- Sàe- w old go tets da, 1si buta soe 1n e 1- bine wolnn Lave 5 spe 5lien inerner iol .., IM -anii-tetwt1n-nstedor0e1 Said She WVas Past A'MI HeIp andi wuted mto - osei b er ho -tlise 'R-oine îforw Itncurables.' But I enid. as long as I coud hold na uîy lanti np she should i ot go, antiabottt titis B I[ -cab t1e of -oLisSra2r'l and tryit. gwuu.u~ u wuu w ~oe PRIEI1S RULER O ri à vNUM I We (11(1 so anti site bas taken the usedicine j bi BO W ANVILE. regnarl. Sie s gecsngstrotîg, wvalks arounnd,I ____________ jthroat andlîno ct'Dn] lier heurt seems lobe J -. ont &NNISKILLEN. Miss Kate Argue, Messrs M. Riggs, L. WV. Williamso, J. Young and F. W. lLee attendepd the teacber's convention ar Port Hop ..Miss Kennedy is back again froein Oshawa ... Mr. J. Stainton is a delegate to the Provincial S. S. Conven- tion at Belleville.-. Rev. D. S. and Mns. Houcjk are visiting bis parents in Brock.. . .iH . Rogers is, moving into bis own boui3e af ter completély renovating it. 1Frover fifty years Mits, WiNsLOw sý SOrI~SyRup bas been, used by mi!- liortilo0 mothers for their children while teethýing. If disturbed at night and, bro'ken cf jour rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying wîth pain of Cutting Teethn send at once and get a boule of "n.Winsalow's Sootbing Syrup " for Children Teething. lu wil relieve the poor litti'e enfeorerimmedia'ely. Depend upoil it,miothers,tbere is no rmistake about it. it cures Diarrboe ,-guiates the Stom- ach and Bowels, cotes Wînd Colic, sof cens the Gurms, redtices Inflammation, and giveMrnone and energy to the whole systrrm. MUro. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for cbiidren teething is pleasant to the ta3te and ie the prescription of one of the oldeet and beRt f emale physiciens and nurses. in the Un-,ýited States. Price twenty*flve cents a bottie. SoId by ail dnuggists througbout the worid. Be sure and ask for " MBs. WsLwsSOOTH11VG SYRUP." V îitorrs - Miss M4aud Ashton at Toron- to; Mr. and àMiss Thorn, M-aiposa; Miss Bvers, Enniskil!eii; Mr. R. and Miess MUauil Ashton spent Sunday week at Garden ill.... M r1. J as. Ashton brought Mr. W. H. Creeper a turnip measur ing 35 inicbes round and weighing 20 lbs. and some lairge potatoes one weighing 11h. il oz, Well done for the Rdge.... Per« sons wanting a McLaughlin cutter thie winter, caîl on W. H. Creeper . ... Mr. N. Iucdron bas boughit a bouse and lot fnom Mr. W. Broad. . .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rundile attersded the convention at Port flopq,... Mrs. R. Washington leatender BNFIJL-D. :-Mn. and Mrs. . A. Jatmes, il, t Mn. .J. Bray's, Braesside; erian.Oa, ut aï- . 1lrl- ILItioimfan( ~onan IsEW(L4STLE. micec ge-eacuiy-. -i. ~i ii'- 'iii fermh at Podunk .... Mn. Tho", is i Mr,.Mn W. J. Fr kilien, bas rsnted1 fJOURTICJZ.i Miss Hunter, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Lant.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Brch andi Mrs. Ctiapman, Kirby, were guests of Mr. S. J. Courtice recently .... The Young People's Convention was very largely at- tendeti labt week, nesrly ah uthe societies in the district being represented. Much enthusiasm was manifested and it is boped the workers al necetve.d new imn- petus for the comning winter's work. - IlMP 1O.N. Mr. R. ,Moment, Orono, preacbied a mislonary sermion bers Sanday evening full of life anti motion... . Mn. Thos ,VW. David bas rented a farma in Picktritig ... Miss liaetings bas returneti afuer an ex- tended visit in the West .. .. Mr. J. B. Crvderman and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. J. Cryderman Sunday. ... R ev. James Liddy exchangsd work witb Rev. W. Down, ]Newtonville, Sunday.... Miss E. IV]oynes, Oshawa, visited old friends here.. .. Mr. A. Pennington will farmi the place formeriy owned by Mr. A. S. C'emtens,.. .Mr. Thos. Ellicotie putt. ing atiother water-wheel in bis miii. . Mn, Hl. Eiiott, jr., bad a young driving bores fail ito a cistern the other night. e was fishsd out littis the worse. Z)L INA. Recent Visitors: Mr. A. B. Demnill of Oshawa Ladies' College; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Langmaid andi Mies MeLean of Bow- manville ; Mr. R. McCaw and Miess Richardison of Oshawa; Mr. J. Gibson and Miss Gibsion of Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gornili of Harmony; Mr. and Mr. Elgin Annis of Oeh'îwa; Miss Aggie Balson of Taunton .... Mrs. Jane Clark is impnoving nicsly. . .. Mr. Eber Milison bad a barn rasing Friday, .... Mr. Aheaiom Abrahams was very seriously hurt by being struck on tbe bead with a falling timuber. Mr. L. Van Nest had his finger badly lacerated and Mn- A. L. Pascoe had bis foot jam- med ... . Rev. W. Down preached good prectical misionary sermnons at Eldad and Zion on Suunday to large congregations... -.Mrs. (Dr.) L. T. Manceau of Napienville, P Q., was guest over the week en-d of MIrs. J. Van Ne8t, j r. Mr. R. L Werry is3 on a business tour in W estern Onitanlo,> We k]now wbeeouf -Ws fimWhesn we P R ESBYTE RIA N YOUT-NG PEODP-rlE'S SOCIETIES. The oug îpee Societies of the Pnesbytery of Wltb at in convention in St. Andrew',g cburon, XVwhiîby, Oct. 15. Delegates f rom ail p)aýrt s of the Presbyteny were presen. e programme wae aranetI :to ,bring the your-g people to the front;w-iî!tthe exce-pti,;n cf four ministers, ailuhespa~kee, îîry-o-ne iu ail, were younàg poi, nirue manner lu which th,-y pietd ht opto met with un- qua:i!iedamiaco. The abiiity and pitanti finish cf the papene calleti forth n.uch favorable comment. Thse earnest spiri- which pervaded the meetings wee a seo adînîratle. Rtev. J. Chishoima,B. A., Dunbarton, preBideti ai the after-noon sesdion. Af ter sevenal brief reports, fronm societies, a conference was be'd on The Society led by Mr. W. Purvesj,Columbusi, and including atidresses or papurs on The Society atnd the Churcb-Rev. J. A. Me- Keen, B.A., Orono; The Pledge-Mr'.W.J Gounltsy, Dunbattoul; How to get beyo)nd thse verse readixig stage in the prayer mieeting-Mise Mlay Allen, Bwavle The Look Out Comxitee, how to make it eflicien-Y"tiei Jessie Panto,: Osýhawa. Thse Musical Comiutee-ý.--M..A.',Bol. day, Brooklin;, The Social C-û_rnitte- Miss B. Anderson, Whitby . Re3v, J. Ab. nahani gave the repon ( Cf he Mieýsionarýy Commitee. The Youî_ oope'sSoc4,3t- les of the Presbete?îy cont -îbu'et during the, yean fr 134 te the support cýf Mr. Foe, a midsionary at Gienojra, M!ani-,oba Row to have ans inîeresting Misisioniary M-eet- ingl was the nexut sî,discusseti by Misa LoteWood, Nucasle Mis utb GneCýgg C lanemont, PMiîss J. _Mitchell,' *Whiîbyi, anti Miss Manti brûugbali. Bow- menville. Hlow to raise Mýissiurna-ry Fundei wes discussed by Mies E. Smali, Oshawa, Mrsj J. L, Rowe, Oreno, and Miss Jenie Ketcben, Brooklm. il was decidedti t oraanize a Society for the Presbyteny, and a cemmittee was appotntied to draw up s constitution. At the ein meet- ing this committee reponteti a provi2-ionai organïzation for one ye ar, the Mocdenator of Presbyîery to beHoorryPresdent; W. RaxtcltiffColmusIreet ; MiEssBas-_ sett, Bowmýanvil,. and MisDonialde1on, ClbsSecy: aud Rev. .Eaîa, Oshwa Tras îh eP, mmiteren- twe4sxoruetn4sonmas anti- neg-uLar-[ ~ Miss Nora Coleman,- B. B., ie- very iii .... Some Young men actet i eny rowdy. isb aI the St. Geonîze's chunch concert.. ta Ohrisr-waa Aet.anîaaA ha, I/Il~ M~. C1.~. g, Mill0r, S Church, Tononto, gave a practi cal AdIre8s on Junior Endeaven work. Hiow to bning Mn.r E. iv :  _I ez. Uas Wlmt :re tThompsont, Whitby, Mn. Delve, Port ieuse. ____ ___-___ I ~ J J 1 - - yRON2l7ý w' S. A. offilcer expected shortly. ýon Awde, Mariposa, je rnoving property reoeitiy purchased from s. Williams, Welcome, worthyj tens absence in Halbanton . - il:_ 7ja Fisher bas ptirchased a general stock at £allesdarancLiil xe~phsii>saJsre.ý -.Miss Fotbergill's houes was burglarized while she waseon a vieil to Toronto..* The 1. O. F. are securîng Mise Jessie Alexander for their ententainment .... ,Dr. wough±ooseby.abrief Lut-t. impressive Consecraion Meeting, con- --4 S -- !ý- - The Erndeavon Choir ofth St. Andrews Cbunch, Whitby, lthe usial ro- gram. The visîtîng ee aaud their fniende were veryhudo-ileteîie 12 Puttzzzd iB.~L0 .~t ~ rates with the manufacturers. We buy far- CASH in the MATRET eand l .a1fn, f l* n4 tT-(ltTm .-D-1-4- tnd trade. That is whyyoucan do SQ well withT VALISES, ETC. We keep the KIND you need at PRICES -you can pay. Old Stand-Sign of Big Boot drawen by two horses, King Streer, Bowmanville. WALL STREET! Operate Successfully in Wall Street THROUGH OUR Co-Operetive R. IR. Stock Syndicats. Largo Profits Raie with Minimum Riake .'1'respecttss and Buily Market Leter" ?. aSSoiS Free. HIGHEST REFERENCE. WEINMAN & Co., Stoek and C4lr. roker, NO. '! BROÀnwÂVAYN w ,VYORK CITY. F or irmmoiatu relief afler eatingý use K. D.C -1 Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman are showing a fine stock of really firat-ciasa quahity in ail the latest styles of Ladies' Fur Capes in Groenland Seal, <rey and Black Persian La mb, Sable, Black Martin, Opossum, Bocharen, &c. These are the best gooda that. can be procured and at reasonable prices. Pla-e n tada t get essE _ * __________'_et, l tteCen- * tral Businless co- * tin ths paar. haw &SLitt, ýPrIirpa. Minard'F Liniment je used by Physiciane. Hef nnw -e Methodirit Cbunch wers a brilliant 1 by the Pastor, Rsv. J. S. Clarke.q oung peopls, entbussd by the bslp 2 3 paetor's young assistant, the Rev.a Kenny, decorated the pulpit plat-d beautitully with plants and flowensa 0 Beason. On Tuesday svsning aa and appreciative audience greeted utun endeavor. The Rsv. Mn.1 eoccupisd the chair. A musical imme, of choice selections wae arr- by the3 choir and well rendered. ving of epecial meintion wae the ig by Mise Drew, tbe organlet of the h and Mns. (Rev.) James Lîddy, ot Iowboe o sleclione and bigh al nendenringe did but inteneify ber1 [y boarty weilmsteoOur town. Rev. ýotte of Toronto, spoke on the Pulpt LS Pew-.Mn. Benj. F. Wigg, and nank Mannel, Toronto, spent Sun-. iens.-Thursday svening Senrgt- cGeo. Lawrence wae presented wîtht 1bfeaded cane by Corintiein lotige,1 0. F., on behiaîf of Alblon lotige,d 0.. 0. F_, Quebec, -whom lie ta dni, ýwbilse t llitary Camip atc Mfinard'a Liniment in the HouEes. AS WELL AS THE NEW RAYMOND Both are first-class machines'and prices right. Be sure you calL;and see them for yourself. They are simple in constructlin quiet in motion, easy to runi, made of the best material, flnishedi inà workman-like manner a idmanufac- tured in Canaada. Sold by T. N.' RICKARD9 Waîchmak.Ier, eoo ndOtce NeadeBokBwanis .i4mba. ý. h is brother John 3t a 'good horse-resi ikicku. FI 1-51= mefi goou-ff~ .-,~14 qualities possessedi byllood'a.Sarsaparlla. Above ail it purlties the blood, tbus strengthening the, nerves ; it regulates the digestive organs, invîgorates the kid ne> s and liver, tonies and builda up the entire systemn, cures Scrofula, Dyspepsia,Catarrh and Rheumatîem. Get Hood'sanad only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure ail liver ills, bilious. ness, jaundice,indigestion, sick headache. 250. THE CASH SYSTEM. Mr. J. McMurtry of the popular West End House, Bowmianville, announces a great change in his business, meilhods. Hie bas decided to do an exclusively>Cash business-taking produce of course as cash-This will enable him toesiibise goodg at a greatly reduced price. H1e in. tends closing bis atores on Monday, Oct. Lst, and. occupying the day minmarking dlown everything to a very close margin. This change wil! greatly benefit bis many customfers and we expect to sec bis already large businiess greatly increase. KD.C. Pille cure constipation, By tllsting wehls with Diameo By coloring mnaps wîth Dieu She's economicai and wise, Tis i cornses unnougn usîing JJIamond Jye; Good-nature spankles in bersyse, Because sbe's beolped by Diamond Dyse; On those grand colore she relies, She knowe the beet ans Diamond Dyes. - A Lucky Main. Laiýd up for Monthe by a Severe Fonni of Kýidniey Disease -The Siple Cure be uedHes elNow. TEFDOnt. 22.-Somoe mon don't know wLen thsy are in luck and sorns do. Albert Maithene, of tbfs place, le orne of tho lucky ones who kinows of bis good fortune and telle albout it. Ho says he was laid up and couli d o no wonk for mnonpîbe because of kidney dLisease. Wlsen kidney disease bas sncb a hold on a man, ase tbat, ho is le a sonlous conIdition. MnVi. Maithers rocognized Ibsand auededvery nemedy ho could thlnk of, Ibutwiou getting any belp until ho boganusn Deddl's KÀ iney Pills. Tbnoe boxes c.uredt him aniholie s attend,îing te bhis affaire onece more and le as bea'rîy ant ibappy aseever, M4inard'si Liniment Lumiberman's Fniend. m a --m- - ---- w - a - a -_B__Jm a a a a f z1m I w mi i-1 .1 1 - & iý T Fi" -T r - -J av k.. a ým a a EL à ýmýým a a çi+. *1 9n )n

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