,u',v SA jL>Itn LA.S, ý- S , rup B r crot, XîIcazs, Whcopiu'-"Cough an ~ l'o" C it 'É*es no rival- ta~nint~:io fo'~ byLrggiteon ia guar- ante. Th a ame m J or ChAet, use 1IaeyuUacr~n Tie emet!yis guaran.. tee(! -wuTeyofl, Pzc ete, neto.re For sale boy Stotiý& Jury. How to Get Marrled. !i2 Java tbe bride washes the groom'a fet as a token of subjection. I!n l1ung ary, at one lime, the groom g~ethe bide a kick for the same purpoes du ring ýth1 weddinDg ceremony., H1orseb'acI weddings, where groom and bride ide at fuit speed away irom their pursuing attendants, are stili sometime seeýnin Tartary. mogthe Borneo head hunters a young ian, i'a offering marriage to a young worian, baad to preserit ber with the besd of a man killed hy himaelf. . Turnefort sys that among Greek rusties to-day the bride sud groom run the gaunt. let of Young folks of their acquaintance, who àick and cufftbem as they pass. A, Rornan bride was iifted by ber hus- ba-d at the tbreshoid of bis borne and aredacrose it, probabiy symbolizing tbe great, day when su many of tbe young Romiians carried borne stolen brides. In somne oid bouses in Ho Iland are doors wichi were in former days neyer used except for weddings and funerals. .After a brie nd groom bad passed the door was na1dup until another newly wed or niewiy deaà approached tu pass that way. Amýong the North American residents a, wedding is usuaiiy peceded by whst le called a Ilbachla(or blowout," ai wbich mtiuch liquor is consumed by the groom. epcatand bis friend&s, This- 15 one of Ilh, most curious customs known to etbno. Primnary Ex Brcise ln Latin. Daring a recent conference at Wahpeton Miu. everal of the mnisterca were visit-. ing the Red River. Valley University at tbati place, andio were taking in lise Latin cla)ss. One of tbem chauced to pick up a ýoPY of Oie ý*,r belongîu'g to a certain verv pop ulaur y ou ng lady, student, and found the following poemi on a fly leaf of the bok: Boyibus kissibus Sweet girlorum iilibuis likibus Wsniti sotnorum. How They Go. Cigar Desle,-r(disconsoately)-" ' ve loet another steady customer for tvy imported Dead T No; gone off on a wedding tour." Yes,, and theni he'll. begin smoking twofer."' ShoUld be richl to insure health- Poor blood mea-ns Anoemia diseased blooci neansScrofula. the Crea-m Of GOd-1lvr Cil, enri6lýes the blood;, cures Anaemia, Serofua, Coughs, Colds, Weak .Luýing-s, -,and- WVVasting IDiseases.Pyscas the worldciver, enýdorýse L ________-ana__ 1aTs ttbe -executiv-ebuifdng-V.and Let -us * hrvb~~spt iwsïd~f s~ifuy por.sufppose fiTafher, 'bmfothe couvenîec.o bhouïes-lae- the meass oi-foretorî1ng--mauy - secription, leat-sai-d lsrm bouse faces the temprarly isale ersoa t heithandsoutb, sud aisu that the barn is tu thse stempor aiydishapren'obeihsdnortheast uf the residence. lu ibis case, stregthsudto self support wbu would for the purposa of eetahliebing the indus- otiîerwise soe public burdeu as trial horne, we wonld proceed as follows, uni bec. 'lererovsfoftb Le ~ 's~n els'O essccs c Iocated to the east of the reeldence, while simple destitute pour frons the county j5i,_tbe cottage for the womeu would ha locsted tu the connty poorhouee is flot oniy aslîn on the weet sidJe. The building for the pie acf of justice to these unfortunate peuple kitchen, maie sud fernale diniug.roorns,erc.,1 but ht acte beneficisliy upon jail, discipline wouid ha locs.tLed lu the rear or un the nortîi side of the rasidence. This latter building hy making it poesible to efiect a btter would he 15 or 20 feet distant from tbe classification ut the remsining prisuners. reidence,wbile the cotla.-es wouid be 25 or In England sud in tbe United States 30 feet distant. From the mar of the the county poorbouse eyetem bae bae., iun residee a covered way, une tory bigh, operatiounsauy years. la the Nontheru would exteud eaet te thecae for the States there are vemy few coumiies witbout men, west tu tbe cottage for the women s poorbouse. Thus -for instance, ini the sud notb tu lbhedining'roumsi sud kitchen. State of Ohio there le a poorbouse un every The covered wsy extendiug north tu the une of ite 88 counties. Iu New York State diuing-roome would ha divided hy a parti- thereis a poorhouae in ail but twu counties. tion, sud there wauld bo twu dining-roome, Iu Illinios thene are 9g county puorbocees, une un thie aset side for the men, sud une ou while lu the cuupratively ernalsud cum- the west sida for tbe wurnen. The kitchen para'lively youug State ut Michigan tbeme wouid be osu the nortb aide of tbe diuing- are 71 county "bornes," as tbey ara thera roorne, sud thsa laundry aud boiler-bouse cailed. J would be lu the rear uftihe kitclieu, The .On the othar baud, in Ontario ont of a sae srthe diuing-rormn ud kitchan total of 37 counties we can haset of ouiyîO1 could be ueed as a cîsapel. cuunty poorbonses, altbuugb tise province Tha cottages eboulfi he Only two sturses bas beau longer settlad than either Illinois higb, sud thara Boîlld ha nu basamant, or Michigan.« Fmom ti i will ha seen We cali the asetemu cttag,the cottage for that lu the provision mada for the relief ofthie men, for the simple reassan ibat in tha the destituta poor of tbe commuuîty our case suppused, the harn le locatad to the neigbbours acruqs the hune show tu n'ucb nurtbeast of the res5_denca. By Ibis arranue. greater advautsga. ment, butb the barn snd itba meu's cottage 1The counnues lu Outario that bava su, far wouid be.to theeast ut the nesideuce. This is adopted the poorbousa systam sund raceived a mat ter of nu sligbt importanicease it le irn- the Government grant are as follows, viz. ; parative thki the twu sexes sbouud be kept Brant, Kasît, -Linscoln ,-Middlesex, -Oxford, absoiuteiysapar-ate.--Wittfe en's-cot- Watarioo, Welland, Wellington sud York. tsee eassisud the barn te the nortbeaet,the In answer tu, a letter ut enquîry addrassed man n lupaseiug t and frojn the barn could tu the clark of ascii of these coutities raceut- flot pase in the vicînîty uftheb cottage ton ly, the reply le that the tax piyere of thesa ibhe womeu. The wumen ýwouId of course counries are weii eaîiefiad with tha couuty h ave a yard f0tbarneselvas tu the west sud poorbouse syefem. north of itbe dining-rooms, su that the Iu vîew of the fact that saveral of the strict saparation ut the sexes wouid ha car- coutes of the province ane at the preserit ied ont buth indoors and oun of doors.. tîme moviug in the matier ot a cuunty bouse Iu the construction of county bornas or of refuge or pourbouse, sudilu view ufthesb housesof indu3try, the cottage plan presents faci ihat we trust this muvemaut wili econ msny important advanîagee, among wbiclu hecomn ganeral un the part Of cuuntY may ha enumeratet/the fuliuwiug, viz:- anîborities, the time seems opportune for 1. It effects a perfect separa ion of the cailing attention to certain mattere bsving exes. s beau ing upon tliti question. 2. Caretakars are relîavad ut mucb respun- Tbe Farm.-In seecting a site for a ibility. county pourbonse, sanitation, cunvaniances 3. Itle ster in case ut fire, sud ecouomy sbonld b e kapinl viaw. It 4. Itle ster in cases ut contagions dis- is pour econome, to select a farmn witb pour easees. iand hacause iriciceap. The farm shonld 5. hi remuves the etroug prejudice whicb have goud soul, and sbould haé ut good sBize nfauy ut the respectable indigent pour bave authorities sy thereold be two acres- 6. It provides better opportunitis fr te escb expected lumnate. The location pruvidiug wumen witb little delicacies sbhonld heo nulfar from s tuwu ut soeawbich rbey sometime eq uire, size, sud sbould be eaily accessible by 7. Ily the cottage eyeîem tbe roumis ara rail or by huais. It the institution is easily hetter ventiiated, sud tbay receuva more accessible it will ha visited by thae lagy ligbi sud mura hast fio h usdti sud other benevolent pensons whosa visite, prumotes guod health sud good spirite. wîll he hanaficiai. Itounibhe other hand it lu providiug for the classification ufthibe le îou eaiiy accessible it wlll ha vîsited by sexes, it le ever f0 ha borna lu mi, that a clase wbose presance le far fom dasîr. the standard ut morality amoug many ut able, Thare should ha an abondant supply the lunates of cuunty bouses of industry is ef -good waler botb summer sud wiutar sud very iow indeed, aud for ibis reseun thay the buildings ebouid ha locatesi un higb sbould hae sueaparstad, that tbay eau neyer grouud, free trois. secret springesud, sncb eithtm speak fo or aveu sec eacb otiier. as will admit of guod drainage. Grave ecandals bava occurred trom waut The Grounds.-Before commencing t0 of proper attention to this feiture ut puer- build, tshe grounds ebould be gurveyed'and lbouse administration. Iii a certain bouse an accurate nsap made ut al the proposad of refuge on une occasion wben the commi-. buildings, yards, sewers, drains sud water sionere were making their inspection bbiey pipas. Ail extensions or rebnildiug shuuld poinbed ontto iha kaapsr's wifathat owing ha in accurdance witb some ganeral plan iso tauity construction of tise building extra1 and ase dtermiuad by amap made trom a vigilance was necassary on lber part,"O " surva'y. Iu ibis mau sbonld be included a said se, "dun'î you tfear, we araeaIl igbf." guod sizcd lawu in front ut the buildings. On thea varv nexi v,sît of thie cummiss:(ire Thera sbonid ha orcharde, small fruit as eegreetad îsîem sfols:'a li bernies, as aiso seine omamental shruhhary oeeme v on wssa beade knew hast &Itte sud shada trees. There muet ha a reliable ah. Sinca yen wcre lie we find iht -wea suppiy out gotd water. Witbout ibis it le bave gui caugb t.'" impossible f0 aua emfrî and sti, Henca h ilih euta ti aesr tactery management. that the sexes shall ha kept absuluteiy; The Bildige.-Many cuunty pour. apart,and this separausion ehould he strictl1y bouses are untorîtunately huihs, on a fauîty carriad ont not ouiy in the building andi, plan aud the arrangement ut the buildings is the yards, but ilso ai cburcb service., hi neither convenieuls uer dues it admit ut a perfect isolatinig 0f the sexes eau he-aa- proper classification o tilmates, and the tiîed mura perfectly by tbh ctageBe evils resnlting trom detective construction tam, than h'y the ordlinatrYy eyetam are a constant source of auxiety f0te i keepares udi their wivcs. Whsataver mnay, Sh-It taites bwo te makea ran be the at witb regcrd bu ibis pombonses you know." Yee, ; but on uetSî ilu On1taî:o h-tlesald LtIsain laloe connty lt. ~ffedtldWt~~fad le k the Wfd-s oili--nct pil1 ity urns sTd the d aeewith thoi- -sueppl-ies--and- retailed %%It he-could to the people slong the road. cime diay he put on an uid veeýt be bad flot mworn for- many monthe, sud in the poîket foriaten-d.oilar bill. He could flot ex. tuot Lelong to him. He crEported hie find to ie ors e employer and asked hie, ru takze if, )-s it evideutiy belonged to hlm. Theinechatwtîile flot doubting that jr ia i muy refused te take it, and told i o ke it for hie honesry. After a year or two he was able te pur- cI)esse a bouse and lot, with a barn well suitlieto bL; i7 neede. Then ae the thought that as be hsd tbe cage he imuet get a bird. Severai girls aloup bis route looked ou Jim as quite a "catchI," sud put their beet foot forward to get ln. cime girl, wbenever hc passed hem hious3e, wssý, always iuduetriously run. uin th bel, spiuniug fiax, He often madle hort stops te have a 2bat and let bis bo)rsCes reet. cime day be thouzbt be dis. covered tat he fiax on the distaif wae tbe same eacb time becslled. To make sure, Fe quiel Y put hie knife ini the fl'xx and sLWaited the esuit. Next tie bec clled be fomoud'tie wbeel ou the huzz and the kife still there. T île eettled ber case. Anotier gi appeared ail right but be fearedsee £lced in neatuese. To test on thjat poýint, lie told bier be wauted the 1ecrapings of bier bread.h-iowl sud moidiug- boatr( togLive i s orse. She bad a "ecrape" sud thec resuiltAs pienty for the horse sud pluyfor.) im, asud "ber oske was dough." A third girl'as prof-,uein ber emiles aud mete nbeh er rs so mulch eo0 Ata Jirn feared Jeue 3Waea cqeteand wouid l'ead i m un until the proper ,im& sud then give lmiI the iit. While rîjing along sud poudrring on the situation, lie overtook a young laidy, barefonted, with ber shoes in une, baudsund a hundie in the other, sud seemlingly quite wcsry. Jim invited ber to a seat in bis wagon, wbiicb was thankfully how ebe camne te ha traveling ou foovtsud, alna. Sha said ibat bar father bad left bi *s hiuma in the eastsossme waeke befure, witb muoney, intanding f0 purebasea shume in tisat ragion, sud bis prolonged absence iad bier to fear tisai be bad beau mnurdared sud nohbesi, sud ehe had sîarted ouni oping tu find sumone trace ut bim. Jim lguI sa description outhie mansuasd biis balouiginzgs, anà saîisfied bîmseaf that bis cuuid m uiravai tbe mysîery. lHe told ber thatd a few weeks hafore, a trae hsd' fallan acruesý, the road sud wbila tryiug te find s way fa ga,, isie ram pasi ha had discovered thedal body ut a man who bad evidanîly heen kiilied hy the talliig trea. Ha bad siecuredi balp sud ramuved the rismains e f the ýýeuny seat wbareans inquest was belfi sud eîi, tisuudred dollars in money was fonnd sawed np la bis clutbing. l'le almest dlsiracted girl continuelÏ the jonrnacy with, Jimn tili îhey raacbad the cuunî'y seat. 'She weut before ibis probate court sud indanîified ibis clotbing sud prov. ed hiersait to ho t he a dsgbfemthibisdead mani sud entstled to the muniey. At the sugg-estion outhie judge seatouk np bar rhd i hie bouse, wbene Jim frequenîly viedbr, sud frorn the high cbhracter given bier by tbe judge sud hie tamîly be mrade nip bis mind thai ha would louk nu faite,.lu ima ber gonds camne tram the easet sud were danusited lu Jimi's bouse sudi Mr. aud SMrs. Arnold were lai bhome" tu ,i ;hir fiendsý A Rough Reminder. J ic ïeid t hat ha wante-d to milk ibis cow niuca, jusi to emind bim of the urne when ha was a boy un isbatarrn. Ooing to Leconomize. Vfe-" This bouse isu'î s bit fou big. Tsstwo extra roome can bha nsed as in 'arew "You said 1 met 1havery cnmcl Wahel, Fil soongelÏt thsem filled witb) i tfisneihuýw1 y ai barga-in s'es sud can't use." ll2~ Yu ,vt1' a' f57e lb r~ la Ystg- i "; i yoe etal fat tk t, ',.- c ac,~X.isk , ilr a tii j'1XlaJne erîih sn "ewch 'lvùsu husneo ue' e iiii indcio aadn'j. i ~ , s. til l", . 'in iî ieuc tie ofice th pries W. B ons-lila 3 i. Is i.i "hî e" si,'cba'rutiefue f Yl 2 'Ii u'o t 'borie. I b iss 'e'i~ u atce'tI c'-sîsîe Dfîi,. lend ~ca" ssi ait i.b p-y at , etry Drs. Kane .,r .A.TVTri SC11L2 Wgt1.Siiu&ency and ..TOO. v~:3eeCtîred. "Wa'e coyni c 13,. tcsrcly &,lerzan, Ili " ~ ' acsî'~i 'n5., lfaila, 1t.' i lcd s my 1Qua-kin an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PE T ase ie Ie c i ooruJiutLliei. a EAT'71'NT. iz:ie AN-tu"'oP Have yol0A Mppy Lor i.A Arc FTlaOng m il ii,ý u " bi'eers' ~,ise su' 3,, sV - oall wa'," 0, 5" l cst - iti"lsi ts'sv 5, CIO isusi'u y ail3 tc)rise \ 'I'l hnst . no triisvcccdsfi" i Ige,Cs i ii ' itli'tii5Gy r'yeev tsr-iavoisu lotsIve ontc Treînt u. ITCHING P I LES îs an ,OOe3ceedngy ano Ran anoin aM rv-sn", mtom r ase'v ""-.'u e reitchi' Xc haeIes' cis woefrstatihnt opinioh. Vteciii(liSsf" (s r ,e î' ',iîts. in it e.S t rr ile lathe Ite lfsnl t e un to e,'1.si i,' - it iimpile i~te procur2e slet'. '- t ent' 3 il.ncnslo j 'si tingslee crathes h pri-'Ut-s t 7 j CO sEN.r ad umr VAl . N'ecess-se-utstuii ae udedu.sc'q ciles repeclorly nvecte n s ais'.' su g t ,s diseas,. si .Stt0erit ain andtroubTe. 7eand onryient. tm fIth.gPie o rrttin nan ar f.h me}In.IwLEiS tanlstop xcdng, hpaifl tand esandulng affldry N o u hemisue PIN- WORMS le an ailment cntirely diffament as tu causa than Itcbing Pilies. Yet its effeots sud syrnploms are axactly the samne. The samne intoiemabla itcbing ; the same creeping, crawlig. stingiug ives sensation eharacterizes both diseases, Chases itmeut acte îikî V _1magie. lu will ais once sifurd relief from this tonSsent, Tfl -y.~jREI<EREKCES. Ins ari Newmake-J. T. Bogart, Mn. Kitto.I Hamitoui-R. G. Deene. i Sstou-Mr, Sheppard, Mr. McDouatd. King City-Wm. Walker.G0 elaemBelevile-11. Tempiaton. druggiust. Churchill-David Goe Re i f Totîsenlam--Jaines SeaniOn, J. Raid. Bradfora-R. Davis, J, Ri» The ,'elebraed D Tr. ChaeseOitrment le madis expressiy for thing Piles, but if is equall5r godi curng ail Itchy Siciu Diseases. sncb as Eczema. Itch, Barbar'sliten, Sait P.beum. Rinj4 'v rnetc..etc. For sale by ail drggsts. P;riai-60 Ci-ts. Maidadroes-EDMAN SON, BÂT1ES & CO., oron4 On., Sole Agents for Dominon 91 Cenjàgy Gxarinig Houses A1102at. ounside ofthtie reacb of city police or dapnby -The Chîiemao asthsrities-have tseen _ -.a berll. r-o'- cocasioiiallvs thîge ut or wsîîi Itu ibis shore, but si sncb timas ailga- . smg thnsu ottrgai ies tbtheling would bhauespeuddasd isba impIe- city limita, that tbay hava beau turced ta meute securely stowed sway. cimeof isba shift. Tbey bava strucit a great echama, Ibuas for wbich the negotiatione ara undero bowaver. Thay havis negotiated fer tour way le said to be the Ivanboe. or five axcursion steamers, upon Which "Everytbinig thai i doe lu ibis blee uisaey inîeud(ed bu continue thaeir games dur- le always blme otu mne," suiffed ubei îng e thepaiod tbiey are keptu nuder bau býy ernali boY, ,"anl'1'm j'isi guttiia' tirad utfil. ibe mayor and poulice. Tbie sbmas m- 1l'l rua away, . atswbl'il dU o. Doggýone laý;t d by une excucrsýin)hot ms'sage - lai if Imn 0 a i, th te Li 1Hung Chang uoftibi nliglis, wae bu moor the busta ii ss.abasin lamlly any longer. "