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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1894, p. 2

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"l This is the new shortening or cookirg fat which is se fast taking the placecf lard. Itis an entirelY ncw food produ'4e composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fined beefsuet. Viou can sec that Is cleasn, delîcatle, 'wholesomie, appetizing, anid econ orical--as far superior to lard as the elect-ic ligit, is to the tallow dip. It asks only'a fair trial, and a fair tî:al will convince yen cof its val;te. SOM l'ii and 5 p oued Pzus, by ail grocers î Made only by jThe N. K. Fairbaik Company, ,I ý 7 lNis)Ï tona irdAmsi iil.0 XLOATRELAL. Messrs. HONEX McMUJITRY have purchased the Cennty of Durham for the best \Vire Fonce ina this Country. it ;, stronz, eaily 'handled aud ornamentsl It wiii not be injured by snow, heat, c >1<1 or winds. It wiil turn Horses, Catle, Sheep, Ho-us, Doge snd Pouitry. It is a net work without barbs, and will flot in>- sunre stock in auy way. It is muoh strong- or and more durable than any barb feuec- Lg, being ciosoiy we)Von. Fonice put up and Fatrm and Townmhip IîLgtS fo l,ý e. Appl)y at CEŽ.TRAL iVE W., P. RH, C'trize V. O.,aviiug put up foence2. We guarantee Dodd's Kidney, Pilis to cure any case of BrIght's Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago Dropsy, eamatisin, ieari Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood- r mZn yrfunded. Sold by ail dealers in medicine. or by mail on receipt 0, once,50c. per box, or Six boxes $2.50. ]DR. L. A. SMITH CO0., Toronto. Apple Re(3eiPes. Apple Damplings. -Pare the apples and take ont the cores wjtb a corer. Make a good biscuit dough and rol ont pieces large enugh * to cover onu appie. Put the apple in it, aud pinch the edges together se it will flot break while cooking. Drop tbem ite boiling water and ailow thema to boli long enongh to oook the apple. Sauce for Apple Dumpiigs.-Put one plut of mille iu a double bolier. Beat ore egg, one cupfui of sugar, one tabiespoonful of butter togetrher; stir two tablespoufuls of fleur jte bhaîf a cupful of water. Add these ingredients to the boiling mille, and let t Cooke until it thicleens. Apple Cobbler.-Cover the bottom of a pudding disb or baku pan with stewed ap. pies masbed fine and seasoued witb sugar, cinnamon and nutmneg. Cover the appies witlk a rich biscuit dough relied until about oeethird of an inch ibicle. Bake iu a moderato oven, until the crust is doue. Apple Roll. -Make a rich biscuit dough, roll ont quite thin and spread wltb apple sauce sweeteued and flavorefi te taste Pinch the edges of the dough tegether and put ixr in a bake pan that is mat large, euough te hold it. Sprukle tbree table- spoonful of fleur aud eue tablespeenful of butter ovor the roll, and peur iu enough col d water te cever it. Bake iu a muoderato ovun one heur. Sauce for Apple Rell or Cdble,r..--Pare, siico aud stew ene applo. Mah it fiue and add eue tablespouful of butter, hall a cnp of sugar, one heaping teaspouful of cern starch wet lu a littie coid wator. Add a cupful of boiling water aud let t bell five minutes. Flavor witb grouud cinuaiuen. Apple Dainty. -To eue quart of stewed and maslied apples add ene cupfui ef sugar, tbree eggs weli boston, aud three cupfuls, of rieh, awoet milk. 'Stir ail tegether and faver with nuntmeg. Pour inte a pudding dish and bake lu the ovon until doue. H EALTI. Handy Treatment oh' Burns. Long bef ore the ail-pervadîng '«microbe" was the subjecir of perpetual talk it wss wel kuowu that s meat esseumial peint of troat- menb waa me keep thse air conpletely e:- cluded front a humn, anS uo more tItanirbah is kuowu uew. Bandages alonoe will net do this; sone ain-excluding -dre.esiug is needed ; aud fer a hurn tirai is net tee large neosuuch beouer itomediatS troatmenti car>b h aS (it nedical aid is net iustantly ready) ter> te separate tIre wbites front the, yolks of sottie eggg, aniS palet the wbites even the bort surtace with a s-aiel's batr- brusb or a teatîser, thon cover the- place, egg anS ahl, thmrýky with rag, aud thon (;Ottoln wool, and Go t mut uncover tîli a Soc- ton cornes, or til a sveek bas erapsed ifuo medical advlce 4a avaiable. Thsis is for'au emorizency, if uethîng specisi is renty ; but ri every bousehold thene should bu a boumeo standing in an accessible place, couuaiig a mixture of equal parts of linseed oîl airS line-wamer, sud tmeS round uts neck shonîd ho some rage, while irbore sheuld be shese instructions pasted ou it-" la case ut buruas soak rag in the oll, euS cever the place completely anS thon cuver ithe rage with a thick b-andage." If s code has thîs air baud, snuti once uses it fer evon s severo spiash et hoîliîîg fat, the injnry will probahly nu trace lu a few deys. Age and Sex in Disease. ibure are îhree periods in aduli life wheu one seoms more hiable te go wroug titan ai auy ethen imes. The eue is at tbirty-six years et age, wben tim people tend te ho- corect ansd tat peple thin; uthnx i s betweeu forty-flve anS fitty, wber> the appotite fails, nerveus diseases appoan, wbeu eue ne longer likos te steop mucb artS begsus te proier ridiug or waiking; anS the next, is et sixty-eue, wbuu the same pheomens appear more markedly. Witb regard te mihe sexual distribution of Siseasu-, eue may say tIsai erdiusry kidney, lone, anS brain diseasos. accidents et ail sorts, scarlet foyer, sud laite consumption are muai prevaient srng maies, sud cancer, dipirheria,typboid. feven, sud esnly ceusunp- tien ameugairtoneales. The nesir distness- irgocause et uerve breakdewu amongst nuasrieS woen, ne whicb we muet briefiy alilmdu, is ibat sudden changze of cincurra stances that ensuos wben a father dies wbo mhror>gh c-arelesaneser improvidence bas neglected te make adequstu provision for bis unmarried dsugbters. Such a case js p=basmore commun bore tbsu abroad. Nehii au bu moeudiairessing anS cruel 1 toru for girls who have all tsein lives lîved ir> every luxury sue witbout a cane sudde>- tly te ho strippeS et everymhing, trrugh ne assît et thoir owu anS turneS eut et )ftheir ho s e te provide tonrmenseives as hesi mirey car>. Sait as a Preserver of' Health. 1i knew a wemau ( writes s correspondent et a cutmprn)wio ai ithe age of ferty. ninu lias the complexion off a peacb sud mrbî healGtb sud-jvirof et anit nih psset,;whc( is eut lui ail sorts et wuaiher, sud wiil walk about al',day in suew on nrain with fouir sud anlules wet, sud nover take coiS. "HI-ow do yen keep yourself in sncb spion. 515 condition ?" I asked. "Salir! " site laughingly answered. "ht is salir ibat pro. serves my bealirh. I use ut lunîny bain as r a dentifrice and te ganglo ny thnoat. Yen know, first, of al, I couse frmt good' stock, sud arn naturaily stnong; but witlneut proper cane the bust, ef health wjll nir isI, emediairely en gemiug up 1 take a vigorous scrubting with bot watur, seap, sud a et if bruslx ; then I give myseit a douche wltb ice-coiS waton which 1hbave n-sado ibicl witrsài,using acoanse flesh towel te irborougbiy dry my body. Salisa great purifier. I use it le my ibrorti sud uostriis. sud it is the enly dentifrice I over use." Prevention of' Infection from Con- sumption. We quàe th re followiug directions frona a -.ircilar issueS by the Penusylvaula State Board et Heslib :-The Susirn, anS especially that poireut distrihutur of germs the feairber Susmer, shouid nover ho useS in a5roein habitnallj occupied by a con- aumptive. The fluor, woedwork, sud furnîmure sbeuld ho wipod witb a danp clotb. The patieurr's clotbiug should ho kepir hy itsezt, sud irorongbiy belleS wben wasbed. lir nouS bardly ho sad that the neen sbould bu veumlated as tboreugb- ly as is consistent wltb the maintenance et a prope. temporature. Re'sults of' Wearing Small Boots. It is saiS that tIse weariug oet aal boots causes mono serions iujury itan ia generally kuown. Iu most ofor bospi tais it isas very commun uhir>g foc ladies' maids, whose mistresses givo thorn thoir woru clombes, te ho admitted for the amputation of a tee, celer on bis nelve3. Onu naniso was cureS lu an bouc ; anember was air peace in bis mmid aimer pasaing s daLy lu sareomu ai violet. The nreen la isuseS otenhe cern- mouesit orm off dementua (rnelancoly), nsusily accorupanied by o, refusal te take teeS. Af ton mbreeheure lu the red nooru a patientr affliciod in this wy began te be cheeni l nisdsaked for fooS. THE PRODUCTION 0F7 WHE7AT. Tise Fal uitlsPncsDis u e Buu11. ss'tnýV Nattire Batisur Tisa te liseEntorvYise 0f lz, We bave referred te the gre it over- production cf wbeat lu receLir ysars as the imrnmeclate cause off the trerndouslaulu pnieus ; but n romains te expîsîn how ibe glut bas hotu predueed. Tbat t is dule te the houuty of nature rather tiate othe enterpnise off mau 18 lean tram the facir that t is maiuly sîtrîbutablo te produc- tien lu tbe United Statua, wberu the wbeat ares bas decreased dorng the lasir ton years,wbile the population bas been aug- meuteS by about 121- millions. lu 1884 there were uesriy .191 million acres under wbeat in that country, while the a\ erago ares durnug tbetbreu years euding wjth 1893 was nuder ýU7l million acres, and this yesn t la estimated by the Deparirment ef Agriculture at oniy .33milîjlion a.cres.- But thbe yield was phenomenai in 1891, extra- ordînary in 1892, sud well up te the ave I0 age in 1893 sud 1894. his j certain that the cropa ef 1891 sud the twe ffliewing yeana were greatly uuderestimated by the1 Deprnment ef Agriculture. Whbt bas, been earneet ofrbe distribution of thesef crops appears te show cenciusiveliy that tbey averaged air ieast 15,000,000 quartera more than the average aunuai production of tie' tbree preceedirxg yeýb". This aeaae's crep, agalu, according tea il com- mercial estimates, is qoite up te ý11an aerage te quantity, and moch grecrer 1 itanthe figures ef the Dopai muent of Agricuilturei intimate. To this superabundauce in Arnerica thi ers la t" bu aSSeS a us-w oeein the Argýentine Republic, wbeuce over two million quarLiters of wboat were exporteS ini 1892, sud oevor four sud a haif millions in 1893, whiie this year's total is expected te reach aucuvn milliion quarers. Preovns te 1890 that country baS ouly in eue year eprtSasi much as a million quartera, sdthe-,raLpid locrease of bier surplus, cemniug oni top of the extra reports froua ibe Un1ited States, geod creps ru Europe since 1l>9l, anSï great crops in ludia since 1892, bas inatenîaly belped te hrng prîces dowu. lui Argentins we have the ouiy instauce et a cutry in wbicb the growtb et wheat bas greatiy exiended inr recen years. Argentine tat- istics are llttle btter tb:sn rongb guesses but s" fan as îbey are te bu relieS ou. tbey show that the wheat area, wbich wa, euly 490,000 acres iin 1880, had expanded te 6,,OU,000 acres lu 189,1. Iu apice off the low picos rniiug sincu the crop offitli laten year came luto the mrket, a zreat increase lu wuoat grewing la reported ton the preseut yuar. Thoexpisuatien of ibis sorprisiingadvaucu lu wbeat Productien given by Arggntinue authorities sud ihe Britmîsb ýrpreseetamtive ai Buen os Ayros, is thatit lu is due pa£rtiy te the bigb gelS premiumNvwhicbhbas prevaibed fer several yesrs, sud partly ire the auettie- meut, et the country by a largeu number et t Italian riinigrsums, wbo are cour"eur te laber frein sunrîsu te unuset, su)d e\veu by noouiigbu, for a haro lilving, Tbthpeu bardiy auytbiug, it is saiS, u pon ifoported jnurchanaise, wbich tbe geS lo1 iiu m iakes Sear, wbiie ihey seîl 1their ý1ý. hat air goid pnices aud psy ueanly ail their ex. penses irbe depruciated paper cutrrency, -wbilb is said to ge almest as ian- as iýver lu epaymeuis wbich nbhey bave tire mak If ibis la te he taken as the main expian- a tien of Argentine larmera b inlua position te extend their wheaî sr1duý(stry *wbeu prices are unremunerative teo iwers4 in uearly ail other ceunuies, mleir unen-r prise ta but en a very insocuno fonudatien. Euglisb farmers, ai auy rate, cannert grow wbeat air 20s. a quarter. A îbniffty Scotch tanner lu Essex a few years -,a> stmished Lithe resSbers of au agricultural paper by giviug figures te show ihat ho coild grow wbheatr ab a profit te sell ai 3 a . s qurter; but hoe disposeS of the strsw as weil as thbe grain, sud le bu euhbolds te *30sý. as bis minimum. 1hiIs incrediblu that the *orlS can long bu supplieS wl h weatai preseut prîces. unlesias sserieseff "bau vuars" e ccura ta cause a recovery lu value, it wsll, in al probabliiy, be brougbht by acnidrble reluctieu ef the xvbeairarea. Chîaritable Institutions ln Londlon. The inceme of rnerely the prncipal char- table institutions bsviug their beadquaters lui London ameunts te eover £ 7,000,Co00 per sunuru, er $35,000,000. That represout's a iun eqîsal te hall the wbolo capial invested lu the Banke et Englaud. -h texceeda isthe total revenues off ail tlie Britiýsb colonies tegether lu 1884, sud t is as mucb asý th,, presont total sunuai revenues of aIl the British colonies, exclndiug. New Sou(tb Wles Victoria anS Canada. If tihere la aSSel te ibis sun tire meeft the srnalier chait ies the teiral beneoeleuce pa-iiS veluri- tsriy lu the nutropolis dues neot fi far short et £l0,000,000,or $50,000,000. Memnorized the Bible. Thero have heur> severai instances of mou audienc tat ho kuuw wbere every passage was. Lord Cartaret kuew sîl tise Greele Testament by huart f nom the firsir chapten et Mattuew me the lIssir hapter et the Apocalypse and could nociVe ut verse hy verse as if ho baS irhe booke actuaily ho fore hlm. Probibitienisirs are charEod with hâvini Iet ou fire saloensatairStrahl, 111. 1VOUNO FOLKS. How the Morning Was Spenit. Fir4t I tbiougbt lId di g a well. And se 1 took my spade, And underneath tbo apple tre A deep roud bol1 Made. But though 1 worked lîke anything Till I was stiff and lamne. 1 foueS 1 conîdu t bave aWeilI, Becauso ne water came. Thon I spied a littie bird it îay there just as dead l And se wtbouf anoirber word, 1 dug a grave instead, 1 put peer birdie ina box, And bid it in the greunu, And heaped tise dirt aboya it close, And planteS lowers round. Bird-f unerals are lets of fun- Of course. tbeyre vory sad! Wbcn I bcd coverod up tbe bird An appetite I baS. I ate a place of giugerbroad, Some beaS-anS butter, tue. AnS tiion t hurried eut te und Seme etber tbings te de, The Naturalist. Dr. Bowdier Sharpe, of Atrtralia, recent'ý ly lectnred on bird lire. île meutioned tbu hoatzin or r eptilian bird, which buids its nuest jnst above tise water-iiue, uear lakes sud rivers; dte chicks have little ciaws or booles on the eud of their unfledged wings,' witb wbichi they can clirnb up (ut ef thu floed if it tbrecteus tihe eecurity of the uest. The magapedes, or mouud builders, cf the Maiayau ArcbiP#eia.o, builinl place of uests buge earthen mouuds 10 f t. bigh anS 50f t. or 60,ft. in circumfereuce, whereilu tbey place tbeir eggs te incubate. The young caui fly immediateiy tbey cerne frern the sheil. Concerning curiehities or orna- menration in birds, Dr. bShrpe peluted eut that honors fer geed looks ln the bird races weut always without exception te the male sex. Ho surprised i hs audieuce with the remarle that the peacock's gorgeons Il tail' 18 net bis tail at ail, but an aggregatien of the long featihers from the lower part et the bcck., The pretry..little bearded tirlmouse, uew uearly extinot lu tbe Feu ceubtry, was showi' witb bis stiii smaller wife carefullyi shilded under bis wiu5, 0f uestiug curi- esities the exampies were mumereus aud varieS. There was the industrious Iltailer bird" of India-sinaiiur tbau a robin-whicb sewed leaves together witb thread lu order te, form a sert of bammocle fer the support of its uest. Au Indian frieud ,sf ite leturer bad supplieS these birds with vartons sorts ef coiered ceten, ail ef wblcb they ruest tbankfully maSe use etfjin their sarterial eperatiens. Tbhe ' weaver bird's" uest would, accordiug te Dr. Sharpo, maku au excellent and durable football.- It was feund ail ovur Judia and thbe Malay Islands, woven tigbtly toguther of rushes, ferrns, palms, leaves, and se fortp, tbe werkman- sbîp biug as ueat and substantial as aux' lady lu the room ceuid turn eut. Other eccentric nest buildurs illustrated were tLe pendulous titrnouse aud tbe oil bird of TrinidaS, se called on account ef ts exces- slveiy plnmp, fat, net te say oiiy, condition -a thiug bardly te bu woudered atin l the youug birds, wbicb are ruared mesir appro. priaruly lu a nest like a otirlten cheese. The Trinidad natives go buccaue-ering ai ter thesu oleaginous 3euugsters into the recky aud rlmest lus icessible cavus, wlsure tbey are borru at certain seasons off the yuar. Talus about the jualeus horubill, wbo impri- sens tbu wife behind a mnddy rampart lu seme boe inl a true, are of ceurse familiar te everybedy. Dr. Sharpe, hewevur, mon- tioued one curions fact, namely, tbat if the maie is shot ail bis relations in irbeir neîgh- borbeed gather round and cbaritably msain- tain the widow with a kind of "living Ëubsisteuce" untit the impotant batcbiug process la ovur. A Brave Boy. Mauy years ago a very peer man but a littIe cottage ou a meunta;,in iu Switzer. land. Onu cold wiuter the man, wbose narnu was Hans Scbmitt, couidnt get werk, anS mauy urnes the farnily weut te bed hnugry. Hans bad twoehciidren sud a wlfe uamed Meta. The cilîdren weru beys, uarned Karl sud Fred. Kari was ulue years ehi, sud Fred, a sturdy littie -DONT ETNOTHER AHDY that it will do wvhat ne other sbap eau do, and will please you every way. It is Easy, Clean, and Economnical to wasli with this soap. The undersigned deflire to than îkt[Ie tarmers of West Durharn for the liberal patronage extende~d to us duringy the past season, also to remindi them that we are stili in the, market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINDS OF ~ deiivered at our storehoise cor. King, and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, ofý,Canadiau and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Ro* kSait fa r ca' andhorses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels ,which. we are prepared tu seli Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood'and DRY CLEA&N SCREENED) COAL a7iways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoOCLELLAN & G Wii be pleased once in Quautity, twice lu ali and thrce tînles in Price Who inspeet the unequîalled assortnïent of Stippers, Rubbers,'Trunks, Valises, &c., At oui' Store, &&,BEAVER BL9CK,-t-azBowmanville BIGGEST STORE, BI&&EST VARIETY, BJGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to call andi see, our new lbatwiveuir ~ID.AVSi fellew, wbe bad just passed bis fourth J birtbday. TaE SHOE MIN' Kari bad a very quiet, guntie disposition. Ho wonid sit for heurs iu a cerner cf thue ____ littie kitchen cuttirug smail pieues of woed wsth bis kuife, nutil bhe id ferrned them lite qualut figures. IlHe's ne geot, neo .. goot," said bis fairber agalu aud again, 0"'O' 1T "FoiT"- \ WTOOD '~T ~~ A ~ '" b)ut Mets weuid uet lut hlm scoid Karl.' I~~j(J j OÂ<d* 1< K N U l "He's euly a littie bey," abe saiS, pattmng CO L. Karî's aboniner. Times grew wersu andSIF R A 'E ý werse, sud onu day there was only eue dry g.., FOR ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINCS.~ (1lutin the little cupheard, sud this was C apacify from 10,000 to $0,00 Ctubic 'T e givon te Fred, wbo ste t greedily. The father sud mother were tee rnnch worried W-IfiRDITR te psy any attention te Ksrl's movemeuts. 'WCYLONEURKACE "ATOR At lasir, wheu tbe mother missed ber boy, WOue IIAYODFRATE, she ~ ~ a tbub ubScrept lire bis lhune ~. eîn= Iled udbse weuld net disturb hlm, fer she adapted forwood bruiug -. leuew irrat there hoe was warm n sd cern. 1leavy SteelPlate Fire Box Dame fer table, anS wbilu bu siept lie would net qikrsdaemr ual bu hnngry. About tbree o'ciecle in tiheRAATRfMoeCetr- afttrneon, the deer off the lttne cettage tien and Great Heating Power -e was pushed open anS KarI, witb a basket ' a LARGE ASH- PIT haugiug on bis arm, bounded iute the roern. lilutter, ilttr I've brougbr OLFUNCt sausagos, coffue anS rye bread, sud a liiulo OLUNC cheese !", bu crieS joyeusiy. Thun bu telS 11 Large Combuio Chamber bis wonderng parents that bu toit se eorry L~..___ Long Ine Travel,enoirellsg radiater- lý' becatsse they were ail bnngry, tîrat lie Large lietngSrf made u is -- totry andseil Iis won3deu ag Fe o fr ls 9 ine tte nagaisirg-O se uSctional Fire Pat __i inona. o pt ton na ag ud winfs Retatlng Bar Dumping Grate iirg it across bisshaosslder, atarted down the DE~EP ASII PIT monutain. Ho weut te a store iu tihe lown, OXPOiRlOWOOO) FURNACE_____________ aud the propristor asked a great msuy _ qusestions, then tod Kâni ibsir buwuuld 0-Full Guaranteed C ipai-yr endfrALGEan ..IOI OK boy everytbîng lbe ceuld- maku. *~*CTLCEadETMNA OK. Tire uttle farnjly weru happy irbat igbt. Q>. ....Manufactured by.... Ksn's fathor patteS bis flaxeu huaS, sud a-T--M callS bus a"get be.'lThe m tes GURHEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd.y, TORON'TO. ,,% heart e-as tou l foer words, but a brg tesr tî m isîï îuîîîîîîîîl lhi ¶ feu ou Kari's cheele wbeu she kissed brm ~A A A A A A A A A & A A AA 6AUUW I ê good-night, anS the bey reseived that smilesW V W Vw W W W W W www w instead oet iears shonid liii mother s oyes. Kari worked eaiy anS late makiug pret. Ne1son's Victory j Science of' Palmistry. ty figures sud ornameuts of every descrip. For weoks sbe bcd plaveS wltbhlm, tion. His fairber soon ,ucceeded lu getting Th atofNln'od ship, thG acceptiug Iie attentions eue day, ouiy te work, but Kani labored ou sud earuod a Virtory. having rottedl at the base, are te bow coidly te, hin the next. lie bad nice sure of money. Now bu is a big, h-3 taken eut aud replaceS wlth iran eues. waited leng sud patieutiy sud ssowIlbis buarded man, sund ewus a big tey stoeein The use of thîs moisiM for the Victory's oppertunîity baScorne. As .lsey satou tbeý eue ot th6 big chties iu Switzerlaud, andd latmastrs bas caIbed eut critjcisms frein ail beach togeihrberasd leoked at thbe meen, liy loveS sud respecteS by everybody. ides, wbicb, as tbe sbip 18 keptin lucern mis- effered te tellilber fortune by palmraîr'l sieu avowedly as s mtter of sont irnent She assented, sud taking lter baud 1ho Awkwardness and Diplornacy. seerns natuiral. leoked carefuily at the delicate mankinga. MissJines- I ave rio mybea teThe waves stoppud breaking snd the meen MissJink-" hav trid m bes tolistened auxieusly me hear wba.tbu wouid get my father toeoxbangu our square piano In theb West. say. for an uprrght, but ho we't. 1 telS hlm 1"lYen are a flirt," ho at length saiS. the uprigbt were the bestaud rnest fashion- Easterner-"' How leng bave yen lived IlIndeeSI'm inet," she replieS. able, sud ail the secieiy f olles baS thein but in thbe west ,, "Oh yes yen are; it's purfeîd'y plain ho oniy got ioad." Wesierner---" Tweuiy years. frein yeur baud, fer if yo ewren't yen Miss Bink-'l My father consenteS thoe astrer-" Is't- it daugeous ont weld't bave let mne bolS h folr lhaîf au momnent 1 spoku te hlm. " there ?"heur. "0 f ail things ! Wbat d15 "ou say te Wsterner-" Weli, 1 rookon if some of Tlsop the starswinlcod ai each otlier, sud hirm?' thon I've baS te do wîth was lillune w the menu grabbed a passing cioud sud .gt j "Itoll hlm the uptigbtsmadeless noise." tbey might say i was." boum iri. C~i~re~ Cry 10v P~t~her'9 C~sto~ia5

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