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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1894, p. 5

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Fj KIOWLEDGIE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoy ment when rightly used. The xany, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy lifa more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products te the needs of physical being, will attersr the value te health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ini the as..edy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting iu the forin most acceptabe and pleas- .ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficiAl properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cieansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches aud feverm and perrnanently curing constipe.:ý7 It has given satisfaction -~., millions and met with the approval of the madical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neiys, Liver and Bowels without waak- eningy them and it is perfectly free from every objectionabla substance. Syrup'of Figs is for sale bysill drug- ,fsts isf 75c., botties, but it in manu- ~acturedi by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well iuformad, you will'uolt accept any substitute if offred. A Tooth Brush For 5 cen"jts. We do flot claim that tbf s is the best quallty but ib is a good serviceable brusb sucli as ia usuaily sold at 10c. aud it is particularly useful for ehildreu. If yen would like te ses the finest tootb brush on the market we can show lb to you and ini order to introduce thejix we are giving'a 25a. tooth brush stand free with every brush. THIS LUNI 15WORTR Y 0F YO UR ATTENTION. STOTT & JURY Druggisits and (ipticians. N. B. -Do flot lose sight of the tact that /~ Partridge are reportâd to ha vary pieu- tiful tbis fali. Lindsayltes talk of runhling Rev. Robt. Johnston for mayor., What beautiful weather we have had during October. Indian summer? Mr. John L. Mason of Daveiuport, la., is visiting his mother here. Mrs. A. Simpson cf Toronto is visiting Mro. iRaworth at Mrs. Mason's. The open seaqon for deer is frotu the 20th October te l5th INovember. MWr. A. Myer. B. A., cf Cliippewa, bas succeeded Mr. Rogers in the Bigh Sehool hare. Prof. Carpmael, haad of Toronto Ob- servatory, died in Hastings, England, recently.1 Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A..* conduet- ed services in the Congregational church, Cobourg, on Sabbath. New boot sud shoe sitore-cheap for cash-G ult Edge 15 cents in Var4ety Hall, Bowmanville. Much is belng said in the papers about feeding wbeat to swine. Can STATES-NAN readers giva tlisir exparience '? Rev. A. McAulay, Woodville, bas re- ,eelved a unanimous eall te Pickering sud Brougham Presbyterian ehuirches. Mrs. M. P. Warren snd son, Walter of 20 Close Ave-. Toronto, have been guests cf ber cousin Mr., Jas. McLean, Silver St. Exchanges are boastiug cf the big taters grown in their counities. Wait till our report cf big taters aud turnipa Sap. pears. The excellent portrait presented to Mrs. S. Mssou, senr., by the local W. C. T. U. was made by Tait & 00. who are making many more. The Numidian, Nov. 3, Parisian Nov. 10, sud Mongolisu Nov. 17, are the iast Allan Lins passeuger steamers fromn Montreai this Besson. G. F.. Marter, M. P. P., for North To-. route, bas beau selected leader cf the Couservative forces in the Local House iu the place cf W. R. Meredith. Mrs. Orr, wldow cf the late R. K. Orr, Niagara Falis, bas returnad te Whitby, wbere she will reside with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johuston. A reporter was showu a $5 bill cf the Quebec Bank issue, whieh, had beau rais- ed to $10, by tearing the corners off bo- igus $10 bills and sticking tbem ncatly over the $5 mark. Dr. Purslow beadmaster of the Port Hope Model School, bas resigned ewiug to defective -hearing, and lbas beau suc- ceeded by Mr. T. A. Kirkcounell, math- ematical master, at a oaiary cf $1100. Mr. Edmuud Burk sud Mr. D. Bur:L Simpson bave returned from. a hunt sud flsbing tour iu Carlow township, North Hastings. Tbey report a scarcity cf ganse iu that regon.-Campbellford Har- aid, Mr. Geo. Wight, cf Torento, and two younRast childreu have beau spaîsdiîig a faw days at the old home near Providence. We ex peet te publish a report cf Mr. Joseph Brittains trip te Califorula naît Rev. R. K. Biack cf Granby, Que., preached two good sermnons in Triicity cburch Sunday. Miessrs. Fred. McCiung4 James Courtice, Toronto, atteuded the f uneral cf the late Mr. Norman Sherin. Mr, W. H. Holland, Mr. Reginald Argies and Mr. E. Douglas Arînour, Q. C., of Toronto visited bere receutly. A few ladies with literary tastes hava organized a reading club for the winter. There are aise rumers thah a whist club wiIi ha formed. SRemnember, the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul'a cburch will run a cheap excur- sion te Toronte on Nov. 8th sud 9th te the Moody meetings. Mr. anid Mrs. Edward Brown, Mr. sud Mrs. Gao. Bai sud Mr. Neil Gordon cf Toronto, sud Mr. W. L. Allen cf Pater- bore, spent Suuday week at "Drumralia," the resideuce of Mr. W. F. Allen. Fourteen years iu penetentiary i% tL e ertast termi for stealing from the G. T. Railway. Semae young lads in town have had a narrow escape, but ib is hoped their Eýyes hava beau epened to the severity cf the law fer sucb effane. Duli times are being defied by the amnazingly-low prices et- whieh Dry Gooda ara being sold at the Great Bankrupt Sala of Tod &Co's stock at tho old stand. Foliow the crowds sud secure your share cf the bargains. Sigu cf the Red Flag. Major Complin, aditor cf thse WarCry, and bride, speut Sunday here. The meetings at the S. A. Barracks were weli atterdad and verv profitable, te the wor- shippers. The Major always receives a cordial weicomne bars and fis Asrl wifa won the respect cf ail wbomtbr Gieat improvemeuts are beiug made in thea Music Hall, Q ceeu st, bef ors the Mouutford lecture. The gailery iu the east sud bas beau. removad, tha vestry Siso, and thse platform exteuded back te the wail, making a stage 18x201ý feet. Two dressing roorns oue ou aithar aida cf sida of the stage have beau censtructed, mnak.iug this building much better suited for concert purposes. With asBasting capacity for about 800 persons, faw tewus in. tha country hava suchi a cemfortable sud commodicus public hall. Aller fiva weeks' illness cf iehid laver Norman, youngaat son cf Mr. Thos. Sherin. Bowmanville, paosed te bis rest on Titursday Ist at Souris, Man. Hie remaîns ware brought bers by bis brother Geerge sud intarred yestsrday aftruoon. 74r. James Courtîce cama from Torouto bearing a latter cf coudolene sigued b3 several students sud othars who knsw, hima whau in charge cf the East End Pharrmacy lu that city. Our citizens syns- pathuize with Mr. sud Mrs. Shariu sud faifly in their affliction. lýtIrs. (Dr.) Willmott cf Torouto was the -bief attraction at a meeting beld under the auspices of the Womau's Missionary jSe iaty cf the Methodiat Church in tha ,PLAIN FAO0TSO It jh'as been our aim to pay special pttention to the quality of our goods---to secure the best for the least money. This year of de.~ pression has been marked by manufacturers and wholesalers and our cash buying has secured for us the greatest va-lue yet offered. VALUEI Lamp Goods,Tea Sets,Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, fancy goods of al description. New fruit is arriving daily---all niew, cheap aild good. O YS, TER.S H-erring,Fin2nH-addie,Whitefish, Trout, and, ail fish in season. Barrel, Dairy and Land Sait al ways on hand. Thanking our many frie'ds for their liberal patronage in the past we intend byfair dealing and gQood value to have more people deal with us than ever, :Bring us your produce and get the highest price in goods or cash. MRS. MOUNTFORD NOV. 2.t Ib is a long time ine sos many seats1 ware reservad in advanee for au entertain- ment as are already eugaged fer Mrs. Mouutford's lecture naît Friday night in t the Music Hall, weil ou te 9200 seats being takan. This lecture was given in Belle-E ville at the close cf thse S. S. Convention aud our nitizeus wbo heard it were, 80 delighted that tbey are advising ail theirE frieuds te attend. Severai frcm the country haviug beard no favorabiy of- i ara sending lu for seats. Tickets are ouly 25 cents, ne extra charge for reservedÉ seats. Plan cf bal uow open at Big 201, Don't miss this treat,lriende,is the Sdvica cf oua who beard Mrs. Mouutford at Belleville. SabkathSehbol teachers sud advauced sebolars especially should heasit. Miss Helen Christie, Toronto, in vlsiting friands lu towu. Mr. Neil C, Gordon cf the Standard Bank, Torouto, viitad bars last waek. Misses Adella sud Bertha Doncaster wara beome over Sunday from Port Flops Modal. Mr. WillPercy 1sf t ou Friday for Detroit, Mich.. where ha has sacured a situation. Better te spend a little money in ad- vertisiug, uow than to sali a lo ,ot f hop worn goods later on. Mr, L. T. Courtice bas returued from O wl's Head, Lake Mempbramagog, to spend the witer bers. Mrs. Oliver, Hampten, and Mr.N'u nu, Bowmauville, hava beau guesta cf Mr. John Nunu, Coiborna. A sacred concert will ha given iu Trin- ity ehurch on Friday evauiug, Nov. l6îb' by the unitad choirs of Trinity sud St. John's churehes. Particulars later. Cobourg doctors hava' formad a union te protect thamnselves agaiust parties whe make apractice cf securiug their servi<,es sud mediclue and then refuse te psy. To any subseribar wbc will renew sub- seription te TuE STÂTESMAN snd seud in eue new subseribar with $2, wa will givae the Toronto Weekly Globe or Mail free for one yesr. The affiendid l teamship "Vancouver,"

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