y BRE ýAKýFAST-SUPPE R. athlorongli knowledze or the na'nira laswbi overn the operations of digestion asdntiinad by a careful application nt tMeierperties or wel-selected Cocoa. Mr. pp aspruvided our breakfast tables with a aeiaeyflavored beverage whieh may save 1s 1rnen ý havy doctora' bills. It je by the 2uil-, ueo' such articles ef diet that a COnSitutn mav be graduailly bui up untîl Sar die Ioh10resi8t every tendency te, di~eae. Huodedeof subtie maladies are Iloti g aoun neready le attack wherever tlirete ~akpoint. Wemay escape many fat latby keeping ourselve3 well fortifled dth pur" blond ad a properly nourished Madesmply with boijur water or milk .14UESEPP .~<'o, lornSopatlkic lUea ýat.iode. England, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 18S94 COTIIEG OPPII-91CAN i'e'.Ontario, Coroner, etc. OS]'aan Psiàenc-e. Enniskillen. 74. J)11CE, uptairs. Kinçe Str'eat. Bowuîan. ilele oicitor for tie Ontari Bank OFFICE IN THIE WEST DURHAM Newvs Block. wvlianahinsaîf or assistant be iiIefoumd fronu l3.m. tmo9 p.m. Nigbt cails iot siae.ictyopposite Dnihi51hsd. ('ails 1t elegu aplior telepione ailI eceiva prompt Ltle'uiiti 1171 yr A . APOt>wl A RCHITECT. Plas sasd Specifica. tlions prepamed for avsry clasa of building. EQpeeial attention givea tIo heattug by teain rS d Lt aatar, sud to sanitinry arrangements. fJ£c: Geins fBlock, Whitby 43-ly 1-P ~TE, Tai.lor CGenýl1lmen's Llothes Made to Order. DE4NTIST. OFFICE :-liear of Messrs. lligginhotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE Gents' tlothing Cîesned, I)yed, Pressad sud Rapaimad by THOS. PEAT, Dyem sud Ciollias Cleanan, ecoararanled te be as nuouanew il knuw them frei nuew wliau dune. Corner King sud Ontario S.raate, Bowmianville C. HARNDEN, L. D. S. Graduate cf Uic Royal Collega of Dantal Surgeons. Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shopr- The undersigued who lias beau carryiug on lueî taldoring business lu connection 4 with Maso's Dry Gonds Store for a number of years lias commenced business for himself at his iesýidence, King St.,west. wherehe ispreparat ie make gents' and boy' suttsilah te latesi atuyle@, aud air lowest prices. For thosae who wîsh to order suts, lie wiil carry a fulllliue of amples lual lihe naweaî patteras. Give hlm oeil, J. T. A L N Fashinnabie Tailorl TUE DOM~IN1IN Association Issues a ganuine «'Blenket" Pglicy to farmars lat Casas 65 cents par $100) 2.d ' 90 100 >-Tarin. 4 years lird 1.10 100)ý Mot of West Dniam's promineut farmieri are insurad iu il. ýUL s Rt. J. DOYLE, E3q., JESSE TUL s Manager, 'Presideut, Oweu Sound. Bowmanville. IllI cali ou recelpt of poat card. Agen' ýor West Durham, A. W. FOLEY. Box 148, 50-6mi PowmanrvilIe, Ont HAVE YOUý "B a k a che te scauengers means the kid- o0f the system. neya are in IlDelay i s trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pilis glus leoted kidney prompt relief," troubles resuvit "75 per cent, in Bad Blood, o f disease is Dyspepsia, Lier first caused by Complaint, an disordered hid- the most dan- ,leya. gerous of ail, IlMight as well Brights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- "Th e aboue age, as good diseases cannot health when the exist where kitdneys are Dodd's Kidney « eogçged, they are Pflla are used." S,,ld by al deaers or sent by iniail on recipt cfpie50oents. per box or sx for 2i. Dr.L.A. Smith & Co. TorcataWieIo bo-ok çalléd Kidney Taik.41 Aicis at Beef and Hcg Klling Tirne. AI butcieriug ima thé greameat ditllcuity is usnaliy axperiencet i3,î alevstiug the car osas, whletbar it la beef Îr pork. By use et a derrick or tripot, as hlown lu the illus.. sîrarien, Ibis baavy avonitcas ha donc ex- peticusiy by tins ait of bavwo mn. Tbe poies (,,i aboute 14 faab lu iength, ara botat or chaînaedtobgethar and acte upon eut, as shuwu in bbc sketch - two pulîsys witb reos (c) ara attachat, hy whicli oua inucan lifth lrelimes bisewu vnweighb, bwo men elevsting a large heaf witb esse. At hog-killiug tins a large harcel contain- DEVICE FOR FACILITATING BUTC1IERING. ing the scalding water is placet almost tirectly nder the pnliays. The bog la elavatat sud èssily i-aiset up sud down lu thea scaltiug water untîl the briatles are removat, then ioweradtthe ibapîatfoi'm adjoiniug, the eut reverset eudthmle brists ail removat wl mth but liietle trouhle er lieavy littiug, sut ne danger frein mhe splasabig et scalding water. Whan ready for h~~ ina it is elevated by the nope andt puils]ys, sut mun off en a pole placat et nugit ngles2 wîtli the tripot sud t rthe propar beiglit. This contrîvauce will prove cunvenient for hesvy lifting, aud for ioading or unloadiug boxes sut bancals. Selling Beef. The hast lime tu market beet animaIs troin the tai'm ahenit ha cousidaret. About November oit cow hast begina mn ha makan tc market by fariersand soit hy the quar- tai'. By Decemiber, if is s tmug in the market, sudthmis sally continuas mill into Jsnusry. Farinera sou l tat sny prica mbsy can get. This teprasses the pnicas ot bal- ber qualîties of beat. The reason se mucli pour beef la rushat unto market un late taîl and early wiutem is, that when colt weaîher comas on sud todderung commences, the fariner, bavinz the two togechar, makes mental accunt et bis live stock and bis stock of tottar. Shuni the latter seain net sufficiaul mu carry the former tbrough untii grass shail grow again, soinseto the live stock must ha sacrificat, if neet ha, for if mine fariner halas mu de any eue littîe thing werse th-an another, lha bates 10 ha oompelhat te huy luay in thespring. This is geueraliy negartets evidauce et a poor tanin or a peer fariner, se,,te avoil1 this mortification, soe of the stock muaI go, and, if thora ara possible beet animais smoug thlolt, they at-o ihe fir-st-teubaails. paset ut. Sacb transactions are inteusified wben bay is tear, un likaly me be, as it la moaf certain me ha next winmer. The mbougbmful fariner avilI cousiter bis situa- allen anti deoida uow; thon, if auy stock is to ha bet, ha will troin uow on baudîs it wiîh the eut lu view et getieing il loto market hafure the infiow et olt oow heat commences. Best Use For a Poor Milker. A trient asked me in a latter the dîner day bc.w ta manage sa00Wwlîhich la an un profitable tairy animal, Ibat usually tries off in tlie tail. His tesire îa me basf lber. Buttai' is v-sry low. I would dry bier immediateiy; then putlibar lu a tarn, coul stable wbare flics would net bomber, soil ber aud pushlieha witli grain- for aIl thare is lu it, sud than seil bier as soon as I coult gem tour and ene-haîf cents. Ha eau grint sny grain togaîber ho may bave-cern, wheat, oessand3. hsley-bum ceru sbeult ha s cenaiderahie portion. 1 woult eut a portion of tne soiliug unateriai, sud mix this Ilchop" with it steet. If tebere la no soi liug orop, I woult t estbier hay aut atdt muchop soe iolicaka meai or fiax.seat jeily. Witli aIl dry feadthis wiîl kaep the bowels infSue condition, aut make the coat smootb sud glaaay. If there lano othar sniling materiai, grass growiug aiong teuce mowa or on ftho iawu couît ha utilizet for this parpoe ansd relieva bthe dryiug psstui'a or lnaymnow thaf mucli. But if tbis extra care cannot ha riven convient- ly, ant she must'he turuedteIr pasture with the other animaIs, I1avonît grain baer juat the sains, nuw ihat pasmuraga la getfing dry sut woody. Iu this case il avonîdtmake a longer lime me tattan lber, sot yon wonlt heat af gramer ex pense for grain. Penn la higli sud likeiy mo ramaun wail up am laasm; iamb sud mutton bring a goot prico, sud the oroiuary tacmer'a "lhome mata" beet bas gol te coma tusa peint to meth prices et those.-Dr. GaiEn Wilson. MVutton Sheep. There isas phase et shasp.raising wbich, wbie requiriug but little capital te con- duel, înay ha mata more prufitable Ibsu auy other branch et the business. It la lu rsisiug gond ututton sud lamb for sale, wbere small docks can ha kepb avithin tan ci' fitacu miles of a market. Good inutteni and iamb sells bigber in the huloher abops than siteber basf orpurin, by neason et ils greaben sascity. liera is s chance, thon, for sinail farinera living usar oui' cilles sud teavus, te naisa mutton sud lamb et goot qualimy aut dispoae ut the sama at tp-top pnicas, avithoul the intervention et the mittlemen tu divide the profita or' auy camt fer trnspoi'matiou. Ail sncbfarmers conît kesp troin twenty tb lhirty heast ut autbon sheap ab a greater comsparative profit than frein auy other stock on the tarin. 0f course, net hy aliçwing Ibain le mn ont day sud nigli and hoa ai the mercy ut shaep. killing' dogs, but keepiug Ibern in s cou- veniant pasture 'lu. sgtoftaIbm ouse tbîough t'ha aay aud reguiariypaun thernin lu e ba brn-yard Nvith the coevs at, night---uo stranga dog ever venturin.j lu the cow-ysrd at nigbt tor tsar et their borna. Another tbing, if every fariner living iu tie saine uïigiborboed kept more or leasseep, such a miug as a sbeep-kill'. iug dog would raraiy aver c h eard ot-a pup rsised lu snob a commuity,frem hbeiug accustomed te the sighî of auinals et the kind, bheing as nnlikaiy ta injure thein as if tbey ware children et bis msstar's oewu houaabold. Of course, a farinai' wbo pays ne atten-" tien te bis sbaep by allowing thain to rambla shount at will must axpeot te lose mesir ef mlîam. But the profit on a small flock of twenty-flva or ibicîy ewes et auy et the mutton breets is, or ought te ha, a sufficieut inducameut tu any farmer mu bastow thue raquisima cara to keep themin luthe hast possible condition te lusure it. Ha wouid soon fiud Ihat for no greater iuvastint il wouid pay hlm a greatar profit Iban auy other stock ou bis tarin. If ha seas proper, ha couit start wumh a faw commou awa sud a ramretfauy et the muttonbrdeets, sud by keeping the hast format aws lambi ut this cross, sali off the more intifferent ut thae lder ewes sud ail the ram lamhs. Than hy repeatîug Ibis practice for threa or four years-getming a naw ram, tattan- ing sud disposing of. theolod stock sud supplyuug thaîr places wlth youugeranimahs of bis owu raising-be wonld seon hal enabiedtomcganimprove bis fdock et mnttou sbaep as bu mae if wortb double the saine numbar ut the erigluai stock, whila the annuai profit frein the sais ut laulhs, old sbeep, sud woul wîilbava returu- ed bile s larger comuparative compen- sation en the invetmmaut Iban anymbiug als ou the îarm. Making a New Use of' One's Garden. A gandùeman adverised iatal y that bis garden lu the country, witb the hospiballty of atternocuntes, wouid be open every Satnrdsy for working mou troin London Englaut. A gentlemen who deacribes a visif appears to hava had bis doubla wbether the wbole atfair was notas hoax- su apprebensian shared kv bis travelling companion. This ides was corroboratet hy the babavioni' of a rural policeman et wbom thay iuquirad the way tu their des- tination, sud wbo bat alraady haau imiiar- ly quasionat by eleven gentleman et the roat-ali, as it turnat ont, their , faliow- guesta. Howaver, thay fount ail was wali wheu arrivad at thair juuruey's endt; the gardon a pretty une, tha bosm most gracions, sud s ganerous licensa as regardat tohacco. Upon the whola, the exparimeut appears to have beau cumpletaly succestul. It is easy to sac that the realt thia wbolesole banavoleuce might ha very amhsrrasaiug, but îlo surf et hitcb appears ta hava lakenx place.- EGGS AND POULTRY. A 311aîket fer Eggs Lik te titeIuleuld sge at Goel Fa'tes. The Doîninioîu Governinent have i-sanat report en the poltry indnstry sud egg trate whicb wili ha tound mess, usaful to poultry aisars sud lutarestin mutehia geneasireader. As to the 2ggrRda, the saitc furishet by Mr. George Johnson, Dmn ion stafiatician, shew that the tturm u large sud increasiug. The îuost imprtant1 market, of course, is the hume oua, huthe 1t trada' returus ut 1893 show that, hasidea snpplyîng bar ewn market, Canadaexrt ad in that yaar 6,80,5,432 tezen ut eggs, u a value ot $868.007 ; liv-e poultry ltha1i value of $61,12'd, anti poltry dresed or nudresset te the valua ut $20,840. Tù-e principal enstomers of Canada, with whicb the others cao îuet compare, ara Great Britain sud the United States, tho formeýr taking the hnik ut the trade. Inlu 193 Canada axportedte t4 teUnit fKîugdomý 4,104,632 dozen eggs, '.alued taI$394 whila mu the United States asesaut 4,021,- 637 dozan, vsiued at$510,594. Up te 1890) tha United S tatos w as the hast customer ot Canada, but the McKinley tariff ut1891 causat a grest flieg oil, as the toliowiug table will show: Doz. Eggq. Vala, 1882........... 1883 ....... .. 1884 ............ 1885 ............ 1886 ............. 1887-.......... 1888........... 1889 ..... .. 1890 ... 1891.,......... 11,728,518 14,683,061 14,698,238 14,029,474 14,465,764 13,682,914 15,255,558 15,370,061 14,917,912 8,095,67.3 4mai 9-'7 $1 79;i 167 9,M6,1,3 2, 56,3J 2,065,086 1, 177,831ý, Iu 1888 our exporta to Great Brimtain amouuted ta 2,379 dozen' of egga valuet at $262 ; the toiloaving year if bat droppet ta 918 tozeus vaîmieatai $18. The affect of the McKinley law la seau lu the thres years 1891, 1892 sut 1893. Canada flndiug Ibat she avas iosiug the Unitet Saas' market turnet baer attention tmu Engiaut snd ex- portet as tollowa: Peultry antý Doz. Egga. Value. Gaine. 1891 ... . 649,476 $ 84,589 $,0 1892 ... . 3,9S7,655 592,218 3,49 1893 .... 4,104,632 .538,944 5,104) Sbowiug binaI ail that is neetet la bo preas trade lu thal direction, for Englaut bas damant ton aIl the aggs we can saut. The suippiy is drawîs trmi France, Russia, Sweden, Deumarin,-Gerinny,Holiauti..Bel- ginin, Portugal, Spain, Monce-co, Unitetl Sîsmes ant Canada. France heated the list laste yaar with .35,121,740 tazan, Ger- mauy came nexte aibli 27,513,400 toroni, Beigium next avitel 19,857,680 tozan. The Unit States sent enly 421,250 dozen, the the total import amouuting mu 111,394.190 toron valuedat $18,480,276. France suppliet uaarly one-third ut the w.iols quautity impoi'led aut Gsmmany comas naxt witb about s feurtli et the vaine, Belginnua tolloaving wimli uaarîy a fifth. Il ailI ha seau tron this that telere la a great marin et1 for sggs lu the United Klugdoin aiegot pricas, wbicl shenît be au incouiva te egg dealers lu this country to hastir tiiet- suIves te seenre s greater saesof lhe trada. The report fumnishes fuil informa- tien, giviug parîlculars of the trate with sîl couutrias,mlia tables sbuwing at a glanes the trend ut the tcaffic. A Correctedl Bill. Housheitr-"Did the master plumber make tecorrectisona lu thathbill I ceunnat to hlm.,?" Colleto-"Yes, sir, sut lie feunt an oercharge et twe dollars." "Abs! Jual as I sait." "Yaa ir; but nIt ook hlm about an heur: bu lakup tbe itams,-snt lia charges fiva dollars au boum for bis' timre, Tbuee dollars more, pisase," uf these eaaly shipints cama trom the porta of New York sud Boston. Theasp- pies wbiolu ara the support of unr chiaf ex- pert trada de not coma in so eariy as cor- raspunding grades lu New York Stata. Evan lu aur tail applas wea traent praparat mo make haavy teliverias bat ors the end et Septembar, sud for that dlata ut apples the Britisb tamaud bas nom hitherto beau large Hance raceipts of Canadîsu appies aI Brit- ish ports wara comparamivaly lighm up te the Ist of Octber. But since this monmb opset our buyars bave beau seutiug for- ward salecîed tail appies on quimea slarge. sosie. This la owiug lu the tulînesa iii the shippiug trade, whicli bas broughf down oeasu reights, sud mu the deficif lu the appla orop. IN ANOTHER QUTARTSPR the demsnd for our tali apples show expau- sien.- That la acroas the border.. Laste fal s cousiderable proportion et oui' apple ex- porta want thithar, sud moe wil he likely toge this yeam. Aireadyshipînents tombae United States graatly excaad those mate nup tombe saine date asat year. But itilato oui'winter-keapiug apples, the staples et oui' orchards-our Nonthero 'Spiesa, green- inga, russets-thal wa look toi' export stock. Thase bard apples, bhe hast grown lu the worlt, ara nul yet reaty toc shipmaub, but whan Ihey are sure tbsy ara ot the hughý est pnîcas gaîug tu the British makt- thal is, if the shipper gives thain faim play sud paoks Ihain propaciy. lndged by prescrut indications, th.e higbestr prices en the Britishi market Ibis yaar are iikely te ha v-amy remunerstiva tmu shippers. The waste sud ioss, ou sottfIuite, hich is a vory large proportion of the total yîelt, are diminisîî. ing every ysar. The nou-keeping nature ufthIis fruit made il acessary to CTIOWD I-T ON5 THE MARKET in a short period eftime, sut that kapt priees low. Naw the market for it bas axpandad homb towards Great Britain sud mue Uited States. Also evaporaters saat- ing np id). ev-ai the province, affect a naw and great eniargemant et the damant. Tbay laka the culis sud seft applas, slice th ýan sd dry theainsd change tbam tram a perishable into a keepiug comnîodiîy. Turie canneraSufid au increasing calavary yesr fer the applea Ihey preserve for table use. Citai' always commands tair sais. lIma the capaoimy of the damant is widau- iug, maiuly for the reason thaI it bas beau tonetpossible me apreat the supply uv-ar the whoia year. Evitantiy there is now a, more stable markete foc appîes. The orchard about baucefortcbbhanauimportant resource to the farmar. Appla-grawiug will repav- farinera for thbe attention Ihay give ta if. As trees dis ont farmers shouit sea that tbay ara ceplacet by thasa on whlcli anc heast appies are grewn. Ws ceuld do witb less cenumon fruit. Notes of Industry. Geransy us textile scholss. Calitarnia bas Chinase farinera. Baron Hoikaît is a single taxer. Chinasa soldiars get $1 a montb. Engiaud bas 1,237,,367 union in. Mains tlks of sholisbing coronens. Omahla pays $8. 50 foc a Ion ut coal. Philadaiphia bas a sixîgis-tax weekiy. Biltimoe lias a sociaist.iabor party. Uncie Sainlbas 50,000 union prînters. incinuati bias a Russian niglit scbool. Kuigbls et Lahor have invadat Japaîs. Michigan tcuggiata have a stala union. Toronteo bas a huilters' lahorars'1 union. foronto bas a girls' bookioters union. Cardinal G:bbona indorses labor unions. Cincinnai bas e German tradas coucil. Chicagoedaims 150,000 trates nuionists, Macon (Mo.) lias a negro suti-liquor les. gue. Chiaf Arthur is opposed t-- gos arumen owuerahip et caiiroads.1 1 A big Hartford store bas dacitat te close aI 6 o'cleck p. m., William Waidort Aster's income la $8, 9)00,000 a ysar. If ismsid fhat 8,000 woman iu Buffalo recoive lesa than $250 s waak. A St. Louis fîm will test the constitu- tieuaimy ut the houler inspection iaw. OuI of 400 deiogates te the British Trades'j cogaa103 were aither uueibers et pan is. mneut, aldermen, contyenuncîlni's, niembers ut school boards, justices cf the peaca, or hbîera of some officiai positions lu wbicb tbey conît premome the cause ut lahor ne- torm, Elaven daiegates ware mainhers et the British par] isment.- For a Broken Heart. A Louisville ginl bas tiscovenet a 'nov-el panacea ton s broken lisant, whicb cemmn hnmauity damants abouit ha givea wide- spreat circulatien aI once fer the benefit et a suffering worid. The smony was ovenlugard in that quser but popular publîc coufea'- sionai, a street car. Tfhe claver creature saidtol the other girl: "Oh, Louise, I fait part ectiy dreattul ail day yeserday. I{arry aud I hava fallan ont, snt we are boîli so ehîtinate that we neyer wiil make up- navet' i "My lite is a perfect wreck. I cried until I conîdn't ccy sny more, sot wss juiis desperate te kuew what mte o.witb miysait, » heu snddaniy I beard a baud ergsi ont is conclusion is tmat the UauaOian wtna growers 51'? iu a position to produce'a gond article if the public will have faitbi in tbeîîî, aud will pay the prici2cuecessary te supply thein a bottled condition. The Ontario grape crop this year bas heen excellent, but many of the growers have soid their grapas ratiier tlîau take auy risks in making wine front theni, as thay are somewbat afraid of the effeots of tiho Frenchi treaty. There is howevcr, a cansiderabie quautity of wine beiug made. ALL MEN Young, nid or middle aged, wbo fiud thein salves tnervous, weak aud axhausted, who are broken dowu from excess or overwork rasuIiîng in mauy of the followiîîg sym. ptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, mass of memory, had dreains, dimunes of sîght, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of euergy, pain in the kidneya, headachas, pimples ou the face sud body, itcuing or paculiar sensa- tomn about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, secks hefo re the ayes twimchiug of the musclas, eyelids aud else. where, bashfnanss, deposits in the urine, 5 aos of ivili power, tendarness cf the scalp sud spine, weak sud flahby muscles, de- sire to slaep, failure to be rested by slesp. ýconstipation, dîtilss o 'f bearing, loas of voice, desira for solitude, axcîtabiiity of temper, sunken ayes, anurronded with LEADEN CIROLES, oily looking skin, etc., are ail symptoins of narvous debility that lead to insaui ty uuless cured. The spriug or vital force baving lest ita teusion every function wanas in couequenca. Those who tbrougb abuse1 cornmitted in ignor. rance, may ha permaniently cured. Send your address sud 10 cents in stamps for book n isases peculiar to nian, saut sealed. Attress M. V. LUBON, 24 Mac donueli Ave., Toronto Ont., Cauada. 36-iy It is reported in London that grave dit- ferences iave arisan hetweeu EarL Rosebery sud the Eari of Kimberley regardiîig the fore ign policy of Great Bzritain lu con nec tion 1with China sud Japau. How to> get a "Sunight" pictur3., Sand 25 Suulig!ht" Soap wrappers (wrapper beariug the wcrds "Why Does a Woeuan Lnok Oid Sonner Than a Man"). ta LEVER Bans , Ltd., 43 Scott St,,' Toronto, sud you wii recetve by post a pratty picture, free front advertising atnd well worth frarng. This is su easy way, t decorate ynur home. Tbe snap la the best lu the mrket, aud it wîll ouly costleb. postage bu send in the wrappers, if yon leave tha ends open. Write your address caret ully. The American Street Railway Associab!ou1 wîîll oIt a con vention tn Moutreal on Oc- tobac lSth cf uext yea"., "110W To CUR1E ALE SKIN 1515E&SES%" SiMply spply 'SWAY2ZE'S OINTMENT." No internaI medicine required. Cures toiler, eczemn'a, itch, ail eruptions on the face, banda, nase, etc., ieaving the akin clear, white sud haihy. 'Iti great boal- ing sud curative powers are possesed by no other reruedy. Ask your druggist for SWAYÇE'S OINTMENT. Lymnan Sons & o., Montreai Wholeae Agents. (if salads aach oe can have a eboîce, but a very good one la qnickly made hy mixing together equal quantities ot finely picked salmon sud chopped celery, seasouing wîtb sait sud pepper, aud moisteniug witb vine- gar. Letuce may hie us9ed. iu place o ceiery. ýWheu Baby was sick, ws gave lier Castons. ,Wlicue she was a Child, sIhe cried for Casto-ja. Yhen she bornons Miss, ds cluug to Castoria, )N. leu aselad Chiîdreu, sic gave thinen Castoria The income of 'Henry Lahouchere frein Trnth is astimated at $50,000 a year. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEIIY FOR MAN OR BEAST certain tee lta.efracts sud tnover blisters. R'ead-1preefe below: Box ü2 Crrmn, ltçudnrsnuCo., Mi., Feb. 24, '94. Drn. P. J. ikENDALL C10. lIrSirs-Pionsa v end ne u fetyour IHorsa Bonoks and oblige. Ieave uned agreat deal of ypur Keudsi'n 5aven ure oi b od s'Icceçnns; a te wonoreu uedlin ltis d a marethat bad eu4evlt -iuviansd lve bottles eured lier. I Yosas trl'Oiy, CEAI. POWELTro CurNTON, Xn., Apr. 3; 'M. Dr. B. J. tra aCo. liber Isn tlion e tcl et-ai b"ttlenof youn' "itondallisSprývi Cire" e ittu mach suce's. I think ithh e. inmnt 1I ccr used. IHvee re- MunedoIisec ,-b, oc ios ieviraand Le'ite ton Bou e p,î. Have recommended leteg sererai cf îuy friands wb tire inucu. pleaîed with snd Oep IL. hl-eaictC nly a- . fn. n P., o P. z31. Fer Sale by alDugsi or addrenî Dr. B. J. KRUVDALL COMP N1IT7, ENOSauRGH F'ALL.S, V-r. CANADIANý APPLES. VISITING THE VIN EYARDS. OurkNovtlierm Spies. rejlssa tiis- Canadian Wiiîe rower.s Can Produce a sýets-iraete ilest in thevWorld. Good Article if te Publie f111 Rave The appies for which Outario bas hecoea jllt Ttm tatus ara put down in the coniïr.ôn asti- Mr'. Thiomas Macfarîsue, chiet analysb of mata as leas than an averaecn thesya h Inlaud Revenue Deparîmant, reteîrned The yiald uv-ar the province is very unequal to Oîtawa the other day af ter a two weeks' being quita libemal la seine orchards, enîy tour of inspection in the wine pruducing inodgrately good lu othors, sud below the districts ut ,Onbarii, An impression pre- latter rating lu the majority. Mncb utthe vails ahroad that the climata ut Canada daeel 1v the orop is te ha chargad te the wiii net permit the growiug et sncb vuan- long dropghb. That la responsibla for the atlas cf grapes as wîli produce the hast unusý%lproorton f sailandinu'rior quality of winea. It was te obtaîn inter- unusiilproorton e siaîlsudmation thac, would dissipama this ides, if fruit. Naither the shortaga nor the un- pessible, that Mr. Macearlane a nde bis perfections might bava beau marked if trip. Ha visited the vineyards ut Pelea copions showers had falien in Auguat. It islaud, Sandwich, St. Catharines aud Nia- gara, sud axpressed the juice framn varions ia satisfactory to nota that there appaars variaties ut grapea, sud mstad the resultiug f0' ha a raceptiva market awaiiug sncb muats as te their gravity. The tests gave applea as we bave t salli. troin 13 to 25 par cent. ot saccharine mat. THE BiTIS1 DEANl er, iudicating that savaral ut the varieties TUE EITI5Hof Canadian growu grapes yield as rich bas, tbis yaar coma mbt oparation aariier isu8s as do the French sud Rhiue grapas than it dit asat. 'By the sud et Septambar frein wbicb the imported hottled Frenich uearly 36,000 barrais wsre laudad at Liv- sud Rbanish winas ara produced. Mr. -Mictarlanesadditione s o aCnadis wiuesr arpool frein Ibis sida ut the Atlantic, whiia making any adto etha a naciasi fo up to the saine date iasa year the arrivais1 intheir manufacture; providet always that thara wera iess than ÔO barrais. The buik the produet la preservat sud soin lu hottis 4 Choarles H. Hasfokag4o CURED EMNNL :BY TÂKINGý "i s troubled a Iong îewt îl l 'adch ' rie" a gond1mau.repeedie iccommencld etlr tJhis complaint; wut u, waslitot until I ]Began taking Âyer's Piis that 1 received permanent beneflit. A single box of these pills free nme f roui eadaches, aud I ar nuow a well ninj." __C. H. HIJTCHINGS, East Auburn, 1Me, Awarded.Medal at World's Fair 4Aier's SarsaparzElla steRe, tVOR SALE OR RENT.-House JL iacres for sale or to rent. staaon Scugog Street nortb. The promises con, tst of a zood bouse wili every conven'eeo, cdriv ig 8hed, stabe, etc. The garden containe a lot of the choicee. fruit 0t ail varletî,-s. li.mmediat;e possession can be given. For particulars spply THE CANADIAN STATCENIAt4 ESTABLISHED 1851 $l per annum lu alvanCa. otherwiqeal31. subscrptious alw tyi payable aitb3 oi i pulbùeaîîon, Advertiiin4 ratee unls by nc,, ract, 10) ce.t t' rlinonanpirie flrst luse cu, and à cents pir lino eacil subdaquaat îa- Fertîou. Locals, 10 cents par ine. M. A. JAMES, Pubish;3r Page Coit Sprin Fence. The ouly master of expansion aud contraction. A full stock of Farm. Gardeni, L'%wn sud Ornarnental Fonce aiwase in at.ck. 0r3.ers soiicited and particulars Loie en, or mailed on application, hy 1 A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bnwmanviie, Ont., %16e dealar, evholesale snd retail for Couu-aty of Durham sund East Wbitby. AND CAUSED BY' LotLLaZO lPLit.. * DEAR SIRS- I arn thankfui to B.B.-B. because 1 arna to-day aîrong nd lweil through its wonderfui blond iaan pnwera. I waa troubied -with sorofinna, spots sud biemiehes ail over'rny lbody and was advised to try Burdock Biood Bitters. 1 tookonue bottie, with greac.,t benefit. and can pnsitively Say that befora I had taken half of theseon hottie I was 1 arn an pleased to ho strnng sud hoalthy agairu hy the use of B.B.B. ;,ud(. 1 eau strongiy recnmmcud it to eey body. LonmNzo PeJr.mTON, hyc.ley Miles, CJ3