Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1894, p. 8

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~EVoWMREIEW3is the one magazine which MnN Ivjrtd the world has agreed is INDIS- An Important incident Go TO TuE'FOUNTAIR M1 1k UL At A Country -Auc-Na mm 's9"mA m Sf A d'a  LEf ui tion Sale.__ ____ Quite recently s country store stock'lin 1mlt~ t l, ) L ---.31- 1ý.4- IVA1u imi' rri fi f Pa u s, rîiii, -M M aiM mm .M RU A,- NM M mý l Siin1' - . -~70 -~ 1"~ ý 1.. .L . 1 qb f.. 1.. -t -- - --. - - 1. i co and cigarettes., It dare not be aid that the best tobac- cos and cigarettes of the Dominion were not exhibited at the Toronto Indusatriîal- fair, for they were there. It is, therefore with pride that it is ehronicled that this firm was awarded the highest honors., -Every-dealer, 'who-handiles- their-brauls- will find them indispensable to success. In Montreal and Toronto thelr "Derby" plug smoking tobacco is sidtrscking the old issues, and wherever it is placed it becornes the leading lbrand after a very short time, The award was undoubtedlydeserved. The firm is known ail over the world,and their success at the Toronto f air is suffici- -eut-êavidence-tha-t thebes&t pg tobaccos, eut tobaccos aud cigarettes are manufac. tured by them. PoonDIGESTION. -Leads to nervousuess fretfuluess, peevishness, chronie Dyspep- sia. and great risery. Hood'sg Sarsaparilla is the remedy. It toues the stomach, croates an appetite, aud gives a relish to food. It makes pure blood and gives healthy action to ail the orgaus of the bodly. Take Ilood's for floodsa Sarsapa- nusl CUREs. fIood's Pîlis become the favorite cath. urtic with every one who tries them, 25e, as a representative of the Augmentation Comuittee sud made a powerful pies for the hearty support of that fund aud of the fand for Home Missions. Dr, Robertson was nominated by the Pres- byiery as Moderator for the uext Gen- -eralhAemlTy, ' which mees-in« hodan- iu June. A telegrsm was received that 1ev. A. McAulay, B. A.,of Wood- ville, had accepted the eall to t'icker- ing. Mis induction will take place there in Noveniber. 11ev. A. Leslie, M. A., Newtonviile, was appinted to ad- dress the annual -meeting of the Wo- man'is Foreian Mission Society in Jan- uary. Committees were appointed to Parliamentary candidates, on the question of strengthening the legislation for the observance of the Sabbath. The committee for West Durham is 11ev. J. A. MeKeen, B. A., Convener; 1ev. Bl. D. Fraser, M. A., snd Messrs. Beith, Ballagh, aud Donald Smith, Eiders. Ail disorders caused by a biiious state of the system can be cured by using Car- ter'is Little hiver Pis. No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them. BAD COPLEXIONS Ilark, yellow, oily, mnothy skiîn, pim- pies, blackheads, roughness, redness, dry, thin, and falling ha!--, and simple baby blemishes prevented sud cured iiy tu7e ceebrte 'Themlost effective skinpurifYtngand beautifying eoap in the world, ag wefl as purest and swetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. t is so becanse it strikes at the CAUSE of Most cern- plexionai disfigurations, viz.: the CLOGOED, InFLm E, OVEEWouzED, or SLUGGISH1 POPY. Sold throughont the world. PorTZa DR7GatTe m Cnmm. Cour., soie proprietors, Boston.« ÀU "Al] abogul tue E1ood,ski.scalp. and ltai7, "Malled fre Our stock includes Feathers, Birds, Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, and al the latest novelties for Fail and Winter trade. Hats cleaned and re-shaped in ali the latest styles. Ordeis taken for Robinson's Corsets. MRSHDONCASTER. NW $HOEMAKER. Havng e ned he shoe shop formerly occupied by the late Mr. Bunner, I beg tannounce that 1 arn prepared to do ali kinds of ordered work in making and re- pairing boots and Sboes in the best of style. A good fit guaranteed. Fine re- pairing a specialty. A eall solicited. A. KENNEDY. Bowmanville, Feb. l3th 1894. K. D. C. tona and regulate the liver. Cqllars, Muifs, Caps, Coats, Jackets, and Robes, 1 arn derer- mined to seil thern cheap for cash. I would advise rnyj numerous customers and frieuds to cali early 'and examinie stock and prices, you will find it to your advantage. A large stock of Gents' Furnishings always on han <' If your furs need repairing bring them, in earlv. llighest price paid for iRaw Furs. m. Mm'AY&ýER, Practical Furrier,

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