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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 1

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~4V io tic TERMS --$1.50 FERt ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COIJNTY FIRST; TIRE WoRlD AFTEIIWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SNEW SERIES, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDA,ýY, INOVEMBER 7,1894. VOLUME XL. INUMBER45 JOHNSTO & CRYDER i#,AN ar e showing what is beyond question the finest stock of Ladi'es' 'German made ÂND' CAPIES ever shown in town. These garments are very stylish, perfect fitting, and very moderate in price. OOUGH. JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, BOWIWANVILLE. It is Quality that Determines Value, It is Quality that Proves the Price. We keep the best of qualities at the ]owest prices in BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Fine Buttoned Boots at $1.25. Gents' Fine Lace Boots at $1.25. In these days when money talks we are able to make rates with the manufacturers. We buy far CASH in the IRIGUT MARKET and seil for CASH at IGHT PRICES ; thal is why we command trade. That is why you can do so well with us for BOOTS and SHOES, IRUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC, We keep the KIND you need at PRICES yot can pay. Old Stand-Sign of Big Boot drawen by two horses, King Streer, Bowmanville. SPECLATRS ND IVESORS Couch, John:ton & Cryderman are S5150 POP. ouR quahity in ail the latest styles of Ladies' DAILY MARKET LETTER AND ILLUSTRATEB Fur Capes in Creenland Seal, Grey and PAMPHLETS ON SPECULATION,. Black Persian Lamb, Sable, Black Martin, =nkul fee o Walitad rae csfuyi W applcatioredete u sful Opossum, Bocharen, &c. These are the t,.eur disretionary speculations hav e paid a monthaly best goods that can be procured and at profit of reasonable prices. $20 NET TO EACH $100 I1ARGIN. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Prcvisions and Cotton bought and sold for cash or on a margin of 3 to 5 per cent. *PaenC aat COMMISSION 1.16 PERt CENT. Blei aaat Specûiai Attention Paid to Disretionary Accounta BE S IiI caj~e t-oSthan du Çrresïondence Solicitect. __________etc., is ai the Cen- tire t mwi from onr office to ail Western Union * tral Business Col. Offce inlie Uitd tats.Ban rfecncs.lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont 0fWE, i it ni Sats.nk e& ece. n, sioabyCanada's Gratest Con- WEIN AN CO. meciatchels.Catalogues free. Men- Stock and Grain Breker, tion titis paper. Shtaw & filiott, Principal. No-. Il BROADWAY. NEW YoRK Crry Minard'o LUniment for sale everywhere. Minard'a LinimentCures Dandruif. it THE CITY 0F HAMIITION -STI RRED UP!1 An Interesting and Well-known Lad Taken Home, from St. Joseph's Hospital to Die. The Wliole Staff of Physîcian a aîll dNre Deelared lus Case to be a Ilopeless Oiie. At the Point of Death, P4 pound Cures o- One of the Most Desperate Cases Ever Swollen-An Unrecognizable Boy's Body is Tapped and Twij .Away-After Medic al Skill Fail( Works Miraculously-AII State LeRiche, Esq., late of J. Winer& Superintendent of St. Paul's Pi School. Young Aleck Mcîntosh, lnteresting , the n- bmight an1d good.looking, te a lad in hs that c teens, anl meaides with bis parents at.. the nL 167 Catheriue Street, South, Htamilcon, I ip Ont. The members cf the family are well that sý and favorably kno wn,and attend St. Paul's or se Presbyterian Churcb, cf Which Rov. R. Mr. J. Laldlaw, LL. D., in pastor. folînu, Some menths ago ttc the great grief and ý,ý consternation cf Mr. and Mrs. Mclntorth, testint their son Aleck was stricken down with a mnarve terrible swelling of the limbe and throat. pound Notwîthstanding the fact tbat the boy "T'M' was under the care of an able and ex- trc pemîonced doctor, hie condition became attrac most alarming. At this junocure a con- ated t( sultation was held by thmee cf the leading physiciens cf the city, and the result was "Oi that Aleck was sient te the hospital,where swellir be might bave ail the advantages cf af ter medical skilî, and the constant attention At thï cf tralned nurses%. for ahi somel At the end cf four weelce Aleck's con- got WC dition was more alarming than ever, and body à bis parents were assured that there was undoer ne possible chance of recovery for their beet ad dear boy. Hoe lay on hie bed perfectly leadin, boîplees, and so swollen from. bend te boot inforru, that he wae unre 'cognizable. Aleck The sorrowing parents, feeling that wbere thera was no hope, and that the hand cf whole cf death had secarely grasped their loved ed, en boy,wished to have him dis lu their home. attend Ais he was belng taken from the hospital, "&F< those in charge expressed sorrow that andb notblng more could bo doue for the dyiug Atth lad. there Whilo att home, and et the point cf doatb, Everyý a kiud neigbbor called te seen him. A dou, thought-e reveletion-came to her mind. ationt A joyous hepe fihled ber motherly heart, the bý as ishe gazed on the dying boy, and wit- operal nostied the Intense grief cf the parents. swollei She remexnbered having horsoîf ueed in cogniy an extreme case that great life.glver and ý, health restorer,Paine's Celery Compound. made Wonld it meet this case whemo the vital te oui, spark wae almosa oxtiinguisbed? Yes, she the ho had taith that it would. The use of mark,? Palne's CelEry Compound wes suggested could te the parents. "Ah 1 yen, t'y ft-any. ýW thing-if dear Aleck's hife cen ho seved." fin The wondemous Compound wern immed- Pîe ietely prccured and.properlyeadministered. an ext The tiret dose produced results that gav e eaid a the parents hope. There was a virtue lu weuîd this medicine that ne other remedy ever CompC contained. The boy lived, and the kîdue;, medicine was contiDued from day te day 'ferw wîth resulte that gave joy and gladness. WaV By the time the fourth botble was finlshed and 11 young Aleck Mclntoish wae well, sud aIl charc-c bis troubles banished. To-day he le ais stroug an.d robust as any boy of hie ege thG~ lu the city. nhe gm AIl the physiciens look upon the cure evor 1) ais a marvellous one, and the wholo staff the V' cf St. Joeeph's Hospital rejoice aet the lad's and at restoration ttc bealth.Th Scores cf Hamilton's beet people cen jas. à vouch for every statement madeiluconu- LeRic- ection with this unparalleled case. The as foi! statements made by Mr. and Mme. Jais. "i] Mclntosh, the boy's parents, are ably Mm.r suppomtod by twc of Hamilton's leading cureô business men. Such sterling preof of tbe) Cox4p value of Peine's Celery Compound,ehould ue;.il strongly convince every suffemed,' and ail this h, who have suffering and dleeased frieude, uess, that thome isne othor modicino known te truts: s Celery Com- wn-Limbs and Body of' Humanity-The Uons of Water Taken 'ine's Celery Compound s Vouched for by Gea. an1d David Morton, Esq., teran Cauroh Swday c- :,i;,i uren tue suscerer wisoune u yte doctor. lUrg. Jas. MUcInteh write as are willi ng and auiius te give a >al letter lu reference ttc the ius cure youm Paine's Celemy Coin- î'ffecte-d for our son Alexander. case ie an important eue, and bas ,8o much attention lu this drty, id like it te ho as fully communic- yon and the public aspoesible. son Alexander was taken with g cf the limbe, and iu a few days ho throat was similarly affected. i tage ho was confinod te bis bed ut two weeks, wheu he became îa4t better. A short time atter ho se, [lhe swelliug affdcting hie wbole d limbe. Holi contlnued in bed the close attention of one cf our rters, when a consultation of threo physicians was held, and we wore d that the case w as se serions that 'Veuld have te go te the hospîtal tho expeiencoeand ekill of the ýta«o f physiciens could be employ. Swboe trained nurses wonld ho in 4no day and night. four long weeke our boy suffemed dtîld heveically with hie diseese. end cf that time we were asnmed s ne possible chance cf recovery. hing had been doue that could be ivn te tapping, under which oper- pre gallons of weter was taken fromn dy. For twc woeks after this = ho lay porfectly hoîpless, and se Sfrom bead te foot as ttc ho unro- ýt he miglit die in our midet, wo rrangemonts te have hlm conveyed home. As we caried hlm eout cf ýpital the good people lu charge re- "'they Prere porry that uothlng a oue for our peor dylug boy." Ie Aleck Iay in bed lu our home a Nnd neiglibor called. She had used Celery Compound successfully for ,mo case cf nenrelgia. Our friend e wonld write and ask yen if it 283 advisable te use Paine's Celery und. eveu lu this terrible case of trouble, attended with the womst E erysipelas. Yeu replied that it ry advisable te tmy the Compound indly sent us four hotties froe cf d blense ye for the good advice and Ho li used the four bottles and e, and to-day Aleck le as well as ýf ore,a marvel te bis physiciens and o10 staff of Sb. Joseph's hospital, rge circleocf friende lu this city." abeve testimcny of Mm. and Mme. [cl tosh, is vouched for by Gao. le, Esq., aud David Morton,'Esq., ýws:- etestimnonial latter fmom Mm. and ase. Mclu*n, luref erenco te the their son Aleck by Paine's Clery land, bas been submitted te us as ors and frieude. Hsving visited me Manly times duriug Aleck'e 111- we de Most willingly teetify te the iless cf ail aatteaents made." MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Wm. McClellan ie sick ...Mrs. S. Barker vlssted friends in town lasti week .. .. Mr. Wîii Pascoe. Toronto, and Miss Gertie Lee, Columbus, epent Sun. day att M!r. S. Coie'. .The trustees have engaged Miss Eva Annis, Oshawa, as achool teacher for the ensuing year. 19 others appied mn answer to the advt. ini TnE STATESMAN ... . Rev. LPep wl lecture on his trip te Eagland so.Pr ticulars next issue. Attend Brooks Bros' big sale of cows near Courtice on Friday this week. Mm. Jacob B. Brown, of Grahamville, S. C., was troubled with chills and fever, and unable to procure relief, util he began to take Ayer's Pille. He is now enjoying excellent health and is a warim and sincere advocate of Ayer'a Puis, for all complainte of stomacli, liver,or bowels.1 CG UINTJU. Quarterly services atE benezer were well attended-several new members received. ...The old bridge at Tooley's will be erected over the creek at Courtice... Mt Carswell Division speli off THEii STATES31AN at the Division this weok, .... .Mr. W. H. Nicbols bas moved to i±nfield, and Mr. George Short has taken possession of his new farm ...Mr. J. Stacey, mason, is erecting a new house on bis lot .... A very pleasant event occurred at Mr. John Gib- son's, tcwn line, Wednesday evening when bis eldest daughter, Miss Florence, snd Mr. Wm. Oke, second son of Mm. John Oke were xurried. A number of1 relatives and intimate friends witnessed the ceremouy. Misa Ida C ibson, sister of the bride, and Mr. R. Oke, cousin of the groom, acted ese bidesmaid and goomsman respectiveîy. Misses Inez Pearce and Louie Werry were niaids of honor. Rev. L. Phelps officiated.. Next Sundey Rev, J. S. Clarke, Oshawa, chairman of district, will hcld missionary service att Ebenezer in the morning, and at Maple Grove in the afternoon. Rev. J. Liddy will preach ait Ebenezor lu the evening. 15 YEARS OF lTCHUING.-WM. Golding, commercial traveller, 130' Esther-st Tor- onto, says - For 15 years I eýuffered untîoid mieery from Itching Pîles3, sometimes Rev. D. C. McDowel, of Bowmanville, preached a deîýghtful sermon to a large and appreciativ- audience. hera Sunday, night .. .. Mro. Thos. Elliott is home after a pleasant visit at Woodbridge.W ïe welcome Mr. and Mrs. Benjemin Ashton, Newcastle, to or village., Attend Brooks Bros' big sale of cows near Courtice on Friday this week. WIIEN OTHiEItS FAiL.-Hood'a Sarsapa- t illa builds Up the eh&'tered system by giving vigorous action to the digestive organe, creating an appetite antd purifyiny the blood. It is prepared by modemn methods, poss8essed the greatest curative powers, and bas the mst wonderful re- cord of'actual cuires of aniy medicine in existence, Teke only llood's. Elood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do Lot puige pain or gripe. 25o Visitors: Mrs. Mackey, Kineale, att Mr. J. Pottere:; Mr. and Mes. T. T. Jardine, Oahawa..Miss Grace iRgers has me- turned to Toronto .. .. Mr. Allen Hayes and family are removîng to Port Perry. Sorry to lose themi. .«.A large number were pleased wgth Mr. J. Stainton's re- port of the Provincial S. S. Convention et Belleville. Attend Brooks Bros' big sale of cows near Courtice on Friday th 8wgek. As OLD AS ANTIrQUITY.-Eitber by acquired taint or heredity, those old foes Scrofula and Consumption, must be faced generation af ter generation ; but you miay meet them wîîh the odds in your f avor by thehelp of Scott's Emulsion. PBO VIDENCOF,. Report of S. S, No. 6, Dariington, for October. Class V--Edith Prout, Stalle Blackburn; Sm. IV-Wallace Souch; Jr. IV-Lillie Smale, Peacy Elford, Charlie Wight; Sr. IJI-Milton Wight, Allie Wight, Wallace Elford; Jr. IJI-Laura Bragg, Louie Osborne, Wallace Battie; Sr. 11--Lillie Ye]1lowiees, FLorence Jack- son; eir. JIl-Ethel1 Bragg,, Luella C-1lwill, Nellie vWiglîî; 'Sr. PC 1l-Eýma Prout, Mirnio n.Har, No.rmiaQ Yellowleea; Jr Pt. TYRONE. -H AV ;2V. MýisNewton, Cobourg, i3 guost of Mm. On Mouday evening, 29th uit., about and Mme, W, H. Citomnns.. ..-Mre. Go. eigbtty frieuids and aqanecsof Mm. McLaugblin and son, Oehawe, bave been Gee. Frank tec o ssesso f hie bouse vislting et Brookeide Cottage ...Thoso te give hlmi and bis fasmily a slight tolken who atteudod Mme. Mounittomd's lecture of respect on hie remnovel from 'our com- en Fridey evoning weme more than de- munity. Mr. Jeniinge 'we called- upon lightod... In additien te a visît f rom the to sake the chair and ho called upon Mm. pester, S. S. pupile hed very iutemestiug H atn hra h olwn d reporti; cf the Belleville Convention fmom H. artn b'redtef:lwn d Mise Campbell and Mr. A. L. Woodley.. doreen 3r.Ge._rak ....The two Salvation lasses wbe have T r n is e.Fak charge ef the corps hoe held their firet D.EAR FHIENDs,-We, a few of the meeting hoeeou Sabbath. A îiveîy en- people cf the vîctnîty, have met he e joyeble timo for the soldiers. express our sorrow at your deperture frem Attend Breoks Bros' big sale of cw ways been wiîîing ta d what la n Vour nearCouticeon rida the wek. power to belp, and your childron espoci- For vorfift yome xs. INSOW' ally, have taken an active part lu both ScOOTaING SyRuF hais been nsed by mil- the Sabbath and public Scboel, and we liens cf mothers for their children whilo hepe thet succees mey attend you lu your teethiug. If distnrbed et night and uew home. We soir you te eccopt titis broken cf yeur reet by e sick child suf- dinner sot and lemp, not memoîy for its fering and cryiug wîth pain cf Cnttiug intrinsic value, but as an expression of Teeth eend et once and get e boutle cf our respect. We trust thet you will long "IMme, Winslow'e Seothing Syrup" for ho spared te look back with joy on the Children Toetbing. It wiIl rolieve the yeers spent lu our midet, and may wo al poor little suffemer immedietely. Depeud livo se that we may eventually find a upen it,mothers,there iene mietake abeut homo lu Hoaven. it. It cures Dîammbe,regulatee the Stom- Signed on behaîf of tbe people, ech and Bowols. cures Wiud Colic, sof tons MAGGIE 0MB, the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and CLARA GooDE. gives toue and euergy ta the whole eysteom. Mm. Frank could scercoly fiud wemde to "M'ra. Winslew's Soetbiug Syup" fer express himsolf, but hoe made a feeling cblîdren teetbing le pleesaut te the teste rpy hnigtefin o hi id snd le the prescription cf oeeof the oident repl, an xp ng h frode frthet ir kcd and beet femele physiciens and nurses lun tese, ed aeposssgienho eth snc the United States. Prîce twonty-five cents they whad taklenjopess elesie f Shech- e bottle. Sold by ail drugglste thmeugbout teo weuld ilenjeythoeelventlSemeh the werîd. Be sure and sklifor IlMRs. opreag ivcby srs.lW.entiee WINSLW',SSOOTING Yltü'.[end M. Oke, after thîs tho weIl filled baskets wemo brought forth, and al on- .1NEWC.ASTLB. joyed the good thinge pmovided. Tbe MiesNomeCeleen las rcoveod. emalniug timo wes spent iu games, etc., Mer Codrleahn ebotere.....isand the compeny broke np et miduight, FlrneAllen, danghter of J. K. Allen, « - iitr:Mm n"Me aros Flomenoetewn et Mr. Curtis'; Miss E. Ruudle and in home fmom Toronto . -. Mie Lee lies Mr. W. Rundie et Miss M. Oke's..... retunued fmom Goderic ... ,Te Mr. and Mr. J. Baillil and, femily are about to Mme. John Douglas enether son..Mm. leave home. .-. . Mr. E. VanCamp bas me- W. B. Chaplin le fitttlug a photogmapli gel- tumned te hie home iu Brentford.. lemy et bis homo..About 60 pounde of Robert Clarke fou fmom the milk-waggon pomch was'hauled by hook and lineoee ewaruov tthkneebus day ecotly... Mm. James Fisher basnhie eg wka nd ovear tte keono hoes gene te Callaud r... . Miss Menzie le hack Twebreenanda hoasanrescinganlcely. f rom Toronto ... ev. Geo. Webber cf .. hoaw-a laet oilg»hrn end ev. . Thm, M A.,cf t Mm. S. Burgess' ecently .... Our S. S.. Toronto,an e.JThmM.Ao is makiug au addition to the librery. Wolcome, are aunounced te preacli mis-____________ siouary sommons lu tho Methodiet Church H TO HOO Nov. 11,-the latter in tho momniug and PH TSIHO S the fermer lu the eveuing. ONE BETTER TitAN TnntTsraN.-William F. Geetchine, Esq.,centractom and builder office 552 Seventh Avenue, New York City, wmtes : "I have euffered from dy- spepsie for a numbor of yeams and wee confined te my heuse fcor five menthe. Havo had thirteen Neow York and Mounut Vernon decteme (will namoe thom if noces- eary) ettending me but but falied ttc got any beneft I tried K. D C., and am pleased te say the effect was megical. I have ttied pmebably every knewn remody for dyspepsie, and fonud noue te benefit me, until I teck K. D. C. I recommend K. D. C. as the dysgpeptic's beet fiend. Try ït and prove what I say. People are ncw elîve ttc the feot that Tait & Oe. cen niake as gocci Crayon Portraits for the emal um cf $8S.50, famed, as enyone else cen offer them. Don't ho imposed ci- by agents who want thmee times ce much money for the samne qualîty cf picture but oel and seo Teit's excellent samplesl beforo giving youm erdor and yen will we are sure ho pîeased with their womk. Tait & Co'e -photogrraphe cen net 'h- excelled eand the people know it. Thet ;S why they patronize hlm. Thoy keep ep te the stylos lu carde and have sente very pretty new cnes now. Ceil and seL, thoîr phctos anywey if you den,'t want smorn f vour ewn.

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