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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 2

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GRATFUL-OMFO TINL. LVÉE IN 1THE I11ENESS' LI> G G n, ELEN FOREST GRAVES. BREAICFAS E-SUPPER. "Ey a thoronzh Iknewiedze or the nattera "There," said Juliet Garland, impatient-i laswhi ch goveru the ocîrations of direction lv, "I can't wesr these gloves again by .ud nutrition., sud by a careftil application of tu fneprpetbet uf wel,-.eeNdCoo.,r any possibility. Tbey've been once to the Epp lis pov'edunrbreak!aqt tahie,3with 'a cle- ner's, sud I have doue tbem myseîf delicaiely flavore'l havaermewhicil Mray Save hsn enyhavy doctnrî bis. I.t bv the twice witb bread crumbs." ~noîs ne o' mncb articles 1cf diet that a Seatntb den ido-Seat,be c uitiuton may ho grartnally buit upnulitil hsaitedepwno hr stngeongb to resust evry tefdecY tO brigt bain treaked witb mornifle Sun- dies.Hundredi o' subtie Maladies are floatisgaround ns ready In attaok wheraver abine, ber bine eyes fu of vexation, wbile there'is 7a tvcak point. We may eoqerutsc a fatal shiaft by keepinz, ourselveS welI fortifie,' a pair Of very mucb dernoraiized kid gloves with pure blond amd s vro'erlno.uh tram A."-' "civil Services Gars'tte," ynorhd f the palest primrose tint lay ln lier lap. Made Simply with hoilin.,wa1e o il A" Dora, ber yon2est ister, glanced np 801(l eÏi nupachets. hy Grorens. labnlet th UI from a pile of munsic slîo wag turning over - JUIFmvS aqPI's t fe.. itioeopale Chtin lIks. Ionalon. Eikalandi, another of thie brigbt blonde blossonis of humanity. Q~i'~it'~n ~ j~$ l~4 l I"Vhy don't yoci get yonrself a uew ~ '7~'pair?" said she. "Oh, dear 1 there isn't -______ _____ - aso g bers that is net a hnndred yeara WEDNESDAY, NOV, 7, 1894 old. 'Juanita,' 'fier Bright amile,' sud al --,- ---_ that sort of thing. Rosie mruat get soins. DU. J. C. *T LI.tbing that isn't ceeval witb the ark. How rv ETîPEIt OF COLLEctI? OPt' PIYSvTAN sagr o 0ý&n n6SurzeOaaOntario, Coroner, . Nisagrto- cfle and Reidence. Enniakilleis, 7L Wby don't yon get another pair?7" 1> WBK ~sbarply cross-qnestioned Joliet. "ýBe- T> tPIST~R. ~ ~ -', 0PI~S case I bavea't sny money-tbst l h r>PJOC . niaics7kuv tres. Iow'ao.reason." ville. Frdicitor for thA' Ontani Bank "It la dreadful to be iîrpecunlou," sizh ROUT.Y0CNý, V.S. ed plump Dora, çontemplating ber pink IiUl¶. VlJN~* V S.finger tipi; the saine moment Mns. ('nFFlCE IN THE WEST DUnrLAVI Temple, the married blonde of the fsmily, " NlesaBlock. 'ihers himacît or assistant m il! te feunn frein Sa.m. to 9pciii Night calls came in wib a tired look on bier face. &t res;idcnice.direcily opposite Onul Shed. Cals "More bills," said as. "Oh, girls, wbat 1 ý 1elegiaph or telephione will receive prompt wh ru a tfn a etiertigtp ii.yr wl rn ay Seaibsactnally A. A. 1PO,ýT, icbarged seveuty.five dollars for that ittie A~~îTE T. Plas ud peifia.lunch we gave, aud Madams Cherimout'sf Aloaprepared for every cas 0ftuildIn,. account is eigbty.nine dollars, aud 'm3 ispecial attention g'ven to heating by tecam really afraid to open tbe fiorist's bilL" sefi bot waîer, sud bo saitary arrangements. ùefke: Ourils Block, Whîtby 43 --l y "ihen i ta no use asking for more «loves _____________ - at present,' said Juliet. "Nnmsc"added Dora, with a sbmug 1~. r "or music Taîlor of bier shoniden. Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. Mns. Temple burst luto tsars. bIII declans," sald as, Il'm disoouraged. 'i i T)1T~ '~W f1Fu1W[ Aud you girls ans always teasing ton somne- 13 tbiug or other, aud Frank la so cross when J .II.I}RIIV LVU'I~1 ws exceed the regular allowauce." BINTISTI. I"Cryiug will not mend mattens," said Dora, wlîo was evideutly the philosopher of the tamllv. "But wbt is tbat letten in -OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. your îap, Rosie 1" "It's troue Uncle Paul tbe bills upset FL-ginbotham & Son's D)rluc me so I fongot al about it. fs wauîs one 1 of you girls to corne up te tbe Main camp Store, (down stairs), sud keep bouse for hlm. It'a somewhers on the lins of the Ranglsy Lakes. Corne, girls, BOWMAN VILLE b wich ni yon wi11 vounuteen 7' _______________________________ Joliet gave a littis shriek of dismay Dora elevated ber pîuk, cusblouy banda, Ge ts Clthino' u h hr itr h a enslnl Gents C 2D mending the flounces of a pick silk skit, Clesnsd, Dyed. Pressefi sud Repa'red by glauced op. 'rr r "Is Uncle PuaI really lu earuest ?" said T i b p E A TL sbe. 'I will go, then." "Glaîlys Il" crled aIl the othens, lu dift.-r- Dyansd Clothes Cleaner. eut accents. e stïta c' 10 nknw 1 Gladys -rose ti, hung asidle the dresa that- tbemfro us whn dan.lay in her lap, sud camne ont of bar corner. Cornr King sudl Ontan1iý, dVne, 0 alt'he sisters ase was 1the loveliest-anld BomavfstIse imost (dsternmlnedi as well. "1Why tnot sid1s. "De- o you tlhiuk I baebe itues itbin 1to jlait montb10- u bin Iz, dressi1' wear in t' padfr ismillîen h,3ahwýaya seudiug beur buis I ca'o ont ton tsar of mee,-ting a credtio. Rsie keepa giving partiesasud incheons to t'ry sudý get us married, su'd Firanle is woiking beyond bis streugtb lu ~ __ ive bis wife's sisters a chance, but its no ' ,, '~~"' saleiluticsworîd's window, sud lin goeug C. IARNJDE, ,L. 1). S. teUncie Paul." raduate attise Royal Colle.-e1ut--ilïcil Surgeons, Ontario. LI OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS 'OFFICE. VITALIZED AI R. New lailor kS-hop The nedersds'ned wiio hus beeau yeg i fOc tsijlorini. besiness lu connctione1wa Mscr's D' Gor, 'o Store fon mi crot yü'cri lias conîiecced bîcairCeîs for himiff t h,14 tesidence. King S1;.,wes. wh're ha lé; prepard ib b so nihe cent' sud boys' suite ie ail tise laltb I styles, sud ut lowest pricai, Foc îhose who i witsh tu order suits. ha 'ili carry s fuli linsef "Bat wh at wili sociaty gay 7 gasped amples malthd newest PIU01es. (;iv,) bill' Mrs. Temple. euh, "IlSocieter wo't settle my bis sud keep J. " me lu pin moeey. It may say wbat it Fashioriable Tailorý pleases." IlGladys I tbink yen ana crazy," rencon- THE DOM MOLIf trated Juet.* la"Becanse 1 arn emancipating mnyseif frein Nutual Fire i n u rani . Ct lavory? 1Icauot ses wber thisis ilo end, Assoc~itin ' " Wist ý will Mn. Mandeville sayi" de- lissues a gonuue "Blanket" PelIicy te farinerE muýrely quericd Dors. lHe wll say there la oue fortune-bnnter RATentEpS lais in the rauka." isd " 90 ' 6t5 centsipayear1 Gladys, lhow can yen speak so coarie- 3nd 1: 1.190, S> ly00""J uliet said îndignautly. Moit f West Durhar's promineet farinent " hil; course te tel[ tus, trutb ?7 Mn are inaurefi in it. Maudevilie is very kiud sud courteons, R. J. DOYLE, Esq., JESSE TRULL, E2qb but lie will not miss me atten the finît tsw Manager, 'Presîd8nt, evenings, sud dean patient Franke wil Owen Soundi. Bowmanvills, bave oue less to provide for. Yes, I Ii1 call ou receipt ut pot card. mil o to Uncle Puni.'>t Agen, ion West Durham., "Y ou niay uas well commit suicide ut A, W. FOLEY, Box 1 1 ionce," sid Juliet. 50-6m Bownuille, Ouit " ou'll neyer mrry lu tIsaIwilderness," _________________________________suidMrs. Temple. "' ce are ninsteeu old mids in this bhck," said Gludys. We connted theni yestenday, Dora sud 1. Do yon suppose ýi thene are as rny lu the wilderness?*' Nonsense," said Mns. Temple. "And, besides," addett Gladys, the daugbten fading front. ber syes, "Ill i th td uud sun ot ail girls te marry? Wby shonhd't 1Ibhana old muid as well as another ? Do yon think I shouldn't survive ilu' Yon will see." ~ shie hd made up bier mind. Witbiu fOncre duys ibe had pnrcbaaed tbick bouts, afSaneI suit, sud a rougb straw bonnet 0 tri mmcd wîtli bIne nîbbons sud goce ontti fB a 0 k a c h e fte scuvengers Lake Moechunkaunk. meuns the kid- ofth sstm Hen Uncle wss glad te- ses ber. Hes neya are in deDelay 18 di"l"tilive in a wigwam, as she taucied, 1,trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- buinapet tl ctgshd wh 0Kidney Pilla giue Iected lidney fbuetna retty an ttîs otedtag, s ade imî tprompt relief."Il troubles resu/t gtor es.î te sdismbowened tb euernng "175 per cent. in Rad B/ooci, Erigbsb,like the buruiers lu the dimeinoveis, of diseuse is Dyspepsia, Liver sud lbe provided a pnatty boudoir for bier, first caused by Complaint, and wboîe pink nstting sea ot udflsu disordered id- the most don- defiance.etgasndfi t neys. gerous of a" 11"tI îbk 1 abalbe quito bappy ber," "Might aswell Brights Diseuse, sad Gladys, as abs suclu a bout sud read try to have a Diabetes and wbile ber uacle fisbed. healthy it y Oropsy."d I"Don'It regiutthe New York beanx,eh ?" wuithout sewer- "lThe above adbrnl. epsas god dseuss cunot Gladvs scoutly answered health wvhen the exist w here "No." kidneys3 arec Dodd's Kidney But aftsrward abs ssked heresif lead she cloggedl, they are Pilla are used." bld the truthi. So 1-y all dealesosnt by mail on recaipt -If Darnell Mundeville wisbes to rnar ut prie5o cents. pcr box or s'x for S.~ Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Tbrout ,WrtZf Miss Dorrucce, let hlm," she thought. 1I bo'ok called Kidney Talk. 2sh never purisuy min.', fi THE LATE CZAR OF IIUS'SIA, THE IMMIGRANTS WE WANT. ALL ÏM E N Young, old or middle aged, wbo fSud Ihein Farinîer Ilmmigrrants% Are thse *îy Mtense slves nervons, wealr and exbausted, who Waîîted tii Canada at thse PressaigTinie, are broken dowu froin axcesi on. ovenwonk Iu this country ws bave plenty of noorn resultin g in many ofth1e following sym-« ptuma Mental depression, premnatune ohd fon immigrants, but il lsata the bottoni, aga, lose ut vitality, lois of msrnory, had nol aI the top. We could easily make use dneams, dimneas of sight, palpitation of 1of a million or so lu the greundwonk of oun tbe heurt, emissions, Isole of snsrgy, pain matenlal prosperity. NYs bave still a great 1 te kdss edcepmlso b westrn epane onwhih tobuid t ir face sud body, itchiiug on peculiar seusa- westrn eicaue onwhic 10 uh1dtOu oin abut the scrotum, wasting of the out, sud caîu stand soins llîiug-in lu the orguns, dizziness, î?scks befonee esytis eust. People wbo are the night sniff tîôput twitcbing of the muscles, syelids sud else- int the toundatimpîs of an industrial sociecy wh:n:, bushtmslness, deposits lu the urine, lsofwîîl power, tenderuesa of the scalp are in demand.« We have more niatenial sud spine, weak sud flabby muscles, de. than ws une quits ready t0 use, bowevtin, sire to sleep, tuilons te be noîted by sîeep, for carnyiug oun develooment funther np- constipation, dulîness, etfbeîuning, lois of ward. l th trdes -mnufctuesandvoie, desins for solitude, excitability cf wars. n te rads, cautaturs, udtempsn, sunleu eyes, surnouuided with light employmeeîî, we have labeur enugh LEADEN CIROLES, oily looking skie, etc., sud ta apure. To pile more on our unfi- are all symptoins of nenvous debility that isbed sud companativeîy narrow ugricul. blsad te iusunity nhes cuned. The îpring or vital fore aving lest its tension every tunal basis would hie t make our co0m ~funcîlon wans ie anuqueuce. Those ity toGp-htiavy. It la laterul c..otîestuien 1.wbo Ibrough abuse conitted lu ignor. we mnust now basay oseselves with. fiance rane'c, may bce permuneutîy cunsd. Send fcn von, Giadys ; 1 dîdu,'t e-xpect tofiud you est a wbile. sud th us I -I hug1 " Fie closed bis sysa, sud a desdlIy palior crossed his face. 111 tbir.k ha bas tainted," sui(d bis friand. And then Uncle Paul camne in, wbo was s born c'lirurgeen, sud wbo kniew ail tOhe eealiug secrets of the glen sud fiýtet-sud Gladys beaved a siglt of relief. A broken leg is no jolis, espcîalilly lu the a'llderness, whene splujts b ave to ha manu- factured ont of the moît inconggrueus nia- tentai, sud arnica is twelvs es say. Mn.,SMandeville made bt slow couvai- escencs,yst Os did net anppear to regard the detention as uiîplsuý;int. The \Vsll 'Street broken wsut backLe u bisbune. Audoven," lie ssid wisttu-,lly. "Aud( a pur. Ion car-" "Oh, bang your par lotir cuýs," Iaad the youug minu înpetnonishy. "IJunmdoing very weIl wbsne I aminuow. " "Oh, sid the broken, s sudiden lighI of compréension innadîatiug is dull b)raîi,. l'Oh, in that case 1I niay aiî wel heave you te yoor fate. lit h the oldl, old story of Ulysses and the a3iron, Mns, Tempj-le came i do erooles whene Dora, and Juiliet were neî4,ode1iig thein white drseassifon s theýatre rparty iut the Uàhïiio ons Siiien da,wiLbli aitsWdc cheek1sai sdshin 1ing eyes. "Girls," asocried, "wbat dio yon ti hil said Dora.,t fIs b bben îîene ton s wi le nio3nth- iat Julie dn-opped b ler Work, "Iîcssbl 1 se ci ie,Gads ien'Igsag cd np in that vwildsnercss, whjile Doýra and Ir s n e10witlbsn on 10ie ,itemidown bers in New Yonkç, sud tb, Dunnreil an ils the lesst matc 0f te aae IlThings tn ontout, agly"suid Mrs. Temple retlectivly Anîd Glurlys, tus neaiing ld muaid of the tamîhly, was 10e firsj te hemanried, atten ail. "Gludys alwars wu tfortunte"said ber two sîsters. INDIA'S CGREATNESS.3 'rue Figlires Conne0.ta@ 1 s'i-1l a Pepulatiais Thons are soins big figres ina necent bine bock upon Indian affales tha bas juit becu publisbed in Eng1lsnd'lThu grand total of the populatýioni, inchud'iog British ludia sud native States,aeodie tothe census ot 1891, wus 287223,41, as com.par- cd wîth 253,î93,514 uttbe censs of i8su, tIse mules uumberiîeg 146,77,29!5, tsud tIhe feinalse 140,496,136. Taking thîs distribu. tien of population according Yt) religion, thene wene lu 1891 207,731,72_7 flnuloos, 57,321,164 M obummedai,9,820,47 abon- iginal, ,7,131,361 Bddi "î, 2,t, 380 Christians, 1,907,81338ikOs, ! 14i,3Jauni, 89,940 Parisecs, 17,194 Jews sund 42ý,763 ot other religions. 0f the LChi istian popula. tion 1,315,263, wene centîfied to be Roman Catholîcsand '295,016 Churcliof England. The total nunmben of polies oilences report. ed duig 189'2 was 13,39 s against 124,550 in 18E1 sud 1 i,23lu1890, the pouie terce being composed et G150,516 ofi- carisud lutn. The opitons reveuue In le92- 93 was Rx. 7,993,180, sud iths expeuditure Ê'x. 1,60-2,496, giving us ithe usîn eosipîs ou opium Rx. 6,390,6S4. lut Vhs ,lait tee yeans the net neceipti on opium bave besu Rx. 62,922,987, wbiîle 10ýe average anuaal numben of cess s ut BengaLLiopinum sold ton expert during the lut teeyears bas bec 53,994. The actual aresa on wbicb crops of varioiii kinda wenrown lit ludia iu 1892-93 was 195,897,389 eresof whiclî 65,743,812 wars devoted torie ', 184,889 to wlîsut sud 92 927,65,_5 to otb1en food grains includîug puls;e. fi;e devoîed zo cotton was S 914,248ac, t jte2,81 334, t10coh1 seeds 13,5 15,025 -, 10 o ibuelo 1,14Q,548, tesugan caneý, *2,793.63:7, 10 cea 360,463 su d te coffee 1 22;,7, - T. ite leugth of nailway hunes open for cnfi l 193 was 18,459 miles, the en uberopaîssugers con- veyed wus 134,700,4619, tOce gooyda antd Min- erais carried nepresented 2..71 7,386 tons, the gnos s csipts wene Rx. 23:,955,75ý-3, sud the net sunninga Rx, 1,69,ý200. lu 1892, 21,988 burnan helugsansd 8 1,668 ad of cattîs were kîllsd by anaikes sud wlld beasti, the chiet bumnenmrtlity 119,025> baviug beau due to smake-bite, Tigens clslîned 947 human vict ia eprs, 260, wolves 182, heurs, 145 aiud elephants 72. On thc othen baud, wbereasi- ouly 41,498 cal- tic wPne kiiled by suake-bize, no tewen than 29,969 wera devounedi by tîgena,, 34),013 by leopurds sud 6,7i%$ by wol veaý. MEodern Imrprovemnents. SchooI Boy twesniily -WbaI's the use of learning ail ibisiut" Teacler-"Iî la cbletly to cultivouts the meniony" School Bt-Dn' ouIinle il would ha umons sensible t10 bny apho1ognpil?" gncwieg lu Argentins. The fali eanisot beloog delaysd. Wheat experts fruiuthe United States cunnet Os leept up ou thle seule ofth1e paît decude for anly long chuie. This couîîtry inust continue 10 improve, by conepunsson, with bîctis tbose nauced, as s land foi' taricers 10 live lu. If it were once covered wîth s gond agn 'icultiseul stratuin et populatien lb would Oc a grand one ton evcry othuen sort of people te lire He'h1 Nover do it Any More. Al the dunisels wbo wonk le the vine- yards ans flot ofth1e retiing suiety 'aho blusb and look, down when a borrhd man upproasehes. According to the Brocktou, N.Y,, Mirnor a psnty ut girl grapti picleens met a cnusty fariner wbo ratuaed tiemina ride lu bis wagon. Thsy uimed revolvers 5at Olshbaud, madea Ou aighl, couducled hlm tosa feld, stnippaf i Om of bis clothiug, miade hum gel dowu on bis kîsees sud awsar Ibat lis wonîd neyer &gain refuse a ride 10 ladies, suad then leftt im tu ne-robe and continua hie journey. THE M.TSUCCESSFUL RrfIlEDv FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certa-in Seits crectecid ni 'rblisîses. eoxiM, Carmin, Hendersen Ce., 111.1 rà.se, 's.. Dr. B. J. KEsNDALL Ce. Dcar Sirse-,Ble s end me orea ef eur Hrse 3eeks andoblilge. I haveccýed e gveat ýlsai of ycur Kendals Spven Cure wîtli1 cG icd s it b a wenderfulmendieino. i ence hîd a mure that hafi s u stet In and ave bottiezc ure er Ikesp a bottie en band all the tnas. c ir Yecns trully, CR5,5 PowiEmt CATON, Me., Apr. 3,'9i. Dir. B. 1J. iEsAmaCe. Oer ;r3-1 bave used several bîtties et l-eur iCsndall's Soaie Ceres" Itl i hmachclisesi. i thiakIr l the bist Liniment I ever usd. Rocs r&- raseedese Curb, ones Blood SpavIn ad aisa Wis Boss Spavlos. Bave recommsnded le te evrifmyfriends who are mcucli plsasd witili mdkeple tspectuiiy, For Sale by all Drcggiits, or address; D.B. J., KEND. 1, COiflsA Y Jr, ENOSBUAOH tFALLS, 1VT. IFor sale by Stoît & Ju ry. SorneBecautiful Laces. The laces of the Aster famiiy are vle a$900,000, and those of the Vaineril ts a$100,000. The Popes lace treasures aire said to be worth e75,000 ; those of t he Queem of Engiand $7.1,000 anud trieo-ofth Princess of Wales $9-50,000. The rines of Wales says that she is fond of oid ace but that asecannot afford tb buit. S gets very beautiful collections iuipresent;s, bowsver,,and un the whole beraýserrmnenI is probably as valuabie as that oni an New York ladies. Itis said that Ncw Yr boyb more laces iban any other city iuth world. The late Mrs. R. F. Stuart's ,colle- tion would easily'seil for several nnre thousand dollars ;and Mnï. WI!yC Whitney kep, laces worth 000i.<7, 000, which ber daugliter Pauline nhris Mrs. Gerard, MVrs. John Jgcob kst II3au Mng. A.T. sýtewart were tho ilhrog counoîsseurs of real lace luib Ie Uiîed Statep. At present the ouly lady wbo hms made the collection of real laces a -study li Mrs. Jessie Seligman. MNl. Herman Ou el- richs bas a lace dress made 14îaiswicýh 0a over $10,000. ____ Did He Do t? Mother (sternly)-"'Kitty,dIidnl'tCbry Les try to kiss you last nighit at the rn d oor ?" Daughter <blushing)-"Not very baýrd- I manima." - * * - - - Ill - t---An-Atanip-q-wr4 -- - d and pAýltl r 1 ti That very day, however, wbýen abe re- turned froni a rambie iu the foreat, with ber bat foulof bernies, a strauger was witb. in. spendiug the Summer in thgj wilderness; "but my friend has falLen oveý,r a cliff and broken bis lsg, sud this wa'ute uearest sheltetwithiu seven miles. t'er'îaps your hu2baud will"- "But ho isn't my bubad"sd Gladys cornposedly, depositing thie bernies on the table,; "he is nîy uncle, md If ýbe were bere bc woolî say as 1 do, ilt you are very welcome. Whiere 15 your frieud ? I ar n ot rnncb of a surgeon, bt' She stopped abruptly. There, lyiug ou the cbiutz-covered lounge, biis pallid face' aupportefi by cushions, lsy Darreli Mande. ville. "Miss Garland V" he exclaimed1. Iarn 50 very glad ! " Mr. Mandeville !" as teîe nlutbe saine toue. " I arn 50 very sor)àry 1" "B ecause I have dritted bhere, of ll places ?' he pleaded. ."Because yon are burt," falter-ed Giadys, witi the tsars in ber eyes. " I kuew you were somsewbere lu this region, " be said. "lu tact, I was searchîug A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING "Several years ago, 1 canigbt aseeîc oI .¶tended ithsa terrible cougb tihat îoe nie no rest, either day or- uigbt. O dc to': prononinced my casie hopeless.Afred 1&eî îing of my trouble, sent me a bottie oýf M or's Cherry Pectoral. By the tOiii hla :d iised the whole bottie, 1 was couiplecteiýy ved, al *nd 1 believe ih saved niylfe"W Il. WVAeUD, 8 Quiuîiby Ave., Lowecl,. Mass. Ayer's chIerryPcoa -A-22 -11~de t r 1a. m eth 1e Mansion Hous Conm in, u bol on diseuses pecuhian te nian, seul Lotndo01, thatîthe ouly immigrants wev-waut ssaled, Addness M. V. LUBON, 21 Mac uns fiand.worleens, was te t0e point. Even donucil Ave., Toronto Ont., Canada. if ail the p"eopfle saut ont by csecat 6l sOl onsnzatouswee slobodedIcn. Osphespboresctincs usair the Ca -ýpe Vende est, skillsed, taud luidustionis wonkens, Ley iiuih tlmss ngttu n u couhd gel ork blers only 0ysaiyrdth mlelpi. ot our own people, nuless they wens capable Hwh e Snih"pcua and desirous of mukiug ticein living dîrecîly Send 25 'SuuhiLyht" Sosp wnappers off tics soil. Every division ou labour un (wrapper Oearlng the wcrds "'Why Dois the towus sud citis is mors than fnllhya Wotîun Lune OId Soonor Tbai a Man") nianned. Villinguess lu co-optinate with te LEVER Bitos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, the pbilsnthropists of the old connînries Toronto, and you will receive by poil s îbould flot carry us bto - point oft îuning pretîy picînre, free from adventisiug and our owu wsge-earners. If tiors of oun im- weli worth fnaming. This ih au sssy migrants bud gons te the tarins iostead ofta )dert ot oe h oý slayiug int ctIs ies, 10e atonies tOsy sau et s tle deru nt yoîcr1ibor ne. the 5ll bîck homne wculd flot h sveade se unjusi h etunts eakts lwl tu tOis couny. Motestedot fewer onîy cost la. postage b aaund lu the farmens sud fata labourera vould bave fol- wrappens, if you leave thie suds open. lowed tOem. Il îuuy be said that thie ne- Write your address'canefully.. turns freon Canudiani agriculture wena not A paraffine ui eaue wth a whisky coin' iuvitiug 10 outsiders. But in wlsat country purîmeul lu the btto i a radent Mains wene chssy more su, or es-en us much so? device. The sevene effeets et low prices fon wheut "10% TO CITREs AUL SKIN USSEASES" wene faîthinsl the countnies where tOut .Simpîy apphy "SWAVNE'S OINTMaEwN." cereali pnoduod. lu tew coutries weneNoiuealmdcereus.Crs thens aqual alleviatierus of tbose cfer-is, oitra eiin eur ue We gnow reaanusbiy lange cropi, are nîn- latter, aczàma, itchi, ahi anuptieus ou the slly aasuned of a good quality, sud nuise face, baudn aeclaigiesi mny other f an producîs for wbîch gond- clear, whitei sd hbaaihy. Ils greal heal- pnices are paid. Tbose who corn a c tarin ing sud curative powanî are pohssssed by liere do nol retunn. te tOc Old Country toeîne other renîcdy. Ask your druggiel for restiume tarming tuera, The conditions of SwAYNES 0OINT.nENT. Lyman Sous &' agniculcunal lita are nench mono tavonrable Co., Mostreal Whosale Agents. bers chais îbey une le any Ennopean deun-, try. The couny beside ns bus ceased te If eve pnelcnd te ha wbat we auenefot, ha mistalese by iîteudit.g sgriceîltnnal emi- won, î& whcoîe amrusement the tance is grunts froin the Old Country as s land ut pertonnced, wlll Sund il ont sud punish ns suparior attýactivese,28. This yeîr's his- toorlc.-Gennge Meredith. tory of tanîin g le Southeru Dakota, in other Western and inl Sonth-Wescsnn States, wiil set a good rnauy people îîglcî who prevhotigly usme wrong lu cheir cern- hnDbwasikwegvhrCsti. purieuon belweenesa'i onth- West of Can- When sI a s a îilk, us gava ien orCaste i. ada und thal t ftOc United States. 'WasscuiaCid O ne o tnia. THE 11ARDSÎiIPS OF FARCiERS Vheesi abs became Miss, she ciueg te Casions,. le Dakota sud in saimecf chie cern States idharn h gv hmatra cis year were fes nful. If those aman baif t0e sueurs et moving aereis the border andi taking up hand in lurnrew couuny tlsey wonld mndonbîtedly ba ghad 'fhs Anclic explornug steamer Falcon a te do so. The rl'nisi troue tarmlng lu beau given up ai leit, wîthiail ou beard. lOis couny rmuni continue te improve_________________ bolO absolncehy ansd nehursvely. Soon chiae __ stress et colnpetiîo.n wîllbho etlcnlu is funlferce lu Angeeini, a country wbose - production of wheat, continues to mucreuse napidly despile tise drop ini prico. Thits Z is'neasea istostened by antis l ei bc erecy Fi " but when the internaI pnrchiassng power t 'ci ~ thein money falîs te ire gold paris, ci' e bouît ones-third of chat il la uow -L!e

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