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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 3

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e I I Slek~tca' ce te rea eailthe troubles imci- det e b1iu' suu e te yste, uch as lîiies uew.De îes Dstrsa after eatig, Pin j su Sid. & ]jW ile their mest reuarkbi~soceashuaheeàshwn lu curing Headclie ye C~aea'sLTL IVERaPILI are qîxlly wlîahleje onsipation, curiný, andpetceinghii nnoingcrnpaint, whilî theyais eo r~t ai diordrs tVthestomach stirnulat e the ie o euaete bowlà Achetheywoud Lealmst pricelesas o those w h sete from us istressing complaint; Lut.fotuntel thir oodness does nt end here andth~e wh one try them wll find these jttloel 1,--eabielu semany ways that the w iinetbe ilin., te de withlout theus. la he býaise cf so man, lives that here Io where we mate oýur great boast. Our piîîs cure it whiile thers do net. 1 C'ATRs LiTTL IE tuaPUSa are very small aind very easy tetaIre. One or two pilla malte a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do nei;t gripe or purge, but hy their gentie action ilease ah who use them. Io vials at 25 cents; fiefr$.Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CATED MDICNECo., llsw Tork. OLTTARIO BANIK PRA1CTI 1CAL FARMING. A Portable Row of' Hen s' fNests. Where but fiteen -or twenty boens are kept, andi ne regulariy constructed heu hous is at banti, a series of nestase matie frein light raterial that they cao ho reatiuiy mov.ti about as desired, wil ho founti a valuable acquisition. The manner cf con- structing these nests is sbewn lu the illus- tration. Fîve or six, or even as mnany as eigbt nests, sa'ay ho ihus groupeti. The esas space, r, la co foot wlde as th bot tomn; the front board la six loches wide MOVABLE HENS XESTS. the open qpace between this and the ronof board, a, la eight loches wid'e, the roof' board heing about fifteeo loches in wid th. An aligbting or steppingboard, x, is six ihateantidetheavfrou nt h ess, f efw iht ncsdeheavirnont f h spacfreue to pass through. The bangersh s, s, may < he cf any trong material, and hung uponU spikes, dIrivent the proper place and in a slangdirconmayh e tom fot slantinandicon. T e maoettom, front, aeasoned hal f-isscb stuf, the divisions being frous inch materlal, to better bold the nlia. The stepping board sbould be located about one foot frous the ground or fisor, that the îtself, and is unlocked1 hens may easily jump up toit. This row of on a buttoni. TheE het --vb na noreîi rom theiinside te strone enough te beart scap contains th e better will bc the resuit. Place thle soap in coarge woven cotton lotn as ea.rîy in the spring as possible, the rains aissûoh'e the soap slovly and it runs down the bdiy of the~ tree. If possible, so loate [lie oap that portions wîll find their way to ail sàdes of the trunk. One application will last two or three years, and its good effects lbe ahown for several years there- after. HERE IS SOMETRING NEW. A IRound DIinz Table Thiat 31ay be Ein larged at WISl Its itecbantsm Fiet Ur ed and Descrâbed. The extension round table is the latest novelty. Itbis four feetin diameter. Hidden urader the centre is a large box ln wbich are stowed the extra leaves necessary in the extension. The widening cf tbe table te any de8irod s'ze is the question cf a very ew moments. The mechanism is simpleand easily managed. At f requent intervals dlents arepuiled eut. The cleats have bevellededges citer whicb the semicircular leaves are slid. Whlin the leaf bas been pushed in it lecks man 1 A oommttee of Frenoch women bas been i RElIND, THE WJLE WORLU WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORN-ERS 0F THE.GLOBE. Old and XNvn' WorlId Evensor61'intere I;rnrldlriefly Isteresting Ba pesing orItoentDate, The lIse o ef -'ernîsey exacts a tax from aliens,. Tea la cut every 40 days the year round in Japan. Eurepeana., pay $83,3220,000,000 taxes per anDnm. The alar cfthe infant king of t5p&in ia $750,000. St. Pai's Cathedral, Lendon, la insured for$47dC00. SSt. Helena, it is announced, ia to become a health resn)ri. The Khedive cfo Egypt bas a gorgeons bicycle almoatý;î entirely plated with silver. The ratýe jcf- growt h et the Christians in India is more"ý than double that cf the Population. Thecon)sumpiltion of wine in Nimes,JiFrance, averages a bettle a day for every oan), wcman and .child in the city. Princsss Alix cf Hesse, the fiance of the Czarowitz, hbas completed ber course of tultion in tbe d1octrines cf the Greek church A wa11king1,tick, formerly tlhe property cf Pontius P'î iau, la advartîised for sale lu a hairtirsasers wjndow in La Borboute, Parsfr 6ObOfrancs. An- itou bo-x centaining a metal plate bas been tlnearth-ed âaraong the ruind temples of -uppýjer FEgypt uhicb sientiste declre ws scauima ad ins. Sir Frederick Leigbtcn is a linguist, reading, and apeaking French, German, ItalianSpaniab a-,ntiRussian,while ho hadi tom cosieraleknowledge cf Turkish. "Catoria Ilanttexccellcnt uîcdici'io for ohM1 d1ren. Mothera h'tvrcre)c-cd1y toid tue cf îLe îrood eff sot uoe their ch'ldrezn." Da .C. Oscc.on, Lowi, l. "Castoria iathe be.,t remcdy for chIrern cr sshich I arn cquatintcd. t hope t!ic rtzy Lo far disàtIltwhenmiothe'a wi:icooisi_2rttiorcal intereat cf fiir childrtn, uni u. uC.s'oria î.î stead cf the various ouack nostrums ehi îi arc Cimtorici. ci :e rmeuri it ,superier teany prescripttiiU Lnoci. a te Le." Il. A. Autcrîr, M. D., iii ilo. Oxfordt St., lBroklyn, N. Y. «' Our phYSeic zn.siii the echildreni's depari- rcua have suoken highly cf thoir expýert. enco hit' c:r cutside practice svîtli Castorii. ai d althouggh veocniy have amoDý I.J I.,I, surDil a wha+ la kncun as i eguLr Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prcscrriptiou for infanits and Cildren. it contains ncitbcr Opiumn, Der phinc nor ether Narcotie substance. It is a harýmiosis substitute for Paregocrie, Draps, iGootliing Pyrups, and Castor 011. Ift Is Pleasant. Its guaran tee 1 tirty ycars' use by Mlflions of Mlothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allayGs feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria rcIieve3 teething- troubles, cures constipation ansd flatulecye. Castoria assimillates tihe foodl, s githte stomsacis. and bowels, gIV17rg -heultlsy and, Latural sLeep. Cas. Coria is thse Childrzu's Panacca-tise Ilotherls Friend. Rilsiness 1

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