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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 4

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4. I THEgARTMCOUNTE SS Is the Favorite Heating Stove for 1894., Thousands' in use and ail giv- ing, perfect satisfaction. Pronounced the best by people who use them. Quick bakers and powerful heaters. Every stove a double heater * and made with or without oven. Cail and see our long list of testimonials from promînent n. citizens who are using the re- ___ __ Cu NTESS For sale only a RD. WORTH'S Agents for the celebrated PEÂ&SE and GURNEY Furnaces. Zht (nnadait 5tatteSpt away from the 'old familiar places and the. old familier faces" are living once again the days that were enjoyed before BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 7, 1894. the summit of life had been crossed. -Very few Young persons understand the POLITICAI, MELANGE. loneliness of old age. It is not strange, surrounded as they are by such a goodly The election protîàsts in Hamilton have company of companions ail facing the been withdrawn, Son. J. M. Gibson same way together. and Alex. Middleton, M. P. P., wiîî ne Older people often feel that younger allowed to retain their seats. Both mcm- onces are flot in sympathy with them, and bers defeated the strailht P. P. A. can. often times, perhaps, they expect too didates. The protests also against Hon. much from themn. It is such a beautiful A. S Hardy in North Brant and Mr. type of life-that of the serene, cheerful,i Paton in Centre Simcoe have been drop- happy grandfather or grandmother-be- ped. 0f.the proteste dropped ail four ing interested in wbat intereats the young were aganst Grit memb-rs. Tuesday, folks, helping wthout being meddlesome, the 2Omh November, is the day fixcd for offering kindly counsel in a way that will the hearing of the first election trial. At no.ieofne ndsoigptec Port Arthur on that day the petition wîth and charity toward the faults and againat James Savage, M. P. P., will be mistakes of youth. Even after one has board by Justices Burton and Ferguson. passed the summît cothf e there is a pleas- t4i is thought the trial will be postponed ant path yet to be trodden and there is until the spring All the political parties only a short bit of travel left, and then deny that there bas been an arrangement it is re-union with those loved ones who made for ail the election protests that have entered into rest before. have been dropped. Toronto Reformers MR P OW RD NG have decided to drop the protestts sgainst MR OW D IG Meesrs. Marter and Ryerson. Grîts and Mttel o.4Oeo h taga Torieýs both decline to corroborate the sur-icdeteereoddinhscuty ise that Haniilton ard Torýonto petitions icmentsee notie cfhe Eire isconres- are witbdrmawn as the resiît of an arrang-cam otentc fTeEpr oro ed saw-off. Mr. Gý. F. Marter, leader of pondent to-day, and ail those who read1 the~~~~~~~ Co.raîv poitoi .ery the following details will declare that once thefied i Lodon whncebe as on agami truth is stran ger thani fi tion. Dur- to cnfe wih Maor ssey. M, Mr- ng the menth of Augtist last Mr. W. P. t cer ilc m nthvor set CitMuntiMaf- Prower, who, for 18 years was reeve of ter the lection. Patron conventions tu Bowmanville, and likewise warden of the conide te a1v',ýbilty f omiatig'united üounties of Durhani and Northum-1 conidr te dviablit o noint. berland and Durham, lof t home for the1 a candidate for tbe flouse of CommoiiLns old country. Mr. Prower had been in- will ba held as follows: Addinigton, at spedfraculofyrsatndi Harrowsmitb, Nov. 1; Centre Wellington, wstoghfr byoupbis f afrieas nds i n at Fergus, November 8; South Weling- tari thaugt a fe wes msojrnd in eOn- ton, at Guelph, November 9: Dundas., at tsbirehtafwwes oor'nDvn Winchester, Noveînber 10; South Ontar- ,E~ad hc a i îtpae io, at Brooklin. November 20; South and yrould have a beneficiai effact upon his East Middlesex, at London, November impaired health. Consequently Mr. 20. The Patrons will nominate a candid- Poer was accompanied in bis trip ate in every rural constituency in Ontar- &crosthe Atlantic by bis wife and family. io or he edealcontestý. The general Rsusies at home Ïs an undertaker, elio for meso the Federal andwbîîe away M r. Donnet, the foreman, Legisl ative Assembly were held Oct. 31. had charge. Days and weeks passed So far ns they have been receved the re- away, and the acquaintiances and friende turns indicate that the G4overnment bas ot the gentleman in question were pained heen sustained by an increased ' to learn that little or no improvement The constituencies cover large tractsolie d taken place. No immediate danger territory, and the returna ratofb however was apprehend.d until tbree gathered bbavesetoebe days age, when Mr. Prower cabied to his gatbredby esseger. Ibrother-in-iaw in Bowmanvilie to send the firm's foreman undertaker at once te DEP.ARTURE 0F FRIENDS. England, and the cablegrama also enjein- ed upon the relative to likewise forward Tbe past two weeks bave witnessed the aIl the necessary embaiming instruments death and burial of several persons in as well as the fluid used on such ecca- this town and vicinity and mnany homes siens. The request was a startiing oue, are sad to- day because of the passing to and lef t littîs doubt as to the grave cou-, their rest and reward of loved ones. ditien of the sevder of the despatch, and How many of ns have felt wben a loved cousequently, preparations were 'being one baa been taken from us joat as tbe made te carry eut the dyiug man's b.- good Dean Stanley dia afteî- the death of hosto, wben stili anether singular cable- bis wife, wben writing to a friend bie sqid: grs amie te baud. The second requent- I bave now crossed the summit of my lif e; ed Mr. Dennet te hurry up lis departure, ahl that remains can but be a long or and aIse te bring along a metal-lined short descent cheered by the memories of coffin s weil. Itiot ne ecesssry te say the past." Somq wbo have been bereft that Mr. Prower's raquait was immediate- rc ntlycold sornewhat appropriately 1-f+A.tnAd es... strd..Ariu the time-it may net be long-whlen we 'the lsst local election. Mr. Morgan, Do- shall meet these loved eues again and en-. minioîn cattle inspecter at this port, bas jey talking o ver the past as the meeting known bim for years past, sud while of frienda wbo have met after baving fully confirming the above details added travelled in foreign lands and have been that Mr. Prower would be greatly missed te-united. Yes, se it leoks te mnanY in Bowmanvifle and the surrounding youugy folks, but te dear old persons who country, wbere b. is seo weil and faver- have met again on the road of life se far ably known. CARTWRIGI.T Mr. sud Mrs. John Hughes, Bisckstock, celebrated their golden weddingSatturday. They weîe married lu the Couunty of Ty- roue, Ireland, f y years sge, sud on comiug to Canada settled in the county of Durham, wbere they have resided ever since. 0f their eleven chïldren ninie are stil living, Mr. Jas. L. Hughes, Toronto, being the (.ldest. The othar sons i3are Major Sam Hughes of Liudsay; M1ajor John Hlughes of the 45thBattaliou, Clarke; sud William Hughes, who was a miember cf the Cornwall Lacrosse team. There were sevan daughtersi, five cf whom are yet living. They are, Yrs. W. Scott, wife eof the vice-principal cf the Toronto Normal Scbool; Mrs. Dr. McAli-pine sud Mrs. Thexton cf Lindsay; Mrs. Jobb sud Mrs. Beacock of Cartwright. AIl the members cf the fa mily were axpacted te be proeutentsd to remain et the old homne. stead ovar Sunday. TA UNTON. A very piessant affair teck place at Mapla Villa, near Taunton, Wednosday evening Oct. 31, it baing the occas3ion cf the marrirge cf Miss Lilia Cornish,daugh- ter cf Mr. John Cernish, sud Mr. E varett Alfred Gifford, only son cf Mr. A. Gifford. Miss Ingaretta Vialette Gifford acted as bridesmaid, sud the groom was supported by Mr. George Cornish., The bride look- ed cbarmiug in s garment cf cremne cash- mere, trimmed witb creme silk lace sud moire ribbon. The ceremou'y wag per- formed in the preseuce cf some 60 ira- mediate frieudi, by Rev. J. Lid4y, cf Hampton. The happy ecuple laft, on the late train, amid showers cf rice sud debris for jWostern Ontario. District Division. The. Durham District Division meets at Newcastle ou Friday lNov. 16. Two ses- sions wii b. held 10à..m. sud 2 p.n. lu the evening s public meeting wili be heid te wbicb ail are cordially iuvited. 'he Grand Offleers will be preseut. Let there bu s gocd rally. Collection at eveniuag meetine. LESLIE PÂscoE. A. B. CRYDERM,,t; D. S. D. W. P. 45 2w Card of Thanks. I desire tbrough THs STATESMAN te tbank my numarcus patrons in the lino cf hreedlng Yorksbire Swine sud Short Hern Csttla for paît patronage, and at the saine tîme axtaud au invitation te ail who wisb te get good stcck t eiansd in- spect my breeding animaIs before mating elawhere, If there is auy profit it la moat lhkely te b. iu the best. WM. WERRI, Roselsndvaie Stock Farm, Solina. A Picture cf Gladstone Wbich readers of this paper eau obtainl fer s nominal pries. A very fine portrait cf Hon. W. E Gladstone, Great Britaini's greatest statesman sud orator, bas been publiabied by the Montreal Hlerald Com- pany. It la 1 by 18 inches lun s., is- printed on suiparior toned paper, audi maakes s baudsome iapicture for f, ,-g It is s companion te the Laurier pic.,ture wblch lait year had au enormous sale throughout Csnada. Readers cf Taix STÂTESMÂN desirouIs cf obtainiug thiff eau get it by sending their naine and addreass, accompanied by six cents te psy the coati of mailing sud tubing, te the Montreai Herald Ce., 603 Cralg street, Montreal.i The Western .Advertiser. The Western Advertiser is a 16 page weekly, 96 columuns, sud culy $ 1 00 front now te end of Dacember, 1895. Balance cf year free. The leading paper of thie West,-uone better-few as goed, large prix. liat, baudsome pramiums, zood in- ducementi te agents. For agents' te rms, etc., address Advertiser Printiug Ce., London, Ont. 44-6w NEW SHOEMAKER. Having rented the shoe shop formerly occupiad by tbe iste Mr. Bunner, I beiz te aunounce that 1 ara prepared te do al kinds cf ordered wcrk ini making snd e- pairing boots sud shoes in the bast cf style. A good fit guarsnteed. Fine e- pairing s spacialty. A eall solicited-. A. KENNEDY. Bowmanville, Feb. l3th 1894. I was cured of painful Goitre by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Chatham, Ont. BYÂRD MCMuILLIN. I was cured of inflammation by MIN- ARLD'S LINLMENIr. We believe it is ganerally admt ted that Conch, Johusten & Crydarman show tbe fineBt stock cf new sud elegant Dry Gooda sud the fiuest stock cf Ladies' Mautles sbewn by any Heuse in these Cenuties. Use K. D. C. for ail stomacli troubles. A GEYTLE CORRECTIVE is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It's what you get when you take Dr. Pierce's Pellets; they're free from the violence and the griping that corne with the or- dinary pili. Al medical authorities. agree that in regu.. lating the bowels * mild methods are preferable. For every trouble of the liver, stomach and bowels, these tiny, sugar- coated pis are most effective. They go about their work in an easy and natural way, and their good lasis - they strengthen and tone up the lining membranes of the sfom- ach and bowels, thereby pro- moting digestion. Sick and Bilious Headache, Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Indiges- tion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're the cieapsi pili for they're guaranleed to give satisfaction or vour moncy is returned. rETERBO-PO. The residence cf Mr. Sylvester Crewe, Waterford St.. was the sçone cf an inter. esting event Tnesdsy sfternoon, Oct. 30. wheu the nuptiale cf bis daugbter, Miss Sarah Crowe, and Mr. Alfred J. Bickell, cf the Street Railway Ce., were witniessad by tbe friends and relatives of the parties. Rev. W. C. Boer, pastor cf the Mark St. Methodiat church, officiated at the cere- mony. The bride was sttired In a brown velvet dress, trimmed witb white satin, and was apsist ed by bier friend Miss Mary Wright. Mr. John Crewe, brother cf the bride, performed the duties cf grooms- man. Mr. and Mrs. Bickell lef t fer Bow- manville, te enjey a short boncymocu at Mr. Bickeli's home. Friends extend good wishes te the newly wedded pair. [In wbich their Bowmanville friends hesrtily unite.-ED. . S.] EXCURSION TO BOSTON. The Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroid bas arranged witb the New York Central & Hudson River R. R., twe cf the best rahîroade in America, te mnn an excursion to Boston. leaving the hune of the R,. W. O on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, 1894 The rate te Bonton and re- turn, from mav R. W. & O. Statien, Is onlv $7.00, Frem Kingston, Prescott aud Brockville it is $7. 50 Wagner bost r3leeping cars wiil ran tbrough fromn Og- densburg. Morristown and Watertowu, at a rate cf $2 per double bertb. Twe spécial trains wiii be ran, ieavlng Ogdeus- burg at 6:00 p. m. and Morristown 6:20 p. m.. connecting with special 6:00 p. M. boat fromn Brockviile, sud regular 5.00 p. m. boat from Prescott; aise leavinz Mas- seria Springs 5:30 p. m. and Norwood 6 p. m. Passeugers from Kingston will take regular boat sud train, and join the excursion at Watertowu at 8:15 p. m. The excursion wili arrive at Boston at 7:53 a. m. ou Wednesday meruing, No- vember l4th. Tickets are good for ten days, and can b. obtained of ail R. W. & 0, agents, alsu cof F. A. Folger. Kingston, T. J. B. Harding, Brockviile, sud Alex. We]Is, Prescott,,Ont. Thebhast vestibul- ed, gas lighted sud steami heated sleeping cars sud coaches without change from R. W. & 0. stations te Boston. This is the beat first-class excursion that bas ever been. erganized. -Sbilob 's Cure is sold on a guarantee. t cures Incipient Ceusumption. It la the beat Ceugh Cure. Only eue cent a do3e; 25 ets., 50 ets. sud $1,00 per bottie. Sold by Stott & Jury. There is mucb lu that littie word "new", especialiy if yen waut s nice WATCHI,CLOCK, SILVER- WARE or JEWELLRY, i n rings, beit buekîca, corsage pins, stick pins, bangle rings enly 25c., etc. Giva us a eall sud iuspect our nice new stock, which we bave juit purcbased at very iow prices. lu our work department we always give the hast cf satisfaction or mouey will be refuuded. WVe eau do yen any kind of a job. MAYMNARD, -THE JEWELLER. WEST END H OUSE. When we advertise we are gohýg to do or seil a certain thing at a certain price you can just bet it is go ing to be done. ffhen we dlaim we are selling goods cheaper than our competitors we do so because we jiilow' that we are; ai,," that'you can get more goods for your ironey- from us than: you can get elsewhere. We oniy mention in passing 121c. wool socks, 1.2-c. wool flannel, 121c. towels, 4c. flannelette, 5c. factory. These are ail special snaps but these are flot the on ly ones. We sel everything cheap. We want you to carefully note the following Iist of prices at which we are selling BOOauTS %ANO DSHO-au»ES LadiesFreucbKid,buttoned, $2. 25 te$3.50. etDongois, buttoned, $1.25. etDongela, laced, $1.25, il Dongola, patent tip'd, $1. 50. Il Dongela, patent tip'd, $1-75. Skating Laced Boots, lined, $1.40. OilPebbled,buttenedand lsced,$1.25 et Cangora, bnttoned sud lsced, $1.35 sud $1.45. iStrong Union Laced, solid, 95a. etH. C. Fait, buttonied, tipi $125. le Fox FaIt, laced sud gaiters, $1.25. Siippers 15., 18,.., 35c., 45c., 5Oc., 75e., te $1.50 Ladies Rubbers sud Overahoes. Misses I t t Chîldren's Rubbers sud Ovarsbees. Juat in bigh cnt mnbbers, in cblîdren's sizes. Man's Spacial, cil gzain, water proof, extra baavy scies, wire nailed sud wax sewed for $1.75, worth 82.50. This ls a grand lineaaise in L oy's sud Youlth's for f$.25. Man's extra beavy Plough Boots, bel. tongue, $1.90, $1.20 sud 81.30. Youth's Boots, from 90c. te $1.25. Boy's Boots, from 90a. te $1.50. Misses Heavy Sebool Boots, buttoned sud laced, 90c., $1,00, $1.10, $1.20. Children's Beets in great variety, alll six.. sud prices. Men's Rubbers sud Overcbees. Boy's i ini Yontb's n ý i Man's Top Boots, $1.50 te $3.40 We do not seli shoddy goods. We like to give good satisfaction and when we get a customer to try and keep them. To do so we get the best we can for the money and seil at a close margin. Everything marked in plain figures and one price. only. Don't forget that we have the best and cheapest Blanket in town for the money. We give the highest price for ail kinds of farm produce. JOHN 1IcIIJR. HMRA PPi %'Ym TH ou uàOUC H T RAND E Is the household word of Canada. This is not to be. à wondered at as there are ové 75,000 fam.. ilies now in the, Dominion enjoying the comfort and eeon-. -omy of the- Happy Thought Range. For sale at DUSTAN & HOAR'S, Wellington BuildIngs, Bowmanviile. USE BAYLIS' OELEBRATED STOVE ,PI PE ' VAR NISHmm For preserving anld beautifying Stove Pipes and ail kinds of iron work. 1It dries'qikly and imparts a beautiful gloss. Sold by je HIQ OHM&SON, CHIEMISTS and DRUJGGISTS, ]Bowmanvilie C. P. R. Ticket and Telegrapli Office. r a f f

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