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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 5

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-, - - -,.-- - I z KNOWLEDOEt Brings coxnfort and improvement and tende to personal enjoymenb when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoylife more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beat producta ta the needs of physical being, will attew; the value ta health of the pure liquid laxative pi inciples embraced in the rmedy, Syrup of Fige. Its excellence ia due to its presenting iu the form moat acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and trnly teneficial properties of a perfect la. ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dlispellirig colds, headaches and feverr, and permianently curing constipath-.z7 It has given satisfaction w, millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without, weak- ening them and it ie perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige ie for sale by ail drug- giste- in 75c. botties, but it in manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, alse the nume, Syrup of Fige, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Trooth Brush For 5 cents.- We do nlot dlaim that this je the best .quulity but it is a good serviceable brnsh such as je usuully sold at 10c. and it in purticularly useful for children. If yen would like to ee the finest tooth brah on the market we can show it to you and in order ta introduce them we are giving a 25a. tooth brueh stand free with every hrnsb. THJIS LINE IS WOBTRY OF YOUIt ATTENTION. STOTT & JURY' Druggiste and Opticiens. sN. B.--Do neot lose sight of the tact that *'1eo le no place between Toronto and Intreul where you eau get the maine seit'jcee3 m at our store when you re- quiire Space. No charge for test- inig the siglit and satisfaction guranteed în the meet coxioplicated cases. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂNVILLE STÂTIOIN. GOINQ EAST GOING WEST -Express.84 am xproes... 519 arm ECxpress.:10 2P a m IExpress ...6 05 a m Passenzer,... 3 06,p w Pussenizer. ...5 40 a m Passenger.... 7 04 p m I Passenger. ...2 26pm Express ...10 25 pm 1 Express... 746 p m WHENYOUTRA.VEL aslways get ticke ts at aur store. Time tables -for ail railroads free. Always pu' chase yonr ~tickets the day before starting and avoid trouble and inconvemience when you are hurried. We return your money if tickets are not used. STOTT & JURY, Druzgiets and Opticiens. BOWMANVILLE, INov. 7, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Messrs. Metemif and Bark udvertise a big Stock sale Nov. 16., Miss May Bickell was atPketerboro laut week at her tU)ther's marriage. A lot of nice dress goods selling off at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston .& ryderman's., Mr. J. H. Elllott'has been elected in a keen, conteet second vice président of Trinity Médical Students' Society. Mr. W. Gilbert, sen., hae retarned froaa a' plemmnt visit witb his many friende on the 7th and 8th cons. Darling- ton. Hildu May Campbell, a girl of 14, dis- appemred from Orillia public school Oct. 24, and her friends have ince bes un- able ta find ber. Friende of THE STÂTESMAN can greatly assist us in muking it brighter and more interesting by seeiding items of news or letting us know when anything occnrs worth noting. Rickard Le a Practical and Soientiflo Ladies For Capes in Grey Lamb, Black Persian Lamb, Black Martin, Boa- baren, Sable, Groeenland Seul, Black Op- poem, and Columbia Sable, lu ahi the metfueionabie ebupes. These are the fineet foure wbich can be procuned and we re selling thera ut very choie Irices. Coucb, Joheston & Cryderman. Chlidrern Cry for (Jooch, Johuston & Cryderman bave eohd a great many Ladies' Coats and Capes. Bu,, they are etihi showing au im- miense assortment cf tnese gonds in the lateet styles and ce better value auywhere in Canada. Ona cent tamp will take thie peper te any f riend in the worhd. Attend Brooks Bron' big sale cf cows near Ceurtice on Fniday this week. Mr. J. Warrington, Belleville, cheese buyer, is seriously if not criticaily ill. Mr. John Bowerrnan, Pert Perry, shot and bagged eue week, on Lake Scugog, 165 wild docks, moetly Blue Bille. Neyer in the bistory of L'ndsay bas there-been snob a stock cf woed on baud. Every wood yard in tcwu is packed. Mr. acd Mre. A. J. Biokell, Peterbora, speut part cf their honeymoon at hie father's, Mn. Gea. Biokeli, Ouzuria St. Ontario Beach, Rochester's moîit popu- lar summer resort, was almeet denuded cf its cottages and buildings by fire hast week. Another -onsianment cf those beanti- fui Chîvul Bed Roont Suites and Rog Parler Suites. Cul nd seee themn. O. SCOTT, Orono. 453w. Fred Victor Mission Hall, erected lu Toronto by Mr. H A. Msey ccstlug $60,000, wms recontly epened and pre- sented te Toronto Methodiet Mission Se- ciety. Look np the new udvertisemeut lu con- nection witb the Great Bunkropt Sale ut Ted & Co's old stand. It will puy yen te cahi and inspeot the large liet o! bar- gains. Drop in unyway. The cornmittee ppoited by Whitby Presbytery, Rev. S. H. Emstmn, Con- venor, have visited Newcastle and New- teuvîlle. Thesie congregations agreed to unute, provided a finuncial busis that in, motumlly satisfucoary cun be greed upon, and delegations were uppointed to ar- range sncb basis. t l is a probable that Orone mnd Kendal cougregations will unite. The uew bridge over Black's creek y Taoley'e mili between Bowrnuihhe and Oshmwa hue been completed and le a euh. stantial structure. The foundation wms but by Mr. H. Gay, Courtice, acd the Bmer Bridge Ca., Doon, Ont., erected the superstructure. Mr. L. M. Courtice, coonicillon, superiuteuded the construc- tion nd the township bue certiuly goatm firet-cîmes job. Wbmt ie the total cost ? Rev. C. Parker, Methodiet, aud Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., Congregationul, excbauged pulpits Sundmy night. The usuel large cengregatian greeted Mr. Pritchard and bis tbeme-Life's Porpoe --was meet appropriate, the udience being compoeed chiefly cf yonng people. Our wieb uet the chose wms thut every young man in town rigbt hear this ad- drese. We heur thut Mr. Parker's ser- mon wms aiea mucb pprecited in Trin- ity chnrcb. Jodge Armour bas decided that the owner cf a 00w ou the public road thut cuused injnny to a persan diving ln a buggy is solely reaponeible for that iD jury. Hie Lordsbip referred ta the fact thut a freigbt train hiad been dermiled ut Friser. v ille usemr Millbrook and three men killed owing toatray cow getting oui tbe trsck, sud eaid the owuer cf the animal lu that1 cse could be held answerable ta tbe es- tates cf the men killed. An old i0owneville boy, now a stud. eut in Toronto, informe us that Mr. S. I- Jeffery, Principal of F.glintonuPublic School, North Toronto, bas reigned his position there ta accept a situation me teacher of one cf the Public Sobool Leav. ing Classes lu Huron St. Public Sobool, Toronto. We cougrutulute Mr. Jeffery upon iesoccens in obtalning bis uew sit- uation and bespeuk for hlm a continuance cf thut prosperity that hass ttended hlm in past yeurs. The rap-m tmp-tmp cf the apple.picker's bammer resunds ou ahi aides. The farmers are storing the cuhîs and the cider miii ia grindiug mwmy gleefolly. The Nimnode are off ta the back counties with gune and doge. The straw bat sudlght cout have lmoit entirehy dieappeared,mud the boys mnd girls are eut lu new nuits and felt liute, sud everytbiug clearly lu- dicates tbe fact thut the harveet je paet sud the sommer is ended. Pnetty soan the smmll boy will be eharpeciug op bis skates wth s vlew ta ternping fate ut the first frost. Already h bibg brother wouders whîcb ten the most becoming ta his own mmly beuty-m dunk or light colored overcoat, and bis grown np sister pute a match to the parlor fire before she goes ta meetinig. Yee, yes, winter le at Our doors -Mies Petere ln Cobourg World. A CHIiLD ENjovs.-The pleasaut flavor, gentle mtion and gond effeots of Syrup o! Fige, when in ueed o! a laxative, aud if the father or mother be costîve on bilions, the most gratifyîug resulte follow its use; heard eue lady make toa another soet dayes suce. She wue satislled o! Rickard's ability te test acd fit the eyes perfectiy aud we feel j oetified in suying that auy one wi11 bave the sane experieuce wbo gives hlm a trial Remember "youcr eye- ight le priceles." Pitcher'!sQastoria. EXCURSION TO TORONTO. D. L. Moody, evaugeliet, is ccmiug te to Toronto and the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's chunch, Bowmauville, wili mun a cbeap excursion by G. T. R. on Thons- day and Friday Nov. 8 and 9. Toronto and returu including tickets for Mordy meetings: Port Hope $1. 50; Newtouville $1.40;, Newcastle $1.251, Bowmauville $1,15; Oshawa $1,00; Whiîby $1.0- Children bal! fane-good going afîcruocu trains Thunsday and aIl trains Fridty, re- turning Friday nighr. Ask for toth tickets at station. Quarterly services luntte Methodiet oburch next Suuday. Mn. W. Green, Toronto, ie lu towu iu the icteneet of the Mutual Reserve. New boot and ehoe toe-cheap for cash-Gilt Edge 15 cents lu Variety Hall, Bowmauville. lese Stoughtou, 25 Silver St., Baw- manvihie, le agent for the Ladies' Home Journal, $1 a yemr. Rev. M. P. Taling's cburcb, London, is the firet lu Canada te adopt indîvidual cupe forâcommunion. Chie! Janviis toak old Jimmy Botterel to the country poor bouse, Cobourg, ou Mouday for the inter. The towu loses mother o! aur oldeet citizens by the death of Mrs. W. Pinie wbo hsd reached tbe onusual ugeofo 76 yemre. A scred cocncert will be given lu Tnin- ity church by the choirs o! Trîiiy and St. John's churches au Fniday eveuing, Nov. lOth at 8 o' clock. Admission 15c. To uuy subecriber wbo will renew euh- soiption te TUE STATESMAN sud send in one uew suboiber wltb $2, we wiil give the Tarante Weekly Globe or Mail free for eue yeur. Messrs. Maxwell, Mutin, Manning, Mayer sud Myuard-mhh of M-went ou their aniual rabbit but lu Mnvers luet week mnd bagged 40 rabbite, a big coan, besides emmîl gainte. Doîl times are beicg defied b-v the amaziugly low prices ut which Dry Geede are beiug eold ut the Great Buukropt Sale o! Ted &Co'@ stock ut tbhe ohd stand. Foleow the crowds sud secure yonr ebare o! the burgains. Sigu o! the Red Flag. Mr. Win. MeMillan, eau a! Mn. Alex. MoMillan o! this town, was pusbed by a tramp from a train on which he was brukesman ut Burlingtou luit Toesday acd rentame uncanscions ut Hamilîton boepitul as a resoît o! hie injuries. Hie home je at Allandale snd he te one of the meet popular men on the romd, a des- patcb sape. The Eclectic magzine publisbed by E. R. Pelton, 144-8tb St., New York, ut 85 a'year, te a very excellent morthly, ai- ways weil frelgbted witb the beet articles cf correct literature. The leuding article this mouth le Mn. Giadstaue'e "True sud False Conceptions of the Atouemeut;" there is aise a review o! Prof. Drum- mnd's now famions "Ascent o! Man." Mre. Mount!ord's lecture in the Music Hall, Friday night, was lrgely uîtended and aile lnterested ail by ber portrayal o! oriental 1f e. Se much bas been eaid lu these columus descriptive o! ber lecture on the "Rentes sud Hounte o! Jeaus" that repetitian le unuecessary. Rer change was se large that the Oddfelews have very little le! t af ter paying expenses. Mn. James Arcbibald attended te the advertieing for the Oddfelîows' lecture by Mrs. Mount!ord sud seldont iudeed have we seen the work better or mare effeot- ively doue, space lu the local pipers beiug exteueively used for three er four weeks. There le no better method o! aunooncing a meeting, an makicg auy other annonce- meute than tbroogh the tbe local papene. 1The beauties cf tbe Canadian woods lu autumu are aven for this yeur, the leaves hmviug fallen lu a perfect sbewer the lait week lu October. There may be com- plainte of the bout o! Canadimentmers, bot who will decv that tbey die glorloosly sud beantifolly. Incao country lu the wonléd dees foliage take au the ruiubow tinteait does lu Canada, mcd luneoother country doe the wiuter berahd ite approacb witb s0 mucb beauty. The Brooklii cheese factory haie hud a enccoeful season and patrons are well pleased with the venture sud have preni. ised a more liberal support next year. Othene wbo bave been watcbing tbe yen- ture une gslning confidence and will begin ta oeed miik uext yean. Ed. Dieney sent the miik o! îwelve caws te thé factory, the largeet comber sent by one mn. They wlll realize hlm. some $350 besides, wbat lie got for drawlnR mik. This in about $30 per cow for six menthe. Mr. W. E. Ramtsy, humoniet and lecturer, will give hie "Trip arouud tbe World" lu the Town Hall cn Tueeday ev- euuJae. 8. 1895, under the auspices o! eruaheT.Ld,l A. F.X& A. M.The r, mxed...........0 00 ,0 26 RyE,..............0 03 t040 Buckwheat e bush... 0Ob0 O37 PEAS, Blackeye, Pl bush. O 50 0O.55 nMummy t .O0 0 O55 Small, ..0 00,,0 50 BUTTER. beet table, e lb. O 0 0 O 18 EoosQ, edoz ...........0 00,,014 POTÂTOBS, tV h ......O 00 0 30 PLAIN FAO0TSÇ. The By-Law Osrried. The freeholders of Bowmanville have declared almeet unanimouely in fuvor of grantiniz assistance to the new Dominion Organ & Piano Company te theetnto $5000. TUE STATESMAN hsd confidence in their geed sense and, ln this iuttance, houer, and feels pleaaed te find that its advice wus taken and its viewe endorsed. We feel certain that the towu has doue a wise tbing and wilh have ne occasion ta regret the action. The following is the vote: West Xard, 127 for, none againet; North Ward, 178 for, 3 againet; South Ward, 142 for, 3 against. This gives a vote cf 441 in favor cf the By-law, and je 78 over the required two-thirds înajorît.y. Ontario Ladies' College. A meeting cf directors cf the Ontarie Ladies' College, Wbitby, was held Oct. 31 In Mr. George A. Cox's office in To- rento. The soheme of college extension was eguin diecussed and endersed. Ail that is required te accomplish this pur- pose je the issuine of $50,000 capital stock. Already $36.000 cf titis ameunt je subscribed and it is hoped that the remuining $14,000 will seen be realized, An agent was appeiuted te act i con- junction witb the citv directere te uccoru- plleh thie purpose. Netwithstanding the complaint of bard tirnes the college has thie session already regîetered nearly 100 boarders, besides day pupils, and every depmrtment cf the coileze is in a flouiehing condition. Rev. Dr. Hure makes3 a moat efficient Principal und is reeponaible in a large measure fer the pepnlarity and prosperity cf the institution. BIG STOCK SALE. Farmers who are going more extensive- ly into dairying and stock raising will be glud te hear that Messrs. J. W. Brooks & Brot her are gcing teoseil 25 Thoro'.bred and other milch cows, one fut 00W, 20 ewes sud lambs, 2 steers and a span of young horses. This will be i grand chance to get good yonng cows at yonr owa prices. Friduy Nov. 9 on lot 28, con. 2, Darliugton-at Mr. S. S. Brooks' near CourtIce. The Council voted $250 more for gruv- elling streets .Moudu> nigbt. Country people have now ta puy more for burial plots tru Bowmauville cemetery. MUr. Asa Choute hue sold a fine pair cf hackney carrnage herses ta Robert Beith, M. P., Bowmnville.-Guide. We regret ta lern thut Mrs. Geo. Wilson, wife cf the editor of the Port Hope Guide, is seriouely 111 in Toronto. Rev. W. J. Clark, London, well kuown in Bowmunville, hue received a oeil fromt St. John's Preshyterian cburch, Hamil- ton. Reniember, the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Pal's cburch will run a cbeap excur- sion ta Toronto on Nov. 8fh and 9th te the Moody meetings. Conductors JohnBton. Mulligun, De. fries and Tamblyn bave been commtted for trial at Montreal on a charge of rab. bing (-',Grand Trnnk.1- Mvr. John Dennett left for Eugland on Fri4ay in response ta a cablegrain from Mr. Prower as stuted in the Moutreal despatch ta the Empire. Mr. M. W. Williams, editor and pro. prietor of the Cobourg World,lgave us a caîl Mondmy. Flô wae accampanied by Mr. Cpton Runnuls, Welcome. We ire glad ta welcome buck te Bow- manville Ensign McAmnmond front Col- lingwood, wbo with Cmpt. Brooks of Ty- roue, will have charge cf the S. A. corps here. Botb are popuar officers, Mr. J. C. Vunstone is unloading fromt the, schooner J. G. Worts ut Port Dar- lington:12,000 buebels Manitoba No. 1 bard wbeut, beught ut Fort William. He bus bougbt 11,000 bushels Ontario and 3,000 bogheis Manitoba since harvest be. fore, this sbipment. The Moody meetings in Toronto are beld eacb day except Saturday ut 4 and 8 p. m. The Mail yesterday said "The thousunds who were fortunate enougb ta obtain admittance will reinembeitete end of their lives." The G. T. .ecr sien Tbursduy sud Friday will give coun- try people a chance. MAY NARD THE JEWELLER, :BIGD- 2 Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Eveuiug resideuce, Division Street, next old B. C. church. BI1RTMS. JoHN$s-At Hampton, Nov. 3. te Mr, and Mr@. J. L. Johns., a daughter. MARRIED. WELSH-ALETTER-At Moutreal Oct,.te IN Lamp Goods,Tea SetsDinner Set s Toilet Sets, fancy goods of al description. New fruit is arriving daiiy --- ali new, cheap and good. OrYS TERqUS, HerringFi'nnan Haddie,Whitefisii, Trout, and ail fish in season. Barrel, Dairy and Land Sait aiways on hand. Thanking ýour many friends for their liberai patronage in the past we intend by fair dealing and good value to have more people deai with us than ever. Bring us your produce and get the highest price in goods or cash. CAWKR &TAIT, A very large choice of furs at John J. Maeon's. (11LWANTED for general house ¶.wok, Apply to iMrs. JOHN& GRIGG, On- tario St., Bo wmanville. i-tf NEW MILCH 00W and oulf for sale -Jersey thoroughbred, Lot 26, Cou. 2 D)aThïnton2, near cheese factory. Mas. WEB- STaR, Courtice. 45-2 w* il EIFER STRAYED on lot 2, con. 3, Darlington. 2yrs old. Owneriserequest- ed to prove property, pay expenses and take ber away. W. J. BRIAGG, Bowmanville. 42-3w RENEWED 00W FOR SALE, also lu oie choice young cattie suitable for breeding or feeding. Heifers. thorough bred Durhams. Will seil on reasonable terms as 1 have more titan I can winter properly S. SNOwDEN, Lot 22, Con, 3, Darlington. 11-3w* VO ALE OR TO RENT 200 acre -L ambeing composed of the north halveS of lot 31 and 32 in the 6tb Concession of Dar. linizton), known as the Mitchell Homestead.' iPor particularsi apply t0 Mits, B. MITCHELL, Ohawa. 41-tf. IEH AVE just received a CHOICE ILOT or MOULDINGS ini ail the newest shades and pat- c-Ar c-Zii - - i VTALJA BLE FARM_ FOR SALE- 0 L j jl;JUL Inl thte Township of Pickeningr, situate miles West of Wititby Town ou tbe Kingston ltoad; teestcf soit, cdean, well fenced and watered and in thteitigbe8t scate of cultivation; i t r r m s good buildingesolid brick house.wells.orcitard pitj r m s etc. Terme very ea@y. The beet 200 acre fart ln fte Township. Apply qnlck to A. A. lPeST, Whitby. 22-tf W! lo Tu 5 acres cf aIl. scutit 25 acres W u 1T u A LLENN of lo 5, nd 2 acrs ofnortit,' lot 6, con.3 Danjlington. F'ine brick house,spacioue barnne. sple ndid,-Boil, excellent waten etneam and weI18 ,Ire Wood< on premise-. Two miles nrom tiow- manville-great chance-sale ou easy terms, or will rent fore term-plougit pcpssssîngiven FARM FOR SALE OR. TO RENT.... ater harvest. Applyte MES. JANE WIGHT.FGOOD 100 ACRE fart fon sale or te reut ou premisles or 1) . BURKE SimPsON, of 130w- juet outeide lte eown oCBowmanville. Apply mauville. 31-tf ta Tisos. BiNGUAm. box 72 Bowmanville MONEY TO LOAN. JJOUSE TO RENT -A em-etathed $100,000 . A large eum of mouey hashbeen pl aced inumy bauds by a privale person for investment, on avpraved boans ou fart secnnity for a tent of FIVE or TEE y esrS, FIVE AND ONE HAIS' PER; CENT intereet wili te s-ked payable yeanly. Satisfaory conditions for repityment will be arTanged. D. B. SIMPSON. Soicitor, Bowmanviile. Dated Oct. lat. 1891. 40-tf. CALEDOU N IAN BOWMAN VILLE. Hghit rnice paiS for al kindB cf rain at the above Mille. JOHN 1VaeKAY, 1 3f-In. Proprietor. Minard'e LinimentrlivsNrag. Ju.u bricka ouse un unurun i Bree ately occupied by Capt. Crawford. Terme moderte Apply ta A. YouNiz. or T. BINGHAm. Bow. manville, 45-tf. F ARMI TO RENT.-For a term o! -2 years, "Glanditu"-300 acres, 2 miles8 fron Witby-dood buildings a nd oil. Admir- able for stock1 or dairy. <Jitance for gainq exleusively intoToronte rnilk business or stock naising for Amenican market. Men Witt% capital anly need apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. fl OUSE AND 10 ACRES LAND ta rent, being that very desirable resideuce witli barncand stables , excellent orcitard aud necessary conveulences, situate a,, Ashtou'a Corners, haîf mile nantit of Hampton. Posses- sion Avril 18t. 1895. or sooner if desired. Ap- PlY tu MES. C C. MERRILL on 1. L, BROWN, Hattn..4 2-3w* F ARM FOR SALE.- A finît cIms aroe -V of 125 acres or 145 acres situated in the township of East Whitby 1.1 con, lots 15 and 16 on lte Base Lice, about l* miles fraint Osha- wa station. 2 miles fromn Whitby and l60 rode frontlie sctool house. LarRe roomybiuîldings. main banc 95x36 ft. plenty of fruit, soit clay' loam, allogether one of lte besIt rinnfarmne ontite LakeSitone. No bille or sanes. &btoeg 10 acres of Wood. 75 acres in pasture and tresit seedetl. Termes easy. First plowing dons, For furtiter particulans apply I.o A. ANsus Ositwa,37-tf.Z WIANTED.-Locah mcd Traveli*ng YVSalestren,te hanûle curEeardyCanadian Grown Nursery SLock. We guaranece satiife- lion te represen Lanives and custoere. Our Nurseries are the langeet in ihi Dominion, river 700 acres. No sîtbstitition In ordezs. Exclusive territory and literai ternis lu wiole on part thme agzents. Write uie. STONE & WELLIN.ýGTOiZ, (Hlead office) Toronto. Ont, Thre only Nursery in Canada having resîîng o. chards. 44-3mt VALUE It lias been our aim to pay speciai attention to the quaiity of our goods---to secure the best for the ieast money. This year of de.~ pression lias been marked by manufacturers and. wholesaiers and, our Cash buying has secured for us the greatest value' yet offéred.

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