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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 6

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-Sa------ 'UIlour husband will notice a greal iirprovemcnt in your çooking, ~uuse OfrLENE 17o ur house will flot be filled w;itl thec odor of hot lard, wlzen more powerful'countries. The whole ton. dency of modern warfane is te make mucli et seizing the initiative and socuring the benefit of suporien position of the forces at the otset, or of mare irature preparation. A tûkiung -rlustratton oifiese-facIs- wus funished by the siulsing of the Kow Shing, an Englisb steamer, eugaged lawfnlly for the transportation of a body of Chinese troops before any declaratien of war, snd yet converted by the swif t develepinent of evonts into a Chineso vessel,and,as snc,de- stroyed before she could complets ber run between the port at whicli she cleared sud the proposed landing place for the troeps. The lessous of the great naval battle off the ,month of the Yalu, wirb their exhibition of modemn flets arrned witb the lstest ord- nance, engaged witli oaci otier lu rogalar lino of battle, are lu somo respects net more stiking than the teachings as te tire rapidity witi whicli twe conutries can be lunged jute actuai lfbting in these days. TXhe semaIl practice is te stniko at once wheuever hostilities are resolved upea, sud in scores of cases bostilities hiave ee preceded the formai declaration of wr Thle facilities offened by raiiways sud ateamships for the transportation of troops tend te increase the rapidity with wbieh fieId operatieus are hegun. Ail thiugs cousidered, tie activity siown botis by Japan sud China, particnlarly the fermer, lu, beginu 'ing war, boti on ses sud land, is a s-trikinz feature of the preseut coctest, 'ihe"re is ne saf esy for a nation which dees xifLthave its systein of defeuce prepared su 'ime of peace. Dress for' a iLittie Girl. A m9del dreas for a littie girl is malle of two toned red woolen material, with long fleecy weave ; circular ekirt. Round cor- £age, fui) at the waist front. Fitting sleeve, bread sud butter as well, since there are a few people who don't cane for cheese. Saltod Almond.-Biauch yoniraInde by pouriug boiing water over tkern. cool sud the skius will resdily sIlD oft. Dry tbenoughly, thon spread lu a bakiung pan, add a toaspoonful of butter to evory baîf ponnd of meats. Stir on top of the steve tili the butter is meltod, thon put iu the oven sud allow thein te rernain til) they are a delicato brown. Removo frein the oven aud while bot sif t over theiu suffi- oeot.kaît. Whea cld, sift off superfinons saît. Salted peanuts are aIse good, thougli uet on fashionablo, Chioken Salad.-Boil tlireo chickens til) vory tender, saltiug te taste. Wlion cold out iu emaîl pioces sud mix witb oqual arnount of celenycut fine. For dressing. beat, thorougtly two or thneeoggs<eggs with yolks lu are beaten tborougbly wbeu yen can dip a spoonf ul witboutbaving 15 strngy); str lu two tablespoonfuls mustard, ý sablospoon blaek pepper, two of sugar sud eue of saît; add butter (melted)sîze of su egg. Ileat eue plut cf vinegar snd peur slowly into above mixture, stirrng constantly; steain or heat until it ttiickeus. Wboa cold nour onto cbickon sud celery. Wvedding Cake.-Two lbs. brown sugar ('2 leveal tescupesau ,ar is eqsîal te 1 lb.), UL bs, ltter (1l butter qvals 2 lesa cuîs) 12~~~~~~~~ egî lî en Iqt i.e l e.l 4 iba. Enlish ucnrrauts, 2 lbs. citro (if' citron is net cenvenieut use preserçed watermneleu rsnd.) Chep the seede 1 raisi4ns, citio and currants tili fine, sud dus-, o,"r them befe 're muixing icto cake deugh 1 ccp fleur. Mix firseb four incgredlients,add wîue, spiciug sud fruit. Lice Cake tins ,vith butter-ed paper and tie more paper aou outsidô of tins with twine. SWIMMVING CAVALRY. Trntnuing Momnted Soldiers te ross Riverq Qillekly. Mucch has lately been heard eof the ti-l herse is wueu prepared for tue uenny. ne must be at his best, sud muet feel that ho 's. " lThe bost tes tasters of the ecanntry make enormons sums censidering the turne employed; $10,000 s year is a low silm, sud oftutes rei ~2,00 to530000is Lmadc, sud oven more. 1 know a mn in the busi- uoss Who made $50,000. It ail depennds ouo hie standing, the number of turnes lie is called as s taster, sud what lie can endure." It Was the Pie. The landlady of the boarding-honse wss ont in the backyard when the tramp on- terod sud it disturb ed hlm so that lie camec near losing his usual aplomb. "Beg parding,ma'am," lie bega,"] came- te seeiif You didn't lose a pie yon loft Ont here yesterday te git cool." -Yes, I did, sud Vin looking for theý per- son %sho took it. Xas it yrou ?" sud she came at hin tbreateuiugly. Re dodged aud got ove.- ta the other side. N'mit was't," lie npled,"but I know Who it was'" ",Well, Yen teli me sud I have hlmn ar. rostod sud punished." " -Yen don't have te, ma'am," he siîghed, «"he's dead," sud lie got ont the best wsy he cold. A curions barometer is used lu G ermnany and Switzerland. lt is a jar of wtewith a frog and stop-Iadder iu it, When the f rog cornes ont of the water and sits cin the: steps a rainstorni will soon occer.ý TAING- A FRIENID'SADYTUE. r.Thomas Adams T"elis the Happy Resuit that Followed. nie Was sufférlsïg lrom n Severe Atiisrk of Rleuiitismi-Weuld Have Givell Aiiythnm to seeure Ritler-low n Cure -Was Breuglst About. Promn the Blrantford Caurier. A brief statement in respect te tlic ne- covery of Mvr. Themas Adams, cf St. Geerge, will ne doubt ho of conusiderable ictenest te surTering Ibnmsnity in general aud particularly te those who may profit somewhat by the experience hereinafter set fort). Mr. Adams is a tone mason by trade and resides about a mile east cf St. George~. At present ho is operatiug the taken te Liverpool fon repsîrs. Al ter s com- plote overbaul the vessel en,,ered upon s 116-IVors u ern xstnc, eing put hy ber owners in to the Australiao trade, where sie retained the nane of beýinig a splendid sailor and a -~ucc si-Eamfahip: Etering- upon tbis trade in 1B53, she remained lu it for 21 yesrs, until the requiremeuts of modern passen Ler transit had outgrown lier capabilities. Finslly lier propelliog ma- chinery wss remeved, sud only a few years ago $be wss seen passing up the Englishi Channel as s fnull.rigged sailing slip. She is probably stili in existence, having last been kuown ime do duty as s ceai buis lu eue of the Pacifie islands. Millions Thrown Away. The great De Lesseps Panama ditoli is a melaucboly wreck. The wiharfs are falling luto the water and acres of machinery are rusing te dissolution. On the îsth mus are nesrly 1,000 miles of steel tracis witi loco. motivs ansd tiousands of dump-carts, now bal f hidden lu the tropical gnewth. Severi- ity.six great steamt shovels stand aide by side in the excavation bnnied in luxuriant vege. tation, se tbat only the gaunt arins stand up above the gneen. Wbile 200 locomotives bave beenIheus2d, it is estimated tb'st nice. teutbs of the millions squsudered on titis p odigions enterpnîse is goiug te was te. Mucis of the excavated Jacd las been warh- ed back jute its oriiinal p acenudthe great scar ou the face cf the ,Psnama ieth- mus is rapidly fading from viewv, H£as proved by its enormous sale that it is Tebest vahie for 'the Consumer of any soap in the market. hi[ ~ Lng FIre ra e,en cigrd Lýarge0 ie ting surface N __ Sectional Fire Pot - OX~RD OOD PURACERotating Bar Dumi png Grate Send fo... Pull Guaranteed Capacity :CATALOGUE and TESTIMONIAL BOOK. .... .Manuafactured by.... O- EVýThe GURHllEY FOUHDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORGTOP Rosewater and Romance. Âge of Niagara Falls. Rosewater and romance are generaîîy Niagara Falls are about 31,000 years old, supposed te be already pretty closely te- according to the conclusions of Pro-fesser: lated, but an ingenious mind has coutrivedSpne dotrgolis. Suvs made at different times during the letflýy to unite thein in yet another bond which is years are taken as the basîs of Profr r -. as novel as it is audaciouq. Itali-an littera. Speucer's caicuiations, and lead h1iwjho teurs were recently invitofi by a (lermanI couclude that for about 11,000 years a peruam, wo des lage usiessin taî,nall stream, falliug about 200 feet, made suppiy bicwith usnmershor tay afalnearly like the preseut American fall, stories, the most important condition beice lwl nt asO hiahdthen theaiheght was that the writers should introduce, "in the sol rae and the the acds treaom eularfed, most delicate mannerpossible," the essential lowed esch other in the 4vrý-i becamei mnts of the German perfunies. Over aiegdjteeegetcaaatmc ttiousand msnuscripts have beeni sent in, grester than the preseut one. T'he secondt aud sonie of them are reported ta be from the eusof ellkuon beray ma, ncbprocess toek about 17,000 years, aind for the last 3,000 years or se the fails have aýs Signor Mautegazza. been reaching their present dimension., j -i

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