Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1894, p. 8

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i±aiiowe'en was very pleasantly spent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. AIf. affir eîn inthe nature of a surprise At A Country Auc- tiofl Sale. 1 fiumTsm ýli jina na ýe.... fe.,..a vîiteu LU qcai anu inipect OUIr Uew 1- . & of veara' duration after ail other means getcs isonsI 1 hâ.k Inieh hae 'n orefn 117 Isaving largetcs icutw f4A- --c ýA and muscular pain it is a speciflo cure. selected for th;eei fthe pbic VsT gve t ou prompt cash' payi: chasers. -The Joues Gamsby farm sililfor $5.800 J- oLUW Ve v ts, anaiiu Thesal, wichhadbee wel aver- to Mr. Jas. Hallett, who re-sold it to M". the latest novelti'ts for EaIl andstn tised by circulars dlstributed throughout J0 l'± the country, drew a large crnwd of stud itrtrad. Eatdvend n . enry of Bowmanville. ol stand,1 ait a lew c.oors west ofthtne in Neads' Block, and get getrd of tese dyes at any price, the' a.aff S~i~UiaialJ afflicted with SKIN DISEASES în a single hpplication of CurrmtÂWoRs W'ÇDRSand its curesl 13od throughout the world. Price, CUTICUTiA, '75C.; SOAP, 3',C.; RESOLVENT. e13?OTTEU DRa .AND CiiE-CoR?., Soie Proprietors, Boston. esR' t (o w uehrr lnIbes, ree. surly antyor garden fences and barns aleîePortu.soup £Yr. andJ3rs. tJas. painted ; if these dyea are flot good Walkîe, orHoe; Mr. ifad MrNeJas enough to color your dresses, shawls, Macki; es ha Mss ogn, New-e jackets. coats. iks and ribbons. thev wjîîcatl ;Mis Tom»o,lNwovle revelation- and seenied to meet with the favor of a few, and for a amaîl price, the entire stock of worthlesa dyes deBignated by a high aoundmng name, was sold to one farmer, who was heartlly laughed at. There is a moBt important moral to be deduced from the resuits of the auction sale just referred to. The moral taught ls, that poor and worthleas dyes,wherever sold, are dear at any piice-even when used for cornmon fence painting. The "Diamond Dyea" are well known, popular and al-rays reliable ; they sel everywhere and under ail circumatances, and give wonderful resulta in reatoring to beauty and usefuinesa old and faded art- icles of wearing apparel. 'Diamond Dyes" save niany dollara each year in every farmer's home. stock ls firat class. Sale at 1 L. A. W. ToLE, Auctioneer. Nellie Staiker, Walkerton ; Dr. W- W. The ide& that Bright's Disease cannot be Dickey, New York. cured Proven to be a Fallacy, A GREAT RE-MEDY QuEBFe, Nov. 5-Local physicians are - much gratified over the letter of Dr. A. G. Are you bilions ? Eselj ay's Liver Lozenges Mecormick, of iRichmond, this province, Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are 25 cents. teatifying to his cure ef Bright's Disease, Tonguecoated ? Eseljay's Liver Lozengea. by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Since Got a headache? Eseljay's LiverLozonges. the Introd!uction of the remedy in this city Are 3, ou tired? Eselj ay's Liver Lozenges. many physicians have flot heitated to Eseljay's Liver Lozenges clear the akin. prescribe the pil ansd numerous cures Eseijay's LiverLozenges cure constipation, have been the result. This latest testi- Esejay'oLiverLosen)ges cure aick headaohe mony, coming from so well known a med- .Eseljay's Liver Lozenges cure nausea. ical man, proves that the local men were Eseljry's Liver Lozenges are pleasant to right ini changing the old. tîme remedies take. for Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Hence their K. D. 0. Pilla tone and regulata the uiain bowels. Minard'a Liniment Cures Burns, etc. llaving received a large and choice lot of Futs,in Ca-pes, Collars, Muifs, Caps, Coats, Jackets, and Robes, I arn decer- nurnerous. customers and friends to eail early and. exaine stock and prices, you will find it to your advantage. A large stock of Gents' Furnishings alwaj's on handi. If your furs ne ed repairiuag bring them in early. llighest price paid for iRaw Furs. M. MAYE'&"R, Practical Furrier, the afIar. -7 7 7 VeorLye bv about ja intimate triends. the 1 J.- gc%-I- pry y

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