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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1894, p. 8

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The most modern and the most complete Cooking Range in the market. llundreds have been sold during the past two years, aLd purchasers are thoroughly satiefied. Note what Mrs. B. Surridge, Principal of the Toronto Sehool of Cookery, says of the Souvenir : To Tmp GURNEY, TnLDEN CO , HAMILTON: rotAil21d184 GLETLEMEN-I have much pleasure ln sayin.- that the SOUVENIR RANGE you put In at iHaMiltOn for the use of the Cooking lass reCeutly held there gave mue every satis- faction. It is certaiuly the very best stove I have ever used being cleaniy and reliable and Most econotmical, cousuming an astonishiug emali quautity of fuel. I have the honor to reinain, yours siucerely. (Signed) FLORENCE SURRIDGE. The Souvenir Range will do More and Better Cooking and Baking than any other Range miade, and le without an equal in Appearance, Durability and Convenience. For sale orilv by Agent for the Ceiebrated Pease and Gurney Furnaces, NE DOTANOSHOESTORE, Variety, Hall, Bowmauville. .1s You wilI neyerknow tîli you bring one here and see how much gooctness in Boots and Shoes it will cover. - IN At th e eld \ariety Hall stand. The whole stock te be seld under cest. Cail and sue the bargains w'e are offering, '~î~ SALEM. ~ w~~n ~~w an Report cf S, 8. No. 9, Darlington, for October. 5th-A Welsis IH Logan, W flOWMANVILLE, Nov. 14, 1894. Symena; 4îis M Collacutt, S fleeken, __________________________ N Symous, I Hutchinson, E Wilkins, M Hicks; 3rd-A Rutledge, I Wilkins, E AUCTION SALES. Celacuit, I Travelle, P Parso ns, H - Hocken, J HEouken, J Hutchinson, L )FRii)AY, Nevember 16 Messrs. Metcaif Burgess, J Wight, O Parsons; Sr. 2d- snd Bark mli seli by auction 50 Cattle, G Hicks, W Wery, C Collacutt, L Rend- 23 Piga, 50 Houa on Lot 18, BF. (Mr. son, A Brown; Jr. 2nd-L Gsud, M Metcalf's). M. Burk lbas sold oeeof Darch, C Hutchinson, F Honey, L Hill, bis farma sasd muet dipoecf tise nuoveo M Wilkins, Cera Parsons; PI. TIl TBu stock at any price ebtainable. Thse geas, E Wilkins; Sr. Il- F Gaud, F Fice, stock is firat class, Sale at 1 p. lu. S Parsons, A Honey, W Chalice, L Hen- L. A. W. ToLE, Auctioneur. derson. A Hendersen. Average attend- 'WEDNos-DAY, November, 21,-Mr. A. suace 39. E. M. FIF.LDING, teacher, Hayes, Lot 27, Cen. 8, Darliugton, wlli 5 Liras ON< K. AND L.-1 find the seli a farm stock, Implimieuts, etc. people amund bere prefer Dm. Chase'a Sale at 1 'ciock. L. A. W. Toxa, Kidney-Liver Pilla te any etiser I have in Auctioneur. stock. They are a monderf ul pill.- Send ______________________ 3 dozun at once, I arn nearly out. P. S- Tise officers cf Durham Teachers' As- eud by doat, J. W. Ielsud, Guoruock. sociation recuntly elected ut Port Hopei are: Preaidunt-Mr. Kirkeounal B A1 Port Hope; lat VICe-Pres.-IVIIIssMoo11.D a o dD e r h craf t, Bommanville; 2nd am n 'ye ar th Giliies, Poutypool; Treasurer-Jas.' Gil- Dl 4 . '- fillan, Bowmauilile; Secretary-R. A) . BrlgIiesL, StroflgesL Lee, Port Hope. Ex. Côlmmittee-Port flops, Miss Haliday; Bowmanville,Mýis and Best, Hanter; Darlington, Mies Campbell, Tyr. one; Clarke, M. Stauten, Kirby; Man- vers. Mr, Osmald, Lotus; Cartwright,Mr' Aisa. Si>aîxc 1SPRaNw-! GENTIE SPEINO. 1. Barclay, Caesamea; Newrcastle, Mm, Davidaun; Cavan, Mr. Dewry, Mt. Pleas- Dyes! Dyes 1 Dîamond Dyes! sut; Hope, Misa Tamblyn, Ellzabetisville; 1 At ahl seasosusof the year, Mîibrouk, Misa Hetheringtou; Souths Erery mif e sud mother mise Monaghar', Miss Larmer. Delegates to Greet the uth the k indeat cheer. Prov. Convention, Public Scisools Depant-, A'tumu irith its varïed shade- meut-Mosans. Keitis, Gillies aud Phil- Russut'dark, and broum sud geld, lips. Redsansd greens cf summum giades- A GnET REIEDYAil thusu coloinga ye uufold. A GIIAT RavassrYul, wiile nuture'a colora fiy, - Yel till bloom 'nualis changing sky. Are yuu bilions l E8eljay'a Liver Lozaesges Eaejay's Liver Lozanges are 25 cents. Dyesa Dyes 1 Diamoud Dyea Tougue coated ? Eseljay's Liver Lozengea, Choicest culera in tIse land, Gel a heudache? Esejay's Liverbozonges.i Onward !Furmard I us time files Are 3 ou tired? Eselj ay'a Liver Lozenges. p Tisere wili i ie ne otiser bruud, Eaelj'-y's Liver Lozunges clear the skin. Noue sau inîliant, pure snd fusl, Eseîj ay's Liverbozauges cure constipation. i Pieasing daughters,mothers,wires; Ealay'sbiverbo2sunges cure zick headuchu Ti welkuown tisainlutise past Esejay's Liver Lozeugua cure nausea. 'e have àdded te cor lives Eseljry's Liver Lozenges are pleusunt to C .;rfort' mealhsasd gruat increase, taku. cmntant streama cf jey sud pesce. IThey cannot bu accept thse Testimony cf Two cf their Prof esaienal IlBretsmen. MearaxAL, Nov. 12 -TIse luttra of Dr. MeCormck cf Richsmond, sud Of Dr. E. A. Ruse of Portland, recuutly published erer tiseir ewu signatures sud lestifyiug te thuir complete cure from BrîgIst's diseuse Etnd. Diabetes reapuctfuLily, by tise use of D add'sKi dugyPi'Ila,isave establiýhed te tIse satisfaction of medical men geuer- aily, that thse pilla do ali tIsa is claiýned for them by their msanufacturera. 4otIs physiciens are kucun as meu Wall up lun tiseir professions, uhose word can îbu absolutuly rulied upon, sud -who rpýely make mistakes. Thse resait of these etaure wil bu au enormous sale of Dodd'sKldnýey Pilla in Mloulmeal. Warren, CUTICURA vVi CU ToIMcA Rr. DIE ii trnal Citm t enimpuriry anC di eetieve Irlatm( Sold ib'-uughoet tne 750., Soian , x.: lizi AND !s Eý I, oP., ihaý fBc" 'Iiuw teCure ciy îL.A u rede Fa leache, ner aunI weakneSS hy tise Cutic ~TbeculyDn- Tise clergy havet neuce Golden Wedding at Bla.ckstooIk. On Sanday, Nov. 4th, Mr. sud Mrs. John Hughes of Blackstouk, Cartwright, oelebrated the ýfftieth anniversary of their lJIIi marriage in presence of many of their children and graudchiîdren. Mr. Hughes iras bora in Tyrone, Imeland, in N ovem-J ber'1823. His father was one of theo.d 67th "iRoyal Bengal" regiment, and iras,ý a descendant of the Welsh who settled in the nortb of Ireland in the lGth century.E His mnother iras one of the McClanga of Tyrone, a Scotch family'located in Ire- E land. Mrs. Hughes was bomu on St.1 Hlelen'a islaad, Montreal, in Ma y, 182, hem father beýng one of the Royal laoreH V A rtîllery who saw service tibxough t-HeV Peninsula, Waterloo and Indian cama- paigns. 1He wss a descendant of the Scotch Laugblinewho etlled in Iead HE Mms. Hughes' mte wsaHuguenot,1 daugbter of a French, cuirassier officer,,; Pairier de St. Pierre, under Bonaprt Fifty years ago the marriage of the noe> agdcouple Look place in Ir part we ý 8 1C C iEST the lLaughlxs family had retlred. The followlng year Mr. and Mrs.' HughesA came to Canada and settled in D)arlingtonI NO near Boirmanville ia which township they reolded for many;1ears; but for iad of a quarter of a century Cartwlh a been their place of residence. The ehild- B EST rien present on Suriday asat wiree James L. Hughes, inspector of achools, Tomonto, with Mrs. Hughes, Who 0a Miss Marean of Bingbamptou, N. Y. LU Mrs. blary Scott of Toronto, and hier husiband, Wrn. Scott, B. A., of Toronitoi normal sehool. Major John Hughes of NewtonylleýO Clarke, aud bis irif e, Miss Elizabeth Fe/ guison, formemly of Mauvers. I ý Major Sam Hughes, M. P., of Lindsay, and his wif e, daugbter of B.W. Burk ex«,I E - M.P., of Bowmnanville.VE Mm.. Elizabeth McAlpine aud her b! band Dm. McAlplne, medical health oflb iCOATS, er of Lindsay.111 Mrs, Sarah Jobb and fier husibai,! Robert Jobb of Blackstock. Jare: Be Beaok and ber busban4 ýU STERS,' Jame Becoc ofCartwright. Mrs, Lena Thexton'ardldiem husband Robert D. Thexton, lceaI, Wood and tim.. ber merchaut cf Lindsay. E William Hughes, wardan's clerk ini c". ve h- Kingston Penetentiary iras on a depr I evr1h hunt and failed to receive notice ia timne te attend. His irife Missai essie McLeod is from Cern wall. ________ There were two other daughters,Id who died in 1873 aged five yeams, m Caroline, wife of Adam Preston, former, ly f Bthaynow cf Winnipeg, w-be I was cured of Pa dlied lu l1878. There weme twenty-oiiýô ARD'S LINIMEII grandcbildren present and only six ah- Chatham, Ont. sent. Thse j ovioid couple mere p- Iws uedo sented with namereus tokens cf regardý, a ue fi net the least beiug a purse cf sovereigis ARD'S L1NIMEN froet their pmegeny. A meat enjoyahieI Walsh, Ont, auniverssry mas commemorated, thse p wacuecff py couple seemiug as lively as aruy -1D's eLINo fiE sens and dsughtErs -Warder. 'LIIE Oi~O.NCs rkdale, Ont. (Condçnsed (from the Mr. W M ouelhs îc)c famm. Age Ihr floed's Sarsaparilla, actiýng th~ blood, reaches every part cfi thît HE YOJTH'SC and in this may peitiuely cures ýter upon its sixty Mr. Adam Henry bas lef t tise..en, and as oee ai and meved en te the Ruddeck farmi. atant reader cf iras Miss Sophia Truli mill teach _EiîzabeÈ thtirty years, "It ville school next year. year by year." ItE Wby don't you tmy Cartem's Little Lîver th~e isole field of l Pilla? Tbey are a positive cure fer sîck uîshing a valet amo headache, and ail the illIs produced by tertalniug reading disordered liver. OnIy eue pi11 a dose. fonnd elsewhere, a Miss Leta, Moment and friendM% that Tiia CeturAN]i Trebilceck cf Bemmanvîlle, opent Sady member of the fain week at Mr. Memeut's.1 The Prospectusf Thse uew tannemy bridge is a. vast irn- an anusual amaylo provement ou the coi. oue. serial tonies, a we Mauy people, when a little constipated, anecdotes, humer( make the mistake cf using saline or other ares, science and drastic purgatives. AIl that !s aeeded is editorlals on ail ir a maild dose of .Ayers Pilla te restere the m'ore than two hun regular meovement et tise bemels, 'and the highest clasa. nature miii do thse reat. They keep thse Full Prospectus system lu perfect erder. sent free -on applieî Mr. J. L. Rewe is home frein deer ers mise send $1.7 bunting-ene deer. paper free te Jant Miss Lucy Allin and Mm. Frank Stutt year from thatd are thse leaders cf centestiug sides at the week. Flnely illi Division. THE YouTR's CoMi Clarke Agricultamal Society bormowed meney te psy faim prizeasu full. DoN'T WAIT 1 e11THE Sica Roea,-The experieuce cf pisysîciaus sud the pblic I N 0 proves that tukiug Scott'a Emulsion pro.- dnces au immediate ïucrease in fiesh ; iti And ltchin, ' )wn in this town. Our prices MJ-ASO]brs painf ai Goitre by MIN- NT. ByÂitD McMuELiN. iflammation by MINe NT. Mas. W. W. Josiasox. fcial neuralgia by MIN- :NT. J. W. BAlLET. nproves It COMrÀNIO i3 Issoon to ty-ninty year of publica- iys who has been a con- 3columus for more than has steadily improved [ts articles to-day cover le and experience, f ur- Lmnt of valuable and en- ,g of a character flot and of se great a variety a interests alike each iliy. for the volume of 1895 of attractions; fourteen wealh of short storiesi, Sous sketches, advent- dhome articles, time]y upertant questions, and indred original poems of so and specimen copies iation. iNew subscrib- 75now will receive the nuary 1, 1895, and one date. It cornes every lstrated. rrpANoe, Bositon, Mass. 5Jenld Scratch Until va Hie Linbs. Ferced ýBed. Wiaole Systera tor ater Doctor W1th- 'tânt rxel-lf, Speedy Cut:eura Pn-ed!es. ;hI have been stopped if 1 your Cuvret FA REMEDIE5 1 contractecI the fev or and 1my kidneys so badly that I .tion, fromwxhich resulted suIrereci nntold agonies. To more, my ltft leg below the bg lood boils, and coin- 'in irritation, s0 that ut 'htan9tic, and -wouid scratch I trickie down my leg. la go hoils xould commence, 1would have three or four il that at rimes 1 oras fo-ced Ev ery winter a dry jtchir. iter 0on oy leg, ovhicijwitu oeffeot my orbole systeffi. al11 p eriod of three to nine Iter doctor, but theygao a rief. Thm mîst fall i Crni- CUTIOtTRA, CUTvaRA SeAP, ,VENT, and now the scales ching ail gone, 1have rot orked afll -eter. I wor Id hiave for the plat e-glitee n 1 baC doco afroi thae te no purpose. 1 have not oe long withour a sick spel rmedies. lhazaks to thema Letrent Uaker of ianii IEL P. IWOODWARD, 1Washoington Cetmty, Et. vS cleai-oe the cysteni by 1 maedication of nveo n.o isease' an t constiute thle mnt of modenlunes. ,teVOrd PI-C, CUTICURA, SLVENF,1.5Û iOT'TLn DRUQ OIe ProPrieýo1E, Boplun. t kin De o idfree. nda, racd, roue '), rix.ped, and t by UI'rM S h F erv',us andC auscuiar pins, osTe roIbed i'.une minute ,ura AnSe-Paim Flaster-. i-killing plaaster, ,sted K. D. C sd pro- eit the best. -500 are always the lowest, quality considered. CL0TIII3=WG-SITORE.IM NEW STORE!l Our new Boot and Shoe Store is now open for business with a first-class stock of Footwear, Trunks and Valises. We keep the BEST goods at. LOWEq1T' pricos---(no trash at anyý price.) Woé pay spot cash for ail our goods, 1eeb saving largest cash disco-unts, wvhich. we give to our prompt cash paying> customers. The public are cordially invited to cail a few doors west of the old stand, in Neads' Block, and get bargains to their satisfaction. Orders for work and repairing promptly and properly attended to. JG ' ELLYAR FURuS I URS llaving received a large and choice lot of Futs,in Ca] Collars, Muifs, Caps, Coats, Jackets, and iRobes, 1 arn der mined to seli thern cheap for cash. I would advise nurnerous custorners and friends to cail early and exar stock and prices, you w.il1 find it to your advautage. A large stock of Gents' Furnishings always on hand. If your furs need repairiug bring them in early. llighest price paid for lRaw Furs. M3 BOWMANVILLE. Higliest prpnepalif for ail kinda cf grain aý the above Mills. JOHN 1VaeKAY, 82-4m ropnietor, MAYER Practical Furrier. Sofal a PO Pols LADIES, use Hook's Sýofala, Ladies ardC Clildreu's fine Ec the finest te preserve the ,le pliable. It wiii leavu a p;olah1 sale by Bcd sund Sisce deaIersý, - OSTERCOA..TS 2

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