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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1894, p. 1

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~auabIau tatt~mau. TEiRMS :-$1.50 PER. ANN-uMI. OUJR TOWN AND COUTNTY FIrSI; TITE WORULD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. BOWIrANVILLE, OINTARJO, WEINTeSDAY, INOVEMBER 14,1894. NEW SERIES, VOLUME XL. NUMBER 46. _________________________________________________ I ________________________________________________________I N ______________________________________________________ pnnru JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN uuuuI 1 are showing what is beyond question the finest stock of Ladi*es' Germari made ÂND evershown in town, T he se g-arments are very sty1jlsh, perfect fitting, and very mnoderate "in pri ce& ,rniso nnnrl Report of S. S. No. 20 for October. Clans 14-Algernon Vice, Herman Vice, Bertie Northcott; Sr. 3rd-Maggie Pas. coe, Edgar Werry, John Baker; Jr. 3rd-. Elia Montg lmery, Annie Cox,ý Harry Tom;ý Sr. 2ad-Loia Argue, Hijida West- lake, ,Mabel Argue; Jr. 2ad-Katie Moore, Maud Reynolds, Beatrice Vice; Sr. Pt. 2ud-Mandy Tapp, Ethel Van- Nest, Ivan Law; Jr. Pt. 2nd-Arthur Weetiake, Edith Baker, Frank Vice; Sr. Pb. 1-Howard Niichols, Minnie Ashton, Edith Vice; Jr. Pt. 1-Fred Moore, Ruby Phi]iips. C. EVýERETT BROWN, Leacher. HÂVE, You FELT TimEuSE SmIToas? Impaired appetite, naueea, feelluf of weight, uneaeines sinking, craving or pain cs différent degrees of intensity op- pearing either when the stornaco Ine e»pty or after taking food. The tongue le usually f urred or coated but je in some cases red and giazed. The breath le usualiy heavy and offeneive. Contipation ie generaliy preeent. If you have any or ahl o; theseeeymptoms you need Eeeijay's Liver Lozengee. They are 25 cents a box or 5 boxee for a dollar. 1 Believe in Ho od's Inheîited Scrofula Curei Read the Statement of a Popular Teacher TYRONJU. A Junior League wae organized on Fr1. da Ž40v. 2nd, the officere are:-Hon, t-e.A. 0. Wilson; Pret.-Miee tia Werry; let Vice do..-May Clein- euns; Secy.-Ruesel Bingham; Trea.- Wiiie Stock; Organiste-Ethel Curtis, ,ÂIliel Siunidere. There wihl be a social (m XDec. î4th iu aid of thie society.ý Visitors: Mise Kersiake, Hampton, 'l S, J. and Mise Minnie Martin, Ennis- ~iTlen, guestes of M!iss Emmersion; Mr. R. "ordon, Orono, at Mt. S. Bingham'.... grandaon of an old time resident of y ýa vI.Win. Eiliutt) preached a x piet and unique sermon here Sabbath ýor.nmg. . . . M r. Harry Ramm and fain- i -aaîn become citizensi...Salva- tion oficers' quarters are iu Mr. J. Simp- -.,'s residence ...Rev. A. 0. Wilson prceched at Greeuwood S ,bbat. Ms Wilson and mother accni.>)anle im u esjye eeing old fLiteuds. ]NIGNoiss.-In the ears, some- times a roarin,', buzzing sound, aae cansed by ratarrh, that exceedinly dieagreeeble arid very common disease. Loose ef emel or hearing also resuit from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the grtoat blood puri- fiýr, is a peculiarly snccessful remedy for thiFe disease, which it cures by purifying ENNISKILLJJN. Vets:Mr. Beacock, Port Perry, Mr. and Mise -A.' Beacocli, Oartwright, at Mr. A lliggs'. ... Mr. A. N. Mitchell has for 1895 an exdellent echool in the suburbe of Peterboro. LTIKE A !NEW PERSON. -GENTLEMEN,- 1 fiùndyour B. B. B. an excellent remedy fo- Headache and Dizziness. 1 had tried eeral remediesj, but to no effect. I had taken three botties oF B. B. B. and feel entIiely cured. lu fact 1 fetl like a diikýrent pereon. Uis3s E. L. TAYLOP., Holland, Man., I BuIlMPTOVN. Ssitors-MýigselIsa Trebilcock, Bow- /ni( manville, at MIr. Jesse Cohe's; Mr. J. TrAwiu and famnily, Bowmanvilie, nt Mr. JseSalte's . .. .Rev. James Liddy ex- ohd -,i~ with Rev. Leonard pliti', ce, SunPday evenling. Mr, f romi the 23rd Psalm aud nerson with hieÏ discourse. ~/lue en1terta1inmrpeit Nov t P Go ~ri age istraînxug i. The staternusl ts iitti'unli eea!.sbipped their Speu fauili.r facts to the-imrcdiatofl; iud1; ofÊt veek . Mre. Samuel Gen.A. lr ~ ~' 4 ~&ir. c Mt ~o . Mss . Rachand mr. Teuin., very w 'il kno,,u 1rs ý ott o' ~ mug v àvry neetn wçheraewas born and hs 1a~ret lad '1nd(ay of the S. S. convention in 11C. I. Hlood & Co., Lowell, D1aýs.:.îe 'Denr Sirs:-I beeve hl YbIUGH-ý'T IT V WAS Cicx. ames Mc- t w ttel you wly. t1bhave siC,ýIu '1wd frq ielnaAveue' rcocl li ritQis.-rofulafromchikli0ood.17-- .Mhn EqHeeaAene raodl Darliugton Taxes. As aIl taxes for Darliugton muet be paid on or before Dec. 14, by order of Council, 1 will be at the Council Room, Bowmanvileo,each Saturday from 10 te, 1, and Friday, Dac. 14, te receive the same. Ail taxpayers interested will govern them- selves accordingly, as poeïilvely there will be no exteusion of tirne. F. L. ELLis, Hampton, Nov. 13, 1894. Collector. District Division. The Durham District Division meets at Newcastle on Friday lNov. 16. Two ses- sions wiil be held 10 ..m. and 2 p.m. lu the evening a public meeting will be held to which ail are cordialhy invited. The Grand Officers will be present. Let there bu a good rally. Collection at evening metinp'. LESIE PAscoiE, A. B. CRtYDERMÀN, 45-2w, Card of Thanks. I desire through THEp STATESMÂN to thank my numerous patrons in the line of breeding Yorkshire Swine and Shorb Hor Cattie for past patronage, and at the sane time extend au invitation to al who wish to get good stock to cahl and in- speci xny breeding animais before matlng elsewhere. If there is any profit it is most lhkely to be in the beet. WM. WERRY, Roselandvile Stock Farru, Solina. Darlington Centennial Scholar- shîp. To THE EDIToR: lu accordance witb my promise under date of Septemb3r 22nd, 1 have much'pleasure in announcing that au examination of competitors for the Darlington Centennial Scholarahip, entit. ling the winner to a six months' commerc- ial or shorthaud course in the iHamilton Business College, wiil be heid in Bow- manville, on the first day of December, 1894. The examination will be based on a knowledge cf the following subjects: penmanship, spelling, arithmaetic, geo- graphy, composoitioni, trauscriptian, and Canladian istoy.comipetency to pas- the Enra c toHigh S chools ýWi;l1h T Il 1 Shlrs ip i Wi be wa2 d th ie cadiat otanigthe hgh uînber of aL"ggregatectarks, ýroviaddthat 1not have been takLen iiieacà sub-jeci.1Th examination le open to both sexes be- tween sixteen aud twenty yearsý of age, who are residentse t the township of Dar- lington. .OSRA WA. Mr. M. J. MctSweeny, Toronto, was in town laut week... Miss Ina Maokie has gone to 'Chicago for the winter ... . W. Foster cyched to Lindsay and back Sun- day 100 miles .. .. Mr. F. L. Fowke ship- ped 1000 barrels of best winter appies to Britain ast week. ... Mr. Win. N. Whit- ley, proprietor of large agricultural works at Springfield, Ohio, was iu town hast week... . Mrs. J. T. Gouhd presented a flag tc the new S. A. barracks which ii brick veneered and electric li«hted. It le a building 51x27 feet on the corner of Simcoe and Oak Sts. Itwas opened hast week ... . Messrs. Thos. Mliller, Oshawa, and Robt. Barfett, Newcastle, have bought the corner store, Oro....... Mrs. and Miss Law are going to Chicago for the wlnter .... Miss Edith Rogers gav3 an enjoyable party hast week in houer of her cousin Miese Ethehyn Rogers of Port- age Cirty, %Vis.. .. Mr. J. S. Potier, Sail'- or Missionary, gave an intereeting and effective addresis, Wednesday evening to a large union prayer meeting in Sinscoe St. Methodiat church... .Mr. John Brooking has purchased the old Hart homestead, north of, Harmouy, East Whitby, about 96 acres. Mr. Brooking made the money, about $8,500, bv farm- ......... Miss E. Sophia James, Masters Norman S. B. and George W. S, James, Bowmanville, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John James, William St., Saturday and haed a pleasaut tiine. PLAIN FACTs.-As a prompt, pleasant and ýperfect cure for coughs, colds, hoarse. nees, Bore throat, pain in the chest, asth- ma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, influenza and ahi throat aud hung troubles, Norway Pine Syrup is the b2es remedy known. She Foulld a Frîend. Strong alld Ilglty to De- lîvor froin Troulbles. FiieCIP!T, Ê ;b £

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