N w Lhr %asthqoreatb lay. n cised h e a ina;cUrul fale- _____ B 11- -,,d - A , sevM'nt 1 r5)lL<N Doive.10«,dnwn la oli1v wreck, t' c i'me~rîicics iltlutricI~irci- \ith the oýptain roig unler the eL. 'i cis 'a cfdcc "c c, siasc But ho broke out aga'cn wit1il Io üs roar, z ?' "cll"-l. îe"ee 'h ir -c lot r And we .onu mialegs ho on leur, Ransu of thlle parleir and up ihe 'tair, And fighlcoe>nd muînimi a ni)hiiby there. ~~ ~j ~ ~~ lm liamn-ioc cad s'elch clieino\', 1]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~'n î'i "id'ii'lSL'LELcan1 Aoto 'ru s .. ýhie didutklccwlhowl c ~], ic c ii" îî Ccn.tîcaîcc. ~ Thea the ier. Icîngt cd and forgat to tour. i gr i c"' c cl-co~yogcîn 111it wnik Ti'tl we chased.li iout oftthe nunr. 't)door; c,~~~~~~ îei. 11 ir",c eolt 1e ns And thon he turned to a pony gaY, And crried. us al on ii' i,,,'k cey. Whippity. ic1tîr, liek'lî ho' If w e hliiA nt n 1 Idont know'! 5 c":~y wnldho lmcst rieiess te thoe," 'Till -tve tîmblod off aud lie osnteeàon, i:'tr riclithi sin-e"ccî omindt: Nover ccppilg to sec if lis lcad Wae o f ~îtciîei teirg1odn, Ltes flot end tircithn ic ci e îythemn wM intd And I cucîlrl bu iany marettha he e t~evi' accbl ii cimany ways that Wlcic wa, iir 1,co and w hiciz nas me, '~'w iinotti eAlîid10do without themn. 1 rilte ciialoiincAOr whieh w-Towzc'r, frt ' in a mii. Yo'd tinik t irie peoploeliad turn(.dtas, 1111 cowz.er"ls ail 'as cinght in tic dont: ]-le w,în1l't hurrih iith uýs iny aore. r sic' o? -nusthelias tint t'ue quiet, ci ie oe' rc c, out (ir pills cure it An (1rlammia coue o' ulthornp IiQit cc- îi-rc Ii c ct.Anid tld nus sry to break up the Mot. euii',E' ci"Lîîc'nIIL arecVerly suIl r r ". l2io tr crrty igethiccei (ci î'at One Boy Did. cPeUrpe, lit1- ir gontie eLi, 110' ls.h Use "-i.. licvialsact 2)ýc c ic ci$. cld oiccgîciýee.or setcnîy ni. -At the oid Bantyre Cotton \Vcrks, GCidl'I1LrSi0ZNfl oz., l;ew Yok. standing on the banc of thes riveor Cl-yde, ~i ~2 ~ ~sR ~ell ~e~e net ar fîcim Gasgow, workod c quiet, in- 'i 5551 tia' ~5î5~~mia, ~ dustrions listie lad callcd "Javie." When V% ho v'as but ton vears of age lie hatd ta go tci *5.~K aute tet otton works lat sixtin te ucoru O F CA A Aing, and work liii eight lu the evereing.1 ~ wosider if thî lttle boys who rend this TtIIi.11'IIADRII'S ihltDOici, BRANDED THE BABYS TIGH5 Thse fevîlre itae,,rtesi t> ls is -lit iii A fewv nights ago a girl balby w'ssbro gt 1o 1he reeeiving hosuitai ac SaIis FraucI -oc by a messefer, wlo said lic bcd bccri. 3tructaîl ta brin g il there lby Pr, -.,!. Griffith, W ho keeps a ly mg-ii bopit n iM>oAlliter.,urcot. Wheu aro une of the raceiving ho3pital disrol cd che misa for the purpose of washiiig ïi, she ond mark cri its ttîi. Inquirias wer aI once institutecl and isîwas lecari-ad- îiocoDr. flriifli tiat the otiior was a rwIh yetng womianwlose anme lhareîcsed ýto g ýiv. fie THIE BABOUN. Soîne xery intercsting b itboona bhave lnIoly jaiued the collection of tha ,1Jardin d'Acclimatatiocî iinP'crhcx Sketches of thanu are printcd Isore wh'cis gise a good idea of the per.-onal charactrstis cif those anicmale. They belong ta tbe bu .adryas spccie3 o baboonj and are natives of Afries-. Tbty corne ni a family that was worshipped and coonmemocatad in astone images by tha anciant Egyptiaus. The hanmadryas la an inteligent animai but little coclineci for human socioty. A-ung ahIosa of bis own race ha is, how -- story lad to work a 'tlikatit, they w'ouiO /J i(//yK$ Î,iiiOicVeicciic i This a nnla preparod 'ý'to do LglhAl inkthy bel auy ime ta study. '~ i?//,, faiaarc amaî samrbe raata Bankiar ini ail its branches. "s'e had a greatý de-ire ta chIale an ~/îY'0 The methodà by whiclî the baboons plunder Farmet's notes diaeonntcd; flcpo-s"ts eodcatjon-aad lour altor lîonr that wus /7>ý aer repcliry nae1ig recaiaed aid Interest paid on a-ccaunts sorcely needied for sleep ancd test p't A body of yotingý andi active cnonkeys of 5 nd p-ars i Svigs an i poin ovr istecsWih te er cf mince rank ici the cnmmunity are sant ta flepaestissent. îîrst mouey that hi a eriad, he prîcuroï a an orchard to gatîcer fruit. A luong lita of -P" R ",%dV Fr bock, "The Rudiments of Latin," ant inc- othas i 'cboons of asceading -importance ita i- zdColeticos ma-de ia Europe meuced tLe st'ady of that latimae c ~ ~etabIýsiej betweaii the orchard and te t it . os n ia tcEvt"e t i, wn, i suîc eare nulet be'r ac or-uc of the animnais. As thee JV5J, des, * caleti awouk i place bs oaorls "spiuaiug jauRey" ce Iplacdec d -ou ier it isa gt _'cercd il is passed alanig thse lina ____ Icmgjnny ndradsnene&Fe il t final]y reachca tie aid bosbaboon n 'M'c1'ARïG ~BAN s? eicons nle ssed toan'd fro. Ailthe ~~ia '.heeadqLcarters, eacb netsicing a crtain. r0r mido ( Pnrc Bs.i.eý ntle a hanis-inect nii5neer eeedshare as the plunidor passas hlm. Scouts Iliîc icAgency. c-ociturbhiii, for ier ha n'sndi'eretu 10 "â arctgveuuey ci bt ws gîugotiarond b. Ltil dj '~tic aeproacb cf the tac mer or any ther Rec 1-rSý, r ;L tce actory bauds wii wlom liseworked, n'eu., ~~~~~co ~ ~ ~ ~ I- tcil algBaiBtctc'îrand ti un rk tihaiewould ana dayat'siln ta world- nos i hiaicneesaî iaties o awîdc famne, but so wsteb hsde I'n. he uew baboons lu Paris number fouîr. tsctam itrctslovd Allrîu raes No se sst it i tn.Witl their long, gra-y hait and thin faces, amystt on emaud \V bn lha rose. ta the digîiy cf colton tby'îave a reaemblantce la siort-sigbtad spilînier, lha fonnd fils task vorar bard, yctai ualdoligatecei.Teypndmc lie did nt couîPiain fer lt broîîglit hhm tar mone. Tis le crefuly (ave I'-owas TH'suc aSi viON'THE BAcY'S ae-11G. iofthe time pinigat inlu oiewbat gloomy Il t.usentscls-ud}radsiisîlsiîcu~sroo mnay Tbsbccraîsll sa'edmeditation. They are doubliess thinking Uni c Pate ad ande elo oi."lvc edabîlei biattend thme Glasgow 'University,ioitirlsArb-n1 ' b alaliit,,a &rje b-kh'a'hnadsold. win aotndIa 1tcdvut udItîutIitI l-'r rho hedrnios. wltb 50 acue, wis'iere they whr i neè teGek ;iip.n hogtt assibly miglît mwit sucli succesa. 1 E ~flC T11 9, imodical classcs. liava soule intareat la tie 154/ Etan ime tot ima îlay utter a stranga "iicicytccet tuoral,' tt' ia ail ps'ît Haebail recaivcd a religions liome'traiu. ta tbiuk it possible Iba sdxr srhoy.We -grdte Ci j r c 1, c1l te UE ~~uas~c 'aciug. and bis convicions streogtlieed as haor-ightmarrv. Fort liii d ebî ba la cllction ai canined tae _-î,,m'i .aucds grnc w ob lat, ii Ie tesoivedti tabeosua a t possible ta ideutify' Tlseapartieular habaoos corne fomAbys- misscon.ury. W\,Vi iils object lu vïcw, le dot bt le ad brný-of a hymk hi îcaypeaa il 1Soce.tyt,,c ec, toi t: e tý,ang the inauntaias. The maies go farti poron liiolîs3'laîiihaadîic g-c . itlecr appttvaldaai euctered a Irai lina babiCs, tiiosa kind1 of lî-ao hmaandud r r e anthebeaoon".a or hoe1aderuNore nfai abo - ~ist" tc nsc- vilb ~iciic a arcolitge. l"iuaily, hlI.t E.îglaud, for Cape cnilnlytoe'Tbey appeau to geomt i sean-b (ilf fol1 p½ectaîrnoi. c ot itou lort tîis purposa, t Orhc'pbnieiicîi al]attseick.Altera -.ert stcy lia pusiseaifarîher ocerit the eceivcîcg bospîtal deCx cAtfixe houvs. Tien tuey teturn ta Iliair E. t'hT'", EO.btcncti. mb bewldaa Anic, h-vig esoived tc eau be no donhi île branai w, dweiling place Ite st, Accnecual ilccc c- tiued a aew mission 'station- Ha explcincd wa made lu that ws-y. Tisa b1uý At eveciieg lima îbey go tae1the edge ai a lake t0 take part ln a sort cf soiree. Tbey a i fbat darît conintle'nt and was st oean aunch square andi tie mark wile vîcbl 'balseved t bc dc.sd,wii'uau expedi lion a, 3 sdseihii ia. Dr.f.1frflldh dik their fill andi tlîeubave -a concert. -,rsd u e ii i.Ale ale w etcurind Ise Te a esshavce an axtrs-ordiiary lova secssucontro ied lm.Altn mch aîkes wtb ran cationnndrafsce 10for thein youug, whichii ta nred tasainie bperds cend a lventîu'es the gr't explorer give auy hhit as te lie parents. etn yhemis hn ~vtr cOS oune, alter beingug intscas deai " moganmis pî -un1 li, i tic's alcngois'aslcu'ed n' thi' ic . Th porfctry'byan te eebatdAFGEANiSTAN. sali, îbey bsaefaw amiable quclîties. Tbay ha pot acory oy ul imecalerntd i ~ s-are erocions and, wban fulli gnaw, un- - explorer iveerie e.lcitle Das'ie hacause - aal.i a ndyh rchoe r r8> Dr. Dauvid Lis'iugtone, the great Afrîcan Thte Cozuity MiIlaT ec-o (ieî a 1- ntartian b t ave ealib rd, ny alir 05151< tmen have esaaiioshed any iîculiac 'T'ciny sufferer Iromn svoutc Deb1,lit 5 Il eue biyco culd accimpuiiss mcc mci h net 11< ii to tiair graitude. ofLa îj Vigir, ]Faiïlng llîlos.Resuts -Bis T lhay arae en ugilby tricks whici oYOUtlîhffllntise-creiscm EcssveCcltsuds diffictties, scîat ceigit rau IsiIsliauatiot, aa st eenues plaindca by cocp'hwcachîac]îctc Afghanuistanî, with ils 41,0 que iappea-Ie liitse-isuali ite"tuts. (One scy detscriptioin cf tisaIt synipîccua, 1 ilI end Fa-ce, afo nvlc',di4'wuîd l' i iia e , cta put augetina luskbIof ots'od beviug a informsaticnu a s imple nco-sllgne-sof self- cý0 ý'rvl e fth-,wudgvete mlsofterrctory, ad4,00,iýo îjf iuhact' -holea ocnsidrably sîn'mllen tino ira ioiaw onz sluci, aller belug Saindieti and tmposedclsttdies îlhcà unÏd'iitiattenton asa L)cvid ntmilytiencmybcucoc neir [ahbo aigfl usbu ulAsp b y 11quaceksaid huinugsfor yaî uef il ___________icte a ote tiobowen au Elaiçýlsi]ced satiorauge i uable thavipull n.fie isn mn e fe1w weeks.PMesae doncmreaa'teto bteenEd:,lan wthsgaei uabetepulouou. iei rilerYffilng ecacr1seaieditomaîoberva-tion.The Long Dstance Telephli.Russie,, sicula tie Aittoor die ~~toc'ldie iea taagt nipt ned i. orespondence siacrediy c,,nidential. ppiug awaey sylîl i e wcoden block. Ho" Toronrta, Ont. Modern iDn'.tiouua ara swees boona alpisauaa i 'rt nutnuas s is tieneslly ovartakien And caugict. ________________________ s, ilefinilo. Tic four provinces Caîmel, Anaîber trcc il o t pet a ptcber cf VC o ang tieverslacf theet as aide to penceTurkestan, fierat said Kandahar, lunder Istrong drink in ibeir wav. lias' lose no ame, tepirpnofîb-l s cdste eac rme lu getting tirunlo, and are tonl' i ~~TflL cc~ad lappîncî,s. Jîsît wlîeîPaps- fiif of gosrncrsbu a te ss. leyare inco-rrigible' druukcctda. - cl c1andi tribal, ouly mitey iaran The caninue taetiaf thue baboonsu ara long Atînuici, Ca., unvs ici a moat wratbfcel spei' broglî onbytienew bletFliabei, l revaiîs. Tie prescut Ameear -Icuon un and pointedi st tisetips, sad tlueir imuer 1830. 1l't unole, Sheta Ali, w ,on ltaecaige 15 as s-t sakia Wints a pretty limone when bo rencbad naubool enîl oIoun igila bie leapa upon bis onemy, andi, Wi'son s-ud pane b Griffis, a boy rau i, the breaking ont cf a civil waretFt. j hs eaigu oatd lc ie bstel i i ita liroal. Ha tien pushes it away sviti ___Sayiang- "Mn. Fitufi, somabodys ringcug sideca againtet is kinsmasn, tbirly yejt 1g, bis tact. sceiliat îhe toeth cut their îvay cnt. luef sy fr ycî n Mflethi leapine" sd scu tîcralimprtat bttit-,ufoa1 T ha iecpard fenstehie babiocc. Whea rear- Tbcuking it waa a customaer wio sanîteailu t usi.t e ahss ucrete sb ii didluncartivily baboorrs cf saine specios are rc 3-,71 oirianibot, H.sil'corkad up lis rage candni-ne 'nable. .,----. . 1 Il'- - ', - .11 , -cAw-ut to ttic wute. "Hellondi-te iac. The 4'ssnu han'saafilieCimrtycf ctbuv . rCieHuil. Whowin-ts nue ?" "'is s EdXi sasid b' bid e c'- i clii Couiniry. I' ýs lie lelios au tlue Ciffinendcu thil Ii trýe, ait s ~, Aid'ed cî aillnulCc-aanat igit>' miles asaay. -Ecd. saho ?" "F il Wt or w:elai aiîjriih nw haci- rn axuai I'v unirtied ur Li'îe. Tiuisgit or xcîii wIlsaltusîs Hunes, Cmca. la ildet you Ireosa a' sec wsat ou ara go' Sh"ip, Hs.Dorîgand I>ult>'. It lsa ein&, te do about icu" .l11 a momentbithe tale- iet wacrk stloobarbs. and i alI oct in phone girl tbougbt Huffwas gucug la drap. asura stcicin lus-ci> vy- It is nri.hstarong TDitan ha egea soling ugi>' aords evEn the et acnumre du.-sbliî lîsaýn an>' bath lenc- uite s- a f-is-t te coirreat could't carry ng, beintgc Iocel>' sasyii. tm.I"Nasa, wabs-uuave 'on pt tesny to Feuca Iot o s-cd urtosua Tmuaosip hatlihe saunai op. "Latugîiu,' b>' gun, FeucePut p andFarmand own cutian I1 ba-t Lieesncerlu', toa," This rghts for sale. APPj>' et CENO-TR.AL.LIVE- nellilicai the olt man nd Iiciratier repen- uic, Boidaaanville. tint truses ue ahîuteai ; "Say', Eddîe, i *W- P.- Uar Ceia'. O.. laing recic yen a' Lizzi a bsaibetter cornta bone boigit linke Tawsbip, la prepaedaitao uthe irct train' put oL lance. M nepmA3siîstcng Nature. Dec- 1cc-" oyen kncsa, MIsaBtond, iath1n' I - ucptonds sane? t-sl-hi-h -ana'as eenis ta nusl-le c fmi of rue.ý 31cIua Iicmi-"W\etl, lVve cften icarcl ppacsasy ,'uit it panerai1>' "s-ited na' nie." case of Brîgilh' - liii ase, D-i .heic, umnbaýjo, Anl Usatisfactory Season. ropsy', iaumatieun, IlcartIDiseasa. Fecu.le Dca-'Wr e - e> e-o - i Toudblas, Impure Blond < mue eudeai. _ea iccldoeainecead'cine. or bic eai on esor, 5 dlis 'peur 19 recai1t oaI iCc et pet bcix, or Sixi boxes $2150. Clai- -AwfulIy. Evar>'mn I acceptea DR. L. A. SfMIlTH & CO., Toronto. n'as encgcgedtta s dozea cthers." goveennuent prlîs'ideetîsis wtb ap uts- Sams-tîand s-ni a goneraus ponis. e 1879 ha racoveneai bis influcence ivili the native leas-daanduIsucceedaclÎ, i'î Jtcg opoeu mie tirona sai lu Engl;isti icilThie Quaan's governmnulrataina bis fr 'idii iy au aiait>'oci 1SO0,000. Las,,, xr le Britishb govrumant lus lucha Saut', acm- basa>' ta Abd ur Rahin-, sho neuc' e leri lui witbgi'aatpoman-d greed tcu ewdf(unltnmàa tions, by salicli Itie spîsaraof Builinfus- ence sasslsrgeîy outeadei. Th e~e r hbs doue material service uer Afghiný <j lu by eneaurcging modemn agriczi1ture'. id b) introulciug s-ae na ustr.ies .in 'sbal Arias-sad nrnitcons- af aar are mns iîr.,tuit ad tiare under direction ai Ruigi. Ji andl Garman ofcats. Proxsnity f Aftzi nisîcu ta ltae Induan empire cof Great Bli eic aili make tia Ameer'a astii npoliters jvent cf no trivîtil ciracter. A cuvilwiv ikle- ]y ta frîloa, aili Ruosian s-uic timiah influences et work on cppc"c sues Dnriug lie Czat'cc indisposition th, ,15ace jcugc la ramepatnt, ad cie liraI eo t lun tic el tbemaecu Lrre- a - u- not be aven Ccr e. Eletrie Roads to Harnl A dspalci Irons Hamiltan sa's ilamiltonu Electil Raduial Railsa> bas cenupleteai ihe punchs-se cI mii Central railsas>frcrlie aunai 40 road la 13 milcs lu leagi, extendî Nia-gara- Talls St- Catharincs. pan>' proposes toci uilai tie noad an ton antI upatate il as s- steanu tan here electuieradial matIesilI ha etI ta Gueph, xocrt Daver, Wood,,, aiiler polîcta. Tie pcsîi aith e li res St. Catha-rines te Hamilton h, beau bonuseaiiy thie Goverunuei entent of $3,200 a mile. Thie ccii aisoaua application in ta the Clrj for a bonus af $125,000.c -The ),para Fron teco- sad tacy 0 tihs 7imucit' uneor Carniages anti Horses of thîe Czar, T'le E'n1ierot nofIlussa absforsaet "sarvices' cf lhanses sad carrnmnes-tie pals-a set, andi the French, Engiisbcetu RLiesian sets. Encti s-tcoin-puises at lest tilty borses. The Russes-n set aco-npaties ti(, Emperar usieraver ha goeai, ad at Gatùios- il is aseai tcgetbet saitl the Eîgliali aet- The gale, antI the Freuichuhorses cad car ris-pas arc uoedast St. Petersbur'g, in t-li jWinten Palace stablesThiera a rý,-satr, Ilanovaruan, sad of thie irceaio'ih uiccc as- pecimen figures- in tlhe legenuaiof tha saite harse cf Ciarsecugegu.Thie botses are ptrfectly wh1ite, withu blue eyes, aima anytbiug more naguificettiluthie san>'of treppc cps tian ticir is-m'as eau hardi>' ha cancei-,ea. Tue stare carniago ana of lte Louis XV. style, an.thle contalich os-tries thc sovorecgntî ta thiai weddings- or oorons-llons Lass large circlcs of dus-nuds set iuside,emoîc tiae cuistuions- andthte rccf. Thie impanial clown s-urmotînts huis stata os-riage, sailchi la rs-au b>' clît herses, es-oh l1-ai > -postîluon dresad in sahibt ead poli]. The Deadiy Dhmiîse. The story sabicis bas been groinig lic rounda cf thle lesspapers, saies a correspondent, of a bird fandingilus ae>'into anaeaIfbIse pipas af the argen lu Bs- an f' abhedm'aI ba ims ps-tallailu Inte cuypt cilCbhrtstu Ciîane Catiadrel, Dubln, arc praserveai the sieilc- tons rof a nouse anud s-ost saici avoe faussi la oe aof mie ecessaofItue otee-n uring thue rastoinof aiml ttedrafin las1876. Theecet rused into tic recasa du pursul cof lie nouac, vcio bsai teken refuge thareim. ThIe Os-i 5iC5 unable lu extnicate itself,heiug liteaslby jammnedisi,anuth ot s-rdimousse perisheai. Malufa 'îîî"ed ouiy st TFoirAS HOaeOW,2'e ESTABLSHME~NT, FAILUIRE IN MATREMONY. A POT 0F GOLD. iltl thetisa Isa is Firiiily 'lIait a Crek-Ile Feulid Tlt4)asaiis aIi rt Iu vuew citîLe nsnyilIl-assorteai couplas, s i 1iieas. it la reasonable tc speculatea ss te wietîar A correspondent aiEs-st Otto, N.", aria on lieochier lbas act been csjolcd imb writes-Sana timc agc s- nicldle-eged man matrîmcny nderwb-t aneordinenilv kniwu os-ma ta Ibis village, sad secured employ. a s faise pretenes. Net wiîînîîy false ment as a mili-bauti. On Sunday e'.-yus parbaps, but aqualiy as ileadine sad naisheneverbe coulaigat s- dayoffbýi 'old unfortunate. No as-ler basa lon"gthe Lait out wi a pickaxea ver biis s uoulîlen as toug insearci cf same,,' - 'dlag. [Cia pe-, engageent, Young people nover really coller as-tices arousea inL,teran -d saisn know eaclu otîsar until lhe t.not occa irmu questuoneai as ta thie motives ci bis trip, ha ly tied,' lhoy feal frce ta tirosa aside tbose saoulai give no satlafactrry reply. Lest 11111e tefinieg gracies of dressad obaracler Tuerada>', alter flLletuîug hie ds-y's watt., fint tey eve faledtabrig ito equs- hemsn soudereai is pcaxe andasrted tia li>' aîn falca tahnig ito aqes-out as canal, but t ibis iuelie sans foliosaca lîlon dnning the days cf counlslsip. Prioner ts- discraet duis-anca bysomo of bis folloisa ta marniege the ms-n seos the girl cul>' on cwarkî,uo. lie went directly tathua creek bai-van -a sall ba sanisîwnich flose î tàig ic vfiaga, anai pro. bier hatbhvoradwt brsnist ce'eedeai do'sn ss bsni,anai began ta dîg, 1,olis. Suiewaontai nverdrai-noaIrmceiviug luns- i osa inut'aieucoverea -box. (lac bin inluhlie vaaiig wsAblber hbs-ltnlucîrl- îcicw of the pictexe broke open the cifair, papota or in au uoîiidy germyent. If sie andi hase whba sera wat"bing s-w lin bas ~ -gather up sad put iota a ieg whs-t appeat. ha encross as ta sticks s-Il cia>' uctul ed ta tie.n ta ha golci piacas lu large qeafi. every netuban cf ble 'îaaily bas decaredai'io.Tyaeetoatnshi 0pe. 111e ual worthiliving andi tris-riage sa feul- ennoya, ana saluan toe>' rooveedtlise ms- are, sua lasoney caielul tao put the anu&s lisai pcckeîl ap bis bs-g, put is under bis aside sad wenr lier Scsuday-go-tc-rceeting cosi, anti disappeaeaid brougli the sacoda. smuIe as-unIthe bout s-t sailchi etex Tise sas-ciers hlieatole spot, sad fudn pecreai ta es-h. Hence it happans tbs-ua s s-mae golai coin of îittg'is.h tintage, bea- upou tie firat exhibitionecf lier otber self ing tue laie af 1802. IL ta helieveaihy thase during tie eutrs-ncing aTieiocl af tise bone who saw the man galber up tuhe coun that nocu, lbe ta takon ittely h>' surprise s-ni] j 'le utbewy pi tetona loaisliset over caîcîcil>' ta seel ifse us tIse c~vlems i a- pdiietuasi us-n "svee Maie"wbo tea laweîcneof dollars. Ncbhiig bas heen secu since of sie1siee ptivreting arn t lu mie themeans-. Hoîvltae iuoneya m sne ta lha hiii ith ahcpiagwrhin t uaiden lu tiat spot is s- nystery v,'icb i.evor.ta-ie-lctgtti'n pra cuutnions-i days. puzzles aili the residant.sof thua village. IL Fhis naw plus-se cf ciaraclet' appoastao eueralîy bellev, oer ta iws binu in the ligit cf a a ct very pleasantbre r yth seaBishweî'r the ilwa rovelation adlei talsst nesa f18112, sad tinttheiastrauger was a de- why>, lavet boy tint luees-hlei sali ta scendant of oeeof thîe aiea wba lid tie te, leha bd ne cor4ulte.ctei nctyhiugof Ibis eare icnd during lits previons relationus. S1te did't letenl tisaihas shaulai dem ont tien aed in the natter af holding Tweive Years in a State of Coma. Iccithîtugsaendi nover gpi eupherse]liT ePaicorsndtofheL dn ews-y aie vy> sell knew ho sacs n i arsvrepoî lcaleLno nmatch lot luer. IL iu ch tie sas-ne sil jCironica el legtapis tliai t a -"woina dia maie parîy ta tte conauct. He neyer] uatteil Marguerite Buouen ; r , wlo blu ta grumbles at tie sasits lanbthe free saind atie cf catalapa>' on Ms-y 25, 1882, la s-citl carelesa antc-nuplcal deas. fie auVer aiveani tbinia ci Iakitsg offance .îc fancî]ed ligitsalieadasleep. fier pairents reae-d ho or hernuleas jokea. Hf-I aays appoana lut allow ber tlobe transfenreai bo4beSaipetriere. icca cloîlus,ie doe-,n'ItIt.kshop, lue anilea l'le story saoulai bec srceîy credible if nous s-tbi li-uoe'- mtteelta'anoe sd ntc a -tested b>'medical autiarit>'. Marguerite tier asi le a dear,iiellgbtiuî cetturo ccd Bouvenval sacs daivrdoamleci, the girl thilus s-li is gctt'e p a plie. Tbhecivra I n-a bli asy cocues, t owevar, avîs eusuo"trat naa whiucbaileaitvo licys aller its birti. Sus- mni" dspînys bcmscli saluen ct cciaeata as- j o was atouseai, anti e rnagisusata, s- quetiociacl1 1'petting up tlue atoll?' foretsil camps,-Iiei by twc geuîdatme2, vîsileai itle bonnet, or a wn sac ecanai tlieîutic voung cottagetif tise Bcuyenaculs et huenelles, a saife tt'iaa hereeit sIck, becs-use Jack or village neer St. Que'ntin.The girui's Itiglit ferry doa.c uc cio-e upt O alilas-b alantI1 j saSbal tieat sime lied c errible fit cf s-lows*suinsel ta be a vary coincnsae morts-i I evadaria, folloîven by cataieptic coa, iu afttr ail. Tins it goas andsl ganmantiy Ni hch conitione, uoîmstlstanding Ohe effornts will to tIsa enda i f ru.Woîbd i. hac better of doctcrsandcelecîrucuan8s ab bsararnaineai if th insat. saare laid aside anai bhiereaIl for mocre thau tweiye yeans. On suci ocos-- uîîaor wcmnîtreve-led ai osch otiar ?IL siens s-belisas mradaudubi>'. Sle la lad la iardly liklay n ais this 1' rude condor" onnit.sad peptone, said ramas'cIontce s- vsould efleet s-ny usalul purpnie aima it is- de>' Irom ncu beci la anotiat.lan1ht3nu betarpauibaps,as-it je, Itta bet ttabsva Amaties-n s-lowman offareai s-large c auto t loc'd and hmut (yot itIal) tien neyer t0 a banilcîva ta laie Marguerite Boueval bava loveai at al, ta tIhe Chicago Exiehîticie. Tile parents POWER IN A STORM.L Grenier TisamisAUthaie Ulieapowuaer t selu le tuc MrIi. A noteai Trench sientiat, Hl. Malin, matIe a cen m,îl estins-te of Ilie oergy expaudrd ia tic passage ofaIcnotable Wesci, lutia cyc- lonc ebîhcilasted titres day's antI niits, andthle concinatii mrechcii t.v'ýaa hl.t lie force iseveloped sans flu>'equai le 473,000, 000 han -e-power, cr st îes-t 15 time tIhe powver htslaptoducad, lu tie sas-te langli cf rimue, hy cl itue sinî I nls, turbines, ateainsoangines, caid ailthe menans-d aul- niais cri ile suface oi tho globe. '1Wieuoe canas ibis latent force?" liea sss-ad tubte s-ns-aen is, "Fre hla nt hbo n sl a pot salich arises in tie cenOft of tha e urns-uc andtislathera condensed.' <isuaedad by tise panisu prieso andu local dicter. SvîcscTOMs-Mocture: rlne tlss andI nIninncg; mUioît ai.t ,stuorsa byl scratcbirug. If athcîveaitacuiuey - orsa fori, ssiîîeiten bmelat lio0o beccuuîn, ïsot>'sore. SwAYNE'sOtT 'MTStUSthslp le itching tant bleedinci,, beals u,tlmticin, and cincmi tcaes-ss- emavmîsts Mimata. At, druggista, on b>'msil, fori 5,1 tenta. Dr1. Ssaeyne ê& Scu, Pliis-ieb- pilia. LyrnanreS-ens & 0,Co_ tas WboicsaleAgente. A despaici ta the Newa Yeor oikIr -Tokile asyq tiat Greant Brîtinbasecl asiad tise King af Cota-taceaie Pont em iltonu luexehange for the as-istaîtei cftitiC BrillishGovernitent.