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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1894, p. 3

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» -~ » 1-r' Tiomai Â4, ai u CURED BY T'1 - omîuiieiided, hut uî' ic gie uIc:,, was ne luse cdvised s i u-Cry "yr 'se 1 arilla, anS bu'or'I 'u1 is lih, ourtîs bttîs, 'i snh iee firomEt t s e ver tEeh nos.'l uevs. 1bl 1, h.C t asu.1 liufî sql i suo e1cut cLrî ~ udie 'without gees uulseosl a 's .dmtttsCali aPctee Wuerl -4,11nhe Lanid of tissuswouthit vinue. IJDChh ucear tEe middle oh the proset cen- noc7f onesesems te have baS tEe leashi Idna of thse immense valus cf Afriesu terri tory. When CEe fact waa umade clear, how- eve, hat Afis was fer tEe most Parta fuirtile ceuntry, capable cf supporciug a imamense pepulation anS oh dcvelopfing an Suenous raSe, eveey F.ueupeau Power siC onle, hueýied te gain a footboi!d ce CEe DarLr Continent. As a matter oh ceurse, E iglanS was fîrst, for shEc ad aircady appropriated e'cnaderabis districts, net eause thes (j'veriment thînught hey wers oh auy valun-, but app3areuthy jusete keep iu prao- tiî-s. Neither Francs nue Germsny could e' uuupete wiCE ths insuise Poer in Chus îiuuster, sud befere tEshe rid ias fulhy awaeut e tEe situation England hb a uimhy pooketed nai lthelnioHsst'natsas ivrEhaviug, even ineluding Egypt. That ilEs policy bas paiS eau nec Es SoubteS. lengiand bias tu-day bn Inîhia, a eerrieoey ch 1,800,001) square mniles; in ottuer pares ef Asia, 26,000 square muiles ; iii Afeica, anS umercu maiisadaii E Ws prori c unxttuoantue o tacs prepely las eseisoned as part ehfisecil Empire. Pejincýipily located un Asia anS Aines, CEe imagniîtude ohfchue anuexatuun business nowr being aetualhy caeeied ou may lcisceeu wbsn it la kueivu chat tEeterritery in tIse peoteceoratu- condition now ag'lre- gates 2,120,000 square umiles, equal te ewu- tl d8 tissecf tue United State3. Ai?!elis anS is destineS ce hîeuûmu s pare; ohthes British Empire, anS wben je dos tEst Power will exereOise centroli ever 11,475,000 square miles oh the earth's surface. GETTING EVEN WITIl A JOKER. 1When Ans!y Goff Got u9aredssl l& u 1any 1'letlns,% PalaimioffIl'Willte rest. A Clevehand desp.vtchi eays: -During P, long Esohelorbood Ansiy J. Coif, l e is thirty five years olS, bu s perpsftratoui nuso- 1,a;rebs - pesetirai jokee epon bis fieodu whe îMv prsLccsded hm in tEe matrimonial rels- tiosi. WEn enh got marrieS l'st nigbttEe was in rorei ne (oh tEýe eauspieeeers1 stole tirh riceomstravelling Suit sunS liS it le tEe hbaro, isud iGolf luad te boerow anuinstccer-,quim . nwbrother-iji-ls'w to wvear C Cet rinevrhî sdressa iti. Oun arreviug ahE rn a on is sleeping- e-a sctonSerret(' ,î white ribbcu anS vilite rse.TEe ur te the deust waraaseen c he stee s e a, anethur oeou- , ù.'-str bEaviug ii li i uspalmeS ehufýem Thvec o-EsOer ds i e s iofl satcheý1h,muibg, melanad CE lîbe iu t1ie sng n a hmhLulder.A third cuprtr ciwdGoff'ilhusgage fren 'bi hume Ce tEe depot durisîg the day, beng1'ht a ticet t OliîseaJ Fals, for forey cents, asion it eooeSth-.iuggsgs Cc beneon s f0 The incessant wating of a con- viuiptive can only be overcomne by ipowerful concentrated no- ish- n-t likec Scoýtt's Emulsion. If ýtis wastinig isý checked and the l SteM îis supplieS with strength to 1 e' - Tliat sani-e WinC"er inuh eneensous quanti- Clu-s oh mnois heli frin sthe mosuitsins hat thie wbole ru-gieus grec eh' mu oreS, ausd esany fatal dSsaasteen enre.Aîuuosg tEe latter, tlis cottage oh Roesa Maiulia ias bsrled beneath a lallicg avalanchse. lil-as getier- ahiy inppse ut île iîs absr tfroc homes se tie tus e if the cataslî,iuiie. Bas-t wlîec toc siio i s acelenu-ths îi l agnd Chus myueterv so's'ed, talc re dissuivered beneatbti e esuns, of CEe psour girnd assi eiseoff ai'usiîu sulyovug, iwhrbessahe-l il ioa a it passiate eeuh- i ex ce. po rtnity oh beiug tCorelser. Son itEe Th-;Pntni Canal. neighbors ean to gossip, anîd tbosu ishi heevrrnen r. rr8sntt lied aC first pictied Chu- girl, couadseiel E osrîtseip-teent aLe te ise a slitary suiS loe seslufe, ith Ia view ohfluhinseýni ciieoiohstfer- sernuge iuuonsuu.eucy now b1hiued ber 1r ictePrai eôt seveeely for hun uisohcdience c lier 5atbe.d h t to acasarc alng, i ose te lier cempanions, tes villaenaideas,Eegan eiCa u hre ueflîgue h te experienLee" E pnsgoh jcalousy, for, tue wnen anti cees oh mciiaery are 'ufc fasdoome suuugeer haS iwou pher bearcu te dissolution. Nearly oestîsonsand miles besides hat cf thesMountain Rose ; ivhileohofteel ter,s a itEhrocmoties sud CEeus- tEe men fe i weuded beeaîîss' achi mag- alati sluussap cars are half hidSSen un tee luieS chat iu pasC days s aIeEsihown sonle peefereuce for icsîf, anSdtuated bis vue tropical geowthî. six gratsteam onncus rival accordingby. While cher h. 5 abovela stand ide by side, in Cuis excava- feitu lati sEsceuld Es thesbride uf nons ehftu)n hueS un luxuriant vegetatien, se 'chat theun, ebey haS bec resigned s-o cheir fate t u h e gaunt st-nus stand abaesthe but the alght ef tue lîsir-romer, tEe, sdvený- tnsî,usl. MVile cwe hunSresulecoiautives Cuirer, irbnie g ýthes prise over Cheur baa aebesus honse sl e timated hat uhue-- a-s tee go',se sastraî n uthelr e geronei, ty Cu h tE millions aquandered on thE ou feelin,and se ast lisi Saugbeer's 'a eak- podgiuasterpeise la eoung tu wastee- iesiras revealed te the ferocioi:s sud Ml hucli of tEe excavated lacS bas beeuî veugehul Manilîs. At frie Es refuseS te washest Esche inte les original bcd anS teu believed thes report, for already cetangreat aoir on tEe face cf Cils istismus s s yeuncgmcm), whîose adrances baS buen gent. i sapdly fading froc s tisw. 'uVen oes u- ly but firmly reptulsed Ey CEe young girl, flets tEhit Chus gesse reserveir oh ruil e- baS endeavored e ralusmistesber. No, ho presents iarely s-es lard-carnieS haaingschof iveuiS neC give ,sedit Ccetise ides tEst bis poor farcersaud workir.g men,this Panamai pure aiS stuirdees Rusascould blis- adule cakes a cliapter lis busaxu aiaies cf a Sspersdco,atesrlîavingeuss Ef. heiera CIoeemay sveli ivisEhiotteeSont oh tEe ou se mauy respectable yeeng men,' aey eu pages ofh lusery. i truc tEst se aeeempe of whcir ouis hav'e maSs ber s good andbas luit Eeeu maSsenerevive s-is smonîden- suitable huscaud. Ils either couS net or ine entesprise.. bou f tEe Colon Pneus is Ce be ironid n<,C eneereain sneob an iikely sud credted chus lateat effot is nue iksly te humiliatiug ides. Once ho meoCSe'îed hes leaS Cc sny practiesi resuits. Unhesa a reose aubject te bis danghue mo latuglied mer- syndioste esu bu ergauimrd for the enter- ri:ly at Chie ale, aud bellitbsus tureseSthe prise-ushîch is moue unliily-or uisis michle affair' mec jestu snd ridicule, the French goveremene itscif undereakes B-ut cils ovenuîug ihen Manila pasedhu gigaruticss m of cf mpeiug thescanai Cie border witit bis smuggler's aack on bis thiesthy siesam oh De Lesseps wiih, in al shieulders, thu guard, whbe laS hieheeto pruhatîility, neyer Es realized. If thesMar- (thanka te tEe chseuuss ofhbis Saughter) clans have thes sacse genius for ' oOstuiCening feigneS ist te peneeie-e hic, fSecS St once, poiveetul teleseopes tisse Cey Sre ecreSbCsS ansd was ncasewounding tEe' olS clan. 'TE, muthu un chu naseeoehcanais, tir senti- hall pieeeed tEe hag,, but hasiiy thî-cwing inenti as Cliey gaze on Chu eekage at Sownuhis buirdeni, lue huckihy liai Chue te Panama eau fsanuhhy bu flatzýuib te tEe escape. But ivEat an awak6nieg fromn bis Scuizena eh Cis planet, fahse drese ohfseuity! He cdouibleS neo__________ murs tise ale of bis dangbeer's isobediecce, but wiithi bis habtual caueion, hEskspt bis Breaking a Drought. eme rounssi, brsaebing nea viceS cf bis inspirions e Rosa, fer lie wislaied te ascer- Stranger-', DIS yen bave ssuy Seoughts Itain tise bitter ennehu for himseuh, determie. hure tEls sunsmer 1?" el hat wheu ubc aS Sous se his veugeanýrce Fsrrner Meadw-" Yes, sie ; ire baS sîseould Escsirife anSJ certain. one that laiteS six weeks. Everyehing T!he tCire levers, eneîfeeehyouressed hy iveuld bave. besn ruineS ili;t bad'cbec yier asionjaS rdslDnhxdCoi o eacon Sart." I~~~~~ - i fiacîuna, n ivu ens What diS lesd" LIT ho main ici .un uheciSn'a!1ý ,.iu- 11- ie 4o~u ~z sasde ud puuis, bSbress-i .eipudn o a houseful. It ra ineS every day aue - aS crelus.To surprise tlîem lu ens of hesy came." nnpr lIflhIlTf lU Coir ~olsninterviews was Chreer a easy task for the wiidd iii smgcu rfle absent on business for tErse da, anS then crafeily reenrued in tCEe niddie cf the fir t FTLOM TH5E ITALIAN OPs' PERANJ. eLeing cf bis prs'uended absence, Rlosa and Valsassina wero supping bappily tc-, cetlier,,alebougbh rom long habit the latter TEe oilwin hitervcf osaManliastill kept bis lbadeS weapon by bis side. wo gisaned from Che driver aud frons others Wheu they eass expectesile, a knoek was who îadknon th vilag haaty romhearS at the door. wb kinth inhancy;. "tyfrm IAl£!" crieS Rosa, seiLu-d by an ever. lier nfany. - poworing sense cf umpending mishertune, Fîve yesrs hehore shIe abaheea the moest -"be is my fath er 1 " lovely girl of Dosoliro anS Che snrrounding "Opesn, Rosa !" crieS the olS iman, "«open eeuntry-side, sud Che yoiiug men of Grave. iinmedistely. 1 am lsotiy pursued hy tEe doua spoke witb entbusissum cf lier match- odlicers ! Rosa ait Che sainieime ivas supplieating less beauty.,TEey nained ber 'TEe Moun- ber 10v-r tobe hibiuechf. Ibis ns at fSeat tain Rose," and even the dieaded custom refuseS te do, but at iengeb, yielding Ce lier bouse officers el, oenad ail, a prey te the entreaties, lue reCureil telber bedroom and ebarms of tEe peerle8s daugbter cf Mai alacloseS the door, "At lait," crueS the eeraged father, a i thesmugle. ut he ater guarde liber eni ered the bouse and iooked art end ni;m. with the cnost Livage ferocity, giving ber Thon lhe aSSed, in a tous cf fury,'Wbr tEls brt couesel 'Amuse yourseih as have yen hidden bins?' -muich as you please wîtb tbesa young fools whast do you Smean .l1" rep'dlaeRs, eivu but beware of, seriousiy enceuraging aniy ussceagbtemtreebubse oesof thîem, mocre espeoîslly oesof my own grew as paie ais da calling, for sho nid ycu ever heeoiiis tEe "Ahb!yoiitin edeceive me, do yen! fiances cf a smugglcr, tEe lires cf botE cf Xcu wiI sec-for ifvyei love humn, now the ime Cc neter a prayer 'for bis boiul. you shah psy the forfeir.' Quickiy apccin E ocftEe Cham,-1 Ahl knew frum tee etermined and des- ber, hoe bui-st it open witheu io.But perte huaacer h te mc hatlicwcudthe bunter wss prepared for hlmn. Two perte liaactr o th ma tht le wuldshots were exehauged slmest simultaneous- keep bis weord. ly, and with a learful cath vjaý,,ila feli As yot Rose badl feit no tenîptatuon Cu deuil at Che feet cf bis young aneagonisî. disobey Ches inperious mandats cf lber And ehus le was that the couesecous sud fathr, or te yuug en f th neohbo- dvotcS lover cf the beautiful Rosa bocame haChr, er hicyoug mn c th neglior-the merderer of ber father, whiie Chie terri- boul badl caeh and ail falisd C awaken tEe hie sbock bail sueb a fearful chlect upun aluns1 erinig passions cf the Sark-eyed 'tue sensitive seul cf tl:e daugbeer Cbat ea- beauty. sou tottered on its tbrone, and the manise 1 cars for noue cf th em, " she said witb we nad watched scalmng tEe dizzy heiglues was ne ceber Chan the swcet Mountain a prend indifference, not uuminglcd wiCh Rose, whoss Cagie fate baSl been caused hy eoutsmpt. "But if ever 1 meet wuCh oesthe seltishiecs cf ber father snd the cruel maîigigîty aend jealcnsy oh tEe people among x Zll~ wbom ber lot v; as caîst. Nsvertheless, as I looked on the sof t eycs anud pale, intelligent facc cf ehis humble & k5. ~ heroine cf tee meuntains, 1 could nul behp -~ "'"~ \ask;ng myseli the questicns, " I Rosa -'Manilla inveed bercfe ehseason, or is bier "rsupposeS madness onhy assuinIud for a -",~? r "'-puepose 'h h it certain, beyond the posi! j bilîey cf doubt, Clint ber outlawed lever indeed les erushed beueath tEe rocks se the foot cf Che preelpice? là je the nadness whom I eau truly ~ ~ ~ o lovetscewilh ohos which leadi hat puer creature np who i an rul loe, he asewil bctbose gbddy heigýhes, and strengtbeu.4 difiéerut . I shail ake my deseiuy lu my hat sligiit f urm ce0 endure hose almose own bauds." superbunan tuila9 Or is le a tins bierolc About this ime, Coustautino Vasasssiiîa, love whieiî Chus eîuables bier tu brave every a ~~~~~~~~~~dangeruughr and faintuerohdno u e endure obhoquy andl disgrace a daingsmugle, ad fnios bnte etfor the sake cf hat oe beloved objece i' tEe mîîuueins,whoss namne wassweli knuw-n But if ths hypocursis oh Chue<estE oh as a desperado lu al CEe country round, Valsas ina EbahIse cne, sud lier maduesî appearesio ae ccus. H wssto ,onhy assumeS, heu' ceuil he possiEly exise cruCli He strugon these mnountsîns, or un Chose turests, courageous, and haydseine. Ths hieberto eold sud impassîve heart cf the village Suring Ches frest anS scuw, sud, amid thes beauty was sirred.te les Sepths, as fearful tsinpest of Winter, wiCiicut besng determinedCtat, coins whae uug' , hîsohilgesi ce deo'eud lo etEe vahîsys, sud would wsd neoceluer than tliiigehsio hus expose hinseif Ce tEe danger uf dis- this Nanoleon ofh te forcses. WJhat dil ocverv by Chu- efflcers oh justice? But was tEe yeuIesivuggiee care for tEe threats an iti boScoSneccssaey hat Es should retors! meneces cf Manîis'a? He resolved hat hiet'o the Italian teriuory ? Couid he cnt weuild wio the spîcudisi Rose ehfChie Moun- diescend on thes other ide, aud under an tains, andsiebu epc.Cils word. assuîned na'ne dwell uuknown in somne Sue was juse Cweîty years oh age, sudc reImets village oh La "LaU belle Suîs>ce?" perbapa baS tireS eh tEe lonelylilfe asebail fi a eranyntimosbe h hibrobe ophe ehac emypeasanery oC those pires aime nuacmpulous bc Chber affections, liks soies marvello-îs aud Vahsassina wouId nteiyfn uu mei7ýuni lant, were lats in fiowering ; - ,aodesad p W for, cuvrbhn ýl oaMulishatwould cereinh pefra oee hcf îg hen tire b Catunserbuspaajn gorwhîe delightecd k imeuin vdg whiebmec uit eve.'flu fire Cie shs I l c. An abode tCEurefeei un:ii, wel- me Eehnee ueou1buheàeplbown regien mwould effert a mor sser su(ïs ure ae lsntdts sig , runge for suds s charaterthan Ise gess ansthe i neued ue veueg t snseasd well-guaeded rentes ta Egas u qjuetlt, eutanfiowees on ber balcony. Tbs ilr coiletii ese lneusad c receî,vîug tbem withî indificrence spsntaueously lu nm ne, but tEe driver, ore meeinuent usanbrwn, aelsd cuber tellers oh the aturoiily shook tEe t-,u-hnrblossouns te ber lips sud shicir bonds sud laugboed. Eue tuemn qosa kisd t ithie aaugE. - iiuilis continueS Ce bc thesmaS womsn oh Feo Cht nomeutValuscuafeît hoieslie oitais,sud lber leversa cruclueul orm 1ud oriquered, aud Chie levers lest ne ep- lu îgiburied benoith te rock,,s, irtt [reerevs-'eos and is thabnouey Aniu ceSs use1 srl-- s sus'- Hn' n ic Hoý icavnha erds penur. To Luva ac, i,4 ne tS, Toen re, anS - tyoeun ies-sire myilees welh sreb franin. TElslu' uesy la ~ ~ ~ ~ " mIa ui u huusahuta seitdviI ivrapprs, ifycvulave tE sudsoer Write yoir Lyman Sonsefnlly luou. ouhe r.d "155W T CPtis ithe SKnamein baSck c Src pt y spy Svv sss O xnsaa No isteuna unudcusu nequeed. eeu- 'o bn. s-asîa, u-oha]] erpCas ton isc race ha i, nis-,s0., lenis g E-si j Three Pints Daily. ]31G ARMIES INBATTLE. Withou iub, of alil the hatties recorded isi modiem hitorte longes t and sternese, asi as Is ibe eue ilNwhjeb musC mou were ena ,wa1s tEe u, nmor *able battis of Leip. sic, Oc 16ýil, 1, l9, 1813, called bhytes A--msist 1 e bttsf the natiýons. The nuinhr cf roup engsed hvariousiy statd b diferee ~rCen aturom136,000 te 1 ',0 lo h ie cf YNapueon 1L, and feo 2 (100 te2,00 ' on eha 11t c f tleeallies undr PineShwrebu, Blucher and Baradtt. n 1'l afu battis the siain on buE idles s u te o80,000, and thous--da of the weunded lay for days arouud t;)e ity. In the battise ofKonig. graz, r Sdow, Jly3, 1866, foughe dusr- îng the " Seýven ees'wir," the ailiod Austria adSaontooaengagedamounit. cd teout2009 ewhile the Prus- sias, ndr tei bigmustered in round nombes 20,00 cobatats.The total hos c te ustiaaet.,amounted to abou 4i,000men wbie tatof the Prus. sias ss 0,00.Ifwsgo hack te the mele c anien daswe find it stated haitf at he ns ou~C a Tours in 1732 between thle Fe-an!k iand he Sarauuu.nFj, from 350,000 toe, c,0 mnwre kilied on the fiel.. Ti o1711f1 ursma that mnany morei were egagd hanseLeipsie. In a battis mentiosied;) l,uihoncles Il., hetweeu Asa, Kngofduahnd Reýrah, King of Ethiopia we ar c'!tfid ta former had an army cf a tbousend lîcusafir 1,GC0,000. Canon Rawlinsn 1observes ita tChustaenent does net ex-eidbCenmbrof other orientai aries3. Darios onoannus beougbe into the fie, afores cof 1,040,000 men near Arbehaýb, whsr-e hs ivas finaliv dsfcated hby Ahexandtlc-E le Geat 331 B. C. Xerxess ton, >,LRwîiiscn say s, crossed into GreseswCh csrtaliyabovo 1,000,000 coin- batauts, aiud Artaxýerxes Mnemon coleeeed l,20,00 en te methe attack cf the youuger Cyruis. A Wise ,Precaution, A 1nlmn)wsi îcrmntn e tween buines ad peaurs, is reDorted .te have setle Cn tosa dollars on, hir marcried auhtr efo;re taking a second 1 fe " bsOujd like to have bier go on liigahi ho e," e aid, "burt iiho can tilI whete hsand ier stýiepmcthJer wili les harmnlous and lï ll(quite 1hap-py ogether. Shie 4hal les hat sbEs sres ýte go or stay. Senitint 1,3 nice, romance -us swéee l, utonefy selsevery ime. If the example set y bîsprudent and far seeinýg sp-Cnhacor in matrimonial trans- actions were ma-ore guuneralýy folhowed people would r(nit!(heir se nîco fistasehul jobes and sat.3ir onLep-mothers and nmoteîs- in-iavw. Tus nughît iàOh secsson in suli: maittees- 1oïdomstic association is nsually opeu. ïBue- it often Ca akes mnonev te secede and thi-ýs ese -,n hit i cf eusne of the muse effect iui m nio Lepngpeuple Ce. jgeitser in îr s-c21 prescribe eue of h te mineraI waters for My pat'ientsand bave eheun tuke it Ssily bu con- -ilerable quantisisa, is shmply tu gîve them, suffilcieut water. l issu errer commnitted by manly uhwansnibesd intelligent Per. sensat Eatdricking mucb wateinter feres wiclî digestion. One of Chose perlons saisi touse laCely: 'I rarely drink a swaliew et îsater; a cup cf ouffes witeh My bek ast sunp of tes or choroîsto wiCh myluucbueouî, .nd au aftes-dinner cep agaîn with uny Sinner,tEse lu peactieaiuy al Chie l Idi 1 talc.' (TEis iitb au sir of uuiu rectituda-.) To bra-ie wieli, ea, codéec, ch'oeeiate, osrhîser, wiue, auiS CEs like, are net substutes for ivater, whIih is eus ch thbe MusC imphortant ofh ail substances required for thesneurimhuscetof the body. De't crainsa iaif-piuîe glaEssoh ice-watee juit as you aie clown tcest; eEaý is palpably injurions; Eut Se have s big glass oh water tEst bas ee bouleS anS eoos,heought ce you on waking, sud by eue eleus tise baLs and Cihet have been su-ronplished anS treakfast is to be taken the ivater will net bc an bîtefriug agent. Aboutteee pines cf wacer s day siionîd Eu regularir tak'-u; hulhy Clisi s needed by thie aystem." TEe enly way fer a rich ma, tCube Eecieby ,s hy r anei d u abstinence, Lo live as if hE ivas peer, ivEicE are estcecid the isurot parts, of peverer. -Sic W Tempile. About aShions in dresses, bt evervonie ag.rees that the best fotindation for any cos- tumne is the "H E ALTH EBRANP," Black tights, which allowr the figure to be shewn to erfe--ction and do awaty with over- stockings, b1loomners, aixl umeccssarvy skirts. Ail ladies in Mon treal wore them last fali S~</and iwinter, an uigthe mtig e o ilnothing else vi1 be éonsldered, the-y w Ssucli a success. Siend for our iilustrated catalo(ue, f pOf', ifown dealier lias not got tb'i TH I YfTEiAL SL ~L S CO., Moiiireal. Je uasî f s u'crt Sidle l' "tM.-c- es'lC epICcLI Iit. nsr- Clo, 's-neryPur; ILsily Vt'tgsl 5urea' nSCrs o'F,-u d -Ci ~ ht Is stand neex etic onSi-ad ellOaCj eoc ondl.lie ucî ,,' Ci u ts, 'tor -Cinesns t l'ciatfo'ly Du-i:s. ' e a - mo elu. ArfrieS uiia u tetri Druos hean sP( ra'.?c sonresou'- panicia t oenu n f ac' es., ci M' lomse fi g lLnd e.ey îay Iri A N e s5il lis utuevL_ ne si C uiese n sih nbi ne tfusips"tbcyhae urS forcfm (ren li. r s'ttqs nî y es as ire Cete ou ',ilutsiCfun s lis D s oumer d! ins and pu, .sc. An e r 01rn n, husîuffs a, sc saaa ci em ~n- ~'-'~ octes', t honertil eoni t s-eI, 'dl eh %v I 'SCîsie'helsae Cc t."'sas r 'd, r- s-s ar u" ,'r r îr I , s "h nsllyrrru c sii ' i s"i'd. t"u1) enc U x. Dr. Ciae' idney-Lver Puis aree\om suf r un, rkable tortures fn,ýI romb1inaitiouý- valýuabiemcrdicias in concen musculor weamecs. .siird by huipaired n.crves 'rated foer mus rerd by the embuent Phy J"and pour bi od. U lic KiIdu' y acid roion, ý-ician acd A1îthorDr. A, WV. Clase, with itî ievsao.o1 sn "iewto fot ely e anncfalir remdy fi fizbZoôd. By ccd iy, if Cbe Kidneys do ne t &,ýidney and Lis er troubles, but ai. o tonc th, propeily purify t' e bluod, t] res pro- Stonîach aný, purify the Blocd, at a cost CEai t lapsus, retroversion, etc. Blood 75 Percet, iswihb Cerechofai.The superiorrmerit ' pure is no a nourisher-it !se a deathi breeder. of thee ii established beyond question yC Debicatc wemnen neErd fot hc oid oldbw iuch hyth rie ftosnd b s themoe ' tby wuuld give to get and STAY Wxcil. If (1-i aoe nebx2 ce-nts. *their blooci is fiec frcm CEie pcisonous fersiesits Ï5\bn br iain or Ache in the "-eYdresad ieC>c il ee BZ-'l h - nysacsekc of trouble o h idrscd îcThbeyloisîvc 'lia x.viL vrices iis se sand sustainer ofheair'h reliev-ed. IW'e have tE ce- it cannot blLupt pure except habl staemet ofL. B boKidinys and Liver do JulucenHo acd andngthlr wori- naturaily. Some- starît la-cem ok .and nates d action of these féît cul i u ie eptt or tomac ou gacls. One 25 cent box ef Ld KM ivrPil couraedbclbicg urne csldrgbadogeu~ ' ' illprove te any Sufferer tCy 0are a hoon Co up 3 or 4 Cms oiu ibtt umt , c. ' ~women, can bc Used Nwith perfeot confidence icod aiioeKic-L-rFil] a day. :..~~ by Chose ofdelicateconstitutioîî. iiin aelte -zor Ouea Kicy-Livc-r Pi] taken weekly w]]] Bac r n up 4 ui' fl X ectually neutralize the formiation of Urîc tuo r: dsm het e~yagu ciclAcid uin the hiood anid evect ar tendencï Culft ep lci cidn,. C te Bright's D4icseacor abts Tee ~1 - ine 'ha ce Clcr0 s n medinuFor pusifyîcg the Pi cd ai d renovating thse tha. ulckq cn îa'ituiercetCas'System. espcicllýy ius !cESpricg, c-se 5 cent CouEuu Y Ie 'l n 2,etbbxi qa e$S wu f any Sar-saparilla îhi dc-n odTa ,ilî n ol..o BitCers kn-n7Sld -1 sildeahïers, or by secrhofay ela~pre1lrseicn shi isnd ss ~a4oaeoeit of pnce. ~_J, lI TE ed byv1_ q.'hmu ~ldlc Lnig n.~ O~ Lomblard sfe et, Toronto, Certailu 'csi effsci u e rLsb r. h couic su A accu ci 0 a f. e, m ecuec e, 'oi coeiuidecsss Sius u ne r,,-!-, '. 1 1

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