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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1894, p. 5

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1KNOWLEDGZR Brnugs coinfort aud improvement aud tends to personal enjoyrnent wben rightly used. The many, who live bet.. ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best productu te the needs cf physical beiug, wil attetsG the value te health cof the pure liquid laxative principles embracad in the xmedy, Syrup cf Figs. Its excellence is due te is preseuting ln the forin mont acceptable and pheaL%- sunt te the taste, the refresbing and trnly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- a8tive ; effectually cleansing the ayateni, eispelling colds, headaches aud fever& and permnanently during constiptiz. It has given satisfaction umlo nsud met with the approval cf the miedical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neye, Liver and Bowele -without weak- ening them n d it ie perfectly free frein every objectionable substance. oyu f Figs in for sale by ail dnug. gistà in 75c. bottles, but it à mnanu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Ce. onlly, whoise name ln printed on every package, aise the name, Syniip cf Figs, sud being welh informed, yen wil net accept any subtitute if ofrred. A Tooth.'Brushý For 5 We do not dlaim that thlssin the beet 'quality but it is a good serviceable brush such as In usuaIly sohd at 10c, sud it 10 particularly useful for hblîdren., If you would like te see t he finest tooth brush ou the miarket we can show it te ycu sud lu order te introduce them we are giving a 25a. tootb bruili stand free wth eveny brush. THIS LINZ 15 WOBTHY 0F YOUPR ATTENTION. Aretie Merino underwear, soft as silk at Mason's. Mr. J. E. Varcoe, general store, Orono, has assigned. Mr. John Ryan, Tyrone, bas been vis- ing at Greenwood. No EQrtAL-AB a lecturer Margaret L. Shepherd'lLas ne equal. Mr. H. Bennett, Toronto, came down to Mr. Treleven's funeral.- The Bowmauville illustrated edition of the Globe will be ou Saturday Nov. 24. Mr. R. J. Mackie, Oshawa, la ikely to be the Patron candidate in South Ontario. Mlmond'a church, of Pickering, 'bas bought a nice chapel organ £rom the Doma- ien Organ Co. Rev. H. A. and Mrs. Strike of Murray visited friends at Providence and this town the paît week. The Misses Webliug, Town Hall, Fri- day Dec. 7th. Due notice will be given of the opening of the plan. BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEmEN.-Mar- garet L. Shepherd's evening lectures are to both ladies and gentlemen. There must be many poor tools among uoespaper men, for the Family Hferald states that 95 per cent. of the uewepapers launched die withiu five years. Anether -onsianment of those beauti- fui Chival Bed Room Suites and Rug Parler Suites. Call and see them. 0. SCOTT, Orono. 45-3w. Edward George Hayes, a painter, who lives at Prince Albert, Ont., was arrested in Toronzo on Wednesday on a warrant from Whitby, charged with committing a forgery there. Look up the new advertisement in con- nectien witb the Great ]3ankrupt Sale at Ted & Co's old stand. It will pay yen te calsud iuspect the large lust of bar- gains. Drop lu anyway. Mrs. Jas. McLean eutertalned hier Sabbath Scoel class Wednesday eveuing- One of the pleasing features was the pres- entation of a fancy card receiver te their teacher. Ahhbail a very enjoyable, time. Couch, Jehusten & Cryderman have seld a great many Ladies' Coats sud Capes.- But they are still sliowing an im- mense assortmeut of tnese geeds in the laternt styles and ne better value anywhere in Canada. The business man's favorite weekiy journal of trade aud commerce is The ,Monetary Times of Toronto. It covers the whole field sud has no peer among the other Canadian trade publications. See prospectus in another column. Ontario county holds a plowiug match annuully and West Durham boys go over there and win prizes. This year George Bryant 2udl, Darlington; Geo. S. Staples lot sud Lewis Polaud 5th, Cartwright, csptured the prizes uamed. Why don't West Durhiam have matches ? A very unpleasant errer eccurreà Iu SOCIAL AND LECTURE.. Social and Lecture in Mothodiet Chu7 Tbanksgiving evening under auspices Epworth League cf Christian Endeavor' Tea served from 5 te 8 o'clock after whielj Rev. C. Parker will deliver a new lectur on 'iRambles in England and Scotiaudý; Admission te social and lecture, sinYlçe ticket 15 cents, or double ticket lady -ý-d gent 25 cents.d How To Save Money. Remember that the Soiled sud Fs1i Garments can be Cleaned sud Dyeiil look like new. The beut firm te do ' kind cf work, is the eid reliable Park Dye Worke of Toronto. who are W. kuown everywbere for fine work, v, fiuished. Look up your goode and ha11vý tbem ready as the representatives will 'j,3 here on Friday this week. Agenicy at Mno. Key's bakery. Get your Overcoats,1 Jackets, Ulster and Dresses dyed for tie faîl. Mr. Rays adyertises stray cattle. ComiNG,-Margaret L. Shepherd, the brilliant, ex-Romanist. Miss Nellie Patterson, Whitby, ia guest of hier sister, Mns. Jas. A. Lawrie. Miss Allie Welsh hias returued home from Charlotte, N. 1., for a few week%. Mr. D. M. Ted, Oshawa, haed a chrys. anthemnum show in bis shop window Sat- urday. LADIEs oNLY.-Special private lecture te ladies only Fridsy afteruoou at 3 o'- clock. Ontario Bank, branch, Pickering, is tei be clesed; $150,000 deposits and ne boz- rowers. Wheu an advertisement appears in thUý, journal 1500 farmers, more or loes, see iii. Moral ? N~ew boot sud shoe store-cheap for cash-Gilt Edge 15 cents in Variety Hall. I Bowmanville. Rev. Fatber Chiniquy is better, but it is net expected that hie will be able te re- snme active work. Mrs. Geo. Chalmers, Peterboro, lias1 been visiting bier sister, Mns. M. Porter, and ether friendie. Mr. J. S. Bond, 220 Gerrard St., Is a ueminee cf the Toronto Retail GrecersW Association for vice president. A littîs boy, only sou ef Mr. R. Cherry, son cf Mrs. R. Cherry, this town, dled suddeuly at San Francisco, recently. 1 The Bell Family under the auspices cf the R. T. of T. will give a concert in the Music Hall here on Tuesday Eveniug, Nov. 27th. Particulars next week. Margaret L. Shepherd wiIl give a serïes, cf lectures In the Mui Hall, Bowman.. ville, beginung Thursday evening, Fn.ý day afteruoon and eveuiiig Nov. 15 and 16. Mns. (Dr.) L, T. Marceau, cf Napier- ville. Qae., who bas been vi siting M, District Division at Newcastle next Friday. Miss Veale of Oshawa bas been visiting Mrs. Percy., Mrâ.ýeeo. «Wilbur in visitIng friends at Colliugwood. 40 everceats, slightly seiled. at Mason's at haîf price. Tee little a dvertising le like planting tee lïttle seed. Miss May Gordon, cf Oshawa, is guest of Mies Ethel Jonessr., The black squirrel bas bec orn rare gamne in this section. Mr. J. C. Vaustone bonghtitseven car- Loads more cf wheat Friday. Rev. Caleb Parker lectures in Clarke churcb next Monday nigbt. Mns. W. Porter bas gene te St.Tbomas te live with her sou Norman, Mr. J. S. Larke, Oshawa, expects te be in Sydney, Australia in December. The Mloses Hunter, cf 'Toronto, were guesta at Mr. W. H. Osborue's Sunday. iTrinity Y. P. S. C. E. bad a j olly time at their At Home lisat Wednesday evening. Two canning companies Iu Trenton em- pley 300 men about four monthi lu the year. Queeu V ictoria sent $15 te a couple who celebrsted their 70th wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mns. Thos. Kirby have gene te Georgetown te speud the wînten with their daugbter. Mr. W. S. MeKowan, STATE'$MAN OraBe, viaited friendsinl Oakville, Toronto and Port Hope recentiy. One week 120,000 barrels apples reach- ed Englaud fnom America. Canadien aýpples brouglit good pnices. Mr. Chas. Muudy of the Oshawa Re- fermer breke oeeof the boues cf bis wrist wbile attempting te stop a bicycle. Mns. George Wilson and Miss Wilson h ave returned from Toronto. Mn,. Wil- son, is in a critical condtion.-Pont Hope Times. FalI wonk on the farm is almost coin- pleted and farmners are jubilant because the root crop is securely housed for another year. Do't siver-wheu yen can get allé' wool heavy underwear at Mason's for 50 cents, and heavy liued boots for $1.35; sud a nice fur coat for $15. Remember the Sacred Concert in Trin. ity Church Friday, Nov. 16, at 8 o'clock. Choice program cf anthemse, quartettes, trios, clocution and cornet duets; 15 cts. Mr. John McSweyn finds in lookiug over thei diary cf the lats Thomas Smiith cf Fingerbeard, this item:-"Nov. lot, 1-879. Scugog lake frezen eve." That was just fifteen years age. Do yeu waut te save a docter's billh Then buy oeeof Mason's $4.00 overaeats; ",,better eue if you want style; we, It lias been our aim, to pay special attention to the quality of ourgoods --- to secure the best for the least money. This year of de. pressionlias been marked by manufacturers and whoiesalers and our cash buying has secured for us the greatest value ye't offered. VALUE IN Lamp Goods,Tea SetsDinner Sets Toilet Sets, fancy goods of 'ali description. New fruit is arrvn daily-.-l new, cheap and good. ÀO% YS 8TERS, H-erringFininan Haddie,Whitefish, Trout, and ail fish in season. Barrel, Dairy and Land Sait always on hand. Thanking our many friends for their liberai patronage in the pasb we intend by fair dealing and good value to have more people deal with usthan ever. Bring us your produce and get the highest price in go 1ods or cash.

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