j i k Fo thit tisthe cooL if tise pstyducs not exactiy suityu Nor wilis ygur wfe ithc rchaps sb isnet tu Lt rayho e Èe lord se is aigfor sborteing. Lord iidIgotMe you kuo w>. But if v -,-ultai iyshave C,'npies, c-ll-, nztl 'eect pal It-ilîn rit perfecdy di- -)b1v r mtur tie ueshort- cilj'CTOL E"foi your Sold in 3 rn I 5 P0Uum. 3 ~ a1,by vlgo'e Tude olby and AL A ST HMAÀGives aNight's 5weet gý'pngfr boah for £car of sxfrocation. 6 reeptfnaoand l'. addres [ffl~TBRSý MEDICINE CO., RfJ HESTER N qY r 'rrono Eaneb, -18G AdelaideFi., W. 1~ r Taf i s White Pine Syrun for SQUADONSOF HORSE PLIES. A fs ehtnsasi' Sehne for Carrvliug Dis. , aae mReothe VCamp or thse rEnemy. S,-rno am:.usinz particulars of the inven- tions that have been offered to the French war office since 1871 have recently l1,een published l io:hne'aser, theo ma- Jority of u ic are about equîalto the Lapu- fan ~hm for piowing fields, namuely, by SOI5acîîrns in rows and Ithen trnrig in pigs to root them up. One genius souglira patantfor the training ef rquadrons of hýore files. Teearlaiswerc ite hoedi ex~tysioly onb P'r ed up hn th,,h 'at e p;deri c eca ica igure.s t hnsin lnroe ere str ined àthe fiieý mih h en aiya cit i o )eie f <~erainpoîsnou platsaud n atua decaraionetwar betureout binhe path ï, he inoY . Anoei ng,,eiions person prpoe iasheme Èer educating vrar dogîr. otisofpecace he would train French -logs to bite lay figures wearing Prussian holtet, lu ordes- that oit the outhrealc QIwrthe kennels ef the whole conntry 1i-ight ho mobilizedi aod lot loose on zho enyi. T'hen there are numereus proposais fer bridging rivers by ineans et ropes at- ached toecannon halls, and a photograpli-j er got a novel iindiof captive sheli, hhei reak in g over a fortified position of L n envns, woulId dis close a amail camera et- la e toparachute. TJhe eermy's forti. ictnswould lho .insts.utaneously photo- graeed and thse apparatus hauied hack hy th ting and the negatives deveioped ati totue,'wo ideas are very inhumeon, One is a, sehene for sending largo quantitios et pescne nedles, as if in chariy, to the one ,ys enerals, who would, ot course, dirb l isem te their forces, and se pot- sp he uifortunate users.; od the other te ehr(e xplosive bulots wth pepper. 'Iwi)b1 ecte3are pursued by the bV tor of hepeppe - its discharge would bitnd the i'nnan the great demand fer the condiment n te;tm e of war would, stimu- laietis trae e the French colonies sud irae h evenue of the country. There areelso many other13- equally absurd pro- p sis u s suggestions for inaking sonp b y oacine ry, rowing potatîoes on bar- 4 1k rof ota eember sud itillsssg whole arm cops f P~sins y pos-but thcy ajre tee n umeiroue 10 ho snentioned. A FAMVOUS YEAR. sot~sse eftsebtttsgiied Steos Who IVov f»bve Wontil lolmest wasbomn con Aug. 29, 1809. Willim E. Gladtsone waa hemn -' on Dcmsr2J, 1809, ' Tsat ila afamous -year uP. g p Cy (harles Darwin ivas bwii on 1oi. 12, 18G9, Etigar Allan Foe ha, omnonou lb. 19. Alfred Tennyson waa ban ilutise saune year, s waa Pierro Josephî Poudhon, tise Frenchs social philosopher. It tis a year lamons bu tise annela of mniltsry histomy, tee, fer -Marsisal Canroeret, tise isunviving Frenchs Marsisal, -aa homo su tisai yesar ; se waa Loopoît ODonneil, tise Span- lais Gonýera1 ; so u-as Fredenick Bon Bous, tieAustnian Statesmean, u-iset pou-en in emeaflaira waa eclipseti et Sadoewe. TieIeinstvtesman Rucasoli, u-as hemn iFioence ou -Marcis 9, 1809. Park Benja. ni, ,- is e dinle1861, was bhem in the sainse ear. For Arrseicans il wli lweys ho erorble ais tiseyeam b in slch Abraisam blloo i s bhem. lls ~is et Dr. Holmes lias cahote up a e,,fot etu reniniscences on tise subjecet oItl oun. Titian, tise Itabian painter, waa 100 ,>ears it u-wheo ho diet et Cetome, Itely. onu1ltowhýen past 90 anti utterly Slimd, tonmse Cns tant;inple. Isaac Newton as Presut ittihe Royal Society et tise ageof t 83,ut Letpon flnisetbis "Imagun. ary Coneralbsaîtise ageot 89. Brougis. aiM wss a tiebaten ai 80, anti Lynthumat, t 1u hu eveýr 9,poke l ise lieuse et -entaý. S aialMoHaisen uas 85 u-hon ho led. Neil wla nonw in bis 901h yer. Cievrel, ;tise Frenchcis sisît. wa102 wh1enhol,,dieti lu 1889. Ot flecur, oeehait cup et sugsLr, oue-heif tee- spoontul ot creans tenter anti ene-fourtis teepentl o sdaandt oeeggH. BaLeli a Ibmirisheet sut apreat whloewarmîwîtb jeiiy ; ilt isay ho servet with u-ippet sream - CarrelsaneutBmets.-Scrape esrroîs, u-asis anti cul loto dice togotîser witlî au eniess, put loto e seucopan lu boillbng walem snd cooL until tender ; tra'n anti set hsck. Have a plut of hosbsug milts in ea mali saucepan, tesson with sait set pepper; ruS toetiser eule tabespoontul etf four aut one of huiler ond tir bte thee heiling souk ; wlien it bouls up peur even thse c nreots. Wasis boots csrofolly to as net te break ekin, ceek unuib tenter, pare anti col nIe dico. Season witli sait anti pepper and a generous'bit of butttr, stir togetisen util iery hoet, tison serve. Maugees--Got smaîl, green muskmnelens or cents oupos. Cul a amall square Irons tise siteetfescis anti with a easapoon acrape eut ail the seets. Hake a brine et eue pintoetsali bs gallon of uaten. Covertlie maugees wiîhiluwhiie tiey bell. Lot thisn stand tu-o days, tison drain snt stuff wish tise following mivrore .l'wo quarts ot choppe I caibe.ge, cop et white mustard seet, threo tabiespeerîuo f celemy seeti two teblespoonfisls ot taIt, hait a'cuptul et grattcI orseratisisFioeS mange witls tisix ssture ont toto escis put an enien, anti a -aalicucs'nien. Piaeotle square' back, île toeoher anti pour boiliog vine- gar over thte-,tUse s bit of alu n utise vIssegar. Creans Sponge Cake-Thîsia aamiliar recipeo l i isosekeepera but la epeatet fer tise henelit etfieginners, BreakLtu-o tu-e egga into a csp anti finli) witi swt,e creans, one cup et augar, eue sud e a it cupa et fleur, tu-o ueaspoonfula et beking pou-ton.V Tomate Jeily For Salats. -Pool and ti lw elgisi motion sÎ7lettonsatees. Moît oe quarter et s box et gelatine iu a quarter et e cup et waten and att te tise teusato u-hicb bat heen ruhisedt isougis a ttrainen eut seasonet u-îtb sali anti pepper. Peur bte a moult anti set on lces10 harden, Whe-o colt gamnish is -ti criap letince lbaves anti pour over ail a mayonnaise dressing. Frieti Appe.-Seleci large rather tari appies, wssh sud sîsca them ecresa witheut peeling. Have tise slces about hait au inchs tiik. Have a tahiespeennl et bitter bot in a seucepsu aud iay tiese oicos ln to brou-n. If e su-eeis sauce is liket aprinkie on % l1111e augar ant iobnemion belote lurnu- issg tise suices, Another way la te brou-a thom n uhot sait pont fat uithonî sweslen- ing. Puddings. Apple Pudding, No. l.-Oook a plut et ceente Indiau meal bn lu-o quarts et ich milk iLl11 h l4ckens. TaLc h freinstise lime, atir bneaquart et colt milL, tu-o- Ibirds oftaecuptul et augar, tu-o tebleapoon. fuIs etfuwhite flour,a quart ot fineiy ciseppeti tari apples andt ue teaspoonfuls et cinna- mon. Peur bte a deep pudding tisis anti haLe slowiy fer threemosu rs alimrng otea during tise final heur. Il sa best cooketi sittiug iunaasliow pan etfu-ater, Serve witb er wltbotft lquid sauce. wocsent ouit 'ise terne bîagond ,I tiear producta peco'ir ta tise euntm'y, e I becquer, et bronzes, eut ef p aper.Bete tise Japaîs peper, tisey usvmeutctr exvellent paper like ours. Butot us fnlutise nets sanutacturea import- cd tran tise West tisai the prosress ofJapan la raost surprisissg. Tisai in tome eft tiese zi muatIsaisortly drive tise Westrumn nations b aiensheEstern marketa teems inevîtable. Abien tise Pans Exposition et 1878 tise JapaneseGYovernmenî imporieti rens Europe tise mogt if mprovoti machinery for cetton spitonig, asu it btrihuted it in certain provinces ; in 1884 lisro wene 35,000 bob- bins ; nov tiere are over 380,000 ; tise 31,000,000 pnunta of rs,w cotton imporiet bu 1880 bat hecosue 67,000,00,C)in 1891 ; up to tisat yeur tise greater partiset conse bren China ;tison sud-buivly more tisanSelf waa takon trern Brititsh 1nýia. Tise countrny la stesdiiy diiniuislîîng its imîportations et manubsoturet articles ant i ncreesiusg tisai et rau- matenial, The 57,000,00,0 poîsutis of textiles importeà inbu1880 bat suok te 23,- 000,000 le 1891,; lu 1893 Hong Kong, a Brutishs colony, boughi hait a million dollars' worth oet .lp3LOce ecotten cdots. Tise Japanese have alreaty hegun te supply thiîer ou-n marksets wbîh the goodt tormerly fumuisiset hy Europe, aeutaeiex nvadeth ie centres of distribution in wisici tise West has hitiserto boIt a înonopoiy. Wiisistise hess maciiioery efthtie West ai théir con- osant, witli their rocognizet artittie anti inventive aLibi, witis lahor pait 12 cents a tay for a men andi 6 cents for a wesuao,uhey shouit h-eableota ssnterseil anîy conspetior. Otîser European -uanissactures bave alto taLon seot. Japan expertet bn 1890 muatches woriis fitteen isuntreti thusant tnllars, andi eue tlrm alune sent 80,000 cases et 505e te China, which also sent balfe million tins- brellas aut miliossof ombrelle trames. Tise Gever'smeoît i- tevelopissg tise moIsi indus- tries for comumercial purpotes as wll as for wan. Tise Japanese have repe-walks, glas works, brick yards, hroweriea, tanneries. in whîch Liuropeas processes are used; tissy make Portland cernent, sulpssiic acit; ubey msanufacture sioes, cloths, knitgoolt, eut f eît bats on Europoan modela, and larely tisey biave atantet a watcis factory, Tbfis represenuïs a developsuent et ton years et tise most. Tise Jepanese have corne te tise West fer tise etuosîbonal systens, fer tise iaws,ter tise warshipt, for tise mi]lsry sys- tons, for the mecisasical devicea ; tnoey are nota ahowîng tisaitbey have tise braintsutn tise energy te make utsetfwissî liey ha ve leernet se rspstly Irons Western csviiiz- lion. iVany New Years - Tise civil ycar bogins at pros igctairnsid- ulii on December 31. Tise asîronomical year hegino at u1ilday on Janusny 1. Tise u&titical year la tise moat erratin et ail ton sieaters, ta Britiisveteran, dieti bu s tome for lcrheWiunipeg, lest Ï t ionk eigist mon anti a pair otftioga te 1:ýa : eceeu 51 Thompoonvîlle, tise otsier loeikMcKenzie, of Brandon, Mien., formeriy of Ontario, rocentiy sîlenspuet Tie mission boxes efthie Glencoe Preshy- terf anrcisharch is oeerecently rifietio et ir contenta. A geussine camp u-eighin g five pounts soas caugîsi in tise Niagara River et Lewlsless lae week. L. G. Jarvis, London, Sas been appoint- eti Superluteutient ofthtIe Agriculiurai Coliege ai Guelphs. Tise Megeonio brancs rsiiway in Beauce couuty, tjoebec, wes epenet ou fhunstiay ai st. Everist, A Goeicis lady bas a dahlia 4 luches iu diameter, 212 incises deep, cf exquisiîo tint anti hcauty. A stock conspany, knou-n as tise Oxford Herse Breetîng Asociation,has hoon ergan- izet ai Wotîck. Michael Moutaguefemmerly ot Kingston, was Lillet et Buffalo, issvsng heen hlown brens tisetop of a car. A prbvate trisl ofthtie Hamilton eut Grimsiy El'ctrie Railway bas heen mede witS sýatisfsctony resulis. A peciÀal train conteining 192 Cibomen pasttismomigis Wiruipog lest week. They areoi eýus er u-ay te China. Tise. Grand Trunir elo.vassors ai Sarnia are ibocket wiîb grain, andti iere smo ne cars evtbete reieve tise glat. A thtie Brantford Police Court lest week amen u-as fluet $25 sud coata torrnsiciously shoiting a St. Bernant dog. Tise St. Thomas street railway bas heen takcn oves hy neu- proprietors, eut ani- prevotd service is promîset. Grunty,tse ex-teputy megiatrar et Peter- homo' , bat gene te Chicago te taLe a courte iu thimoidyBible lostitute. Tise exponse toeh be rlse hy Londion anti -ounty su connectien wftbthtie juries fer lise Mîidlesex Fait Assîxes la 81,Ï78 40.' (lueipis citizens are trying te tobacrihe $20,000 towamds estahiisising e roiling mli ber tise manufacture et bren frons scrap, An effort is heing matie te retors tise Kent consisbniaey anthie appeintmenî et e selariet bugis constahble l rocoulmenieti. In a W oe.ttck barber sbop ibere isaa boaîsiful apecimen of tise fleruculusural tembli.'.n tise shape et a floworing mapie, about ,six foot bigs sud lu bloons. Tise lMenitoba Provincial Governseniba il siarta frons scratch at idiay ou Decens- tasets over tue seurs'or the teu-n et Morris hem 31. Tisese tlfferences are Lepis up tt is.Tismeughis imanagemont eut exisrvagance finiýsh, anti evemy day la, se te speak, isot ho lutebtetines oftise hou-o xceedsis ts eue day, but an overlapping et ttOe. Tise asseltet value. ProposaiI la lemake tise ivil, tise usutucal, sut tihe asironensical years couierrnineusANol foie bres ~auery1,1901 sut circulera u-itis tîsobjectwueme issued saine tiinue ago te Sainuel u-ss býtome the bar et jusatice let leatbog astronomens. Tiso esult sa tam bas baving punloieà divs àoanaudmy puileir been 108 favorisle repies ent 63 ontfavon. trcn t'le coepGEt aprensineol citizen. able oaes. Rnglaut antiAnserica are lever- "itnt y ou Lnow is u-as u-reng te steai abie su tise main; Gerînany anti Austria hoechiaLons P' askedth ie jutiga. ar e-agaiost the change,. " svdtuI, yo' isenor.> _____________"Thonieuwby dit you do is'?" "lî 's diaher u-ay, yo' houer," repliet Tise bersesheers, tbostars, hamnes sud Sans.ý,rsmila4tise attite et a martyr, " carniage makers et Chicago have tormeti anji'dnbtteaLawyemaiofrs aliie ocucilde paf eh iny nelgihcrs, yo'-hbosr,' ç At ~l Eveu ABOU 11E b SE. Apple Pudding, No. 2 -Fecl,, jj! liea71TJJM E S is, six medium tari appios. Into- th ABOUT OUR s'uce wblr-h they niako stir a i r-getal INE ST G IES K3ep th Leaveadean. -spoOnful ef butter, ibreof sugar, ead iiOW CTNRY One of tire difficulîbes su tise cuiltiývation joice snd grated yellow rind of a bmn et plants le a sitting ro o la that thse dry Stir two tableapoonsfuis of fleur loto i1wo -- air and dut tend toa clog tIse pores of the cu ptuta et greatod bread cr-ulibs, mix Oi 5io-dFs-ens l'orient Points Fs-cm tihe wirh the apples, aud thon tir inuftwo 3 wAclie-Êk Pcfiý leaves. Deraed of the reir.N h4cesoidbatnew s m henixtuire la teetbk iastct h Frf naîuraliy cloanse 3thons, sud inot otten add e tew spoonfuis et water. Tom lto n ,eJ frd auanastronomicai aociety. watored wbthi a rose pot or syringe, tise buttered pudding dish, sud hake for oy eomegweuid ýlike te ho a police vil- plants keptiibu a room. are api gradulily te minutes. Serre with bard sauce. laget. toeto isebr bealtis sud ook miserah1le,,if they Apple Manioca Pudding-Dissolv ie fu 0Wsiso asbe pened lu Wissnï- do net altdgether die. The beat rem-edy tablespoenfuls et maniocs in a quartf eg for tio tathe recguler use anali ,ýjpboce water, and lu e far-,nekeitiee ver tise _in Apig et tise Ottswa fair v;eigbed, 1,070 et softiold eponge with slghly w srm sr tus fi tikena. Wiseoit cools, sir inponm watr, ndif lit1 soit soap is ardded ail o eggs boston together witis a abep4io Tisec ..R exhibition car is going te New wateranti i a 511 . etbutter, tweetening to teste. lu ts okStete. tise botter. Eapecially is ibis ne inays bottons et e pudding dis paeslyrq îsw iliatewattcria pn the winter, wbest 4ust ie rnb, a-lsit 1sowdsdaweeet liuiae ,p~ i-gjeui, , tIsîrougis oeansing duringth cld oobaandi haké. ramton fair. willresit n fredos bensilt uring tire Apple Ginger.-Beil teea tlick irup tw isezeleton of an infant lias been founti summrrer. 'Pracice anti delicito iianduing t are needeti fer sucooso. ihome pleuts are poundsofe white sugar with tbreebelt.pbnts _t OwVen Soundi. mnuciseaseer tesponge than ethora. suiongst wter,adding eue ounco ginger as thse siropu ,Thr was a peer yield et honey bu Perths tisese may ho mentionedthe tiseIdisý-rubiser boils. Pare, coro and quarter two peunda et ouuyti year. plant, anti alto amatI peimnsetparna, isard epples. Soak iu colt water five iminutes r D Lurý inley is tise president et thsenew both of wrli; nieed troquent vesngwisen tlien bhol in tiese irup until tbel aretasGece Club" gren i ereon.Orange treeq anti suey panest,cooking sa gently that îtîey iint A inumbier et teiry stations are te ho le- otiser planita existe a kint et ttbcky, os- brak ,ernove tise apples to a deptii caeinbu Manitoba. sentbet ait, wj-iicicatches tise tui,,b îhey, sud eur O ver tiern tie sirop.WbiinBokieGn.othscri therefore, require special att ention. As- Amý oipoe-0loepat0frthAmy pidistras sod masîy oser planrta need ppo ospte-or t ee prt t suar 40ford tise voe sArrny.ewosTh spounginig alten te keep thorns bn 1altis; bsaniw twa1 fra e-minuutes, tsn Maodwl oea eewtrok h tact, ail plants witir evergreen ltotage, ant sîmmer in tise sirop ainall appiet, para i 1'ate exmentis, for others m-isbch wlll beer ih, are stresiihsen- sut, cored. Wben tender reusoveto a is Tise- market prico of Britisis Columbia 6 et suid iusproved hby thse free use ai tiheasu.d boil tise sirop tiown te one-,ihird l1 or cen1ts. is 00W 140. sog original quantbty. Pouir over ts appis Eagls Sev odwith creans. i rok'we tCesevle 1Apple Cream.-Boil whoie appies ur k is s aligt esn ii l- ahe <n Kerosene In Washing. toIt rs isogs5siv u3dd ~ s eton record. Dbrcîy ete hreka"ttie hue lapu senerous quaotity ot white tugar snd îtise A vcoisn ad is to ho organïzed un Dirctl alerbrekfat te bùiý;uis utjuice of eue lernon. Beat eeg wFites te a tise village et o Wellesley. over tise steve teitis one peu t f waer, hail tsiff frets, atd to tise apple, Seatal yieltiedfiOO busisels onA I cake ef bard seap shavet fine, sud îwoountil white sud serve ounl suaiA rueCony es tablospoonfuis et kerosene. Lot ibis corne _____ ise ew etodii orrh e Ne Lweirdeav te al ahe nsd att tu-oor thneo païifuis of Tajuhe en etoitced. NwLoel e u-ter as inay ho requiret sud JAPAN AND THE WESTERN NATIONS James Finlay, St. fisornas, bas talion put iu tise cleanesclotises dry ;--ebr te £300,000 storliing. lt the ons ete e boit anti romain ever 51-y Hve Tise lis-ins sisd fi eryt Camp McKinrey, 1B. C., people are poil.oC tise fire lwenty minutes. Take thons eut ' aý 5 11- OfWlkat 'lOh ile Ma% s-ued inbg fer a post office. o a andi put in tise toweis andi ether CilgsansdFs-ont Western Ciiltzntiess,1It i s aid ilset the C. 'P. R. office staff ai esvo tiso n utise reway. Peur eneugis Viat e tangereus commercial rival j,.)a-nc0Uvci'will ho retuceti, water over tise clothes bu tise tub te cool pan bas already hecome te tise Western Sýt. Antneu-'s churcis, Belleville, willblIh thm ufflcie-sîly teenabie oeeto ntions,it hoaby siesignificant fi(gure-s r ab',t teool t f$30,000. tisoeut et tise suds, and put theinuat once b Le Coule Civil. Witiitiselest ton years litbed near Stonowall, Han thn tis insg waîter which lbat heen bliet tise iutrodton et meciuery aeut the ý A emrkîinurcoty ip axv and mate reaty for thons. Atter standing teavor te manutactura articles cpiy 00,trehutwtsu asc a a short lime, the cloîbea may hocurung out or ihuiwkn.a a and are reaty for the line. Notiing eed ho su large quantifies bas tranotonme tise A 0 Preahyterîsu churchi8 u building et ruishot unless a coller or wrbaî band may ho native industies. Japsuese pottory ï, la) ne Nttie River, Grand Prairie. tise botter for it. Some very panlicular longer hougisi nsrely for is ariaîbo quali- fs gros tebit ftist Domninion bas now persans put tise ciothea lu a tub beoe- I snwmd'11tesmo 301077 r insingeant pour hoiliug u-ater over thetîs, le.hl u1,ai3b2atm, n x obce ie use t30l07 l eting tisons stand bu il 00111 cool enougis portei in quantities. Iu 1884 19,tOO werk- K oodcai is selliio u tise Edmonton dis- te bantiebe hoore vwnbugiug tismoneut te he men madie 7,n00,000 piecea -:in 1888 tome t~c e 0cuaewge od runsn. 2 000workers 'te ise Vancouver Kuigista et Pythies wili Colreti c27,es0ae u-ahed et etmisee126000,000 lOO. buta hall for tirrexclusive use. suds, atten tise white eues have heen dia-Th exportation rs rm ala-wN oprywl rt iePuig posessioe. Inusuong kerosene, tise eniy pieces, valueti et $1,200,000o, butise former tonBaerst tng works et Dondes. akîil requbreti l a 1 use tise rbght ameunit et ycam, to a million sud a hait, -otth $2400-! ore or f ePrth, rocently killeti it, a teblespoonful te a paiu et water 000, in tise latter. In tise manufacture su1d hear britisat neigisionisood. beiug aboutlise rigist qusntity, andi a littl ilkgosteei iedel)IIl i' rknotann h practice scion teecies onc hiosv t0 manage.slkodoterîsalk tvepm sbtboknutangieIJJ] Pnttng tise cohos lu tise boiler dry saves Though the Japanese are net yet ab' c)unty, near Lisathans. lime sud lboaise a sOSu-Os every ma ,0-ineados mono ohesply than Osrsfncsris Loedoîs pur pose. etl urop,È et tough, tisey do i, their dlk ise exporîs rengbr4ns; 13 Useful Reelpesb187tSb8000b19iuish',syertaeiootre. <ne mor onetbelrstoenta e -Anderson Jelliy hu-Ueeehi u 00 28bc0wri falahnkrhAiesîii en is vrh undersigned desire-to thankthe cfarrners'of West Dîirhain the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, also to reminti them that we are stili in the market ancd prepareti t paythe HIGî-*HEST :1ARK1T PRICE LKINOSOFr rred at our storehouse cor. Ring, and George sireets;3, or at Mor Darlington. We have aisJ on hand a la,-e stock, anadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Ro* SaI, ") rc:I andi horses, an~d Fresh Groti Grey Flaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sell DE3~--F~ou 0OASTlz: Ill kinds of Lumnber, Wood andi DRY CLEAVN SCPREENEIU COAL ,s in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satistaction. and three tlÉuýinliPiewoi~etf li1ppers, R bes rns aie,&, Ur strs B4ERfLfCK,-t1% wnaull BIGGEST STORE, BJGG-EST VARIETY, BJGGEST VALUE. rybody invateil te call au %ce-oîur nwfleu TaE sIIoE mAXN WOOD and..N COAL FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS. (7,aacipfront 10,000 jo $0,00 aubic jee CYCLON2 STEEL RADIATOl," WOOD FUKIACE 5115 s IEAVY GRATE, oapecielly -eý acIapted for wood burning - lleavy Steel 1>t1Fr BxDes odaiator, wii oeat qolo oer sud are more durable '~ RADIATORoetModei Construc-__ tien snd Great Heeting Power..< J LARGE ASHPIT -. COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber--'e', ~~~ ~Long I~eTaenicige.tr.< ~-- ~ Largoelie ting Susrfac ,~~r Large Food DCCIar Sectional Fîre Pet ~~ ~~ Rotating rDopng Grate 4 1.ePull 1GuaraànteedCapacity : SendEsrfor...GCL ...Manufnctured by.... 1 -< ~T e~UHY GJNR CMAN éd wOGTO Satisfaetory to tise Heirs. Widowv-Well, Mr. Bnief, have yen reati tise wail? Bref-Yes, but 1l cent aLe anylhbngi oui et il. H-eirs-Let us bave is pateoted. A u-bli tisat awuyen cane meke auytising eut et as a blessing. Tise reportons et alb tise New- York papena have isecume effiliaet wiîtiste Typograp hi - cal Unionu. iTise Supenisur ceuni et Buenos, Ayres isas confimmnetise entier et the loîver court gnantiisg tIhe extradition ef Jahix fiSmencer Bsalfourý, fornerly Britishis momber b Paýr- liaseent, charget with issving traut lentity obtei&in n u odo weoiy utiSo ant Real Consolation. "And'your fsnshand la dead" aad theb bacisolor. ".Yes," sighed the ioveiy and grief-3trs.ck- on widow. -1 declare 1 almost envy hlmn." "(Wby?' "For heing thse objoot over which yau grieve. 1 wouid ho aimost wiiling te dbe myselfto have so cbarming a woman mourn fgr me." Enpmo tiiam hais conforrel po G Ion.eoCraîrivi tise Orden ot tii' -e Ea gle set with briiianîa, anti upo uCnut zus Eulenisurg lise Cross anti Sta e1ts Grand Commander o et tse oLsuzoilerse IF shc docs, sethat flc ah ae Easy anti Clean by gelngler SUNIGHIT SOAP, which dees -away with the terrors of wash-day. Experience iii convince her that it PAYS tg us - YOUR