TTT Tivr erestaiond aongthebsyandst~ait ;deleterious in their efleets, there being ini sent to relieve, was caught lu ianice pack> teracts the effects of the beceficent acide 'cf -- n~~reur the entrance to the a!traits by thie Po-dn o regni the fleshy part of the frnit. "Constipa- k() l 'I'THE PROJECT OF A FAR NORTH Middle Of June and wag heid o lýe rvdn for Emegerees tion," says the samne authority, 'lis sure to BREAKFAST-SUPPER. GRAIN-CARRYING RAILROAD. weeks, being then forced teo put b-tck to In a scattered cuutry neigliborbood, be the resuit of eating apples with the Newfonndiand for repaire. In Augustbe wherecti mosbet umnapyi kins. Tbey were not made to bie eaten, «IBy a thorough knowledge ot th-., natiure tried aaanwnd,-n siteof bimpossibdlhe edituee st is n a h- ily te protect the fruit from tb&*attaeks laws wbih~ govern the operations of dizestion a strong tidal drif t, fouad an open pýassage, iani quickly, teMdcn hs f u b insects.", and nutrition, and by a careful application )& Frest is aVntpeu te the Saskatilsewalndfimin from the straits to York Facteriy il solute necessity. It shouid be weil arrang -__________ finebasprpîded ourtbeakasecte tablsib. fpshine ropried our beakast etaesd Oeca . TIIence to Fort Churchill on Iludson five days, reached al the statioins,ar cd ed, se thaet evecything and anytbing may A POSTMASTER$ STORY. dnlctey lvred beverage wbich may save ItaY-A Saving of Seven Uusdred Miles breugbt Off Most Of ftle men. CaPt. Uiorcnhb found witheut delay. And itfinust, ils many heavy doctorëi' bis. It 13 by tbe Over thie !Vletreal Route-Theeliait censidered the atraits as nvgbeb ,,,deious3 use of sncb. articles of diet tbaMs mpaialy s.uto h raho constitution may bogradually buit Up untul rend Can be Eastiy costructed. suita.bly buit steamers for four moth n s epatclbeetbF o he eab c A Strange Attack and the Dire Re- 2trong enongh te resist every tendency-te the year by followingwinding courses (r children. Every houseutife sol er ut htFlod di8ease. Hundreds of subtile maladies are I Europe via Hudson Straits bas a cfuaer by drifting with the ico, as the whalers d,. enough of physiology and disease te pre- utTh Flod floati lg around us ready le attack wherever sonnd, but Englisb and Canadian capital Can che shorter distance, witbi the au- scribe simple remedies for ailments and 1sf rtsk11 Ti f .iliere is a weak peint. We may escape mnanv Mlr. Roert larpe, of SakvIe, Tlor a fatal shaht by keeping ourselve3 well f ortiflel moees fte eat lest interested te make such a mitted lack of local traffic along moast no dns tog hsshudnvrpevn I ufetg- tth s fRt 'Villipu'ublood aad a properly nuirshed route familiar. A cempany js now has its te ad route, net esek ftee:si-acent~cog bssol oe rvn t ufrnsLs ieUee oi kam. Cvi Srvie aztt."competition cf tb'e Canadien Pacifie on the bier from sending for a regular physician Ransseanda Feet andi Wase oreed te aio de sily in akt bGoei.l ni wa th ilw opeetlvs tOtsorteproeMontreal route anduf fAmerican railroads, when shle bas reasen te suspect serions ili- Give usp Business-Tise Tituely Action JMESnl inpa Coet., byGros atled Cbu= of getting a charter te constînct a railread lako steamships, and canais on the New et a Frienîfi ointef thse way te ne- Ses.sLondon. Enzland.i from Winnipeg te the Saskatchewan, and York route, overbalanco these great disad- Anthroitteeoasie.i ids. sewedI ActiVlty. ihnet otOucii usnB vantages attending reliance upon gettingpoitt eaodd sids From the Bowmanville News. o itneo 0 ie n l] through Hudson Strait? Certaijye ciiaedoig ut e taIwbere Mr. Robert Sharpe is a well known -é dstne f 00mle i al Hudson Bey Cempany have for two centur- inedicines are kept, there sheuld bie a SUP- resident cf Starkviile, Durham county, as arl as188 te Dminon arlamntSdoemtho s ised aiingvhai veseseelsA ssooson y as eraanyvs otears.oul tireenbyar.treadeb tblack.lck WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 1894 in rospense te selicitations fer a subsidy for Bthe arestid eso foiraar s bepopcly eplacd, er t mayresuilu loated b onsip cf haimudr fullydozeyeareare:d u etellisdt forualy, Atisoaf bco bndyrage, or if spn osaiat in l asa inthlivinh in Ca ald orabou the propesed uow raiiroad, sent eut obser- iner importance te thein, whereas limie serions inconvenience. la the coutry a iu the ceuuty cf N'orthumberland. After DRE. J. C. NITCHELI, vation parties te report apon the navigabil- ainounts te distance fer a ueW grain route mother is the Most often calied upon te werking tbere for a tille ho purchased a 0F' gonOtrouCrnr t. ns h dne l etniu hcht hseles,însect milibite, ee in adith in rden an hp aI an stai, herea Offiffl and Rsdne nikle. 7.o aIodhsee enbitnrhfo wouid involve more wages for crews- and the proper treatment for sunstroke and nice business. Being bath courteous D >iu1 uS1 IPS11 %11 ipe for many miles, but the idie rails increased cost of provisions,and the rate ef drowniug accidents. A lew simple remed, and obliging hoe was well liked and was ' APRRSTr4"t SOLICITOR, ~ MOPRIS hv gathored ut and the tdes are over. insurance on vessels and cargoes, from the ies are hoe givon. appeinted pestimaster for the place. Ho -B PI OfK, ntstairs, King Street. Iiow'ueu- grown with the grass cf the prairie. It was greeater risk of injury through ice and other The terrible paugs of whitlew er felon was lu the boati of hoaith and with the vive. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank causes, mnuet be taken mcc are cut short hy the application cf intense- exception cf a siight asthme trouble had H »GuDeev% Icene t ethb'. Ow1is; tte tefi practical stop taken in the earlier A very important element,too, is the short ly bol water. Bave the waler as bot as ne compiaint cf any kind, [n the moulb RORT.YOUN, V.S. dys o theHudson Bey preject, but its time during which the routes enu heo penod enu he o brne, place the finger in and keep cf March, 1892, hoe attended an auctien FF OEINT.EETO DU HANG. cte hvenver quite lest eart, lu ccmpared with that f the othr rirads. renwing the bel water for several heurs, sale in the egorodadcm brn CIFFCEINTU WSTDUHA~1SPite cf the difficulties cf înîerosîing ce il_ The eutrance te the streits from tibe bey is A large proportion ef ail cramps and in the evoning apparently nl iigbt, but, '7News Block. whero himuseif or assistant ovr 200 miles nortbh of Cape Farewell. in pains cen he relievefi by weler of proper during te nigbt was taes with a chili, 'eulie fcuud fremn Sa.m. te 9 p.m. Nigbî catis aligts in il, and ncw are pnshing il iu ear- G"xreenleud, temperalure and intelligeutiy appiield. accompanied with a violent pain wbich et residencedirectlyopposite Drill Shed. Calis nout once more. Stili, as the oponing cf Hudson Bey In case cf humas from acids ýor aka lis,gadilgrw osend efemrig b3 telegraph or telephone wfll recoive prompt clgaerfelraseeyaplct d own u tlyge covusionand beeme it- atteation 171-yr The centrai tact on wvhich the project regien te railread communication wonld hoetuse cl ae rey seeyapiai ,"n nocnusosadbcm n ciP"sis thal the Hudson Bey route te an avent cf importance in the enwerd will'tond te dilute lbem and rendor tbem conscieus. A doctor was summonod who A. A. P<>TIeurpeds h hrts o il ri n march cf civil zatien, the progresof the loua hiable te injure the ski». bled him freely, which seemed te relieve .A RHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. 0 e ceewl i beve ihm- ncm fawo hr hr scnhlm fora finie, and next day ho seemefi ~t iens preparod for overy ciass of building. other food products net an]y cf Manitoba intorest. sideTable bleeding, use cold waler appli- botter, and the doclor told him hoe wottlda "Qpeeial attention gîven te beating by team hut et the United States nortb western ctosfelFrbuse h meit i l ilti e as hs oeea Sald hot water. and te sanitary arrangements. alcation fly. r ruisee imeate o alrih » e dy.Thsto]v fblce: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43 lyg border. The distance from XiunipcZ te POSSESSED 0F THE DEVW. appnlctioncf cld aterh or ea ear was net verified, and although ho could gop lmMoutreel is about 1,400 miles, whille from ting lotion,-sicas campbotor weakn around hoe wes fast failing in bealtti and et R. PEA TE Tailor W... peg to Fort (Churchilli ilje lifteaCemunon lIn Chimefor Evil Spirits te focr ecfatinsfica-ith stentreatmetlimes weuld lho in an agony cf pain. On@ Tais l'ssesio et lio, fr alevinngsuferig en. hstoiugthedoclor said lhe had sciatica, and another Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. 0NLY liAF AS <REAT; The" recognizablo phenemena cf 0demn. Wbeu a sprain coccurs, loue ne lime in et. ofthed binathet htoule was rematisie and as he remaning ditance t Liverpol iacpossessotending The itabeweverl ttrivial i, homey medîcinesneebbt andaslie rmanxg dstnc t Lieroo la psssson, sysTheSuda Sbool_ Ascertain whether there bas been a fracture ail feiled te do hlmi any good. At Ibis -M .-RIýI CO-Li-j'-bE frOm eaclî is about tlic sanie, there is ovi- Times, editorielly, Ilis very rare j» Obris- or dislocation. If se, send fersa physicien time hoe wes se week Ibat ho coud only dently e seving cf 700 miles hy the new tien and Mosiem seciely, but net se ln the as soon as possible and keep perfectly quie obe aen ib te asistnc IIE TSroad. From Pembina in North Dakota the page» werld cf to-day. The lae Dr. Outtl, hf arrives If there is no fracture.or of îwo sticks, and haci le give up work. distance is about 1,000 miles shorter te Nevins .wes se impressed h1' the evidence of displcmn fbones, but oniy excessive The pain coutinued day and niglît sud OFFIC :-Rea of M 8Sr8-Liverpool by wey ci Hudson Bay ftlai by it iu China, where hoe hed lookel for -nolh. sweiling about the joint, hathe tbe injured finaliy lie lest the use cf botb bauds and feet OFFCE:-iea ofiMesss.member lueas hot water as possible. Bathe endetfte» iouged fer death te relieve bim cf lligginbothami & Son'S JDru, wey of New York. Winnipeg, tee, iseuly ing cf the sort, that hoe made inquimy ef for 15 te 30O minutes, renewiug the water hbis suffeing. Ai out tbis lime Mrs. Sherpe ýthe hogînnîng cf a- large wheat area in other missionaries, and found that bü is occasionally and applyîng wîîb a spaugo. wrote a latter for bu 1t0 a f riend for whcm Store, (down stairs), Canad'anortbwcaî territory. Settlements Chiasse oxperience was by ne meens iing. Thon wrap the injured memdier iu stripu cf lhe had worked wbon hoieaIr came eut te are fouud scattered nearly a îhousand miles 1er. The evidetîce se improused bithat h lane3ae odwt o stradcvrthe ccnntmy, and this friend sent hlm a BOWM NVILICwest le Calgary, on the Canadien Pacifie bail in baud a hook on tile subjecli et the with dry clethu. Do net use the spreîuod couple of boxes cf Dr. WX illiains' Pink Pilla, BOV ~ ~ ~ rad adNVILhth Nrt ,tume cf lis deelh. mmo uurcvrd opoemu surging him te give thoma e faim trial. Before rodan îreghheorhSaskatchewan "The damnons of this 'Possession ' are tbe Oly cure for a uprain. the second box was doue hoe fait soînewbat Gents' (lothing egicu le or beycnd Edmonton. The seving net devils, net beings cf pure wickedineus, For bieeding frem the nese, hold asplouge botter and purcbased arlether supply. Te C$eaedDye. Pessd ad Rpaied y n distance froni Edmonton hy the Fort but seemingiy the spirits eftfile deadw in satumated with coid wetem te nostrils end basten the story, Mm. Shempe coutinued the Churhil rotevDyedl.MotPressoh homlisernmpusesstal red by, honepe 'et the neck. In case thisdos net use cf the Pink Pillsautil hoehad taen Chupopril meuteiver fc tesMou eal wîîb wbctébaer impultses sortl muleaud rihosucceed the bleeding cau hoe toppod hy ourteau boxes, by whlcb ciie ho led coin- ElO . E BI.A . rj prpeai audriver0filtes,orgaiwouid i caseek ion r nlie v ingsyamert Hcf v thevigereus actjon of the jaws. If a child, e pietely recovered aend -ianow as weii as ever core ow byrierceLak Wnnpegau payr c te adaen dmos net b hoiewad cf paper mey ho piaced j» the mouth, lhe wau, and bas lest ail the asthme trouble a Dyer and Clthes Cleanr. come and bt eicertedLanetmnctedgtodcbewerbard.h Il asenell.o ane isecnewdahietuteedota bardhaday'I DyerandClohos leaer.only 400 miles cf rail would thon lhe requir- sont ou nto bthe deep, but perini tted t ele s oin fIeHesthtsop h wr, and soudiabis p o rdscf Dm 18ceès warranted te le as ne one 'nu irnow ed te each Fort Churchill, the peint cf Sud a Ihome in the swino, if net l mon 1 ... i tfoionwf cf bl sops thewilliad s' odfin i Pris. s fher Ibmfre nw wendou. sipeuîteEurpe.AI alngthe vaîîey "si sigisigmim f.vlpess Te eaue rheumatic pains,bheu a f ew pote. reporter was leaving a Mm. Stark, an Cerner King aud Ontario Straaca, cf the Saskatchewan River Ibis sainie double sic» ifis anti-sociai îendency. As wjtb tees and use the hot wator j» which thbey intelligent fanmer whc lives close by, celled, Bowmauville advantege weuld prevail. Iu sem pat the Gedarene demoniec, se, lu' later lime-s, wreboi1od. Dip soies clothu in, wriug advmfe i htM.Sap a ed cf North bekota and Montana, by connoct. il cernies men away froni Ibeir homer t ntIaCapy s o a osibe>Au anad merfemed athefrepte. r e ohaersit S rn R -V'7' ing with the Canadien Pacifie Railwaydwell in any wild and solilary place. oegtebad le prashtanche sriledAfor 2 ad5e, wed he rete t thercumthe S te Winnipeg and Ibence te Hudson Bay Hence thea1 wiid mon cf th. e wos, wbo isexellentpesruhasaet bt i ors.5t0as ell. one odwbehad novhe roseau Mm. the gain lu distance Ovor the New Yrkhave brokon away frcm huan ocie al, aud sexel lendsceldingbauds, arpelbafOrewo al not IiuklookngMrt mute je reckoieed ýet nry 1,000 miles, have susk te1 iîle bestial iove1iiin thb. îodesaýe m ndcle bd.Shr efewodnttikokigt Thora atre moaly t-0 lemeuéts, however, Of life. Wbiateinwiig Gds lu case cf a oc-or agged wound, sînoke hbu to-day, that ho lied comaeIlsrougb the * lu the uoew uudeintaking. oua is the r ail:.sinit draws Mon mb ll'Pouer telews} 1a. the woun)d wiîitbtbumned fieunol ou wbicb ordoal hoe bas, as ho soems the very picturo --road, for the construction et wbîcb the restons evemy tie cf humn eein haibs boatn placed a umail quanîity cf sugar. of beaith and boheh and Mrs, Sharpe meney is chiefiy requimod, whiio the othor more firmiy, possession by dlemous re- ndls Sprmkie a littie suiphur uver the wcund alîmîbute the whoie cure te Pink Pilla is the watem route, on which, aiter ail, th, ail ties, sud cernies mon oif ijueisol ation and tie up with bandages and il wili bheal Dr. Wiiems' Pink Pisastrike et the - qasten f scces my ciefy tmu Bo au ceseqentdegedeion" mmediately. A very dangemous wouud, reot cf the diseese, driving il from the sys- ai nung with the former,tw pinshv made by e sewing-machine needle, where tomn and restering the patient to heaitb and heetlmsppoeauthe HuoinBaeytatn the needie fragments were tound le bave scengtb. Iu cases cf paralysis, spinal tron- C, JIRNDENter is enacf Iedas teinHPrtdson ySarln bcen bout aimost double egaînst âhe boue, hies, locomororetexîa,seîatca,rboumatism, L. . S ad Ie the Frt hurhii. heforer It wes a nevel accident, with e nove was cumed j» ibis mannor. The danger eysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., lIeue lu R D NL . S.ýdtet the mot Cucf hison Thivfrm equ ta bfofAmra om urn ockjew and the extrema pain womo are suporior te ail other treaîment. Tbey Gredneîse oftîe Royal Collage ot Dental lae h ot fteNlo iVr nsqefltbfl dia oedýigenireiy remcved hy holding the iujured are aise a specific for the troubles wlich SurgonsOntaio.latitude 57, andi about 350 miles from the the war with Chine in 1842. Ho bad dîn"d finger and arr» over thse smnoke of woolleu make the lives cf se meny wcmen e6 burden, SureosOntri. eed cf Lake Winnipeg, or 650 trom Wîu- on oeeof the shipu cf the fleel, and he loth burned ever the coals. and speedily restore the rich glow cf health VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. uipeg. This is the noarer cf thia î'vc VITALIZED AIR. temmini, and the route would ho along the hoe came te mtumu te bie own ship t ide--te ualiow cheeks. Mou broken dowu by uortb shore cf Oxford Lake te the Sea River was ruaning se slmongly that bis mon could Apples as a Medicine overwork, wcrry or excese will Sund iu Pink 'I1ailor Sliop Falls, on the est hrauch cf the Nelson net pull agaiust if and lie wes cempelled OaPih daneo igdfo hbm. Slla acerail due.r rsn ymiPS N e aio S JRiver. Nino yeamu ago apartytunder MIajor te take refuge tom the nighl in the frîgaeOopaîhic scbooi et medicine is lIaIthFe medi- peid, aI 50 conta a box,cor 6 boxesfr$.0 Jarvis, a Canadien ougineer, and Mm. Money ilDor$250 The nindersignod who bas beau carrying on au ougineer saut out by Englislb capitaliste, D - Compbyauyrockvil te, O.,ilim sednedy the talcring business in conuection t with survoyed Ibis route. They oudte'cee Wbugtln ulc iscclesoI ol inogue orty or fte aarsagle. cnerr N. omy Bwreof iiOtati oSchensuctaute Masoun's Dry Gou Sore fr a numberof years e We etn u fhsokeseioa nvgefryo it er g.SineNY eaefmttoýadasiue las commeuced business for himelf et bie were hoe made a taise Stop, andi asho was large bas gone stili fumîher and ecommends fruit, alleged te hoe "JusI as goed." x'oidence, Ring St.,wast, wheme ho la praparadt NO ENGINEERINÇG TIFICtI,IIFS edhey b otîle vr n ua te malle geut' and boys' suit» allte latest adhay h ot itdoeadn npar lion amy applos, as a toe ey for many cf wîah te erder suite, ho wil carry T rufuittntli ldine re wohstiieý amplesinal lte nawesc pittemus. Givo hlm as a wholo, tram Winnipeg wes undilacing in the wator. ho ismade, ove ythjuei pron imo(olv «Iwa 4seDco cl and sendy, witb a saudy, clay, and gravai The admiraliiuckily seized a ropo wjhicb ilnbytejviepoin Jmonhoy)IwatlsuDoe oel 1Tf'%~ fcrmatien, a amali portion li ng rccky and hunea oven the aide et the abip. fi f ethIe femily, le the recommandation moe Dosem forf five btindted dollars dam t J, .J..* ~ ~ ~ roken. Little lrîsd suitahie for fetming the me» sejzed bold ot bis legs, and thora hy physiciens bhat epples' in semas fonm ages. " bîky-Ys i-ear Fesioabe Tllr? wa funi, nf fr e huudrad miles'titis thoy bung, sbouting lustiiy for bielpi tili sbculd ho a part of tw0 meels eut cf the whaî for V' sida cf the bey the country wes coverefi they ware dmewn in by the Didos crew TUE DOMIINION with amali apruce and' temarack. Tisema The admirai, pretty well exhaustod, %V?.,stbree the yeam round. "J1 houghl e bottle et bis toothache drepu, In Sla ra etwes pleuly et deer and ocher gemoe. Thare put te bed, wiîb e hot drink, and uowi "Chemically," seys a witar in the paid oua dollar for 'cul, and tboy didn't do Mutul Fre u ~ur u C war nebeay gadeaed, except for a droppefi asleep, etter giving directins te North Amenicen Praîcitionen, Il e apple a bitetmoo. tey ctig l onr a o-h eldery Hm Is't fivo huudred dollars raîhor A scainparativoly levai. At Nelson River, a flat, At tle s'ail out the officer cf tihe l opsdc eeai irabmn sg aee edi ' 'IsMses a genuina 'fllankot" Polie'y te farmere %vell-drained localuly, t-elve foot above watch roused the admirai, who, st1agi uchcohl ai aiglt YsbtIspoayoun bill will lae RATM :- - hi~~1gb ae level, asectiasheer dreaming o drowuing h ile orror, acid, lime anfi water. Furtiteninoma, the about four undmed and niuety-.noe dollars, Et-Clasa 65 cents per $100 minus., TIe party lot t Winnipeg inOctobar drowsily asked, "lWho's thora?" Gemman analyste say thet lte epple contai" uand I waut te gel my dollar beck." 20 '90 100. Terni. 4 yeru and returned about the middio "of Jauuary, "'Death ," was the reply.alngrpcntecfpspoutinay 334" .1 " 11)traelin t e wa y on tedt, but teuind Il wes stertling, and the admirai locked other fruit or vegetabie. The phosphomus How to get a "Sunlighft" pietura. Meuct of West Durbam'a promient ferment uitIle suc,, the watber being favorable, out of bis cet expecting te se a skLelotou ia admirably adaptedi for ronewing the Sead 25 "Sunlight" Scap wrappera dm~ lnuured imu. Nevertboless, FortChurchili, thougb or somti other ghastly objoct; but ne, flly esnilnresmîe-eino b heatthy city Dosy'trouub s witn tha compamatîvel>' narrcw 150 come wes xtrced.T he. na nxt besI tuflîutaewr-I Thaabya Hudson Straits. Rapealed observations For Callers. m ay to cook Ibemis towing. Ccutnary do j ga o sbow Ibat et ntmout tle acrils, which et Upbelaerr-Madani, Ibis is a fine reop-j comumon heliot, eppl-s bakofi in tbeir skias Witen l3aby wes rie, 'me gave lier Castoîla. s, dieae he//uentl r a whera me pints are loua tIen savent>' miles lion chair. Our latest design. Try it, aneathele ist beatîfai cf cceked appies. '.'.'sscn shi was a Child, si-e çried for Castoria, h keidnLes ahe edd'a *e wide, and are moto lIeu 500 miles long pleese. Anothar emonootis ballet is thet reweapples iXb-en sie became Miss, site cluog bo Castoria, l e/ogge, heyar Pilaai- Kdnty rom Cape Chudieigh le tle bey, are navi. Mrs. Sccety-Deer me! how unucomî,- iare lest iieteu witis their ekitis. We eoggriedo cey ats. s reuscd. gable for ibrea on feur months each year, able t is! 1 couidu't sil iu il for five mn- nýgivo on île encbority cf tle distinguished \ leî iteI aChildreît, slie gave tiemCaetoris, Dr. i. Smithr& Ce. Toretoî, Wrtc,. on parties sent eut by the DominionU polserer-bhatsil eacti>,med'u.'o rk College o ecine, that tle skias of hoocate Kdcc Tll. ovamuent in ltae Neptune in 1884. Tbey Yoes0, îî js inteuded for calelin. papi, hte ewc okdaevm CANCER OQlTUE LUP AYP-ý--7 Parlfa "Icousuited docters w.o.pmesci-Ibed for me, but te no pîlrpe.e. Is r'rd iii ago_îy saven long years. Fusaitll bga tk1r Aven's Sarsaparîlia. ini a weel'or 'e uidliced a lecided smp: 1 vetuet. iscîti aged 'y titis resul, I pensevev-d, tutu us ...thl or so tise sore i 1 - sei , 1,) d, alter using tiheSaa atnorixmsh, ltse last trace of h t e i d.,peae. JAMES E. ŽNIcO,-',~u~.aiiS l Admi'-ted a'nt s ord' Ffi e.Y.ELII's 1?LLS 1 ,lc A d~,s IORSALE OR. RENT-Hue and JL iacres tor sale or 10 eut. etcon Scngog @tract nantis. The prejie ensiofo e good bouse witli every conveniencadivn sbed, stable, etc. Tûe garde»cotaI.Is e lut oh lte cioicest fruit of ail venelltes.Imeir posseission cenbe givan. For paniiculers apply ic..p'isiaagtcu{H Rowmanvitte fat 42 r" THE CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISMED 1854 $1 par annum in advance. etborwise ~'i Snbscriptienselweys payable et the oSftyq 4f publication. Advertlsinz ratai unls~ by osa tact, 1 lcent; par lino, nounearia erat arla on, and à cents p5r linoeoacit subseqeent rit- fertie». Locale, 10 cents par lino. M. A. JAMES, PublishE>r Pajge Oeil Spieg Fonce. The oSàI-. master et expansion and contractioni. A full stock cf Farte. Gardon, Lawn and Ornemental Fonce aiways in stock. Orders solicîted and panticularu giveu, or maiied on application, b>' A. W. FOLET, Box 148, Bcwmanvilie, Ont., Scie dealer. whelesaie, and nteil for Couni>' of Durbam and East Whitby, What Civilization Has Done for Japan. Il in oniy bwenty-five yearu aace Japan emenged from hbarbmrism, and yet ove» lier .rmy la civilizing bell the Goreans eand tle Chinese hy tle compnusion whicl faim play and wise generosit> bave over sevagos. The whole norlbann ceuntr>' in swariag witI bayonets and sweating coolies, anid yet mrima mu elmoss uL-eard cf wiîbi» tle linos of the victoriens atm>'. Whenever the Jea- paues fleg in piauted ln Corea tIare lu order, peace and sacurit>'. Chinainen are jus.a etf e lu tise villages and town e cccupiad b>' the Japanese tnoopu autse>' wouid be in China. To-day I saw a pari>' of u»armed China- mn slmoiling alo»g îhe streots of Chemulpo. wh ich are cnowded witI eagen treope excit- ed b>' tbe news et the twe victorias. The Soldierly Way. Tee lady weu seekiug te bc disagreeable to the young atm>' officer. 111 suppose," she rernarked, will a teint sneer, "lthet sometimo lu- your careet. yout have beaben a mtreet." 111 hava, medaîn," le edmiite.X sivitbout a blal. "Ah, iudeed i Wiii you bell me law yen did it v, "Centainl>', madem. 1 did il, by mnaking an advance. Tiat'beats e retreat ail li Pices., 1> 0