XNO'WLEDGB Brings comfort and improvernent and tends to personal enjoymerit when rightly useed. The many, who 117e bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with leisa expenciture, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs of physical being~, wll attetsî the value to be lth of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ini the x..medy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence je, due to its presenting i the form mnost acceptabe anid pleas- imnt to the taste, the rofreshing and tna4y benefiàcial properties of a perfect lax. ative ; effectuaily cleansing thesystern dispelliing colds, headachiea and feverc, and pernianently curing cons tipati'..~. il. 1ec g Ï -en satisfaction -, millions and imet wt âe approval of the mnedical 4~ pofea~,bpecause it acts on the Kid- i eys, ive and Bowele witho Lt weak- ,eing them and it je perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige je for sale by ail drug- giats in 75c. botties, but it in manu-j factured by the Caîifornia Fig Syrup Co. only, whose naine je prnted on every ¶package, aiso the naine, Syrup of Figs, and being well inforined, you will not ficcept aniy substitute if offered. A Chabmois Skin VAest. This article ie one of the most satisfac- tory inveetments you can inake and if you once wear one you will wonder why you have gene se usany yeats without and you would not do away wth the comfort and pleasure derived from this necessary article of winter clothing for a $500 bill. 'Thes best way tc, secure a chamois ve8t le to go direct to Stott&Jury's and purchese two of those large skins which they are T ~now selling and ask for a patern for mak- nug the vest or leave your order and have giade3 up. By this nieens you ean get îclass vest et less than haîf the usual MslviSS 115V1T.ait, us g e To.Lrontou L remain for s time. Commue mucb crowded-uews budgets had te be condenoed. Hlerbert Freelaud was shet in the eye witb an air gun hst week. Miss Ethel Foster of Ontario Ladies') College, Whitby, spent Sunday af bomne. Miss Gracie Moore, cf Moore Park, North Torentn, bas been guest of Mis McGill ab the Ontario Bank. Iu Darlington Coancil repert lest week, Mrs. Cornis's ticket te Illinoias shouhi have read $1695 instead cf $2695. Mrs. H.- H. Tyler sud daughter sud Miss Abbie Alexander, cf Canton, N. Y., are visiting et Mr. James Alexauder'a. Chaois &Jary'es pecialties this week CaosSkius Sts up. flair Brushes 200 varieties. Some very cheice new adore in Frencb Parfurnes. Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Hare sud Mr. Frank Hare of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, sud Mrs. T. C. Nichols of IJxbridge have been gueste cf Rev. D. C. IVcDowell. It was an acknowledged fact that Ted Co Cead ail fiues cf esaple Dry Goods right. Now le the timne te secare mauy cf these Ues et 30 par cent below ýother stores prrces. Sign cf Red Flag. At a sacred concert given recently at Owen Sound, Mr. H. H. Saunders, son cf Mr. Jas. Saunders cf Bowmanville, sang in a quartette sud the Times news- paper was good enoagh te say that "Mr. H. H. Sanders, was witbout dcing any ijustice te the other members cf the choir, the star cf the programme- His wel-l trsined baritone voice in the diffiui sehection, "King D3vid's Lament" bas rarehy if ever beau excelied hefore au Owen Sound audience sud tise encore "On the Cross" was welh rnrited. Mr. S, ie a pupi1 of Mr. Warrington sud waB for soiesturne a member cf Sherbourne NeW Books. The follcwing bocks have been added te the Mechanîce' Institute iReading Room Library: l-listory-McCarthy'ai French Plevolution, Jephson's Itise cf Phatform. Kiugeferd'e Ristcry cf Canada, vols VI, VII, The Sovereigne sud Courts cf Europe, Hazell's Annuel. Biography -Great Artiets, Landseer, Turner, iReyn-' olde, VanDyck, Meissonier, Ruebens. Fiction-The Toilera cf the Ses (Hugo), Catherine Laderdale (Crawford), Kerr- Igsn'a Quaaity (Barlow.) Science -The Ssiisbury Treatment, Cook's Freaka cf Plant Lif e. Poetry--LIow Tide on Grand Pre, My Lattice Window. Liter. aturE--Abreast cf thse TIimes. Best Christmas Presents. Christmas is et baud, thse gay and fest- ive season. Take aur advice aud go te Tait's gallery, Bowmauville, sud have a dozen cf their superb cabinet photos tak- en cf ycurself te present te yoar friends as Xiras gifts. What coaid be îîicer ? Wbile lu thse studio take s look at their choice picture frames sud photo stands. Do net delsy as it requires some time te fi11 ordeÉs snd give you thse best work. HAVE YOUATTENDEU The great sale of Tod & Co's BankrUpt stock? ff ijoýt tw positiVely be ini yoiir itr to do so between now v andi Christmnas. We dlaim with- out hesitation that we can affvrrl 1o ell 'nu c>Oood sefan1p CONCRTSAND 1MEETINGS. Bowmanville Illustrated. CHANGE Ol' BUSINESS. For the pa&t month The Globe Print- By advertisernent on our first page thie ing Comipany has been planning and col- week it will be seen that Mr. R. A. Trel- lecting rusterial for ilIustrating Bowman- even bias aucceeded hie brother, the late ville aud Mr. 11.0. Tait, artist, has been Mr. M. Treleven, in the wel-inowui kept busy taking viewEs of the town, boot sud shoe business at the old stand buildinzs and persona. Next Saturday King St. E., Bowmanville. They lirst The Globe will contain the resuîts of the tbought of offering the whole stoc.k for combined labors of the artist and histor- sale te the highest bidder At a rate on thle iaèn. Two of the best descriptive writers dollar but finally decided fn pgivë the -Mr. J. C. Drewry, a flowmsnvilhe boy, people of West Durhami a chance t buyn aud Mr. R. C. Sînith--have been engsg- their winter's suppiy of boots and e3heeý ed on e "write up' of the tewn and ita et snd beiow cost for eaah. Mr.' JA>n nruminent features, persona, business Babceck, the capable foreman, wili coni.- 1ndutries, etc., sud having rea d over the tinue in charge, sud there le ne doubt but desciptive matter and seen several of the thet cash customers wll be verv liberally ilîustratioià, we cen assure our ctizens dealt with iu order te dispose ùf the bulk that it willî ê . very creditable produc- of the large sud well selecîted st<ck hetore tiohl. Mr. W. T.' A:Jen of Big 20 has New Years. The people of this district orders already for gevergl' hnndred extra fkuow what a high class of goods thie old copies cf Saturday'e Globoe bnd1 we have aud reliable nhoe store bas always carried ordered 2000 copies of the i Justisted sud et the preseùt im re the ±îew w inter sheet-four pages -to be issued next pur,ý.ases of boots sud ehoee are ahlInl week as a part of TxE ansressd sud on sale. This la no old bankrupt we are serionsly thinking of ordering stock of odds sud ende. but e complete 1000 copies more since we s&w the 'ad- assortment of the beat goods the masrkets vauce copies for an extra edition. se well afford. Every cash purchaser wihl be pleased are we with the Globe'e enter- iberalhy deait with sud Mr. Babcock sud prise. M1r. Treleven will wehcome new patrons as well as the mauy esteemed customers The Graujl Trunk time-table bas again of the firm in the past. A splendid stock been changed. of trunks, valises sud rabber foot-wear. Mr. Jas., F. Moorey, pubisher, luger- Sevcral hunes are positively effered at sud soul, la in town. below cosr. CahI sud see what real gen- mir. . .- .if n..- - f. ___ uine bargains await al cash customers. PIl It has jeen our aima to pay special attention to the quality off our goods---to secure the best for the. least money. This year of de. pression has been marked by ,manufacturers and wholesalers and our cash buying has secured for us the greatest valueye offéred.j Notices of Meetings, concerts, tees, ce., will bc charged at 10 cents a liue. -'\O dEviationi. SOCIAL AND LECTURE. !Social sud Lecture in Methodist Cbarch Thauk!ýsgiving eveaiug und8r auspices cf Epw7,orth Leegue of Christian Endeavor. Tee sêrvrzd fromt 5 te 8 celock af ter wbicb R1ev. C. Parker will deliver a new lecture on "iRanibles in England a id Scotland." Adisgsion to social sud lecture, single ticket 15 cents, or double ticket lady sud i get 25 cents. S. W. TABERNACLVE South Ward Tabernacle anniversary as follows ; Sunday îîext Rex-. L.Phelps, of Court.ice, 'will preacb et 2:30 p.m , in luth Ward. Tabernacle, Monday tes wilbc served f eom 5 o'clock, af ter wbicb aprogramn of recitatious sud siuging wil 1be given by the cbildren. Admission 20e. ; chidren ander twelve, 10c. THlE BALL FAMILY. muslîc Hall, Bowmanvillp, Taesday evnnNov. 27, thse favorite entertain- ers, the Bell Jubilee Singere. Magnifi- cent Stereopticon Viewm of Unche Tomn's Cabin sud other popular subjýcts, accom- pauied witb patbetic soul strring, planta- tien and other beautiful melodies. Dont f ail te hear tbem. Oaly 15 cents. Preps notices. "The represteutation of scenes from Uncle Toni's Cabin, hy the Bell Famiiy drew a large crGwd ta Q-esen Street Methodiet charch lest night. Mr. Ball, the ecturer, gave au interesting description of the eveuts whicb led te the writig of the famoas novel. And the pictures were se, ably chosen tisat s very sbhon lecture sufficed te put those of the audience whe had not read the book in possession of thse whcle stery. A number cf fine minstrelsies, applicable te the sab- Ject, were san-g by the hectarer sud his tamtily duriug the intervaîs between the preBenting of the views, sud were receîv- ed with hearty applause. "-Toronto Emu- pire. "Each song is wel hosen, the melody be ing of the sweetness pecaliar te the musie of the South Lan.d, while the charmn of its rendition is iu the perfect biendirig of the voices, sud the entire absen.ce of miechanîcal exection."-Vic- teria, B. C. Coloniat. "The entertainment given by the Bell Fanîily of J"ilee Singera in the Metb- odiat church hast nigbr was eue of the fineat musical treats of the sesison. It ,,vs good from beginning te end."-Cah. gayHerald. SALE AND; TEA. The Ladies' Aid 'Society of St. J9aul's chareh will hold a sale sud tes in the sehool-roomn on Friday Nov. 30. Partie. nii etweek. THE WEBýLJ "NG S. Monterbouesare Leeetinog the Misses ikon under the auîspices of Steoe oit.Thir progrein is oeh eîîtîrely uew te Canadien audiecssu tI et is Whiat everyone la lookîng for along f ochu f entertainamente. They appear in Bowmanville, December 7. BOWINANVILLE, Nov. 21, 1894. Local and Otherwise, in a pieasinz mailner "A conflagration of thse boat;" Mr. W. C. Kîng's reudition cf "Ont ou tbe Deep" displayed bis excel- lent ability as a base singer. Tise cornet duet by Messrs Hock sud Meatb was mach appreciated as was aise tise quart- ette sang by Misses Clinsiie sud Tait sud Messrs. King sud Alexander. Miss Giuver san~g in ber usuel sweet voice "Angels Ever Bright sud Fair," sund sang as au encore "A Lalaby." Miss Addie en, L o iigý Shirtings,Grey FI and Ladies' undei ets, llosery and C Fiannels, Dress Give us a chance Tod & Co's old st Bowmanville. 8, Tkf1 IIO Souandwas Sdso ae unancial succees. 10 511 annels, Men'sI engragia g their services wecnurne ýrwear, Blank- tooabyYiars trahy, îloves,Shaker Vc-rc F. G. S-ITU, Good, et. Vce-Pe.Younng XVunan'a (bild. ~AOC,.15 etU.-W clip the following from thie Brant- to serve YOU. fordCoarier ocf lOtis t: "It wouid be and,~ ~ ~ I' KigS, mosible te imagine a more charrniug trie lu a more cbarîning prograns than thtpresented at the O pers Hoase lest DIED. -1 CSEmEs-Ilu Daiingto,, Nov. 18, Menau N. CIemenS. second dauighter of Joseph Cie'nenq, aged 39 years. GIsSON lu CClarke, Nov. 16, W. Gibsoneged 88 years, 9 monîhs. IJowNs li Bowmanvi1le. Nov. 1.5, Robert Norman Downs, lhj;d so f the late John Downe, aged 23 yeai o. à weeks, 3 days. BOWMANVILLRt MARKETS. MrIre M~Y~kSio~triaiv- ~5e-aîà ahh -tcr -iîefotvie -aiharpeëinu a~trai TBarber hoP. -I YTt5To$2 are pretty au i wewill bQ pleàsed to show thein. iBownianv ilie j i be illustrated in the G lobe Si,,turu'ay, November Metbodist churcis, 'hursday, SNttil1a m. & Crforerreyn'o.,sad local wBne .o o ooocutdbCo Ceafr- eîoooae Rev. PR. Douglas »Fraser, M. A., awihrme umore lhues juet in-New, Neay, sud Nwaienge ond,înuto yfers, wihl dhvr addresses TRE BÙUTTE. hest table, l lb. O 00 O 16 0 m1env.i je,ý o ü-FIG_îm Bw precbe Sngngbya Sitd hor.Co- ic.bCydra as ufnerage f adeschoir. Col-i nnune is 'ce.su GStGdo,........ 00 O15 1t5 1 1 Lamp Goods,Tea Sets,Dinner Sets Toilet Sets, fancy goods of all description. New fruit is a rriving daily --- all new3 cheap and goo-cd. H-erring,Finrianl Haddie,Whitefish, Trout., and all fish in season. Barrel, Dairy and Land Sait always on hand. Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage in the past we intend byfair dealing and good value to have more people deal with us than ever. Bring us your produce and get.the highest priqe in goods or cash. jI ýx Lwinadil. e.