BESENETT BOuSE. steamnslip llan, Domi- lunes. lHe subscripfion .ýg ncwspapers .1t, American '-ALE, proprietor of 'flic s, is a native of nd, where lie resifi- ;years cf age. Hils -Gaie, then mov- aie atfended th, CALEDONIA MILLS, JOHN AcKAY. He is a Dractical miller, and under- stands cvery departmeat, and gives lis rapidiy-growing business lis ciosest at- tention. His residence is situated on beautiful risîng grouad on tlie opposite side of flic sfream from tlie miii, and is ýone of flie preftie2t situafed and cozy homes in tli town. Mr. Vanstone f akes an active iateresf in thc soc'al and municipal affairs of the town, being a member of ilie Town f' (el<nn~ - f tic-'wnrkers) and îa ife is the demand for the prodluets of thec miii that Mr. Mackay lias compieted bis arrangements for doubling the size of the milis. Mr. John Mackay, the geniai andi en- terprising proprietor, was born in Ros- shire, Scotland, 56 years ago, andi serv- cd bis time (the faitliful seven years) at the business of whicli he lias mnade such a success. Hec manufactures pot and peari bariey, splut peas and severai grades of buckwbeat flour, as well as licon of FaiIldkn<ls lafe J. T. Wilkinson. Since 1880 Mr. Gaie lias liad tlie sole management of Tlie News. For ten years il was pub- li.,ýled as an Indepen'deat, but since 1890 if bas been recognizefu as flic offi- cial ergan c f flic Liberal Conservative party ia West Durliam. The circulation of The News lias sfeadily ý7 increased ander Mr'. Gaie's capable management, Uc is a practical ail-round printer and publislicr, tli roughly la love witli lis business, and is one of Bowmanviiie's besf-known andi highiy respected citi- zelns. STONES îLLS, E-lt rLLILMEŽ, I Re~eve. In 1874 Mvr. Haines was- ap'- pointed Police Magistrate for tbe Town of Bowmanville, and la 1886 rccived thec addItional appointmient of Police Magistrate for the C'ounty of: Durham. boýtliof which positions lie stili ably fis, This year Mr. Haines lias built a fine business block, known as tlic Wel- lington buildings, a decided ornament to tlic town. The Standard Bank bave rcnted the corner store, Messrs. Dus- tan & 1-boar occuny another, whule th- central sbop is offcred te rent on rea- sonabie terms. Tt wililiec fifted to suit a tenant, and is one of the best busi- ness stands in Bowmanvlilce. -ROBERIT BEITII, M. P. Robert Beifli is flie third son of tie liste Alexander ilcith, and was bora on Fairfild Faim in flie Township of Dar- lingfon. West Durham, ln 1843. Robert Beifli's granidfatlicr was a native of Campbeitown, Argyieshire, 'Seoiland, but came to Canada in 1835 and sefficd in. Durliam. The subjeet cf tliis sketch was associated for many years witli bis uncle, tlieiate Robert Beifli, lanflicima- porting and liandiing of fliorougibreu Clydesdaile borses. Since bis uncle's deatli Mr. Beitli las gone ia for liack- ncys aise, and only a few days ago carried offrf prize witli "Banque" af flic Ncw Y-or,- Horse Show. At Clicago aiso, Mr. Bei"ti's horses carried off flic bighcst bonors. Robert Beitli cornes of goofi old RIe- form stock. At the iast generai election lie was eiected inember of Pariiament for 'West Durham and lias again been nominafed for the position. That lic wiii lic elecled go'es wifliouf saying, for lielias provcd a usefui mnembei andu tli truc friend cf tbe farmers. BEITII'S MORSES. Jubilce Chief, 2,122 E.H.S.B., imporfed 1889, bred ln east riding of Yorkshiire; sire Pilof, 1,323 E.H.S.B., by Lord Der- went, 418S; by Deamark, 177. Dam (Continucd on Inside Page.) 1081 TAPPETITE 1081 ENERCY 1081 H'EALIH REGAINED BY 1'TUE USE OP SEND FOR FRE1:' SAMPLE, TESTIMONgALS AND GUARANTEE. K.D. C CO., LtcL, New Ciasgow, KL. ant 127 State Street, BOST'ON. ME O.FIcESCHOOL. MKOFF GHUROH &LODGEFURNITURE 0 E DRIGSIiAEFII11NCS SEND F0i THE CANADA (Limited) --MONTREAL. MAIMPACTUBERS OI REFINED SlUGARS 0F THE WELL-KNOWN BRAND OF THE IIICHEST QUALITY AND PURITY. Made by the Latest Processes and Newest and Best Machinery. not sirpas8ed anywhere. LUMP .SUGAR, la 50 and 100 lb. boxes. "CROWN 1'GRANULATED, Special brand, the fineet whlch can lic made. EXTRA GRANULAI ED, Very Superior Qualiy. CREAM .SUGARS,. Not dried. YELLOW SUUARS, Of ail Grades and Standards SYRUPS, 0f ahl grades în barrel., ,nd haif-barrels Sole makers of high-class syrups, in tins, 2 lb. and 8 lb. each. WHATTHE PEOPLE, MOFFAT'S SAY PEA!kL STOVES B-AVE NO EQU.4AL. ÂWARDED BROINZE MIîDAL AND DIPLOXA. SIEND FOR CATALOGUE. THE MOFFAT STOVE 00., LTD.,. »-ES2'ON, O'. F'or Sale by C. 1P. ADAMVS, 177 Yongc Street. JAMES WESTW(bOD, 63Qu,-n Iest. DEAFNESS SENSE EAR DRUMS. À new solentiflo Invention. entlroly différent In construction from * k. ail other deylos. They asuis# ,:. ' the deafwhon al other dviel bas given no relief. -yi are ¶ saf e, comfor table and Invisible. h.Drm have na wire or striaach IP4eltî B. MILLE.l. eho4L 1 le onto C asiada4 sole agents te Canada Mnin hsiae'