o- il: to Vour HonorableWire" aind tel her that I amn cornposed of clarified coýttonseed ail and re- fined beef suet; that I arnl tle purest of ail cooling fats; that niy namne is t -i Tar better lan lar, a-1 se fueul than butter; that I it: eq-t i shorteiing ta twi ce the qeatyCf either, anid m food irivh c-':sier aF digestioni. I Lý arn -o fotundl everywhere in Sad 5paurd p'tfls, butý ar 31otte onty by S The Nq. K. Faiimbank Harper's Bazar. Elegaretý at xcluis ve designs for eut-tr ar,] ir- tdeer Toiletta, ti rawn froue WOeRH rudels by itrndoz anti hap, aýre an importait lesaterA. These appear ever îveek, a1ceo11panieti bv minute drscriptieîr tri delaîls. uer Parieý Letter by lssh trir e de Foe: ai le4 a weeklyý transeript of the lw rcý s- and capries th e mode. Urtder the hcad , r ew York Fashiens li d,ticils anti full paitiachr- aie cil ru as te a es 'are, trirnesing,. ted aceesotiî 8eft1he urnes o0 w,71:dresseî somn . Ctrildree s Cloth- ece 1 pactical attention. A fortnighCly Pat. eh4 upplement enabrsý reati s te0 eut and mike tlh'eir eau gowýne. The wotau who laite 1lA1t'5R'3 BAZARt is prepaceti for every occasiorn in lifi e,t,'emoinious or inlutuesl, where beautituI tiress in requisite. AN AsasseCAr SERIAL, Deetor Watniek's Daughlers, by REssteA HAcersoa D.ss t, a streug novel of Auceri- oacn 111e, partly laid in Perinisylvania sud partly in the ftar South, will ù-ccupy the lasI of the y ear. k1t5 t adi Nebeti, enttueu xih nove], b: suIý.A'ent lhsAeve,: auoo I'oieFol," The rester Glory," cec., sviil begn Ibis vear. 1Výavs anti SocialL Chats. To titis departerent Daine" in Noe, York society. I Ccrespudns. Unties recccve ~ tenten nilt eitrant are answered possibl tit ale he ceipt. Ifllurated Prspectus. 3f the Bazar bcgiu witit the filst Nue /aiary oi eaeh s etc. Wben 'ne tinie is rsuibseriptieas ail iegiei aitt te Nomber iýha lime of receipt ni order, "a-sesi I,ý, \eaIt lunie, ýitamie for bintiing, ie page reloeix sens 3u appli, ation, tlternittances 4teuiti be made bs- Peet-office \tsuey arder or DralîBe1t asýî hnieetce cf lest. Nesvspapere ste net te eepy titis atisertisernent wititeut ltse -eses e, der of Itatper & Brotiters, Ilapers lagaiet,1 year, $4.00. Harper's WeeckIy, $4 ý00. Harper's Bazar, "$4.00 » Iarper*sl oruîgl>cofle" *2.04] Potag e Free to al saitscrib rs in lthe tUnitedi States, Canada and 9textce. tP. 0. Bux 959, N. Y. City. A Wonderfuilly Lîib-ra1 Offer. A Tril:ubscripLion tor t~~rtet e ual ta will enothe" New "' ýF i l7 F lE 10 CENTSý. Thsefievý br will contact he open- jug- uhens ni Partil'ý 1 Keruee-. poweriul anti intreeingebny,"TLhe Ki iues cf Kîilll I' athe bb peirn apters (wetb synopsis) cfl Ver W. H-oikkl's etory ni lthe ereat sîrike in the, Fennevîvanis c )al mn-es?, "On a Cnîinal Chre The uther ontintet nl theýse nurebens are t'y Hall Cain- cld Mre F. D. P, N. Soulbwont. In ad- dition br theý continueti sînrits. these five atmer i ilh" New York Leoger centaine short -tne, poccue articles ou the Sopici oi tise da. a brillianl editorial payýe, achild- reln's enluan a co>respondene and scienlifit depai tutent. a Womsn'e Wnrld page devot- ta« , -vrylhinez cflbctt es e in- Kiizsig a patte-ru deprluetunt worth la any. gllan meaev, msny limes the price nf the Ledger The foîlowinsr iq a partial l' t ni tmanîhoîs eho, contrîbule to these five tuuoiters. Hall caine, Sewaîti W. IHopki's, Paul Kembl'j,, Bfite Adelaide Rouviantis,, Buza, iIýbchOtuiît, Mary Lowe Dickinson, Amyr 14 ndolpit, HGIs Henry L. Dawep, Mary R yla Dllas. Prof. W. W Kennedy, Wl liati Elliot Grîffiý 1). D Lieut. Fnederick "HOLD FAST, TOM." The Dutch garnison aI ,Tametown, ni the isîsoti of St. Helena, Lu the yuan 1071 weru awsiting the opeuing of a siegu iton a. fluet oni-Britishis s'tpeuntien Captais Rich anti Munden. The Dutcb hati given thuit wboîu leattention 10 the' attack la front feeling sure that Ibis wae the ony poini Item wltich they coulti bu aseaileti. An( tbey reasoneti wuli; for evurywbere ulSE the enaset waSerely onu great precîpice of sevenal httndred lent, rieing so sheer onl o the ses. that it seumeti astif nothîug without winge coulti poseibly scalu il. But they might pethaps bave been lest c:nfident liadti tby suen what was goioq on jnst then aI the opposite site of the islanti. Wbun the Englîsb ebips finît ativancedti(t the attack, the hiutimost nf thutu, whi sill hitidea iromth te Dutcb by tbe bUgE black- pyramiti ni Sugar-loaf Point, had lowerati several large boats filuti witb armeti men, which instantly shol away round the g reait recky bluff nI "the haro as fstIas uight oaseapiecu coulti carry thetu. Away they wunî pas headîso ti i heatilent, wbilu every eyu wae fixeti upon lte rocky shore, as if seeking soiuuîhîug whicb was casily t bu fmud. AI length, juet wben îhey roundedth Ie holti, craggy 'prounntory ni King anti Quea poin, a dm11 boom neachuti their cars, followcti instautiy by bbc thundur of a suetaineti cannouatie. At that familiat sounti the sailore clencheti thtir teeîh savageîy, as thuy looketi up aI the trumenti- ests precipices that seemne t 1s hit thetu out front ail hope ni talting part in the batlle. "lCan't we gel np anywbcre?" growled 'bc captain ni the frîgate, wbn wsin the foremeet boat. "We'ru tiisgraceti borevet if the-y do te jobs withnut us." IlWitb s'ont honor's luave," broke lu s slalwart young topuesu, toncbsng bis thiet bnewn f oruiocir, 'IIthink I enulti gel up that rock yondur, anti fýten a nope for zthe test 10 climb by. 'ý na eCWhati up bbere'i" erieti the captain, ti sglaneing doubtfully frouebte young sailot'g esbniLibt, fearleesface 10 the trementions us huîgbî above. IlWeil, my lad, if you ean tO do it, l'il give you fif ty guines i' e "It's for the bonon of the fisg, not for tthe mouuy, sir!" answcnuti the seaman, id eprsngiug iront the boat to the loweet letige esof the terrible rock. s Up, up, up, uver higber bu clambereti W ith the rising wind flinigiug hie inosa hait rs, 10 antif onnsd the startîcti ses birtiewhinl- ring arount i hm withbhoarsB ecreame of [emingleti lest sud rage. To the watching ,y eyee fat bellow. the îiuy points nf rock to he wblch lbu clung weru quiteinvisible, ant ie seunie tteb banging lu miti-air, like a fly t on thue ste ai a walI, )n Anti now bue was îwe.tbirds of the way e the pecpce;anti nota buwas witjiin a fe yads f t bntp; anti now lhtebaud almos t toueheti the bighest lutige, wvîen sutidenlybts fel seemet s lidu froue undur tM, and lu a muoment ho was sueingîng lu the umpby air, gtasping a projecttug crag -s witb bbc strengtb aiftiesperatin. er "lbHld fast, Tom 1 yeiled lie contradus, as they easw bisa. 9 -Tom titi bolt fast, andtihie strnng bande ,hthat bati defie-i the luil fnry cf su Atlantic gale t0 loose litent froue the stippery rigz- gîng did him gond service once more,.lHe nregaineti bis footing, andti hu iîttrasvn bnuath tsf the auxenus gazers beîow sountiet lîke a hiss intise grîIn silence as tîeey wstcf cd the final ciiort titat broogbî ithini safeiy 10 tbc top. The roeu sesoon fixuti, andtihebulast manibatl scarcely mounteti wbun the daring batd etusre tutryiug semass tbe ritgyiteru- lofni ie isi ai-idttward the spot uvbence lthe carnnate stili boometi upon lthe even- iuz att. Anti there il was aI last, as îbey -crownedthebbcfarîbeet ridge, lihe tlumaste standing np îbrough bilnwy smoenk, anti the batteries marketi oin uetid the gather- ing darkuese by the flashes ni tbetr osyn eamion. A destiiy volley ni Buglisit muakelry crauketi aloeeg the cliff, sud 8ev- oral nf the Putch wene seen to tali, wyle. dismsy aud confusion spraad fst auseng the enrylvone. Thus caugbî bctween two tires, witb tIse British ships tliiundernug upon tbern frou e blow, andti he British marksme-i ebnoting thens tiowu frotu above, thedefenduns batl no chanceu; anti at lergîh brave nid Van Gebbardt, witb a mot ni bitter g jef ou bis itou face, siowy hauleti dcwpeie Dnbcb flag in token nI guýrrende, r. -'ýlvynbeeur," sait ie to the Engieh cap- ,tain, as the latter came mancbiteg m tte fort at the heati ni hie men, Ilmj i ollowers have done ai bbat mcoi couiti do ; bel youre bave done more." "IAnti if wu hati un d ons more we coulti néyer bave beaten the gallant Dutchinun," ansa-eredtihîe capîsin, îakiug off hie bat- teret cocked bat wîîh a pole bcw. Thue it was that the Buglisb regainet St Helena, ovun wblcb the British flag flies bo Ibis day. Nor bas bbc brave feliow Whbo lutithat dariug atîstaclseen lenrgot- ten; lot- 'stdteisiau TiIfut degrees hafs5w zero, anti the, produet, wbicb cao bu bandipti anti fuit, bun,so to spcak,i witb its excessive colt. Frozen ais- can bue1 producet insuany quairtlity, but ils cost,j $500 a gallon, ie likeîy 10 prevent a lange businers, ChiIdreri Cry for1 POOR ARIMENIA. Flirtlier nIliil, of Ilt le rriblie Btstciery at At1neniane by Tîrks. A copy ni the Huntisback, an Armenla paper, publisliset weeklyiynl Lonrdon asshe oflicial organ nf the Ileutiesakist Revolu. tionany Society, bas luen receiveti be, luI Takat, a suesîl village in Sevas, accoi-ding 10 the newspaper'e correspondent, the publiecrt-ier calleti upon ail Mabometans to do as eier rethreu ar. Saseouu. Ifie sait! that the Psoplîet Mahnmet tiesireti the death ni tbe unhulievene andti hat tbc authonities woniti upleoll uetybotiv who, kilieti Clritans, The reuflt of this pro-1 TAM1IS SETI, GRIEF BERKIAULI TRIBE OF KU EDS ciamatien Was Ibat 200 pursone wenc killet anti 400 woundeti belote the religions frenase kintileti by it was siakcd. Tbc Monasteny of St. George, bbce1Rumd- sback correspondent sys, wbiebi wae the oldeet anti mosî vencratuti religions insti- lutina in Armenia, was completely demol. MOUSSA BEY, IIURDISH COBtEF. ieheti anti ail its lomates, numbunîng oven onu buntiret, put tn the sword. Heaelso mentions that bbc Rev. Paul, a Congrega- bînnal minister n b oosb, sias cuses lnt prison on bbc trumpecd.up charge oni bcbg lun cornuspontience wir.b revoiuttonists. A young Armenian of 'Newv York, wbo intunts relurîing 10 bis native country, bold a reporter Ihat bu appiiedti 1thbb represuntatives nIfimbu Tunkisb Gýovurument for a passeporî, but was refusaI- becs 5ttLUN AGA , (StIiZttBATXAN TRtBaýOFII55tDS lie asserineti, bu eeltne i to go abruat in the service of tiré Covernmeqîtt as a epy. fle saye bhm wae oflereti $10 per ss-ek, îwice as niticb as lite le uow esrnr.eg in New Yont. Tbree men wsyle ut New Yonrk two montba ago b s-lest titein familles in Char- pont, Armenia, ruturneti beru yealel-day, Tbuy sy îtuy syctugiven juse fibteeri minutes 10 greut thuir famîlius sud get ont again. Bleute wunc forty othurs wbo hsd luit Providence, R. I., for thue sin place, KAOÂGIIA. but bbey enly got as far as Alexantinia, when tbuy put bacir on accouaIni bfte terrible bardebips îhey were madtie 0en- counter. Iwsreporleti iu bbc Arnenian enlouy in lgew Yorktbat a banti ni eiity stutunîs entier Gaganian sycte arrusîtid on the Russian frontien on thcîn w&y 10 Armenia, anti were ete the0 bumines ni Sibenia. The charguesni cruuîîy againet the officiaIs si imb Elmira, N. Y., nuf onmaîory have beun distnisseti. Plunt Pîcdsng.-Onu pint 0f choppeti suut, onu antdionu-hall pin ts ni raisiins anti currants,oee anti ne-balfessps of molasses, oue anti one.baif cupe nf ilu, onu lus- spoont ni of eota, onu beaspoonful of sait, r twon umage, tbneu egg, ,ne-hall povot of citron antifontr enougb 10 mate lit etP- ,ethan cake. Tic up in a c!otb nr put ii a bu'tlereti uouiti ant i l Ifive bouts. Serve with a bard sauce., Pîtcher's Castorlafr liHardi on Drutikarcis. T~TIT~TheY Think It'Funny. -1ý URU L AR 8 VER ý To reprees tituikennese the G overnon ni Wîîet an Ainet-ican muets 'ar ar-I arut-' Si1. Petersburg lias juet orderedti hat the suce siter datk, no malter uuhat the biout, THE DISPUTE BETWEEN CHINA naines anti atidresses ni al pereoets foutt bue sys:. "Gooti eveutng," sod lieu tbcy j utoxteatet inl the streets, regartilese ni separate bue sys: "Cooriniglit." But in AND JAPAN SETTLED. tank or sex, shall be postudlu certatrn pub- Canada onue nten bears the latter phrase ln lie places in thte c ty audaiso priuîed lu the salutatin as weil as lu gond.by. To an Offecial Gazette. Fitty yeane ago ihcy 1Atuetican ir seeme otit when, on £eeing a lrsîeaielies Xètelecd likiffI.eîa Frîtui sieuComnpeiledti 10sweep the streets for s tniedtit h ie latter ativauces with:" Gond ToLevo Wlte A- îM buitaennler nifbotîre under the eye ni the r.igbt,'sir. How are yn? CIcearîy Thît Ilse Var ltuse Eacs tes nchuie. -_____ __ l'raciieaîly"reisated __________ A tiespatch lrnm bondon sys :-Impor.. tanttiepatches have been receiveti hure froue Tokyo iutiicating 'cîuariy that itbu war lre twcen China anti Japan bas practicalîy endel. Wbateve n îsltrctions have beau ceuvey. cd te the commau daesnifthes respective rr.ilitany anti navailfotree from the gov-- eruiug powure ni the two emspines i8nit bold in the ativices, but assurances are gis-en in quarters known te bu tbornughiy cogni-î zaut of diplomatie affaire that the Emperor of China bas beau pnevailed upon be basteit commissouers te Japan, anti that thuse euvoys have such powere ni concession as will, without doubit, unabie thetu to bring, about an immutifatu anti thonough anti ni lîostîllticsq. The details nt Ihuir aîsîhîrity arc not giveu, but thbu preeumprtioo lu dip- lomatie ,quarters le that the concesions asked by the Japanesu Governneunt have met with theuasesecce ni bbc reigntug powcre ni Chine. CttEttTED If W t5HsttOON. A d'espatcb frotu Washington sys :-The late bout at whieh cabie advices 'frotu L-n- îdon n.s ru received iu this city on Thursday night, indicating at least a cessation, nof hostilities ini the field betteeen the Goveru. mentsof China and Japan, preclude a v'ery thorcîîgb canvass of diplomatie quartere to îthe tenor of advices received by the offcials cf the fcreigu Goveruments. Direct ques. tions as to thesubjeet m-itter weru evasively Imet, but the reticence was not s0 complete s to in any particularlessen the ý«nportanc3 of the London despatchel howing the near- nees of a peaceful solution nf the question between the contendingpowers. Decline of' Farm Lands in Eî gland. 1 recent rental of a farm in the County of Suffolk, Eugland, illustrates in a practi- cal waiy the surprieing decrease iun te valiee of farm lands in Eugland. A few week ago a f arm coneistiug of 130 acres %vys put up for rentai at auction in Ipswich. The auction syetem ni lease was resorted 10, as tbe proprietor had been unable ro obtain a tenant by any nîber meane. The aucteoneer annouuced bis upset pries, and asked for bide, fie received £10 above this figure, andi the, farm was lut for £60, the landiord undertaking at the samne time to do certain repairs' which hrought the net rentaI down to) £35 a year. For twelve years previous to 1879 the farmi brought the owner $200 clear yearly, after ail expense hati heen paiti. The deeline in prices, tberefore,may bc gauged by £200 in 1879, as againet L35 in 1894. We bave uothmeu to paraliel this in Canada, "IIO'W TO ClUIlb ALL SKIN DBIïIEASES" Simply apply 'SWAYNE'S OIITl'tENT." No internai miedicine required. Cures tetter, czemna, itob, ail eruptions on tue face, bands, nos@, etc., leaving tille kin clear, wvhite and healthy. Its'great heal- ing and curative powere are po2eesed by ne other remedy. -Aek your dý-ugeist f or SWAYN;E ; OINTVIENT. Lyman Sons & Co., MootreaI Wholesale Agents;. flic formula for mnaking Scot t's Emulsion bas been endorsed by physic.ians aI the whole txorld. Na secret about it. This is anc ofI lb strcengest endorsements. Biit the strangest endorsement passible is in the vital stre;ngilt gives. naurishes. It 'does more for -weak Babies and Growving Children than any other kind ofnoaurish ment. It strerngthens Weak Mothers aud ce- stores health to ail suffering fronn Emaciation and General Debility. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Th; ont, Bran.' chitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blond Diseases and Las ofFiesh. Sceit & Bonne, Belleville. Ais Drsggîss, oc,$. FOR TW7EN.TY-FiVE YEARS THE COOK S BES i FRID LÂRCEST SALE IN CAN~-ADA. mA Fine Opportunlty.. MooetYouîh-ls--,Ihave ouîy $5,000 a 3est, sir, but 1 tbiuk I eau support your daugbîer on that." Fatier (en îhusiastically) -"Support ber, MY deer boy? Why, you cao support ber entire iaîntly on t' William K. Vanderbilt importe Itis car- i age horees front Enulaet. PAIN CU]Jr When B3aby wnss ielz, o gave lier Castorla, W heu ehe was a <hild, sho crud forCatia When she became isis, she clung t atr~ When she -,ad Cidren, she gave them Castcia, f/STSUCCESSFUL fiEfEOY> FOR MAN OR BEAST. Ceti a1e effeeZand never blisters., Father Donza, director of the Vatîcan Cetai dprons.fteeîw after an audience wththe Pope., E BîALLYS L. I.,N CURanE9,184 Dr.DAB. J.SPA VIA.CUR How to get a "Sunlight" picturl. Dr. B. J . a eued1d bay liesein Sand 25 ý'Sunli2ht" Snap wrappers Kendaul's Spahth,.e. f r $30. 1oer! wrapper bearine the wcris "Why Does Io ly hd hirn fewes o ehre a Woman Look O.d Sonner Than a Mt/an") 82 Worthof Kendall'@ pavîue to LFEr.ER Bas , Ltd., 43 Scott Yours truly, .S Toronto, andi ynuwll recetve by post KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE pretty picture. free front advertising andDrB.J]KNALC.HLE MH.De 1,8., well worth framing,. This àe an easy Sirs-I have used Your Rendall'asSpavin cure eray ta o -te our homne. The soap "Ih90 ucesfrCub ntohorees andi Ù3 the b(ýsr in the market, and it wilt Yours truly, AIJGUT FRE DERICS, only cnet le. postage to eend in the rey$1 pr B îeterd. wrappers, if ynleave ths eddsOien. .Dr,. B. J. KEWDILL C02?JF4lir,) Write yýour a8idres.s carefully. ENOS13URGH FALLS. tJT. w -J CUJR IS E Eoicl - IANGEII T(i A WEIKLY ! To extend ils urefoîn,-se a-i makg it a rrîcticqa necesset y to every progresve Fiariner and hie family. the Aenericaui Auric îlturisî re nom pnUblsb-ci weekl'y (instead of monthly), aI OXLY $1.00 A YIiAR ! Ail tbe leding teýs iat bave made the mouishlv se popular are retained snd mauy new featurei, add- ed ý Gstaeera! andi Local MIarket Prices, Crop Reporta ia their se.sean, C-cndenseti Faim vp, and Lettere Among the Farmers. i VRM FEATUr.E3,-Live 3tock, Dairyinz, fHorlic sl"r'-, Pjultry, Market Gard,-nk,,, andi other topics, writteu by Pra-ticil aund e ,u l',e~ isre-ue wittb , flntratione by able artisti ,cminAl to malats linviluble b thizi, wb 'ilrmuit for a Iivlit,_.'"The Latest Marketes udcomnmerctal Aýzric itture ars L 3 1 in, Fesi-es, in wbich the Azric'tlturisl le not excelleI. RîIiiab'e 8pýciaI Cîýrresrln ti1-tts efth Gîýneral and Local Market Centers aIl over the Unîit-t StateA ento ii ,)r ep tI th t lat,3t prices ou everythinet the t'armer bas te sal1. This Departmacut ai tue je wàrth msry im3s tIsa cnet of a yeae's subseription to auy Farmer, FIVE EDITIOINS !-To better adapt the Agriculturist t e e pcýcialI oft n encha section, five editions are issneti, for 6eve diforent section3 ni th- countlry. E steru, Middtle, Central, Western, Sonîbern. Each E lition cntains speci % i c! F&%l'on-a clar- acteristic of, ils sectien, perfecîly adapting iltoeIhe wants.ni the Fa-merspof tht. diffenentý stales in that section. Thuis esctu editioit bgeames to 1h3 Farmcrs as s th-ir, hsm3 agrieultural paper, as though pinblishedl at thein own state capital. THE F&MILY FEATITRUIS,- Short .9lnrieg, Latt ;Fa3hivte, F.enc-j vWorr, The Gond C-iok Taiks with thejJ cto)r Puzzle Conteesanud oiia,,FalIkî' Page, c nline ta malte this Deparîment ni as mucb vaius and inýere3s a3 m esot i ee 'pet-tai ami1v Paperm. Q testions %nswened ou Law, Mtsdiie, Vctel-iisrv anti thtc tepe fre,' Thc Mazozine lontu; eachissue comeont withi a neat cover, the zambgr of piges varyiný frota 28 to 36. An Ideal FaYm andi Family Weelrly. Free Sample Cop? s, genu relu .Ne x Subscribers sending t .00 now, for the year lh95, will recÉive th - tnt of tut j ycatr fre, American Agriculturset, 52 balayette Piae; New York, THE BST I'TESIStANsu ad Agrîcoltu-st onue year for $1.80.,Oorft ClubbiaB recelir aI is olice. Foi ALL SRZS OF Bt'àLImîGS, SCapacuf-pfront 10,00 fo 00 CUbîc G're - '5re ilAtV RATE, rea1- trlapteti for wooti bunnin- ticavy teci PlateFire BoxDorne tus aehB n , uviicit b t~ qieler and are more durabile' R1 ADIATO nofModernuConstrue. r us p1r ion anti Great Heating Power 9' LARGE ASH PIB I COALFURNACE Larg CobusiChmbr- Large I abing Surface b - ~ Izott*aI [ar Dumpinig Orate D91E ASH Pff Sa- OXFORD WCaoa PURNAC I___________ FPull Uuaranteed Capacity -'Il fr... SlMtIL OL ...Maunfacturet lsy... i~ Tho URI~EY O~JH»RYC 3I[AY LdTPO O .5 ~ ~11 k ,....,,., .,., ~ ,'erse,,r.n7 t ~ u. j x. Dr. Chase's 1Kidrey-Liver Pille arc Womcn suffet unspeaL-able tortures freint combuttion nf valuae ic edicines i n oncen Irriscunar w ckîess, causedlby impi nre ~eacd nrmas repredby he minut ilyandi poor blond. Uîic Kidney scid poison, lrcian aud Author, Dr. A. W. Chase, with t Ytewaýn,;tenevsadÉ,jS.I -itew 0 fot nniy bu an uefailing reuscdy fo3 usuecîcti, weardenstl esce ndoso m.tidney uaed Liver troubles, but also toue thtc proe bl p. r by c , th Kidornssdoro- Stoutaclh anti purify Il c Blocd, aI ot Il p.py prf i lnIe onspo a cost ty lapsus, retroversîon, etc. BlOod 751cer cent, La withi iite reach ofaîl. The superior meitpr -no orihri i ethbed of Ihese pis is ustablisheti beyond questiort proefis nat ouciser-i nt bc tadahowbich by hepris ofthusnd wio sethm-n( they would give to gel andi STAY Well. If Pli ado, one box 25 cents. t 5 heir blond is freItem the poisonous ferments 2. WThen th re sa ai ofchrouble Cofnthe Kiducys and biver, they w;ll neyer Bs~l tu Kifn-s ar spakig o trobît-. Q~'know what «"weakness" is. The bîcoti is the lui Lwii, ever increasu unicîs source autisustain er ofhealîh reliteud. Ve have the ru-Y tcreb kppuexet abestatement of L. B. 15cno b etpueecp Johusn, Hliant Lanfegtieir wnrîr naîuraîîy. Some- who says:1 hati a con- thingisuetet oinsure Ire elaut Baek-Ache, iny bock su atural ection of these feit.-cold raIl the limne, appetite poor, stomacý rgns nu a5cn lxn iie-ie il sontspdbelcing urne salting hat tagelwill prove toanay sufferer they are a boon t, Up 3 Or 4 times during night tou .nmate, coin- wme, cati he useti tvith perfect confidence nmenced taicking onue Kidney-Liver Filii a day: C , by those of delicate constitution. Back Aýche stopped lu 48 houer s aptieOnu Kidncy-Lis et ui llaken mweekly wil lurned, antiable la erjoy a gcoâ hi c and effeceuaily neutralize the formation oI Uria gond gts sleep; tliey cureti me. Ç' Acid su the blond-and prevent suy tendeny )3. Const ipation often existe wiîh Kiin bBright's Discase or Diahetes. i-.le, in sc1i a case there e n metilcin, or purifyitîg the Blond and rençvating the tht il ffc apemnetcote except ChaFe' system. esPectaily iLute Spring, one 25 cn cunine Kîiny Lverlii, nu 5 Cnt e.box is equal O 10 so w tliofnIay Sarsaparilla tuu o oe on itn olas nt olîz- or Billets Lkuown. Sulti by ahl dealers, or b wî rth n1 vy ote :catatien, tIbis is en,,uiý r;,il onu rceipt of price, EDMAIVSON, SA TES ',hnput llulland i nding, Ou7, CO., 45 Lombard Street, Tor'onto. Y C