j I TRS-15 ERA-u.OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WO'RLD AFTERWARDS. M.A,~ JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOII. INEW SERIESBOWMANYILLE, OiNTARIO, WEDNES-DAY, DECEMBER 2(i,1894., VOLUME XI.IUBE 2 Show a large and choice assort-c ment of useful and orna- mental goods suit- able for 'I' O O)IMZEE'ISIING- Ladies. Fur Capes, Collars and lYufs, Ladies German-made Coats, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, and Gait- ers, Five- O'clock Table Oloths, Table Napkins, Tray Cloths and Dôyles, Embroidered Lawn Hand- kerchiefs' Broeaded, Hem Stitched Initial and- Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs Special Value, Children's Bibs, a lot of Dress pat- terns and Dress Goods of all kinds. Suits for the little boys, and Mens and-Boys Over Coats in ail i zes and qualities. We would direct particular COBO URG. The plate collections at the Preshyter- ian church on Sunday amounted to, $500, wbich, together with the assistance of a generous lady lu Cobourg, reached the handsome suin of $1,024. Thursday morning about 3 o'clock the general store, post office sud residence of ,George Mitchell, Baltimore, were totally destroyed by tire. Mr. John Boyd'a car- niage warerooms were also destroyed. Mitchell's loss is about $6000, partly cov- ered by insurance. Boyd's losa unknowu but covered by insurauce. Cause of fire thought te be incendiary. The town of Port Hope bas very gra- ciously conferred a favor upon the Cou- ties, by sending three cf their indigents down to the county goal as vagrants for six months. The newly fitted up wards for aged indigents in the goal will doubt- lesa be -well patronized by the various municipalities in the counties. lb pro- vides a good escape from the expense cf maintaiuing indigents at home, but it is pretty tough on the counties. The new altcratious at the goal will make that in- stitution practicslly a flouse of Refuge for the poor ai over the counties.-Co- bourg Sentinel-Star. If you have a troublesome cough, don't keep uibling sweets, and so rein your ap- petite.> A dose or two cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do you more good than pouuds of candy, and as8iet' rather than impare your digestion. Always keep tbis medicine in your bouse. Like a Miracle in Verv Low C ondition With Con su mption Physicians Said Sh'î Was Il,- c urabl e .[ýRRY-onluRISTMAS *TO (UR PTRON". HOLIAY OVELTI E8. JO0HN S TON îe>tC RYD E R ÊA N ENNISKILLEN. A.very mie esting sud scnsacre- mental service nt the Preebyterîsuai churcli list Suuday. '.h" serVice w%4 couducted by the pastor R ýv. R. M. iilr, B. A. At the preparatory service un Frîday five young people utiited witlh the churcb, The annual service ut the 8!bove churcli New Years Day will uncioubîiedJy equal if net excel the very succei.sa entertaii- meuts furnisbed o ý-n peio yesrs. NLo one wili edsponl h a rag to be preseut. Secebis. An excel'lenit programai was fu rnîshed byr the pupils cf the public school oni Wed- nesday afternoon ai the sehool hiouse, a number of the parents being prescut.Mr J. A. Young treated the pupils to nuis sud caudies. The pu pils are vervsorry to lues thb-eir teacher. AIr. Yong lef t for bis home ln Weuîwoith coun!y, on Sat-. urday morning. Tbe previous eveniing Mdrs. Maroney gave an oyster suppeýr te the Public School leaving cases and their teacher. After supper be rss greatly surprised by having a superb picture of the class preseeted to hîm, taken by M1r. fi. Tait, with a cuif box, cuifs and an el- egant pair of goid sleeve links,, the special gif f t iis claes. Mr. F. Msroney resd an appropriate addîess to which Mr. Young feelingly responded. fie was quite over- come by the great klndness sbowu hinm by every oqpe. Mr. A. Hayes and family moved to Prince Albert lasi week. They will be greaiely missed. BET INTH ORO THE OLD AND JFEEBLE. It Banishes Old Troubles and Renews-ý Life. In Canada thousande of (Id people are indebted to Paiuc's Uelery Cu mpound for S. S. No. 9, CJLA BKE. Mr. Chas. Chapple, cfBiin, Mon., ils coming home.te attend schwký.. _.Mr. 1 S* opear of ilydon was3 visitig at Mr. Henry Bowevn's recently. -Miss Nellie Pollard isbone from Wbitby I (dis ol. lege. and Mr. Joe Poll.%rd from Gueiph AgrcutuaiCollegp.. .A num ber cf weddings are exppri- d to take place in snd around the kscciion accu. COLUMBUS3. M1r. W. J. "Cole bas called a public m)eetLing in the Town Hall bere for the 2i7th ii, to take into sericus cousider- atien the deairability cf formiug anAd run- nin g a e3heese factory and creamery. Ableý addlreïses upon the sutqect may be Lookded for, sud mis is hped tieewil.lbe a ilattendaauce. I is an ïimp,'ortant subec ad one well wortby of faithf nI 31r. J. T. H. ancock has buili a band- soebikr.tsdence c)sting some $, 1500, It is modern lu ai! lis appoiLtnkjLltF3 aod oeue cfithe best farmresiidences lin Oniarlio, 'Theý cellar is bujît especially for the storage (cf appl)e. . ..0cr ueighbor rjohn cGrgor depuby-reeve cf ILEm t1btby, w'.11 be a 1can-didate for the revsior 185.fi is a mais wýho bas, t~erespect sud econ'fidence cof the votera ard J1 1),poila very Jlarge vote should lbe Ur. Chas.ý Fairbai, 'M. P., of South Vicora, asbeeni burned oct. Loss ceitens iscomdiusbrna and stbealhidofcaieaa î ero cfh inasd ag m oun f alb I' latentonto the value of our Silk ~Hpdkerhieis, some Unes ofwhich Isaac Eyrp.a, formerl ycf Cavan, broth- er of Wm. Eyreascf Peterboro, was killed at bis home, Lemars, Iowa, bv falling front a windmlll on Thursday, Dec. 7. fie b-f t Mnvers about 20 years age. fHe was 61 years old ai the time of bis death sud leaves s family cf 6 boys, sud 4 girls, ail growu up. fis wife is auni cf Mr.- D. F. Walsh, Starkvihle1. SALEM. The S. S. Christmas tree entertaiumeut Friday uight was a spendid success. Mr. F. IL. Bragg, sept., presîded. Af ter a fine program cf siuging and recitationa by the children trained by Miss Fseidi nR sud Mr. W, E. Poliard, speeches by Revs. Wilson sud Bai stone, the iree was uuload- ed cf its numemous sud vamied preseuisq, evemy cificer, teacher sud cbild recuivinig eue. Mr. Bragg was the recipieuit of a flueic Oxford Teacher's Bible frcm Big 20, A, vtery pleassut urne was eujoyed. Scoti's Emulsion ls Ced Liver 011 per- f ected, snd is prepared upon the princîpie et its digestion sud assimilation lu the buman systern; hence it la given wihout di8turhing the stomacb. KIRUB Y. - Visiiors: Mý1is da Lang home feromr Os. hawa llîgh ýcbool; lMiss Miler, Coid- wa er. ai P4îr. Leudersou'a5; Mr. Fred W'. O. WVerry cf Troeai MUr. C. J. Thomuî- toni'a ... - Miýs Eth1el îcab as reaigu. ed sud, Miss Et1'rhel Powers aceesas er2aluist-.. . Fleich'er Chiapmau is home frîn 1ilville sudpraedee Suulday. Mm.1Af. Chaipm nreeieda letter fr"om Re'v Geo.Edals ins teamuounicing ihe1 ea0 hof bis bie gin, Alie- M. Johni Kivellis od bee w-0lreyaînedsdee3hn wYeut ffgradl. ...Nr. MlilePwr te prseithbeteacher, Mm. Ambros.(e Stan- ton, wîth a purse cf $20 ini recoguition cf bis-services as teacher. M r. T. H. Po wers Àk .1