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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1894, p. 7

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Y J f y" M II ft tftnrl Ta Our clubbing rates With other papers- X MI1.~ U KI~tNn sd magazines are the lowest. X MIIILWE*BIS The laie T. 3J Warrington. of Belle- ville, had hise111 e enoured for $30.000. WEBB DINC PRESENTS We have to thank His Honor, judge B sofor copis of th, Wst Durham 171 votere lie. Bc'ýt alueA "Conundrum Social" wilh be held in Latest N ovelties, day evenin, Jan. 4th, 1895. Watch for The guitar solo by Mr. SSedley was Larg est vcLiety, given theemast pronounicedl recal of the oning r Smedley appeared to have Pretiles De igns ibad perfect contrai of the guitar and the honor done him was deerved.-The Lon- Spac wîl no pemit ven don Advertiser. ,...fa c ripti n fot1permit ven Mr. Robert Ashton, Coumbus, who ~fant esripio ofurnov1-bas passed bs 9Otb birthday was in tw 4 ties but we wish to say a word on Friday hat and gave the Oshawa Vin- dicator a pleasant cal1He came to this about hairbrushes and Per- section of the country in 1832 and bas a vivid recollection of wbat Oshawa was at fumes. We have 200 diflèrent tbat time. styles. of brushes and the priceS The popular and clever entertainer Mr. W. E. Ramsay will present bis latest euc- will ýsurprise youý Iu perfumes cess "A Trip Around the Worhd" in the have electd oneor t o rwn Hall, Jao'y. 8, under the auspices we haeclce oeo w f Jerusalemn Lodge of A. F. & A. M., of lines from each of the World'S Bownianvillo. Tbe eutertainment ls spoken of lu the bigbest terme by botb rnost famous makers and those prose and publia and je said to surpass who esie te bet te wrldanytbing of the kind ever before attornpt- produces should eall and see are remarkabhy reahîstia, while Mr. Ram- froM 10e SSay'0sosnge are ahi now and Sung in Canada our stock. Prices rm cs for the fint lime. to $7 a bottie. ThM Lnda Post goes into ectacie of other night. As hoe and Mr. Smedley ap-' Mî S TOTT & J URY par in Bowmanvill New Year's nigh', Dnugist an Opicins.words: Mr. Grenville. P. Kielsoer was ____________________________the attraction cf the evenlng, sud a more ,av taiented artist lu bis lino, wo behieve, bas JNew' Advertisements neyer appeared bore; hie impersonations are ahi refined-and are perfect in execu- tio.0f th. thor artiste these notices of SpecialI m- are given: G. F. Smedley, the Dîrector, P le a host lu bimaeof, bis banjo solo p3ortance. IIIHaydn'a Gypty Rondo" beinLoeospeciahly _____________________________fine..-Brockvilho Daily Timues. PRFWARD.-Chef Jarvis lias receied Wê beartily cancun In Ibis Sentimentaof $5000notice off erng the above reward for the Miihbrook Reporter: A subscription the arret cf -a yunnlg man whese pi hr as besu v!cdi tott & Jurys wiudow. Cail, Znd ses the lit bas been started for tobnftc b puture and at the saaýe turne take a look at the Xmas widew aud family cf the late Sir John e ovelties' tht re the 'dmiration of every ene. Gold Topo.Ti earmdl brt specacle to t al sigte.wbicb the departed wouhd bave beon boath ta kuew was to ho instituted. and ASURPRISE PARTY.-We are goiug to surprise e:very parLà ihat isits our store this Season in sc smycuebsfmh noac ofach iXnias Prsents, ina fat w î were surpised in after yoars. If, as we believe, bis em- oureelves to see the beantiful little novelties as we uaaked case after case, and the prices are within imeut services warrant sucb recognition, the areache of al. Take a look at aur 25 cent lot parliament make a grant as a taken of window. 'Stott & Jury, Druggists and Opticiaus. bis devotion ta bis country, wbich will ho more lu keeping witb the dignity cf the ~RANCE VS ENGLAND.-Freech and Englielfi ly and the honor cf our Dominion. F9Perfuumes vie wiih ecdi ther iu predncing the &i niesi perfeci handerchief parfumnes lu thc world aud The Sunday Scbool entertaiument lu ibis year we hae ar large stock of tic, bcd odors atiecd of ticheetteaoufnnlker îhathege cutnies. St. Paul's Scbool raam Friday night was Prices run fram 10 cents te 17 a bottle. Sec them! Ses a gyrand success. The echool roorn was W thin! Stott & Jury, Dinggists and Opticians. crowded and ail seemed te enjoy the very A interesting proRram Piven by the chiîdren, ý Gold Spectacles for presents, wbich conisted of Kinder2arten Sangs, at Stott & Jury'". Recitation, Dialogues, (ld MotberGoose's SSpeciai value in Gold Spectacles, Rhymes, Workiag S-zene, Noted Women's The parts were ail well taken sud the teachtrs deserve great credit for the choyer -'RANDTRUNKRAILWAY. way lu wbicb tbey trained the youn.- folk. ï O MNILESAIN Dr. MeLaughin officiently acted as chair- - ruVLE TTIN an. Miss M. MeLaughlin aloo did ber eaxt~iA5T eNroWEST part well as pianiet. Proceeds $28.75. Epes. .1 3a ru Express ...5 4- a m The uittle folks were each gîvon 'a bag of sEnge.. SP -w1Passenp!er. ...8 45 a m. candies at the close. Passenger.,.. 7 04 p m Passenger. ...2 25 p m Express ...10 25 p ru Eprese ...7 46 pin Mr. W. Weeks made a maguificeut ex- ________hibition of Cristmas meats, the fineet ~ ~ ~ rade lu Oshawa for years. West Durham E ~ ~U~U~IIX gels the credit for pradncing most of il, r tao, w0 the Vindicator tatee. One auji- IBOWMANVILLE, Dtc. 26, 1894. mai, particularhy flue ilulber proportions sud condition, was a tbree year aid maiden beifer purchased fram M s. R. Local and, Otherwise. Ormiston, Enfid. She tipped the beam and boîfer from Mr. Wm. Farsey, Zian, Friday the 2lst int., was the eBorteet Darlintou, whicb wauid probably weigh day u te yer.2,500 pounds. Another animal et 1,100 A lodge cf Sons cf Eugland may seau pounds weiLyht made cheice beef. Besides ho institnted at Tyrene. tho beef Mn. Weeks bas sevon choice Burketo)n's new church will hoe apeued white Soif 1lk pige f roms Mn. Win. North- Sunday and Manday Dec. 30ch and 3lst. cote, lake shore, sud twa lram M'l-.Fursey. We give the CiinisTiAN GUARDIAN free A number cf prime Iambe purcbased Irans fr balance ai 1894 ta uew subecibers for Mn. S. Snowdeu, Darlingteu. Mr.,Weeke 1895-oly $1. sys the stock wss tue beet ho could find. Mrs. Rowan, Caesarea. (t.elict of the lu paultry ho bad tnrkeys, gesse, ducks aeoPiRihard Rowan) bas been for sanie and chickens. Mr. Weeks is tr- ho con- timolu 'eeypaa heatb.gratulated upon gettiug tagether sa flue Miass \rmour'a Choral Club cousistin ., ot cf goode and Oshawa le particularly ijrtunate in having sa energetic a caerer ofI 24 voicoeswill sinz at the Concert -!U to the wanta of the public. The ever- thse _MUrsic Hall on Fiday evening, Dec. green deccratians at thseebhops wene veny '28th. Camne and bear tbcm, attractiçe. Attend the Grand Hjoliday entertain- Soid Gald Spectacles scientificaliy fit'ed me.nt iai the Musie Hall on Friday evon- at Rickard'â and away down lu pice. '., ng Dec.o~th under the auspices cf the Dec LoST-A png dog answi-ring te Epworth 2.eagne 0f the Methodist church.teniebDk. Fne ilcne .À4missic 15. Double ticket 25. tenm Dk. idrwl uic ~0t~eft~hat ntrtinuetscfthse greataver by giviug information te oDr. season wil ho given iu the Music Hall on Fnlday eveiog Dac. 28,.h cobsisting af We urgeutly need a 'few Amenican solas, duet3, rectatiens, choruses, etc. green backs fer use lu orderiug 1I. S. Admission 15e; double tloketo, 25c. See pubiications. XViI onr U. S. sub8cribers progrme. indly oblig'e us. -Th ho wb wanî sarnetbing real nico a suit ai uuderwear, a white shirt. If ~for 1bC oliday season will flnd the China the idea je .wartb anything, auy of these Hall b' Corner store, Bouusall's Block, may ho fonnd at prices ta suit tIse times the pla' -, ta buy good thinge for littho at the Bauknupt store-Tod's aid stand. mxoney-china and gaswane, fancy A beautif ni lot cf Ernbroidered Silk wares, lampe, faucy cupe and saucors, Handkercbiefs sehing off ah about hiall oranges, enons, etc. A litIle mOueY the usuai picoe t Couch, Jobnaton& goos a iong way hore. Miss Martyn wil Cyderman'-nice for presents. favor al! who huy with big velue.K.D 4 1 cechnicotihi. ChiIcIrern Cry for HOLIDAY VISITORS. Christmas Displayis. Mn. A. J. Saunders af tIse Guardian Mn. C. M. Cawker as usual made the office, Taronto; Miss Mabel Tait, borne largeet display cf Christmuas meats sud frons; Dr. H. H. Tyler, Canton, the quality was A 1 ail round, and tIse N. Y; Mn. J. L. Alexander, CeugreLya- tasîy arrangement was Moset creditable. tional Colege, Mentreal; Mn. Fned. Me- Hie punchases for Ibis display iuclrded Chung ai tIse East End Pbarmacy, Tor- four supeniar grade boIfers frcm Mn. T. auto; Mr. Ga. E. McKowvan, Oakvilie;- Gibson, Clarke; ans fir rM. J.H. Werry, Mr. Perry Dabsen, Albert College, Belle- Betheeda; one Durham ifler Irans Mn, ville; Mn. Chas. Warder sudý Mr. G. Chas. Frauk, Maple Grave; three flue Busbroe, Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Viola pigsesacb Irons Mn. Thos. Veai, Bowman- Gilfillan, Victoeia University, Toronto; ville, audMr. W. Moane,Tyrone; a fine otaf Mnr. H. W. Fabey and Mn. T. G. Bragg, Shropshire sud other flue hembs, poultry. TrnoUniversity; Mn. Neil Yellowleep, and curefi meats, A greal nsany called Tinton r rd ake feOtro and admined tIse disphay lasI week. Agicoltunal Collonse, Goeloh; Mies Edua .Mn. J. B. Matyn made a very fine dis- Geuld, Toonto; Miss Millie Grigg sud play ai Chistimais ueats and hie hotchen, Miûs Kernebam, Demuli College, Oshawa; IMnr:William~ Wight, certaiuly deserves Mn. Norruan Sinclair, Tarante; Mr. E. special credît for the perfect mannen lu T. Slem,)n, Mathematical Master cf Oshi- wbich lie dresscd il. Amang tIse exhibits awa, HigIs School; Mn. F. G. James, Te- wone a prime Durham beifer, 1250 Ibo., ranto; Mrs. Jý R. Lane, Smitb's Fals; led by Mn. J. Frauk Osborne; another Messrs. R. D. sud Tom. Fairbairu, To- fine beifer, 1185 Ibi., fed hy Mr. W, C. routa; Miss Annie Hsyne. Demilh Cal- Blackburn; au extra good sheep, 245 Ibes, legse, Oabawa; Mn. W. Walker, Tarnot; ed by Mn. W. Fursey, Zion; five Iambe Mn. R. R. Lawrie. Scbaal ai Science, To- fed by Mn. Z. Adams, Clarke; and same route; Mn. Jahn Hern cf Hamilton; Mr. pretty ponkers fed by Mn. S. J. Heny, W R. Thicksan borne Iras Manitoba; Tyrans. Il pnesented a very attractive Mr. ffi. Burk homo Irans Indian Hlead, appoarauco. N. W. T. -Mn. S. Fcster's Christmas disphay was a gccd one and îucluded a very chalce Mre. Beor cf Branuford le visiting bier lathen, Mn, TIsas. Lyle. Mre. (Rev.) W. S. Pritchard le visitiug bier parents at Hanneston. Mr. L N. Haogarth, D. D. S., le vieit- ing fionde iu Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. John Stacey, Cedardale, bas heen visiting ber uncle Mn. S. W. Sander%. Mn. H. J. Kui2ht le viitiug Mr. F. H. KuigIsI, Dnew Serinary, Madisan, New Jersey. Mn. Fred. Hoan ell ast week for Cleveland, Ohio, wbeno hoe will spendtlIe winter. Iu October ast 5000 people attendedaI lthe Maeeey Hall, Toronto, ta bear Ras- say givo bis "trip round tIse wold." Hoe appears lu Bo wmanvils, Jan. 8. Sorne choice reading for youug folks is ou our inaide pagos. They shenld read "bld Fat, Tom," "Strange Birds" aud "A Chrismas Adveuture." TIse Home aud Frs departments xiii intereat tIse older people. TbeGnand Truk Holiday Excursionnrates are as follows :-Fare and oue-third tick- ets geod ta go ou Dec. 2lst, 22nd, 23rd. 24tb, 25 b, 28tb, 29tb, 3tb, 3lst, and Jan, let, gocd ta returu ual later than Jan. 3rd, Single fane tickets gccd ta go Dec. 24th ard 25th, neturning ual later tIssu Dec. 3let, and Jeu. let, ntoruiug not later than Jan. 2nd.' TIse greateat papors in Great Britain and the United States freely ackuowledge the wandenlul menit of the FAmiLy Hxn. ALI) AND WEEKLY STAR, Moutreal. Thse F AMILY HERALD le a great newspapon sud a great lamily papen, but it is mron than tIsaI, ill e nfaItIse greateet suthonities lu tIse world ou cheese, butter, general dairyiug, sud general farming. How a progressive up-ta-date fermer cau do witbout thse FAiviTII ERALD AND WFEE- LY STAR Of Montreal is bard, indeed, ta unâerstaud. Af ten Stanley Staples stili. AttlIe last meeting of Cartwright Cauncil Mr. James IDevitt, oneofaItIse victime cf the Staples bog escapade, addreesiuig tIse Couucil, said there is a mavernu on foot lu Dan- lingtcu and Clarke ta pnoceed agaluetthIe party who defrauded a numben cf the ratepayers cf tsese municipalities out of a large numben of bogs by iesuing checks which, ou prescutatian wene ual hcuored, sud in order ta naise a foand to prosecuts tIse guilty party il is propoeed tIsaI sach muuicipality should contribute te tIse found; sud Cartwright, a nuruber aI whose ratepayens were interested, ie asAked ta contibute $25 towards tIse fuud No ac- tion was laken by the Council. Bonketan achool concert was a liuge succerse. Mn. Wm Bartou, Blackstock, ruade a capital chainman. The cbildreu with their recitations, neidiugs, dialogues sud tableau. did credilta thein teacher. TIs etrng baud did geod service. TIse recitalions of Mn. T. DevitI sud Miss Rhoda Avery wf)ne specialiy well reuder- ed. TIse souga sud necitaticu cf Mn. A. Beacock showed bis abiliiy ag a inzer and reciter. At tIse cloetIse teacher, Mn. H. Sanderson, was preseuted witb su ad- drese read by Miss Ida Hoakin, sud a f ull purse,pnesented by Master Lcfl'y Robbius, on hehalf fthe echool. fHo suitahiy ne- spouded. HIci baves aur comnmunity,1w- rnediately, ta take a position in a drug store lunO hawa. Everybady should bear Mr. Kîsisor lu Tawn Hall, 'Bowîkianville, New Year's uight. Thse Guelphs Herald sayg: "Read. ers af Dickens erijoyed lu the City Hall, Friday eveuing, a treat lu hearing Grnn ville P Klisers interpretation cf wbaî are probably tIse favorite charactone lu tIse beet work aI a rnuch-ioved authon. Mr. Kleiscr's conception cf aId * ehr man Peggetty' le par Lieu larle appy. Ho bringe out witIs true atistic talent the strengtb and pathos or tIse aid man's love Ion 'Little Er'ly.' le portrays thse gay but good hearted 'Micawhers' lu a man- non true toalal precauceived ideas cf tbern whilo hoe makes 'Uriab Hoep' seeru mars eel-like, mare clammy, mare batefully oumble, more wholly vile, tIssu ever ho- fanse. Wo have over one hundred different var- loties of Candies for Xmas. If you want a good choice at low prices corne right here. Oranges, Dates, Fige, etc. Ahl kinds of Nuts. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmaniville New Suitings, New TrouserunLs, Newi Worsteds, New Serges, New OverCoatings -ail just opened out at Couch, Johnston & ryderman's. For the finest assortment ?fDrees Ser- ges and ail other fasbior.ablese mater- ials cal at Couch, Johuston' & Cryder- man's. Don't siver-when yoi* can get ali- wool heavy underwear a;,, Mason's for 50 cents, aîid heavy lilned boots for $.35; and a nice fur coat for $15.' Now shovlng at Oouoh, Johuston & rydarnsan's a fine range 'of Ltdi' Oruvonetto Waterproefs in alil szes. Tbey are the mont satiafactory waterproof that any lady caa buy. Pitcher's Castorla. and an extra fine lamb fed by Mr. W. Souch, Soliîa. Mr. W. H. Osborne made a grand show of 60 turkeys and they were bought from Mrs. James Parr and Mrs. S. Shepherd, Cartwright, and were the best lot. seen here this season. Messrs. Hume & Wright also made a capital exhibit as usual, the quality beîng extra good. Many called last week to inspect. Their assortmient was nicely dis- plàyed and included, tiree Durham ileifers from that well-known stockman. Mr. Samuel Allen; one from Mr. 1. Tabb. A fine lot of Berkshire Hogs from Mr. E. Beliman, and a number of fine Iambe from Mr. Jas. MeMillian. Men's and Boys' Overcoats lnu ah sizesj juBt received at Couch, Johnston & Ct'y. derman's. BORN. ANNIS Near Mr. Vernon, Darlingtin, Dec, 20, the wife of MrEdwin Annis,of a daughter. DIED. WANNAN-In Clarke, Dec. Il Elizabeth Reive beloved wife of James Wannan, aged 72 yaars. MAYNARI THE JEWELLER, "WHITE HOUSE.'- Issuer of Marriage Licenses. .Evening residence, Dilisioni Street, next old B. C. church. M 1i SS 'MABEL NORTHCOTE je pre- IVpared to give lessons in music on Piano or Organ at hier mother's residence, George-st. Instructions for Church Organ a specialty. Prices moderate. BOWMANVILLR'MARKETS. Cerrected by J. MeMartryq every Tuesday FLOU-a, P 100 Itis . $..1 501 WHEÂ,T, Falh, Pbsh .... 0 00 Rusian, i .... O0100 ,Gooue, -...0O00 ri Colorado, . ... O Go White Fie,...O00 Red il ...0 00 BARLET, 7P bush, No. L.. O GO I Il il 2x. O 0O Ilr 2.. 0 00 Two rowed 0OCO OÂTS, White......... 0G RYE mxd..........O GO Bock wbeat P bush . O... GO0 PEÂs, Biackeya, e bush. 0 50 Mmmy o 0.O0G - Small, ...O00 Bine, r.,0O50 BUTTER. beat table, Pe11b. O GO E&Gs, P' doz ... ý........ 000, POTATOES, P bn"h.......O0 0O to $2 I 0 IrO IlO 0' Fi 0 il O il O r 0 r, 0 T0 BOARDER WANTED, LLady preferred. Apply at this Office. 51-4w. F IARX FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- -l' OOD100 CREfaimforsale or te rent just outaide the town of Bowmanville. Apply ta Tuas. BINOHAm. box 72 Bowmanville T-I'OR SALE,--The Homestsad of the -V1 ate William McClellan is for sale. Beiog M0acres, more or less. with frame dwelliog and r,!tbulidin2gs, lot 23, con. 3, Darlington. Apply to S. SNOWDZN or JOHN MOCLELLAN, Execu t- ors. 52 -2w* V ARM TO RENT OR SELL.-Beiing 54 acres of.Lots 10 and il. ConceFsion 3, DYarlineioe), on which are D wel]ing Hanse and Farmi Buildings, a small Orchard, well water. edl and fenced. Stone Cellar for stock. Appty on the urenjises te THOS. GRIGG. or at STATES- HAN Office, Bowmanville. 49-3w TOWN 1HALL Under the Auspices of Jerusalem Lodge A. IA'. & A. M. T'HE VIENT 0F TIE-SEASON Frein Every I Oy Hunts Country e India Ever Clin5 production. C.uilSrn A TRIP Arouncd the World WITII THE PRINCE 0F ENTRTAINERS MR. W. E. RAMSAY AS COMIANION AND fGUIDE Introduci'ig the latestý London Songe, beard by hîmi while in Europe, and sung for the first timne in this country. Yon mray it in Comffort and see pass be oreye, England, Ireland, Scotland, and ail the other countries in the old world and the new. PRI1CES, 25 and 35 cents, Reserved Seats on sale nt Big 20 Book Store. 51--2w XMAS COQES ýGAINu At this ýseason housekeepers are in search of the best fruits. AN Of WE 8H 10 ANNOUNCE to the People "of West Durham that our Xmas fruits have been carefully selected and bought for cash, thus enables -us to seli at prices that will defy competition, THAT WE ARE LEADERS, in fancy groceries iîs a settied fact. These are a few lines we kin.dly ask you to inspeoct before purchas. ing: IN RAISINSI N'J eTS & ORANGES Conesour Cluster, Black Baskets, London Layera, Loose Mascateilsï Valencia Ceylon. Fine Stock of Valencias, Choice Sultanas. CANDIES, F0 Tarragona Alrnonds, Walnuts,, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Floricta Oranges Valencia Oranges, Malaga Grapes. NO lN FACT everything to, make a lYerry Xmas, and Happy New «Year, Kindly soliciting a share of your Patronage, we wish you ail a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. »"%ABowm Aill Bring us your produ6'e and get the highest price in goýct or cash. s i s SUGGESTION IF followed will bring 'ou before such an innumerable array of the Season's Novelties in Books, Fancy Goods, Toys andi Fine Stationery that no matter how fastîious they may be, your friends cannot but be pleased with a choice from the stock. DROP- ilEIFER STRA.YED-Carne on lot VARNI TO RENT-For a term cf H 35, coui. 6, Darlinzon,,tbrout the midCAe AU rears, "Glandhu"-300 acres, 2 mles of Occober, a tuayear old heifer, Ownerwxili f rom Whitby-dood buildings a nd soîl. Admir. please prove prop nry, pay exoenses and take able for stock or dairy. Chance for going lier away. JOHN SANDERCOCK, Orono, P. O. extensively intoToaronto mille business or stock 48-f. raising for Ainerican miarket, Men with capital only need apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. TJOUSE TO RENT -A semi-detached 9ccupied by Cat, Crawfod. Termes modura é RENT-1350 acres lu aIl south 125 acres Apply ta A. YouýNiE, or T. Bi-NGHAm. Boss. of lot 5, sud 25 acrese cf nunili ï lot 6, con. 3, splendid soil,exccllent waten stream and wells fL OUSE FOR SALE at a groau bengali, line wood ou premise-. Twa miles nom Haw- ULSituate corner Ontarioansd Nel'.on St,;, manville-great chance-sale on easy terme, Bowmanille, partly freine sud pantly brick, or will reut foa tenn-plaugh possession given go weil sud puîup, s'able, For cParticulans after berveer. Apply ta Mais. JANE WsenT. appIY t0 JeHN K. GALeBRAITH, barris un, sic" an preimises o; ta D1. BURxE SimpsoN, of B23w- Bowmanville. 48-4,v- manville, 31 If ->OÀR FOR SERVICE-A Thoro-MFARM FOR SALE. -A iret clase f arru B- bred Redi Tarnworth Boan lî kept 1or of 125 acres or 145 acres situated iu the service on icI 19, con. 2, tlarlington,epMaplo township of lEast Whitby let cciu. lats 1,5 sud GroveTerm-$1, cash. T..algnpneo 16 au the Base Lins, about là mlles frein Osha. 48-7w' wa station. 2 miles from Whitby and 60 rude fromuthe echoal houes. LarReroomty builings.,,ý ý OARSFR-T n loani, altagether one af the best grain farmet 1)arl'ugtan. twa thoro'bred Boar.-Im'noveo 10acres af woad. 75 acres lu pagture and freali hakhieWit udIpovdBisinedeceded. Terme easy. Firsi plowlng dons, I"-w' Osbawe. 37-tf, DROP- SUGGESTION Y TOU have «been hoping for to help 1-yon ont in making a choice of suitable things for Holiday Presents for your friends and relatives. Drop in at ALLEN'S BIG 20 Book Store and the -worry of deciding is haif solved. DROP- - IN- /

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