( -ge HFALTH ~~~FAMOUS BATTLES.TH DITJSALEI _________________________Soma of the Great conftcts ogti Nervous Prostration in Women. AcetadMdm TsiS At the battie of Agincourt 62,000 mon WRITERS WHO GUYED WILI-ELX'S ý 7 Nervous prostration hat become soecorn were present, and the ailain numbered 141,. SONG ARE PUNISHED.p u mon a trouble that new ir ens of cure has 400 or 18 per cent. constantly sought. An eéminent physician At the battie of Bannockburn thero were curés the "i'ncurables" by seclusion,rest and 1.15,000 men engaged, the eiain number- Wl5tt Poos.rssanset for Iiuisnu at idiet. Du4 ing the fisst period of treatment ed 38,000, or 28 per cent. Tmelir Enperor Wheun le flates a FOOt At Gettysburg 140,000 meni were opposed, Of flimseir-They Stootl a CoOd Dent But the patient secs only her nurse and phy- n fti ubrtettlFdrlls tn wuo isMse sician, is kept costantly in bied, no reading was 28,198 ;the total Confederate loss was There appears te be a very serions". ze Medace axi elive il he roulesmci i allowed, and a certain quatity of milk 37,000. frecofpnonbtenhe ern fnt toa biiî>s iat f the semn, such as et regular intervals is the only food. Later,, The battle of Barnet was one cf the ifenceud hpiieoplewete Gcnection frInMtead C ilr I)izzimees, IauNa- sîee;, Distress after 1j mperoi n i epei oncîi o nÎnsadC H rn ,atîng, 1/aîin ite ît1e, Wche their most she itsup a ittle, one letter from home a mosi decisiveeverfought. It wasina 471, w_____themérite__ofthe__'lSongte, ventarliahie successas ebenshowns um ekjealwdadasoalti dii ntoad closed the age cf baron rmb in Eng-wh te ert ofhe"Sn to eung we salwdadas iteadto eland. Aegir" which has recently, been placed the diet. Sîep by step ths. ordinary methods Thne Battie of the British iloldiers is a uipou the market with the monarch'a UT 'as beiaino Csos.wi h atoaoo of lfe tre reaumed, but alway a with these name given to the battle of lukermaun, naine figuriag on the title page as that of millons of persona, permit un.te speak of it waithourt gnesnZ. J faace etCITERs LiTTeL Livm ier Pr( three ideas uppermost-seclusion, rest and Novem ber 5, 1854, becautse the British troops the composer. Now, if there is one nation are cqually inlîa1el Constpation, curinuL diet. bore the brunt of the fightiug. ]Et i. ungnotton&bhly th bet rmedy for ufm a ad chnarz51M anprevEnting tLsannovingeomltwi(roehAtn te hch nesad Ihyaso correct al dsoiderà of th~e toitacch. Thepyî nof aoherwm ho tPoitiers, lu 1356, 80000 Frnchwere tmore thalnsn amy other which underetandecn He it T- sttnate the lis-r and regulate the bowela defeated by the Black Prince wjth less than tind appreciates mii and which is con-uo-ol a vrhon ti.hrls.Cide iel.I Evert if the--y only cured had been bedriddeu, saw that the luxurious 50,000 mon. The French King, John, was sequently the mst difficaît te please in glives them -elit t wifl save thofr lives. In ît Mothers hkave'ý idlneseongratseotfwasthrsorctofcaturdtnd isarmscmthtey suourcateer ooths cndpi leth Tetoarad..omthng hih i a oltey sieandpmottafy prfct s the troble. Th Battleof the iamond a" a fight Germans will not tolerate even a good ilsmdcne As a lasti resait ho advÎsedi a Bea voyage between the Protestants and Catholics of &tor,_____________oth___tCUUI' m ty wold b lo peles te th ose Who suierfrotihi% dÉtresing omplaiuti of several months in an ordinaiy saiîîng Ielndlu175.Itha is am fomDa.amterthirtatebeogofmhsms b)ut fortunate * thir goode-s ,o not eund moud in the County Antrim where it was critical churacter,aduowtsudgCsoradtry W'm. here, and! hose aho onet them wM ifnd vssel. She canseatad, nlot appreciatiug fought. their traditianal loyalty ta their sovareigu Castorla ailsys reverishuess. t4ese littie pilla valuable iu so may ways that even if she knew, until too late te retreat, At Sadowa 402,000 maen were opposed, of and te his house, they caunot find it iCsoi rvnsvollgSu ud thay will .et be willing to do W"out thasu.strapevnsvn!iîgSorCr but iftar al sck bcad the almost ubearable discomfortis cf sleep- whom 33,000 'mre killed, wounded or takea _____________t__do___________________cou ingin had bnk it th loi eaîlofpmsoaer8. This was 8 per cent, a far terhat od ntiges hncn emaller figure than fa auytheadîng battbeoofdemu this uniortunate melody. Castorîa cures fiarrhoea and Wlnd Colle. 1,bilge-water filling the miserable little duo- the Napoleoaic wars. Seugfried Wagner, the son of the creator Castorîa rlieves Teetbing Troubles.> la thebune of so mauvlilvas that here 1%where geon kuowîs as the cabin. For a while she The battle of the Montiras a confliietho. of the " Nicbelangeu," declared in Londan Castoria cures Conistipationan ltooy we make our great boast. Our pilla cure at thought that 'she would dis, then she began fore Medina, between Mohamnmed and Abu the other day, that it hail beau received in CÀRe trER do LI tTL îR îL 5aev rys al ta plan to get so ue com fort out of lhem Safiau, It w a8s e 0called hecause m osti cf IItt r a n n r l m h ef c s o a b n e a i au ary ea.sy f Tuke. OuRPiareo ieysualOtefgtn wsdn ute ai htM-Germany witb a 1' respectful emile." Pro-C ol etaio h fet fcroi edgsor plsunousa">. adoe.hear tityegabeado j dreary suroundCngs, She attempted ta hammed had dug to protect the city frosu fessor Levy. of Cologne, who is recoguized Cateria dees nt contain morphine, opium, or other narootie preopeýrt.. nt gripoe or purge, but hy their gntieacto execute hiem plans and she landDd at the the besiegers. as the faemost af ail musical criîties lu Gem- Caste-la asimilates thïhe f1d rguaeslt noach aa.à wl piee ail P1who use te uviils ut 25 cents;,9 fiva f 1 $L1 Sold evrywhare, or sent by mail, close af the voyage a well womti5. The Teambese Battie was fought hetween many pronounices the Emperors sang as IC4.T2MEDCINE~ 00, New York. Ber wretchad food had compelleid abstia- the Spartane an one side and the Arcadlans g ekia heaus u a epc ving healthy aud natural sloep. 'q ~~~~~~~ece juet as ner discomfomts hadl nacesstat- and Arj ives ou the othor, B. C . ý67. Not sewa htte ricotfrspta edcotlthsteîoneesr o a Spartan fellins the engagement, and sa, for the imperial authar, prefer ta ha silent Castorla te put up lua ee-stze. botties esly. lt le nt_ Old i 7lu ui. ed xetio, huath tw ncesar '21"Pluturch says, the Lacademansaus called it %bout it," while Dem Kleiue Journal, the Den't show any on. ,toe s oyn snything else on thse pies or promi. STA N OA RD BA. 4 K ditansof er reaey a e u bad, the Tarless Battie. newspaper which bus the lurget circulation tî lsjsasoo"nd--fawe ovrprpe" Asoluta ae me, h ed Ih vr The Battle of the Thîrty was a duel, lu thé Empire, after publishing a burlesque O F C AN A DA. wearsed anas whose nerves had braken by îaught lu 1351, near Josselsn, iu France by of te ods adprvigthtit" isQý»tia youe -A-S-T-O-R-I-A. excessive strain, while abstinence and thity Euglssh and tiryFrench Knights,d- capjal aldnu,91,00.0O.Rst,850,90ý eerton ae te rme fo pa cansaofatheto setfle a boandury dispute. At first the against the most elementary ules ai gramn- latter class. First. In every cs fEuglish viere successial but the French alli- msm and logic,' go"s an ftu ssert thas The facslnilo ecuvr This Bank is peparod te do Legiti- excessive ntervausuese, ascertaiu bath its ed and finally won the day. 'ýe mate Bunkiu-g in ail îts branches. mental and physical causas, Second. Con- "neitîser German language nom Gemman sigatrecf,ý W3X-JI1 Farer' noes isouned;iDoosie ider the mental and physical states that Inl the battle ai Marengo 58,000 mon par- music has gained anythimg by thé publica- aremeexacttey oppasited taDthases 8hich hava tscpated and ai that number 13,000 weretinascbaneerwy received and Interest pidon accounts oprated -as causas, us tise remadias kllled or wonnded, about 22 per cent, Na- attfl C ide Crylfor P1tCastoaria0D of $ an upard buSavngeBun caued or y ta cse n qeston. poleon thosîght Marengo hie greateet vie- Instead af accepting their criticisme like featen.If fao rapid, child.beariag amd family tory. Be albways kapt throughout ile theana ordinary composer and paet, either with DepRrAinrTt.caes (excessive for ana womnan though aniform worn on that day. haughty indifféreace hused on the consciaus. anti igtbartas ih ospcs The battie af Brandywiue was one ai the mass ai Mis own superiarify, or else with aissued and Collections made În Europe wear af mrve-ile) have shattemad hem uer- wat of Wshington's numerous dfas charges agaiast the crifics of préjudice, O SLE ! .lîIN THMAOBW5ÂVL E United 3tates, sud Canada, vous vigor, and she cannot leave home for The namne ariginatod, it is said, lmom a ignorance and eveucorrcpt motives, haie n O AEL .HG!,L TA OT O M NI BZ, J. , JONES, treatment, lt thare ha hours set apat at D)utch brandy distillery on the bisuks af chasea f0 treat them as ofamces uguinsf the__________ ____ _____ sgauf mgular intervals every day ta ha known as the sfraam Brentwine, variously spelled, throue,and ut Hamburg,Lubeck and varions O T..R 10 ~mother's rest boums, when if is the sacred being a Dutch pamre for brandy,ur "1burned cities alo'g the Rhine Valley, numbere of ONTARI BANIK duty ai aul in the home ta préervealhem free wim." people have beau arrested ad thrawn inta ,continuses te do a General Bankîag Business frein aIl disturbanca, No work of any kimd The liattle ai the Emparais utis lought j ailon charges of,"Lee. Mjse'-the 1 Lese- Bowsnville Ageucy. shouliehalalowed, no anxiôtispianniug, ut Austerlitz, 1805. The Emparors présent Majesté" coasistiag lu having ma le dis- no sud retrospect, net aven the indulgence were Napoleon. Francis af Austria and respactful remamks about the fautons "San)g DEPO ITSof a book or paper, nothing but rst-pure Alexaneder af Russia, Over 170,000 mean ta Aegir." Itecelved lu eewtvis , artment and ais simple infantile test ai body and minfi. wera actually engaged in the batie, and of nosi1audwthrsttlwOdaarmouAimatepos OAilord it ? t will costi bss than yaars af this number 23,010 wre killad or wonind-ASE.0YCRE OSE. notice enihraa oossy i deposît s svaidsm or a lunomal. Ber husbad 'il1 od, or 13 par cent, af the whole, "Lese-Muleste" is a vory sErions crime EXC A.No abuianwitThapeuis aus ou. hra sThe Buttbe of Abela is wrongly named, espocially iu Germauy sinco the accession EXCH NGEbararin wih apenrios sel. her asit ir as langht B. C. 331 t Gaugemabla, ta the throme of William IL., iavabviag mot B uohtand sald andDratts tsuedrpou EismOaO should ne front two to five test hauts bc- 1"the amis buse," fwanty uies frein only leavy fines, but also long terme af United States and Canada, also God,Siivor aud awendalihtan dmk Unlodtale roebakshuoht udsid. thee dyit nu te ase mprtnt I Abaa. Thé Greaes, with 50,000 men, op- imptisonirneut. Indaed, the maximum peu- Unt C OLLte G ebrckshiOh nd 8 e na oithetbsatdetiesscal -ciiimpgt. Graoel the Persiaus with 1,000,000. Tisa auîy for fhiss alnce le five yaars' panai sel-- COLLECTINSstotias daim that 300,00 dead vitudae, and as the colo dgas-mot dafina ~'.pty ao ascures ats uonai prtstinginese ta suppose thut digestive organe, 1Parsiane 'mre lait on the fild. vht" 1i it].F ae.tha u tto Stue aarhatesdbyta enmripponpvue atlse-part-t r"siiy over-zealous ci th Lt t lta!-- - c*',are Pft ta l aciCana" .condition of the main aturai stimulus AttheBtîle ai Thrasymene, batweu olcec V - - healthini action, thaf is n tva vlfutlity,Ithe Rmans and the Caî-thaginians. tisere it-ï)fe t- Ih5 aulu b iulmediie- F I'TlgrahTase'ca mr pif srtuuate ore'ae6,00 mon engaged. Th'e Romans -,alfshonthut recllbs te mnini the days0, inclie for lar7go or smll uSm on al part of fame of working haalthy appafites. Dols- 'mre taken by surprise and dafeaaed witb whau W'illiam Tell, the Swrse pufriot, was F ~,~Jaud.This se especially adr aut ,gous t aca aranceit- fs'emat great saughtar. The total umber aifaman ontlawed and very ueurly exaccted fo'r y arsons lving su Manioba or the and sOt, tarchy trash, but bovinîa' gama, lebd on bath aides 'mas 17,000, or about 27 havlug deciined fa make obaisace ta tise t makes the funuds avulable aut once as â ane e cn.o tenmbreggndnté o.fitd hsusranGvrnro wizr place of payment. poultry, eggs, fruits, beef.peptouo)'ds, fish prcn.o h ubroggdi iecu-Lta h ntinGvmo ISîzm Other particniats cal t the batik. the hast ai creum aand butter, muille etc. flit. land, which thaf dignitary nad cansad te be E. L. FORTT, GEO. McGtLL, The musre simple the better, but always The Battle af the rackes is amother riamte piaced for thut pumpose upori a loity pale. Accountauf.N Manager.n prsnsar nw n haeathadtasufgenrrit l emifor the Bat île ai Faikanstein, lu b S14. The Nobs hamepaosaruw un a feeble appefite and eau~gh ta support e- French tnouuuaîneats posfad th5nselves on dergoin terme ni imprisonient lunblet- cnpraingstangh.the hights and let buose greuf masses of miany for huving ramaimad seated ut public ýI' CUeraWgrock and aarth on the Gemmanu atucking banquets 'muen tise Empemo's healthi 'as --force. Whole tanks 'mare avemfhrowm hy being drsînk. Eqully peposfto'.ss 1s a single avalanche, and the attack 'mas the case ai the editor oI the PotsdumerJ A Rule of Health. ubandoned. Ziung, wbo 'mus compelled fa undergo a "If my daughter'argomt Eop The Baffle af Nations 'mas tise canflit dtno itmcmttei alltbvm ta spend a year iithout lhem iamibyl si u11 tLipi.Tentosegg dpermitfed a puragraph ta appear in bile 'ma e he menh, ustian, ussians and paper stuting thut the Emperor Lad beau 'mie mthr ta ohe da, "udI 'atetaPrusetuns. Tise allies sîumbemed 160(i00, sean Ln an "aeinspemnar," or ona-horse Tee u nferýer fom YeuVeu eliy givo heer a briait ubeaus tfou guide ta bealth, the F1rnch ulmost as mauy. Tofhtimghce n aigta ttmn teajc Vita',Filintr Iffsuhood. Results il wauld ha iis:- Keep yanr chin lu." continuedl during titrée days; the allies ai the editor hal been ta give an illustra- 111ithsîl i etretOns, Exessive te fWlimsdmcai as r 1uCtclge.er, Etc.. who wil seud me a plain This seemed unîntelligible until shae elabar-, bst nearly 50,00j men in kiliod aad wouud. lo IWlimedmcai as r citi of their symptums. I 'ii send Free, ae tadsoeth efcsofuhand;teFrch0,0.ruther of thosa that tise Germas wish hae uation of asi mule uaver-failiing ieams of self- ae fadsoe heafcsa nba d;tehec 000 ad iuheritad Iram bhis lumentad father. wbk-be, ffet beiug swIudlcd and Imposed observance. Sha said: To kepLe chin At Graveotte thora 'more 320.000 mon Th j udges, bowevam, hLd thaf the para. bv '-. k' a obg o vas ua p posod, and tLe kllied and waunded nual-grpsnqutin'scacltdthim ? ' if i'eeks. leasedon't sendunleas you in monus fa keop h 'meli dra'mm baclebrd4,00 h rnhsulm asraidiuenonqueon wsverin utd ecbide ngsu-rtdal HMA ILOA' sAeîsM if. Cotrespondeuco sacredly couidenial ridacucausenstheatophysicalanbecaused atheyd 'mev a Tcompelled fa nudertakeISUgNT y thiug sat secrely esautaifrtem observation: hoizontally. htcue htpyia easte w <co eldtenerk CF -,pZJT0L_ fldress, Ge.Von Plati.cluit-al i a hs, r v hs.an attacnaavery stmog pstindefeand dversely ta the éditor. 1f, therelore, Ç. -0 ~~0l?~DsWI?.EMI' :LoQIOr culurite alla ltte chstorpositioestn d folo'ms thaf if any one shanld catch sight Toronto, Ont. A itd chest mesures deep and full breuth- ed by the wbic'e German force. The French ai the German rabat lu a one-horse coucamu img, and banco pure blond and perfect daefu rvlterslo uteb liLe woubd do 'meil taeleeep it a profoud c 71-11 ~ WIRE-PLC~~ circlation, Perfect circulation i L Metz and tLe surrender af Bazaine's army. scrtandmtt etoni aalvn gret et afeuad auisi onaginand The Baffle ai the Butchors anîd Carpen- seul lest hae shuuld thomeby incur loseaI TL1'1-~ yJO I'ACI51N~e i pre ents chilimess, tLe faemunar ai tare 'mas a civil strife hot'meesî two factions i orty. fs- cade Abite cest Ie fLm'm te a ars n 1413. The Duke ai Burgundy A yoar ugo one aI the stable men Cru- 'e> 'mhole body 'uto a graceini poise. The armmd and lad tLe hutchois;ftho Dukeofa ployed lu the Itupetial mews ut Potsdam i~Qs abomren eceds,tbe thumb balil inta place Orleans armed-and led tLe carpaufers. A 'mas senfenced tûoîhmee montàs' imprisan- ' by the ide, tLe weight aI the body tais8 regubar baffle 'mas fonght in tLe streets ment for "Lese-Majesta," the affence Lav- 'I', e e i uon he aIlaithefoo lmted a îL helan d public squames of Paris; tLe carpenters ing consistait lu addmessiug an-ineufus ~ i - and the âhonîdet biades fiat son. Tîsase 'memo victorious and drame tLe butabors ouf epithafta the favarite nriame ai the asr -P~ 7,et r roue me standing or 'malle- aiftho City. Indeed thora is no eud fa tLe instances aIf DV~t~Ei11 M 1. m. Tora re isa llats i sitiie, A The Battle ai Belahoe is lamtons in Irish this nature, and 1 Lave, aven leuawn ofau n~ ç1 .. liffedabeet theulansuresuastraight baclehana ho j1b$ : Mes BNE &McURRYhae mih Le ndaiîL sin aaîsfth Lcehistory as a epoiling ai tLe spoilers. Two Aselaîpres iiise 'i- wamot 'ýJircaÈj, heCouty f nrhm or hemuny 'maman assame 'mhiie sittsng. The a thiaving excursion ia a neghbortng markad in respanso teana inquir> that li u 1z bs st Fonce in this anr.gt hbtottsîn itdces eauyîriory and 'ere refnmning 'ih thoir ditmoapprove of the exceedingly decollete 1s% e etronq, easily hubr and anamouttul Iommed, providad tLe clothimg issreasonabiy plunder, 'mhen fbey met an tnglsh flaceeuct c is1rses mlih.hmrei Il 'iiinat e ijumd hysuo, hat, oldbase Fo fLl roeauI pelertha mv d, sîter a briob and leehie résistance, ralraptesented on oeef aihem portraits. or winds. lb 'miii turn liorses, Caftle, danghtem khall unlt'meut corsets. Thent;ý away, leaving Iboir booty in tLe bande ai FASHION WRItTEitS, BEWAitE! l-le r s A i - / ~. - - t Çaj~eca <~ boimigvry et.SÂNESON-gave ia largo compensation. The day a in ts a - y iigb estimase pl Lced upon yuuee araotili iumsTisa tantrantb aIENT stoos the tching sud bleediniz, heals languis camae'mhen tLe Dulie af Schles'mg hab iof. ) urute Y a b-eaisa u ~ilse ur ay uicýr-rtiou, sud ru mostcasos removes thse Holstein received tisa cra'mn af Denaarl, -------- office.jReet teLm to unoms. At drnggists, or by mail, fat se pafLantiy 'ated for. Tisa uttle girls inu 51. Vi na.rtena Srdau bas juet 0e t,3e5f'Ui on rj"ý'y -y re isndcd. 50 cents. Dr. S'ayne & &cn, Philadal- jaconot dtesses laIt noffLahir dessmakimg b is 64îis Veut. Ha baga hie cuteot as t Mr. M lier, ef tlllvbe b sf ' 3M h htsec e by mail norL.n ua &C.,M tîealmihbe Le e iys f an Emero la iyvwihinCm1851 'Wi a disin b ailume. '1 Feor t elîyteth od110wmusi hes ede ou ' aa XS$n. Wholesale Ageats. -'Prince suds ua". t jihat tLaO e i ved ru a garrot.market. J 110 d id p<t CoPst f'twe, 'P Children Cry foR2 PUtherle Castoria. 'I r-- I (i j fi I i A