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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1895, p. 4

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TII D n -~ r -, ~ ~ -~ r -iii k h 'V\/ ; !~ Cut We nave- a very large assortment-ALL FUJLLY WARRANTED. We have an extra fine stock this season and offer -A -25 ! S PECIÊAL VALUE. WTe carry a f ull i e of Star and Acmne T FiS--Skates at TtEDTCED PRICES. BELLS In great variety. Qult tebst - a Pr-ices th.1e lowet.1 HeadcquarterB for everytLýng requred in H-ardFare, Sýoves ana Tinwrre. Oposite Oatario Ba ýk, Bawtoanvilie. rCOUNCIL FOR 1895. I Reex e-l. T. Pollock, Etiniskilben. New lstD.,puty-reeve Tlios.Pascoe, Solina. I2nd iD.puty-reai e L. M. Courtice, Courtice. L in es Counciliors Aibert E. Clenns, Ty- i rone; Richard Foster, Bowmanvibbe. Electors coubd inake n mstake in 0 f Darliogtou as ail the candidates were worthy mon. That thay are al respect- ed by their neirhbbors is evidancefi by itin crby tia large vote every (ne raceivad ini hNT iii is o wn division. Mr. aCrpsol feel pcoud cf bis un~ifoim support in P0ads evety division andf thongli dofen od by a youn Cr mani ho must feel that ha has the confidence -ndi respect of tho electors A t that lha bas serve J so long. Mr. Pol- bocks large vote in every division like- _Co ff S wise provos is popnbaity througbîout the township. ln bis position as reeve ho v il bave an oppo-tunity of beconiing a botter nconainted wittb the abctors. YMr. RAMPTOB. Mr. E- Treuouth and Son have secured the contract to build a fine brick bouse for Mr. J. G. Langmaid, Zior,.. Mr. J. Ward who has been sick for a month is improving siowly. Have you heard the gond news? What îis it ? Why, F. A. Cole is turning ont at $8.OO all-Wooi Tweed and Serge SwIte to order ; a big bargai. Oercoats, Raady. made and madea to order, very cheap to suit the times. A large and %vebias -orted stock of Worsteds, Twaada, Overcoating, Pantings, Foreign and Domestie müanu- facture. Foxn WHooiNo Couoîs and ail throat affections, cheot troublas, etc., Hagyards )ýelio.w Oil is the best embrocation ever dîscover -d. It promptiy relieves inflaým- mation, paint' and soreness fromn whatever cause arising. JAEWCASTLE. The Sharif t(f Michigan arrived at New- castle, Pa few dawi ago, in pursuit of John Steen, of Pontia~c, Mii,, whn le alieged to have coin-îitted grand brceny by sein a suit of cloh-ý. Tâe Coî.stabie at New- cast'e arre8ted Steen and was holding him pendirg thé arrivai cf the Shariff witb ex- tradition pýp2rs Meantime the prisoner secur.-d the seýrvices of lawynr Wrght, of Newcstife, Who by t irea s of al inds1of leaa pains and penalties, succaeded in forcitg thea anntabi to a]iow Sceen bis f reedoin, since whïi;h tim-, the ex-prisoner bas nut been seani. Tlî h,' r f retn'ned to M chigan gretly ino uýe! over bis fail- tire to capture his man. Chief Rinkin i i now on tiank cf the al ged thiaf, Who, it ia supposefi, îî ii hidinig near his home in Xet Durham. OBSTIISATE CouGIIS yield to the gratefui action cf Norway Pine Syrup. TIho racking persitent cough of coïi- sumptises la quickly relievefi by this un- rivali"d throat and inng remady. Prie 250. aînd 50z. FI Ntri IfL D. Visitors: Mr' W. Richardison, Mr. G. H. Hogarth, B. A., and family, Xhtby; Mr. Jîîo Arnot, Taunton,; iss Mabel Pascne, M-vr. ard Mrs. A. Hlogarth,Soiina; r.C. Oshboriie, Mr. W. Gilbert, Bow- inanville; M~r- W. Dyer, Columbus... Mrs. J. N ddery bas beeu visitîng at Scarboro.... Mr. D. Tramner is building a p-îrch to the church .... .New Division officers:-W P-L C Pacoe; W A-Miss K Urmiston; F S-B Powell; Trems 'thas L Pcscoa; R S-J E Dyer; A R S- Miss J Ashton; Chap-J Johns; Coud- C Reason; A C-- Mse E Wotten; 0 S- J F ilurînut; 1 S-Miss F Reyno dý; Or ganiat-Miss J Ashton. ON THE DARK ROADe A St. John N. B.,Lady Who was Near- ing the Grave. SHE DECLARES TRAT PAINE'S, CELERY COMPOUND SAYED LIER. The casa cf Mrs. William Jrssng, cf St. John, N. B, was a Pad û01e, andi causofi bar famiy sud friands greant nxiety for a time. Overwork, watebirg, boas cf slaep andi intense agony from kîdnoy trouble mafia lifealamont unbearable. Effort after effort with roadicines andI dcctors' prescriptions provýd f utiie. The. grave andi its terrors wece bacoining miore reaistc, andi deatha baund Pseied to ba firmby fatoued ou tha tietiýn offuseasse. Theoafsif a brîght insriration,- Paines Celery Comp uccd !-a thought cf a inedicine that haf wrought wouders for others The marvoli'bous iîfe-giving medi- cinas wes t9usef, andi resuits ara pbainly se- forth lu Mca Irvine's latter as follows:- "1 th-ink it a great pbeilsurp as wdll as a d u fy ti p ut ou reccrd wh at Paîua's Celery Compounfi basodoue for me. i have beau trouhlefi for the lattan yeacrs with kid. uey co)mpIaint, aud bava triefi a greatI man3i preparations anfi doctors', prescrio tion, but with littla or no benefit. For the lait six monthe I have hafi a great aIrain upon my systt ni from. night watching aund overwork, I wne breaking down; n'y friands saifi, "I was goîng fast to deah." 1 resolvafi to try yonr Paine's Celacy Compound, and oed four bottles. My kiduîey troubla disappearafi; nervous- nassean sudeeplessneas are troubles cf the paert, and muy ganaral haalth is graatly improvefi. lu a word, 1 anc curad ; sud I viîsh you to publish thî5so sh îat the world eau rend iL. Leava aiscra and other biadas for sharpauing at Char tran'e Barber shop. -18 I eau make it to your afivqntage to buv WstcUtkigSl TGO ý7 1ÇJ ~ hio c - Ml. 71b. 81b. oki prr~e ci c~ 5< 2 80 5 20 No W-- $ 2W - - 245 ic 280 ---Now is the tiine to buy Whiite Wool Bed Blankets.-- We have a few TIEDOWINS left whieh WIll be LD At yoitr owu Price. Another Job Line of Ladies' Wool ilose just lu, very eheap. Remnants of Dress Gîoods ilaced ou Tables at -priees that are -~ ~ ~ ~ - - fieo will .ery goSoe[ U JO oe'l a iboa; way hera.tias Marty wil bo- g1r~g4~~ h~ . ~ary Wl ~nrilla jscljn', k-vArvtljn' in fibe wFk J~ 1ç O U eçjos well sitisfied with their choice. Mr.I - I~~~~~~Dyer is a coming inan andi considerin . îdr Rrtn~ be, v uiu, . Ha Hnry will be found at the oldi namnely :floed's Sarsaparilia has tht hae is little known ontside of his owin John Wotten, Chssj IMcCu11och, Dinah stn TTSA icfonwutlu- 1. The iargest sale in the worid. a-IntemteofteEaecf EOG w ard and the good men in the race with Niddery; Pt 1I-Ha-rvey MýCnlnch, GKI ther notice prepared to make any style of complishes- L 'STEVENS. of the Towioship of himr hoe made an encouraging hogno g. 'irainer, B1'rîic Hubbard; lsjt-Olive Photograph. He bas ail the negatives he 2. Tha greatest cures in the woi Id. It Darii<gtoo, in the county of Durhamo, ----- i The sina may be said of Mr. Pye. There Niddery, Alfred Forsyth, Ojiver MeCul- made dns'ing the tan yeais ha was in bas Mr~ t BOWTMIANYILLE,, JAN'Y 9, 1895. arblnyo sn~etY g~resn oh elyPwl taMCioh usintess and parties wantiog Photr,7raphs 3. The largest Lahoratory in thewrd are.-.uIu plen, ofJr teachert.y largement, I ion areh sley itwld le thae medicih for ou rsrortecnntu u ce.os CLARKE TOWNSIITP. attendance 31. 0. IL. MACKEI extra. RiNGiNeNosEs.-In the e1. oe ha eau furnieh s omething te take. PilA TV 'bP7T1W1 Ail the creditori5 are hereby required to fila their cais with the uudersignad solicitar at aI Bownîanville (as reqnired hi' the revi',gd DEPUTY-RÉEVE.xv a tu, y uun kxi £lZ, u Courtice.......... 56.3.48..46..39.. 53..82-8357 basB ad one beneficial effect In tia t ih ant.8 Osbrne......42.40 24 .4.6 .41-.38-292 aroused scores of other women. in this the U~ Osorn. ... ....4o42-4.. locality from the false modesty they were a bot Clemens ..... ...... 60_35_ 58-.36-05-91-8.2-427 manifesting and as a reauît the sales ofth Poster....... ... 42-14-17-45-8C..39-7-2s Dodd'a Kidney Pille have been enormous, WINE yer..........476736.9. 1.. 6 _.s5 223 and t'le resuitant good' commensurate - ~ jasîstherewith. For m sicansandnuresin xrsug g1 of lot 5, aud 25 acres cf north j lot 6, 00on. 3, wa s ation..2 miles from WilîbTy and c,;- -q'_s Pr tweîîty-five cents T M RTl(D b Drigo.F'ne brick house.spacious barns. from the ehoollionse. Largeroomvr --y al ggists throughout T. N. ARJICLKARD.LJ, plendid s.lxcellent water stream and wella main barn 9àx36 ft. pleuty oe frtiit,-sl sur ad ak or wood on premise'. Two miles rom Bow- loani, altogether oe of the best graii4,, Be sre ad as for MRs. Watchmaker, Jeweber and Optician. manville-great chance-sale on easy terme, on the Lake Shôre No hMis orsatone, 00THIIVG SYRUP. or wiîî rent foras term-pIou~ possession given 10 acres of Wood, 75 acres In pasture Neads Block, Bowmanyille. after baivest. Appli' to, 1RS. JANE WIGHT. eeeded. Terms easy. First pio- on ipromie or to D. BuaE,,iri-csîpeom, of Bow- For further partioularis apply headache use K. D. -0. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget în Cown. manville., 31-tf Oshawa.

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