A j 3 s Iatesmaù, TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIFETOR NEw SERIES, BOWMANVILLE, OiNTARIO, WEDNESDAY. FEBIRUARY 6,1895. VOLUME XII, NUMBER 6. XE'OR TEHIE JO0H NSTO CYERA Will be busy preparing for stock- taking and during that time they will seil ail winter goods at gaeat- ly reduced prices. A lot of Dress Goods at pabout 'half price, Furs of ail kinds at and under cost price, Men's and B oys' Ove'Coats jat cost price. Any Ladies' Coat below lost5and1som-ýýe of them at haif pric,ýe.ý TpCid e d bargains will be ~ven duri g his salea u stock mst bLre reduc, JVL4PLB G1BOVJ. The sick: MrS. Geo. Lame, Mr. Wm. Ranton and Mr. Jacob Stevens .. . .Mr. Geo. Power has returned from N. Y.... Mies Gertie Stevens is vi6iting friends in Toronto. .. .Mrs. John Snowden and two daughters are visiting lher parents at Hampton .. .. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood have been .visiting au Clarke Union... Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Griffin, Allan- dale, Mr. and Mrs. J. Winter, Harmony, Mr. W. Hutchison, Manitoba; Mr. J. Sheridan, Oshiawa; Messrs. H. and S. Soucb, MYr. Frauk Sýutt, Mr. A. and Miss V. Parker, Clarke UJnion. , We coneratuIate Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore on the birth (f a son.. - .About 40 mem- bers of llarmony Division visited our S. of T. and spent a very social time.... Pleased to see an addition to our choir. Few consumptîvez btlieve they are in danger tilt inedicine is of little avail -Ayer's Cherry Pt ctoral raken ln the early stages.,lias prevented further progress of the disease, and saved many- a life. At any stage of phthisis, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral affords grcat relief. Mr. and Mrs. Prouse, Little Britain have been visitîng Mr. Jas. Courtice .. Mr. and Miss Wilson, Oshawa, were guestm of Miss Ethel Osborne recenly.., Miss Eva Courtice lias been visiting in Oahawa ...Mr. E. T. Stenion, B.A., Oshawa, was zgue8t of ]Rev, L. Phelps isat, week,.. . r. W. and Miss Eva 1{undle are visiting friends ini Brock ...Mr. B. Ashton, Newcastle, visîed Mr. R. Cour-1 fice last week...,.The quatterly services at Ebanez-r were weil attended on Sun. day.. .. Att end tihe cnc fBMt. Cars- well Division this- Wedneiday eveniing. Capital program. Adiissoni double tick- et 25c. ; sin2lu 15c. Everybody corin. eir. H. G&y bas taken the contrat for tiuilding Mr. J. G. Langmald's new houae at zion. A CAUTION! A WAPiïiNG!-If, on hlowing the nose in the morning, lumps and flakes are dîscharged colored with blood, especially on one side, lose rio time mn appiyii g a remedy. Catarrh of the very worsr ki d lia3 becorne seated, the walls are sore and full of ulcers, and if flot scon cured will bu liard to cure and eradicate. "A stitch in tîme saves nine." Use Chases Catarrh Cure. i TWO -PAPERS FOR $I.OO., 1.-Til El STATESMKN and TuE TORONTO WFEFKRLy GLOBE will lie sEnt froun this date &JTbin. 1, 1896, for ONE DOLLAR, cash wth order, f0, new suliscribers to TuE STATviEsmAN. 2. -A ny s ubsoriher to Tirs STATESMAN for 1894 wlio witl send us one uew suli- scriberfo UE STATESMAN with his own subscription for 1895 and $2.00 witl re- ceive Tesný WEEKLY GLOBE free to Jan. 1, 1896. so wil hisuew subscriber. We eau furiiflie following publica- fions f0our suliscrihers af fhe price staied snd we hieartlV recom.jmend ever onu of themr: Ladies Honme Journal, $1 ; Ladies Journal, 210 cents; Worn-u~kind 10 cents; The Pio sehlold, $1: T o Douuiestic Mlonýth- Iy, $1; WVoman'a 't. osk 50 cents. These are ail1 pu11blished in the intemeafL of women and are weil worth double fIs mono. asked fortflern. AIl orders musf le sent to M. A JA,%Es, Boîvmanville, Outario. !PYRONg9. Miss W1,estington, Rîce Lake, is visiting lier sister Mrs. S V. Hoar .. .. Mr. W. E. Binglhaia visited at Woodville and Oak- wood re îcenf'y. - .Hôrbre Circlers sud their failes0-,lad oýysters. amusements, etc., at their annual "At Flome " Friday evening Revi.val services are growing in in- tereat suý'd wilt bucooutinued this week. .. A large sighiug party fromn Bowmanville spent a% luaàsait eveuing at Miss Scott's Friday wleek... An unusnsîly impressive qnartemly metigwas held hure Sabbath. A tiMe (Àf bless3ing ýwas cx'Perieucedý Il ), JSNPTRAýNKs."-Rev. M. E. Siple, (;f WLî1fevale, Ouf,., writes, ,Juiy 24rh1894:'I had snffered indescribabte torture for two years or more, that-is at tiefmom dylspeplsia. Fesîful pain audt load Lu afom1-acli, pain but weeu ahonîders, and snsin'as of being pulîed iglit int two, ijmî of bûck. I dietFd, nsed Patent nuedicines, and différent doctors't medic.'ies, al f0 no use. Your K. D. C.,t third d4-3e, completely relievud mu, sudE four b~bs 1 believe ha~ve ccmed nie. A thocaaîd fhan--', ý;kc. 1 cau sfudy,preacli, sud-w do r1yvoîk ow wif h energy sud ssîfcîfas of yorà.", 4375 charters 1892. $13.125 Quiîterly dues, 175,000 memibers 35,000 $48, 125 1893. 1250 new charters . $3,750 PATRONS 0F -INOUSIRY. The Great Sacrifice That Ta Being MadEý by the Leaders for the llenefit of the "Poor Down- Troctden Fariner." in Glungarry a prominent meinher of the Patrons is in the field for the Com* Lno'is against Rory MoLetnii, the sitting Conservative niember. The Olornwalt Standard has already actively entered Up. on the campaign, and is pouring hot shot into the Patron's ranks. If asys in ifs issue of Jan 25: In organizing the Patron mnovement the leaders ctaimed th-.t fhey were so'ely actuatcd by feelings of sympatiy for their brothers in affliction; they had no hope of private or personal gain; their objeot was enfirely non-political, and they hoped only to retieve the poor oppressed fermer from his burdens and to lessen lis ex- pènditure; and this is the way in whicha they undertake to do it -Tue first fhing they do is t 'o say to the fermera: You psy us $10 for organizing, $3 for a charter and 50 cents each for iiÂtion. We wiil take fhe imoney, after which you may go on wifh your lodge, run, your own show and py us quarerly fes, W will send yoti a pasi-word, but the previons quar- ter's dues must first lie paid, and wc will also send you instructions h oivf proceed polifieelly, sud whom to vote for. We wi t think for you. You must flot exer- cise your franchise indepeudentty, su-d if yon dame to neglect our dîctation on these points, you will lie expelled' and fthe charter faken awsy fron you. It lias been repested]y stated in public speeches aud intervewsiv by the leaders of fthe Patrons oif Industry that tliey liai in 1892 a mnembership of 175,000. Numliýr of lodges has neyer liee definitely stated but we are quife wifhin the mark in us- timafing that there is one lodge for escli 40 members. Section 9 of article 4 of their constitution provides: "Every member of any subordinate association of tlie order shaît lie requimr d fo pay a quar- terly foe of flot leai than 20 cents for each male and 10 cents for eacli female $48,750 1894. 625 uew charters . . $ 1,87s Quartrly dues, 250,000 members 5,0 '5 1 ;,8 7 5i Making a total for the liree yeajrs of $148,750. WVe have liefore ns their Anditors' iRe- port fur 1893, wlaid i gies the receipts from Suliordioate Lodges as amouknuilg to only $8,583.73, eavinig in thaf year the sumi of $40,166.27 uniaccouut)led for. If their owu reporta are true tlieyc mus, have received this amount, and we wonld like to know what they have done witl i. Ot ùf the $8M83.73 they diim to havre paid ahl officiaIs ; Grand Psiin Mal- tory. trustees, tectururs, office xess in fact, aIl dsusmetadtliey simpîy give no account whslitever cýf tLie balaince of $40,166.27. lu the firsf hAîf of ftie yer 1894 their receipts, sbowu liy the Auditor's eo, were $1633. 09. Thus in the year andaZ lia f fhey account for $10,2W 82Aliow- ing the saine average flroo l tu dol'e fliree yesrs, fhe receipta acuount fed fo r by theni wou'd be $20,433 72, or $1SI,10.G 28 less than thuy actuallg- receivd, if their public ufferatices are ])-,iereîied upon. Now, wiat lias bec itou of f lis amount The Pa rons, roîtu ally, imuat wanf t kuow-fhe people ilirou1gliont the coun1lry .wonîd tike f0 know fItfli 'ir i unda ar being deatt wif h(o- est y Other insti- tuti -ns eni-rusted isihà fuAs are expecfed to give a full accotant, and why flot this î These figures are founded on ti e pub- lic statements of their leaders, and one of f wo things is clos , eîîlicr îley are mis- lesding.tli- public or f eaiting their ni,,- bers uîîfairly. '\" liy is no acounf givein- of this money ? Perliapa lt is a sce service fund, or i bcy i that tbe leadiers are au lionest fIt i is irot neceasamy,. Lik-e Caesar's wife iliey are teyond ss picion. We wouîd tike tu have fthis po mîlt bey heaer. I ý1n ii areat pu, î neys conteded îhy