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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1895, p. 2

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Iour husband wilI. notice a. great ýmprQv'nt ~fin oruTcookIia THE HOI Tubs and Ironing Table Set tubs malte easier the we day, and they oan be madeb at-no groat expense or by- i from the field they shauid be spread utpan I1EV ÇATTTAT I1VIO ethnplates, ,spritikled with sugar n ljUU 9iU. .~!VD sclaldied iii a hot aven, tLhenx mashed with ai siie aanrpreaid eveniy ever the pla'es NE ST9 IEM ABU OR e o' rîfe gain drîed in the aven. The-y iNE ST G IESAB TO Combled. ould be stirred several toies during9 OWN COUNTRY. reekiy washing the drying praýcess. Whnn dried they - by a carpenter 8hould be put away in glaws cans or tigh t Gathered from Varlons Points froui th pape saks.Preare inthis way they Alni oteIati, the man ofthie are nice for pies and are aiways ready. fi ihtaLI elvleya-asxpkthn ]A GREY 1JY IIRUE An Important statement From a Weil Knovviarer -owisGroat con as ltniy Ob zontal position. To scure salidity, two tenio te z--o rya plg. n -V.J, rCE6IL M yili wi iazuU crts af Vienne and Munich an acsr Stratford, is dead. thecase, giviing mi the naine ofMrHer legs eau be rnserted under ibis sheif whon acsr c'î os iPictn a ab lkonad epcîdfr it is raised. The three campartmnentsmalte of na less than sixteen generatians free The e eolhuea PictnwIa af.Vincn twnan ehip Havîngre i possible ta put the clotes thrugh the from ay peboan strain n ecuer fatihor' pened last week. ac ua. itncent w hir . Lam we sogt n custamary threo waters without firstcempty- or mather's ide is required. In Britain Srtods hrt alnetd$0 o interview, and the filiowing isithe sub. ing ane compartrncnt ta mako raom for thean Rssa aiaga ablt the Hoaspital ibis-.etane of.bis testirnony :-"Abat 8 years in, in Rslas ln a - -it e o The nexi Provincal oultry show wiIl ho a TL-ffered. fron,_natcknf i ma- 4 Î n ie t j "WWWf w h n n ;?l'ùoaiinamn rrinn, Ir la weli knowri thai certain vagaboinds desire norhing bottes-, esDacialy when tise cold weatbes- cames an, than ta be as-sested and l ocked up, in os-dos- thar ilie> may ho taken cas-e ai for a while. One ai ibis fraies-ai>' sucoeded in zeh-' ting bimaàelf arrested for vagrancy, and an thse wey to the lockup ho was Bo mue i overjayed by the prosipect ai nor having ta sieep in the open ais- that hoe bebaved aarnawbat boistes-ausiy. "Keep quaiet V'" ihseatened tisa policeman; "ff yau doun 'Il 11loi Von gal" Not Unreasonable. ByYar se adverîisin' fer an es-saad Sknües- (ai Skininers-v bave a vacancy." a.1Yew :'l'os-s lonig?" *You'll have ta wark sixteen hans 'Yes?" "And yan mnuai have abel)s,$t ave tirne" ri. wa iyesast Fve ot ne. l, about pa>'? wWe l, v~i pa>' YOuetin-sco.. "Say, saisies-, malte i enougi ta keep tiebi-cylein s-speis-, Won'ù youil For the Fire Buceket. Ta ps-vet thse avaporatian ai waies- ia fire pails, it lias been discovared that fif reeri ta iwventy drapa i ail ii las-m a coaaing ýJLfficeuita a bviaro île ýdiicrlty. The Final Question. (Jiinese Jdmperas- nervousî>') 44Wliet hews V " Officia-c'Japenanaw wBaxious for pence." Empes-ar (glooinfly).s .0-,.ut'o a 06place ?" 'Yes a o A Cyntcal Suggestion »,"YOU wil renenber" ,,ld Snrking. e ~tfor the boume( ýn the window panes, darling lithl fcs, and childish voices will flot al1wayà gladden the home. Tbey wili grow op, some may ho taken away, aad then ta the ialnely mather every unkind word and every neglected duty wili corne back, mag- nified a thousand times by the silence su ihi home. 1 Lot ,the cbuîdren bave their pleasnrefi. 1Train them ta be abedient, neat, and to 1 ome exteni arderiy, and then jet them 1have ail the fun their busy brains cari de. vise sa long as it 15 harrnloss and innocent. Long alter, they have grown to a nhiood and womanhood, aven aftos- they have familles of their owa, they wi laok back ta their happy chidho as the oasis in their lives. Mather wili be thought of as the dearest mother that ever was, and father wili be the hast man. The mother, tbough, muet not become a slave ta the chiids-en in order that they rnay have a goad urne and noa cazes in their childbood. Mother bas rights and privi- loges upon wbucb thobhldrea, as they grow aider, muet not infrînge. One of the most important is that she shallflot wait an those who are abnndantly able ta wait on thernacives. She muet not confine herseif ta iooking afier their bodily wants on- tirsel>'. Advance wis I h em in their mental pursuits. Be theis- companion in their read. ings, or in whaiever tbey are daing. One of the great mistakes n- ailiers mako nowa« days is ta seib eir offspring advancing and yet make no effort ta keep as well pasted themselves. If a son or daughter ask a question, mare respect is fait for the mather if she is able ta answer it and give tbem suggestions they had flot thanght af, Do not allow tbem to gat oni of yous- s-ach usentally. Read the papers and the mnontiiiy magazines. If a book carnes ont that is ail the rage, read it, and be able ta discuss i and tell who the authar is. [f it la impossible ta arrange your duties ta have trne ta read yaurself, one af th.e children or your busband miglit road alond in the evening wben you are erigagod with the bousehold mending or sewlg. In that way ail wanld be benefited, and by exchanging thanght upan the charactars, new ideas wauid bo gaine . Strive ta keap weii the bouse in whicb you live, bun. do not forgerta keep pahished the gem whicb lies in the upper story af the temple of the body. Two Good Recipes. oral persoa cattie is-ade are m aFrenchs markett. iteemss- ibausand head ai cattie framn the United States eatered lasi year ai varions ports3, largely for the Paris marltct,and it lashated thai the is-ade may ho iridefinitel>' incs-eased in fat cattle, ast well as in stockrers, if a re- ular suppi>' enu be kepi up and nohhing coccurs ta intarfere witis the trade. Bath 1tise United States and Canada may, how. 3ever, expeot ta bava mare camptiano in çtise live cattle business. Same Ausiralin shippers are laaking ont for freighi for a thousand head ai cattie ta ho shipped carl>' 1in the sieasan in continuation of thc experi- mient inaugurated lasi year. A vessel is also an the way ta the river Flatte, ta birig oves- a cargo af live animais as a triai siiip- ment. The daveloprnenîitisf the iep irado fsrn Canada is being watcbed wiîb maivl ies-est. Sevea-a cas-goos have asrived s-e- cently, baweves-, in which scaib as bien deiocted, aod the animnaIs were caneequani- iy slaugbterecd. if sncb siiprnns continue, there is danger ai restrictions being placed an the importatiun oi sheep, wbicis would ho a greit puty fsrn the point ai vie-*-ai tise Cenadian larmes-. 1hwas believed tisa the stringent measures teltenorne yoass ega bad led ta tise siamping oui of affection, but this dosas na appeas- ta ho reaohed. I is alleged in samo quartes-s that tise cars in wbidh Amnerican sisoep are conveyed ths-ongh Caniada are subsequently utilized for Cane. dian sheop witisoat being- disinfected. 0f coure, this is an>' e surmise, 'but ih fsa af that the sheep arriving bore fsrn the United States as-e generaliy vos-y mui affected with scab, and almosi oves-y oher carga in the ast few montba bas beaui slaughtes-ed ai the pas-t ai debas-latan i cansequonco. A Road Race Wthout HorSes. In tlie course ai 1895 a curions race is ta taIre place, the cons-se being the hïgh road fsrn Paris ta Bardeaux. Ithwil ho a race af vebiles without hossa. Elecirioity, or~ steam, or any aihes- mochanicai motive power- wili be alaowed, and conîpetitors af ail nations will ho admiited. A cornniîec, prseided oves- by M. Mar-cel Deprez, the weil-knrowri electrician, bas heen fas-med to -_ - .... nc-s.4 " emri ie-Lne pi u wih ese;carry out the Projecu, an mare are so ba"Y eo?s-eplicd Rame.>,- LmnPe Ln petnwt at; mari>' nti-es tiser46,500 francs bas already ros, e lS Baskins, "but tbat8sno aice tina lemOn, s-mOsving tic seads; beau snbscsibed. Bicycles and tricycles xz fo80many gees3e eackling oa mix a tablespaanful fi orwt twaîhis-ds wii forrn a ls apari, spacial prizes a ys n do tis c i y oare a a eacupfu î ai uges- and spread evenl>' am aunnung ta 5000 francs beng a"laied ta them. \'ehicles tisai break tdowri muei ho aavin ibiscouri>'."oves-tise pie; add e cnpful of coid waiar, repais-ad auly b>' tic ownara, witli Sp. pur an tle appas- crusi and haire ini a quiclt piances speclally cas-s- led for tic pus-pose. Rothsehjld's-Retoptr aven. The pie sbouid ha purtit te ovan as soan as m e>'hoalistisath water la added. A wsitas tells of asbas-p and weil doses-yod Tbis maIres a delicions ipie anid bas tisa ierrt uttea-e by onc af îhe pRotischilds r ad7entago oves- leman pies as tbey ara Cheap Watehes. At a receprion in Paris a traealer, wbo usual>'inede aitisae gresent ime n la ti i t tisah laie Aar-on L. Dean ison, a was a strong -" ti-Sernitio," was talking is quicl>'andeasil>' made. Birminghami, Englarid, maoetIen ta anyario ta Rothschild an tise beau tics ai rie island Drîed BlacIrbars-> Pie.-Line a pie tinciibiw aecaa wacswsîs 0f Tblît, are ns-aioalvrcmar e wswis pesta; aprinltle inta it a handini ai was-a nover sa abondant and s0 weil made "There ar1"îe og o-Jw dried biackbes-ries: mix ia a dessert spoon. as now. Thongis ha died in England hoe was " Tineed 1" srasted pauhnhid. " Thon fui ai flous- with bal a teacupfiloa sugar a Yankee and the fahriseofa waîcbmnaking YOU anid I slîould go tiare togouhes-. We and sps-ead evonîy avor tise pie; add a tee- b>' machines-y in Ailierie. h was in 1850 isauld ho great curiasities, 4 apiaii fcald waîar; put on tise uppes- tisai ho cmpleted bis iodel ai tise firsa ______________crust anid halte ln a weil heated ovori. This watch ai tise pattes-n in use to-day. P- ev. s-cl c iip akes avos-y nids pie if tise berriés ions ta ibat trne watches lied been madle by The canal cannectior the Baltie with îhe as-e praperi>' ds-ed. Blacirbers-les as tise>' landwas-l, and the idea oi makiag t hemn in Ilarth Sea ffty-nin-_ ieeinîal lanigtài anaw are aBueil>' dsied as-e elmost wostbiesa. As quantities anthe interchsangeable symer *inlsiie cept a tow micas-detsa" s. oa» s ma>'beafrthé basries as-o brautiswad undreemed of. Children Cry for Pitcher's Oastorlas In Lecem ber Hramilton issued bail Ipormirs for $12,500, an increuse an hib thse year bef ère. - Rev. A. B. ParkIrs, of Woymouth, JN cauntii, i eltb,&I1 TbeChatham townl conacil at its lasir ing granted $10 ta eacb ai the newspe reporters wba do tise municipal wark. ACbatham schoal teacherlaid informa againsi two ofilber scbolars for nssng lan ing languago, and onc was fined $1 isosis. L The Leamingion Conil wiil givo now factos-> or was-kshop locating il, fseedam f rom taxation and wahes- and gà ton liands as-e ernplayed. ht is uriderstaod that in the big enied b>' Ms-. K.B, Eddy ai Hall, agi bis daugistar, Mes. Bessey, for $787,( s*ue bas decided ta test lier daýim i bc praperty in Court. The Spanish King. The most extraordiuayy procau tilone talten la Spain ta provide for the saf ai tise savoreignatai ight. lis slumi as-e watched throughouî the nighi b>'1 Monterai de Espinosa, a body af mon s for 400 years bave enjoyed the exclus privîlegeofa guas-ding their rayai mas ter mists-ess from sunsot ta sunrise. Ti look the palace gaies wilis mucis ceren( and solemnît>' ah midnigni and opes-. ih again ai 7 o'clachr in tise marningr. T: fidlity ta the persan af their sayarti dosfut admit ofiquestion. Wbaen eat>' %res sick, we gave bas- Cestor&a When skia was a Child, skie crled for Castarla. When skie hecame Miss, skie clung ta Castorlaý Wlhen skie .ad OkilIdren, skie gava tkiem Castorù [ding j rt,"ions," irregularities, and ail forma of Qse Of weakness. '1 bey luild up the blood, and - ea alcss siigfo n-ental wors-y, Maggie McCartby was mars-led samnuwha¶ Dvrw ork or exceésses ai whatever nature, laie ile"hnbeo)" 3vdiwn Muet- r Williams' Pink Pis are manfactured ta think abe wox-.,û neyes- taIre a mare. aper by the Dr. Williams Medicine Ca., Brocok- They wore consequenti>' mnch interested ville, Ont., and Schenectady, N.- Y.,-and in ber housekeeping, and professed thom. stion are sald only ia boxes ,bearing their trade salves gseatly amazed, as day ailter day sali,ý mark and wrappes- ps-ited in red ink,at 50c. proved tbat she reaily tovefi Jîs, and waa and a bax, or six boxes for $2.50, and rnay be naî wora out with having bim 'l underfoot.'" had ai ail druggists, or direct by mail fs-arn Meggie made a del.ghtfui wife, and when Dr. Williarns Medicine Comnpany, from ber oàby carnelber happiness was camplete, any eiiber address. "Ah, you sbould see- Jim wid thie baby!"' bers, exciaimed ber friendr among therseives. ga if No Dotibt About IL Don't ha admirait jisi ! Lishen to himi, an' sat 4oyn4 a ynoe? aurdaea ye'd tbînk 'twas tbe fusi chauld ives- born sits thbD s umer reside?ai inevillenof eina tbe warrld 1" violini smame Berry CtornBles eorthea" One day a canler camne awaymore than 006, vilnîto h BryCresOcs.a"ever rrnpremssd by J im's fatherly affectioni. othe whioh had been -dimLousisng eas-percing "As I'm a livin' snho gaisq Up ivery strains ai a lawn-patty. mornin' twa bourï afore his worL, soa lie "lNivves- a note do Ol play by, sarr," can wash and ds-ess thie baby hinsilf 1"sho replied Mr. Fiabes-ty, mapping bis heated cried. brow with a handkerchief of sanguinary IlWash the baby? An' dress hlm b ex. hue. clairncd another. -"Now, tim, why don'â "'Ah, by car, thon ?" iaid the summer oMgzed thr-l? are resideur, wiîb a ornile ai gracious inioreai. Maggdoit eriiifte b" nulreýp)n foty 1"Nivver an ear bilps, me, yes- hanor," re. Il Maggie t as td ie1 scanuhe'd spoase. bers sponded Ms-. Flahierty, returtsing bis hand. i agi ta idid1Se'1isho the rschiei ta bis capaciaus Pocktk_________ wha "lIndeed 1 May 1 ask yon ho w you- wbat sive you do play by, then V" persisted the i Suicide by Strychnine atKlgon r or quiror. A despatch from Kingston, Ont., saýys rbey "*By main strin'tb, bc jabbes-s 1" said Ms-. on>' Flaherty, with a weary air, as hf plnnged Ms-s. Rannah MoCali, a widow, wbo iived hem bis ancient instrument into its green beg; near thbe village ai Verona, coomnîîhed 'iis "an' it's moight>' dry svrrk, an' tbat's the suicide on Monda>' aightb>' taling strych. igu thruth, sasrl nine. Sise and ber son Hlenry did-not live happily ta consequence ai troubl o r rIn Guelph a beautif ni cactus is in bloom, property. lier son isad procus-ad i th c el boaring,150 fiowers - j, 1 me ta poison fores, r re Babies and rapidly growing chIldren derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than ail the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are feit almnost immedi- ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assiniilated. stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to ali who take it. For Caughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron. chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciation, Con. sumption, Blood Diseases and ali Forme of Winsting. 5enid or pamplet. - ee,. Scoit à Bowne, Ballevïihe. Ail Drgoiste. 500. A $j6 AND PIN WORMS. ITCHING PILES lea an exceedlngly'7 painful and annoyiag afi-le. N oj Q nfudaltitheric 0kandpo.or. maie and fem11,ale,. Th, pr;nclose mptoms arwoassvert ntghit j heothe sot, rrbcmes warm In b'ed. o errbleinthe itohing that frequpict. M ore e t poores:8p Often the sufferer u1jn onecl dnring sleep scflratches rtherparts man-il they are Bore-ulcers and tulior 1tgrmtexcessive oitfr.i euded. Peraales are npculiarlyafece M iserv* tr hi. diseaseuei unbearabie Irritation and tronu hie. Th aendW every other stm. ofmcI ng Piles or irritationl. in any i7.of tho bodr are Immedlateiy allayed and quickly ardby Chiase'Oinr. met t wil instantly stop Itchlng, heal the Bres aad UaberB, dry i 'Wmo. PINt WORme fa an aliment eatis-ely 4itrret grtocaa" I lis X*ohng Ples.Yst is effeots and sympioara es-xaotly the a sssa& I s Thesaine Iioles-aletbing; the saea rceinlg , atyiI~ ng p I V sensioi oharacteres bath dissasos. Chasa s Onitment ouB 1I minu, twilli abonce affrd relief trai tis tasment. Instant ?Zew.aârket..,7. T. Baast Mr. Kîtto. Ihlxîlhor-E4 . 8utoaM~Shpp rM. McDoaeld. Iigiy W k e.. »eîvleI.Templeton, dr-u glst. lhprrchll- »ev14roo Relief. Tth SmnanR1d &me Sanon .Red. Bs-dford-P. DevsJ garte-1L E, Gardon. /

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