PRACTICAL FARMING. 'f "oraf"r the id's; For The Young CAR E S- - - - pbehind and Weili rnhvn o h Th IoaFre.long nonnection with the body ; teats of Ys o a aeyu w isvr ThEWdoe4Frmr good Size and evenly and squarely placed ;eyu a uddr mst ot oe lesy ;milk veins and easily, children, and theywllbsonc SicT erde he sn d nt shn oWells large ; tail long, the bon reaching ad wet nd u nyt a c nobodyo an The tr o'. wikenaasrenatngt elore hockys.uCoeof tis godsciti object to.your taking them right Imto theTH The church bells on Sunday mnornin' hain ithe arpesnabysr oien o ik ha he h wshre ers. These points are not ail fancies Yu Since Hanner died, of those who think they can tell The first requisite in a lemon. This wili ZI H C U Revr hikn isHanr -i good cows."t Some of themt may not be of (cost about three cents and yucngti and geroude n srt seernemurach importance ; for instance, the long at any grocery store. You mustaaskthe There ain t no kind of joy about the hoýmiace tail. It was once thought by somne that es mawhselitoyuto ritout lesinci Without her smili' face, ctho a n ftebest indications o enntte e eý taemrousuch as Since IIanner died- a good 'milker, but after making close ob. select one from his basket. T ake one with iesna seaDrowine tI isr s rost The garden tools hang in the apple trees, servation of a great many cows, many men a long stem or pesakt at one end like this: ieabescc a be3hown in curing The hossweeds are a-killin' off the peas; have concluded that it has very little to do When you get home cut a small notch O KI K There's no one bhe to hoe te tters now, with it. Any one who has studied the cowsdonithsemorow byhedtd Sic anrde.'in great dairy tests can not faitlttolbe con.a w nteFtm r onb h otdW A vinced that this talk about a dairy forma is T'oeofcusIdrtrbe resigned; note, I"fancy.» As to size, the mediumsized O L Headach yt CAarras LrrremLivan Prif l cau hen i rgooutintherhed and fm o o h re t hc h eog s are equa yvalualin Consitipation. curinf* h r h hpe tewo ihalte preentngtisano gco ,lintwhi yers s arule, the Most profitable. But after ýbYalso corre J, alldsrers o t 10 stomrach 'Ir8 e wet it with my tears, all that can bie said and learned, the manDO t 01nyc, nrguaotebwl SneHne id does not live who can pick out the best cow AH - -D from a herd by looks alone with any degree of certainty. The truth is, the cow must Some Fa.rm Economnies. be tried with the scales and milk-tester, Acethywol e los r cst thoe In business life the difference between and , c tatan e heOns who suffer from i 1s distressin complantItet t btfortunately thýeir goodness des not. ensucess and fiure is personal ttniono butter fat in a year in proportion to the ere, and those who once try them wml find details.ý The men who build up and sue- cost of the food shre consumes that is the thesetw 1a let{a wit ystthat cesfully conduct great financial intereste most profitable cow. The formi and appear- I EMBRLYO. afe usc edare they who keep in touch with the muiner, areat deal,cbut it caunet tellhmal lines in the sketch above. This will bie the IOUNSBD L O ,ADAL DSE E F evryaydeais s el a drect the godcwsol ekp sln ssepys |pig's mocuth and should be colored red. geerlcors f business, It in the little a good profil. Saime fall off at ten years (Red ink will do.) After his muth hba 1% the bane of so many lies that here Ig where ex penses or the little savings that makreoldi, and somne hold Out till fif teen, doin g ibeapon e ct. iso e t rgetbat.Oplscre dotnesuccess or bankruptcy. No item is tcto ey stwelndication ofet te et tand h small sticks of wood should be sharply CATmsLITrTL IVEnP ILLS are very small petty to belooked after. In great business thia ae ihyonebnso ou w huttrough the skin and well iota the adose. They are strictly vegetalle and do nepiestetosadadoelittle breeding and raising. terngandpit nth kth h ýý e , rpuetnÊ a economies, each in itself insignificant, unite mthso tcssol tnsota ve for $ Sold everyw;here, or sent by mail to pour in a golden stream of profit. an angle so Mr. Pig won't fall over, and if CAPIEE MED10mE z00., New York ntefrlteopruiieio rc Ctl oe e is to bie allowed to sit down Put the tioig lttl ecnomes ae amos unimied, eve le ananial gt i por Ah. hind legs deep in, something like this. K but in no other business are they so gener. If You do your profit upon it is gone. The- AS A ll oelokd.Th ase oh fexpense restoring it to good condition ils & oppotunty nd ateial esorce onthegreater than the profit in any sort of stock OrF C A NA DA, average farm, If allowed in any other will warrant. caplealîbaid up, bsoooo.ets u aiuses would bring ruin. Gellerally it If you are feeding any stock with the, -- - ircarelessness, occsoal ac fida idea of making a profitable gain of flesh % This Bank is preparod to dIO ]Legiti- tion to loo a&fiter little things, but in either see to it that they are weil protected from mate Banking in all itsbrnhs case the result in the samne. Individul som n od Yucno edthema Farmier's notes discounted ; D)eposit failings can only be found and corrected by profitably otherwise. Nothing in the wholece receiveýd and Interest paid on accounts those interested, but there are somne sine of systema of stock management has been moree e cf $5 and upwards in Savings Bank omission and commission that, unfortuniate.thruhypoetanhs.issm 1 u. Department. ly, are only too general. Wheat has never been so largely used " D»RA FTSM Lack of attention to the material ocomfort or stoo-k-feeding as during the Ipresent Pgslktostd ndthyualyd f th iafter eating; so it is just as Weil to make Iss-ued and Collections made In Europe of farm animals is perhaps chief. Horses season. etikms o efreswtoyutieos ntr ofotbemne United States, and Canada, and cattle are allowed to suffer from stress have tried it have been Weill atisfie À wtha the start. Now ask mamma for a coule W. . ON B, of eahe drn te iner onhswhchthe result. It is fortunate for stock raisers of black pins to put in above hie nose for ' that well-fed stock has not bentsuch a drug pig' har p little eyes and wbittle out Aeta little attention might obviate or greatly in the market as has well-grown wheat- woea-sapd ieesofthn oo,3y ON KK O K K esen n hoe itrce wee nial ood breeaing and early maturity are them pnnk on the inside with paint or raiedeBxe n os rentinues to do a General Bankmng Busmness aire or should bie housed during winter, recognized as the highways toward profit -ink and press them in over the eyes so Bowmanville Agency, barns are unnecessarily cold or exposed, they will l lop" or hang a little. Now tie I h drs snt53 xodSrelnote r pnt einowoareou, dorsoffortacfreuenlywith stock. The good breedingz helps a small piece of grayish brown string tight- DEP SfiS vndos ae ot, oor of ortoofreuenlysomnewhat toward the other, but early ly about the head of a pin and drive it,bhead Iteceived in savings Bank Lepartment and on left openi. Such things not only entail mnaturity is mainly a mat ter of the proper and all, in through poor piggy's skin where noticedt vithdrawa necestortr.allefefos t suffering, but positive cash loss in feed feeding of the young stock. Early maturt- his tail belongs. You can then out the S4FIE.AMNTRBIG payable on demand. expended. Where surroundfings are not ing is simply impossible if the aninales-are string off to leave his pigship with a tail of HAIGTECS M EXCH NGEoomfrtale alare pat o thedaiy raionstmnted while they are formaing bone and au inch or so in length. E O A G ofral ag ato h al ainmuscle. It in really of litzle Importance where ûeo h aylnefu ete e cof h i arnetCý A- Butad sold and Draftaissued niponREurope goes to keep up animal heat and is in ah you keep this kind of a pig, and pige them- 311os UnitedstatesaGenCaads ogol dslvran measure a dead loss. Again, lack of venti Anhewamwic eooymgt selves don't seemtot b le very particular TeMnra rdeCmayhv Uteta enakhutanod. lation and unsanitary surroundings, which ,be well practiced, is in choosing the food where they are kept if they only have Thdein icsmgkr frtdrsote-rcinofwt COLLECTIONS a little care and labor might remedy, resjult' with more cars. It is curious that we makl7e enough to eat. You can make a smali pen otdt nodrt astecso-os / rmtymd tcretre pna rtin loss of thrift and health. . , it a matter of fstudy as to how we shall feed Of One of papa's cigar boxes, and I will showinpceareqt sigéosashs fteporte limwlb hem,'iau of orea t Brutkain, the United States and the ln the feeding of stock there is muenorctl ihte toteooygvh you how to hang doors and-fasten it so Mr. aefotjal e Do -nir.!on cof nda waste easily avoided. This is especially the the food that will best promote heal th Pitg can t get out unlss yout open the gate hneiapacsofalkïdh b o lto fteVcoraTul Big1 Telegraph , TrasfeWs tu tc apeina and strength antd weight with the lstfr hii'id masreens f hebo forlag or small sums on a,, part of mud whero feed racks could be had a ot n ien attetontatemat1 f ,1'dbe 3 iniches by 3 by 4 incheabWof Myhc p lda i in asmall first east and a permianent saving.. ieedigoureeles. .__ some panda gea dea itmakes the ruïnds avarlble a ne Un saeallowed etear a i r percentage dpnsupnhwoten You let your pig i paeof payment. of the corn or wheat giîven them whien simpie ImÏpure Milk. out. When youi have made your pen take enme fvlal ahscudb uito 1e(&tivr8sei w! Ote r iulars cali etthe bn. self -f eeding devices co- Id he built in spare Icesdatnini en ie otetrepn n u h ed f nsc AccounÏant, Manager. moments, m hich would allow them to get ml hc ssre u otegnrlwyas to leave a point, with an old pair of re ne h r.b oea iae iy u iewl nbetecutytul aillthey wanted to eat with little chance tto shears or a file, andutthentbend them waste anything. Sheep are allowed to run consumner.1 A European scientist whm a fully into a long, slender " U" for staples. adrvrn okn etea ihwietect tp aue h rdei eb in all weather, sub3ect to ramn and snow, investigated the subject states thatfrmNow cut a piece from the cigar box cover hkesHetopaagOnacur bi fggni rprin.Isln.] wo EPN & weniepniesedo vnsrwone cubic centimetre of milk taken fromt unite as long ab the pen is wide and about semrfrEgad n a oe io ilb bu w iedvddi pm shelters, would keep thema in good con- cw otndt flh tbea anya inch wide itself, the grain of the wood heflo asnesfri reada olw:Oecniee pr f15 dition. running with the length. fetead 'aso 0 otec,1 --Another commoni carelessness is the as 670,000 bacteria may bie obtained. This is for the gate. Make a notch in the vautsaeo h ettad f2Ofe -treatment of farma machmnery. Farmers From the average cow which passes the centre of one end for the latch. Now fror k h a undott eantr acad1 idc pn nteM-tu nvs ag usi otyipee, reater part of its timte in an ordinary hanging the gate, which is the niestd partt 60fetoc. h hih of ten more than can be really abforded, and barn a cubic centimetre of milk wiHl yield of the whole job and must be dons eryo h arae do h ag atlver sthen allow them to go to ruin for lack of aot16bcei. u hr h n-carefuilly.The first thing to do is to ham- bign natce upsdt a bv h ae ee ilh ba _ËF atetonMagnl own mcins mal has been f ed on pasture, the average mer down the heads of two pins so they 5 et n ihrattd hnta plw n avsesaelf xoe oyield is about ten bacteria. The importance wili pass through the staples. When they h ra Boky rdg.Tebig the ncinclemen ofcies erwofdwweatheraninwoods hworkdeofeacleanlinesarsjus ishtthuve nmadeo celear, dgassewella areom justanerighto sdrives woneli intortthe lowerta edgel Messr. HOEl &McMURTRY have to rot and metal8 to rast. The plowis left as risks that attend the consumaption of of the gate, close to the opposite end trom a ae ooriaflldwt hiedul ieo riwytak obe rc purchased'o the County uir of D forrham stnforg threthtandingurrwhere trthe ifirstm furrowcouwasd turnedls.milkhefromh.Ianimalostpconfined neto stables.iareItp theielatchhduIf oyoulcdon'traputarittwverydwnearo besit Wire Fencein this Country. It ie uteiti ate8gin eiatLahi·i otpleasant to think that an article of the edge the gate will "hind"-it won't wudhv alepi fbogti ntecryn eils n otah o asn âtrong, easily handled and ornamentsery stands ou tside, possibly drawn up under such cmmonuse asmilk ay cary con It will not be injured by snow, heat co14 tre te orwith aIfew ach rds sn eord t tamination, but in such cases, as all others, - utm npceawsmd yabn-OELTEMI ATL1Ei or -Awinds. t wlIt will se, turne edHorsesed aCattlean witu t raeforfarmachitnereforcane.beuteaomaord etoesedegforewarnedalltheiswiltoe bethforearmed.m bu Shep os osadPuty It is a occasional coat of paint for the wood work.tinwe asposdtsarhlr net work without barbe, and will not in- The saving in cost of new parts and new T HE ARGENTINE WHEAT CROP. pra.Sesi htsehdba nutd odas n bv h tewl epô sure stock in any way. It is much strong. machines will more than pay for the littlebute fialhàrasntsspcle.vddfoterira ndeil rthc er anid more durable thrant any barb fole.c-outlay. We ircre a ae f twsfci h emn illegaeosiha x ng, being closoly woven. The manure pile is another point of The New Crop ls a poor one, and the Graint oti ueospcestae ih atta h setaddsetu h Fence put up and Farm and Township t.Wensvda i t sfeunl e·wAeae otrbn od.Thsatceo ttr rdewl ntpooadod u fa ra RY, Bowmanville with;the substncecgone.cAilitle extraethehArentine wheat crptmay exerctcon cause, whiile China seemed determineda t tina whichi could serve to ymodify the The Longest Words. iathconewsdvtdlatce o lust to sue for peace in a regular and serious reply to these, says anhEnglish exchange, general impression that the output would Below are the nine longest words in theth yriadht r ste mg nu manner, its Government was really stramn. it may be said that -there certainly is a be equal to and probably exceed, that Of English language at the present writing: Ofte olpsibyhpbainhi'PIE!IL T VNý IFS ing every nerve to renew the conflict. We dairy form that is a reasonably good mndi- last year. Dispatches from Buenosi Ayres Subconstitutionalist. i hc aate aea nM fI are notosure that d apan can blame Pekin cation Of a good dairy cow. It is the exact say that the new crop had proved to be a Inopeeniiiy for trying to eahard n to buy upa fwthepsChilfianerounvymooppositec boffpthe nroundthasmoothlitcompactgribeefloppooritoneemandf thatme the iquality onofF by ad eking tmçone1ndt nonGermin a few Cw ît odheffriar ae was below average. It would be unwise to Honorificibilitudinity.vierdri.R teshaonnitnsrthig Iflow o -tiu um dozn cmmisioea nd on mmisioed orm Cos wth god bef ormarerarlfregard these advices as- conclusive, but it Anthropophagenanarian. ofor.Te l au. fyuws goodmilkers, though there are exceptions to seemns probable that the exportable surplus Disproportionableness.ajuirtconad keparbebcmigvygr peace, prepare for war, is not entirel thia rule. The dairy form rnay be briefly oi the Argentine crop will be considerably Velocipedestrianistical.0,S,ÏNSOIT Dritheotgmiame atthereeX n momntdescribed as follows : Wedge shaped reduced, and that the effect of this reduc- Transsubstantiationableness. rpae h eusrmrig 1 ihucrto n nnoùae one h or t eaenprostrate as i ungtedom.le. tion-will be beneficial with respect to' the Proantitranssubstantiationist. yat ly"Tejno gi xue tmeaeteroasidctdblenwheat growers of other zxporting coun. iie, pnwihteclnl thtmr.A dýigGi§orb mafr Fotn eln.appearance ; face ln and lean; mouth tries, Ovostmetl i errebrt, 0cns r [Ye Sn hldl "O-h, Mr. De Spud," eaie the fair large ; eyes full, mild, and bright ; fore. A Charmer.1 r youing maiden, "hysy yo can tell head broad ; neck, thin anai slim ; withers Fraudulent Feebleness. Bobby-"Y' ou oughit to see My big sister 8otnï.Tihraisaçtae oealAgt. fortun1es. Cani you tell mine ?" lea1n and thin; shouilders light anud sloping, HIe -"Miss Mellon carries her ageremnark,. Ev erybody says she's a beauity." be teeli h rsneo w rt e "I wish Iculves3pond ed De Spud 1legs short ; chest deep ; girth large; ably well."Johnny-"I bet she can't hold a candie týesc.Ii aexrn oe fcus,1In'wdahealay8to3wi, earnestly? because he had bJeen wondering stomEach large ; ribs bcad,1 ng, 0and lwide She (cornifully)--"And lstill Fshe tries to to my fsister fer looks. Why, ,mvBisterbu idreapsofteam srtf how mnuch would be in it to him if he auparct ; back lean, strong, and open jointedj, makýebelieve sei uhavr rgl sl wnytotcesfr a cha iycn raýrried her. loin broad ; flank low '; hipsi wide aa,)rt ; creaturec."i cer,1am e.okaant h an ftesain chin which case they made an enemy of him