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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1895, p. 2

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G AELL CM OTN.One quart of New Orleans miolasses, one PROA ONES G R AT FUL O O M F ?RT N Q.T H E H O f l 3 .and one-fourth pounds of sugar; set on Ère TIA~and stir and cook until, when dropped in' or er TC -uàol inn water, it wiil ferai rather a bard bail'i E rThr S' shold uiCea gatbered up between the fingers ; this tn.ieresiig It ems Abou' Somte Of the B R E A K F A ST-S U PPE R. Every careful housew ife takes m uch called hard a l; then add one-quarteg r a e k f t e W r d a y i e d "By th ro gh no ied e ff he natra pride in bier lin n. Pure white, swee pound of butter and cook to sof t crack r Lord Harris will vacate the governorshipDy~ JOHN IM IE, TORONTO, C flt, laws whfh goveruteoeain f ieto smelling towels, bed and table linen add Pour into a gre-sed pa, let At remain unti; of Bombay about the end of February, and The baby ie dead. Sil nutrition, and b a caretul application of an air of freshness and daintineseadnryoi, and hnpuloho. the post probabiy wiii be offlered to Sir iLoettil it iseeps *b iepoprisofweii-seteotefi Cocosa, Mr. Edward Grey.Itmoereps EPPs has provide fi our breakfast tables w ith a m ake the roo ni attractive. E veryone likes T E J YIFG B A T R o e g a er a ia r f s o e . A d t e tar d opt ait le r h n, w l s dlicately flavored beverage whiob mHEy saveOettIBRAaTAR. drte f es amnt GranProfesri . dte ke snmm sowr i nler sndswhit Us manY beau-y doctoral bis. It le by the pretdit thinge about the bouge. de, teliosGr pyiinwho Lk a numrser onte thirsty sad judioious use off Inch articles off diet that a They give one a feeling of comort and saý- ][ta "Skies andi Fiowers and Mok &AndI was caiied to attend the dyi*ng Emperoie of The hope of a moth er lies colfi and stilt, , 1 constitution May be gradually built up until eInt at lti fahterffn s ta sil ~trog enough to resisi every teudeucy te isfection, and the more there are about the FIctures"qe Inahabitants. Russia, received $50,000 for bis fee. Int A ndt the steafndnasth sllt F-.xsee e undreds off subtle maladies are more cbarming the home. The linen of the A sky of a wouderfui blue overbeed. A M. Ernst Carnot,son of the late President With bowed head- ~Oatinaround us ready to atteolt wberever of France, who la au engineer, bas been No grief like a sigh : at a weak point. We may escape meuy liouse bas its proper place to fil among sea of sappbire at our feet. beyond, go fat pone rvt eceaye .PcrBaby is dead. shatl lafiby keeping ourselves well foriified apibe thinescrtayofM.Pcad *ih ure blond anfi a properly nourishedth daiuty tigs, and it lsaiso an nece8si. away that tbey lose themiselves ini the haze whoeis Commissioner-General of the Paris A wee satin shroud, tmin.>deRi Service aazette." ty. Plain as ie the material of wbicb thlese of the horizon, a range off mouuîains-.îbose Exposition of 1900. Narrow its bed: MaeSimply with boillng weter or muilt Then Maoek tieksf Porugaloudo sold only iu peokets, by Grocers, iabelled thuls tbings are mede, mncb can be accompiisbed of rwo continents as wide apart iu civiliz- QrnMreAei f otglejy Baby is dead. JAMEBS EPP là C., Uomoopatt hiehi in iewye aigteipet fteeuna w oiv e lnigte the distinction ef beiug the first crowued Sa seuh the bouse yen can hear your hert boat "t.,London. EsiglanSI,intewyo aig hm rtyith toastowrde bnigte. head,or, indleed, royal personage, te submit The wheels of the 0eresudbrbo b .3amaoba ousewife is wiiling te give the time and selves as oeewith the distance. Towertug te inoculainb-h elydsoee estreet; hassudhrho h S Xteo an pans reqired.There iseue tbing wbich above us e rock bristling with f ortificatior, ,serum ef diphtherie. Long live the Qucen ! T cisiiden't eti ut in a omabyo f uetsbould be put upon every piece-tbe initiai tunnelled witbh magazines, set ail over witt Another Sentis African celebrity bas just dieV Ilîtt.ehM.d aw.feet FEB ~ 195 of the surname embroidered in oeucorner. cno nisga ttos rud us, t LotOleh er eda dcinot That upon towels sbould cubher be in whiite the foot et this rock, qucer uitile nerrew chees,\'eiauxdimon kig. MrL7ik.adoày LaI WEDNEDAYMylcisceest was tihe lest, as lie was %ise the "Je baby deadt _________________________or the color efthie ends off tbe meteriel. streets, brancbing off in every direction, iargest, individuel diemonti mine-owner iu A littie green mound, S80 THORGU-*CKM AS BIR. J. C. nHrrCEELJ, Cross stitcbing la suitebie for fine books- iollowiug crooked courses tbrougb the South Africa, until the scbeme of amnalgam. A~ tiny stone,17Irr" w as- EMBER 0F COLLEGE Op, pHySOiC1 back, for initiais anti monogranis. Upon fine town, sometimes, like escepiug prisoners, atien wes perlected. Iu chnrchy ard grounfiýý '-tand Surgone, Ontario, Coroner, etc. toweling aud opon lincu et ail other kiuda, r igup wide ,flights Booft, t Imerboue th eetlî8 tand£ailaton Offce udR~sdeueEnnekiie. ~ snc a tale apins au ceîh ou y cuuingflgbt pSi r E wad b is diam E eond - e he B tu etuHeaven a ew face s een, ____ Ofl. a d B IdeT E nnR i Ok b i ate sa d sble . The , an oue m e netie igh stuc co w allse only t e be st e ed by a p ul r E ng i sb ban ker t Paris, w a s ta W he e ne er a sig l on r a t ar ath been1 D UU IPO ht aamsil.Teonm ntaPr haveceiebreted hed odweddîug a Andl temtrarîrlsivg e stay faimi r Statement of a Weil Known Doctor D ARRSTNEn, SOLICITOR, &0,. MOPRI8 may be beavy and fioriateti. bigber waii et the top,and go focced te mm ndeys ege, but the celebration bas bren Swretest songe off love : oetrbldmeîietaIisy L>%BLOCK, upsiairs, Klog Street. Bowmau. Firstiy, the iablcciotb sud napkîus. ebruptiy, tiotge by e gerden sud round the postponeti for a wbiie. 1He was married laodail -eIlevrN trd bloau dIetird ethma 1liayo vrIe. Oechcitor for the ntri Bankt There is noting te do witb these except crner et a ouse beyod, Savea writer in 1834 te Miss Jeningism, a youngerc Iutiat Home abovetheaonis u t a trin t ei is goan à àtraste Menevs ioanei et thîe lwa3t rates te hem them nislos tbey are fringed. deughter off tbe laie William CharesetCani enter ji 1eratiînt cures as Ayer's SarsapariIIa."-ý ItOBT. YOUNGts, V. S. Of course, the douties, tny-cois, and cn- Harper's Bazar. dw Jernighem. ir. . F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. ~ TH WET DUHAMter-pieces aiiow an unlimiteti amonut anti Donkeys witb panniers go up antido A weii-knowu weman once asked Rubin- Duil, Gray Mvornlng. OFFICE I H ETDRA variety o~f fancy work. This wiii be regu. these steps, donkcys jingling witb bells stein, the fanions pianiet, for a ticket to0W df nc fa te oc-iedui1ge <JNew ted, by me r sisa t heilmorniugs Ayers , s r ews Btock wbrce hniseif orassietenf bismeobicercen e tieaotditetirgeereryicnceiWabidsertiofcareatbrohhmeuecof-ths cocerts.raMdatne,"b replird will bo round froini S.m. te 9 pm. Night caleti b h iewihcnh eoe 'dageeycnevbesr fcr hog at ehlegraph oreteypoesiet rileC elpl b set bui mteet regui e bestreets. Moore, bareleîggcd, witb cov I b ave eniy oeeseat et my disposition. No cheeniese burden on out spirite laid;» Admitte t he icWorItI' Fair. elytrelierdîr eypos il e rîivSeprti. Tthe sei. l c aeo rglrBut i f yen do net abject te eccupying it, 1 Tile long uigbt-watchrs iditinet hring us warn- r Ilete 7-r sheeing-n e seani dow tse conter. They erent oai e s s d irow in g ents Snir ds shran gasd give i te ye." Il te hppy T a we wee tenants of a liuse decayei; ________________________aiî b i-4 A . A . P O N T , m y h b e mb aititch e ti acr s e e cc utid y i l n g e is so ldiersn tosu E n g tle u n d i an askpl ed w bh ns h at m sicie " Aw t t ie T e early sr's P U is f e r livWeu s b o w el The pileow cases may be bcmstitcbedtriur hn eyntonjsi nipao"rpieitegetmscewt a The freats titi fairy work on pane and PAO SALE OR RENTA.-Houss sni A R H I T E T . P l a n s a n ti S p e c ifi c a . w i t b ir a w n w o r k a b o v e t h e o'h e m ; o r w i th c r o w d a n ti s o u t . O l ti m e n a n ti w o e m c o r b o w . b o u g isa ti w n d r bv e n t F Rs l r t e t i u t prpaemaffhttin. ebve hmanigufl ff beys drive doe fturey, .Beauty anti power adwhdrh nt--1 iacres for gl rintu.ciuLýI t ions pea dfer every cas fhidnètucks boethe hem, and amaii regetioficovebturkevs ir Oswalti Weitors Brieriy, marine edd Scugog street norili, The promises consist, . .elal attento ,vul aigb taio ae ee.giin bn sbwis pingtheirpinter iu ortiinery ite eQucen, bas jusi 10 tilta etrcts inesnwt a goondbouse witb cvery cenvenience, driviîjo * ibtwtr nc 10 eniiry arng yemts.l The ho fer hewites w? sbed, stable, etc Tnie garden centinsalot ol o c aerie nsl ink, Whlîby ar an em nt. he piiiew siam s ma e as e b eate long lshes as ou r teainsters drive hrnes. die inmuLo undon et the age et 77. D ring T er b u efn s fh s b i h n c rl h b i eif ut of al v n u s m e i t or simple as the teste of the maker dicîstes. Anti evecywbere oue looks, isocin the Cimean war ho was present witb the caiee possession cen lie given. Forparticuiers eppîf R EA à a l r It wiii be more economical anti botter P lie faeni e terosihe cnnnfet atthe operetiens in the.,Beitie, the Tieir nortliern starligist ebines as coidiy t FsniuBwavleO t45t er wilibeo obteineti if tc weiing be pur- ing thegrescvnn oftntecuoBlack se, anti the Ses et Azeif, anti when cicar; chAedby heyar.TaTe loren - snotiing ve the was, cimbering up tees tihe naval rviewwassbrd ai tieend of theTie wood tfi uhk(,ep tisir oly foc Decen-TH AA ANS TE& M Genleens lohe MdetoOrer. may be bemmeti by machine, but thse fluer weviug brigist colore tu like sigusl.flags werhe matie sketches for bier Majesty fronith, e wrt ecm e for tise new ycar;î nues arc botter benistitcheti. ta ttoso herc bv s ey tlie deck off the Royal yacht. Anti fer away in olti-cemembereti places TALSID15 ery neeessery b large as those off our encrants, gereninnis Tweuty yeare ago the persons off tise The enewtirep rites andthie robin siugs; $î per annunlativauce, ottserwîse $L.51l J.MI BIIiNiII XCO IB ie facessayotsimci sneleasbutwac foes iehiorp ubsE antian evpen Em tj- SubseriptionsThe slwand mpayable et the olilta faces D E N TJST. purciaset reey-made l the Turkisi gonds like tes, ed cactus oeuegreat sweep off Em ero ant Em reeol JpenwersacntipTisabunant menltheon wib loingfac D E N Isu a d alo a d k it. ITd make thern. y ur color, monnig g ories, robes, tie December andti tey wee e ru by n e anc sve bgi W iy ave our tiys forgot snob goodl publication. A tvrtisinic rates un es. by onii self, a single ucw Turkisb towci wiii make ar npertumetia that et June. court fciladentohs heE-at10etsprioopre)da let O F F IC E :- R ear of M\eSSrS. seveal. Or, a î,owel much w en in the T is, Ibmn, is Gibraltar; n e gloomy for. p1a9 ac ss e eid he E pea Is now tia notu wid fluât us sha gea etiou, Locale, 10 cents petrliu. c n e r m y h e u8 e i. If a ta u g t c c ma tr ss, b u t a p r d ise o f flo w rs, ea su d ley n o w v isite t ie free issp ta i oi T o k i, a n ti y tem p ets li ercer th on i s b itter b s tM A . JE , P u l s e E I g i b o h a & S o ' s D r g e a n i g e k i t u t i i n w c i i e e t e r e t t i e p i t u r e s q u e . T h e 6 , 0 0 0 E n g l i s t a k e o r g i v s p r e s c t s t e t i e p a t i e n t s a s W i s i c i f a i r b r i e f s , a n t i f r i c u s i s p , t e , h a v e M . JMS ul s p r a li e u is u f c e c i ls K it a u s l tie rs a titi n y te th e e ff e c , a n ti th e D o w t e i s i n e t r n i u i i i a i i A w a y ik e su m e r fo i a g e a s t i my p e s e t, o p mdie son back a ntfa e oth, A ption deences sways g cîg on s ggest Dot Bo change ls c beactmitic of tie ew Japan. An timate lire iafles in iLsepiasan i vatîys, e ttcooe ,i e r u <ce m Iensm saS e cro î T' m u c is p re p a a ti e s fo c w a r a u s at o e n w M a y m e n h a v e c la im e d ti t eh a v e in v e te ti W a n in g t ie ig isof f p ro m ise r m u r d a y , eted on ater it ie douc. 'Tîey are tomle- m rvel of engineering skii, from. wiscb ibe phrase "lGrand Olti Man," as applid A dim ese nt hke thicrs te pase awayl B OW M AE N V IL L E chît, Su r e e ot a i e bauty offliue ss ne er liinaid. te M . Gladtsone. Now i je sggesed a k uit eues. Ivînci inconvenieuce ia avoitieti Witb ibis marvel off entissud sky above tisai G. O. M. mey have eriginaird wîtb Aleet dear fnirunde tise wintr Io wiisin us, G e nits (3loth în gy if a general suppy of tiseseliskepi ou bad, us there coniti e ne indoors oc us tiai Mr. Bradaug. lun lie lie of tie lae red istle fce tiaigrews about tiehieact; day. Even Prof. Protgere moutéti a member mr Northampton just issue, M. For pety caes ad vain regrts ave won us tiseescnt t tosegalir. .M.Robrtsncfrnnng ee peeh wich Fcom lite'- truc beitaee anti botter part; tionkey te make ad ep Seasouseytamae heasen o toandllr-Js. oieson rfrejegtoa pcehh yea, wondrsisipoieye, orhi Oto sîo , D ct, P ess d s d ejiirei b (ooking Sau sag es. es, unn lling tie rock t e its very crIsst, M r. B ra tlug is m ade in Edin urg is in 1881, a uer : T'T Cl *I* r .1,300 feet abeve, every epening mounteti says :-" lun tht penticular speech lie uset i But nations toil anti tremble evru as wc, T H 0 . pr" T > Tie ordinary way et fryine' sausages la wihtba cannon. hi s leheretiatishe mokeys, tie phrase tiat grand ol mns,, of M c.Ilci ngfocliarest tiey wii neer gatier. is - the ,boatingibe inter wiscb Iiey my ne Dyersud e hst w y of coksn tisn. A fr tisetipehaps off awatng baIles for wh is (-Gladstone. Il w s pro aly ilw o e ie e G o a d w a r a u t d t o b e a s o e e su Ut n e w b o tte r e e i s t e p u t t i b e n l th e v e n o u a u o n a n y p r e p a c ti e s a r e m a te , c a r r y a u a s iio n . - Gnswrthedfnasnioueoneiney bkig ictunig tsei ron vsieof t leir oewe, hurling atones ai Quren Vicienia'R newest maid.uf-boun, thi fo nwWhudos rdnrybkigtituan te. rm.vsiosanti saldiers, while-_b ýY Bti antiMiss Majendie, owes lhen enîrance te Royal Snow Song. "Backac he the acavengera Corner Kinug and Ontario Sù , oeeaide te enotiser untll îiey are.Srowu on gin ai a distance like mischievoubsehcboi favor te a curions bit off chance. She hep. Over vaiiey, over bill, maatekd_ cf the eatem. Bowmanvile both id ses. In a het ovru îbey wiii cook boys. peurd te Se singing lu a-chuncis choir oee lark, tiseesepiser' -'-ingF-"*" neya are in "Dola g lp r i b is way lu ton or fitirc minutes. If Sa we drove r strolet ila day, in ndday wheî the Quen w s present t Divine Drivig aitl)' Dodd'à dangerous. Neg- D EN JTIflT n b he ae service, ant ier Majesty wese0gely f' , -'cted kidn~ n cris heyshul L --ck c e - 5' r. twet"n e fer fottis off tise forts. t W en i a u % e n Btin i od ien eay the beoaa, n ""' ï, - id,,n of Bet, Wie,,bow;Kjd F.11wm odiesy.- laprOmPt relief. - iseti cuint o bsquares for terithiintoeee ie or utheu i dcedaiiîrc~ teyuggrse coetseno1ýyrfithd t-ay L'-ioungwirs ofyonc .rdctat 76pe ent, in Badelo round oakes,abouiiisrec.qunmecs incisbsroe sldthg. ebsoy o c ts es.îîg.0Žsetiebrei x Weuilatîe d. 1 iaadrdkd tema a- b ill rob h old ng g 0 d i sa e l e D y sp ep a fa , ' r thick, andt if lcook in tise sneW W îtisincetei-ousjouth peîr. Govesu tae udexadwsutinea. gery ous caail T h e F r e n e i s u s e t ie ic i e s i S p a i i t nisi s isub o r d e é, u s et i is e o g t ýj e ctS pr v an d w la t ir d e s i n u w o o l. M ; g d ht a ri B rit h t a D M ap p d i s a c e w t i a u s a g e s . A l i t i e w i s r e v e r y p o o r p e a s e t o n h i e w y i s în e S B ole w , i n d , be i o h n iw o t r y t a sh a e i a D abla n cipeioinutise proportion offa table. to wrButruboîsasu d Nao rul ~ ~ Uni iefcterig ai ye ighMDropey.' s R A I N D Espoonul aa penietsueg etm y Setoppeti by Spanisis soltisens ifthe loss rn a e i D a e n h r w e an p i k e v r t es l i r in l nOn s T o b e w î h STeac is le caves t ie u es you k now, w thut e w er- T h e b eu C, I A N D N , L . D . S. S r w m u p h k e v rt se saeges black loaek. A n Ounce of tobacco or a B rothers an ti S sm r.ngoirgd dî e ve an o Gr d a eO t eR y lC le ao e t l just before tisy are put hin tie ven. If sp en ul off sugar, if foun ti up n ee, i iss u Hol ut s eer s k ngA ndvry bi lia e the îowe n gi hdn e r r D d' K/dnue Surgeon. Ontaio. tak a-ayPut lu ho. ad de.t.ý,ed.HotiseiRollanier, upr antig towuither/fhitwhen thadedexiaeattw hhnerh OFIEOPST XRSFFIFICE. pasyfacgandiasis tbey wiitOSe a cry seeisiiypeaîottiwtamdbiqurisihbwt.Tise twa youngisiw Wifdtheisown1 xs h Surgeos. Outria. refor aceanti spthuk iietbc eti er lbaves off breati are broken open. le Nepoleon'S mn.HeeGaalydaikd Hdler etltse, eb itee okil.Stbyaleaesnetiysaloncep VITALIZED AIR. Anthr on w fsringBlsae that anc oltimnuwbo drove his tnrkeye people had eti enmernîidtoc siate reesons. ljpou yonr pipes e oyfeodns e %Vih I figes" f bowntost nd usi bck ndfoth ntoGibaia Al JYOf price5ocnsPe box or six fer $eso r eer dayan wrAil nhp our ebep takes off tnow Dr. L. A. Smith & CO. Toronto. Write 'Troon sauce. Cook te sausge in te oven back every nigt witbut selinig any. Uti. wrote Louis, apropis et bis donestie --- N~~e-~r T ail o r S h o p b or u ltp fth ste va e n e f er. nly mnac h înnrkey's w îg, isOwever, a hg o t relations, a latter w sicîsi a go ot exemple T e V ie a' Sr a s E T LE F C S D N E S O tie ntcektcti obcohati bren'amuggleti. etscreNeTotLes e en toeu atiEOcsFieINTnhaIEisSEor of ey Ut The underaigned wbo a licou on acrying on tbey are isard and flavOries. Thcy shoulti Anti atter the custom..OfsScordeoseoff hers leS heV-OOfSra tise talorng bustnes lu onncion f wiish elbone nbt ies n h abog edoent ice aoutetianrd Tai le tiesasatngi we ni Inî,întiWi ec n!aW asbrfyaSe elbont nbt iis ni tisnhirougb more gardent,,lise grost Rock if s k- ak ote; starsaaili ihe lhImseMusi madonneryin St rec- f mbco Elr 0hy ocs t0' scts kng e crfcsinalisimpreg uble fi ercene s , p ivate affair. Te ok ,tsi ases d w nte ibm Exteie oltia i. rwei uandaee a roidnc RngSiwsuitwecbitnpl, aned ug le are oom n t tsun droe anito sc e tie thinan ti ou in "tse IYe gavera tsa country tao mu ais ike laite, e igo h eto msake gt l s o s's u i te tathe latent pek. A Dag etweve ausges cooke in l coy, tie stars by tiai i e atal w aCpcsm. Is odcsofskigioîi Ts ie ur uswettc sts ille, b e mbie cla ew l n w ,ee Ws tles, ant ui tloe, thoprîcescarFor tisose wh o thit a n a p a t r. S p r t e a la à - a C p c i .wt ake ' S U ' t e f r s m z sf i wiht nirsi. owl ary a fal inohueorfinfgers off toast. Heats otiemb ndetimn asa amîl f anihass fonis fakn hudTe-e umr hni evsth il eubn nlec pntemna wsyon pltte. Spacte isei S Ani Im ndmrOU£ wiudowwcre tise foies be fuit off 'ajesty.. . A king actions, Wiîis vmigniY roar the glaciers torrents e.A osevn eewiobsbuex Cali.,gravy-a Spanisis sauce le nont deslnabie if S)oltiiene msrcled by. Tise gaies off Gibraltar Wben people sey et s n e.i e n sgoti, liake.etn;tis lIs eeYOi hobsbc x bugles tieiechmene o fn a k yine.g Wien owlae imcgnd, ng; nier grà8c4 anti psdfreln e o iotrpno, t h.T .i i s c o n v e n i u t e M i x s i x n u s i s o o m s a n t i i s et i b e n l c k f o r t i e n i g i i, a d n n e e e h i e e i g e i n e f a i l ui e . . . . . Y e u r q u r . l M u o u n î i n m a t o w s , c re r l i e i c e s p r n gv e y t w t mr e n , b a n o t i a d m s . J * ' ' * - - T -. I E ~ a dN , t s ai to e l se sa u ce and t cit iern i m e n co u l ti g o eih eh r o t o r l. rets w siis tise qforn arcok oe r brtise p u blic, i, tnteis Fashionable Tailor- lu ini foc Six Minutes. Then peur tbe sauce ri ihteqenaek w 'I eYlwtmeaue a oe iiu rcoundth ie saueges anti toast. Yen tsoulti exiibit et home tisai paternel rea"s ued Mtfecenes, andthie voie orf t'in eWii1 power, anti otten a trmporacy MONEY TO LOAN. ke. sd-effeminDate ciaacer yn show lu yor Ai Abltf ocd, te Scott's fastdeatcnîng car te emry etresus we enng of tse eîury.Pe naps tse lw th apple sauce or on a b fbeans. Anoîer serions labo-ur distrbace bas a y u g wr t y n. Y etO at Brougisi ack tie lenOf cildiseetiasd !ta largest cale upon w ih tiis action isan $ 1 0is0 T e ed jbean la se ti fortoc iis p urpoet by n w reac ise t s ex pe dîrd c onclusion lu regim en . D ist ust t ie p eople b w s niw e k m r e b fri d a s co w. g t se r tr oop $ 1 0 0T he. F e n i s c o k buth o a k i e d S a n w l e r v e . U n e l e S a 's d o m i n i o n s , a n t i t se s t r i k e r s y e n r e s u r c u n t i d ; i e y a r e n o b l e . w . w a k alargXe SUBI O off iybas licou placet len iyntith wtr u bci te ae ok biyadopîing lise suicidai methoti offresort. You bave the beoat anti most vinnous Whio brnstise brooks istdOw tram evecy -aller-e OÀs.ciy tram hiuger, fatigue sud a p ov e a n s o n fa n e e u ity fo n a te rýn i( f sh o u l ti h e p o u e ti o ff th u m us ln t ie m e n in g . in g t e v io le n c e , h a v e b ro c eisi n o t îisn g b u t A llo w l e r t e a n c e a s m u ais a s e l e s;e k ?Isu11 PIant bsO r vat s oi o r veIfnicnesonndietactendertletrbis ceuntrym8 CEtTwinc,,essut yenc rentierE ber pnilserabte. peakn b Pctttu-tpoo.iT »iscllatterthe attepsprmOpi mot foail. riv o vse yers rv payD al Pea R Ts shut im he uau e. o etrouble up n th m elves anti stDe w o le lu keeping wilbh ir griîba e a ite r s r î g t e P a e m mn p yiin w o sc m a y OENt sf tresconditis for d aat ys ,pnt fbeas,m aured beore Soakig, stitiaict thei. Ts isoyetts ro ky w ei foî oaae ae ra h lie Boc U-" e P nce lS tts î r o dto st rePaym mt w il l ie s ablespoo f nl of butter an ti a sîi o ion, T e h s o y o ttrisy ho l o y Y at f a e r m h i l f Br n o ild ta h e t o ijcu t y e a ý arrsnged. init C vebatle1ayaung onliean oftwrto t hvalle filr iwisscto a ve alispwtelsy b r oe c fuiia f ie cni D . B . S IM P S O N . w it is a c lo y c sîu c k i i o o i m i h s tr ik e 18 s im uter 10 th a i o f f n y o i S n S a l I w it e e 1 o1ah a l , a n ti y en E s te rm a n to .d a v , a n t i he e y h u t e i i e r a . F a n a s r c f h i Daed Ocitî, t, or Bwnlmle. coiti wstmr snd leci 15cmcook ttelOvy unti great stnîkes in tise UnitediSiates ant inms. wa d osser or,îke nuofrse îwys wsisig uîg a watiac acsotsi-tn tg. sthois c tise was a s 40-tf. tbey are tisonougisly tenter, atitingwatcr wisere. lise me sudtenly be p imnhclissoldr Dues... , Renter se . afe r sieisstionhae" reputhrabt le cofi lso as tise water boils sa.Wyntsebas toslasn ie oi eni wsisu seyis er et yerchic hpy ae o net goainT n d ueer1m-"Bst iso attsm mîr.Ti a oteiintsesrgst 9wYlt asr.iRosewhwre talreafyte ig ar n ii si ni pe r ae anc tisehbrenWgivre ne eb----unlaceo. lhhning fth.wife- .oIs te -vninus:ifend iath e . 1 Bronco-- Bi- - W ll a u-n tc ibe xpst. W t b is p Il yunge àrEMnr. Radin 1Fester Av e a s reciioai tobaco y hi.and nd hs failybt, ryce, be anas rvn er, enismn hse 'nes reformer. Jon hec îisrretmadisle girl cigntevn are- .o ni i aml, obrierfio eyse ieinterrupîtd she invented garmnsclr,"rusr tiîs sn th ce tiset wes aimosi a ia le, a u i yonnselt te tise usages oë hlm. m nscle , "to sr bagt evend beennevgattiognie vena s of Mosut g ay oe matie taneticai. Mantsel Maclaison baî Seen ae anti put 'titis ie yonn heat : Chat if' "Yoc'vr gel iwreug," lie sait, ulobe uts" n d îtrei u ri. ' tir el t îmm s Anotisen point, Mn. Maxim thinks,isthitadpt sle thaon,"atituin te"I r elyyeuhei poun etengr, nc ouni of ^'atsnok bu St gave np tsmoking Ion, yen tollow bat atice yen svsl no longer Se mplexien ithaistaliquit." rnclae' ieaii Seas t-st thtman will neyer Sobe icte fi y guo eue ihird quart New Oleau ene ene Seeceme Presitient. Simlenly, ahic te.c...t upon me. You îuay Se sure tosron, h ad"eas t tisai dLi ue sfglucosea a .. t oy V~ Grrvy ati abeudouth ie predrice be- tsaIenanu ilitfane toupport lu Paris, an- ciuciet er Tbc pabumtsee, Amenmolttes str ai b lie ani coktosoffforeshise eection. M. Carnet net ouly dictstistI bi even recrîve yen utwitismout GrByoo ho Nectar Tling. g p b r atireti tatiam n te r gite Wlt fii e ecegy woulti bavet egs crack ; setî off tise lino an ti sr lu ol sike u, l ike M. Tisies, diliked hushanti. If yen quanrel wî lh ni B yrfwobsiaîl np eti up a bausr-ch oitiail tlise ~m ostwmn e di f r s muscles te bie arme antid vcu.u tespoontul salersisus ; pourie s batteied the ateli eftlobacco. M. Casimin-Penmer Iryu ets n rance wiii ho clasedti t-gain)-" Bylise way, yen ativertîst isai ruclos tsts atslni wsseovrenite io erofe e maior yn. Yenanihi anFuryonrhiappnets ais ou hati gooaressens for srilng, I frgot te tirets ciiltirruevmr uventeti. 1 sppose, muscles te his chmst, anti be weutt have l at nianineenycotp t n tse n ,ar,.noccasions, lhe aouit insi ligisu s igar- ny estreni. teasis wbsî iiey wene, 1 shail have ta give lu up thougis ahen bave a lireasisione twrnty.esghî incises anti flavor wiîh p pperin. Anethergocti tte, wbich le weulti throw sway immmcd- "Bes APRsJÂ " - Seler {grmly) - Yo'll fut 'mi ut sisey enter scisool antid x wt Io dee. ncip to aslaset aff I tie filemng.... amly lcClnre't Magazine, test enougls. Ta, ta V" chihdren wbo are dressrd differentl!p."

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