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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1895, p. 3

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H<ACTICAL FARMING. Suecessf'ui Dairymen.r "IWheu practicabie, mîlking shouid be J loue by the saine persan, and wltb regular. ty as ta ltime. Hc anly that bath dlean i bandesheould bc allowed ta mli a cow," ' mays Geo. Abbott. 1«I say lie, becanse 1 tbluk the men ai the feri should do the nilking, at loast during the wlnter months. j E h&ve exercised the rigbt ai changing my nind au Ibis subject since I loi t the feri Et in no more difficuit 10 milk witb dry e hands Iban with lhem wet. lu le certainly nore cleauhy, and leavos the milk in a miuch more desirable condition for table use or manufacture. Pure stable atmoe phare is indispensable ta prevent contamin F alion from that source. Inimediate strain ing wili remnove impurities whiab other- wise wight be dissolved ta the permanent injury ai the whale product. *'After the straining le attended ta, the milk should be acratcd. Too ai ten il is poured juta ane large ecuansd ici t there 1 just as the cows have givon il. That negloot implie three thinge that are very injurions ta its qvality for cheose malïing. (1). The pecubiar odor wbicb the cow im- parts ta the miii will be lef t lu il until Il becomes fixed lu the fiavor. (2). The germe ai fermentation that came lu the mili and lrom thie air have the beet condition for growth and action wheu the mlk le leit undistucbed. (3). Then the iik wlll bo- came almot nfit for thorougb coagula- tion byren. Hence .itie needini sud ad- vantageous ota arate il for Ibres reasone. First, becanse by pouring, eirriug,dipping or by tricklîiu -.b over au cxposed surface there le elimnnated frei the mlhk by evaparalion any objectionable volatile ele- ment that may be iu it. Secandly,becauee, as has already been stated, thse milk con- tainse germeai fermentation. One ai these are called vibriones. A strange peculiarily about these microbes in that they becomne active ouly lu the absence ofi fres oxygen. When Warm new milkiileft1undistnrbed carbonia gas in generated,and that furniebes the beet condition for the commencement ai action by these almost invisible creat- ures. Aiter lhey gel started tbey eau keep up their wonk ai decompositian even lu the prosence ai oxygen. lu je impassible ta, no ceagulate sncb miii as to yioid a fine quality aikoeping cheeise. Coagulation by rennet ai miii that in ripe can nover be perfect uniese h bas boau thoroughiy aeraled immediatoly ailer il ln taken frrin tho caw. Neglect ai aeration will increase the quantity oai mli reqnired ta maie a pound af cheese. Tbirdly, becanse the air- ing seeme ta give vigor te the germe ai fermentation that bring about an acid con- dition ai the mili without prodnoing the acid. Sa mnch le Ibis se that it has been iound impracticabie ta make strîctly iret. clameecheddar cheese f rom i lk that bas net been aeratbd' Give Them Good Care. DISEASED LNG u CUBED BY TAXKING i AVER' _ herrw Pectoral. i 1 coitracted a severe cod, whlch sttled n çpyungS,a..j I d hIs.aiten doee 1%usiassn.geoed. .i. te onsulted t t letrwo ft no-l' mniIgme, that J ae uperefart of t'he let lung was badly medlines ile gave me did ual Bcem to do any good, and rd ýeter-med te ,TyAyer's Cherry Pector. Ater taking a ~ew doses my trouble was relicved, and O 0 re 1 had finshed the botle 1 was cured." -A. LEFLÂR, watlmaker, OrangeviWeé, Onà Ayer's Cherry Pectoral '7ghest Âwards t Worla'sFair. 1 DRt. TÀrcÉs ASTH!MALN! C UR ES A STH M A Gives a Night's Sweet Sleep so that; you need iiot %it up ail iigat gasping for breath for fear af suffocation. On receiptof namue and P.O. addrcýss wil al faintte FREE .r. ranch, -18 Adelaide St., W. Use ýr, Tft's White Pine Syri4 for W TANTED.--Local anïd Traveling YSa-esuc en to handle ourllardyCnadlan Grown Nursery Stock. Wc gnarante satlsfac- toe representatives and customers Our useries are the largest Iu the Dominion. over 700 acres. No substitution lu ordere. Exelusive tcrrltory and liberal terme to whale or part Mïme aqents. Wriw e u. STONEý & WELLINGTON, ffead office) Toronto. Ont. The on!>' Nursery lu Canada having testïng archards .fl3 flhe Toronto .. Ladies' Journal This Journal is a beautlfully il lustrated and handsomely printed monthly magazine of thfrty-six pages. It contains the latest FaShio31n News, carefully and finely Jerseys. The cows have a run of a large pastnre hili Ihat le well supplied with shade and pure water, iu the suai- mer season, and in the winter they are housed lu a high, well ventilated, dlean table. They are watered lwice a day in winter, framn a large tank of runuing water n the yard-the water being warmed. iheir feed consiste of well cured timothy and clover hay and cut corn fodder and a ration ai ground oats, corn and mill feed. ['urnips and anything of like nature, wbîch s'ould tend to give butter a stroug taste are never fed, except to dry cows. The stable s kept dlean and well littered with cnt straw and saw-dust. The cows are hruebed and no filth je allowed ta remain on theai. [he cream le allowed ta stand until slightly acid, when it le oburned, the butter waehed with cald spring water,salted three-fanrtbs teon nounce per pound <as desired by the enstamers), and then printed or packed in smail tubs, as the trade demands. Feedllng Rations. A rather conservative dairyman iu dis- oussing the ration -probira says, "the maît skillfui chemist lu the world cannot, in hie labaratory, lay down miles or com- pound rations that shali give the very beet retnmns possible iram each due ai 25 gaod lairy cowe." This le very tmue, but it is equally truc that the agriculturai chemiet eau lay down certain general miles which will enable any intelligent dairyînan ta vaslly improve on the unscientific tmelath de which se generally prevail. DETECTING A WEAK EYE. & MmPle Experlint b>' Wil aAmyolee Maiay flseover the Defect. Yes," said the doctar, to a correspond- eut, "the mak are ai optical irstrm'enta are turning ont seine wonderiul a6ppliances nawadays f or discovering imperfections af vision, but l'I tell yeu ai a plan for testing the respective sitrength af your eyes that le as simple a it le trustworthy. ,AUI you need le a stereoscape and a pbitograph. That arrangement in which the picture holder elides np and down a flat framne, trombone fa shion, is the best sort af atereo- scope for the purpose, althongh any will do, and the Photograph that wl give the best resulîs ie a cabinet size view ai same loclity with people iu it. "The modus operandi le simplicity itei. Put the photograph lu the halder and inous il just cnough sa thal yau eau sec the faces clearly. Then close the heft eye and look at the pioture inteutly witb your righ b cy e. while you count thirty slowly. New close the right eye and look at the pîcture with the ici t eye for the seae tîme. Thon open bath eyes and look at the picture without ahanging the tocue. IlSomnething qucer will happen. The figures an theonanside at the pîcture will seem ta move acroa the view and groul themeelvels with thase on the other aide, and-tbie le the point of the oxperiment- the figures will always mave away from tbt weak eye. Mareover. they mave wlth s very precise relation ai speed ta the weam- nese of vision. Il the lef t eye, for example, le quiti wcak, the figures wili move very quîcki3 across the plane ai sigbt ta the right aide, while if thero je but a sllght defect tht miovement 'wilbe gseua on.9 LONflON'8 EBOLJCE FORCE ITS ORGANIZATION, SYSTEM, METH- ODS, AND DUTIES. The lietrepeltian Police Proteets Neari>' Seven 5iundredl Miles et Territor! and Attends te Nunserous fletails of the Mutaïelpal Life anmd Geverament-iS,- .JeifýeU-OrtlU ofetthe ]Force. The Metrapolitan Police ai London pre- serves the peace in an area. ai 688.31 square miles3, or mare than 440,000 acres, with a force ai ucarly 15,000 men. The last census recorded the population ai this territary as 5,595,638. For the protection of the lives and property ai these persans the constables are responsible each along the liue ai hi% own post while he je ou dnty. In addition ta tbis the Met- ropolitan Police bas varions other duties, somne ai whicb are not strictly lu the Ue ai wark ai conFitabulary, bart are pcrformed ty it for the geners.l convenicuce, as, for instance, regnlatîng traffic and reudering assistance lu time of accident. For their labors iu 1893 the mcm bers ai the force received £2,264,022, and the expense ai the departaient for that year waa £1,395,- 873, or nearly $7,000,000. The police force ai times performas varions duties for differ- eut departaients ai the Goverument, and the Commissioner, who le the executive head of the police, may detaîl mon ta pet- farai police duties at public institutions or individuais ; but aIl these services are paid for by the dcpartment, institution, or persan bonefiting by them" THE, LONDON "uoiiav." East End Grain Depot The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Dnrhamn for the liberal patronage extendod to us during the past season, also to remind them that we are stil in the miarket and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE AiL KINOS 0FCAREG W&SED deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or ab Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait ini Bags. Rock Sait for cat tIt and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sel cEI~IAoe -UO ASIL: Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENIEJ. GOAL always in stock W. invite iÉspection and guarantee satisfaction. UII b. piea.ed once In Quantity, twice in (Quality# and three limes lai Price Who inspect the uneqtualled asoortment of Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &C., At Our Store, as- BEAVER BLOCK,m Bowmauiville BIGG-EST STORE., BIGGEST VARJETY., BIOGESI VALUE, Everybody invited to call and see our new rootweftr I D AVI S TUE SHOE MAN During the firBt si x months after joining be forfoited or reducefi for misconduct, andi the men aie assembled and questioned by may be tcmporarily Buspended in certain the Inspectors as ta their knowledge of the cases for ather causes. Pensions, allowane. police instruction book. es,and gratuities are payable to the widows There are about 250 mounted police who and children of mnembers of the force, liandew are detailed-for crdinary duty ta the ýout- a variety of circ umstanCes. lyi-g divisions, but Pre brouglit ilu i _________ With a dairy herd that has net becu weli shltercd and fed during the winter, the spring is a vcry tryir~g soason. The cows are tim in flei and weak correspondingl,

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