Yl We ofl'er the balance of our Stock of GENUINE ACME and STAR SKATES at GREATLY RED ICED PRICES. Don't Lail to secure a pair cf those celebrated Skates ai, the very low prices. We are cleariugc them out. We are taking stock this rnonth and our prices on Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Stoves, and Tinware will be LXCEEDINGLY LOW. Taephone ýoNo. 46. Pads At p ilTREB LCOCK'S A Leader- value___ Bow 2IuN ILLEF B'v 20, 1895. Týhe adjauruad meeting of tboWest Dun- hat Reform Association wilho held lu the Town Hall, Bowmauviile, on Thiurs- day, Fab. 21, at 2 p. ni. for the oection cf offleers snd general b'sainesa. A funil at- tendance of Liberale la nequeatedl. M. . JAMass, Tlitos. Sm.&LE, Secretsny, Presirlent A WORTHY OAN'ADIAN. The Dotroit Enening Nowsaof Feb. 13, bas this article ou a former residant of thia bowu, son of Mr. W. Bnoad, P. M., Fsydon, sund son-iu-Iaw cf Ga. Rainas, Epaq., Police Maglistrate. A good portrait accoinpaties the sketch lu the News: It'sm a weli-kuown fart that mauy Can- adiaus are located lu Michigan, sud we find not s f ew of them n tu he rauks af commercial travelonrs. 0ur cousina froin acros the lino are ua3ually able to hoid their own lin commercial puraulta haro, -and mauy of thoa are holding vary ne- sponsîible positions. John Bnoad, who represants Strong, Lee & Co. importons and johbers of diry garde, Derroî t, was horu at Bowinauville, On., sud clnked in a dry gooda store there for five years. After this ho oc- cupied a similian position witb a dry gooda firm in St. Thomas, sud came te Detroit in 1881, couuectin)g himself with Allan Shelden & Co., as travelling sales. man. He e nmiined iu thoîn amploy for six yoans, sud thon during 1888, accepted bis preseut position wiî-h Stroug, Lee & Co. in s simliar capacity. His îerîîtony is ln Michigan, principaliy aloug the linos of bbc Michigan Central and Detroit, Lansing sud Nonthernu ailways. Mr. Broad la si thoroush gentleman, ii modeat sud uuassuming lu manner, sud poomesses the fa-culty of making friandsi aud reaaiug thein. Ho laseslling thei saine rade to-day with wbich ha commen- ced doiug business When ho firat wenb au the road, sud il is said of hlm that liea bas neyer lest s customen, which speaka volumes reganding bis ability as as succoas-i f ul salesman. Ho bas hasts of fiends,t and holde bis rade ual Po mucb froin any1 parlicular abiliby as a taîkor, but deslors kuow tboy eau roly au Mn., Broad sud the bouse ho reprasonts. Hi lamarried owns s handaome bouses on the boulevard, sud resches Detroit1 every week. The gingle af the ligli halls la a pleasaut souud ta bear; But the glngie cf the dollar Brnl t publishers mare chear. 1 And the hast way wa kuow oft To mienasse the latter sonna, Is ta advetis-and advartlsie, And sprcad your faine around. X. D. C. ia marked prompt sud lasting lu lb. effecte. 11 Opposite Ontario B.%uk, Bowinanviile. 1 was cunad of a bad casa cf Grip by MIN XRD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C. B. C. I. LAcE 1 waa Cured of bass of voice hy MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. PUMS Yarmouth. CHARLES Puîis 1 was cured of Sciabica Rheum-atism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Burin, Nfld. LFwis S. BUTLER. BLA CKSTOCK. The counby L. O. Lodge met lu the Orange hall, Biackstock, Feb. 5tb. A large number of brebhren frot Clarke sud Cartwrighb were present. County Master, J. H1. Frebourn, cccupiad the chair. Kecbion of officers resultad as follows: W C M-J3iH Freeboun; C D M -Robt Cowau; Chaplain- - MatthowB; Roc Stec-W G Bartley; Fin Sec-A Tay- lor; Treas G W Joues; D cf C Gea Gordon; Leturer-W Myers; Dôp Lec for Clarke-J Ovens; Dap Lac fan Cant- wright-Jas Byets. The only blood-purifier rdmitted on exhibition at the Chicago W'onld's§ Fair wss Ayen's Sar8aparillg, ail othens beiug excladed as secret Pr -pirationsansd pat- ent medicines. Wîî doctors sud phan- macls t bas aiwaya been considered a standard ramàdy., (loridersed from the Neivs.) Miss Lizz e B îoad la convaiesclur. Mr.Joellenry ahipped a car load uf heavy bor8sste Boston last wdek.. -. Mn. John bDobson n tlbl coufiuod 10 bis bouse through i ilness. ... Mrs. John Fos'er sud daugli Îr, Mïs3 Et'iel Foaten, of Bowiîîou villa, vieited at Mn. Richard Beer'a latoly. .... Mn. James Cutaîl, Station Agent, Chicago & G. T. RK, at Ainsworth, nd., bas beeu trausferrad as Agent ta PoI'ter- E ville. Michigan.. .. Mr. H. Fit zpatrick, sud eister, sud Mn. C. Audrus, visited frienda in Lindsay necetly... Miss Min- nIe Trull bas raturned to Onio Ladies' College, Wbitby.. - -Mn. A. W. Carvoîh, neproentiug Orono Lodge A. O. U. W., sud Mn. Jua. Davey, D. PD.. G. M., are at Toronto atta'n ding Grand Lodge.,.. The Oysten suppan at M rs. Wm. 0Chappla'a Thursday avauing last was langely atteud- ed sud intenasting programma rendened. .... Miss Jaunie McCullougb la vîaîting in Toronto. -...Mn. Wm. McClung, Bow- menville visited relatives here latly.... Mn. G. H. Linton was 111 but in botter. S. S. Olonvention. The aunual convention of the West Durbam Sabbatb Sehool Association will hbeidolluinOrono on the Ilth sud l2th of Manch. lb la ]&ter than usual but- the conventions are arrangea by districts this year ta provent neediesa travelling ex. pense lu connection with the Normal Secretsny. Special attention will ho giron bu Prlnsany work, sud the Primary Secnetary of the Provincial Association, Airs. Duncan, Toronto, bas consente'l bu be prasant. An excellent programin l prepared. PLEASANT "AT HOME." Oua of the mont enjoyable social avants of the sesson ws the mid-wiuten At Home giron by the fsculby of theOutanlo Ladies' Collage, Whitby, ou Friday ev- ening. lb was s large sud bruIltànt gath- ening, sud aven 150 Un)ivensity studeuts and thein friands frain Toronto ou a opecial train to partakeo f-the eutertain- meut se haundsomely provided. A ladies' string Orchestra cama from Toronto gave a program of excellent unic, sud promen- sadiug ta it in the grand hall was kept up bbnoughout the eveniug. Clevarly select- ed tapies wene discussed by the company sud the colege youug ladies proved thernselves charming cou vorsationista. Dr. suad Mrs. Haro, Prof, sud Mns. Gnoonwaod, Miss Lick sud the remnainder of the faculty, sud the graduating ciasa alade evaryona feal perfecbly at haine, sud the tbrang of pîeasing costumas sud beaming faces was s spectacle long ta ho lementbened. The besutiful sud lofty roama of the callege wane very bastefully dacoated comfortably heabed. Refresh. monts wara senved in the libnary sud everybhing was no comploesasd passed so pleaaantiy that the affair wss pranaunced the moat sucoassful affair of the kind ever held. AMOng thosa Presient from town were Mi.sses . McDowell, L. Brima- comrbe, N. Williams, M. Moment, sud Bts and Sophia Jameoï Mrs. T. B. Hig- glnbotham, sud Messrs. Rav. PD. C. Mie. D eIJ. A, Jami nadA. Williams. A very interesting avent bock place at the residence of Richard Osborne, Eaq., Rosebsîh Farin, îown Eueo, Clarke, on Wednesday February 13, it beiug the c- casion of the marriage of bis youugest daughter, lua Lillian, and Fredrîck Ai- bort, elde3t son of William Crago, Esq., of Darlington. The ceremony which to.)k place shortly af ter 3 o'clock wss3 perfori- ed by Rey. A. 0. Wilson of Tyr me assist- ed by Rev. C. Parker, Bowmanville, lu the presence of aboutseventy-five iuvited guosia, mostly relatives of the bride and groom. The bride was handsomeiy attir- ad in creain cashmere aud laokad chant- ing. Miss Ida Osbone, aster of the bride, acted as bridesntaid, her attire bar- monizing baautifully with that of th@e bride, wbile Miss4 Ethel Osborne, neice of the bride, was maid of honor. Each car- ried a haudsome bouquet of flowersý. The groom was ab'y eupportiad by bis brother, Mr. Ebar Crago. After the car- emnny, sud the usual congratulations of - farad, ail rapairad to the agacons dining room, whera a most sumptuous wadding dinner wazsaervad ta which ail did ample justice, Iu the eveniug the bridai psrty lef t by train to visit friands in Western Outario. The remainder -of the evening was spent lu social chat, gaines, vocal sud instrumental, music. Mr. Osborneansd fatniiy spared no pains ta make the aven- iug enjoyable. The presents ta the bride werea very bandsoina display of usef ni srticles conslsting of glass, china, silver- ware sud books, besidesaua elegant par. lor suite and gyold watch and chain by Mn. and Mrs. Osborne. The newly wed- ded couple have the hast 'wishas of s large cîrcle of frlends for their future happineïs and prospenity. They will reaida on the Sanda homestead. Prompt relief in 'siok hnadache, dizzi- nasaB, nausea, constipation., pain iu the Bide, guarantead ta those using Carter's Little Lîver Pille. Oue a dose. Sinal price. Sumail dose. Smail pili. )inard'. Liniment Cure& Coida, etc. 1£NTIOCII, CLAiRKE. Maesr. James Hunter and T. Somier- ville vistted at Mr. Geo. Pollards recent- ly. .... Misses Jennie sud Annie Waddall, were guasta cf Miss Aggie Somerville re- cently... -Mr. F. O Gamsby, Rainy River, la vîsitiug at Mra. Gainby'.... Mr. Thom. Viekers fias au extensive heu- nerv. . .. Mr. W. T. Little visited frieads at Kirby lteyi.frr. 111continuas very pýoriy. Mucb of 1f 'a nis3ry is due ta ir digest- ion; for wbo rau be happy witb a pain ln bis stomach? As a corrective sund strengthenen cf the alimnentany organe, Ayer's Pilla ara iuvaluabla, their use being always attended with marked benefit. NEWTON VILLE. Lodge of 1nd(ýpendent, Forestera la to be organiz 'd bere by REev, McGlivrày.. .The romains of the Isa John McCuI iough were brougbh a froin Pickering for intentent Mouday week .... A plea3- aut social gathariug took place at Mn. Norman Samis' Monday weak. . .. Rev. A. Leslie, M. A., will praach bis fanewell sermon lu the Preabytanîsu church hans ou Sunday. He bas beau pasten haro 16 years, and hi, congregatiou will part with hlm with regret. Hea goos tc -Blenbeim, Oxford coanty. Tius MODERN INVALID,-ilsa tastes rnedicinally,în keepimg wîth other luxuries. A remady rmuet hapleasautiy acct3ptable lu formn, purely whoiasomne lu composition truly heneficîiilun ffect sud entircly frLea frein cveny objectionable quality. 1iF roally iii be cansulta a phyaictsn; if ce n- stipated ha usps the gauthe family laxîtive, Syrup if Fige. 310UNT VERY ON. vî.,itors: Misa Alice ilolden, Tthitby, at Mr. Edwin Annis'; Mro. W. H. Rose cf Detroît, sud Mr. Luther Bradley at Mn. Ga. Argue's; Mn. Bertrat Sàuch, Port Pe rry FI gb Scheel, at home,. ... Mr. J. J. Siiitb bast a valuabileboise recently ...Miss M. boar, teacher, spent Sun- day at ber home at Myrtia.. . . iey. Mr. l>Ridlgy, Orono, will occupy the pulpi.t bore ncxt Sunday.. .. Mims Eva Souch is visitng lber stite, Mre. Pearn, Port Perry ... . Mr James Heablie atteuded bbc funeral cf bis sisten Mra. Alex. Secor in Scarboro receutly. Mini8tere, Lawyers, Teachers, sud, ethers whosa occupition givea but lîttie exercise, sbiould use Carter's Little Liver Pilla for toroid liver and bîliousna. Oua ta a dose. Try thein. NESTLETON. Mr. John Edwarda bas purclîased the, Parr Fart on the 7 th coucasaicu. .. Mr. Waltar Sarumella bas ieased a fart frotn Mr. Peel vacated by Mn. Johnston. . Mr. aud f, John Vesi have returned fromi Tcrotibo sud eil1 huild a residauce herý,.. Miss Jobb cf Mîchiganwbo bas beau vis- iting Mn. Jacékson bias nturued. . .. M;i.' 1 ud Mrr. Win. Jackson, Mt. Horeb, v;i- i ltcd he... . Mrs. E. Lanîbkin la s sowly iiproviîu,, .... Mr. sud Mns. PRobt. Phîip, have beau visittng iii Pîcke-,!rg; Mn-. a,ed Mrs,, David frlcolm tun Simconj Cou,,i, Mr. aid rira. VW. SaimmeL all u Roe..'. .Mr. Bal sud Sons are uidiga unew stestuboat with Mr. John E ala manager sud John Chapinan as asaismut Are free fromtail croie su iriatu nîat~. 2 n mdicine ou]y'. Carter'm Little Liver Pilla. Very 8aai;j very sasay to take; no pain; rio grîpîeýg; no purgîog. Try theni. -KJRB Y. Rý'v. Chas. Adams, of Toronto Univen- eity, preacbed an excellant sermon lu the Churcb bore Suuday waek. ie wafignast cf Mr. Edward Cobbledick..Mr. J. L. Powers la racovering from bis recant iii nas... Mesans. Philip Bigelow & Sons are delivering lumber at McLaugbiin Carniage Works, Oshawa, takîng in ex- change a new buggy sud cutter....Mn. James Elllott, Stb con. waa storn stayeci at Mr. Wmi. Cooney'a during the big stoni. ... Mn. F. C. Tnebîlcock, principal, Public Sehool,, was home over Suuday., If you waut. a nice writing 1tablet or any thing in the stationery lina cail at the Orout, Drug Store. Wae e aingavasti~ ron Fïg urougith aud fecd Box. Cali sud See thani. 1 ed and must seil it cheap i Sewirg Machines claned and repaired. POERTEIR'S OLD STAND. BOWMANVILLE. RS.DNCASTR» Having fully decided to clear ont her entire stock of fali- and winter, rnillinery, wvill, during, the next 30 da ys, seil you goods at unheard of prices. The stock is new and of the very latest styles. llaving bought this stock in the best market, she is prepared to seli at prices that will astonish the Public. Ail trirnmed goods will be soid regardless of cost. Everybody cal and- examine for yonrself-no ,,trouble te, show gooiis. Orders for the Rlobinson Corsets will receive strict attention. Rats colored and reshaped in ail the latest styles at the East End Millinery, Bowman-, ville. ,.sdla by C5ikS .tY c-AN BE WITH-lNO INCONVi-EpiÇE- VITHOUTAT~ CMEAP DV MAIL Your name ta us meaus crnifort ta yati. A1 Post Card will do it IAeuri CHAS. OLUTRE icase 1aerat 34 K11#0 ST. WEST TORONTO-- cAAD Is Th-s Couuty Receiving Value, for the Money Spent on Education. Among ail the subjects proposed in your recent issue, for discussion, there are none perbaps of bucli vital importance to us, as this question, lb would be absurd. to attezupt tu answer it literai y, for the ad- vantage derived from a. pactic 1 Educa- tion are certain!y -beyond comparison with the money si ent in obtaining tbem. Education is the foundation stone of our moJerni civilization. To it we owe our wonderful scientific inventions and discoveries, our superiority in art and lit- erature, our admirable systems of Govern- me~nt, and in fact everything that distin- guishes us from the savage. But to speak more particularly, what are the results in1 the Pi ovince of Ontario of the money spent for pu-poses of educa- tien? Previous to the middle of the pre- sent century, very hit1e attention was paid te the educating of the cbildren of aboie, and as the natural and inevit- aberesuit, fully fine out of every ten men and women, of that generation, who had depended on scbools for their oirca- týon, grew up unable to reador rie They were entirely shut off fromte n joyrnent wbich an intelligent study of lIterature givea; they were to a consider- able extent at the mercy of the unscrup- nions sharpers who itifested our country;a snd they had a very small share of ta broad-rnîndedness concerning the affairs of if e which is derived prinicîpally from educaetion. To-day as a direct resuit of 1 our public achool system, the proportion ia more than reverked. ThE) yourig man or wornsn who la not fairly^ well read, wbo does not know a greater or lesser degree, appreciata good literature, or who at least la not protected from the artifices of those who live "by tb ir wits" by a knowledge of the rudiments of education, bas be- corne alrnost a prodigy. Sureiy thar,, if there be no other ap-' pirent r.esult, than the mind. enlarging influence of educe tion on our young, we are amp'y repaid for the comparatively saal amount spent on the sebool affairs of Ontario; and tbe answer to tbe propos- ed question, by tbe large majority of the people of uur Province must be, yes we bave been repaid a hundred-fold, and the result may be seen every day, in the high- ]y developed state of the intelligence of the present generation. M. IKE. E. J. Saunde 'rs &, Bros., Machinists and Qeneral Foundrymen. Ve (do ail kind s oXrepairing of Binderi, Mowerm, Seed Drills, Thresàbing Machines, Engines, and Mill Maebinery. Gears, Puileys, Sbafting sud Castings, of ail kinds mi-de to order. We do ail kinds of turniug and drii'ling. A fouI lue of farin implemnenta.ý INew aud second h and in stock. We ake the best Plow Point aud Land Side for ail niakes of Plows. A large stock always on hand. NEW COODS wal 5hRIStmas NeNw Y ears Preselts Arriving every day, Watches, o i h Clocks,Rings, Spectacles and Jewel-! iish ]ery of ail kinds. Silver Plate Berry Dishes, Fruit à-:eý-' Dishes, Cake Baskets, Castors, Piekie Castors, Biscuit Jars, Bon Bons, Napkin Rings, Marnalade LADIES, use Hook~s Sofala 5h09 Pol lsh for Jars, Card Receivers, Sngar Shelis, Ladies ard Children's flne-Bgos andi Shoea Berry Spoons, Mustard Spoons, as tha ducast t preser'rc the lest], er an d keep It we]l as Spaons, Knives and Forks. liable, lb will les-vo a polish lilee- satin. Foe Ail these goods are selling for ________and________________ about haif or less than haîf the usual IPrices. These g oods are al rU I new and of the Latest Designs and Styles, infact, some of the choicest Solid Gold Spectacles at special rates, nothing nicer for Presents. Let ail corne and sec for thern- selves, every one, weicorne, whether' they maake a purchase or not. Testing Eyesight a Specialty, by Graduate Optician, free of charge-, caîl and have it Scientifically doue.! You will flnd ail goods exactly as 1 represented, and suitable for pre- iýents for both young and old. Optical Parlor at, yonr disposai for Testing'Eyesight, Fitting Rings, and Trying Sewing Machines. T. N. RICKARD9 Watchmaker, Jeweler aud Optician. Neads Blocà, Bowmnville. V ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- In the Township of Pickering, situate miles West of Whitby Town ounlte Kingston Road; bekt of sili, deAn, well fenced and watered snd ln the highest state of cultivatian; gond buildings,solid brick house.waIla orcheard etc.% Terme very easy. The beet 200 acre rarmf in the Township. Apply quick to A. A. Po sT, Whitby. 22-tf F ARM FOR SALE.- A tirât olas taris of 125 acres or 145 acres situated Iu thi township of East Whitby let con. lots, 15 and 16 an the Base LUne, about li miles from Oai., wa station. 2 miles from Wlsltby and 60 rodE fram the sohool housQ. Large roomy buildings main barn 95x36 fi, plonty o! fruit, soi l la loam, altogather one of the best grain farit on tha LakeShore. No huIlar steues. About 10 acres of wood. 75 acres Iu pagture and frest seeded. Tarmas easy. inrt flowing dons For further particulars apply to0;A. ANiEa Oshawa. 37-tf. THAT A CANADIANý PACIFIO ,Rv, Leaves TORONTO every At 12 20 P. M. ý(NOO11) For the PAkcnrîc COAS via North Bay, R ead "What za a Taurist, Car.< Free on application to any Agent. T. E. HiGGiNBOTHAM, 54L .Agent, Bowmanville. S tweau ihe rluk sud Public Shoal. ou Saudy, Fb- . isIopen-fcesilver M~N Office. GRAND FARM FOR SAL,)!> TO IIENT-M 0acres in ail. south lf25 aore cflot 5, sud 25 acres cf narth ý lot 61 co. 3, liugtou. Thue brick house,,spaeiouis harns, splendid soil.excellent waton streai n sd wellq mauville-greBat canesae uesy tarins. or will rent tara tarm-ploug;h pasosiou givea a! 1er harveat. -AC yta Mima. JANE WIGIHT. Ou premiRssor ta . BEESM'o.o o man villea.3 1-tf WLSTELIO lUSEl When a fiîrn advertises that, they will seli N'ew Spring Goods below COSL there must be something radically wrong. It is an utter impossibility for any irun to seli goods below cost unless it be at the end of a season to clear ont liues in preference to carrying over for another season. But it is possible for us to seli goods at a ",ry small profit in order to do a large volumn of busi ness. The larger the turn over the better for us and the cheaper we can seli goods. We want to do mnore business in 1895 than we cdid in 1894. We do not expeet to get credit store profits we do flot ask them, we do not want them. llaving only one puce is a great sav- îng of time and' consequently of money, because time is money. You do flot have to waste precious tirne in bant- ering at our store everything is marked at a very low Cnt price in, the first place and everybody pays the same price -that is fair is it not? Our expense is smal-re- menîber we have Three (3) large, and distinct lines of bus- iness under one (1) roof and our expense is «I of what it would be if it occupied 3 Sep- arate buildings, that is appar- ent to any one. We also take any advantage there is in buy- in large quantities for instance wýe have just received orie car (80 bris) of sugar' which lias been bought at the lowest fig- ure that sugar bas ever toucli- order to get 'rid of it and make, room for another car or- dered to arrive about Mardi 2Oth. NO ~ is Your time to buy, a Mr., of st.a.r very cheap. W have also- s cured the agency for Bowmaiuville of Mazawat- te Tea which is probably the best package tea on the markiet it is very highiy recommended and guaranteed to be thAe best tea going for the money. To the largest purchaser of -Ding. Elec. Soap we give a Ladies handsomne, gold, watchi, this is a first class watch andlgiiara-tu teed for 15 years. The furni- turc that we give asw.a vertising itself. From the num- ber of articles we have distributed it must be in every house adjacent to the town. If it is not it shouId be it costs you absolutely nothîing ail we ask is thaï y ou deal with us,we make you the present besicles selling you gocds cheaper than you can get thema elsewhere. Just iu tbe new chatauqua drawing board something new in the present lune. We are always getting in sometinDg new. We aim to have a live business and to make it inter- esting and berieficial to our customers. We cordially in- vite a close inspection of our goods and prices. Samples sent on application. Hlighest p - ice goîng paid for allkîind of* pro- duce. Hoping you mnay favoýe the West End flouse with a' c aîl when wanting anytbing in either Drygoods, Groceries or Boots and Shoës. m 1