PO:0:- We have in stock a very hand- some Metal Dressing Case and Jewel Case combined which is too 'ýýxpensive to seli and we have de- cided to offer it as a prize to the person sending us the best poemn of not less than 50 lines. Rules of Competition. 1-Alpoems sent in shahl become Our property to be used as we desire. 2-The words Stott & Jury must appear at least once i; every 8 Unes. 3-The poem mnust be sent in not later than Mareh lst, 1895. 41-A slip of paper bearing the naine ,f composer must accompany each application and the paper on wich poem is written must not bear any signature. 5-Competent Judges who are disinterested will award the prize. 6-If two or more poems of equal menit the one received first will be awarde.d the prize, and if they are received the ,ame date the price of the -case will be divided equally between thern and cash given in place of the case. 7-Persons competing mnay send in as imany poems as they wish,but each poeum must include some state- inents regarding at least five of the following facts: Solid Gold Spectacles are a specialty at Stott & Ju1ry'sý C loth Brushes to make ld clothes look ike new at Stott & Jury'@. S. & J's Optician is the only person in the country who is a graduate of the three leading Opical C Jieges cf Amrerca.. iS1. & J. make ne charge for testing the mcst cornplicated cases of defective vision.' S. & J'a stock of Spectacles is larger than ail otiieî stocks cornbined. S. & J's Baking Powder is only 2Ots a apo ni~sd expert cooks îaay t is the best inthemarket. laSe set weeks paper and aso fut- « ' issues anid eut this out se as ta keep â- the sub,-jects together. G-RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. Gcure EAST <icING WEST ExpreFss.**'10 03 ar Express... 5Il arin Passanger.... 3 O6 P Wn Passenaer.. .8 15 arn Passenger.. 7 01 p -m Passenger . .. .2 25 p mrn Express.10 25 P (n1Epress ...746 prin 1BOWMANVILLE, FEE'Y 20, 1895. Local and Otherwise.1 Have you tried or 25c. Tea? Cawker ~cTait. Choice Goods At Rickard's for littie mnny. The Monarch bas corne te stay, 5 cents atraight. Miss Ett'a Jamnes has been visiting at flrooklin. Mr. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, spent Soin. day at horne. Several ne~w subscribers te THE STÂTES. àfAN were received aset week. The Mo. ch cgar is rnsnufactured by IR. w. 115i-ti0, St. Catharines. Our new spring goods will be cffered at wholesale cost. Ellison & Co. Srnokers cof good taste should try the Monarch 5o cigar, at the Central. Ladies wîshing hair work done eall on Mre. DicEiNsoN, King SF. West. Dunînig tI> nexi few waekei we are saeli- igofail ousr remuants and balanice cf Winer goods at vexty low prices. Cal and get semaý bargaine. JcEN- J. MSN We hnave taken a large number cf new subnacriptions te the Guarclian since the ; ie wag reduced te $100 a year, No ethcedist farily should be without it WVe want te raise mrnoy qtiickiy. El- lisan &' Co. Mn. W. Jewell cf Whitby was lu town Thunsday. Raf ormn Association meets in the to wn bail to-mcrrow. Mr. R. C. Smith cf Toronto Globe was in town lasi weak. Mr. P. Trebilocck euianiained hie Bible lass Wadneeday avening. Mies Deaccu, cf Gaeearaa, le viitiag friands on Major St., Torntc. Miss Millia Gigg cf Damill Collage, [Oshawa, was home for Sundeiy. Sales must ho kept lively aven durng the dol easan). Ellisen & Ce. Monarch cigare are scid ai the Centrai. Ask fer thora sud have ne cther. Wh.,sî ycu sant sorn ethîng fine in Breakiasi Bacon try Gawker & Tait's. Solid Goid Spectacles scientifically fitted at Rickard's aud away down iu pnice. Certain pertions cf stock wili haecld ai lese than aucticu pnices. Ellision & Go. C. L. Muissat, Bowmanville, siatar, fait sud gravai roofan. (1895) On sud af tan the 6th cf Februany cur prices wiil be lower than uaual. E lis mn & Cc. J. G. Vansione le prepared to psy the highest market prîce for good White Oats on Peas at Tyrone sud Bawrnanvilie Mîlîs. 6-tf. Very few vaientinas passed betwean Cupides votaries Thorsday. The anciaut cusîom le dying eut. Mn. James Mayuard sud Mise May- nard cf Whilby ware guasts a, Mn. W. Dingrn's issi waek. Mrs. W. H. Rawso cf Detroit le visit. ing ber inother, Mrs. Elrjab Stavens whc le in very feebie healtb. Victoria Lodge cf Ontario Masons bas disbsndad sud their iodge raam lu TFEE STATESMAN Block is for rani. The Spauish Guards, the firsi pnizo grcup ai the first caruivai bora, won firet pnize at 0Oshawa eLnival aset Thursday evaning. Two cf the largeet Methodist chorches lu the ciiy cf London, Ont., hava beau buruad ibis mnnh. Foxiunateiy botb wara îusured. The iown cooncil dîd not raisa enough rooney lasi ycar aud et lest mîeeting a by- law was passed te enabia the Treasurar te bonrow rnoney for cornant oxpenses. Oua cf the larges sasies cf farm stcck haid in Wet Durham for soem re wili ha Mn. Hocken's advotised in another part cf ihis papen. The cows sud beifere are gond cnes. Why çanale 15 er 20 minutas coiting& yoursalf in a vain audeavor te shave whon you eau gai a nice, diO5R comfertable abave ai Pethick, the Batber's, ln lase than baif the trne, Do you waut a good cuiter? If so, vou eaui gai yor eoîce ai Marrie Canniage Works, Bowînanvilio, ai coet. They do net want te carry ever eue. Caîl sacu sud oee heir stock. Rav. R. B. Rowe, cf Omagh, aEslatcd, Rev. J. H.-Colline, Waterdawn, in spec. il services.-Milton Reformer. Thece two names souud famliar ta Dalingien pecple, dont they ? Mn, Geo. A. Siinsou cf Toronto bonght the $5000 debentures givan by way of bonus to tha Dominion Organ sud Piano Ce. Tbey bean 441 par cent. intereel sud are payable seri-aunualiy. Rickard lcoks oit for the Bargaine to ho had for cash sud ha g!ivos tho public the banefit cf thea bargains. Thus ho is your friand, Be sure sud caîl. Ne bot- ter place ta boy ycur Xrnas Prereete. Wae have al.aeady raceîved a largo quant- ity cf or spring goode. We invite the public ta caîl and ses ahat are going te ho the correct thinge for the ccming s3ea- son. We have the nawest sud masi fash- icuabie gocds. JOHIN J. MASON. 5 LîNs ON K. AND L.-I find the people areuud here prefer Dr. Gbase'e Kidney-Livar Pille lu aîsy ether I have su stock. They ara a wenderfui pill. Seud 3 dozen ai once, 1 ar nenarly eut. P. S. -sand by posi, J. W. Ireland, Guonnocb. J. B. Marlyn bas got his hardware stock lu place lu Baunsail's Blcck sud in- vitas inspection. Hie wiil salI averyihing var chpap for cash. Remamber this jei s complote hardware stcre sunt the stock is lu eveelleut condition. Call sud lu- q ire for aeything wauted sud see how very cbeap ycu eau boy anything froir J. B. Matyn. Wo nota lu t ha Febrnary Bible Christ. ian Magazine that Rav. W. R. Raacb cf Hempton, Oatarie, Canada, was present ai the Christmas quarteriy meet- ing ai Trezease, Bodmin circuit, Corun wali, and "praached s tharoogh.tirrî.g gospel sermon lu the afiernoon sud de- ligbtediis congrgatin lu th: vnn with a lecture-The Youg People, the l to secansd learu about gooda sud pnices aud bave bought in uearly al cases. Rie is well pleased with tbe trade ha is dalng lu the hardware linoansd -wiii try te pleasae ahl wbo eau. This îe no bankrrpt stock -of o'd eut-cf-date articles bt a ciesup, new up to-date stock as good ase will ha found euywhera. Inspectioninilvited. Sema u ne rsd second baud coal sud wood eiovea-decided bargalus. See thons. STAESIIANsudCITZENMIPHO i Bak eï Beans an 1 Tant pie social (GUARD $1.50 a yaar. a t the nesidence cf Mrs Mc- Miss eMKoand of Harni!ton is guest cf CrGeady, cerner cf Sîlver sud 1 Miss Fraser at the Mange. Mrs. Scott cf Port Hope bas beau visit- a A ingen tru 52, Fndyevthe ing Mrs. LA. Tale, and othar frý'ends in g rsrury2, ndr h town. zeeý,auspIces cf the Ladies Aid cf jRev. G. Parker will praach missiouary the Mathediet Church, Bowmau - sermons in Port Hope Merihodist church ville. Admïssion 15 cents. next Sueday. Sevarai pansons whe waro favoned te Mr. C. R. McCuilough, Hamnilton,1 "e meet the ZýE.urnanical repraseutativas pnîsideut- cf the Canadian Club in tbe frein the EOnglish B. C. Conference wiil Arnbltioue City. raree ber the tail, alender genilanan cf M. Mayer wishes te retire fram. bssi- the daiegation who came f0 this towr- nase, haoeffare hiaeanima sto-,k ai s Ira- IMn. G. T. Hrimphreys. Wo regret te Imandons sacrifice, note in the lasi B. G. Magaz' ne that ho Orders for all kinde cf etova Repaire dlied suddenly, Dec. 18, at hie home, promptly fiiled ai Rd. Wcnth's Ilardware Brighton, Essex, o cf lorraLye cf the store, Bowmnvilie. lungo. He waq a widower sud leaves a Fonced salas means low pnices. Lai onr cuetemers cali eariy sud ses tho now pricce. Elfiacu & Go. Ail Lades Coaseacilisrg sway heiow coat sud a numbgr ai half pnice ai Couch, Johuston & Grydarmau's. If yen wauit anythïng lu the for lina, great bargains are givexî ai M.Mayer's, as ho la deierrned to esli ot, Salliiug ai M. Mayer's is euh lgeing on sud great bargains are givon. For Mollis ai baif pice, but strlctly cash. If yen want anyting ln the jeweliry les- ean sudaehow cheap you cau boy it fromn Maynard the Jeweiler. R. W. Hamin's cigare nover ieea op.j' olarîty. The bc etrstock is aiways used, Tny the Meuancb. ai the Centrai. iD uing the stock taking sale, 0Couch, Jobueton & Cryderman are givan great bargaine ini ail kiode cf winier geode. .Mn. George Gockhorn, of Baltimrnoe, has beae lacted a Diracien cf the Clydes- dale Breedeas' Association cf Ontario, Mro. Joy's Gookiug chase will hava Chioken salad, German Rotbknaut sud orange pudding fer uexiMoniday's Lesoa. Pont Hope is issnuing $10.000 debent- unesi for the building of ane w High Sabooi This sum cught te put up a nice building. The Ladies' aid cf 8St Paul'e cborch willi giv0 a pleasaut avaniug ai Mne. D. Gaibraith's, Queeu St., on Tueeday March 5. Mn. W. Trewin le rapresenting Bcw- manvileLad ge No 99. A. O. U. W. ai the GrandI Lodge which inoote in Toronto tii weak. A loi cf nica Dre8s Goode hy the yard besidos a loi cf Drese patterne selliig off ai about baif price at Coucb, Jehusten & Cryderman s. Rickard doas not pre tend ta tell you ibat heaselle wiheni a profit, but ho dees wish ah te know that ha je eatiefied wiih very smal profits. Rav. W. J. Croihere cf Port Hope wili preach missieuary sermons lu the Method- li,3 chorcb nexi Suuday rnorning sud aven- ing. Ail ara welcoue. J. B. Marlyu'e stores uow comprise grocanios, provisionm, fresh sud cured meat s, china waîro and crockary, bard. wana, atoves sud t1uware. 'R'-atiou cf the League to the cburch,' is thse subjecci fan nexi Moîsday evening's meeting t the Mathodiat cburch. Au addness by Mr. M. A. James. Neyer a botter chance te gai a eheap Rsobe, Coat, Gapi, Cap, Muf or Glar or anytbing in the gants furnishiug lino than ai M. Mayer'e ashle elliug oct. COING SOUTHn.-Tba book accounis of Thomsas Hloan, blacksmiîb, will ha ef i with F. A. Hoan, cf the finm of Dostan & Elar, Bowmauvilie, for coliection. 6-4. T. HOAR. Mn, M. A. James, Editor cf TuiE STATES- MtAN, lit ou Mouday to attend a meeting of the executiVe c(f the Grand Ladge, A. O. U. W.,, whicb mtete lu Tornto this week. We are givisg baiter value lu Watcbes dlock-s, jewelry, silvenware, etc,, Iban has aven beau offered ie Bcwmauville. Gali sud compare pnices sud quatity. JoHiN J. MASON. -At the third quarierly meeting cf the Minden Methodist officiaI board a onaut- moue in vitation wasa xtendcd ta Rev. W. A, Donner te robuin te the mission for the third yean. Mn, J.Liufield cf St. Johns, Newfound- ]and, bas been vîsiliDg bis nicca, Mne. lliTS EXPERIEiNCEI WITH PAINE'8 GEL- ERY COMPO-UND. 1894a 85 The People's Grocors and Provisionors, Bowmanviile M, Mayer, is selling out bis entire stock of Furs, .Hats, Caps and Gents furnishings at 2.5 per cent below cost. Now is your time to get a Genuine Bargain, corne along and examine goods and prices, and you will be convinced that it is genuine clearing out sale. Same goods at less than haif price, and terms are strictly cash. 'I Practical Frir llighest price paid for iRaw Furs. son nci taugter o niurn bsU unoase. LaGrippe weskene digestion use KC. D. C. BORN. SiLLEn-In New Park, Feb. 7tb, the wife cf Rt. Miller oit a daughter. JACKSON-le Oreno, Feb. 13, the wife cf Mr. T. W. Jackson, cof a son. LOcRHÂRr At 292 Markharn St., Toront, on Feb. 8, the wjfe cfr1T. H. Ljck hart, of a Ean. IVAR PIED. WEI-HAPEI-At the residence cf the hr7de's esothaer, Feb. 13, by Rev- %Vm. Alii, cf Bathesda, Mr. Walter F. WNei, and Adrira IM, daughter cf Mrs. . Il larper, belli of feach. DIED. MOUUILOU1G-.1In P!Ckeý ing, On 'ThUrBdaY, Feb. 71h, 1895, John MeCiulku;,b aged â9 ycars, fcrrnarly ci Orono fauedry, BU WMANVILLFi MARKETS. Corrected by . . Seflrtry, every Tuesday F.LOUE, P 100 t'ba.$.. 1 50 to $2 00 WHE.AT, Hall, P buh..0 00 i O 60 Il Russian, fi . ...O 0JO0H0O60 H Gooliea, ... 0 fO O.55 r, Colorado, . O..O0 00 O060 Whjte Fife,. O 00 0 O62 Ried r .0 00 ,0 65 QÂTs, white...........O0O00 i O 30 Il rnîxed............0OO00fi028 Ryz, .....0 i 0 42 Buckwheat ýP bash... 000 fiO35 PEAS, Blsckeye, P bush. O 50 fi O 55 ilMurnry f 000 IlO55 Il Srnal, r0 00 f 0 54 fBiue, rf.0 50fi0 55 BUTTER. best table, P 111. 0 00 ilO01-5 EcGGs,P doz....... -......000 fi O 16 POTATOES, IPbu-h .. O..000 il O30 Ail Englîsli Physiciail froin the iTiglitLit- tie Islaild. HEISPLEA 1SEDWIHCANADAI Talks About Canadian People. He Says we Haye Too Mally Palle, andllalf-fload Woffen, Ueo.Uýc' qeen t. ie ieiier Ilan Tfîk llt is ithe ightMicriiine for Biiluing intenasiing addressat tha MethodietLIL S NE V PLL Sahbaih Scbool ou Sunday. U Weak and Sickly Girls and Wonleni. L L SN R E ýs' Rev. Chas. Adame of Toronto Univer- TIHE GRtEAT AM1 RICAX E D sity preacbad tw ocveny intanesting sermons ----~R Will cre ail tarmsofet ceias weakr'ess Sunday iu the Methodiet Cborch te large FOR erilsiaus and liepateney, resuiting trein abuises or exces. ThEse pis are congregatinse. ile paid the choir saverY In the eariy pari of Januany an EagCrsh A oueytebsmdýnyuc s Mhg compliment afien thiey rendened tbe physician cf bigh standing sud conîidoer- Sixboxesswll irak aecwmanuoftîou.Seeprices beloc moruing anthîem. able weaîîb vîeiîad the pnincip-,ilcitîe3 Fr thIe reproducti-ve argans Mr.1H. El. Saondme sane ai a concert sud townse cf Canada, af ter a tour lu the - FLIl afeth c al aieL lYuritVE. lu <ronio Mcuday ulght. Ile bas hacome United1 States. W/OM AN They impact tone and viger a favorite with Orono audiences, Ho alec He wae exceediurîy Weilî pîond wiîb ta the weak and rurr-dawe crar, mrccied or single. toak pr n uthe programmeataithe R S whai ha saw cf the lDominion, aid epoke LLSe lft. riaE1LL6x: iir fosie boes, and r he Wiliams & Cels Emnployees' Bah in lu glowiisg terme cof the good nature nnaSnd Sit orarddtria xOct3rn ix es ndte Oaawa on Fridgy nigbr. hospiîauily cf our people. A 1d dress, W. ICUTHICEORTO, Druggi8t, Oece upon a limte a Bicycle accosted a Wbeu aeked what ho thought cf Can- NovonOi.AettcCad. bonze. "Os-i off the esntb," said the Bi- adiane front a pbysielrgie.i 1point cf vicw, cycle, I arn gole g te sopplaut yen en- ho repied:- k r¶s . ti. -v-1 Tile- borse srniied. "Nay, nay, "Tàken as s wholie yo-eba've a fiua, stoî-dy INoLiCe 10 L(euILors. Il rtelined, genily, _'ihuy ca't nmake cou- population; but there n î oorn f r îr- ned coruad bief eut cf yen." provemeur. Yen hava splenjdid specimteus 1-nt/re mottc,- of t/ce estae o f MÉ(i /eaU We have ne hesîtaien in necemmend- cf mauhood; your women generaily hock, Porter, lae eof thce Toiwn oj Bewmr-ýý, ing The Toronto Daiiy Star ase one of the healthy sud vigorcue, bol you bav-a toi- ville, ini the/,e tey of Drrhai, Ge-ý4 cieasesi sud boit uew8y (f the ciiy pap- mauy wbo are pale, lbissud baîf dead leiooîr, dcceased. ors publiabecl ai $3 a yaar. TErE STATES -lokýing, sncb as I bave met lu the United mAN sud TRE STAR. for cnly $2 ta ail sib- Stalas. N is re rby give o porsrinl. ta Chapter eciibons oui ide cf'Toronto. Oys1ko so thu abt 110 R. S. t0. 188;, hteIPraseisglirs 1ýhye' 1knwsoetig botagaiuet thîr eetti-ofe AVAI.PI1EI Th'e Muic bal bas beau fornibhed Paiiue'e Colt-y Compound;, 1 have osad il Jette of l'l 1-rite uc -ouatviiîo, in tht- wlth two extra stoiovs-oua lu the dre8Fs- occsisio)nslly myseifý, sud kuow of ilsben Corxniy etDu'ls'er.Ge nÉiEnsn, decoased,wtsc oengdea or abut the 2 1hh day eC J arn sry, 185, ing rmm sud ou tha dey cf the Conserva- usadýi in bu'gl-cud, I bave recotumendad are requesecd toeloverr ar eed by post pro- tive Cî,nver-iion wlvben the tharmometer it t,, e pleaak sud runtdowu wcmeu snd raeid oncorbc-forectheTwentT -tif',h day f.tlarca, 1895,tuo William Orsen. cf the T -wn or Bo.s- wase 15 te 20 below zinro thora was more giîis me Engiand, and 1ý bas produced vary mavilesore-az eL an eec h warmth than the Bpeakars aujoyed. sari'factcory sud piaasing results., From-)r un derýignedex4àcu-or, cf lh3 eossle cf the wlîai 1 knosvofetihe f rmoia cf iPaîls sd deee'ssed, astsîtemaror in wrieg cautare- II-x iead, etDatnTuadKy pu ýing fuli part culare ur ch zir lainiseth Mn.b Elisnoie, oraan, Ce!ny onronu1 Ih-ve ne besitation, nature cf the securitics (il ans3) hcîd by thin & Cx'etueyars, etDratenThusdry a sphy s;iln, lu preaeîixg h lu casas againsi the astate et the said dececseed. for BReton where hoalsll for Lo.nden, cf general debiiity, dys8popsia, nenvos And ntice ii hereinv for-her treven thxt Euglard. Ho laq an nId Xe Durham efr,,,Cions!, kidney sud liven omlineaftrnthe Raid Twonty4rVs Llid-ey (f anch. nex>t ho, ie parente neiding at Solina. Haei I waalcecse.the Exteu-crs ot rtc las-t nlsud ses .amant or boy jtd general e 'iss he Faid deceased will proceed te distnsb-ete, aihiho uchmisad l Ibs ica~iy y Yor Piewea auI hsî-readworen he acs et ofthe ssradatte *heroof arnug wîbis mu frîeu d. iSn s locaEx. I _-YorsPhaes seak nif-cnled.g agnithe tarties eetit'ed.rherrcn h>tvioý regard caly hie any wl Mrls ave tiu Efebuilirg ýge t oesncb daimrs as thcy sh0ilihave n ciae ofas Annivenspary Servics ibh he'd at 1 u .in e-t'e Ccliy Co-apoutrd. There letbovertliiirmed. aed the kaid Execitcrs wiL, - Lot be liable fer the assets or a-oy pc t ire ef Tniuiy Conregaionalche, nexi Sat- ne o rprer aration I know cfJt ia-,1rio se Idistributed, ta any persen or par-siof bath Feb. '24cbh, wbeî Rev. T. B. Hyde, Iwli l sdpted for il e trouhIçros cf wvak w!ebose dcaims hey -shall n,,t h receivad the poua sunJq-ieuit pastrer-cf the femaleR. notice at tho tîme of eoch danbter Nonber GagreauinelhunhTrouo. "I arn p'o s d. te kuew tsiPaiue's MARGARETPRE, x-nas WILLIAM CAS-N, B~muie i lvll preach at hcýth services. Special CelýrY Comjotsnd le seo popolan iu your D UK SMCN musie wvill hobcetdered hy the choir, es- midet; il real y deserves aven7 lineOof Slero oixauos aisted hy Mr. E. S. Meath sernetiet, san aisnw evd Ilomthepulc" Bemi llre. Feb.19. S-, -.v Mr. Il. H. Saundlera, 5~~î ________________ K. D. cJ. Pille cure chi Onie conatiration K, D. c. Pilla toue>and rteyulate the liver. Minard's Linimient Cures Guren .luGos.1 ChÎn'ioren ury îmr uîtChere Casto-ria. Maynard The The President of 616: WIIITE flOUSE jewellery Store Wishes every body a very Happy New Year and would invite you to call on bim when you require anything in bis lino, which Von wiil find just as ho represents it. Ail kinda of ropaining, done, on the promises and warranted to give ,satisfaction, or no charge. Issu or of Mtnniage Licenses. A fine stock of Wedding Rings always on hand., TI-E JEWELLER, H FAY FOR SALE.-2O tans splendid tirnaihy hav for T aie lu bulk or by load, Avply te J. W. HARNDEN, Bo .vrnanvji'e, P., 6-3w. C OW FOR SALE.-Just renewed, 2nd I cai f. Good rnilker and quiet. à&p"'lyte. P. TYLER, Hampton. 6, t! OARDER WANTED. Lady preferred. B1 Apply et tisis Office. 51-4w,ý flOUSE FOR S ALE CIIEA.P. House H18x10, coetaieieg a latrge arenout of v!zlu. able building mterial, lernber, etc, je gond state cf preservatian, seitable for driving, bouse, stable or dwalling. Apply o J. lI.Màs. NiNG, Tyrene. "jARNI FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-' -V GOOD 100ACRE f.nrnforsale or ta rass jise outsido the rewnef Bawmanvlle. Apply c .Tisos., BiNonIAm. box 72 Bowrnanviie 36-t! -F:ARX TO REINT.-Fer a teu f IL eans, Gedu-O acres, 2 miles tram Whitby-gaed buildings sud isol. Admir. able for stock or dajry. Chance fer geing extensively letaTroranto milke businessor stock raiLeing for Amnerican inanket. Mai% ýwith capital only need apply. J. R. Dow, Whitby. ISS MýABEL NORýTU COTE le pre, mV paned te give lss n mlu uic o-,n Piano or Organ ait her moh r's nesdene, George-sqt. Instruc.1u o.- erChurch Organi MAYNARDTH IIE JEWýELL-IiR, Issiler or MarriageLies, next 01(d B. G. church. A, Goodl To Al a large 1.00j). Picture Bock, that m,11 surely put ye e the road te a handscrne fortune. Seed 5o silvar, te psy pestaze. A. IV. KINNEf, B. C. S. 5-Sa Yarmouth, N. S. EDL'C NOTICE.-I bereby forbid Il ilerans gIving credlit to sey persan whateýver lu rny naine wtThaut rny written or- der. DANIEL WILLIAMS. Ham, pton, Feb. 20, 1893. 8-3w White Ash Logs., The uedersigned wiil pay $25.00 per thosind eest for second grec th white ash legs delivered et our works. For further information apply te, A. S. WHITING M'g Co. Cedar DJale, Ont, TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Thnee gaod brick dweliings cf 8 and P roome esch with gcad gardens situate in good parts of th-, town cf Boannville d celions, wells sud other conveniencee. Faimers or Cthers waeeîeg ta buy tornes in tcwn sha,,uld see tisese rrapertias. They wilI bc sold chtmp on eaFy terme. Apply for further partieular toMie E. WHnTE, Wellington St, F. 'Uwnnvle FOR MAN AND WOMAN. Our business in 1894 totals away Up and w,ýas satisfactory in, every re- spect, and we ask your confidence again for'1895, and we assure you it will not be misplaced, as your interests are ours. d%-. AL--