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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1895, p. 9

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ta TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUiM. OUR~ TOWN AND COTJNTY FIIIST; T1E WORTLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. EWSEIES, BOWMANYILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1895. VOLUMýE XLI. NUMBER 1 6- Cjouci, Johnston & Cryeran, Woulld direct special atten- tion to the splendid variety new, C urt ainrs. Besides their regular goods imported direct frorn the manufacturers, they have lately bought at a great bargain for cash sorne odd lines of Wool and Brussels which they are offèring below the who1esale price. ilHousekeepers should not fiait to see these goods before buying. GOGSH, NSW R3TOGN e r& G1V -RYEMANP, 1 BOWMANVILLE. You AwareAr Fruits, Of and G] This1 a ida The, Fact? Pro( House Cleaning Season ie here am Pure Prepared Paints, Diamond Wall Finish, Brushes of ail kind, 'Step Ladders, Carpet Feit, BOWMAN VILLE, selling Groceries, Prorvisions, ;Teas, Flour, Feed, Crockery [assware, for OÂ&s H SPOT CASH PRICES. ,y will save you money. )duce taken as Cash. WDMurdoch's Old Stand. TIM E!l nd we are ready with a fulli une of Carpet Whips, Carpet Stretchers, Tack Hammers, Carpet Tacks, In fact everything required in preparing the Homes for Summer. We aim to give the very best goods in the market at the lowest possible prices. Orders for Store Piping, Tinsmithing, and General Repairin)g, vill ha-,a P,)tr prompt and best attention. RD, WORTH, TeILephone No. 46., Oppoite Ontarlo %atk, Bowmanville, XE W HA VI!L. La grippe is prevaleut again .. . .Mrs. Geo. Witheridge bas raturned after spending the wiuter in Toronto ... . Mr. Wm. Everson, Ebanezer, eddressed the Sunday School very nicaly ou Sabbath.. .Mr. H. Martyr epeut Easter et his home at Wecone .... Mr. Wm. Bennett callad on frieuds here lest week.. . .Mrs. ThoL4. Power visited ber brother in To- ronto lest week .... Severel farmers have commenced to work on the land. _ Vis- itors: Miss L. Truil, Town, at Mrs. Thos. Van Cemj4s; Mre. Gao. Frank, Courtica, et Mrs. Oka's; Miss Nettie xvitharidga, Toronto, et ber fathar's Mr. J. Wîther- idge. The fact that Hood'e Sarsaparille, once fairly tried, becomes the favorite epring medicina, epeaks volumes for its excel- lence and nmert. NESTLL'TON. Mr. W. MeLaughlin bas complete sas- sesing for the township, beving endedi bis fortieth yeer in that capacity; aud bas givez pretty good satisfaction te the rare- payera andi councils wbom ha bas servad. .... The Blackstock Dalry Company bas purchased the chease factory from Mr.i Heuson for $1,500. The officars e1eAt are,: Presidant, Jes.Parr; Vice Président, Albert Spinks; Secroaery, Geo. L. Mc- Laughlii; Treesurar, John Smith; Audit- ors, J. L. Power and Wm. McLaugblin. ....................................... Rav. Joseph Philp, of London, a Cartwright boy, gave a very iuteraatiug lecture et tbe Cedmus Metbodist Cburch April 4 on "Jerusalemn," and 5th on "Pis- nicking in Palasdne end Syria.'" Mr. Philp is elways welcome ameng bis old aaseocistes and friands bier. A PLEASING TiUEmE, Rev. Henry1 Haîzinger, Neustedt, Ont. : ,"It isaa pleasure to me te write e few liues about your dyspepsia medicina K. D. C., sud if the Engli.b Ianguaga were as casy to write as the Gaýrmen, 1 would like te sey e great deal more. J used yourmedicina, and cen sayit is justwhat I wentad and needed. My sour etomecb sud beethuru sfter eating, and that gas wbîcb coma frein the stomach, ia gene, and I am able to takecold watar agein, befora I had te taka the weter bot on eccount of stomech trouble. I recommend K. D. C. te our people where J1enu, end to everyone who1 knows wbet a wesk stomecb is." Miss Anus Backer, asl, is pre- pared te do saiugetthe residenca ,of 'Mr. J. Uglýow or will go euit by the day. Miss S. A. Thomipsýo is viiting theL Misses Fainnu, Liudhey. . .. Mrs. Wmi. Mason visiting bier father Mr. T. Mollon, recently .... Mr Wni. Rize, wbo served hie epprentîceship with Wm. Piekard, blacksmitb, visited bere recently .. .. The Epwerth Leagua bas secured the 11eýv. 1). S. Houcb for enniveriary services May 12 and 13 ... . Ms; Cherry, millinen, ef Bow- manville bas beau employed byMiss Wil- son for the ceming seasn..., A meeting wes beld Apnil 2ad, te consider the ad- visebility of eepareting Newcastle frorn Oreno Methodist cburch. The meeting was unanimeus in favor of the proposed change which lu ail probability will ha bren gbt about. S. S. No. 9, (CL A RKE. David Stevens bas a sick hoes, ... Miss Rose White, Bowmanvile, wes visîtiug Mrf. Wm. Chapple... Riulhard Weed lest e cew from bollow hrn.... Mn. Jesse Woodward end family are now located on the Billinga frrmi. . ..Mr. H. Boweu is visiting on) Wahburn Island.'...Mr. A. Sharp bas purcbssed e yeung stallion-a Oblef Constable..Mr. John Buckley basaenumbar of young herses laid up with distamper. MA PLE GROV1B. Mn. S. C. Rundia bed a wood bae lest week.,... Barn raisiug et Mn. Mark Mun- dsy's on Set urday . .. The S. of T. have rsised their uew bll... .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stevens are visitiug friands in To- ronto. .. Miss Gertrude M. Foley je vis- iting et Newcastle.... .Easter visiters: Mn. S. and Miss 1. Soncb, Clarke Union; Miss Cora Soucb, Brussels; Miss Allie Souch, tewn; Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick, Meunt Denuis; Mr. H. W. Foley, To- rente University. Get the' Best; they are Only Ten Cents. The cnly pure, barmhessansd unedulten- eted dyes ton home use, are the Diamoul Dyes. Eacb package colora- from eue toeaiglit pounîs cf gooda for tan cents. Eecb celer of Diamoul Dyes wihh giva- fnom tbrae toeaiglit heautiful sud baud- semaebades. The funl erd explicit directions upon eacb package ara se simple that aven a chilil cen unnlastand them, and easaiy, match sny desired aliale. Diameul Dyes maka ohI tbluga hoekr new. Yen cen cler dressas, ceats, cloak, wrepe, men's sud beys suite, sbawli acants, bose, ribbonsa-asd a bost cif other gooda, any deirel abade. Diamoul D3 as giveý the hast sud streungest clera, sud yen are ahwaysý sure of a good resulte when you use thlim. Wlien yen go te a lruggist or dealar te buy dyes, do net accept and but the "Diamond," they alone are guaranteed, ENNISKILLEN.1 Maisers. J. C. Mi ls, Campbellford, sud A. N. Mitchell, Peterboro, speut their Eseter vacation home. ... Miss Rager, Welland, a Fitudent et Whltby Ladies' Collage, spent the vacation as guest ef 11ev. D. S. Heuck .. n excellent youug(- people's Easeer service was con- ductedI on Snnday eveniug by 11,3v. D. S. lzlouck. The iuging was well reudan. ail by the Sabbath Schoal unda. leader- ship et Mn. John Stainton .. .. Mr. Arth- un Gilbert, town, is vieiting friends liera. HLED TRE WARSiNG-Tha omo sud everpresent warang et kidnay troubla back-ache sud weakness in beck, ara quickly relievad by Dr. Clissas Pille- The original sud ouly 25 cent Kidney. Lîvet Pillq. Wlien ahI o bier nemedies faîl tbaey cure. BLACE3STOCK. Wo ceugnatulate Bisckstock sud vicin- ity on uow bsving a guardian cf the lew Squi-re Taylor wvbo dees ne)t shink frein doing hie dnty .. . .MesEra. E. Downey, W. Aleý!xander sud XW. Beacock f nom BOwý.Iusyilla have beau csliug on friande in C2ýrtwigt .... The reade iu this local- ity aie Lilmeest impaseble. Semoaete cf them a-re yet cuvered witb dfep snow bauke w ýhile eîb r places the mudiis net quitu as deep as the suow was, but yet ht is qlitt deep. . .. The meeting cf the Sons et Temperanco hast Fniday nigbî was eue of unusuel intereet et whicb thera wes a vaýry fuir turm eut et memboeis. Tho prognamn was dlecide.dly abova the avernge. Lt was given by Mise Flossie Fis!). e ide cf the coutest. Featunes cf the pro-,gram wcrthy cf special mantion beiug tha, solo cf Mssars. Phaku sund Prusu, sud the necitatien of Mn. Dune- more sund Mise F. Fîli, 1ev. Phalen sang is part witb expression sud Mn. Pi-nt excýlled bis buaul self. Mn. H. Dünemore did welhlu hie peaonaticu cf a Liidon waif selling newspprs. From the manuer in wblch Mises FîsB rendened banr ~wo selectîcus wa muet say site bas rare ability as su elocutioîiist sud we would p)redîct for bier a vany succeset ni courýe att -ho Collage where sibe gete bier trmi jiug, _The following officers for tha -.urrent quarter wea duy inetalIai i,, [). G.W. P, W la - Cedtnsis and s former tradesman c f Our ton n the person et Mg. John Atkens, Si:; ashali waa being couiveyad te Port Penny where hae has secured e posi ion ini the ebea îue hop cf Me. Super. Mn. Wm. Pkîir bsviog reuted bis remîdeuce and stor, ee te the Muoe Bros. bas teken sali, use in Port Parry where wa believa ha -outemplatas moving about May Ian.. Dr Stewart fromn Teeswater iasending a, 1 w- days with bis friand Dr. McKibbon Sugan maktng, is net carriail ou vany axùa-nsivaly in tis vicîiiy. The run of tho, sap doses net seem te ha mucli greater thanr the rucf soeaof the vi lige boys t tt. ... The meat cf or hirad men wheý bave beau fortunata anough to sacure worýk for the wagaes demsnded by themn bave spent eue week lu the fnesh fieldis cf action which iu most cases i udging lromi seiunds mae by axeansd saw sud board in aIl direczions bave beau the woods.... Râii praventeil e lange turu ont et the Div-ision hast week sud the closing pro- zremS of the conteet wee net given. Next Frniday niglit wiil likely tell the taleansd deociewbo the victors ara. . .. Mn. Harb ]Pruet Ilaet home spauding bis3 vacation. . Cliorcli attendauce bas beau veny meager hataly, owing to wretched condition of ronds ... .Senvice was beld, sud the Sac- rament dispeused in the Episcopalian chunch Geod Friday mrning ... . Mn. Casrtwright bas bean dismissed fromn the position as station master et Burkatou. The dismissal it i8 said, ii due te bis late nucpleasant auceuntar wiîih Mn. D. Hooey. Dr., Fieli ounlearing of Mr Canîtwight'e cliecharge drew up e petitien sud circulat- ilit himsahf abkiug the C. P. R. authoni- txae3 te recousider the caseansd if possible rinstata Mn. Cartwright wbeu your cor- n, bpondent 55w the petitien it wae eîgned b-y neerly alh the citizeus cf Backstock.. Mn. Fred Richaideon hor,ýe buyar gave our village a caîl Thursday. Soe mag- 1îif icant looking herses wera offaned bim ,- ..Mn. George Mc Millan et Pont Penny d'rove thi-ougli Blackstock lest Wednesday P-ading a etaam et pretty poules. IHa ne- turneil the sama way lete in the evaning, %aviog excbanged the ponies witb e Mill- brook man, for a heautiful black herse., .Dr. Fieli bas veny thorcegghly renevat- eil ,the ini-erini of his fine rasidenpc (?Gao. JL4MPTOIN. TYRGNE. MisGraham wbe bas beeîî taking e Ea e lst,: r n Ma er musical course fromn Mrs. Liddy duriug Hoopa.. Omam. Mips B. Wilson, AI- the winter bias neturried to lber beomoiii hrt Collage, hilalle4; MîEs Bei-ta Bradfod .... Mise Lilly McLeau, Bo-- Breut, Wbitby Ladies' Celle&ce; Mise N. menville, bas beeu speudinig a few dayo Pattjuson. Bowmauvilie- F. W. 0. witb bier friends hers.. . .Mnvs. Eiwand Werry, Ttronto Uuiveràiy; Miss Mary Hastings bas bpen quute i11 but is improv. McLaugl lu, Oshawa.. .. M., and Mns, iug uicely .... Mr. S. J. Williams sud S. Binabaî.,îentertained a number of wila, Soline, visiteri friendseliere, Suudy friands Friday eveuirg. A plcasing feat- R..1ev. James Liddy conducted a very une wss the baptism of Mr. sud Mrs. J. interesting and profitable Eester sBervie j Saundere' youngEst child, Rev.' A C. here Saîtday aveuîng... Mr- JOB. Clit- Wilson officiating . ... M., James Virtue wortby bas boeer re-eppoînîed D. D. by aud family,> Torouto, bave become citi- the Suprama Lodge, Sens of Englaud.. z3ns of thxstbriviug centre ef commerce.. *..Messrs, Trenouth sud Penniugtou Sema farnuars bereebouts bave beau deà- bava the centract te make extensive eltar- bonning their cattle....Spring work !a stiens sud imprevemants en the resi- being forwarded despite the unfavorable denca ef Mr. Geni. C. Haines, Bowmau. weatbar. ville.... M'r. John T. Coeansd family have beau eîck but ana impreving... . Mr. A Remarkabla cure.-J. W. Jennison George Karsiaka bas aise been ill but hi Gilford,-Spent hetweeu $200 sud $300 botter.... Mr. W. J. Cryderinan sold a Iin c-neulting Doctons; tnied Dixons sud valuable herse te Mr. T. Henry' Oreno, aloCber treatmente but got ne baeit. lest week.. M,[. A. Pennington sud One box ef Chases Caterrb Cure did me famihy bave movad te hie farm soutb ef more good than %Il other remadies, in fact the village, sud Mr, P. Leask sud family 1 consider myseif onred snd with a 25 cent bava elk possession of the bouse vecat- box at that, ad by bim. - Mr. Wm). W. Price, Union- villa, speut Good Friday in the village. . . Mr-. D. Taylor ef the Cambrian Wool- Ese iios r.(e. .H k ]eu Mil hbas beau ou, a business trip te Edseuter îstr:Mrs. 0e. J. H. Okebi Toronto.r . sddagitrptr . C.of.North orno a Panhape neyer befora in the bistory efM.T.irptckofN"bTetet marchantile affïirs in this tewn was there Mg. J. Penfeund'a; Mr@. C. MeKinnou, e more complete, varied, veluable, stylish, Maadvillla, Pa., et Mr. J. Gýbsu'e; Miss seasenabla, bandeeme, attractive. ooed Fanuy Countiea, Oshawa, et Mr. James sud cbeap essortmAut of Wensteds, Tweeds Courtica'e: Miss Evelyn Everdon sud sud other clothesud suitinge then le uew Mise Bertia Harris, Oshawa, st Mr. S. on exîbition aud inspection at F. A Cele's Evenson's; Mr. E. Pellerd, Oshawa, at suthngad Gants' Foruishing House. Ceuncîllor Ceurtice's; Mn. Lgislie Hall et Chitiugo o o lser o hegosMr. S. Brooks'; snd Rev. T1. Edwando, Tar e e blowbor n ster, fteria gooade wifeansd family ef Thornlfl et 11ev. L. fastidieus youug gent or bis prend daddy Plielpe'. . .. Mr. L. M1. Courtice lied a cen dapauid ou gettiug snitahly euited sud shaep seaaîig Siturday in anticipation styli2hly attired. The firet iva suite lu for the Fali faire .... Mt. Carswall Sens Apnil will ha eehd veny cbeap te weîî are ne.shingling thein ehttd. . .. Mr. H. developad ruen youug sud eld. Wve want Gay wîll re-budll tha stable elestroyed by te laad thearstyles lu Wcst Durham tire et the Parsora2a.. . .Thera bave beau y sea additions mada te Ebent zer choir., season sud we have got the matanial te deo hn weqiea ntrengsot iog match bakt et the igu-n grounds Fnl- BuiLD Ur.-When the system jeis un day. Mn. A. J. Gav carnied off tiret bion- dewn, sud a person becomes an easy prey o rs.... .Rav. T. Edwards, Thonubjîll, te Ceusuimption or Scnofuha. Msuy valu- preecheil for Rov. L. Phelpe et Ebenezer able lîvas are saved by using Scott's Emul- betb morning sud evening on 'Suuday. ien as soon as s daculu bI haaltb le eh- The 11ev. gentleme-n is a fine speaker sud Ferved. bis serm-ons wara x eir c pprecistad - - r. T. F. 'Wngbht, ýr late eateýea CSloWbo et~ Ram. teecher, has btfurdgtends of bis 1. L. keepe ou bis guard. Dot ram vsgeot but nafen proud, For hoaavys vaîkail pehind, Und vanever 1. L. caihed dot rami Hae wes nefar sure te mind. Folhowing him round de yard von day, Vich showeýd ha vas ne loch, Yen voulil bf atlugbed te sea de vay Dot rami pleyed buotiug echool.y Ha chaseil 1. L round de yard Und drove him iu a crack, "Slowboy" vas moît kilt mit friglit, Undllha dinked lie lose bis pick. iNow "Slowhoy" teck dot ram von sida Und dressad him quick sud neat, And uow 1. L'e so soe lie needes a pad Upon whlch te i-est hIe seat. A FAiÏ\nav NECESSITY.--Every wl regulateil family should keep ou baud a faw good, rehiabla bousehold medicinas. lu tbis eupphy" we wculd neccmmeud Esejay's Liven Lozauges, which ara the beet genaral system ragulator that ean ha 2et. Tbey are eohd et ail drug stores et 25 cents a box or 5 doxes for a dollar. MOUNT VERS ON. Visitera te sud fro: Mise Mahal White, Asbburn, et Mr Thos. Wihbur'a; Master Gui-don Souch sud Franklin Pearu are spandiug Eseten et Pont Pari-y; Mr. Bei- rani Souci, Pont Penny Higli School, et home; Mr. sud Mrs. Edwin Annis et Whîtby; Mesers G. S. Murray, Picker- ing Collage, G. E. Milecu, 'H. N. Gar- man, Osgooda Hall, Toronto, F. Richard- son, New Denver, B. C., L. Bradley, Ea,ît Whitby, Marcua Pascoe, Trinityý Madical Colaega, at Mapla Cornera; Miss M. Hoar, teacher, et Myrtle; Mn. Arthur Gilbett, Boa mauvilla, et Mn. C. W. Souch's . . . .ev. D. S. Houck gave a very iuteresting repent of the E. L. bhd lu Toi-ente necety ... . League conduct- ed next Wadnesday eveniug by Miss M. Hosi- aud Mn, Edwin Anni . ... 0Owitig te the non-si-rival et oun local minister San- day, service was couductad by Mn. A. Abraham sud Mn. G. S. Murray who kiudly gave a vary interasting talk ou the deatb of Christ sud the reaurectica'. Mt. Vernon people will ha pheasail to bean Mn. Murray again. m~icI retmnt imd t excite the oro-ans on which t'à, edciîe cted te a condition whichmust nc s~.ybe fol- lowed by reaction. Tne method of assist- ing nature is the eue foliwed in the new nîedicine, Eseijay's Liver L ,zan2eE, and there is no reaction or bal cffecti froru their use. Tliey cýn ha bon ýhr at ail drug stores ab 25 cents a box or 5 boxes for a dollar. SIXTB LUNE CLA1RKE. James Bawks and David Scott, two old settiers, have pasýed awa.... .Mra. Alex. Henry, sr., is very iii . .. Miss MeMullen of Hope bas been guest of the Misses Stewart. ... Mrs. Bailagli of Michigan is et ber father's, Mr. Alex. H{enry, sr... Wm. Cooper and Neil Sbewart badisuc- ceesaful wood hees..... . James Bowko, Parry Sound hias returned home .... Geo. Hlenry lest a va'uahle mare with dtstem- par. KNOWLEDGE Bnings comfort an-d iroproveinent alla tende to personal anjeymeub wban rigbtly used. The îuany, wbo live bet- ten than otheranud aujoy lifa moe, with basa expendituna, by more promptly adapting the wold'sbeat products to the needs of physical beiug, will atteeti tTia value te bhealtb cf the pure liqnid laxative principlea embracad in the îimedy, Syrup et Fige. Pottai-son et Port Pari-y did the work.... Its excellence in due te its presenting Mn. Fneeburn, Sr. waa kickad in the LESKA B D in the f orm moat, acceptab'e and pleaa- cbeet by a colt. Dr. Fîsh was called sud Mr. Samuel Curtis la iecovrlg.... sut te the testa, the refnebing sud tnnly ceeun reassured the old man that ne sari-MrDadTymnetoinewabi- beneficial propertias of a perfect lax. eus iujury waedoue. Hea shied splendid- lately. . .. Mr. Thos. White has moved te ative ; ef2'ectuaîîy cieausing the system, ly et tar the kick, aithougli being an octo- the farnm cf the hte Gao. Staple, - - - Mn. dispelling coude, beadaches and fevemr gearan ..... Mn. Talbot Evaus callad for Thon Brown bas the centnact foi- the new Mena ansa ndysdtc lmdw atiyo h cicl..M.Ja asî sd permaneiitly curing constipa',-.. ,Mr ,ýmmanFriay nd ook im own bef r onthe chol. Mr Jo. LwsoL t bas given satisfaction .,, millions aud to Yelvertou te shea sortitorougli-bned bas ranted the Livingatone lbouse 2mesud lotprva.ofte idia jtock. ~~~~~~~.. .. At the monthy meeting otfh p mtwt the aprvl tte eie _________________wort Lague elglit or tan candidates profession, because it acta on the Kid- ware received loto activa mambarship. neye, Liver sud Boweis witlieut weak- AUCTION SALE. Misa Jaunie Coi-sm, dehegata te the Pro- ening tliem snd it is perfectly fnee froiu vincsi pwotb Lagu Coventon ail every objectionable substance. SATUnRDnr, Apnil 20,-Mn. Wm. Patter-, in Toi-ente recently, gave e very intareet- Syrup cf Fige in for sale hy ail dr-u- son, lot 26, con. 6, Clarke, will sa011 ing report .. . .Mr. Arthur Davay gave a gats in 75e.thotties, butitFi 1 mean- valueable machinai-y, boess, COwa, yoVuug hirthday perty on Mcuday week. ... A fatribyheClonaFgSyp cattla, Sbop hiaseap, 17 pige, plat- Junier Leagua bas beau formel bei-e witb Ce. oniy, wliose naine is printed on avany foi-m acale. etc, This la au importantj Miss Rose Bell as Preilent; Miss Gertie package, also the name, Syrulp cf Fige, sale. Begins et 1 p. m. Seo large Davay. Sacratary; Mra. W. J. Comisi, snd heing weli informel, yen 7,41 not posters. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctionean. spnntnet accept any aubstitute if effaraI, Inpi-d'e Liniment relieves NeUralgia, K. D. C. 'Pille touesud regulate the li-. ,Minai-d'a Liniment Cures Dan druif. ana and excellent value of theiri /ÊMMW,

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