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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1895, p. 10

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«BBREAKF'AST-SUPPER. aul And now the train glidat inlto the "Blllyia thorcougl kuowlie e thenarl station, the norsa box was hitclied on, 1 A il orr heeaaions of digestion the company scrambled Into the car- sd nUtrition, anti by a caraful ailcaono le fine proparties of wll-saiaoted Cooa. Mc. rnages, aud similar conversa whiled EpsFso oiet o c rakatt upr away the heurs of their journey. Many a eiaey fiavored bevarat ewhich mnay save a rernuiscensce of the Grand Nationale us muy haavy doctrs'bis. his laby the jutiicious uise of sjuch. articles cf diat that a was narratad, with a tandency te il- 1onstitution may ba graduaily built up unttl lustrate that tha wlnning cf that race strong enougli to rasist, every tandancy te by a comparatively unknown herse disease. untirats of subtla maladies are fioati tsg arounti us caady 10 Etack wherever nad been accomiplishati more than once, thare s,6a weak point. IVrayvescaen uvandti wtli acli casa quoted te the affect, & fatal shaft by keiepinz ourseivcs wail fortiflettebcer fTaoumsaait ell uabot niaooel o.ihr acquIre freali conflidence. It certain- Matie ipl with boiiiug water or milk. ly did seem somewhat preposterous 8collenpeokets. by Groccrs. labelladt ius: that men sheuld back ana untrieti mare, JAilits London. a lasnoeptllha Who lu lier single assay at steepledhas- _________________________ Ing liatise wofully tilsappointai those alaaiï1 fllen intereste Inlu ler; but it was believll the accident that than liefl lier was oue net likely to racur. That she had great speed lu tlie luntlug-fielti WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 18t5. there cocîti ha ne doubt, anti Colaten __________________________declareti sha hati excaptional rasi DEî. J. C. MTCHELL, powers. Than it was notorieus that E' MBlER 0F COLLEGF 0OF PHYRICIAN a herse tee slow for fiat raclug pur- &]andi Surzeons, Otario, Coroner, etc. roses was often metamorpliosed into a Office anti itaidence, Enniekillen, 74. fast oua for steeplecliasiug. Than there was the ettusiasm that always lb BIEKESprings Up ameug sportlug men for T> tRISTR, SOLICITORC, »-c. MOPRI0ay ruti o bleiu tteb J) 140K. upsiairs, Kitng Street. Bowman- gootigeu;s that, aiter il, ithe bar vIlle. Solicitor for the Ontarl Bank 1 odoe otaatral h akr à liiata Moaes loaned ti ai l owîS3t ratai :of Taetotum hat i eaexcuse for their SOBT. FYOUNG, , 9 1felly, te Say uothing of, that lever tamptlng hait, the precuring of long (-' FFICE 11ý THE WEST DURHAM doiti. %J NŽewvs Block, vhero imseif or assissanc jOn the arrivai of the train at Liver- ivilibcha ocnd from 8am. tep9 ,m. Niglit oels, et resideacedirectly opposite Drili Shedi. Calls pool tliey were met at the station hy 1> telegraph or telephonle wili receivo prompt Bob Waters. Since Dick's engage- attention 171-yr meut hati beau matie public, Mr. Wat- ers anti lis wife hati beau ofteu over A. A. ro's', te Lowooti, Mr. Waters, Intieti, pretty ARCHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. Icoustautly, witb a view te iuquiriug t1 ions prepareti for avc at of building. how Teetotuma was goiug un. Bped'ial attention gven to hýaetiug by team "eryuaaatat"hoxca- anti hol. water. andt t sautary arrangements. -eeyuaea at"leecam Office: Gorrie Block, Whltby 43-ly ati. "anti the mare with yod of course. She anti Catamount are the two great R, PE TE T ilormysterlas of the race, anti if you eau IR. PEA " , Talor ouly bat the latter yeu ca't imagine Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. 10w the bookmakers will liallea !" __________________________ "Ara they hacking lier muccl ?" In- T1/T))T1 VAlIY /E 1?quireti, Bourten. J.iViBRiIViiiIU iVlDL "Xo, she stands at about tweuty tc "ue, anti aie is coustantly nîiblodtia, DENTIST.> but Catamount lat first favorite ,andi 1 hear Messrs. Moore anti Iuebens have OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. 1agtstyelliwOern bu Uiggnbotam & Son' 1) stake. Lots of gooti jutiges think, ol Higgnboham SO's rug Totihunter coulti win If hae was let, but of course the betting shows clear- Store, (down stairs), 1 ly that le is te lie saerificed te hts stable companien: bis mission ls to BOWMANVILLE , make ruuuing, 1 presume." lit "Now. Mr. Colaton, if you'll take Gent'clohing casa of Ritty, anti go ou te the liotel, T'il sea the mare unlioxeti anti walk Cleanati, Dyed. Pressei anti Repairati by dewu witli Thomas te thi- stables wîtl Tri irrp E iAT lle. "Btter lt Pick anti me see lier ont Dyar nti lotha Clenerof lier box liefore we start, father, I've DyerandClohes leaerne doulit slie'l liae quiet enougli. but Goods warrauted Cc hae as no oaa wilil cuow t's ne use tlisowlng a chance away.' themi from uew wbeu doue. Teetotum steppeti gravely anti quiet- Corner King anti Ontario tira3is. ly oct of lber box wlien it openad, Bowaavllaanti lookeAtiround 1 er. She ave a InW J) E- '[Jr S i r Y. whlnny the momni-t she cauglt sial ofr 'yeung msreand i bstnact7l * ,.f',,anl ±.-- be la/I on uuirt[!I X1ttyhad r Ir~ i the saine range of boxes as eur hersas."1 canter. Soeaof them wen't like the anougli new I've coma to sleep in the "'You tien't say So 1" said Moore,.'looks of it whea tliey sec lier, but, lu stable." "Pesslbly, Sam, you migli t g,,t jilnto the the meantime, 1 vote we go te the " That's well ; have lier down at the wrong box to-niglit for a faw inutes?" play. It's nur tiuty to eeao r jockey race-course at 8 o'clock to-merrow. Mr. "That's a mighty risky businiess, anti amuseti, anti we can't sit haro drink- Colaton wili givo lier a bit of a gallop. eue that I de't casa about cbaucing. Ing Teetotum's health ail niglit." Gooti niglit."j Why, if 1 was aveu cauglit trylug the «"By ail means," said Pick, " tlat'll'," Gooti niglit, sir," replieti Thomas, lock, It 'uti bc the muin cof me-. Tliere's lie the very thiug. Run anti get your as ha closeti the deer anti once more beau pleuty of things sai againist me! hat, Kitty, whilo I, get a flW. I only leecketi himsefifnl witli bis charge. hefore, thougli I was innocent, as a' hope we shalliac abla te get places." " Thora," sai Bourton, as they walk- baby, they'd say I wanted te poisean Iu expressitxg a tieult ou this euh- eti back te the liotel. " Don't yen thiuk 1ier, or semae such nonsense, I'm jeet Pick was quita riglit, fer Liverpool Thomas is te lie trusteti uow ? 1 roc- most afeareti te go near our owa herses was always vary full tiuring the race itou neither Gregsou uer anybotiy aise for fear of their saying ugiy things woek, andth te thoatres in cousoqueuco will try te metdile with the mare while about me." crowded. Stili, fertuaately fer them lia us thora." A grin passed over Mr. Meere's face, thoy wore early tiners, anti conseqiient- Ms, Waters matie ne reply, but bea- as ha lîstenedti t the plaint of t his ly got towu te the theatre in gooti timo took himeoif te lits led, much icen. injuroti innocent, anti succeetietinl obtalniug a tolerablo forteti, "I untieratauti Sam," hae saiti. "Any-. box. It was a gu'.d ploce. playeti by: Thera waS qulto a little crowd on thing wo like in the race, but you're a gooti cempany, and inl the iuteret Liverpool race-course, a littie after net gooti te play tricks lu the stable." of flie represeutatton Kitty forgot lier liglit the naxt mnosning, tesece the coem- "«That's It, sir *, that's it,' 'rojoineti ifoars, anti they were ail soeu iaughiig potitors for the big race of the uext Gregson. "It', tee risky, gentlemen, I leartily ; SUiR the restless Bob Waters day. Most of theso were presont, aund Indeeti It Is." coulti net altogether abstract bis mnd titi more or lesa work as eeamati gooti "It's a pity," remarkati Ms. Raclions, frem wliat lie calleti the business ia la the eyas of their respective trainers. Slewly. "Yeu see, tliore's a safety aunliant, te wit, tI..l ,iuning of the Grand Messrs. Moore anti Reuben's pair, a liorse youi're afraiti of leing lu tle National. Ev or sinco h li ati bard as might ho expecteti, cama lu for the stable wheu the numbers go up. -Your what Gregso liati sait down lu Ramp.- lion, shara of attention. Oit Toti- 1 mind, le quite easy about hlm when sbire, h li at beau firtnly couvinced. hunter was pronouncedti tel1ok won- yen sea lie tion't start ; I'd give a that Toetotum woult meet with f0111 dorfully well, anti as hoe îeek a gooti peuy to lic Sure Teetotum diti't stert play at Liverpool Once or twice lie laf-speeti gallop with Gregsou lu the to-mnorrow." d isturbati Joe Bourtou'e f njoyment of sattibe, mauy goti jutiges saiti that - the performance by whispering lu bis lu spite of the weight the oitborssa CliAPTICt XI. ear: Do yen think il's quite prudent ,woulti ho very badt te beat lte next 110 W Thl~ t t- \NTOIS. te larve the mare thora by iersalf se day. Sam (Iregscu, as hae walked away long wlthout visitug lies V" "lI'il tell yen what il is," saiti a after lis interview witl ilis employer, "Oh. slie's ail riglit enougli," re- veteran Sportsman wiose momory Ira-i pontlereti a goti deal ever Msr. Rau- pied Bourton ; "Thomas ie there witli volleti hack oves Grand Nationale, "if bons' lest remark. Yes, tiare was h(rs, with instructions novas te beave Poflauce, wliem I havan't sceeu yet, le no deulit about lt-a horse coulti net lies." only as weli ns Totihunter, then upoti win if it tii net start. If hali igat " Just se," reclioti. I"Thomas 1s a'tha public form, lu my opiiion, it a chance to slip inte Teetotum's box, Most worlhy fallow. anti an excellent shoudtbli a match betweu the two ,wo or three tape ou lie log woudt groom, but as yen know. lliere's al- elt 'uns ; but tien, of course, we've settiliase chance, anti instinct seemeti ways a tap lu the vicluily of a stable, got to considar these tbroe or fous j te tell hlm that, reason as lie mgit, anti thora noves wns a groom yet wli0 tark herses. Now, If Catamoufnt l5 grantlng that the m'are was nervous, ceudt withstand the temptation 0f bto ttewihsta oiutr irigitaotiant wolt nt jmpthatlics."it shoulti, bar accidents, lie ail oves Colaton was an inexperieuceti horse- "I eau trust Thomas," retorteti Bour- lut sbouting. Tiera's a gooti teal of man anti certain te get flurriati wien ton. " ile's as steatiy as oit Time'uncartainty about steopleciassng, but it came te racing, yot, fer ailI tlat, lie wlan onri uty, anti when h's off," hae this seeme a goodti ting for the f a- coudtinot get away fromt the idea continueti. with a eiuekle. " tiey'll fut venta, if evar thora was oua." tînt Telotum woulti turu ont eue of Thomas ratier au expansive custemoer " Se ils wnoss aseam to tik liy the meet formidable opponents of Cata- te deal with. l'in blessati if I ton't the way the mouay lias gone tiawn Mount ou the Fritiay. think haie culti finish a nine-gallon upon hlm. 1 am toldti tat Messrs. Hea wantad money liatly; lia-liatinet cask witieut turniug a lais." Moore anti Roulions wlll wln about the licou cag.e qe.d lu a Droitall place 0f " Tiare it is, thora It 1," roplieti Wat- liiggest stake that evar was lantiat rascaiity fer soe time, for malprac- ara. "0Of course, yen ca't trust a oves- a Grand National if Catamount lices on the part of a man lu lis pro- man liko tiat." wins. Ah 1 haro lia comas, wiat de fession carry thaîr own punisimaut, " Tint I eau," replueti Bourton ; le's yen tiink of hlm ?" finsomuel as, wion deemati guity of more mat i is mare shouit wln titi As hae speke a ciestunt liesse witi themn, opporlunitios for furthor sobliery Liverpool than aven yen os I are, a white blaze on ils face swapt past wax searce. The bulles deemet guilty Migity littiealae wlll pass islips tili them. of stealiug the plate fintis tiffieulty lu to-morrow's oves ; andtihtin, If it. "A very pretty moer," repliati the getting anether plate-eheet atrustet comas off, Mr. Waters, 1 rockeu Thomas firet speaker, " anti fit as linuts coulti te hlm, Hie was tietermineti te make wil) put in about the biggeat 1'beer' ou make him. hie', rather ligit anti a goti thing out of this race; it might record." wvants substance. h sieulti doulit is libe many a long day bera lie hati "But, ail the camne," sait Waters, liaving stamiua te gel liard upon five Dsuci another chance, anti thon, agaIn.ý rising, "thora ca't lie any harm in miles. Wbal's tuis comiug ? By aif hae cerveti Messrs. Moore antiRoulions My taking a turn up te the stables." 1 Jove, tiaî's a rara meves.' faithfuliy upon tbis occasion le weuit " Net at ail," sait Beurlon. " I am " That's Teetotuni." repliotis have estahuiseatisoea aim upen thosa coming up thora myseli aitas the- play; friand, " ant it'e whispaî'e thtat aie kgentlemen for empleymaut lu the fu- but den't go fitigeting lute the box. us lia mest tiangareus ousider lu the h ture, anti that was a thing 1 ,ha bathladi Sb's a nerveus mare, andthle strange race. The Hampshire people ara ail tsemnetilfliculty lu getting of ate: anti stable is like enougi te upset lias a wiiti abeut lier. Sia nover rau but ayet force hic way !inte Teetetumi's box little witiout disturbing lier basides.", once, anti thon sie turnet tihe tti5tle. hie feit le tarot not; howevosi. il soem- Ms. Waters put on ils bat anti cent, Toal ut omui tr bu et a pity te tbrow away ail chance Of anti without more ado matie the hast las; -,tioy say cia lias beau laugit lwenty-flve pouis, antithracoulti ha of lils way te tle stables. The yard te jump by bier owner's dauglites, anti -no harm lu mest takiUg a turui round lwas at this lime weli nigi deserteti. that foi a long lime nobety elce couit tn inyrd ain lu le ovening a1nti 50- Now anti again a man camaeout et lie dlo auylhing wlth her ; but she'ii go tlgiwhie u iay:ý. 1ip-ùmwihoee rt n ,lap-eom hichopent mb il, nti nw fer liaI young f ellow who's beea They ereavo-ry inerry paýrty of mai s way teneatb the sre.riding lier for- hua meuiuDlg ; anti if cfur, ata nug ofothe rl1taheÏsulie Msri. VWaterswasnet a 11111e suripriset ieha wijs l-erwlie is tle havoe e coffa rom otha toîli cnsat1Ihallie ceulti sea iothing of lie lrusty gil aut fer Iils ridting ,fao,." >fng 0f Bouirton antci his :ug Pc Thomias. hoeeailes. a bit, lie "Quita a roane uthiea velu- '- ColtenarfantioBel Wate-rs, - l ih as caugiï-,ýit sîgil 0f a couplaef tmon lounig- ulimas," laughodti lie thor. "I'm 100) 1 fiar las peser Dtak was c; onuetý it' îng lu front of sema00e boýxas a oit teu f001 monoy away new, but "a ti was rallier a Bract'sfas tleiowesowu ; oeeoet hern carne yeung eue, I't have hati a tonner on Hie hat hean at ne uitIle ubla o r smartly townsd hlm, leeked t aIhirm hal just for lie romance of the thitg. etdueabils wight lately se as te sitekeeniy, anti thau passat mIe Ithe tap- hioweow'o eu' ai-onw Taettcmtieexat tn coue- fusIl- roorn; the othir, on tho e cntsary, anti may as well gel homne te break- 8ledt 0lbar for tiare lad 1beau muel stililcentinuedtotelounge abontlafst tehefnyIh aoitat parturldrtuon at Lowooti somý e weks yard smoking. Ms. Waters conceivet If olti Teibuntar isn'l sacrificet te ils aage, when upon gatlîng Into hie Scalas nîl this tobc holiy suspicions. The stable companion, shall expect te sea 1- il had baen diseovaroti that hoý wac a first man was a stranger te hlm, lie im returned thie wlnner. If they ri trille oves thal wllhout hic csaddIe. delerminadt b have a look aIttesetc- utlobis lhreat by making runuing fer 7- Hoiewaver. bis spirite, were of lie hast, eut; lha walked sharpiy leward hlm, Calamoual, well, lien I shoulti say, if 1though hlic ad te lbe absteminous lu the anti as hae camne up le hlm, recegnizet oit Pafiance det't win, aiiythiflg O malter of hoti foot anti champagne, Grag$en. mih1 Oanti tosseci off oua of lie two glasses "Whal lie douce are yen doln1 ght (To BE COsNuED. 18 lie alloeo himself te Tcetelumji's vie- bore ?" jaculalt Mr. Waters, Sharp-_____________ ,y tory. ly. IL tty alene 0f ail the pnrty titi net "eî, fIlcoa t ta" lxpacteti that the naw «Saul Ste. W t el fi oe ota, replieti Marie canal will hia openat about a waak lquite sise b lihe occasion. The girl tle o0her, rathisoently, " what ara altos tise commencement et navigation. ceulti net belp being a lithoe distrait yen tioing hase ? Oua migittlhluk ___________________ aI times. The mcmesy of ail the bat yen wanleato1sc if Cataizount's box ! accidents lu the huntlng fiait sha lad was oen." 0 levers bard of acuit obtrudeteim- I"Yeu scocuntrel b" exciaimet Wat- A salves upea lias mid. hier loves migil ors, " how tara yen say suci thlngs." raliv lier, eall ler a lithoe wet blankat, "Weil," relurnoti Gragsen, coolly, *anti cay that cie ought 10 ho asham- " I'm hase le look ailes our hosses, et of hersai for lhiuking lIaI Teele- whthies yeu'va any autiorlty 10 1ook u tom couddoteauylbing but win; but, ailes Ms. Bourtou's, I -do't knew; Oail tbe camne, lia vision of a man ghast- anyhow, wa ten'l waut yen fitiuingt ly pale anti sonsolece, broughl bnck round eus boxes." upon a hurtile, çwouldi oves antiarnon "I've a great mind te break evesy ýtrsca lifose les ayas. blieue lurnsskin," repliati Waters, nIl wne ail nonsense, of course. $She fiercoiy. Idhati hunteti ince shc was a litIle girl, "eyuwnl qia"aert a had seau, oxpriaucet anti lnughed ti IGeen i e itle e a ýy many a lumble, anti hati hadthle gooti nol-eng ala 0 ob i heylie lsseyn , -e fortune nover te witnoss a lint fali. Tint Iliere wns danger In Pick Colaton btnobbledtheli jockey." e iriigacopeîebanoaoc "Yen thuntering tîsiof !" sait Wah- - orse, betweeu bis set teeth, buI at hea curredt t lias in lie iret instance: cie weult jusl as ceeu have thougil thora nelm eonznei rlicn wac danger te hlm lu a day', iunting mr.i h raan oky e nbut tiiemalha wae net bier lovas, nos th ans cie engagadteho marry him. Sie It was quite truce; le lad ne valiti tit knw la ran Naionl as .su-prtex fe asauhin Grgsn, whila A Ir gel up ant cee me gallop Teelolum te- they boti odoratd the stable.bai 'e",eAn te morrow. won'l yen, Kilty ""Mare ail riglil ?" inquireti Bondton. for 1805 tollsalaiebeut fiee yctu glo ettmb x Qulte, sir," raplietah le groom. "Sie tbem, - pree. se claimoti Bob Waters ; I shouidthIinkis ea queer lhing, anti alînays pinas ferO..Fer&0. ah jo ce. aulf ampshire will lielteura le- company lu a strange place. Sha ldorOt tti merrew te soc the mase o duher lmt ftdgetat a 111110 aI firet, but si', que C. HRARNDEN, L 1) S. Graduate oftbe Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. UFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. .New Tailor Shop The untiersigueti who has beau carryig on the tailoriug business in counection I1 with Mason' Dry Gonds Store for a number ef years bas commencati business for him3elf ai hts residanca, King St.,west, where ho is prepara 1 to make gents' anti boys' suit, an ail the latest etylas, and et lowest priceg, For thome whç' wsh ta order suits, ha will carry a fulil lino cf amples ailthe nowast patteas. Give hlmi cal. J. T. A L N Fashionable Talor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large sum of mouay lias beau placat inl my bauds by a private parson for inveetmnt, ou aDprovati bans oun farm security for a terni ol irivE or TEX yaars, ElFE AND ONE HALE PER cENT interest will bcafaked payable yearly. Batlsfactory conditions for repaymnut will be arrauged. D, B. SIMPSON. Soliitor, Bovamaitiie. Dated Oct. lot, 1894. 4-f F OR SALE OP. RENT.-Rouseana & lg1iacres for @ale or to cent, atuatt. ui iluog treat north. The premises cousist oý a goti bouse wth every ceuveuleuca, driviug shedi, stable, etc. The gardon cotatns a lot of the cholcest fruit of ail varlaties. Immediatei so sesBiou eau ba given. For partîcuiers applj W.FISsrnara Bowmanvilis Ont 494tf wr,*tn ,ea niltotuot Lo0s'ssain se But Iliese wa's anothas îýnan prasan' ah the station wlie look accurat oe of ail tliee proceedings. 1"They'vo got tînt mare as quiet ae a sheep," mulbaret Sam Grogson. "i alwaysundesooti she al aabit of a tempos, thougli I'm beundta say wiau- oeves I was eut witi lia houns iti Hiampshire, I noves ceultiilea l; bow. evar, hoi.-as ara like linaan belngs ask 'arn te de what tiay IlLe, anti whc se willing as lley ? ask 'arn te t- whaltiey deil:' lika, andti tey precion coon geh thals lineks Up. I dasosa: tint mare anjoys i-ntlng ils muci aý a Christian, anti ahe'll quihebIkeby vieçs Fritiay's business willisuit the bounti as a vasy tifforant malter.' At tie conclusion oetheliaday's sac lng, Sam Gragson mate bis way up t( tle liolel ah whlci Messrs. Molo anÉ Raclons w-ro c-taytn.g. "Well, Gregsoa.' 'sald IIi UOVS "yen dit what 1 toit 'you, I suppose- hung about tle station If s e if yoi couiti pick up auylhlng about 1h15 masi of Bourleu's 7 "She's here, ail rigit enough," se Joinet Sam. "low cie looks I dois' knew, bacauso Ilva ouly sean les ii cleties, but I saw Ms. Bourbon, an( Mr. Colaton, who's te ,l!i hes. anti wbole lot et Hiampehirae haps, anti the, are ail as cock-a-ioep about lias cin as ovar I saw tolks lu my lufe; lu fact le haar 'am baIk yeu'dtlhink the sac was oves." "AU idess anti fr011," repliat i M Moora;, "thay'va gel a tact hunIer, an, think 1h a wontiar. As fas as I cal make euh, lbey hava nolhiug wibl whldh lbey coudt have Irlot il." "Nover mind liaI," Inlarruptot Roi lieue, "wa'vo mudli tee big a shakae o tii, te tirow thce sanleet chant all," said Sam Gregseu, "I don" belleva, Mr. Raubenis, you need b( afraid of this oea. I was up at Der FOR aser1Jit by last month, and 1 manged to ge holti of Jenkine, Mr. Clato's stu, to HO E orgmro, and ha told me they had lit Orfor a weak after the steeplechase, an( that sha was s0 cowed by the faîl the: could, do nothing with lier. 'Jump,' Iý said-thase wara lis very wertis, Mr iReubans-'she'll neyer jump again it TRAVEL ~longs as sha lives. I manap;ed 1to f BY THE lier ovar a small fence, but she-wen Up ln the air like a sky rooket, aru the only woudar was she didn't cou, C)A NA D "âIA N2 down ln the sarne place., StilI, lu spit FIe of al tht, 1sa lier jumP well enougl with the hounds lunIHampshire.' 'Ra P A O I M I" ontO eit"observeti Mr. e WHtO 'WILL BELL ROUND TRtIP TICKETS AT bans, maitatively ; "I've a sort of cen SING LE G"'AS'FAýRE Us ,:tegrief." Goiz Ari il 12 1, 1, 5. etunig uti "What an old croaker yeu ara !" sui April 16, 1895. Ticket, must ha purohaseti an or b or. haesnohn o carf fore April 4. of; we've trieti Catameunt lilgh eoud FIaR .AD O E-TIRD te beat lier fair and square." F.LRE.6NDONE-TIR"Pair and square," ejaqcllatet Mr TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS eaclins. "I wish thare was a wal Going Macc 281 te April t2, inclusive. Retucning of squaring lier, eh, Sam ?" 'and Mi leintil April 22, 1894, on surcettder o! standard forcm cf Reclians lockad meaningly ut th Certifieate signeti by Pincipal. oky T. E. IIIGGINBOTHAM, "o"saiti Gregson, I do't sPo tleis aanything te lie doue lu tha Agent, Bowrnanviie. way; stili, It is curtous they've stabli ARNIN We are Informed thiat unsc-rpelous dalers are la the habit of selllng plugs an d parts ofplugs finferior Tobacco, represefltaug cham Ct. hatha genuine. 'T. &B'MRL AY The genuine plug la stampeti witb the lettero, "T . & B." in bronze. Purchasers wiil confer a favor by Iooking for the trade mark wben purcbasing. OR NEW FLUG "Ti. & B." OMBINATION 14., 60., 100. sJ 20a. PiEcEr- is stamned i wth "T & B21 Tin Taig anti2. the same stockc as the larger 25c. piug bcle 1T -& B.'"1in bronze. A reward cf One Hundred Dolars wili hbgs to snyone lor information leadingto the conicrmo any person or persons go.I!ty of the above fraudulent practices, or infringing on our trade mark iii aey miauner wbatsoever. The Geo. E. Tucloett & Sonl Co, LWi. HIAMIL TON, ONT« THE CANADIANSTATESMA ESTABLI,,IIIJD 1851 stper annura in advance, otherwiso $15 Sub8criprtonÉ3alwtys p,%yable at tne o1filj i Lvublication. Adi7ortiýtn ý r:stoes roae by 03,1 ract, 1«jcat per line, nono sie Sý.r3t insett cn, anti à cents per line oaci snbaqeee.t in- sertion. Local,, 10 cents Per 1!ne. M. A. JAMES, Publisiier Startl ing True That Rickard's is thle place to deal and save money. Positively his goods are flrst- class. His prices are sucli that if yoix wish a Watch, Clock, Ring, Chain, Spectacles (gold or any other kind> î r uyLJu in uc l yuq fTv,i c vacocus you should buy from if you wish to economize, also head- quarters for Sewing Machines. Three kind à to choose from. A ents' commissions saved by purc asing from Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician, 'Neads Block, Bowmanv.ille. Positively no0 better Optician than T. N. Rickard. Tsî.gfrûee JEWELLRY STOIRE. Clocks Silverwear and ail kinds oe Jewellry, we are selling goods at about half prîce to meet the times, in our work people say we gi ve the best of satisfaction, and you can depend on it being doneriglit, as 1 do ail my Owo ýrk on the preux. ises. Issuer of Marriage-Licenses, MARÀYNARD, TilE JEWELLER

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