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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1895, p. 11

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id Ncople Who Weîgh and Compare Inow and get the best. Cottolene, the new vegetable shortening, has woei a wide and wonderful popu: larity. At its introduction It w submiîtted to expert chemiîsts, pror1t s,,ent physicians and famous coolU. All of thiese pronounced e mtuffl bueathfild acceptable food-produet, ho ~~ lard for *very cookring purpoe The success of Cottole iM e matter of history. Will you share. in the better food and better healtit for which it stands, by using it in your homne? Cottolene la sold in 3 and pound pails by ail grocers. %ade cul> b>' T he N. K. Faarban% Company, Welligtonl and Asna TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tismeaeod brick diralinga of 8 and i9 rcoon each with îrood rds sluae in l gond pariE of tise tom cf JBommsIlnvi11lio Gond cllera, wirai stud cîher convoniences, Fieros or otherE -11lg10,bu>'homos lu town sbeuld osea tis iropenîfe. Tlhey iii he o ld chsapooneay terme. AD irfor Intubes- partîculars te Misi B. WRITEC, Weilîgton St. E. BommianyfIla 1. Notice to Creditors. Inthtie maiter of thre est ate of George Edu'a. Mantning late of thre toton of Bown vile in the Coiîýtîty of Durham, Bard ware Marchant, deceased. Notice la beriby given pnsuant te Chaptel 110, R. S. 0. 1887, thet alpensons having clair îýgdiai tht> state of GEORGE -EDWARS -iA NN ING, lateo f thse tow ncf Bommanvilb lu the CeunI>' of Durham,llardmereMti han deceasem, mie dled un or about the 27th day ,Ds(-cti'r. 1891, are naquastemi te deliver ýw" ypost prepald on on belorelise Érat da n f May e tis te underalgned Slidioer i Grsgo Mannlug Fus-by of thse tow ot Pt: loeoIn the caiff Ce ni , Etquire tise aebi on-ttor cf lise propero the f ls idecoaaad, tet,1onet ini mritlng contexulug full partl<i her;ý éf thoir deims and or tise nature cf tI (en ius iian>') boid '-tIison agaînat tl ee e f tise s".Idecoasami. A-Nioice lahearb-y furtisergivon tisaIafi Vtise sai 'inai day oetUay next tis eaaid Admi -,Ixtrtr mwliiproceed 1te distribute tise usee tiseroof amÜrg tise parties etitled thone h uVing togesrt only te snobhlalma as ho orb s id seicior saah thon hava notice of as aboi reqtlircd; and tise sairi Acminstraios- i i be liable fer tiese sa or an>' part lisreof ilts-lba te any pesonoer parzous of wmn 11Iim ho or his saîri solicitor shad net have r vivai notice aitisae ima of sncb dlslrîbutlci D B SIMPSON, Bemmanvîlle, Souicit for Gîro, M FURBY'EE Port Hoepe, Admingtre Bommanyillo, Mirois 2ti, 1895. 14-4w. Notice to Creditors. Tu the matter of tira estatt of Nana y jS Bates. ate of tira Town f Boums, viffe, in thre (eunstfy ofDurham, spinsiÉ deceaseri, Notice ta hireoby itou purasut te Chaot 1101 R. S O. 1887, tisai al prsnces havi Dg clil elgetuat tise astate DE NANCY JANE BATE late of tise town of Bs ananvilie, le f CetIont>' Cf ursnr, Spinales-, detiased,wo diofi cneorabout lise 8h day oetcercis, es- reuotedte elvenorenmd b>'post,,pi rtiefrtdy of May' uex5 befe of ise eldTown t Bo, inanville, Gem heraa, tise Exeoier f 1 leat iii sud tet meut of tise saifi detieasc e tatement in mitng cotinîug full partý iars cf hi Inlelma and cf tise nature cft sacilntices(if auy> helfi b>' tiseiageinstlt estate oI tisasatdeoeased. And notice faeisereis>'further given ti airer tri oseald bIs-t de>' of May', next,t sif Exacuior iii procaed tc, dîstnîbute essaIs of tieseaid estete arneng the pant imnitud tierto, having regard oui>' te et cl'ept i hAil have notice cf as aboya qrand uitise saibi Exatitor mill sol lIabla] for tise aesoa a>'part lisereof Sîeik;ui teW an> ' plson or pensons whissO damaho thisunul have recelv notice et tisa lime of sncb dstribution, W. F. ALLEN, Ee.,. Bommanviie. Exection D. BURKE SIMPzzON Souicie r fer Execut Bowmmenyile, Apil lsi. 1895. 14-4-v% FOR MAN AND WOMAN. LILLY'S -NERVE, PILI 119 Douglas Crescani, Edinburgb. aiing le locale e branci in Canada as> ".My Dear 81ir. Accopi my warmn thault eue village to grant free naturel gas, IrE for yeur kindfl> commnunication cf te 24th mater, free site, free building, exemptio 1'obruary. The Scot la always more o! e frein taxes and a bonus. Sýcet the furteibe aramoeBa from dean oli The speciel corerepondeutm in Pari Scoýtldud, and as for 'Self Culture,' cf mbîcb commnent upon the irritation and dfi yen a1 peet mitb m-uci pensonal appreation, sppintmeut ceaed thora b>' Empeni Ifi' haiva mnuch 1th !aut CeGd for lu my W illiemîs speech te hisnatclt, wbiob the long 1life, b have te he Hum o speciall>i se>' tonds te dii iche pes of mei for ha ving put i it ir o m> 'nbeart te writea aicable relationsý. 551~ that emall volume, whieh 1 believe, bas lU i1U~ UII'I ~ BLAU IE. düýe more vital good tg the young men of this countr'y than a»Il the Greek that 1 ever RECOLLECTIONS 0F THE GREAT '*As te the riciples of piety and purity AND. ECCENTRIC SCOT. put forth ln t t book, they romain in my beart, and I hope aise in My lfe, unchang- norne recultar 'Wqethods et eahla-ed. I ain more au optimist, belioving that Blackle Wqa% Beloved by Ilis ts udents individual evil la merely a necssary acci- Andby E eybody-Tbe Re Thos. M. dent, indissolubly connected with a great Calvert Taiks About lUs 614 Teacher good ; and that wbat we cal evil is in and l'aILs of ais Qualut Ways. many cases enly a spur te malte the good show its divine force, In short, as I wrote Prof. Blaokie's deaili is deplored by ever>' more than forty years ago ini my scrapbook, Scotsman the world over,but by noue more "Ali things are right, when rightly under. deeplythan by bis former pupil, the Rey etood, and where ail would seem evil thero Io good.' As te. prayer, 1 entirely agree Thomnas, E. Calveri, of Buffalo. with what yen say, that when we pray for 111 leerned to love Prof, Biacirie almost the hiiebeat good, viz., character, we nover s much as my owu father,'> said Mr. Cal. fail of receiving an answer. Sin cerely yours, vert. "Ho was snob an Inspiration te me. "«Jeim S. BLÂOKIE. 1 frajt saw Bleokie iu the Greek clss.roem "On the outside corner cf the envolopo iu the winter of 1876, wbeu 1 enrolled as a are Greak hieroglyphica signlfyiug, Speak. student in Edinburgh University with a qing tho tuh u aort view toeuteriug the Preabyterian ministry.qutio" Ho was thon the occupant of the Greek chair iu the univeraity,and a man who took HOW TO BUY A BICYCLE a foremost place lu tho literature of bis country. Ho vias especially known as the nome Tîrnel>' Advice fer iBtendflg Iiuyers author of 'Self Culture,' a book hoe wrote ThefoloIng"p oin eao o t. u primarily for bis tudents. Tefloig"onea nhwt u "I emeberwha a inelooingtypcala wbeel, given by a writer lu a Chicago Scochrenemaner wa a fie ooakugaprelpaper, i. apropos ai the pres6nt urne: forehead, littlo, peering eyes, heavy ibsheaon will baa a netrabeaychin ue eyebrewa, the thin face of the student, and tisao ilaea xr ev ahn the long ficwing white bair made hlm a if hoe purchases oue wegbîng twenty-eigbt very picturesque figure as ho stood in bis pounids, wbile thirty-pound wheela will ho black gown betore bis class. Belore bis found listed lu very few 1895 catalogues. outrance the rocm would ho filed by about T weut-iel h veaewih o 260 youug mou fresb ontut ofsbool, eacb edt-fv sto vrgweih o stick u bisbaud keping wheel airictly Op te date. The scorch- youth with a siki i odke iuig eleruent and club mou will use machines tirne te the sluging of ail sorts of Scotch aynfritwt ttet-wopud "Baci wui altinlitp isbudwhile some wiîî go Eveu silîl lower and use «'Baoke oul wak nlftqrhe be, Homounts that tup the scele t eigbteeu and a and hegin the Lord's Prayer lu re. ehall te nineteen and a bal pounds. Recîng waa a very eccentrie man, perbape the machines will vary from filteen to seven- mosi eccetric man lu Scotland. Ho Put 1in taon pouuds. When cie looks ai theso practico figures and thluks of the enormons sirain a SOME PECULIAIR METIIODS bicycle le put te il ai firast seoma inoredible of teacbing. For instance, ho thought the ihat aucb exiremely ligbt machines will hast way te leern Greek was by speakiug stand np. But they do stand up,neverthe- -the lauguaga. Ho would ask bis tudeuts bass, and besîdes every yearly reduction iu in Greek te ohut the door. Thou, suppose weigbt bais beau looked upon witb more or bis naine was Bell, hoe would say, 'Mr. bass suspicion hy conservative riders. Bach Bell, wbat ia the derivatien cf your naie? year these saima riders buy uew machines, ne I seema te me lu ie derived frein the bewever, and find thet their fears are tsFrench belle, moauiug beautiful.' entlrely without loundation. Six years ago lis "Thon the students would stamp--ndl the ordinr or bigb wbeel had apparently te cheer, aIl the more by reeson of the fact about reac=d perfection, and the average het , atMr. Bell was a very plaiu-lookinag malte sealod tweuty-eighî te thlrty peunds ïs inidividual. Bleekie was beloved by bis for road use. The firat saleties were rarely studeuis and b>' overybody, fromn the Qneen furnished under filty peunda. and while upon ber throneo t the bumblesi peasaut the change was greau the othar advantagos crofior wbose cause hoe cbampioned. Heocf the dwari machine overcamoe this objec- was a good Latin sebolir, and iu early 111e tien. The wheel cf 1895 resombles thet cf ap2liod himself te the classics. WVhile lu the earlier days enly lu general appeerance. Geman>' ho was introdueed te Goethe, for Every ounce of superfinous weigbu bias beau idwbomieh bd the hlgbest admiration. Oue cnt down year alter year and yet the pneculierity of Bleekie was bis naturaînees. îwonty-îwo pound machine new scld is W1Ho waa the mest uncouventiouiil man you strengor and saler than the fil ty-pound Id over dreauied of. lu the summer during article originally cffered the vetaries of the the bolidays lhe spent muestof bis time lu sport, se great bas beau the improvoment Ohan, wher hleved te drink lu the lu the mochenicel construction and design. et beauties ci bis native Scotland. Ho was a The f rame is uow universelly made lu a ID peet iu ever>' souse cf the word, and aeng diamond shape, whlcb net enly permits of le. the scener>' cf the \N est Highlands ho dis- groat roductien lu weigbt but gives the mt, played a boyieb entbuaiasm. enormous sîrengîb nocessary ; lighter yet 0! ..I wes preseut lu a Premhyterian cburch strouger tuhing is used, and improved o1 lu3 i Edinburgh oue Sundey oveing when mochanical, methoda permit doing away fer thousandsaoasembled te hear Blackie lecture wlth numnrouri ameil parts once considered 'Oon 'The Wit and Wisdom of Scotti2h Song.' essentiel. Oua fair exemple is tbe saddle. "n t was aomething of an innovation te have This necessar>' article once weighed an>'- u- snob a theme diseuaaod lrom the pulpit of wbere from five te eight pounde. Ih new te the parish cburcb on a Sunda>', but it wff averagos fliteen te iweuty ounces. Pneu- the more of a surprise te the ceegregatien wben matle tires and wood rima teke away al Bleekie bura1 t ieBoug hy way of illustra- tho jar, and the mss of apringa whicb te ion ý l aer teor notes that la,ýirly tbrillled lormari>' composed eu important a part ot tc he megificent eaudience-. 1I9sha1 nover the seddle enu readily ho dispouaed With. 'etc frget the e ffeot of that song, freahb as t1e The pueumelie tire bas of course beau the i2notes of the blickhird, giviug expression te geta atrl bsaeuîu o l s ove raetfcoints oitnfo tue no, the werds of Burns. reduced vibration te a miniu and,1 cou- ! "Ho411 wrote a great uiauy poeema, 5peci. saquentl>' made ligbt wbeels possible. ose al>' lu tho forai cf the sonnet. -Ho For al ibis h would ho rash te saY ibat e -lfrequently resortafi tu the sonnet te raf or te ws haç e reached finalty lu mrovdcn seaqesinbfeetopqlb orl-sructioD. The hbhgBoel was tbougbt te itr stance, if Roaebory, lu a public addreas, have reaehed that stage, Lut wbere l8 it ýýq* osked. What's the use e! the Lords? to-day ? 'Tbe cuabion tire wes considered a et- Blackie wold ho pret>' sure te bave a great improvaînent, but it uow seerna ouly W. sonnet lu The Scotaman nexi day suppi>'- e question of a few years wbeu puieumnatics îng the answer. Ho wus a groat lover of will ho fitted te ail vebîcles. Wlîen Peter nature, and bis beari wea everopen te10 Borin used wood rima on a racing wheel hoe THE CUT OF DISTEESS. huit imself four yoars ago lha was iooked He Ho ved Sootland and everytbiug pur- upon a§-locîhard>', but tbey are new uaod ,amneu te it. Ris figure, wrapped in bis everywbare. What the naxi ihing will ho lite cth plaid, and with bis long white bair i adfictt us.ipeeotl an fiewing fromin uder bis black louch bat, the order of the day and five years banco tei- sttracted attention, Iu appearance, as in the linos on wbich the 1895 modela are chereotar, ho wes uniquea. built me>'hoBo s entirol>' chenged that the "lBleokie exercised absolutel>'rne disei- proent machine me>' ho elmost total>' un- ter plineovor is clasa. Ha ias givon tedoing recognizable lu tho new pattern. nia the eddest thinga, and the wlld youtbs At the prion cf $100 f or thie very hast 'S, cf ton îoek liberties with bim. Ha was wbeel obtainablo and with second-baud vb jut as hiable as net te pull a poom oui cf machines te ho bed et almoat an>' price, Se, bis pookot and reed it te bis clas. Thon,, o> a onawal nde bssa re- he'd Bay, 'Now, gentlemen, who'a the sou a word cf advice te inieuding pur. te author of tisai poem T'V Oua would guesa chesers iR net ont cf place. Fîrsi cf al ow Loel nte ensn nte icelbu>' cf noue but a reputable dealer, if yen sed, until finally somehody said Bleekie. -rbnxeiucdadepcand f e Wu- "',Yes,' the old mian would ropi>,' iî's intenfi starting witb e second-d me- the Blecki's" Thon lha would fold it up, put chine, as se large a proportion cf ridera do. the ilubspkeadtîhormcslieThe ostablished dealer irbo lutenda te bat and labor ho hed expended ou It.L e was ro&1ain l business and trauseet bis affaira the lîkal>' an>' moment te burst ieong. wîtb e viair te retaîning bis cuatomers is s the Yen % ere likely to ment hîm i he corri- good meu te tic te. He mil stand back cf ties dor or in his office singing a Scotch soug or bis goodo whther noir or second-baud, psaîm.and if anyting «cas wrong hoa mli malte il IBlecltie used te se>' thora were four gced ither free cf ceat or et e lomer prica s uBo inga which a man muet love. Firat cfthn oudeewioorpirdf. ciO ail, floiera ; second, children ; third, Thora are as men>' tricks in the bicycle yod wmenenand, il ho mua se>ayit, wina. IH business as in an>' ether, t mIl ho fouud PUlREJLY CANÂflJN NEWS. INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR OWN COUNTRY. Gatbered (yen Varionrs Points frou te AtliceI.tihe Pacifie- <Stretford ha a Humaeo Society'. Elore ban a nom Board cf Trede, Brentlorf'a cii>' assament in 17 mille. Hilladalo miii soon bave e cheeno factor>'. Perlais i aliig cf orgaeiziug a Y. M,.A. Billierdist (Cepron'E mile dief racenti>' et Th ise aît Y.M.C.A. bas a membersbip of fift>. Geltit have a lccal Chrisian Aid Society'. A ,varve a tasioe leie o esaihed et TE Biood Bittesslies in ils specifie curativ* power over every o rgan of' the bodly. The Liver, the Biood, the Bowels, the Stomacli> the Kidneys, thse 5ki, thse Bladder, iu fact, all parts of thse human system are regulated, purified, and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES al diseases affectips- these or other parts of thse systeux flyspepsia, Constipa- tion> Bad BlocJ, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Compiaint, Obstinate H-Imos-s, Old Sores, Scrofttîa, Riseumatisus, Nervous or Gusa Debility, and ail irregularities of Jth, system,-caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordered actioý-n of the Stomracis,Boc, Lives- o e F,1 dn'jyP. Th ousands of test- inoniais wrathtie asLser+ýinta 13] 3B.B' i tiE.éBEýS T &SPRING' MEDCINE FOR yOuN( QLD. Oblidlren Oy o Pthe' C ora France andi Germany. Fentunstel>' for Europe, the relations betireen France and Gormen>' are heooming mes-e friandly as tise years pessab>'. No botter preef cf ibis bas beau gîvon necauti>' then the recapticu eccended te tise article of Anetola Les-ay Beauuioti, tise mel-tuomu Frounis iriter, in eue of tis arierlaeviema. M. Beaulieu deeianes tisaitisera isne hatred for tisa Getuceus lu the breasais cf yeung Frnuch meo f le-day, Hoe advjaes then te latin essociations for ties aîdy cf tise Ger- msan languege and liieratume, and fderas that of abi tise nations lu Europe, German>', se fan as advanced tnomledga la cencenced, la mont mertis> of ubeir attention. A feir years ego it weuld bava tatou a brave in to give voesate ubese sentiments. With tisaI me mould net se>'tisai M. Beaulion le net bsave ; but tisa day len pa t wen lise expression nIfsbueopinions la daugerous. Thea autibor'. suggestions haieabeau diaeus- sari dispassienatel>,and men>' eomir.entetots have preised tisei. This i. a happy nesuit Glencoe. fer tisa lovera cf peace-auf the lmhbiants A nom Freabyteniau cisurch is te ha bilt of Alsace- Lorraine. at Nover. lio vrFfyYe s. Eleetrie data iii ho unniug in Berlin b>' "jo vr ît er. Ma>'3(.'. Fer over fft>' yeara MRs, WiNsiow's Tisa revisef lt fer Nîpissing conlains SOOevINieSyRur lbas beson used b>'rail- 7,060 naines. lieus of meuhers for their childrenu mhile Mr. Owen Sullivan, au oid resideut c! ioethiug. Il diaturbed et nfght aud Gl, ia deeri. broken of yur rosi b>' a siot chiid auf- John Astmitb, and old setiler of Ottawa, feriug sud crying wîlh pain of Cnftirsg la ded, eeth rieuf et once sud «et a bottle ci Angus Gilis, Cape Breton, dbed tise cuber " Msa Wjnsiem's Soothiug Syrup " for de>', atief 108, Ciudren Teatiig. it mlitoileva the A nom sud large planing ill Ilu noperaý peor littho suffaren immediael>'. Depeufd d tien et Sudbsur>'. upon ii,rnothors, thaeoi. ne misaie about gr Tise Territorial Exhibition ii open et it. I cures Dlarnhoe,reguletes the Stein- Regina Jul>' 29îis. acis su Boirais, cures Wînd Colle, acf tons Tise Thompsou memorisi fund nom tisa (uins, roducasi Ipllaminetien, sudj emounia te $31,000. giaune and onorgy to tise rbole systrin.j Lange shipments of moed are beîug made "ir.Wiualem'a S,îotbing S>'up " forj frein Pielpten ibis inier., chidren teeibing i lpseaut te tbe teste TiseGuelphs matermors-ka lethe hast pa>'. and le the prescription of oeeoetthse eldeat ing invesimeut thet cii>' bas. and bhast fýemh physièiens and nurses lu Thiri>' >"snn girls sent ont b>' Miss Bye thse United S tes. Prie tweut>'- ive cents emnîvod et Halifax neceuti>'. jshotle. Soif b>' ail dnuggîsts tbreughoui Dr. A. S. Tisompen Stretisote>'il gazai. 1t s olBe uansd aest for Il M115 ted as s coroner for EutI Middlesex. WNLWSSccvTuiiîa GSYRU?,'> St. Anfrew's Preshytanian churcis, Ber- At ie lest meeting of tise Ontario Fiis lin,bas jusî celehrae tis 401h ennivosr ' u a in ommitaien it vies decided to Monos-snb hef mii ho expr s ma-.ta. tisedeer bacon tise se as it mas in yer from Manitoba te Engleuf uhen hera. 192fentiseis-t te the 15tis of Nov- arn ber. It iras elso decidod te effet a bouni>' Thora are 1$5 inunicipelitias lu tise pro- o! Blf t>' cans a basf for foxea, becauseoo vintie cf Otrie linrbici ne liguer leens3es tise datuage tie>'infliit on barmor'a pouiis>'t are lsuaf. Mr. C, A. Maller>', grand presidont of tise Patrons cf Industr>', bas beau laI t s egacy cf $40,000. Ani immigrant lad, George Hart, living Whoun Baby wes alck, vs- gave ner Castes-la. near'Chaihein, bas fllen blair to $15000 in Wiseu se iras a ChilS, se cried for Catoria. Eu gland. Wiseuse beceme Miss, sisa lung te Castoia. A stock compen>' bas beau f ernef in 'Wlsn se --ad Cihidron, se gave tisei Catonsa, Gedenillste erect a firat-clasa curling sud slttng rint. John Pninglo, ef Ayr, mail kuomu as a0 breeder cf lHolstinucetie andiPercheron _______________ borés sî deed.177 luThousas Kile,S2years old, mise as lived F ore r inMôntreal for 40 yeea, 1bas beau sont n a ,. r jail for vegnana>'. the formula for making Scoîî's Heif e million dollars i. te ha expended Emnulsion has been endorsed by on the constr-uction cf tisa Ottaire,Aruprior physicians of the whole world. No sud rt> onfeala> bs o.~ secret about it. This is one of uts J. M. Dytes, o! Werdaville, Cenef s'a strougest endorsernents. But the champion chectair playere purposos1 rnaking stroflgest endorsement possible is e prefeasional tour lbrougb tise Southeru iu the vital strength il gives. Stateathia aulmîmnen, A veric-t cf $l,200 meis receutl>' givon agaluait the temusýhip of Yermouuht1cr dlamn. aV6se ausFtairaf b>' J. Ferguscu, oing to tise ,ead beîng eut cf topait. Immns eida ef petroieni hvebeau discovoýref savent>' miles îuerih cf Frt esecsmn, and tise DominiGL on eoru. metbspromîse o teassin lu ir davel. rnourishes. Ih does mre fo£r weak epmonî. Babies and Growing Children than Fifty-tmo Preabytanian momaen o! Nep. any other kiud of nourisisment, hL an3ea mena given $1 eastis eyeer ego,mbich streugtheris Weak Mothers arnd re- lise> investof for the churcis, sud accumu- a -d ine wlu ve montisa tise sug auin c! stores health to ail sufferiug from -$1,.ý50. Emaciation and General Debility. A panal is te ho placof in the cbancel For Coughs, Celds, 8ore Throat, Bron- wiindoir of the nair Episcopel cisurcis, chitts, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blood *Wingissm, in momor> o! tisa laIe Bev. W. Diseases and Loss of Flesis. Devis, wiri se for nine yeespester cf Scott & Bowno. Bellevillo. Ail Dsuggsts, 50c, & St tisaI paris. TheisaJid Stetealiave permittef Canada f te expert caIlla Item Portland, Maine, EAST ENDO IuUN DRYI mithout uufes-going au>' quas-autino. Al -that la ueeded is a dlean bil cf helth et - Moutreai. E. J. Saunders- & Bros., Complote rtures frein ail aveilebie soesain regardf ote suffesiug lu St. Machinists and General 1John's, iNfid, show 5Oper tient. o! tisa anCre population of tise cil>' t ho ai tiser recoiviug Foun diymefl, or in need of assistance The tiotten tal arbbit, introtlucod imb 0Outas-o a loir years ago te f urniais Inn fer We de ail kinda of ropairing ef Bindera, *a feai sports, la multipl>'sug wmii nervalien. Mollwer5, Soed Drilla, Threshlnig Machines, napidity, sud spreading oves- a brge section Engînes, and Mill Machiner>'. of ceuntr>' greatlle Coitilu jury - Geere, Pulloye, Shaltiug sud Castings o! aul kinda made te order. 8Frenech Home Life. We do ail kînda cf iurniug sud driliing. hImis te sea M. Bl-. A fu lino of farin Implemeuts. Hol is net et home. ha madame bis ie at home ? Newr sud second hand in stock. No, air ; ahis ataI& soiree. We malte the hast Picir Point sud Thiaitsou badSd fralmks fPos Haeladai lis clcb. LniSd o i atsc bis And maemoiselle? large stock alivsys on hend. Mademeiselle lnata the iheatre mis lier Wo are maklng a casi Itou Pig trougis auui, aud feaf Bex. Calsud Seo thein. Tise Czar sud Cierlua cemeiplete e Semlug Machines cleaaed sud repaired. long tour aller tise terminetten of ihqfr meutuluiig potied o! six mnuis. Auloeg the ]POIRTER'S OLD STAND. capital. visited mil hoe Berir Vienna, and BOWMAN VILLE. Paris. THIE E OTSUCCESSFUL RE(110 Y FOR IVAN OR BEAST. Ooî-tedn iu lis effects and neyer blifftora rtaad proofs bales' ISSPA IIÇ G URE.. 'i Mfia kaepa btîl on audailtise lime L Yexus IreS>, dxa,%SPomma.LY CATiilON, 1Mo., Ap', % 'S. seveal b-i, 10 0 "Ia "MKendailS atixuCrn7 lb1ehuiý Cin l e t lietIae ad ssZ er ieu Sjow,,e . ay ret,t,qndd.l1 For sale b> ail Drngstt. or atltres 1ai.J. XNDA tl ~coâf.A,42 ENOSBURG14 FAoLLS, YT. ,.GENTS WANTED who desiro i r1esru brein $15 te 25 meeki>'. Ix eau be Jue seliag eut hardy>. guarantaad, CanadIen.' gromn Nursery' Stock, Saut>or cnmmiî-eIon paidwieek>'. Exclusive tennitor>'. Handon 3ittt free- Write use t once for a-. F, 0. GRAAb, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. P'CF.iIEIî, BAMBL1IB, CILESIOErI . W. lX à S. SPECIAL. iew a4. scond-hand. ira s.e raywhare. f.f. BOYD & ý113 oteDame Street, A GREAT INVEŽ4TOR. Tl'aeroinîes liens for ]EleetrlcltY-HOW tise Art of Telegri-piy le te bc 11ev- olutlonizesl. Parbepa cul>' a loirpeople kueir the namo cof Nickela Tesla until bis leberatory burned lest week in Noew Yorlt,excep t those wbo are kaapiug pace witb science, To-day hi la esort cf popular Lono. Hisbaos iras about $100,000 in moue>' but Mr. Tesla seemeir îe censidar the netbing ai ail. And te e man wboea- e chines are lu use lu aven>' ceuntry on eerth and who mas eni>' preveuted from publiais iug bis disooveries, lnatead cf acceptinît patenta upon îbem b>'the utmestporasioit probahli>'i ineent ver>' tle, Mn. Edison mmediaeloy offered the young inventer bie cir leboreter>' fer bis experiments. Th- late modeis of Tesia's nowirniventyions ment te ashea with the eld onas, but ho bae werked se hard and long upon thom ihet bis banda couid malthie machines in uhe, dent. The descripticns of them bave not beau publishad,end oui>' a loir people kucirý wrhat ihe>' are. 1 Oue is a machine for making an entirely NEW IKEN D 0F1 ELECTRIC1XTY, mbii c anu reaÉtei'DYb>'theepudue ')f One rfitb the original force nom usmed in daeveloping the mystarlous get.ThIl ethar mac ina iiirevolutionizuteegr'phiy. B>' ils iimantsl,,eaamth currents ef elect r . cit>' miii ha used înstead cf mires in tale. grephiug. A man on the Chinese batte- field me>' bave an instrument and talegraph te an>' spot in the world. Shipsaet .0e ma e>'sod and raceive messages frein an>' point, and keep in houri>' communication! wltb the band. This miii do much te avant disastors, and mill malte as nom a place cf the morid as telegrephy made in the firsi place. Peraoualy, Mr. Tesaei. oeeoe the moat charming mou, mith aeflow cf lenguege and claver taIt mbioh maltes hlm senght b>' the brigbtest mon in the xvorid, Ho is taîl, mith a face whicb receils tise Groalta If yen have aven seau Vshlier's ploeureso; the Moutenagrin soldior ns le iit tiff white sltrts liteae ballet dentier, yen know ex- ectl>' What Mr. Tesla loks lite, wiîb bis nenir hlackt oye.suad heentiful mentis, shared b>' a lin>' musteche, Mn. Tesla dose net mear eaiwhite akini, homever. A SERVIAO, The inventer comas frein Montonagro, being e Ses-vian, Bis fatber mas a priib cf the Gteelt Cburcb, xi ho speke 19 lenguag. os, and wanted bis son te enter the chutoh. But Mr. Tesle's mether made charria sud bains, sud the inventon spirit iras so sireng lu tha e>'oytisat ha ould ho uotbing aise, Se ho learnied the banguages sud gave the resi cf bis tino te machiner>'. Ha sa}'s tisat inventiug la as easy as talklng, sud ioriking et tho heautibul sample marchinery ivbich ho bas devised fer canryiug tho greet powr-of Niagara ever long distances, oee limoat lncuined te agrea mith him thet it muatI ha for bim, Tesla aays ibat ira ara juat hegi nng te tueir irat electnicit>' la. -Il l s belle! that it la 111e itsilf. Ouaemoriid thint that tho doctore had beau convortod te thet ide& frein the ira>' he>' are recemmending il for everything frein beedecho 10 paralysie.

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