SPONGES exýtra quality for the Tiet SPONGES Extra fine for the Nursery SPONGES To~ugh and unbleached for 'Carniages SPONGES Al shapes, izes and prices. 6c. a doz Up. Every person is not able to tell a poor sponge £rom a good one. Per- haps you can't. If not we will be ~1dto show you the difference. cl~ aim to be judges and wilI gladly give you the benefit of our experience, and as we have a very large assortment at present it will be a good time to call and inspect. STOIT & JURY, Druggists and Opticians. FOR LADIES. Its Hard Work ~prices. keepiug track -of ahl the changes in styles in Hair Pins, Side Combs, Back Comnbs,etc., but we are mak- iga f air success at it as you can see by calling at our store where you will fiud ahi the latest designs at popular STOTT & JURY, Druggist anti Optician. New Advertisements of Speelal Interest. L 05 I yu ha e lst yur ner,,y and feel de- preeei an lagusty ur enir Blood Pille. Wr, üheelfully refuad the ..ecy if thley ail te give ea1tisf action s we honestly believe themn te be superler te any rndjon the nmarket fer enriehing the blood and~~~ rignclrand beauty te the cheek of the pale facefi maiden or the listiss or delidate lad whe is, grewing tee fast fer hie strength. Try thern and be cenvinced. ScOTT & JURY. NOT 50 CENTS, BUT 25 CENTS Although we recomrnend the abes e pille as being the very best that can be proeured yst we sell theni at lese than half the prie charzed fer patent or proprietory articles; that ia we put moes in a box and enly charge _25e. fur thern- Týry them. STOTT & JURY, the druggiste. AUSEEJIL NOVELTY-Stott & Jury have just opened eut soIns very pretty 1fitile Jars friled iti s elect Tonth Peeke. Sec themn. Only 10c. a j ar. T HOSE PORTRAITS-The portraits which we are gsve,,ng te our custenierd are givlng the veryj be f etsefactioni and are net te be confeunded with the chenýp Mlase ef work being effered through the cenr g ts, Every pereen purehasing geed8 ,tt eux 'tos e reeented with a eard and the arnouni 0f their p'rchatse ýpunchei out every ,irne tbsy buy odsi. WhM $5 wor't,, iasbse punched wýe give a sq,.ize porrit enlargedifcr any photo jeu wvish te f %g-u. Oeil and ses saiples anid leare partieuilars. j ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY. f BOWMÂNVILLE STATIO%,. 005KG If AST GOING WEST Ex,,press1p 0 Express ...5 lil a n Paasenger.:..3 O01 p . Passenger. ...S 4z) a se -PaBsenger.... 7 01 p m Passenger. .... .2 25 p m Express ...10 25 p ni Eprea.... 7 46 p n BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 17, 1895. Local and Otherwise. Mrs. Hayne wantsa to, lot part of li ance cottage on Beecli Ave. Mr. Taylor advertises a brick bouse t( Tet at $3 a monili and taxes. re Williams 'offera Banner oats foi îseed Thlisis the popular oat. cî Mre. DICKINSON, King St. West. Mr. Patrorson'a stock Bale affords& grand opportunity to buy good stock. Read the new advts on first column o this page-they are interesting to ever; oMr. Mayer having failed to find pur chasier lias laid in a Spring stock of hats etc. jDon't forget that the plan for the Wel lings opens ait Biv, 20 next Saturday at E O'clcck. There was a great crowsl in town agait Saturday, King Street being a sicene o aotivity aîl day long. Ifyou want anything in the jewellr le cal and see how cheap you cau bu, ït ifrom Maynard tbe Jeweller. J. 0. Vanstone is prepared to pay th, highest market price for good White Oat or Pes at Tyrone and Bowmanville Mills -tf. Our prices are unapproacliable an( every day the same. We shall flot brool any attempt at compelition during thi sale. Mason Bros The bargains people get at Mason's bil tl1iange sale" are making a great sens% ts~.Their big stores are crowded, an4 people3 are delighted because they savi money. "Biitannia," a patriotie sketch repre senting England, Jreland and ScoLland in which national dances wsill be intro dnoed, will be given by The Weblings ci Why waste 15 or 20 minutes cuttiC ourself in a vain endeavor to ohave wie: yoU can get a nice, clean comfortabl shave at Y-eîhick, the Baiber'is. in loi than haîf 5he tîmie. Persons ash, hive flot been in' Bovç manvi1le for years have been buying 8 Masona;' 'busines-change-isale" dus jr the past week, aud expressi themsolves 4 lighted with the bargaias. Have yon sean our "Dandy" Cliurn? PERSONAL. The Weblirsgs wiIl play that deliglitful Cawker,& Tat.-I comedy Shakespeare's "Winter's3 Tale"luin Court Pridea of Ontario have released Mr. S. fi. Jcffery of Toronto is vis iting Teojwn Hall on 3Och imat. their Hall for five years. in town. The ordered clothing brandi of Coucli, When yon buy your fieid and garden Mr. Young, V. S., advertises a nice3 Johuston & Cryderman's establishmeont is 53d ot akc&Ti.jersey cow. the muet popular place in town for stylish- STATESMAN and Weekly Globe to uew Master Bort Joblin, Oshawa, speut ly made suits. Large assortmeuî of cloths aube. for balance of 1895 for $1. Essier in town. te select frorn. Cow WAIITD-a good miloli cow, re- Mr. A. E. Balîman lias been viiîing ah Early Satnrdssy merning the store of A.JAE Prince Albert. Maynardt lise J ewealler was destroyed by newiug in April or May. M, . Miss s* fira. Hia most valuable watches were in C. L, Munson, Bowmauville, slater, MisîMnnie Haines lias b 'en home tihe saie, but the reat of the stock waa fait aud gravei roofer. (1895), front Pontypool. deatroyed. Thse fire brigade was prompt- Carda are ot for a Bail at Bowînau-j Mr. W. F. Dale spent Good Friday at lp at work aud saved the building. The ville on Aprîl 26îh ho Le gîven by the home in Brooklin. Misses Nichols owu the building. It is Bacheloro. Mr. R. W. Hamlin, St. Catharines, was suppoaed robbera had g tiued au eutrance A roaring farce entitled An April Jeat inl town last.week. through the rear and accidentally esetlire will conuîde the Weblirg programme on Mra. E. S. Meatli is visitiug friands in te the baiîldiug. Stock and bllsig il sur- the 3tl inlt. jToronto this week. ed.* The young folks Friday ate Tod'a buns Miss M. J. MoClellan, Maple Grove, The Bowmanville Cricket Club lias Wti crosses on the top, la viiting at Brooklin. been re-orgauized and the following oiE- Thyfilled themacivea cep 50 the neck Miesa E. E. Hayoraf t of TxEE STATESMAN cors elected: flou. Preaident-R. R. And did not care ho stop. apent E ater ah Myrtle. Lsob;PeietW .Jns s wii reea lir oug Mr su Ms. eo Roeof isowelVice-D. Burke Simpson; 2nd Vice-J. Misa Lucy Webling wl eetle og M.adMe a.Rwo itwlW, Alexander; Sacretary-Treasurer-E. C<.My 1 have the Pleasure)" at their coin- viited relatives ln town.WLco e. xctve(mrie- iug oncrt.Mr. 11. Rosevear, Port Hope, apeut W. H. Garrett. L. N. Hogarth, E. W.) Sees our factory cotton ah five cents aud Eater Sunday ini town. Losoombe, H. L. Simnpson, W. A. F ord compare it with any cotton at savon cents Miesa Booth of Port Hope la viaiing ah Johns Morris. Anyoue debiring ho jolu, in town. Couci, Jolinston & Cryderman. Mc. W. A. Ford's, Station, or iu auy way interested. la învited to ah. Dont forget that the Methodiat Choir Misa Jennie Kennedy, of Toronto, la tond the meeting uext Thuraday nightat are prsparîog ho give a Grand Concert lu viaitîng Miss Bella Prower. 8 c'cdock sharp in Mr. Lýoacrnmbr'à offica. the Music Hall, Bowusauville, on the' eveuiug of May 24. Mr. John Piper, Cobourg, spent EasterBo mnllPhts A lot of prints selhug off ah 5c. every iolîdaya with relatives bao. o mnilPhts yard of which is worth from 1locho 12ùc Mr. W. Lunnis, of Toronto, lias been Tait & Ce. mako the best of Phontos at sud can get tbem any dày at Couco, guest ah Mra. S. Wriuht's. reasonable prïcesansd will be pleased teo! John ston, Crydermau's. . Miss Minnie Jolliffé, of Carmpbellford, talte due bil as cash for photos, pichore The services were couducted iu Trinity l3 guest of Miss Eva Trewiu. frames, &c. Crayon portraits made as churcli accordîug to announâcemeut lu our Mr. Geo. E. McKowau, Oakville, visit- nusa from any kînd of pichuros ah les iset issue. The flûràl offeringa; were very ed at has father'a, Scugog Street. than ageut'a prices. 13-4w. beautiful aud well arranged. Mrs. W. R. Climie !o guest of Mrs. A, Sewing Machies.-At Rickard'a you Boyd, 336 Berkley'St, Toronto. Seeds 1 Seeda i11 have the choie of thrie of the beat Miss Lettie Lockhaît la viiting ah Or- machines ou the ni arket. Agents .cern- ono. guost of Miss Lots Moment. Farmers wilI flud the largoat and moat mission saved by purchaBing fron im. Mr. James Morrils of the Carrnage complote assortienut of Fiald sud Garden Big cash prico for D. K. Egga delivered Works is laid aside witb a sore leg. Seeds in West Durham ah J. B. Martyu',, ah our store regulaîly, once escli week; Misa Millie Gîigg, was borne f romn Da- Bowrnanville. Hoelias over one thousiaud cases pcovided friee. Positivoly we have ilClee aa olas ot f8ed o nh n no colecter ut Hou.CalMr. Fostere Mwlll o eader of th for sale ah market puices for cash. The mauy te seil]. I- M. Fs ilb lae ftegîocerv department la supplied withthe Notice that Coucb, Jobuston & Cryder- bs fCmosfo hs551f. veyy choiceat of everythifeg. Suzars velry M an are makiug a vory fiue display of Misses AIma and Bertha Shorey, of cheap. Teas a specialty. Frash sud Caîpeha lu their Winidows this week. Toronto are visiting at Mis, Mitcbel'a. cured meats choice sud cheap. Tisey hell us they have hitd a big sle f Mra. Jno. D. Keachie, of Toronto, waa Carpats already. guest of bier mother, Mrs. Chas. Tod. Painting and Papar-Hanging. Watch youîself politically sud Watch Mr. J. G. Wîtton, B. A., visihed re- yonr trne by a Wstcb bouglit from Rïck- laives in Hamilton during the holidays. Sherîn & Learmouthi aving eutered ard. Hia goods are the bratthie market Misa Thompson sud neice Misa Norma into partnersbip to carry ou the Wall affords and bis word la truhh itself when Couci spent Good Friday ah Pont Hope. Paper sud Paiuting business, are now hoe tells tbey are so. Mi. Victor iluthison, of Torouto, b-as sbowing beautîful sud cheap papers sud Mri. W. Kempthoîn wotild be pleased been guest ah Mis. Hibbirt's, King' St.,patsoai hdshlopce. Ty to do Ladies', Geutlemeu'sa acd family East.9 wiii bang paper sud do sîl kinda of paint-- washings ah as low a rae as possible. Mus. G. H. Webster sud Misa Aunie ing lu beat stylo ah lowesh prices. Store Satisfaction guarauheed ah hier residence,arvsiugM.S.5a] h in Reid's Block, oppoqite the Balroral, Anu St., Soutb Wsrd, Bowmanville. Barre. t Bowsuauville. 13-3m 14 4w. oe Mr G M Mxwlllis ovd ishui- Mr Carl B. Kont speut Sunday ah Spring Mllhnery.r Mr.G. . Mxwel lse ove hi bui-Port Hope; sud Mr. J.Frauk Garrett ah ness frons Horsey's Blcck ho Haines' Oshawa.Oeofhehefcnrsfihreti Block in rear of Standard Bank wheue lhe - ýn ftecifcnrso no ti will ba prepared as usual ho psy the higli- Mrs. R. Cleudenen, of Sheuff ville'. is Bowrnville juat uow l thie exquisito test puices for farim pronluce. viising lier sister Mirs. L. Counlis, C en- diisplay of uew millinery ah Misa Shaw's At cilt curc uxtSabat mî trhe Street. showrooms adjoiulug tise Post Office.E iug Rev. W. S Pritchard wiIl preaclithie Miss Hume, B. A., of the Higli School Ladies ses but te admire sud place their second of -a sare of sermons ou Hi zeki- teaching staff, is spendiug the holidaysata orders. They say sud no doubt tiey Ab-: qezekiali sudthie Kisng of Assyria.lier home in GaIS. know wieueof thoy declare, that she e untie eveniug an evaugelistic service will Mr. J. O. LaBeile speut Good Frîdsy inoer.Ciadnd ce dioply ofSrsg mail- b held. AUl are cordially invited. Pews withbhis brother-iu-law, Mr. W, T. 1urCî u c o ouef ais fres. Greeniaway, Port Hope. - __________ At the qýuarerly meeting of tîsa Toron- Mr n Wm.McKowan, forenan of this ir hmsPae te Disthricti Cegregatîcual Association offijce, lias beeu off work for several weeka, lDyer and Cleaner of clothîes, bias es- beld Tuesday lu the INorhein Cougrega- aufféîing fr)is kiduey trouble.tbliebsDyWokahteEtrî tioalChrci, orut, Rv.W.S. Mis. -B. B. Cronyn and littie sou sud buse wiere lie m di have more reom for1 Pritchard gave au sddress on "The Mani- Mr. A. E, McLaughliu are vis'iig their counduchingbis business. G,.rmsutsiclean- toba School Question froin a Congrega- fatlier, Dr. J. W. Mcbaughlin. od sud dyed by him are wsrranted te look ional Staudpoit." Mr. Jackson of Toronto, a stalwaît liko uow sand bis chargea are -wily half Mr. Chas. Keith la in attendauce ah the ve1.erau aurvivor of Tel-dl Kiber, visited what oiber dyers charge. Ho will give1 Dominion Teacisera' Association iu To- Mrr J. W. Alexander aset week. botter, satisfaction than others givo tee.1 roa srersuai-MumDrhmC. 5isa M. A. Taît, sccompanied by hier Take your woru suid faded garsnutsata1 i Association. Mi. R. D. Davidsou, prin- cosin Miss Muriel Bickell, Sackville St,, once tothie Eiat End Dye Worke. " cipal Pubic Scicols, la thore alfso. This Tooysettehoiasa oe ls one of the most important meehings yet Trno pn h oiasa oe ield of tuas association. Mis. (so. T. White, Port Hope, was Hardware! Hardware! 1 Wh ae ougoughovoe oul ocaled hors ou accounit cf the serions 11- 1-1 deteinae ts ou olll teedote renassof lier sîster, Mus. W. B. White, Auyhhing in sisîf or boavy hardware great deal. We advise yeu te have Rîck- Mu. sud Mra. G. B. BaIl, Toronho, sud frouel "neectle ho au anchor" 0cr readers aid test your eyes sud fit you wlîh a pair Mr. W. L. Allen, Peherbaro, have been will flud ah thie ah re of J. B. Maityn, of spectacles. You wll tien ho able to home ah W. F Alleu's, Beach Avenue. Bounsall's Block, Bewmauville. Ho road for houre witb comfort for ho tior- Mus. Laugbliu and Mr. Ceo. Laughil, bougit this splendid stock of hardware ah =oughly underistanda the oye. Toronto. sud Miss May Cordon, Picker- a low rate on the $ aud la selliug 15 very Wien the Webliugs appesred baoeIsat iug, avent Eater ah Mn. JaeAlexiuder's, cheap for cash. His China Hall la also -weîl supplied wihh the lateat patterns lu December 1h was -generally adrnihhbd Shah Mis. L. T. Marceau sud De. Julia china sud glasswaie. Everything clieap 3 twas the bightest aud moat attractive Thomas (f 296 Geriard St., Toronto, bave for cash. Yon catiaI ways spond gmoney Scombination that hsd performed bao for -been guesta of Mus. M. A. James, Lorne to beat advautage ah Maurtyn's. mnauy years. Tneie wili ho suother op- Villa. ;0 pcarhuity ho hear iliron utise 30,1h. Plan Mr. Arthur Allin, fr'nerly of Port Te r iigWy opens ou tise 2Oîb ah 10 o'clock ah Big 20. Perry lias juat been auccesaful lu saking ThyAeGiigWy )r Tiursday morning will oses the issue cf the degues of Ph. D. ah hie University ofPhecn Co eue oRalz li thie lortg-calked-of Worn's Globe, which Bolin. VhBcalueo meDcedte Kd Pila.h un wiillho the ordinary issue of The Globe Mies Annie C. FosSer sud Miss Bella mau fDd' iney Pla fo Sthah day, but greatly enlargod and Dousîdacu of Demi]] Latdies CeileLye, 08h. OTTAWA, April 15-The iriveterato a writhen, reporied aud mnaged euirly awa ar guesta ah Mi. Richard FoaBter's, reluctance ho admit the succeas of patent by women. It will thus ho a unique Simpsou flouse. medicine, usually eviuced by uhysicîsus la )f suerad wll have no doubt a very largo Mr. Chas. A. Maybeiiy, B. A., Lb. rspidlv giviug way as far s Djdd's Kid- .Ysae. orsale ah Lie bookahores, 5.- B., Piincipal cf Stîatfoud Cellegiste Iu- ney Pilla are concernied. Tise cases of The Lindsay Post celebrated thie open- stîtuhe, wae gaest of Mi. W. B, Ccuci, De. Rose sud Dr. McCormick, who pub- ring of Spring by comiug oui as a daily Centre St., over Easter. lislied details of their recovery fions uewspapei. ,This strokte of entorprise Mr. Lucius Vanstone, repuesening diahehes sud Brigbt's diseuse, througli the wiliL ive hah Northeru bamlet a Iead on1Msie .HoluSes&C.ageucy of this rensedy, aoie the fiaet at- s. green wi iv oraromehhin o mIeWe hess l hardware, 37 Fono StCWo., sck. outhecita- l f teiraketicam. Mis Amau'schoral club sang, Misses Couoh, Joinstor.& Crydorman are 54 et caSer o tee brai, oEserei iSnd, i pre s Aumour, R dley sud T-illey gave a piano sBowîug sal']Yl stock of ail t-ho ew fTossF aCMgi.Jea !Slnae trio, Mus. J. J. Mitchel recited, Miss i Maheriala sud Colora lu D:ry Gaods, Serges jsr.1 55 Nellie Williamns gave a piano solo, Mis 'n Navy, Black, Bi own aned Myrtle, - MARRIE ÊD Mobauglilin, Miss Erta Tait, Mr. H. J. Coveut lIlothe lu 'l rshAses, Satin Clothop, EST&R-SC cT.-At the paisonare, Port Peru, eh Kuiglit sud Mr. James Goard sang, sud Crepon, Whip C,)rd, Solîels.,Small CtEecks, onu th ut, by 1ev. Dr. Cde, Mir. Robt. Hunier, of IMr. James Gilfillan returned thanks for' etc., fals') a flue aseocrtînent of eluglo'Du se CaîtwNHt YAsd fse tenshanwCta, oAilS re eh. [I fune. VPr. , . t'. n tpr w,uovpttenslov lyLsodsat-ode-----i 1!. 1-as . . m ies , , tf~a., ofws -d n ,1 as held. Eyery lady ise nv5ted 50 suepeet thiem. Children Cry fer- Pitcher's Castorie". Mr Franek Sandbaun, of Whitby. 1 1894. A Good New Year To All The People's Grocers and Provisionlers, Bowmanville -Elegant -New Desigyns -and Colorings - for Spring Decorating PR/CES ARE ASA TTRACTI VE AS THLE GOODS. [Good IPapers at 4, 6. 8, w. T. ALLEN, 10and 12, cents per roil, usually sold at double the "&BIG 200," price. BOWMAN VILL E. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. tlorrecteil by .. leiurIry. every Tueeselay F~LOUR, P 100 Ilg...$1 50 to $2 00 WHEFAT, -hall, P b5h .... 0 0 11O060 T? Ruasiasi, n 0.. (O ri 060 Gootie, .. 0 0 O 55 n Colorado, * () O 0n O 0C s WIlite Fife . O 0 0 O G2 n Red 0 00.OOs065i" DATS, wiite........ OC)0 O13 Il ixed............C)000. () 34 BAnLEY, l1 bush, No. L. O 00 ri O 50 T ?2x. O 0 0 iO045 ? ?2..,0O0Ori0 38 ri Two rowed 0OC«1 0O40 RYE ., ...03?? i0 45 Buckwheat tr' bush... 0 00?riO040 PEAs, Blackeye, P bush. O 50 il O 65 iMumny T 0. O00 'ri 065 Small, T..0 00?? 0 60 rBiue, ??.0 65ri 0 70 BUTTER. best table, P th, O 0 0?iO014 EGcS, edoz ............ 000??0 10 POTATOES, 4P bush,....... 0 0 O 40 Poiuc, Drepsed, P' cwt .... O 00 r, 5 15 auMI1NOCmACAINc TO THE PEOPLE WSest Durham. Please accept my best thanks for your patronage d 'uring the last six- teen years. I intend to continue the business anti to conduet it as on etc , inexchiange for Goods. I have bought my goods in large quantities direct from the manufacturers for cash, and can seli them as cheap as any one in the business. I have the best goods made in Canada and I buy them from Canadian Manu- facturers and bring them right to your own doors where you can see what goods are worth, better than any where else. Please dont buy your TINWAIIE, TEAs and COTTON- ADES, etc., until my mren and wagons, corne round. They wilI have gen-a- in,. new goods, nos hall' burnied, nor sheif worn. I will allow I c per lb. for good mixEd rags during April and MIay.4 Wishing you al] a very prosper- ous season, 1 remain, yours truly JOHN GRIGG, Travelling Merchant, No. 39- Ont- ario St., Bowmanville. Adares' Reot Bsec Extraci. - One Bottle Flrhschmann's Yeas ...HaiE a Cake Sugar..........Two Pounds Luk.warm 'atcr . Two Gallons. Dislethe sugar and yrastin uthe warcr, add the rxtrart, aud houtle; put iu a warm p lare for twrniy- fou r heurs until fi ferments. ibm pieane on e when it will opru sparkling and delicious. The root brrr can e obtined su ail drug and groý ,f cry Stores in so sud ax5 cent bottles to malte two aud jfil. gallons. ____________ Sour ahe macha sweeheued by the use o! K. D. 0. EED GRAIN.-Seed Barley, Buck. k)wheat, Oats-three ljnd'. Call and examine, at Caledonian Mills, Bowsuanville. JoniT MCK-4y, Prop. rietor. I -tf. BOULL FOR SERVICE -A ERoltierl 0-»bull je kept for 'serv ice ou lot 20, cen. 2" Darling. ton, (Kingston Read). Terns 75 en!ts, . Sxos osajr. 16 3w* Il -OUTSE FORSLEOROET. ,11,nvll. i']li eronts- ppyteMa llOUE rs PH4y ne, E beliA Ven UeL- îll let part of ber bouse, tu:'s h e d if r,ui;reýd: ne chjîdren, deelcabTe lh ality. Fr or her particu- lare apply te thi s Office, or to berr eeldence,. Beech Avenue. 16-3w. J ERSEY COW-A renewed Jersey cow for sile. Applyte Dr,.Youvs Bownanvlîle. 16 1w- T1-IR.ESSIA-KING- done by Miss Martha LfPeate Cor. K~ing and Ontario Street@. i('1W WANTED-Frehb ilk Cow, 4or 5 yesus od; moust bs gon'd iMilker sud Butter maker. THouAs ToD, Baker, Bow man ville, Ont. 1 f VIA NI OR ALEOR TO RENT.- JL' OOD100 CREfarm for sale or 50 cent just onîsf de sheý town of Bowmanville, sud 200 & crns in ias Toweuhtp or Usrtwriis. Apply te THea,-. iGitANI, box 72 Bowmanviif e 36-tf FOAR FOR SERVICE.-A thor-bîed L>îed'1 amws'uth huai is keot for servie,ou Ict 19 Con 2, Darlingtou. Trmsa ý.00 T. J. COLE, Mapte Grove. 15-2w. C OW FOR SALE.-A good milci cow fou sale 5 years old. dic o caîf tiismentis Algo a good second baud open square box fbuggy. Apply to DRs. YouNG, Bowmanvîlle I 1-tf B3 EE KEEPERS.-I arn prepared to Çnrsiih you wi h ail the lateet improve- mn,n' in Bee Rives sections, Foundations and other suopîses of the very latest manufacture. Cal] and inspect. Price. roasonable. T, J. COLE, Maple Grove, Bowmanville. 15-1w. F ALRM TO REŽ'T -The South haf of Lot Number 24, 9 h Corcesslon, Darling ton, known s the Bentham farta, containinz one bndred acres, more or leséi; wiJl e leaged to a deairable tenant on easy termp. For par- ticulars appiy co Dow & MCGIeLîvRAv, hol. icitors. etc., Whitby, Oat. F ARM TO RENT.-For a term of _'yeara. 'Glendhau"-30O acres, 2 miles f rom Whitby-,Cood buildings a nd soul. Admir. able for stock or dairy. Chance for goîný2 extensively intoToronto milit business or stock raidjng for Amenican market. Mon witla capital only need apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. MISS 'MABEL NORTHICOTE je pre. Mpared to givo lessons in' mueic on Piano or Organ ath ler mother's resideuce, George-Et. Instructions for Churcli Organ a epecialty. Prices moderato. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- In the Township of Pickering, iat iniles woss of Wbitby Town ore the Mingiton Rqad; beet of soil, ean, well fenmrd and watered iand in the highest etate of cultivatioa; good>bosildisegzs,solid brick hanse, weils orchLard sic. Terras very easy. The bosS 200 acre 'arm n the Township. Apply qulck toaA. A. POST, Whitby. 22-4 "WHITE HOUSE." Issuer of Marriage Li1censes, Eveninog residence, Divisione Street next old B. C. c hur, h. 30 LBS. GRAINUL-\TED SUGAR FOR $1.00 I CAWKER & TAIT>S. Our business in 1894 totals away up and was satisfaetory in every re- spect, and we ask your confidence again for 1895, and we assure you it will not be misplaced, as your interests are ours.