CANCER ON THE UIP W CURED DYT a parla 1 consulted doctors %wlo prescribed for b M~e but te o 0PUrpose. I1sliffered b 1 o ~ long ears. Iioally, 1 bega Il t"Vil .y«Its Sarsa arItllft. lu avseelt ortwO î i nomi a e ide mprovemrent. jevcur- Îged by ths resuit, I persevered, outil iii a Stht or so the sore began te heal, and,r ïfter nelsngthe Sarsaparilla for six moths, ts ls trace of the cancer dippeaedl."-0 ~ÀR .NIcH-oLSON, 14lorenceVIlle, N. B.t , dmnitted at the WrlaFair. jX.1i'S ELXa eqeiafsthe Boe&%~S DR. TmiTe ASTHMALENEOU RE AS TH MIA Gvea at N ghts w Sleep so that yen need net sit up ail Ngât gaspîng for breath for fe' r of suffocaton. On recept of name and P.O. atidres will mail trlai ilttie F E DR. TAFT B ROS. MEDICINE CD., ROGHESTEH. N.Y. Toronto Jzranchi, - 186 Adelaide St., W. Us r af' htePn g for 5 Packs of Cards, FREE One Pack, May 1. C. U, Homne; One Piýck Escort; One Pack, Flirtation; One Peck4 Ibid to tha Lialit; OnPack. Our Sofa Jusi bodsa twoOUne sample book full of 40Noete, ail FRIE, If yen tend Se. tilver, for postage. A. W. KIKNEY, B. 0. S, Yaruboullh, N. S. By a new devcs e ctU,.%. and CaîadabyCMA ________ WiTH No iP00lvgNlENCE CIIEAP My MAIL y~our cnaïne to us.,sas ewtot you. cmPosi rlwlIldot. casu oaeli'L a 134 K6p STï. W1IT' TODNTO ---CANfý The "Standard" De i neator. A MONTHLV JOURNAL 0F EACH ISSUE CONTAINS A MOST Superb Colored Fashbion Plate, An eqaaliy beautiftil OOLORED MILLI.. NERF Plate, and 963 pages of Illustrated descriptions of the Latest Fashions, etc., embracing every subjet of possible Internat te Women. Te" SrrAxAcusacIlDELiNuATOII took Ca Position among the highest class cf periodicals imm.diatelr ap4on Its f'i sppearance. The great favor w th ih it bags ben received lias spnrred ts pub- lishers ite an effort te make it silîl more worthy of approval, and is snbsrribers are assm'cd of enutnt ipoeent. Snch Fauhion Plates as arc oflered free with the -STAxSOÂSmIlDEaiNEà.on could tieretofore net lie obtained at any ropi. so Cents a Copy, $î.oo per Vear. Orders for singie coies or subýrptIpns may lie left wiîli any a ent for the Standard Patterns, or ~ ynw deler, or naay b e sent direct te tIe p b " &anar *Fash;ftov * Coi" 342 West Fourteenth St., New York. cAVETSTA4EMARKS COPRIGTS 4,AN X OBTAIN JA PATE74T tFer # Lr mp ianwer and an bouet opinion, Write tý ,?IUkN-ArCo, wbe bavt bacS nearly flfty years experieuce ilutIse cpatent -business. Communica. tiens strIetIyr conedentlel. A.HandeOOk et ju. formation couceruiug patentesuan how te cli- tain the- set fiee. Aise a catalogue of meeban- teai and sirtfebooks sent free. Patents taken tbrougl% Munil & C. eelvi seecîl nl.oticeinthe Scientitle Aineaiesn, sua. t are brouglt widelY Pet re thse publie with- ot coot te the Inventer. This sfflendid paper, iseued weekly, elegantly illnaýtrated, has by far the largel circlation ot auy eteuttifIe wok in the wjorld.83 a year. Satople copies sont free. Building Edition aontbly, $2.i0 a yesr. Sngle copies, 253 cents. )very nurber cetaine beau- tiful piates,, iu coloire,,anc photograpýho et uew hense8, with plans, enabuIng biiiidere te show the laet eOigus and seenre conratts. Address M IN &CO.,N V eit, titiBnoÀnWÂVi . ____I I I t Wh Hiouse ChoIùâ o cul the Scolding Word. Po At lat, nsy ba by sileeps, and I -8 Softi wipe île tecr-glued lashes dry, go, AnS kiss the rosy griet spialied clsaek, CrE AnS tmy te stili the gobs thai seek tel To sink thesuselves in tremienas siglis; 1 knew the aleep-sealed, baby nyns Holti iu ihem new ne look et pain, No eik surprse;yet 1 would tain The beavy, b. hean t tobe releasn, FIat my dean-baboe migit sle p in peace. DiS we but si ay île anoldiug Word 'Ti11 baby aleosas, 'twonlti ue'em lbn lear. i Serving Meals. ci That wbicb 'etta or etmrents from the in general well-behng anti geud nature ofthe ai eamily mure then any other lling-is tle ut asanner un whiclî île foodtisicooketi eutd terveti. Seras wiae person lias sait - "TIe mray te a man's leear lhes tîmeugb bais stemi- e me." Thesaeying is net tan wnong. If île tu raeels lie on lime, tle toeS weil cookei anti e nicely senvet, andtihîe table acrnpulouslyc neai, in nine nases eut et inn île man wilb bc e althy, gooti-natureti, anti contente . t Tit may alto be saitiofethebm neaofethie ( tamîly. Flinre are 1mw men who wili coeea in fron ard wrk xpetiug te fint itner reaty, anti bave te waîitfon it,without more or leas gumbling. hI dosanet increase r tîsir amhebility if the meil, besities being tantiy, ba batily cooketi, anti placet isaphez- art on a table cevereti witl a soileti cloil The whole femily will teni moe self- espeeting, more "luike somnebotiy," if eacb meal is neatly sarveti. FIe najonîlly et people would ratIer bave a Iew dîshesi meoperly cooketi anti senvedti lan te ait towu te a number poorly cooket antid serveti. A great nany bnnmewivns alteel preper imporiance te this bmancb efthIeir work. Il takes lame anti cane te coek palalably anti well, but iley recegnize île tact ht a time well apent ton tle bappinets anti wel. fane oet hnir temilies. But terne who are lesa wiae te net lbink very nudli ebout île natter, Penlaps tbey believe bhat bu anme pnovfienia 1mannen île neal wuli get itteit. Au any rate, uitile ibouiit ma given te pmepanatten for tle meel outil aller-île tires h aloulti bave been planneti anti baît-cooketi. Then [a wild ruahism matie ton tle kîtolen. A hasty survey is matieetfîle contents et the pantry. Airnoat euythbng tIai nomes finat tai seizeti anS tosseti togetlen, anti wben île raseai et lest is reedy, signa et leste are everywlene apparent. FIe billet fane is api te le ratier short. TIe foot is penily cooketi, or perlapa burneti, anti lasiiy, but by ne neaus leasi, île table is uutity. Small wonder fhe famhly. napecially tle maie portion, feel eggrieved. Nor tees thus feeling pesoaeway et once. A dcii feeling et tiscenient penvatea tle airnospleme et tle home, anti rentera it auyi.hing but île .spot et cleery bniglînesa hi aloulti le. Wn lave a firmuee thiat these unfaitîtui 1 ousekeepers tend more people te tise ne- .ihenrergions ilan anï otler clasa et 5uupoaed, rigliteous anti benîlesa beinga. Dress AttractivelY.1 Thens us nothing whieh W111 se quiekly naka a man hasten borne et nigît as te 1kniow thal a awenll, ettractiveiy,-Smeastie .wifa le awriting lii. Se thee desime et eveny wife onglet to lie te posants lieraSîef et apmeîlly bouse gown ai once. Fo"r tîla purpose met is te lie pneterretif i It anus tlhe complexion. Il la bnighl, warm leoking, ien yen rem ove the juice. Soak J box gelatine in colti water for an heur, aSti ljutes of the lemons and orangea. Oua ip sugar, ý pinli boiliug water, airain smd nr in the peels, which should be putl in that they may bie uprighi. A piailler is sti fer ibis purpese. Serve with whipped eat on top wben fitils ready for the 4le. ____________ CHINA FOR THE CHINESE. lie Empire ta Amvsiy tibla to e Bvsiap 1t Own Ilidastrisa. Whatever may be the diplomatie ilet. iemeut of the Chinese dilemme ene reftult ,n searcely fail te corne about, The walls 1 which the Chinese mind bas been built ta lu a tomb wilIlibe se fer shattered thati ght anti air antd growth will corne te the rsuscitatet i ummy, abrondeti for se many theusanti yeurs in ceraments et tradition and bigotry. Celeatial ceuceit bas beau se terribly fiailedti hat evenî the liierati will cespt the inevitable tact that ibeir ivilization la a lecrepit anachronism. The new 'pu=t" ils clearly irdieated by the clear.sghe leadership cf sncb forward thinkers as Viceroy Li, Marquis Tseng, Chung Chii Tang anti othera whe have besu for twenty-five years te lift China hy the boot straps ont of irnmobility. It needeti just anobi a pilîgh of slaig hier and humiliabtion te -break throngb that igiti erat mie the subsoil. Li ceasedti t be a bigot in tîsose daya wben with' the asaistance cf Englishmnan Gortien lie extin- guished" the fiames et the Tai.Ping rebel- ion. Ife bas aine been the main factor Bnt Li anti bis school establishe di certain objedi lessous in the monuments lhe baq buit. Two railweys on the mainlauti, aun3 ina on the Islandi of Formosa ; îelegrapb lies radiating tbrougb 20,000 square miles; great goverument iron anti steel works at llang.Chau ; arenals, dockyarda,corporate companies, organizeti on the joint stock plan anti eminently succesaful, for the man. ufadinre ef glass, cotton clotb, linen, bricks and cnîlnry-ell these thinga were effective- .y calleti mie being, Tbey remnaineti soli- tary tacts, because four bundrati millions of men, including the so-calleti'« literati" clasa, seoffed ti tîhem anti were wetide t t thoir anc;ent itiola. Ih is untierlitooti 11W that there bas been a greai revelution in thie opinions et the literati who are really leaders of public opinion. 0f, course pro- gress for auime will moveislowly. But the opening ef the Chinese mndti te ew impressiens will have been sEcomplisheti. Hcw far China will bce wîliing te grant the capital ef tha wesî a abare in bier re- generation la tubious. Wbsther aile bar. rows te, pay ber war iuiernuity, or dives int the atocking legs anti cbimney corners ef hier peasantry, as France dit, tht empire is amply able te develop bier own industries. She will ned anti eau purchats the directing gouius et western teacheri anti enginenra. But te that tangeroui complication, wbîcb involves toreigu owuer, abip cf ber ïiew enterprisea, it fas net ver3 likely that China wîll esily astent. Tht apeculatîve man of the west mey look t ea golden butnre ln concesslens andi subýven tiens ibrougli the galles new benunbarreti. But if intellectual stupidtiiy, egainst whicl tbe goda themselvea even strive in vain, il overthrown, it will net make any thse les, vçbemenll ihe feeling, "Chino. for th4 ohinese."' Even 'Vîceroy Lt, thea mes progressive man of bis people, exýpress2es i wiih passienate earteesness. Thbe more attitude et the empire te the frinfwil probably be aven more ebstiseate tht olti mntal stagniation, andi for a9ongtire te comia. BERLIN'S FIrtE DEPARTMVENT and nsually becorning. 1Ainseat a lqilitary orgasizatiels, ihe 111cm- The maierial may lie Henriette, challie, bers ilavlsug Bally Brilla. or aven calice, as very preiiy gowus bave The Bemîju fire teparimeut la thea o1(esti ruen matie froni it. M ake the akiritfull protessionai orvanisation efthîe kinti ou tbe auit plain. Reterve the îrimming for the continent, anti, wimeout a toulit, aloo the wafis. Meke ibe waist tigbt-itiing, saen- Most efficient. lu la, organizoti on miliîary lesi the black, wîb asail pleets et îhe ines,enti the firemen as well as ileir offceena beli luthe centre. Aise,imakeiamal pleais have their regular tiaily drilla. The pregresa on naul ide et the centre in front. Ravewttnbelsfeyarbsbennoms a 11gb stock coller cf siik wiîlî big wtiwteîste easbgsennomu or rosettes ou the ites. Take a piece eot anti many nevel appliances anti machines, black, white or creani lace anti sew on V electiie pparetus anti other imprevernents thapet over ibe front eut back lu yeke bave beeu introduceti. affect. Have largc, pretty aleeves a trapet î top may bce nnt if preterreti. Make îl e "scephauder" la a suit et asbestes lower pari îiglîî.fitîfug frein tle elbow te anti rubler, witb a belmet et ruliber fittngi île wrisi. Put on a wide, smoetîbitting liemmeilally upon île suit. A plate et oîsff efthîe lace, andthîe' sîneve it- inisleti. glass, specbally preparedt t stand greai If it is wiabed te mm ntis leeves back, auhebwtotcakniebedeinîl opeuîng cen bc loft ou île imalte seani.botwhu Cakniem de nte Fasten wîth bocks anti nyna. Great care front efthîe helmet anti aliows the wearer musi le ttýken witb île leeves while aew- te tan plaiuly. With ibis suit a firmran iug them n . If ibis is net tene well, îlee au tcsh bte ierce fine in spi te et amoke, effeai efthîe leeve wlll le spoileti, The heat anti flame. Air ma suppliedt thie tire- seams salunît le hmmei on te tise waîsîuman as lu a tiver'abelmeî..p lin ing te make île sineve ftiwcl. Several men et nacl station are supplieti This makes a very peiiy trouai antioee wfîl meke blmeis, whîcb protet againi cemparatively inexpeusuve. Iu is well if e1g vencelue by amoke, anti enabîn ire. there hlieomerne eeai bomrne'.cp&ble etf eng men osearch ail roosi unn os inakingfit, for iba sa wil-known tactt tfrpole t c trcomaina buoruung boue île makhug et a iire2iF3îîsuaîîy cosîs more for e lole i thre b lyioir rom lIen île material et wtîich fit lamate. wtln ie eeveier upy tar rn - - - unîle way ef uîte.aaving epparatus ne fine tepariment la se comple as tbat cf Ber. Gooti, Reliable Home Cookery. lin. 'In special caris îley carry net only rliers.-Tlmee egga, 6 tablespoontuist calsnopes, appliances for climbing, dhemi. Clextilugusers, rubler ciotha for jump- white augar, butter sinue et a amail egg, j fng ie, etc., but &il ihinga neceasatry ton teaspoutul et saieratus dissoivet inl 2 île final aungical help. Amnnig other cou- uclespooaule et milk, fleur te thickeu. tentaetfîle ted cari ihere ifa e"iesvn DresingforCabageantiLetnce -Fur ank," a.1, mb, tor sîmpicity, effioînnicy anti Dresing or abbae ad Letuc. -Fur ightunmg speetetf operatien, outranlît ahu tahlespcooctui vinegar,1 tablespoontul sali, other îemperary or stable ire escapes. A - tablespoont ci musaen, 1 tablespoontul tieman ascentaug an uppen stiry froni tle lger. Put jute tuIshetfboling watem anti enîsite iy means >ef short lattieta machîng adt pince et butter ize of an egg. Bnite îlte wfudow siie, fthîe nexi fleer above i fintsa afaintet fors en île fleur, Fln nexi 1 egg and ti sr tto ibis, whicl nakes it minute le las unneokedthîe strong lenipen îhfck ; att creant te tim h a hum eantia tank le bas siîsng acruos ifs bodiy aeutover pincb utfcynune pepper. lia aboultier. A nope ilu1ubrown dowîu by Sponge Ceke.-One cnp et sugen (net lins atter beinug mn îlroug bh eueetftte bnapiisg), 1I cup fleur, tise gratet i ndn anti unga efthîe lattber, anti wuîhiu oDe miuute juie c 1lemn,3 fes egsbeaenwel ;after le entemedthîe moun through île juie e i eme, 31ma egs, eatn wll;window île bumen ftenu is glitmrg turougîs boat whiîea anti yoikas epcratnly 15 or 20 space anti mlle the arma et a brawny fir'eman minutes. After 9îinniug in île fleur put neiving tle Iigîteneti tutterer. Four bte even as soon as possible. 0., .ma11 penons have been savet i wth two tanks cii loat, bake bu deep pan, anti break tle cake onue lune fsîte cf tîmne minutes. Al aug- insteati et cmtting.1 naIs aie gisen wlttî cornets, eanh Company Mnneaîa Cake.-One ccp augar, f cp 1uEîig a tdifrent pI, lnThefinenegt se et ' 'aOCte the signala et their compauy that lutter, yelks o 2 eggsansd wboeofet n, 1i iîoy eau iîîtantly necogutat a signai nel 2 nopa fleur, J ccp miîk, 1 teaspeen grean given lay tîseir own buguer. terter, j teapoon a ta. Thjis makes tlh i------ve layera. Filling: Boil 1 cup sugar wlîn Iis Ultimatum- litIne colt wcisr until it will craek wleu treppet jute ëolt water, tIen reumove ftrom Anti you ejet my offen lehasaidt te ber, the stoenand tir oth e ewhite et I gg întensely. Ye n refuse te l te enue woîc leaten te a stitu freil, tIen stir iu une nup in all e weldtot me ? of raisins cbeppeti anti tiened. I'm efraiti se, 1aIe centesset ratIer Vanille Waters. -One cnp o; sugar, ý cap kiudly, ton aIe me eut weii. lutter, 4 tablespoanfuma îîiîk, i1 tbleapeon- Flîsu, 1 lave but one thing te scy te fuiou ye dan, hisl sait, îeaciig for lie f vanille, i egg, If teaspuenfu necreas cof lai. tartan, § espoontul of soda, fleur enuugl 1 am sure yen lave my permission tesacy te oll eut 'm-nl; ollvery ihin. tlet. Wîsa isait? Jelieti Oanges.-Four 1 ruge oniopea, e tmew limaelf up te L.if ull heiglit. juiceoet2 lemons.Cut tle oi'in P 110 heiear uieal cpnih uutiy * lIvet eutdlbe eareful ni ua bu . luthelieG iuuuu pas et onitof tise ta-e. Children Cry for Pitcherls Castorias Literary Notes. The Illlntbly Illustraller begins anether volume wiih tbe April numbar. Eaeh volume et this magaziue conasts efthtree numbers enly, in erter net te lis ef incen- ventent ize wbenbouud, the publisher lie. lieving wiîh Dr. Johnson that a book shoulti net le tee heavy te hoît comtortably lu the haut, even if it cannoe le matie se amnaîl as te carry in the ceai peeket. The notable teatures of the volume just cempleteti were the large apace given te the exposition ef the werk andi pregres etArnericen paint. ara, anti the generons allewance of instruc- tive, as well as suîertainiug, semi-acieniific papers which gîve substance as well as beanty te tii magazine. One migbt ap- proprfately apply te this magazine a sen- tence et Mr.. King's article lu the April number ."lOpen the book, anti yen are tratghtway beyont f rentiers; you look down on nations; yenî traverse sea anti pierce the hearts et coutifients, A thousanti nnw anti brilliani thouglits wbich bat been, as it were, congealeti ou the v ery eud et the anthor s peu, melli anti flow iu the meliow aunabine eft iis Art." The leatiing place lu the April number et The Monîbly Illustra- ter la given te an article et Prof. Ijalmar Hjorth Boyesen, wbo consitiers the aspects et îIBeyhoti anti Girîhooti," comparing anti ceutrastiug the resesublances anti diversities et character whicb gradualby separate theni as year at ter year leadets leîn tariher apari. Tien illustratiens are troni the telling pic- tures ot G. A. Reiti, untili lately oee t the mosi proninent Academicians et Ceaada, but now a resitient eft he Unitedi States cati exceiling bu compositions of a demestic sert. Besides the pidtures etfebiti-lite hy Mr. Reiti, tbe April number ot the Mothly Illustrator exhibita the work et several American paluters anti illusirators accen-, panying essaya anti tonies in great variety. -Harry C. Jones, 92, 94 anti 96 Fit th Avenue, N.Y. City. The April Arena cou tains a great variniy E gooti reading matter, anti shows the nanal en sense eftuhe sbifting curreut et pepu- ucr internai lu lis éditorial condudi. The )pening peper is a son anti schelarly pa- pr on the 1 Higher Criticiani as Yieweti by tLiberal Seholar"-J. Hl. Long, A. M., ~ ,L. B. Dr. Heinrlcb ensoltit, the Orient- li, wbese papers on tbe adepts et Thibet iave creaied se much discussion, replies te is crities bu a lively paper ealied "A Plea r Paniheism." Lydia Avery Coonley -outributes a fine, thouglîttul posai. on- Herntiity." John Rausoni Bridge wrïtes budget et reminiscencea ef thai sîrange fgure lu modern history, Madame Blavatsky. A fine pertrait et H. P. B., from oeef iber latestsittings, accempanies le article. B. . Flower's taries on "The V Italy et the Century et Sir Thomas More" developa lu aîrength ant intereat, anti the parallela ahewu between those tisys anti our wn are uteat startling te students et our social bistery lu thernakiug. Mrs. Margaret B. Peeke writes on "The Mission of Practi. ai Occulllism." Vicier T'erres, a wriier et te extreme individualistic Speucerian chool, writes on "The Palladium et Lib- ery." Prof. Frank Parsons, oethe Boston University Law Sehool, begins, a valua hie entes on present day ecenomie questions, openiug witb' a paper et gresit breadib ealing witb l'The Pnople's Iligbwaya," Harry C. Vroornau teala with "Crime antid the Enforcement et Law." Maniette Hl- ey, "'Joaiah Allen's Wife," contributesaa brigbit sketch, 6"Beyoud the Shaties." Dr. Bl. B. Leach givea "A Pnysicîan's Point et View ou the question et the Age et Cou- tent, ahewing the especial phy(ssoal perils wbtricb exiat for youing girls eAt tbe age whlich is matie legtl in the nmesi highly protecteti States. The Commenta on urenit Polieis eut the Booksaoethe Day completé a geed nuumben. Atitreas, Amena Publishing Cern- pany, Boston, Mats. We are in mec sipt et an attractive look. ing lîtile advertisiug booklbt from tbm aben 6 rano et')1. D. King anti Ce., 79 King Street east, Toronto. It ba wontierfnl wbat pembection the art et ativeriing las atteineti turing the peau few yeems. The bookiet in quesi7on ta an objeet letton ou progression, neatin shape, testetul iu arrangement et metter andi perticnlarly antistie îypegrepbically anti pictorialîy. Harper's Magazine fer Apnil offert a teasi ef geed matîer-a aort et buffet lunch eeu wjth nîuch cheice et litnramy edîibles. "Leuis de Conte, Secrntary teJoan et Arc," noted dowu bis gensoual mecollections of thet ,wontinrtul créature, -'andtihtîn irai inataîllneut transîateti by ",Jean Francols Alden," eppear au tbe nunber. Glinses et twe capital chuies are given, et Washing- ton hy Mr Julian Halph, anti et "Paria in Mourntng" by Mn. R. H. Davis. Josah Fýynt tiescnihes "Club Lite Amoug tle Outeasta." Altreti Percent gives et eharrning countmy picin tres et Japen, anti the resi et the numiber is matie np witb contributions front. serne new 'anti tome familmer tnientis. Saving Hep Husfland. An incident hligbly cretiutable te Katir womcnbood is tolti by an En glishman who buniet he big gaminetfSouth Africa. At ,Mabotse the ssomeu, as la tîcir custom, were workiug in the tiie-for they ion, anti tîe men sew-anti a young mats stand- ing by the etige et the hrush 'masi nhatting witli thani. A loees spraug on hlm anti was narryiug hlm off, wlen e unte ofibe women-thn mania wite, as after ward appearet-ran et ter hEr, cuti catchîug lier hy tbe taml, was dragget for some little ditane. Hamppmet i th the mau in'ber mentI anti the weman lehtuti lier, the lieness îalankenet bier pane, where- uon lber atchiant siratitiet over lier back and bit bier acresa thé nose -anti heati with a tbort-handînti hoc till she tiroppeti lier prey anti alunkitio er. Paddiy Males 141:19WilI. Pat ia a delightual eilow wheu lie is natural. The curions ihîng4 the Irialimen sey. anti whicl are calleti huila, have ex. ciuet a greet teeleof merriment in the wor. Tite latet instance et the bull that we have enceuni ered la the will et a dennasetirmai- dent et DuWln, wh!ihmatis as foliows: "I geve anti bnqunath te my beloveti wite, Bridga _t, the whiole et my pîtopenrty withnut reserve, ant s my eldeat son, Patrick, oee hait et the remainder, andti t Dennis, my yongesî son, the mat. If aýnyîhing is iet il may go, toeetser. witb the ýoit cari witli' eut wàiee]s, te mny sincere anti affecnîate trient Toronne McCarthy in ssxeeî Ire- liand." '.110w TÈ0 Cu-,i-, ALItSKIE DISE ISEs", Sip1y appîy ïSWAYNF'S OiNTitElNT." No iliternal înediciîse requireti. Cures couter, eczénme, itob, ail eruptions ou tha fan-, had, rose, etc., leeving tie nl ci, white anti benuîby. Ih great leLi- 1110 and curative pewera are poAsesati by nîo ther rel nedy. Ask yo'ur t7.ggiiat fuor SwAYNES OINTHEN'T. Lyman Sous & Ce,, ,Montmeal Wholes aie, Agen tt . Y Corsets are now recognlzed 1îý to be the Standard Corset Of Canada. Satlsfaction guaranteed or money ref unded. ASK YOUR DRY GOOUS DEALER FOR THEIL East drain Ypt The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West O)urhami for the iberal patronage extend,3d to us during the past season, also to remind tbem that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRIGE FOR~ AUL KINDS 0F C RI E delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streets-3., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH,, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rock Salt for cattle and horses, and Frèsb Ground Grey Plaster in Barreisý -11-11tt we i-An pacpe a RpIi uu.1 O-ASES- AUl kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COAL ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLE'ýLLAN,& 0CO0 ffii bDe pleased once lu Quantity, twlice ln quality, and three tinies lu Price who inspect the uuequailed assortmeut of Sli"ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., &t our Store, w'-BEAVER BLOCK,--a BowmacivilIo BIOGESI STORE, BI&&-EST VREY BIOGE-SI VALUE. Every body invitted to cau anti see our new tootvear TEÏE SHIOE MIN Manufactured only at THiOMAS H0LLoWAY's ESTABLISHlMENTf, PEOPLE'S BANKSm IN UERIIANYr Tliey are seesafimî ad Seem te Have' soe ati ili miii 1'eîes. A short papen lu île entrent issue oetthln Nontb Amerîccu Revinw cala attention te1 an. efulli tatfIsu teîreat, île suc- cesaful working et " peopie's bauka" in tbm Gnrmnn Empire. Thiltcedit organization fa ni te be cenfuset lu auy wcy wiîh, whetben île latter bie carniet out in the ibeory et Shlyonk er et le philanilropist. Yet île pletging et pensons1 prepel'iy is net altogntli'r excitet fens tle spiiere et ts operions. FIe1 motus operandi oethtneelanka us copindt Iergnîy frmihe experienof et eter lanka; i iaa.speit seesa te bave leen augneis- ic, ant Iotehave soiel ota tîfficu1t pnusliem.1 TIe system was or.ganized ly oee i SCh UlZe, at i)elitZSCl, lu Saxeny, client tony yearsa gc. A .few wekiugoien pait up e ,smali capital in weokli saîments,auti on the basua tii money pait insu iey oltainet boans froni tle lank on securiiy. Fln batik tIns becasne an invet-menut anti an instrument et er etut. These "Ivolks bauiken," wben tbein methods Incarne tuliy krown, spraug up wideiy ulmouigboui Germauy. There are uew about 2,010 et theni, wiîh a meneculcrship of oven 1,500,000, a capital of $10,000,000 anti an annual bilsiness ai $500O, 000,OlîO. A simiar principîn las boen put te use inu bau assedhatioust or bouselnilting purpotes, anti bas met witl notable suonesa lu île Uiiet StatesanedtEnglanti. ith île Gerusan exemple as a guide, ibeme la ne reasen wly "peopie's bcuks' aboolti net le foundet hem anti conomplisl aun quahiy benetint purpose. Hem Sehînzeas plan conteuuplates île ueauaug et amall aumsa a aow mteneat; alan that et hnipiug ircoiespeople ciii h lit money to carry on tim business. Se' oIbh poon are enabledt te t emaneives over ia tigît pinol, or 1texmat entirbusines,,im a humble wcy. Tln slaveny oet men in neet te tle pnivate'-pawnbroknr u8 Indien wbeýn tînse bauka ex s t, tee, as îboy to net dis. tain te make amnali ativances on persena,-l pletgesq, ileugl snob is net ileir chief object. The pninciple et ont cuizmiion Ii an elastie eue, anti eauri e emooteet on a scýl cm a large scle. Flue tope efthe "voîka bauken" in Germany tees net confine ilîseit te ieaning mouey. h t as bliceant mi cilen tepariments, snob as île mutg îuniig antisellingoet gais oojuinacooo île building et twelinugs foc akngýe oie, eudthe f armringatut nu i ue e But ilese are oniy tevelop i us, ani,areç net essentiel te tle prnitivapt anta et ueeniug amail suma et maney cb low rateýs of lustenest. 'A New fiaterial ý.or Sab'es. Bansk Presidenî-Weii, 1 shouldti hink there might le tountia atinai tisai bnrg- lana couldn'i dm111 a loIn il rougI anti biew te piecca. Junior Cierk, <moteeîiy)-I tliE1 ko soinetihmmg, air, Pmeidet-AI ? J union Clerk-Yes, air.Sppose yen -cente up anti try my wife'i pie urust. C~I~LL~E~ EOR ai b 0a0 e t b i tc 1 c 1r t t t t t whicli we are preparect to sen