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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1895, p. 14

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Asód TéhoLIASHE .Hycock replied te-O Winey .NAROL EGS A U Mr. Dryden moved the second reading With regard to the charge that the Patrons I ARTERS bill to consolidate and amend te used free passes whmen vsie uelph Agriculture and Arts Act. H xlandho said it was not true. The minister of the motives which had induced hima o Agriculture then paid, or professed to pay, TH ITHFR.bring down the measure, the chief ground for the tickets and hie had no doubt that that t Mr. Carpenter asked : Did the Education being that the association had outlived its gëntleman haod. Hehdipn h uh n1ý 19 ~Departmnent at anay time prohibit the fif th usefulness, and its. work could be emore ty of a railway manager that the railways uàt fori in&nyof he choos o th prvin e eonomically and satisf actorily done by the never gave Passes without expecting a re- means proposed. He explained in detail turn. Is a fifth formi compulsory in all Public he propositions contained in his bill. Cries of "name." scoosirepetveofte raeof certifi- h onpse. Mr. Hayeock-I won't give the name. In Order to clear off the Very large stock of Parlor cate hedtby thubeecheuSALEao FRUIT.h nrmedi-Bed and Dining ROOm Suites, and Other furniture, speCially, drl the troubles inci Mr. Ross replied that a fif thfoerme never The House then went into committee on aine.lbr agin wl egvnfo b 1 cu star.t he systemn, such as had been prohibited in the Public schools Mlr. Dryden'a bill for the prevention of Mr- Whitney-Why don't you send back cle@,Nusa Dro Wiee isrsst of Ontario. For some years the trusteesof fraud in thle Sale of fruit.- yourpass? a1 te ie o Wie hir mos Mr. Hiscott said hie had heard the bill Mr. Haycock-I have sent if back. le uces ha benshwn n urng the Publie Schols in cities, towns, and in very generally condemaned. There was not Mr. Whitney-Only within the past corporated villages possessing a High one clause in the bill that would benefit the week.0p schol ereallwedtheoption of with. fruit-grower He asked that the bill be MrHyokIbgosathhnCeRR eSRe R R C n p dangteffhfriftesafitodo laid over for a year in order to ascertain gentleman is speaking tromn the depthrs of T i sagn nec ar ce al adlre rdttos 4 yt CRTr's 1rts ivn rt wat clauses would commend themselves to thiemost profoundi'gnorance. (L1.ughter.) Will pos1t1vely be mad e. vMeu]3 auable in Constipation, curint so. This option was withdrawn, and a fifth the fru't-goe L cor etiann oyngcomat om l fr a o oploy poiigtee M yre o er fayo The motion was lest by 74 to la. This is a Very Superior 10t Of furniture new, Stylish, u a the- liver and regulate the bowels were pupils quaified to take up that formr. position against the bill except that raised MANUFACTURE OF BRtoOM SbtntahadO e ey only eureduThisfbc ation wetas irre p ci e o he d e u t w h r g t m ade be w en t h v ne oc t o n rin a n daS o mle Sp ecial ed -ro om S u ite - V ery a ttra ctiv e a n d V e quaifcaio ofth taceropinion as to sorne of the clauses, but Public Charities and H. A. Nelson & Sons gO, eSl hae ta vrOfrdhr ee h MUNICIPAL AUDIT. there was a very general express1on of for the manufacture of brooms and whisks .d ob odceae hnee feedhr eo ht "Y would amstrless ophoseo approval in regard to legislation on the at the Central prison for the firma named thsCerneS elat t orturatelythergodsgoe ntM.Dai odta nethtopneooflines of the bilh. by the prisoners confinied in that institution. erSOilS Wanting one article or a suite WIll e leral erand those who once try thema will find this House the present system of municipal The committee reported progressand He explained that there was a considerable o ilnot bo blln a il s tae audit is not thorough, and the result in a asked leave to sit again. reductiorn in the price, of these articles Wih CalndmpC cafter alloik head number of cases has been unsatisfactory, EIACTRIC RAILwAY ACT. under the new agreement. The rates would 7 be 25c. a dozen for broomrs and 18C. a dozen and therefore recommends that amendments M.Bosnmvdtescn readingfowhks be made to the Act for the purpose of ine- of bill N0.153, entitled, "l The Electric Mr. Gibson replied that the Governmnent tetebanre of so many lives that here Io where proving the systemn of audit, and also to Railway Act, 1895." One of the new fea- -had not received any a.pplication from Will- be COnduCted with SpeCial care and attention to the Trnake our great boast. Our pille cure It provide for a uniforma system of keepingtueofhemarewshtpontrsr other persons who desired to complete for eie others do not. proviional directors or directore of such the output. The arrangement between the Wants of Rl perSOns requirm gOnr service. 'ER'S LITTLEr IL are ver ymal1 the books of the municipalities of the roads should have no in terest directly or Government and Nezlson & Sons was con- T <e. e are strictly vegetable and do province, mndirectly in any contract ivth the road, ducted on a strictly business basis, and - olgleor purge, but by their gentle action Mr. Hardy said the proposition had for or in any of its financial operations. Stock had the former not acquiesced in the new ,r $1. od everywhere or et by 11il some time been admitted that somne check artdra eo h hebde ngemint nHcontract cou he eno ÇABE EmIom.00, Ne o otrlws eesayioonetonwtkrcs. Provisions were incorporated in the new contract were nearly as advan- hù Dse.killri,081 our municipal audit. Just what formi it the bill to govern the sale of bonds, and to tageous as under the old arrangement. Why SRccessor to, the l e Mr. Prower, Bowmanville should take, however, had always been a hmrit tile dividend to eignt per cent. It ha d not the Opposition investigated this bl was as provided that a statement of matter in the Publie Accounts Commrittee ? - stumblinigblock. It was scarcely Possible, receipts and expenditures should be for Mr. Matheson said that Ins pector Noxon,- __- STANDARD BANK h~~le thought, for any Government to assume warded to the Provincial Scretayec who signed the agreentwarpoedo aannual supervision of the accounts of the year, and there wa sa further clause for bescsaht ecudntb examined O F C A NA DA. province. The most that any Provincial bid.aing certain roads fromn running Sanday by the Public Accountu Committee tapital Data UV*Soo00Rst 5 Auditor could do would be to act in the ris otnig r rno lie Mr. Gibson observed thrat the Inspecter AN D the etais ofhis ill.was now better. He was willing the ThsBank is rpï d to dl( Legiti. .ature of an inspector, and give his atten- Mr. Gibson replied to a nmber of criti motion should stand until Mr. Noxon had PIN W O RM S. Thsapetion when requested by Councils to diffleul- clams made. While framed in the publie beeon examined. mnate Banking in alltits branches ties arising out of cases of neglect, defalca- interest, it was not designed to prevent Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits tion, or ignorance. He thought a uniform the extension of electric railways. He nuMBE ANNDS. Io -an edn antlan noi&MO received and Interest paid on accounits systemn of audit would be beneficial, but lookead forward to the time when the whole Mr. Hardy moved that the House approve mpo S aavrt itchin, which ls worst at night when the av of$ n ad nSvnsBank indicated the difficulties likely to. arise in province would bE covered by a networek of au agreement between the Commissioner teerhmmswamIn e atrrible is the it hig that trrqesc- P ~~givmng practical aefect to any scharee. fteeriwy o h crig fps fConLnso eafo h rvne uring seen scratches the parts unt;il they are sore-ulcers and tumo DeatetThe resolution was then withdrawn. engers and light freight. and 3dward V. Douglas. of Philadelphia, in fr, veessive moistuire la exuded.Femtales are pîecuýliarly, afyeet 1RAF TS The bill was tiren read a second time. and Francis Hl. Clerge of Bangor, Maine I a troWm this disease, causîi unbearable Irritation andatrouble. Therë a VERDICTS OF JURORS. every other symptom of tching Piles or Irritation in any art of tlabe sseed and Collectious made in Europe M.1lrysbl epcigtevrit FRAUDULENT TRANSFERS. Mr. Conmee thought the agreement a body are immediately aayed and quickly cured by C ase's oulu> Unied tats, nd anaa. r. ard's iliresectng he erdctsr aonale ne.ment. It wUilInstanly stop tching, heal the sores nul ýcers dry W ! of jurotrs in civil causes in the High Courts Ou the motion- of Sir Oliver Mowat a bill Mr. Marter approved of the agreemnent, u h osue W. J. ONE - and other courts was read a tinira time. to make further provision respecting trans- as bein lon th lne o oner7rv _ _ ~~~~THE SAULT PULP MILL. fesi ru fceioswsitoUe.poicy. He ongvratulated bila Government ONTARIO BANK The object of the bill is to provide for upon having Been light. Mr. Hlardy moved that this Hlouse certain evils which have been developed in Temto asd continuesto do a General Bankïng Business approves of the agreement presented to the law as it stands at present.Temto asd Bowmanville A gency. this House on the fourth day of March SCHOOL TEXT-BOOKS. 7 DEPOSITS instant between hier Majesty, representedTECHOMw.r, Ross moved approval of a certain by the Commissioner of Lrown Lande for Mr. Ross moved the second reading of a agreement made with Huniter, Rose and Sa sadn e t et nd the Province of Ontario, of the first part bill to amend the school laws. The most Company, the Canada Publishing Company notice ofwithdrawalneoessary.Aldpst and Edward V. Douglas, of Philadelphia, importantt change pro posed is that of author- a: d the Copp, Clark Company, for the pyuble on dead, manufacturer, and 1Francis H. Clergue,. of izinig School trustees to provide facilities pulication of certain text-books authorized Banger, Maine, manufacturer, of the for industrial and manual training, and to be used in the Publie and Hligh schools. EXCHANGE second part. The agreement made be- such instruction in nee dlework and domestic The motion wras agreed t.]PI WOR'S is an alliment entirely different aq to Dcause U3z n d a nd rafts a ud upo urop tween themn and the Government was in economny as might be deemed expedient. FCOYISETRe same Itol ra ble ïcith e sane ce eingcra i ,th Vited States GreeCnbdaegtad od onnection with the establishment of the ·The motion was agreed to. sensdo cha1 tr atecfrizsbtd eieases.Cthse's Ontmnt ct pulp and paper mill. They would have a ,Mr. Dryden imoved lthe House into com- mgd ila nearr eiffo hstret 00M OT1 M mnutctuingindstr whchwoud gve RE :ssRANE nREA6.mitt-eeon the hill fêr the appoinltme-rt of aàREFERENURS I ' amtymacle a'.currentrte po llprteploymrenît to about 400 hands for tn Mrîwrymoe ta teoder for thefae fcoyinspector, Newmarketý-J. T. Bogart. Mr. KiLtt. amto-RG.Dc. of Great Bri ýttain, the United State3aiadtemntsi er. In consideration of the scod eadin lgof the bill to,)estaJblih The bill went through an-d was reporte. uto- r.Sepa d r Mcona. ( ing City-Wm. Waker. De ofnana a esabishngof such a large aecry, the Fr nsrneBureauis be dischargedl.lHe EE U1= T ,, .'ottenham--Jamnes scanlon, T Reid, iBradford--R.Davis. J, Reid. pg syndicate asked that they be allowved s"id tht te ill ws rev colutionary one, ETINLA.Barrie-H. R. Garden, specia6l privileges and facilities for obtaininlg and all that was ,deired at the present Thte Houise went intoc tee onl Mr.1 The cel1ebrated Dr. Chiase's intmnent is made exp)ressly for Itching e, but it is equial Made for large or smal! ms on all part of the wood necessary in the manufacture of Session was Lthat it shouldb ea ecn ardy's hiJ! respecting the election laws. god in curing all Ithy Skin D'-iseases, such as Eczema.t Itchi, Barber's itch. Salt Rheum, ia yen, liv in in MnlaorteNth est pulp. The present prie charged by the time and copies distributed thro(ugho(ut Mr, .Hardy Lnoved to addan amendmient râ4â orsle Agents for Dominion- of Canadtg iakes the funds avallable at once ab the Government for wood of this kind was the province. derig tha in anelection trial it shonidTont.n..SlAgiefrDminofCaâ place of pavment. for spruce twenty-five cents a cord, and The motion was agreed t. not be a sufficient answer to a charge of -- Oh r pr ulars call at ta euc for other kinds t welve and one-half cents In reply to Mr. Taylor, treating to plead that the person charged apelanotrwiemrvngher-Qu rPts Accountant, Manager. per cord. An agreement hadl at len gth Mr. Ross said agriculture was taught to had been in the habit of treating' cedure of the courts. on oa eiigna ore --been arrived at, by which it was provided 12,650 pupils of Ontario in 1893. Any. Mr. W nitney-IS this to change the law Sir Oliver Mowat explained that it was AyonwmareingerMno, that they should have the prividege of Board of ~Trustees mnight by regulation as it appears by a recent decision ? .poposed that the Act should go into force La., in the river country has a pair of pet IOg - 1RETENCL selecting ity square miles of- timber for require agriculture to be taught in the Mr. Hardiy-Yes. It was a considerable a lot september. This was considered wasps, which are as interesting as they are g AC - a hei use fro whch tey culdcut oodschools under their charge. Otewssrrsfoms epeta twstoo early, and hie now proposed that the unique in their way. She has trained thema asthy eirdpymng to the Governmnent the stuidy of agriculture was not compulimae Lient -Governior-in-CÇoun cils hould determine twenty cer.ts a cord for spruce and ten.sry ' The bill was reported with amendments. h at u ta't hud not be earlier to performi a great many wondtDrial tr ick 3% s cents orhothertvaieties for ight yearsand it is indeed marvelous to what -Z,7 the price to be thereafter dlxed b the A SINGLETAx BmL. Abilr·eAN ns c.tan the date mentioned• lgeo nelgneadaiiyhrknl -- ieuenataoeror-n-Cunch he ere Mr.Mcay ove th scon redin o On the motion of Mr. Dryden the House The bill was reported with amendments' care and patient perseverance has brought also to be allowed teocut elsewhere, if his bilto give municipalities power ta oliwent no comteenthe illtorecon-- the mgot timpratofvio lch wse ethm Asheyugad isa ivld neesarwod ufiiet okeep their abolishassessment on building unprove- oiaeadaedteArcluean tiigu h r so cnrshe manages toget agreatdeal of profitable MAD illsrunninigfor thenext twenty-one years, mental stocks machinery, or other proper- Arts Act. within th- jurisdiction orf ony ors ivrinfoCe qerltl es but the amount eut within the 50-mile Lies, or ta âsess any or aill suchi classes of . ir. Dryden asked thlat the section aiso the sections with regard to the contract Among otýherthings se hbas taught themn MesSrs. HONM & McMURTRY hav, reserve in any year In which they cut eise- property. - iving fair associations the option of system of costs. to drink water fromn a thimble and to per- prhasd the Couaty fe where must never be less than one twenty- Mr. Hardy strongly opposed the measure pronibiting gambiing, theatrical, circus, GooER iiNT mILLS formn the Il skirt dance," as shle calls pr se otyfDurhamn for the firsit part of the entire quantity required for in its present form, -and asked the mover to and mnountebank performances, and traf' Mr. Ross' hill to amend the achool laws, it, by fluttering their wirgs as they rest bes ire Feuce in thia Country. It is the year. The amount which would be in. lot irstand over for a year. He said the bill fleing withi'n îair grounds, be allowed to Sir Oliver Mowat's hills respecting the re. in the palm of hier hand. They wili sing strngeailyhanle an oramnta vsted by the company, would amount to mesant practicallv a single tax system, instnwhaviwocnsdrgte lations of landiced and tenant, anid to car.1 at hier bidding, making a faint, almost in-. It wdll not be injured by snow, heat,, coli about 8750,000. Mr. B ardy then moved the whichlhe had as littie faith as in the womien's advisa bility of making a more stringent reet a clerical error in the schedule to the audible cheep, and seeme tg be passionately or wmnds. It will turn Horses, Cattle, adoption of the resolution. suffrage movement. provision with regard to gambling. Act respecting mnortgages of real estate,and fond o: music. The Young lady is quite Sheep, Hogs, Dogs and Poultry. It is a 7r. Howland said on account of the very Mr. McKay said that in Manitoba, where The suggestion was agreed toe. Mr. Gibson's bill toamiend the Bils of Sale a fine musician, and when shle plays on net work without barba, and will not in. importance of the agreement hefore the loca option in taxation was in force, it had . .ir. Awrey, speakingto the Section Pro- and Chattel Mortgages Act were considered the piano the wasps take up theoir positions mure stock in any way. It is unch arong. House,he did not think the members should in no case led to the adoption of a single hubiting horse racing during the days for in committee and reported. on tire music rack and never buidge until er and more durable than any barb fene- be asked to vote upon it unt it it had been tax System. The introduction of the hill holding any district or township exhibition, On the motion of Sir Oliver Mowat the the performance is over. ng, being closely woven. printed and distributed, which had not yet had provoked a profitable discussion, and at the place of exhibition or within nyve bills providing for theappointmentofdeputy The waspo wouild seem to have quite a beendone. He would ask the hon. Com- hie would now move thrat the ordere be di mlsteef adtil fsedto lce Sheriffs and registrare and respecting the good deal of vanity, and nothing delights Fence put up and Farm and Township missioner to let the resolution stand for a charged. (Applause.)le at agricultural shows, and if these were chartering of trust comoanies were read a thbeml more than to be allowed to walk rights for Sale. Apply at CENTRAL Livre few thays in order that the mlembers might The motion was carried. apped i ol rs ptrefutso second time.^abu nispcthmevso ahte RY, Bowmanville- bave an apportunity of famniliarizing thonm wo3masASsnARaISTansý the shows in the province. The, Houise went into conunittee on Mr. hand mirror, which is kept for their ex- W. P. .RICH, Clarke P. 0., having selves with the foerms of the cont.ract before, , Mr. Haycock railher warmly declared Harouart's bill to make further provision clusive use. Strange to relate, the waspa bought Clarke Towshipis prepared t expressirg an opimion on it. Mr. Wo->a (Brant), amid cries of 'Lost,', that, if agricultural shows depeDded on for the p-:yment of succession duties in have never been known to attempt to stinig put uo' tence. te lM. Hardiy agreed to the suggestion of. moved the second readmngof a bill to amend horse racimg the acooner they were destroyed certain cases. anybody, althoughi they have free accessi the ho, member for South Toronto,.and the Actat provide for the practice of the the better, for the community. (Cries of Mir, Mtheson drew attention to the toa al par ts of the bouse, and are sekiom TR HAVING BEEN KEPT the resolution was accordingly allowed to law.IlT hrough the efforts of the presenit " Oh, oh, ) These shows were for the Pur- change m the Act. Formerly the duty was confined, even at night. Stand speaker, womnen had been admitted to the pose of promoting agriculture and not horsae .on property in Ontario of persons domiciled U P A L L N IG HT T - -r2 : C-pra m ONTUCclause was pactamendehedasoasaslitore rmingin the prcvince. Now it was extended toeeto h TudrGd ,~~~~~~ rperty in Ontario of persons doiciled Sa fteTudrGd Mri. Ross mnoved that this Hoeuse approves enab!e women to exercise this privilege as trials of speed un ler the direction and oIl ftepome n ih letth Tebm Muti, asv l it CUG i o acetinageeenrmdewn unter, barristers. In a number of States of the control of the offhcers of fair as2ocia. yu. Justthinkofbeinicliredf Âr~~~a ot know from his experiencecf---- le oet2shptle mtrse aeo yt ue.Just thn o becred or 3. rovin-ce had-bee nlmadeë. Oeca pro-f Mr. Dryden moved to add an amendmient ani 11;1mot at night; worEe by r o a b a eno ddess viedtha abuboheko anytet-ookny eignifluncdn b thdrceit ftpoviin tht te iretorfo asocntinsieratc ngiI alowe t forti satul.e.u y inet or al. Toslepon op ME C Ný TON0 . should have the exclusive rigbt of issuing shoiuld prohibit all kinds of gamnbbnit and Opfrn wh,,ch oftou b ed and 1 eau '4'no errt atr hngigt 50 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. it for two years and no longer,, any other 41.W ine bevd htalo f aes of chance within 300 yards Of fair ors foru , try 1ûre. S w m 1 OINr-_ bed u ofbe mae rmhps T isi 10-tr oulihe bengfre t isueitaftr ha r,,ponsible chatterers' went through grondsbeco i yworin trymng. as ýmsiisdate. The object of giving the two years unTya he lseecindlrng Teainenidmenczt was agreed to, and the 1 ENTgsteicigadbeds e © excluive rigt was t give te ongm members who accepted passes were ilwsreotd lerati n n amostceses rnmoves the- Practical. OnS p de publisher a chance to recoup hise f forun c er ececo f h ala 1etuos eso ymn o love you with a love that burDs, ny sdcreM texprtheandrettof puctaddretse Tboomarket.tha te Heo bjc opsebu ny l eH ue onwn t om ie n pi. Ly a >s & C . MJ si oe.tht w i get u siinem:a c .sinrm nThe motion was allowed to stand. t rw gm e e i lvr o as lfra msig Whilesaile Agents. Each morn and light thetire ? OhilrenCry or itchr'sCastria

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